Chapter 21
Things are going to start heating up a bit in this chapter. The craziness will be coming back real soon. This chapter is still pretty mild compared to what's to come in the later ones, but it does set up for something really important later on in the story. So, enjoy!
Hyunjin tosses in bed, unable to fall asleep. He turns and glances at the clock on his side table. He sighs when he sees that it's 3 am. Has he really been awake for this long? Hyunjin shifts again so that he can stare up at the ceiling. His mind has been buzzing with all the newfound information he's been told. He can't stop thinking about it. Stop wondering how Jaebum and Jinyoung could actually have done those things years ago. Questioning if they're telling the truth or it's all a made up story to get this ring. If so, what's so special about it? Why do they think Hyunjin has it? And if they aren't his real family...who is? Are they still out there? Do they know Hyunjin is alive? Hyunjin groans and covers his eyes with his arm. At this rate, he isn't going to get any sleep tonight. Hyunjin sits up and runs his hand through his hair. He sighs before kicking off his blankets and getting off his bed. He grabs his phone before exiting his room and trotting off towards the kitchen. Hyunjin unlocks his phone and opens his messenger app. He sends a quick text to Jisung even though the boy is definitely not awake. Hyunjin approaches the fridge and opens it. He grabs a carton of milk from inside before shutting the door. He places it on the countertop while he grabs a mug from the drying rack. He places it next to the carton and starts to twist open the cap when his phone starts to buzz. Hyunjin picks up the device and frowns when he sees an unknown number calling him. It isn't common for him to get calls. Perks of being in a gang that has software to ward off prank callers and such. Not to mention, it's three in the morning. Who in their right mind would call at this hour? Hyunjin sighs before answering the call and putting his phone to his ear. "Hello?" He says.
"Hyunjin," The unknown person says back to him.
"Um, who is this?" Hyunjin asks.
The person doesn't answer right away, but eventually says, "Family."
"Family? What's that supposed to mean?" Hyunjin asks.
"I can't talk long," The person says, "Just look out for my messages. I'll be in touch." With that said, the call ends and Hyunjin pulls his phone from his ear. His brows furrow and he stares at the screen. Who the hell was that? How does this person know his name? How did he get his number? And what did he mean by family? Hyunjin taps on his screen and brings up his call history. He taps on the unknown number and hits the button that says call. His phone buzzes as it dials up the number, but after a few he is met with an automated voicemail. Hyunjin hangs up and places his phone onto the countertop. He frowns, "Look out for my messages? What is going on?" Hyunjin shakes his head, his mind even more active than before. He opens the fridge again and places the milk back inside. He puts the cup back on the rack before making his way to his room, the conversation he had with the mystery person playing in his mind.
Hyunjin leans against the palm of his hand, sipping from a mug of hot coffee. He didn't get much sleep after returning to his room. He spent the rest of the night tossing and turning. And now, he's tired and drained. To top it all off, it's a school day. "Yay..." Hyunjin mutters to himself, taking another sip of coffee.
"You shouldn't drink too much of that," Jimin says as he walks into the dining room with a bowl of strawberries in his hands. He holds one up to Hyunjin, who puts down his mug and takes the fruit from his appa. Hyunjin bites into it and nods his head slowly, "I'm tired."
"You look exhausted. Did you not get any sleep last night?" Namjoon asks, placing a plate with toast in front of Hyunjin. The young boy shakes his head, his eyes droopy. "How come?" Jimin asks.
"Thinking too much..." Hyunjin murmurs, grabbing his mug again. The boy scowls when he realizes he finished his entire cup. Namjoon smiles and takes the mug from the boy. "Want more?" Namjoon asks.
Hyunjin nods, "Please."
"You really should limit yourself," Jimin says, giving his son a look. Hyunjin pouts and looks at his father, who mouths I got this. Namjoon places his hand on Jimin's shoulder and gently squeezes it, "Give him a break. He didn't get much sleep. Coffee was my saving grace when I was in school."
