Blue symbolizes security, Cure Cyan Appear!

Pallet: So I need to found the Blue and the Yellow Brush's owners-leto!

Bara: Blue!? I know the perfect girl! She's smart, beautiful and so blue!

Pallet: What is your concept of blue-leto?

Bara: It's calm like the blue ocean, all in class we call her the Mermaid, cause she is elegant and calm!

Pallet: Even you say that, you can't choose a Pretty Cure, the Brush will choose her owner-leto...

Bara: Oh, I understand... Buuuuuuuuuut, what if I help the Brush to choose my friend?

Pallet: You are going to put an a innocent girl in danger-leto? I don't recommend that to you-leto...

Bara: Oooooooookay, tomorrow we start again with classes, so you will see her! Anyway, this is my house! Remember, now you are my plush.

Pallet: This is your house-leto!?

Bara: Yeah, what are you si surprised?

Pallet: Because... It's so pretty-leto! I love this houses-leto!

Bara: Okay...

Bara: (Get's in house) I'm back!

Violet: Welcome. (Sees Pallet) Why are you holding a dog?

Bara: (nervous) It's, it's my new plush! I winned it in a game, jeje...

Violet: Ooooooh, it's a plush, but it look so real...

Bara: Yeah, these Japanese toys are very realistic! (laughs)

Next day Bara meeted her best friend Ao, Ao it's a very smart, calmed and slow girl, it's the opposite of Bara, probably that's the reason of her friendship, Ao it's the delegate of her class, and it's on the music club, she plays the piano! Ao was spending her hollydays in her grandma's town, so she was far of Bara all this time, when the girls meet again, she were so happy!

Bara: Aooooo! I missed you a lot!

Ao: Me too! How were your holidays?

Bara: Well, a bit ordinary, I didn't traveled to any place, but they were great. How about you?

Ao: I liked it, my grandma's town is so pure, there's a beautiful blue sky and is so close to the beach, do you know what I see in the beach?

Bara: People swimming?

Ao: No, well yes, but I'm not talking about that, I mean I saw a Jellyfish, specifically, an a turritopsis nutricola, did you know they are inmortal? I know that because... (starts talking about that jellyfish)

Bara: A-Ao... How did you knowed that?

Ao: I was bored the day before my beach day, so I start looking information about the flora and the fauna of the beach, but I never thought that I would see that rare jellyfish!

Bara: Awesome... (pallet was very surprised about Ao's potential, but he can't choose Ao, the Brush will choose her owner)

Ao: Yeah I suposed it, anyway I want to start again with the school band! I missed the piano too much!

Bara: Ao, do you want to go to my house when we finish classes?

Ao: I can't, sorry Bara... This trimester I'm the delegate of the class too, and we have a new transfer student...

Who is it!?

Ao: (calmed) Let me finish, the teacher wants me for show the school to this new student.

Bara: I want to see who is...

Ao: (laughing) I think you will like it, it's a very interesting girl...

Bara: Oh come on... Tell me how is it!

Ao: I just know her face and from where is it, so it's a surprise for me too, let's go to school hurry!

When they arrive, the new classmate introduced herself, her name was Luchia and she was from France, most specifically from Paris, the capital of the country, she was moving to Irisitia because her dad, native of this town, founded a work here again, making Luchia to change school, Luchia sayed too that she loves paint, but she didn't liked to do it in front the class, she was shy, very shy, but she says she will tries her best to become the friend of everyone. Bara's eyes were shining, an a artist it's sure she would be a perfect Pretty Cure, but when she yelled her idea to Pallet, Pallet just sayed the same of everything (the Precure will be tried for the Brush, not for us). Anyway, Bara wanted to be Luchia's friend, and the perfect chance for do that was help Ao to show the school.

Bara: Aooooo, can I help you to show the school when we finish?

Ao: You want to be her friend don't you?

Bara: You bust me... (laughs)

Ao: Of course you can help we will finish earlier with your help!

Bara: Okay! I will be there!

In that moment, at the Darkklor group's den, a black house, a very black hose, Unmusing is very angry because he was defeated, a noob defeated him, and he wants her revenge, Queensect then saw Unmusing.

Queensect: What's going on with you? What about that things you always say, I will beat Mallow, I'm the strongest, go and stop that two.

Unmusing: And why you don't go?

Queensect: Because a queen needs to rest, you are a plebeian, but you are strong, even that, I know you want your revenge, so go, defeat that two, go and use that stuped thing you have in your hands and ink it with the heart of a stupid, the destroy everything.

Unmusing: That stumped thing is MY GUITAR, anyway, thanks Queensect.

Queensect: Yeah I know I'm awesome!

Then Unmusing goes to found and destroy Mallow and Magenta, while this was happening, Ao and Bara were showing Luchia the school, but then, Bara saw Unmusing in the distance, and she knows she needed to transform.

Bara: Ao I don't feel good I thinl I will go to home bye. (runs aways, but Ao goes with her and gets her hand)

Ao: And this excuses, if you don't want to do this things I understand you, but don't lie me, we are freids remember? You can tell me your problems...

