"I can't believe James finally asked me to be his girlfriend!" Lily whispered excitedly in Savannah's ear that night at soon as they sat down at the Gryffindor table.
Savannah smiled at Lily, happy that her friend was happy. "Took him long enough, right?" She whispered back, ignoring Sirius's gaze on her from a couple of people down.
"It did! I don't understand how he went from asking me fifty times a minute to taking ages to ask me once!" Lily agreed, reaching to dip some soup into her bowl.
"Maybe he's finally growing up, Lils," Savannah mused, grabbing a roll.
"Maybe. Didn't you say your overheard him asking Remus for advice?" Lily asked as she piled some mashed potatoes and grilled chicken onto her plate.
"Yeah. Remus told him that he should lay off, but that's really all I heard," Savannah replied, putting some mixed vegetables on her plate.
"I'm glad he listened about that. I wouldn't want him to change completely for me, though," Lily responded, sneaking a glance at James who was across from Sirius.
"Yeah, I understand."
"So I don't think he's really changed that much so far, do you?"
"I don't think so."
"I mean he's told me that you two are friends, so you'd know, right?"
I don't know when we became friends, but sure. "Erm... Yeah. I think he's just maturing like normal guys."
"Okay. Thanks, Savannah," Lily beamed, feeling better about everything. She ate her soup, stealing glances at James every once in awhile.
James did the same, much to Sirius's amusement. "You're such a lovesick puppy, Prongs!"' He said loudly, laughing.
"Oh please, don't tell me you're not the same way with Savannah!"
Savannah heard this and choked on her roll, looking down and hoping her wild hair was hiding her face.
Dalton glared at Sirius, causing Sirius to stop laughing, looking down. He didn't want to lose his friend. He needed to prove to him that what he felt for Savannah was beyond sexual. It had taken him awhile to come to terms with that fact himself, so he knew that it would take awhile to convince Dalton of it too. He was determined. He just didn't know how.
Savannah quickly recovered and went back to her conversation with Lily. She enjoyed seeing the carefree smile on her face, the way she was letting herself relax. It was the smile of a girl who's crush just asked her out.
"I still can't believe you got two new tattoos!" Marlene said, loud enough so that the Marauders could hear.
James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, who still didn't know about said tattoos, looked up, intrigued.
"You got two new tattoos?" Sirius asked, ignoring the glare Dalton was sending in his direction.
Savannah nodded, biting her lip.
"What are they, Sava?" Remus asked politely.
"A wave on one shoulder and a beater's bat and bludger on the other," Dalton answered for her.
Sirius couldn't help the way his chest swelled at the thought of a beater's bat and bludger on her body. He knew it was in honor of Dalton, but it wouldn't hurt to pretend that it was for him, would it?
"Wicked," James exclaimed, reaching over to give Savannah a high five. She returned the gesture, granted not excitedly. She was still new to this whole friends thing.
"How's Griffin, Dalton?" Savannah asked him with a smirk.
Dalton puffed out his chest proudly. "He's good."
"Griffin?" Peter asked, looking between the twins as he shoveled some pot pie in his mouth.
"Savannah gave me a lion tattoo on my back. She even animated it! I named him Griffin for Gryffindor!" Dalton explained, still grinning proudly as he scrambled to finish the last of his food before the dessert appeared.
"Wanna give me one, 'Vannah?" Sirius asked, grinning at her.
"If you want me to," she replied, stealing a glance at Dalton to gauge his reaction. He wasn't glaring at Sirius, so she took that as a good sign.
"Great! So when are we gonna do this?" Sirius asked, smiling triumphantly.
Savannah shrugged, pushing her vegetables around on her plate with her fork.
"How about this Friday night?" He suggested, inching closer to her, even though they were on opposite sides of the table and there was a person between them.
"Okay," Savannah responded, finally pushing her plate away. You don't live with them anymore. You can eat what you want, she tried to assure herself, but she still couldn't make herself eat anymore. She supposed she still needed to get used to the thought that she never had to see them again.
The dessert appeared, making the conversation drop as the boys dove in, getting at least one of everything. They were quite the pigs, but it was funny to the girls. They gave each other a look that seemed to say "they're such boys."
After supper, everyone made their way to their respective common rooms and dormitories. The boys and girls separated to go to their dorms.
Marlene, Alice, Lily, and Savannah all went to their dorm, happy to see the familiarity. Their trunks at the end of their beds, the curtains pulled back on their four-poster. Savannah was especially happy to see her bed by the window, as Hogwarts was home. She was finally home.
"I'm so happy to be back," Lily murmured.
"Even though it's only been a couple of weeks, I've missed it," Marlene agreed.
The girls changed quickly, eager to climb into their comfortable four-posters and talk until each one slipped into a blissful sleep.
The boys weren't so... graceful? They collapsed immediately, all of them snoring and limbs hanging off from their four-posters, with clothes already on the floor. House elves had cleaned it up after everyone left for break, but the boys had threw their shirts and trousers off as soon as they stepped inside. Their full bellies made them want to sleep for forever.
Everyone was finally home, and it felt wonderful.
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