"Just because you drank it to no end doesn't mean it's okay for your son to!" Jimin exclaims. Namjoon shrugs and exits the dining room with the mug. Jimin huffs and follows his husband, still trying to get him to not give Hyunjin another cup. Hyunjin shakes his head and grabs a piece of toast. He nibbles on it as his phone buzzes from inside his pocket. Hyunjin reaches for it and taps at the screen. Why the hell were you awake at 3!? I thought u needed beauty sleep. U better not fall asleep in class. I'm not covering for ur ugly drooling face. He smiles at the message. Jisung would totally cover for him without a second thought. And he's pretty sure that his friend doesn't find his face ugly in the slightest. At least he hopes that he doesn't. He sees the way he looks at him and he can only hope that he's reading Jisung right. Hyunjin and Jisung's relationship is interesting. There's no word to really explain it. They're friends, but it's clear that there's something more going on there. Or maybe Hyunjin is reading their bond wrong. He can't make sense of who Jisung is to him. He's special to him and he cares for him. Maybe more than he should. More than a friend should. Hyunjin still doesn't really know what to think of it. All he knows is that Jisung makes him feel different. It wasn't like that in the beginning, but recently it's been something else entirely. With Jisung, Hyunjin's entire world seems brighter. His heart beats faster. Each moment with him is like something to be treasured. Almost everything reminds him of Jisung. Not to mention, he can't help but stare at him each time they meet. Hyunjin knows what it sounds like. He really does, but he doesn't know if he should act on it. Especially since he doesn't know how Jisung feels. Hyunjin's phone buzzes again, snapping him from his thoughts. He looks down at the screen, expecting another message from Jisung. To his surprise, the text comes from an unknown number. It's me. The person that called you last night. I can't reveal who I am for safety purposes. You just need to trust me. I'm on your side. I can't say much more than that. We have to keep these message exchanges short. For our safety. Just be on the lookout for my next message. Hyunjin frowns and he stares at the text. He still can't make sense of who this person is or what the hell they're going on about. How can this stranger ask him to trust him? He has no idea who he is. This person could be some creepy stalker that wants to kidnap him. Or maybe it's someone from Evermore trying to trick him. Hyunjin sighs, still not knowing what to do about these messages and this mystery person. "Hyunjin," Namjoon states. Hyunjin snaps from his thoughts and is surprised to see his parents standing by the doorway. "Uh, yeah?" Hyunjin says.
"You zoned out there for a second," Jimin says, "Is something up?"
"Oh, uh, no. Nothing," Hyunjin says. Namjoon and Jimin flash Hyunjin a suspicious look. There is something definitely wrong. Hyunjin is hiding something. They can tell. "I was just thinking about Jisung. Do you think I could invite him over after school today?" Hyunjin says quickly, knowing his parents are on to him. He doesn't know why he won't tell them about the message and the call from last night. It could be cause he doesn't really find it a big deal. It's not something that his parents have to know about it. They would just freak out and make it a bigger issue than it is. It's better for him to just keep it to himself and let the situation blow over. This person probably is just pranking him. It'll be over soon enough. "I don't know if that's a great idea," Jimin says.
Hyunjin sighs, "Jisung isn't a bad guy. He's not even a part of that mission my uncles' are running anymore. He's just sticking around so he can get more information. You don't need to worry about him."
"C'mon, Minnie. He's Hyunjin's friend. We haven't even met the kid yet. We shouldn't judge him so easily," Namjoon says before whispering so only his husband can hear, "Plus, if he's here we can make sure he never messes with Hyunjin ever again." Jimin looks up at Namjoon, who has an oddly murderous glint in his eye. Jimin smiles at his expression and nods, "Fine. He can come over, but you two need to hang out in the kitchen or somewhere we can keep an eye on you."
Hyunjin sighs, "He's my friend. Not my boyfriend."
"Doesn't matter," Namjoon says, "He's still a boy and he's hurt you before. Those are our rules. Take it or leave it."
Hyunjin shakes his head, "Whatever, just don't scare him, please. He really is a nice guy. And he means a lot to me..."
"Of course," Jimin says.
Hyunjin and Jisung chatter about random stuff as they make their way to their lockers. "You need to keep me awake," Hyunjin says, "If Mr. Lee catches me sleeping in class, he'll kill me."
