S1E2: The kingdom

Agent 6, Alice, Y/n and Snow along with Snow's knights arrived at the kingdom. They approach the gate and once there a guard opens the gate for them and once fully open they walk through. Y/n scan the guards and knights and noticed the males look old which he ask Snow.

Y/n: Why does most of your warriors old?

Snow: Most male and young knights are out there battling the demons. We lost a lot and there isn't much humans out here so these are the best we can do.

Venom: It will be easier for me to have a little bite.

Y/n: Knock it off.

Snow: So that creature you told me about. Is it a demon?

Y/n: No but its a pain in the ass.

Venom: We'll we're a pain in the ass.

Agent 6: Ha! You call yourself a pain in the ass.

Y/n just sigh to himself while Snow also sighs while she shake her head. They make their way up a hill and soon arrived at the castle where they enter a room and meet the princess who is at the balcony looking at the veiw.

She turns around to see Snow back with new people as Snow kneels down.

Snow: Princess I found these people in the desert.

???: (smile) Excellent work. Although I never see weapons like those before.

Y/n: My name is Agent Venom. The idiot is Agent 6 and the young blonde girl is Alice.

Agent 6: (angry) Hey you just call me an idiot!

Venom: That's because you are one now shut up.

???: Hm, what was that?

Y/n: Apologies this is Venom.....my Symbiote.

???: Symbiote?

Snow: What he told me is that Symbiotes can allow the user to form into different weapons and turn into different forms. For short, it's a living life form.

Venom: (Venom's head appear from Y/n's shoulder) Sup.

???: (surprised) How interesting. A armor that is alive. We never see such a thing. You must be a very powerful warrior.

Y/n: We are powerful.

Tillis: (smile) Still it is a pleasure. My name is Cristoseles Tillis Grace. But you can call me Tillis.

Agent 6: (smirk) You know she's kinda hot for a princess.

Y/n: 6, shut up.

Agent 6: Make me!

Venom: Gladly.

Y/n: No Venom.

Venom: Your no fun.

Snow: Can you three shut up! Your standing in front of royalty here!

Y/n: We apologise.

Tillis: (giggle) It's no problem. Still it is great you came because we need some help. The demons army has destroy most kingdoms and we are losing this war. If what you are saying is true then we need your help. I hope you can accept.

This suddenly cost Y/n to have a flashback of a battle he head many years ago and how he beaten a hero and that hero told him something that he could never forget. He returns back to reality as he looks back up at Tillis and tells her.

Y/n: We'll see what we can do.

Tillis: (smile) Thank you. You truly are good people.

Y/n: (thought) Good huh?


We see the trio with Snow as they walk through the castle as Snow tells them.

Snow: You need to show some respect in front of her next time!

Agent 6: Not my fault these two are jerks.

Venom: And its not our fault we are with a pervert and a idiot.

Alice: You both are idiots.

Agent 6: Shut up brat!

Venom: Yeah this is our business!

Snow glances over to Y/n who isn't saying anything which Snow ask him.

Snow: You don't tall much for you?

Y/n: Sometimes. Tell me Snow....you didn't bring us because of your kindness, you brought us here because you wanted a reward is that right?

Snow is surprised but she clear herself and then tells him.

Snow: Lucky guess but yeah. I like the glory and money and I'll do anything to achieve it.

Y/n: I see. Anyways where are you taking us?

Snow: Well there is this thing we need your help with.

Y/n: That being?

They then step back outside and sees a gaint hih tech like cube in the middle of the garden as they stare at it as Snow explain.

Snow: This thing use to give us water for the kingdom but recently it has stopped and the people really needed the water. Maybe one of yous can help us?

Y/n: Alice?

Alice: Yeah I can see what's going on and fix it.

Snow: (smile) Awesome! I can tell we'll going to be a great team together. Whatever happens I'll take full responsibility.

Agent 6: Whatever just go already.

Snow find it to be rude from 6 but runs off all excited while Alice approaches the box, open a small panel and gets to work.

Y/n looks around the garden and seeing all the flowers being placed around as he kneels down and gently touchs them and feels her nice they are. He shut his eyes and remembers the time where there was peace. Where the world around him was nice and there was no battles or wars and he lived in such a peaceful and loving life until he was taking away and use as a weapon.

He reopen his eyes and gets up and turns to see Agent 6 near Alice as Alice is done.

Alice: Done. Now we just need a reboot.

She pushes a button and the cube glows as a female voice spoke through it.

Cube: A new password is required.

Alice: Y/n? Wanna think of one?

He turn to the box and thinks of a new password and just before he was about to say it Agent 6 butt's in by calling out.

Agent 6: Password is Dick festival!

Alice: Huh?

