College Life
(Quick note! Please follow my Twitter!
[WARNING: Before you start reading this story, please understand that it was one of my first stories I've ever written. I sucked at English and writing (Still do lmao) so there will be SO many mistakes. The story for the most part has no plot, it was written for fun. It's meant to be taken lightly. It's still a fun read if you can get through the errors and immature dialogue. Please understand this when reading it. Still, I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to check out my recent works!]
The halls were gloomy, almost foggy. It felt like being inside a sketchy horror film. It sucked for me because this was where the murders usually happened - the halls of a college dorm building. Now that my thoughts were rambling about getting hatched with a knife, I was terrified to walk alone. Served me right for forgetting my phone in my car.
I was suddenly thrown back as a pair of boxes slammed into my face. The boxes came out of no where and they didn't help my already disturbed thoughts.
A shadow captured my attention and then my eyes focused through the dim light, it was a guy.
"Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" I snarled at him, the pain pounding at my head was unbearable.
"I'm so sorry!" he squeaked. He tried to pull me up but my hands slipped and I ended up falling on my ass again.
"What the hell?!" I shouted as I crawled back to my feet. "Watch where you're going, fucking moron!"
"I would if I could see, genius," he scoffed. "Can't you see that there are no lights on?"
No lights on? There's a freaking window right next to us! There was enough moonlight beaming through to see the halls. Was he blind or was he stupid? Either way the headache was making me feel irritated.
And who does he think he is talking to me like that? He isn't anyone. And from what I could tell, he looked like a new student. Who the hell arrives at the dorm building this late? Everyone knows that you're supposed to arrive early so you won't cause commotion in the halls. You don't want to wake up people here, they'll eat you alive. Like me.
I was about to push him when a sudden hand grasped my shirt and pulled me right out of the light. My first thought was, 'Jesse run! You're gonna get gangbanged!,' but then I heard Priscella's laugh and I sighed. For a moment there I thought I was gonna get ganged up.
"Hello, boys. What's with the shouting?" she asked, walking in between us, the light hitting her - making her dark hair look lustrous and magical. Her face looked so angelic right about now. It glistened like tiny particles of glitter. She turned her attention towards the kid in the dark.
"I accidentally bumped into him, now he's getting worked up. I didn't even do anything to him. He obviously has no brain."
My jaw dropped. I was about to argue when Priscella spoke.
"Jesse, grow the hell up. Leave the kid alone, he didn't see you, big whoop."
"Grow the hell up? I didn't do anything! He bumped into me," I reminded her.
She glared at me, a very threatening glare. It was the warning stare. I quickly walked back and scattered through the darkness, leaving them both to stand alone in the hall.
I do not give up that easily, but Priscella knew my weakness. Pain. She would slap me, kick my crotch and drag me across a board full of blades if she wanted to. So the only solution was to run when she gave me that stare.
I wasn't afraid of her. And the kid deserved a nice fist action for talking back at me like that. Seriously, who did he think he was? Pfft. There was something incredibly wrong with people these days. And I did not need to grow up, I was perfectly mature for my age. I just didn't take life seriously.
My door was locked so I took out my key and stormed through. My roommate, Phil, looked up at me as I entered.
"Hey man, where you've been?" he asked from his bed.
I reached a hand inside our mini-fridge and took out a beverage. "I told you this morning that I was going to be in the library, remember?"
He squinted his eyes, trying to remember our conversation this morning. Then his face lit up when he finally remembered. "Oh, yeah. But all day?"
I nodded as I took a gulp of my drink. "My mom," I paused to swallow, "she's gonna kill me if I don't pass my classes. I had to study for some stupid test that my teacher let me re-take."
"What's wrong with your face?" he asked, pointing at it.
I quickly touched my face. "My face? What's wrong with my face?!" I panicked. Yeah, I cared too much about my face. It's not that I'm conceited, but living in college makes you think that way. "What's wrong with my beautiful face?!"