"That's what you get for not sleeping last night," Jisung says, opening his locker. Hyunjin groans as he undoes the lock on his own locker and opens it. "You're really not going to help me!" Hyunjin whines, "I thought you were my friend."
"Yes, but as your friend I should not condone bad behavior," Jisung says, "Such as sleeping in class..."
"So you would tattle on me," Hyunjin pouts, "Meanie. I thought you liked me."
"I do," Jisung says, "But that's not the point. Why didn't you get any sleep anyway?"
"I couldn't stop thinking," Hyunjin huffs.
"I didn't know that you think," Jisung says with mock surprise. Hyunjin turns his head and flashes him a dirty look. Jisung snickers and Hyunjin pushes his shoulder. "I didn't ask to be attacked," Hyunjin states.
"Well, you should stop making it so easy," Jisung says back. Hyunjin rolls his eyes and grabs a book from his locker. He's about to close it when he notices a neon green post-it in the back. Hyunjin reaches for it and reads the scribble written onto it. I want to avoid leaving you notes this way. It's even less inconspicuous than texting you and that leaves its own trail. But, I needed to let you know that I'll be calling you later to discuss a possible meet-up point. It has to do with your birth family. Hyunjin stares at the note and his heart stirs. His birth family. But, that's Jinyoung and Jaebum. Does that mean all of these odd messages and notes are from them? From Evermore? That doesn't make any sense though. Jinyoung and Jaebum have already introduced themselves to him and have proven that they are his family. Why would they start sending messages out of the blue? It doesn't add up. What if it isn't them? That would mean that someone has his phone number and knows that this is his locker. Does that mean this person is following him? Are they watching him right now? Who is doing all of this? And why? Hyunjin's head spins as he tries to figure out the puzzle. It's all just a jumbled up mess in his brain that he can't make any sense of. "Don't tell me you fell asleep in your locker," Jisung says from beside him. Hyunjin eyes widen and he quickly crumbles up the note and tosses it to the back of his locker. He takes a step back and slams his locker closed. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Hyunjin huffs, "Why would I fall asleep in my locker?"
Jisung shrugs, "You got all quiet and stuff. I was just making sure you didn't get stuck or anything. What were you doing anyway? It doesn't take you that long to get your books."
"Um...I....uh," Hyunjin stammers. He didn't tell his parents about the messages. There's no way he would tell Jisung. That boy is even more protective than they are. He would lose his mind if he found out Hyunjin was speaking to some stranger. No, he doesn't need to know either. This will all blow over soon. It's not an issue. There's nothing to worry about. "Just texting my parents," Hyunjin says. Jisung eyes narrow, almost as if he knows Hyunjin is hiding something. Hyunjin hates that he's such a bad liar. "Confirming if it's okay for you to come over later," Hyunjin continues speaking.
"Come over? As in to your house?" Jisung asks.
Hyunjin nods, "I asked appa and dad this morning and they said it's all good."
"R-really?" Jisung questions, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," Hyunjin says, "They want to meet you."
"Or they want to skin me alive for hurting you," Jisung mutters.
"I won't let them," Hyunjin says, "Don't worry. It's just my parents."
"You say that as if they're just normal soccer dads! They're Kim Namjoon and Park Jimin!" Jisung exclaims, "They're huge entertainment industry CEOs! Not to mention, they lead Moonlight! I'm dead!"
"How can you call me a drama queen?" Hyunjin says, "You're freaking out over nothing."
"I beg to differ," Jisung states.
"Does that mean you don't want to come?" Hyunjin asks. He purses his lips together and sighs. He wants Jisung to come over, but if the boy doesn't want to that's fine. "No, no," Jisung says, looking at Hyunjin's dejected expression, "I'll come. You're sure I'm not in any danger...right?"
"Yes," Hyunjin says, "Don't be such a scaredy cat."
"I'm not scared!" Jisung says, "I'm just being cautious."
Hyunjin sighs, "I thought knights were supposed to do the protecting. Not the princesses..."
"The knight's one weakness is the princess's overprotective parents," Jisung says with a grin.