Y/n: Huh?

Venom: Huh?

Cube: New password "Dick Festival" is placed.

Y/n: Why the hell did you put that as a password?

Agent 6: (smirk) Think about it, the princess has to say that to millions of people and she'll be soo embarrassed. Not only I can see her embarrassing cute face but I can rank up some evil points!

Venom: Have to admit.....that is a very evil plan.

Y/n: Except she isn't the only one. You do realise her family also uses this cube beside her. Not to mention her father.

Alice: So in short you basically put in a dirty joke that a ground man will probably not only say it but may show it to everyone in the kingdom.

Agent 6: Huh I shouldn't have thought about that at all.

Suddenly they heard a giggle and they turn to see Tillis standing there and look a bit mad as she ask them.

Tillis: (smile) What is it did you three do?

"You earn evil points!"

Venom: Shit.


The trio are tied up with Snow next to them as they were at the Kings throne as he was given the situation to which he turns to them and ask them.

King: May I ask why did you do such a idiotic thing?

Y/n: I can ensure you sir we have no attention to make any joke. Just this idiot ruined it.

Agent 6: Screw you.

King: I see.

Tillis: Father? I wanna make a offer to these three if that is alright.

King: Of course sweaty.

Alice: He seem to allow her daughter to do whatever she wants.

Y/n: Yeah but she isn't spoiled.

Tillis: You three have shown to be very skilled warriors. Perhaps I will take you three as among of my knights. Perhaps I will give you a team in your choice.

Agent 6: A team Huh? Maybe I can get a harem with some sexxy female knights.

Venom: Or use as a sacrificing meal.

Alice: It's your call Y/n.

Agent 6: Hey I should be making the calls here!

Alice: You did and you ruined it by your stupidly.

Agent 6: (mutter) Little brat.

Snow: Princess Tillis if I may. We all do respect we can't fully trust them. All we know they could be spies.

Agent 6: (smirk) Then your a traitor then since you let three spies in.

Snow: What?! I would never betray the kingdom! I'm the most loyal knight in this kingdom! What gives you the right to say that?!

Agent 6: (smirk) I don't know you seem like the type.

Snow: (pulls her sword at Agent 6 neck) Be quiet or I'll cut you down right here and now!

Suddenly a black Symbiote grabs Snows blade and snatches off of her as everyone turn and they are shocked to see Y/n getting up while two black Symbiote like tentacles are shown coming out of his back with one holding Snow's sword while the other the rope he was tied up.

Everyone in the room is shocked by this as Y/n tells Agent 6.

Y/n: Speak another word 6 or we will eat you.

Agent 6: ( bit scared) W-Well just want to let you know about the deal we made remember?

Snow: What are you-?

Agent 6: (smirk) The deal that you take full responsibility for the cube from the garden? Since we mess that up then that means you-

Another black tentacle wraps around Agent 6's mouth, making him shut up but it was too late as Snow can feel Tillis anger at the back of her head.

Y/n: Please accept our apologies. I will make sure 6 will learn his lesson.

He then drags Agent 6 away with Alice following behind him after Y/n free her and just as they were about to leave the King calls out.

King: Hold on there. My daughter told me about your armor and it is alive. A Symbiote, right? What do you call yourself.

Y/n just turn his head to the King and says.

Y/n: We are Venom. Agent Venom or just Venom. Whatever you call us that, we are something the demons do not want to mess with.

The doors close and they were gone.

(Short while later)

We find Y/n looking at the sunset as the head of Venom appear and ask Y/n.

Venom: So this is our new home.

Y/n: Looks like it.

Venom: Looks dead. It must have suck to not hav any meat to eat.

Y/n: Is that all you think of?

Venom: Yes. Yes I do.

Snow: See your talking your friend?

The two turn to see Snow as Y/n tells her.

Y/n: Venom.....Venom is the only person to talk to. Sounds weird I know but......we share the same pain.

Snow: Really? Like what?

Venom: Lost, Abandon, Alone, Abuse and pain.

Snow: I'm sorry. But you sure have each other.

Y/n: Yeah. Guess we do.

There was a moment of silence and then Y/n tells Snow.

Y/n: Sorry about your demotion because of 6.

Snow: It's fine. Besides Alice your also kinda okay to talk to. Even though you have a scary looking friend.

Venom: I'm flattered for that.

Snow: It's getting late. Probably we should get some sleep.

Y/n: No need. I don't need rest.

Snow: Okay then.

Snow leaves while the two stay outside for a bit and soon night came as Y/n drifted off to sleep and then Venom takes over as he form into their Agent Venom suit and let's him rest while he hears a scream and decides to have some midnight snack on some bad guys as he heads out for the night.

To be continued....................................................

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