Detective Bara! Who Is Cure Mallow?
Luchia: So, now we have to fight against the Darkklor group for protect everyone's hearts?
Pallet: Exactly-leto!
Luchia: Aaaaaand, in your magical travel to the town, you losted the red and the green brush, very important items we need for complete the Pretty Cure's team...
Pallet: That's right-leto!
Luchia: This is very confusing...
Ao: Yeah kinda, but you will understand.
Bara: I just want to know one thing, did you see Cure Mallow? Tell me ALL the details!
Ao: Bara! You are really interested in Cure Mallow, and you are stressing Luchia...
Bara: But she saved my life... I want answers... When I look at her, I feel like I know her...
Luchia: I can't answer anything... She was hidden near of me, and in new on town si I don't know who can be...
Ao: And Pallet? He probably know her identity...
Bara: (see Pallet is running away, and runs to him with extreme fastness) PALLET! You know who is Cure Mallow!?
Pallet: (scared) Yes I know it-leto! But she wants to reveal her identity when she thinks it's the moment...
Luchia: The moment?
Ao: Why would Cure Mallow do that?
Bara: Please Pallet... Just a hint, a little one...
Pallet: I can't say anything-leto.
Bara: Buuuut...
Pallet: No-leto!
Bara: Please...
Pallet: No-leto!
Bara: Jus...
Pallet: No-leto!
Bara: Are you...
Pallet: (angry) I say NO-leto!
Bara: (disappointed) Fine...
Bara finally given up, the girl returned to their houses, when Bara arrived, she thinked an awesome plan! Next day on school...
Luchia: You want to find Cure Mallow in the school?
Bara: Yes! If I know her, probably is because I seen her in school!
Ao: What thinks Pallet?
Bara: Anything, he's sleeping at home...
Ao: Bara are you serious? That is a bit...
Luchia: I'm on it.
Ao: Luchia, really?
Luchia: This can be really interesting! And I want to help Bara!
Bara: Thanks Luchia! Ao?
Ao: Well, let's try it...
Bara: It's time for some detective things! (she opens her bag, the bags has three clothes of detectives) This is for me, this for Luchia and this one is for Ao...
Ao: Really Bara?
Bara: Well yeah...
Luchia: (looking her clothes with sparkling eyes) it's so cute (seen Bara and Ao's faces) I mean... Really?
Bara and Ao: (with sparkling eyes) You are so cute Luchia!
Bara: Allright! Now we have 30 minutes of playground, let's find Cure Mallow!
Ao and Luchia: Yes!
The girls stated with her investigation, they asked people with similarities of Cure Mallow, a long and purple hair, and big purple eyes, Ao said that Mallow's hair probably changes when she is transformed, so they must be very cunning. At the end of the day, only 3 girls were similar to Mallow, but Bara just know one, Niseno Murasaki, a girl of her class, Bara wasn't sure of Niseno as Mallow, but she wanted to speak with her.
Niseno: Bara, you want to talk with me? Why are you wearing that?
Bara: I make the questions Niseno, can I know what we're you doing the last afternoon?
Niseno: I... Was in my house yeah... Doing, my homework...
Luchia: Really? Not in the park?
Niseno: (nervous) Nonono, playground it's over, and now I have my chemistry classes, bye. (runs away)
Bara: Excuses!
Ao: You probably just estressed her, this looks like a real interrogation.
Bara: I just want to say thanks!
After classes, Bara returned to her house, she was angry because she didn't discovered anything, her sister Violet was in the house too.
Violet: What is it Bara? You look exhausted.
Bara: Last week a girl saved me...
Violet: You mean Cure Mallow?
Bara: Yes...
Violet: And?
Bara: I want to say thanks to her, but i don't know who is...
Violet: (smiles) Bara, you are so sweet, but probably Mallow is hide because she's not ready for meet you.
Bara: You really think that?
Violet: Yeah, she probably wants to wait, I'm sure she knows you want to speak with her...
Bara: And if that's not true?
Violet: (smiling) I will find Mallow for you if it's necessary.
Bara: Violet... Why?
Violet: I want to help, even all, you are my cute little sister! (hugs her)
Bara: Violet! Thank you. (hugs Violet too)
Then Bara received a message, it was Ao, Bara forgoted her books of English, so Ao tooled it, the message said: "Bara, I got your book, come to my house and I will give it to you".
Obviously, Bara gone to Ao's house, but when she was close to it, she seen Niseno, she was hiding something for sure, Bara remembered Violet's words, but she really wanted to see where wad Niseno going, so she decided to spy her. Pallet, who was following her, said:
Pallet: Bara, isn't Ao's house in the other direction-leto?
Bara: Yes, it is, but I want to know something.
Pallet: What is something-leto?
Bara: What is Niseno doing?
Pallet: You are spying girl-leto?
Bara: Pallet silence! I just want to know if she is Cure Mallow... (she notices that Pallet doesn't want to speak about that) I mean...
Pallet: (angry) You are with Mallow again-leto!? I told Mallow doesn't want to reveal her identity-leto!
Bara: Don't scream.
Pallet: (angry) Bara...! I'm going to...
Before Pallet finished, Niseno entered in the library, Bara followed Niseno, then we stop talking about Bara for go to the Darkklor group's den.
Darktist: (angry) That shining stumped Cure Jaune... Is painting a game? No It isn't!
Queensect: You look very angry Darktsit...
Darktist: Because now there's 3 precure, Magenta, Cyan and Jaune,if we don't go fast, then more Precure will appear!
Unmusing: You miss the 4th Precure.
Darktist: The 4th!?
Queensect: Cure Mallow, the strongest of the Cures, the other three are just babies, but I know how you can beat her...
Darktist: Tell me!
Queensect: I want something before that...
Darktist: Shut up! What is it?