"Fine, I'll be protecting you tonight," Hyunjin says with a smile.
Hyunjin sighs as his parents glower at Jisung. The blonde looks like he's scared out of his wits. The second the friends entered the house, Namjoon and Jimin have been sticking by their sides. It was a bit uncomfortable, but not horrific. They didn't say anything to Jisung, but when Hyunjin left to go to the bathroom his parents had pounced. Hyunjin returned to a scared shitless Jisung and overprotective psycho parents. "So, Jisung, what do you think of my son?" Namjoon asks.
"H-he's the b-best," Jisung stutters as Namjoon gives him the stink eye. Jisung shifts uncomfortably in his seat on the couch as Jimin places a hand on his shoulder. "And you're a part of Evermore, correct?" Jimin questions. Jisung nods, his eyes darting around nervously. "Hm," Jimin hums, "Hyunjin told us about the mission you were a part of. It must have taken a lot of guts to go against Jinyoung and Jaebum's words. To reveal the mission to the target."
"Y-yeah," Jisung says.
"You don't want to hurt my son, do you?" Namjoon asks.
Jisung shakes his head, "Of course not. I would never! He's everything to me! I lo-like him. I like him a lot!"
"Is that so?" Namjoon says as he brings his face closer to the boy. Jisung tenses and nods his head. Hyunjin shakes his head, deciding to intervene before this gets any worse, "Appa! Dad! Will you stop that!?" Namjoon and Jimin shift away from Jisung, who relaxes instantly. "Stop what?" Jimin asks, "We were just having a nice conversation with your friend."
"Sure, appa, sure," Hyunjin says, "I was thinking of getting a snack. Do you want something, Sungie?" Jisung shoots to his feet and nods his head urgently. "I could use something to drink," Namjoon says, "Do you want something, Jiminie?"
"Ah, yes," Jimin says, "You know that tea I brewed yesterday. It's somewhere in the fridge. Oh, you probably don't know where it is. I'll just get it myself." Jisung blanches and slowly makes his way over to Hyunjin. The boy sighs at his parents' antics and tugs gently on his friend's sleeve. Jisung looks at Hyunjin with fear in his eyes and a pleading look. Hyunjin gestures for his friend to follow him, knowing that they won't be able to avoid his parents. The two walk to the kitchen with Namjoon and Jimin trailing a couple of steps behind. "Calm down," Hyunjin murmurs.
"They were grilling me!" Jisung whines.
Hyunjin sighs, "I said I would protect you."
"You're not doing a good job! How could you leave me alone?" Jisung exclaims.
"I'm sorry, I had to pee!" Hyunjin states.
"Hold it! I'm more important than your bladder!" Jisung says, "Do you want me to die?"
Hyunjin shakes his head, "I'm considering killing you myself."
"Harsh!" Jisung exclaims. As they enter the kitchen, Hyunjin opens the cabinet and takes out a box of cookies and a couple bags of chips. Namjoon and Jimin move to stand right behind Jisung, who tenses a little as he senses their presence. "Want soda?" Hyunjin asks. Jisung nods his head and discreetly gestures to the adults behind him. Hyunjin opens the fridge and glances at his parents, "Give him some space. I thought you guys were thirsty."
"Ah, yes," Namjoon says, moving to stand beside his son and reach into the fridge for a bottle of water. Jimin shuffles over as well, taking out a jar with tea inside. Hyunjin grabs two cans of soda and passes one of Jisung. He opens his can and sips from it. Jisung does the same, although his eyes keep darting up to glance at Hyunjin's parents. "Stop it!" Hyunjin hisses, "You're not making it any better."
"I just want them to like me!" Jisung grumbles, looking at his friend.
"They do like you," Hyunjin says, "They're just protective." Jisung's nose wrinkles, disagreeing with his friend as Namjoon glares at him from behind his son's back. Suddenly, Hyunjin's phone starts to buzz. The boy reaches into his pocket and answers the call without even looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" Hyunjin says.
"Hyunjin. It's me," The unknown person says through the phone.
"Oh," Hyunjin murmurs, "What do you want?"
