Chapter Twenty-Two

                [Jesse's Point Of View...]

               "Stop!" I cried loudly as I tried to crawl away from my counselor's office. She was pulling me back inside by my foot and wasn't letting go. "Let me go! I need to get back to my last class!"

               "No, Jesse! You need to stay and talk about your future!"

               "I'm not gonna have a future if I don't get back to my man!"

               "Just because I'm the first grown up you came out to doesn't mean you're gonna get pity from me!" She dragged me in with one big pull. Damn she's strong, like the hulk.

              "I don't want pity! I just want to see him!"


               I turned around as she dragged me further in, and grabbed another teacher's leg who was passing by.

               "Help me, teacher!"

               The teacher who I was holding on to easily shook me off and walked away. What? You're just gonna leave me like this? What if this was a killer teacher and she wanted to kill me? You'd just walk away like the hoe you are? Just because you have a uniform on doesn't mean you are important!

               "Jesse, stop acting like a child!"

              "Me?! You're the one dragging me across the floor like some dog. I'm not in the mood to talk about my future!"

               She dropped my foot and I quickly crawled away from her and pinned myself against the nearest wall. I breathed heavily as I stared back at her glare.

               "Fine, you can go but expect another call from me soon. We must have this conversation. It's crucial," She stated.

               "Yeah, yeah! Bye!" I ran out the door and headed down the long stairs.

               Time to see my Rayne, time to press my lips against his and make his world fall into pieces like a waterfall. I want to watch him shake like the bunny he is. Or like a cat who just came out of a bath.

               I wasn't patient enough to walk down each step so I just jumped over them. Until I fell on the last one and hurt my ankle. But it was fine, nothing broken or twisted. I got back on my feet and ran down the halls towards my last class. The bell should be ringing in a minute or two.

               Stupid teacher, why did she even take my phone away during class? We aren't in high school anymore. Who cares if I use it? It's not like I was interrupting anyone.

               I chuckled when I read his reply though. I felt so bad that I didn't get to reply, I probably had him scared or something. But at least I replied so he should know, unless he had his phone on silent again.

               The bell rang, the halls were about to become a human zoo. I groaned when people poured out of classes, blocking my way. I had to wait till they were all out of the class so I could go through. I stopped running when I saw Rayne walking out with a guy by his side. And they were both laughing...

               The way they both stared at each other made me angry. Isn't that Dave? I didn't know we shared last period. And he is not just staring at my Rayne that way.

               I rushed towards them, my hands forming into fists. Dave is gay, everyone knows it. And he must have found out that Rayne was also gay. Ugh. Not on my watch.

               "What do you think you're doing?" I hissed when I finally approached them.

               "Uh, what?" Dave answered, even though the question was for Rayne.

               "I'm not talking to you." 

               Rayne seemed to be ignoring me. What did I do wrong? Him ignoring me hurt like hell.

               He then brought up his gaze and stared at me. Still didn't say anything.

               "What's going on?" Dave asked.

               Rayne turned to Dave. "Hey, I'll talk to you later, okay?"

               "Alright," Dave nodded and walked away.

               "What are you doing with him? You know he's gay right? Are you leaving me for him now?" I spoke quickly.

               "Jesse, we need to talk."

               The talk? Oh no...I've never gotten the talk. I've always been the dumper. Crap. There goes that nervous feeling I hated. Rayne is going to break up with me before we even went out? God no... I don't want him to leave me!

               "Whoa, Jesse, what's wrong?" He suddenly had a concerned look on his face. His hand touched my chest as I felt all dizzy.

               I breathed in and out. I couldn't manage to take in a good gulp of oxygen so I felt dizzy.

               "You're leaving me?" My voice was shaking. "I thought we had something special. After everything I went through just to be with you?"

               He suddenly smiled. Why is he smiling? Is my pain really that amusing to him?

               "I knew it wasn't true."

               I narrowed my eyes. "What? I'm so confused right now. What's going on?"

               He took me by the hand and pulled me away from the busy halls. For some reason he chose a hall closet instead of an empty room. But I guess no room is empty at this time. He flicked on the light switch and when he did I was attacked by his lips.

               I was caught by surprised but I sure didn't stop it. I made sure to let him know that I love him by kissing him back, I don't want him to leave me, and if he's doubting me then he needs to get himself checked.