Bara: (she can't say nothing, she knows Ao would be in danger in a battle versus Unmusing) I can't, it's dangerous.

Ao: So let me help you, I'm sure we will find the solution to your problem.

Bara: I need you trust Ao please, I need to go to a place, I will be here on a moment, take care of yourself and take care of... Where is Luchia?

Ao: Oh no, I losted him! (worried) what can I do now, I'm sure now the teacher is going to be angry, and Luchia probably is losted, oh no oh no oh...

Bara: (slaps Ao, then smiles) I know you will found him, you are Ao, calmed like the sea, and smart like her dolphins!

Ao: (blushed) Bara! You know that's...

Bara: You know how you are, do your work, I will do my work too (and then she dissapears)

Ao: Okey... I will found you Luchia.

Pallet: (seeing that Ao isn't near) Ao is a very good friend-leto...

Bara: I gelled that to you, but now we have work! PRECURE! COLORFUL BLAST!

While Cure Magenta starts her mission to found Unmusing, Ao keep looking for Luchia, she found her in a part of the football pitch, she was crying, Ao remembered Bara's words, saying with a very calmed smile these words.

Ao: Hey Luchia, what happened?

Luchia: Anything, I just supposed you didn't want to show me the school and that's why your friend runned away, because schools are boring, and probably she things I'm boring too...

Ao: That's not true, Bara always is positive and I believe in her, that's the best thing of the school, the friends you make, it's not important how many you have, it's just, you have people there, now I'm there, and I know Bara's there too, so you can count with us, ok?

Luchia: (more happy, stops crying) ok!

But then, Unmusing appeared, Magenta wasn't there, Unmusing saw Ao and Luchia, and founded her opurtunity, he saw Luchia's heart was blue, what symbolizes security, but that security stopped, because Unmusing turned Luchia's heart color into black, and the he used that black ink to turn Luchia's heart into a new guitar, a guitar with France's flag's form.

Ao: Hey, what do you do to her?

Unmusing: Don't you worry, you will be with her soon!

Unmusing tried to attack Ao, but fortunately Magenta saved her. She was angry, and then starts fighting Unmusing.

Ao: W-what's going on? Who is this girl?

Pallet: It's the pink Pretty Cure, Cure Magenta-leto!

Ao: Magenta...

Cure Magenta: I will protect Ao, because I promise her I will be here soon! I will protect her and everyone! (attacks with her ink)

Ao: (realises) BARA!?

Cure Magenta: (stops fighting) How did you know it!? This was suposed to be a secr... (Unmusing attacked her)

Ao: Bara! Why you always put yourself in danger?

Cure Magenta: Because... I wanted to protect everyone... And if I have that power, I will definitely used it!

Ao: You are admirable, I'm, I'm just scary, I can't do anything.

Cure Magenta: Of course you can, I tolled you this after, you are the most kind and smart person I know, you just need to feel secure of yourself, I know you can do it. (continues fighting Unmusing)

Ao: That's right, I can do it! I know I can do it, I want to protect everyone, I promised Luchia now I'm here, so I will help her!

Then Pallet starts shining again, it was the Blue Brush, reacting to Ao's feelings!

Pallet: Now Ao, use the Brush and become a Pretty Cure-leto, say PRECURE, COLORFUL BLAST-leto.


Then Ao starts with her transformation, Cure Mallow was hide, looking everything, Magenta was so happy, then, Ao turned into a new Pretty Cure!


Pallet: A new Pretty Cure is born-leto!

Cure Magenta: Cure Cyan!

Cure Mallow: Ao, really Bara? You are making a great team...

Unmusimg: A new Pretty Cure!? Well now I'm more angry, taste my guitar!

Before Unmusing attacked, Ao used the Brush for paint ice, freezing Unmusing and then using water attacks she makes Unmusing very weak.

Cure Cyan: (surprised) That was awesome...

Pallet: Cure Cyan, your powers grow when you feel secure-leto!

Cure Cyan: Alright, thanks to Bara now I'm more confident!

Then Cure Cyan starts with more water and ice attacks, Cure Magenta was amazed, saying go on Cyan, and other things.

Cure Magenta: Cure Cyan, use a your special attack to purify Luchia's heart.

Cure Cyan: But how I can do that Bara?

Cure Magenta: Now I'm Cure Magenta, use your imagination and create a powerful attack!

Cure Cyan: Okay, Cure Magenta.

Then Cure Cyan uses her finisher, she drawed blue raindrops, lots of blue raindrops, then she sayed:
Then the raindrops starts going to the guitar, changing the black ink for blue ink, and then going back to Luchia.
Later they finish with the school tour, Bara explained everything about Lady Raimbow, the Brushes and Cure Mallow to Ao who was very happy.

Ao: Bara, I'm happy to be a Pretty Cure with you.

Bara: Awww, me too Ao, come on, let's found the Yellow Cure!

Today's picture:

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