Queensect: If you beat Mallow, then say it was me who beat it.
Darktsit: Fine, I just want their Colorful Brushes.
Unmusing: We all want the Colorful Brushes, anyway go Darktsit.
Queesnect: Then, Mallow's weakness it's...
Pallet: Bara stop-leto!
We are again with Bara and Pallet, spying Niseno, who was reading... A magical girl book?
Bara: That was hiding?
Niseno: (seen Bara) B-Bara? What are you doing here? (nervous)
Bara: What are you reading?
Niseno: Nothing...
Bara: Oh it's a superheroine story, cool!
Niseno: I think it's a bit child-like...
Bara: That's not real, there's lots of people like you, who likes stories of magic girl, imagine if they exist!
Niseno: They exist, some people watched girls in the park fighting a monster, they are named the Precure, but one of them, Cure Mallow, said to the news that they don't ask anything, because it's not the moment.
Bara: Why is Mallow so obsessed with the word "not the moment"?
Niseno: Did you say something?
Bara: Nonononono, continue with your story, bye!
Datktist: (opening the door) Hello world! Darkist here!
Everyone: shhhhhhhhhh!
Darktist: Yeah try it, oh my! There's lots of purple heart here! I think I will make and awesome Blinky today!
As you must know Unmusing used all the people's purple hearts, what means warm into black ink for his paintbursh, then he created a Blinky with the form of a book.
Darktist: Tachiaoi Bara, no, Cure Magenta, I will beat you!
Pallet: Bara! Transform-leto!
Cure Magenta: The pink! Symbolizing love! Cure Magenta!
Darktist: Show me your love!
The Blinky destroyed a wall of the library, and then Magenta kicked it, later she threw her Pink bombs to the Blinky, but the Blinky absorbed it opening the book.
Cure Magenta: What?
Darktist: I'm not a fool Magenta! If you touch one page of the Blinky, you will be inside the book FOREVER!
Cure Magenta: That's not cool...
Cure Cyan and Jaune: Magenta!
Cure Magenta: Cyan, Jaune!
Cure Cyan: Don't worry, leave this to us!
Cure Magenta: Wait!
But it was too late, because Cyan and Jaune were now inside the Blinky, Magenta was angry, and Darktsit very happy.
Darktist: Well, my plan is going good, but I don't need that two now, I need you! (the Blinky attacks Magenta)
Cure Magenta: (avoiding the attack) Me?
Darktsit: You are Mallow's weakness, I'm sure she will appear here to save you, because it's hidden...
Cure Magenta: Why...
Cure Cyan: Magenta!
Cure Jaune: Look out!
Magenta didn't see the Blinky and now was inside too, the Precure had lost, Pallet was very scared, screaming help, and then, Mallow appeared.
Darktsit: So, you are the famous Cure Mallow?
Cure Cyan: So that's Cure Mallow...
Cure Magenta: Yes...
Pallet: Cure Mallow-leto!
Darktist: I never think that Queensect's plan will work...
Cure Mallow: Plan?
Darktsit: You are stumped right Mallow? Queensect told me you are the strongest of the Pretty Cures, but you have one weakness, and that's...
Cure Mallow: Shut up!
Magenta, Cyan and Jaune: What?
Cure Mallow: I supose I have to do this, Pallet, I'm sorry.
Pallet: It's okay-leto.
Cure Mallow: Darkrist! You will pay for this, for attack and put in danger MY SISTER!
Cure Jaune: Don't tell me...
Cure Cyan: Mallow is...
Cure Magenta: V-V-Violeeeeeet!?
Darktist: So it's true, your weakness appears when I hurt your family, funny! Give me your Purple Brush and I will return your sister.
Cure Mallow: (angry) ...
Cure Magenta: Don't do it! Mallow don't it!
Cure Mallow: But I don't want you fight! Magenta, no, Bara, you are my sister, I don't want to see you feeling pain!
Cure Magenta: Now I understand why you saved me and everything, it's okay, I know you will save me, be a Cure is my desicion too, and now that I know you are with me, I will become more stronger! Mallow, no, Violet, come on, save us! (the Blinky closes the book)
Cure Mallow: BARA!
Cure Magenta: We are okay, but go faster!
Paller: Are you okay Mallow-leto?
Cure Mallow: I supose this will happen. Darkrist! I will show you my love!
Darktist: I like this girl, but I will end this soon, Blinky!
Mallow was too fast she avoided the Blinky's attack with an awesome Fastness, then she throwed purple flowers to the Blinky, discovering the power of this one, then she really get angry.
Cure Mallow: It's enough! I will save my sister! PRETTY CURE! MALLOW LIFEBLAST!
It was Cure Mallow's finisher attack, she created purple petals, then she throwed the petals to the Blinky, making a flower, a Mallow, finally the Black ink returned to her purple original color, and to the people of the library, Magenta, Cyan and Jaune were saved too.
Darktsit: Well, as I supose , Queensect is as dumb as always... (disappears)
Bara: Violeeeeeeeeeet (hugs her) thanks for saving me again (smiles).
Violet: Bara... (cries) thanks to God you are save... (becomes angry) You must be more prudent! If you want to be a great Cure, at least be good in some things, you scared me so much!
Bara: Sorry...
Ao: The truth is Bara was helping us...
Luchia: Yes...
Vioelt: Even that, now then you know I'm Mallow, you must work better...
Luchia: (to Ao) Why is Violet so rude with Bara?
Ao: Cause she loves her...
Bara: Fine... But Violet, can you tell me how do you become a Pretty Cure?
Luchia: I want to know it too.
Ao: Yeah and me...
Pallet: Looks like all want-leto.
Violet: I supose you don't have remedy...
Bara: Hey Violet, start now! (Violet and Bara laugh, Ao and Luchia just smile)
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