               I pinned him back against the wall - there wasn't much room to walk anyway. His lips were so good to me right now. I wanted them more than anything, and I missed them like crazy. He sighed against me as our tongues battled with each other. And then I moaned against his lips.

               When he wrapped his arms around my neck, I pulled his legs over my hips and grinded against his crotch. It isn't the same as a girl, it's better. My hands searched inside his shirt as my eyes greedily roamed up and down his flawless face.

               We both took a break to breathe, but I never stopped grinding against him. Once I'm hard, I stay hard.

               I panted against his mouth. "What-what's wrong?" I asked him, remembering why he wanted to give me the talk.

               "I just wanted to make sure," He grinned.

               I drop him back on the ground. "Make sure what? What are you talking about?"

               He sighed and I looked deeply into his eyes to find out that he's hurt. 

               "I don't know. I just don't know who to trust."

               "Come on, this isn't Sherlock Homes. What's wrong?" I said, getting impatient by his lack of answers.

               "Someone told me you've been telling everyone all day that you're actually straight and we were just a joke."

               My mouth fell right open, and I think a little saliva came off too, but that's probably from the kiss. It made me all hot and moist.

               I groaned really hard as anger shot through my veins. There was a box next to me so I kicked it as hard as I could. What's up with people spreading rumors now? We aren't in f*cking middle school.

               "So did you or did you not say that?" He asked me.

               "Of course not!" I snapped, staring angrily at him for ever doubting what I felt for him. "I'm so sick and tired of these stupid b*tches and their drama. I am so done with girls."

               "How do you know it was a girl?" He gave me yet another skeptical look.

               "Because guys don't do this shit, Rayne. It's Zoey and her stupid gang of wh*res."

               "How do I know anything? I don't know anyone! How am I supposed to believe you?"

               My jaw fell again. "Rayne! What the hell! How can you even doubt me after all I did! I've kissed you, I let you touched me, I go out in public and hold your hand. I did not do all of those things to just tell everyone it was a joke!"

               He cringed from my screams, but what the heck? The guy isn't trusting me, even though I've trusted him with my whole life. I poured my secrets out to him and he just expects what? More? Something perfect?

               I punched the wall out of anger. I don't want to hit Rayne, but I can't promise that I won't. Sometimes it just slips, only when it's with guys though - and Rayne is still a guy. But dammit, why do I even think of hurting him physically?

               "You're right! I'm sorry! But you need to put yourself in my shoes and realize that everyone is trying to manipulate me!"

               I sighed, calming down little by little.

               I walked back to Rayne - who kind of cringed away - and I leaned my body against his. Did he want me to prove that I wanted him that way? Is that what he wanted?

               My hands reached down to his thigh and I gently traced my thumb over the outline of his shaft. I could feel it even through his hard jeans. I brought back my lips to his mouth and kissed his perfectly pink lips.

               "Do you want me to prove to you that I really want you?" I asked him in a whisper.

               He shuddered slightly from my hot breath that tickled against his ear.

               "No," He breathed. "I believe you."

               I lifted my other hand and pressed my finger against his mouth.

               "If you believed me," I whispered again, "then we wouldn't be here."

               Then I quickly unzipped his jeans but he pushed my hand away. I growled at him and dropped on my knees.

               "Jesse, stop!"

               I ignored him and gently pinned his hands back. With my teeth, I pulled down his jeans a little lower so that I could have some space to work with. If he's not going to believe my words, then maybe he will believe my actions.

               And if he didn't want me to do this then why wasn't he trying to run away? Because he knew deep inside that he wanted to know.

               I brought up my head a little as I pressed my lips against his stomach. He flinched as I flickered my tongue against his delicious looking abs.

               Here comes the moment of truth.

               I let go of his hands so I could slowly pull down his boxers, enough so that I could do my work. I took a big breath before I pulled it down - exposing him completely. Well it doesn't look disgusting that's for sure. It actually looks intriguing and oddly delicious.

               "Dammit, Jesse," He covered his face in embarrassment. "You don't have to do this, please. I'm sorry. I won't ever doubt you, I promise."

               "Too late," I said as I took him in my mouth.

               He gasped loudly as I rubbed my tongue all over his head. It's honestly not that bad! What the heck was I worrying about? Oh! Right! The butt action. Right, of course.