I ran to a mirror and frowned when I saw my face. I thought I was going to see a zit or something but it only had a red mark from the box that hit me.
"You have a line across your face," he pointed out.
"Yeah, some new idiot bumped into me and his boxes hit me."
"New kid? A new guy to the dorms? Was he cool? Was he nice? Did he speak fluent English? Was he black?"
I glared at Phil. He had been acting strange for a couple of days, it was only accumulating and now he was at the same level of weirdness as Lady Gaga. What was he babbling about? What was he hiding? was easy to tell when he became nervous or when he was hiding something. I wondered what it was.
"What's wrong?" I asked him, slowly placing my drink on my desk.
He huffed. "Nothing, why? What are you saying?"
"Dude, you're hiding something. What's wrong? I can see it in your eyes."
He covered his face with a pillow and mumbled through it. "I'm not hiding anything!"
"You're lying! I know it!" I accused.
"I'm not lying!" he insisted.
I growled, jumping on top of his vulnerable body. I tossed the pillow aside and slapped his face back and forth. Then I wrapped my hands around his neck and choked him. "I'm not going to let you breathe until you tell me!"
"Zoey is back!" he blurted quickly.
He pushed me off when my face went blank with fear. Zoey? The evil Zoey? Oh God no. Anything but her! How was she here? Last time I heard she got pushed down the stairs and was gravely injured, now she was out of the hospital? She ... she's back.
I groaned and collapsed on my bed.
Zoey and I ... we ... we used to be a thing once. We dated a few months ago. And I broke up with her and humiliated her publicly. I made sure everyone knew it too so she wouldn't have run around telling everyone that she broke up with me. But she swore she'd get revenge on me.
They say the last person she revenged didn't exist anyone, not even the government knew what happened to them. So yes, I was afraid.
Why did girls have to be so tough and scary? I just wanted a nice girl who wouldn't give me trouble. Simple as that! Like why did they have to act so freaking tough all the time?
She couldn't be back. If she truly was, then I wasn't safe anymore. Her return would only bring misery to my life. She's bound to do something to get her revenge.
"How is she back?" I asked.
"Lisa told Derek who told Chase who told Matthew who told Priscella who told me that she's back. That's all I know."
I cringed. "Lisa? Doesn't everyone know not to trust Lisa? Why does she know? I hate Lisa and her big head. And her big fake boobs. I hate her overall."
Lisa was another tough one. She was the one that ended up being the killer of the horror movie all along. I remembered when she drugged Phil and I when we were at her party once. That was her thing, trying to seduce guys to sleep with her by using drugs to get them loopy and distracted.
It didn't work that time because for some strange reason Phil and I laughed through the entire thing, so it didn't work out for her. I didn't even remember what was so funny, all I remember was that I saw a sexy unicorn walking across the room and it was the sexiest damn unicorn that ever lived.
"You're right, but still, these girls gossip faster than magazines. So she's telling the truth."
Gosh. Why now? Why did bad things have to happen when I was having the time of my life? Really? What did I do to deserve all of this? "Well I'm going to try to avoid both of them as much as possible."
"And I'm never ever going to drink at Lisa's party ever again."
"But we're still gonna go to them, aren't we?" I frowned at our own stupidity.
He chuckled, his head hitting the wall. "Of course, man. They are the best parties."
Sighing, I slid inside my bed sheets and rested my head on my pillow, thinking about my safety. These two girls were the definition of hell. Their sole purpose in life was to make others miserable. I was more worried about Zoey than Lisa, but I still had to keep them both on my radar.
"Night, boo."
"Shut up," I chuckled, resting my eyes.
I woke up a little too early, actually, I had been waking up this early for a few days now. I blamed all the stress I was getting from school. Literally, I had no pleasure at all. I needed fun. I needed something to get my mind straight so that I could live through the rest of the year.
Sucked being such a good looking college guy.
Maybe I had too much on my mind, either way it was ruining my sleeping schedule and I was not enjoying it one bit. The dark circles under my eyes would stain forever if I didn't get some proper sleeping. And feeling tired as heck didn't help when you were trying to study. I really didn't want my mom on my ass again. Scary things happened when she did.