"We can't talk long in case someone is wiretapping this call," The person says, "So, I'll cut right to the chase. Meet me tomorrow at Miroh Park near the gazebo. I'll explain everything there."
"Explain what?" Hyunjin says in a quiet tone, aware of the eyes of his parents and Jisung. "About your birth family. The Hwangs," The person says, "Times up. I'll see you tomorrow, Hyunjin."
"Wait!" Hyunjin says, but it's too late. The call has ended and Hyunjin sighs. The Hwangs? But, Jinyoung's surname is Park. Isn't he a Park? Why is this person saying that his birth name is Hwang? He pulls the phone from his ear and looks up to see three matching concerned expressions. "Who was that?" Jimin asks.
"Just some kid I'm working on a project with," Hyunjin says.
"What project?" Jisung asks.
Hyunjin eyes flit down, "Um, the one from Ms. Bae."
"You have a project in your gym class?" Jisung asks.
Hyunjin's eyes widen for a second before he nods, "Yeah, it's project..."
"I didn't know that was a thing," Jisung says.
Hyunjin smiles, "'s new to the curriculum." He looks at his parents and then at Jisung, who still looks skeptical. "Are you sure it has nothing to do with that note in your locker?" Jisung asks.
"W-what?" Hyunjin asks, "What note?"
"I saw you crumple it up, princess," Jisung says, "Was that call from the same person? Who is it?"
"You got a note from someone?" Jimin questions with raised eyebrows, "Is it that same person who texted you this morning?"
"Someone texted you!?" Jisung exclaims.
Hyunjin shakes his head, "No! It's not like that!"
"Then what is it like?" Namjoon asks, "It sounds like someone's been in contact with you, but you haven't told any of us about it."
"Who is it Hyunjin?" Jimin asks. Hyunjin bites the inside of his mouth and lets out a sigh. He glances at Jisung and his parents, whose eyes are locked on him. "I don't know," Hyunjin says, "I have no idea who it is. They called me last night and said that they'll be in touch. This morning the same person texted me saying that I have to trust them. When I went to school, I found a note in my locker saying that this has to do with my birth family. And right now, I just got a call about meeting up at this park tomorrow to discuss the Hwangs."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jisung asks.
"I didn't think it was anything," Hyunjin answers, "Just some prank or something. I didn't want you guys to freak out over nothing."
"This doesn't sound like a prank," Namjoon says, "Whoever this person is, they got into your locker. They know your phone number."
"I know," Hyunjin says, "I've been trying to make sense of it. Figure out who it could be, but it just doesn't make sense. I thought it was Jinyoung and Jaebum at first, but it doesn't add up. The person who just called said something about my birth family being the Hwangs, which is impossible because Jinyoung's surname is Park, so it can't be a message from Evermore. But, if it's not them, who could it be?"
"I have no idea," Jimin murmurs, "I can only assume it has something to do with your past. Your birth family. There's something we're missing here..."
"First, Jinyoung and Jaebum and now this," Namjoon says, "We're going to have to do some more digging. I think that both of these cases are tied to each other, but I can't know for sure until we find out more." Hyunjin nods his head and lets out a sigh, not understanding why all of this is happening to him. "You should delete those texts and block the number," Jisung says, "I wouldn't trust whoever has been messaging with you."
"Agreed," Jimin states, "It's enough that Jinyoung and Jaebum have you in their sights. I don't want you anywhere near this stranger."
"Trash any texts or notes you get," Namjoon says, "Okay?" Hyunjin nods and taps on his phone, deleting the messages and blocking the number. "We'll figure this out," Jimin says, "Don't worry."
"Jisung," Namjoon states. Jisung glances at the man and nods. "Look after my son," Namjoon says, "Make sure he doesn't get hurt."
"Yes, sir," Jisung says.
Who do you think is contacting Hyunjin? What do you think this person wants from him? Is he involved in this whole JJP thing? You'll have to read and find out. I liked how this chapter turned out. It was a good mixture of angst, family bonding, friendship, and all that. I hope you all liked it as well. If you did, please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my Kpop One-Shots. I'll see you all next time. Au revoir!
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