               I pulled down his boxers so that I could see it fully. Gosh, it's so cute. I licked my lips before going back to sucking him. I don't think I'm doing it right, but judging by the pleasure on his face, I was doing alright.

              Once it started getting hard, that's when I become a little afraid. I'm only used to seeing my own but this I can deal with. It's like looking at a cute little monster growing up into a giant Godzilla! That's what I'm gonna call it from now on, Godzilla.

               Rayne arched his back slightly, glancing at my face when I wrapped my mouth over his shaft, and drops his head back. He looks like he's in discomfort, he's trying not to enjoy this? What the heck? I am not just sucking on a guy for him not to enjoy it.

               I pop it right out of my mouth and stared at him.

              "I'm doing this because I want to, not because you're forcing me," I used his own words against him.

               "Oh God," He moaned, his head falling back again.

               I used my saliva as lubricant as I passed my lips farther into his shaft and right back out. I've never tasted something so erotically delicious and arousing as Rayne. 

               Oh damn, that look on Rayne's face is really turning me on. I'm not sure what it is but I love it. I realized he's getting more comfortable when he starts to f*ck my mouth. I mean, I'm all for it but damn give me a break, I've never done this and I'm bound to gag at one point.

               His stomach writhed when I stroked him hard, my mouth gently nibbling on his head. I'm now using the same techniques girls have done for me. Seems to be working well. I mean we both work the same when it comes to our bodies. So I'll give him what I'd want.

               "Are you liking it?" I asked him when I pulled away.

               He looked down at me with an irritated look, probably because I stopped. I rolled my eyes playfully and went back to sucking him.

               He tilted his head back again, while releasing the best freaking sounds I've ever heard.

               His hand reached down to my head and he brushed his fingers through my hair. He's the only person on this planet that I'd let touch my hair and mess it around. He suddenly grabbed a big chunk of it and used it to guide me around.

               I'm going to hell.

              I gripped on his legs for dear life as he moved faster inside my mouth. All I'm thinking is 'Damn Rayne!'

               The warmth coming from his crotch was making my cheeks all heated and I'm loving it. Was this really what I've been missing all this time? The taste is magnificent, so different - not like food obviously - but in this case it's so good and I don't think I'll be able to keep my mouth off from him.

               "Jesse..." He panted, his stomach rising up and down rapidly. "I'm gonna..."

               Crap! What do I do?! Holy shit! He's about to give birth to a thousand little things in my mouth! Do I take it in my mouth? What?! What do I do! Oh heavenly mother above! 

              He moaned loudly and I twitched when he shot in my mouth a couple of times. I stopped my motions to let him release and all I'm thinking is ... I'm still going to hell.

              I squinted my eyes as I got the taste of it around my tongue and I wasn't sure what to think. It's not what I expected it to be. I've been lied to by all the adult videos I've watched. It's definitely not frosting, it's worse. The texture is really awful but since it's coming from Rayne, it's quite good. It's thick and watery. And don't even get me started on the taste. It's between sweet and salty.

               Either way I hated it, but I could cope with it.

               When he finished, he dropped on the floor all weak and drained. When his breathing returned back to normal he looked up at me and gave me a look.

               "Jesse, spit it out."

               I tilted my head back and swallowed it.

               Right when I swallowed it, I received a slap to the face so hard that it sent me straight to the wall.

               "You idiot! You didn't have to swallow it!"

               Oh come on! I just gave him the best blow job and he thanks me by slapping me?!

               I groaned as I rubbed my aching face and fell back on the floor. Slaps usually get me all dizzy. And not to mention that the sucking took quite the oxygen.

               When I regained my sight I got back on my feet and pulled him up. Neither of us had any expression on our faces. I pulled up his boxers and tucked in his thing then zipped up his jeans like a boyfriend would after serving his man.

               I gave him a stern look.

               "Don't you ever fucking doubt me," I tapped his chest lightly. "God dammit, Rayne. I love you."

               That's when he broke down crying.


[Author's Message...]

   I .. um ... ugh ... I ... what? LOL.

   *Whistles awkwardly*

   Oh Jesse ;) Way to show him how you really want him. :O <-- Insert.

   Comment, vote, love me! I wrote this for you guys >:( So the least you can do is comment and vote. :D Did you like it? LMAO.


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