Luckily, today was Friday and I had no classes today. Fridays were all about having fun and hanging out with friends, maybe even finding myself a lady? Or some fried chicken? Or both at the same time? Not too bad of an idea ...
I rolled out of bed, keeping my balance as I woke up and cleared my eyes from the morning vision.
"Hey, Phil." I poked his back. "Wake up."
"Huh? Leave me alone, Jenna. Stop fingering me..." he muttered in his sleep.
My eyes bulged, did he just ... no ... he did not just say that. What the heck was he doing with this Jenna person? He's just sleeping though, right? Or did he actually get fing—oh God! Mental images! No! Oh my goodness! My innocent mind! Wait, what innocence? There was none in this department.
I decided to just leave him there, sleeping away in his odd dreams of fingers and Jenna's with strange fetishes.
I took my toothbrush and my toothpaste with me as I headed out my room. One thing I really despised about living in a dorm building was the bathroom. Guys had to share one, girls had to share one. Like really? This was an expensive college dorm, they couldn't at least afford to install bathrooms in the damn rooms?
Don't even get me started on the showers, I thought disgustingly.
After brushing my teeth and using the bathroom, I walked back to my dorm room to put away my things. Then I left the room in my pajamas and thought about getting some breakfast when a voice called out to me.
"Jesse!" I heard Priscella's voice behind me. I turned around as she ran up to me with a guy following her "Hey! Morning, I've been looking for you."
"I was in the bathroom," I replied with a yawn. After smacking my lips together and scratching the back of my head, I looked at the guy and felt a familiar sense that I had seen him somewhere before. "Who's that?"
"You don't remember?" She raised a brow.
It only took me a second. "Holy crap! It's you!" I jumped back when I realized it was the guy from last night, the box dude. The one who really pissed me off.
"Don't you dare sup me." I glared at him.
He looked surprised to see me. Did I look even more handsome in the day? Yeah, I knew I was. Or maybe he was drawn to my eyes. My eyes usually drove people crazy. One was hazel and the other blue. I was born like that so what ever.
He wasn't bad either, for a box dude. He had a strange foreign accent - it sounded like an Irish accent to me. His light brown hair was exceedingly perfect, too perfect.
His blue eyes were uncomfortably staring back at me. He needed to quit staring at me. I didn't like it one bit. And he should get a tan. Pale skin wasn't allowed in California. Everyone needed to tan. Even I had to tan or I'd go white.
"Take a picture, it will last longer," he smirked.
Priscella stepped in front of me when I darted towards him.
"Lucky that you have Priscella to save your ass, other wise I wouldn't mind pounding on your pretty face."
"Dude, chill," he said, raising his hands defensively.
"Don't," Priscella said firmly, her eyes showed concern for her new friend. So what now? She was just gonna leave me for him or something? That actually hurt my poor heart. "He's my friend and you need to respect that. So no hurting him."
Ouch. My heart stung. I felt rejected for some reason. Did she like him now? Why? I had everything he did except better ... and longer. Smirk.
"Okay...what do you want?"
"It's Friday, hello?" she said in an obvious tone.
"And? What does that have to do with me?"
She frowned. "It's Friday, Jesse."
"Yeah, I know. And Saturday comes afterwards, then Sunday and then Monday. We're looking forward to the weekend. Yeah, yeah."
For some reason she slapped me. The slap was so loud that the sound echoed down the halls.
"What did I tell you about Rebecca Black references? I told you I'd slap you."
The dude laughed.
"Wipe that smile off your face before I punch you," I threatened him.
I didn't like him. I honestly didn't know why. I didn't think it was because we had a bad first encounter. There was just something about him that I didn't like. I could feel it in the pit of my stomach, and my stomach never lied. How else did it know when its hungry? Because it never lied...
"Jesse!" Priscella screamed. "It's Friday! And that means dorm sleepover! You know it! Don't act like you don't!" She poked me in the chest with her sharp nail.
Ow! Getting so much pain today and the day had barely begun.
"So? I still don't get what that has to do with me."
"My sister borrowed my car." She pouted. "We need a ride to the grocery store so we can buy the supplies."
"Yeah? Him and I? Who else?" She pointed at the box dude. It annoyed me that I didn't know his name, but I was not going to ask for it. I especially wasn't going to introduce myself.
I groaned loudly. Loud enough so that people could see that I was being tortured by a woman. Shopping? At least this wasn't like the mall. And Priscella might end up buying me candy, so that was good enough for me.
"Please," she begged.
"Good, because you owe me."
"I owe you? What are you talking about?"
She gave me a sly smile. "Remember on Halloween? When you thought you were making out with a—"
"Shut up! Don't say it! Shut up!" I covered my ears to block out anything she might have said. I dropped my hands when she shut her mouth.
"Girl," she finished.
SMACK! I slapped her right across the face. She knew she deserved it for bringing up such a dreadful memory. She saw it coming. So she wouldn't dare chase me down the hall with her tampons like when I slapped her last time.
"I already said fine, you didn't have to do that."
I sighed and led them outside to the parking lot. I couldn't believe that they became friends. It sucked, it honestly did. It meant I was going to see his face a lot more often. Ugh. I needed to hate on him or something. Get him away from my friends.
Looking up at the sky, I remembered something I heard on the television. It was going to be storming. It didn't matter to me, though. Rain only brought more fun for me. We quickly climbed inside the car when I unlocked it and unbuckled my seat. When I turned on the car engine and listened to it roar to life, I looked for my phone since that was what I was going to look for last night - but ended up forgetting about it. And there it was, under my seat.
"Buckle up, I'm not getting a ticket for your mistakes. If I get my beautiful BMW taken away I will murder you both," I told them. The car was a very special gift from my step-father. He was a doctor, and a rich one. Good job mom!
As I drove around, I passed about ten fast food restaurants and on the eleventh, my stomach growled loudly. My stomach hurt, I didn't get to eat anything cause of these two stupid heads.
"So..." I spoke, thinking it was time to be nice for Priscella's sake. "What's your name?"
"Benjamin Ray Byrne, but please call me Rayne."
He shrugged. "It's a nickname my parents gave me when I was very little. It stuck with me ever since."
"Your name spells out BRB," I pointed out.
Priscella laughed. "Hahahaha! Hey, Jesse! BRB!"
"Oh? Where are you going?!" I joined in on her joke.
"I don't know! But BRB!"
"Very funny." He grinned.
"So where are you from? You have a weird accent."
"So do you," he said.
"It's an American accent, and we're in America."
"Fair enough. I'm from Ireland."
"Are you a leprechaun?"
He looked at me weird.. "Yes, I'm a three foot green leprechaun."
"Hot damn!" Priscella moaned. I looked through the rear view mirror and saw her face glued to the window. I looked in the direction she was looking at and all I saw were a couple of shirtless guys. Stupid girls. "Those guys are hot!"
"Damn right," Rayne agreed, which caused me to hit my breaks without thinking. There was a buzzing sound cluttering my thoughts, it was like a flashback. I shook my head and tried not to think of it and went back to driving.
"What the hell is your problem? Why did you do that?" she demanded.
"Him, he's my problem," I said, sending Rayne a dirty look through the mirror.
"Him? What did he do to you?"
"He's a fag. That's disgusting."
"What the hell, Jesse? Don't be so rude. And you could have gotten us killed."
"It caught me off guard, Priscella. Sit your ass down," I hissed.
She whimpered but I wasn't going to give her pity. I wasn't going to give anyone pity. Especially Rayne. He was gay, dammit. Why? Why me? I have a freaking gay guy in my car. I'll probably need to disinfect my seats.
[Author's Message...]
2017 me is removing my embarrassing author messages, sorry not sorry! :)
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