Chapter Twenty-Six
I drove the car to an empty parking space and set it on park, cutting the engine off before unbuckling my seat belt.
Rayne's hand found itself to mine as we both gazed at the glistening moon over the ocean. It was a perfect spot to just sit back and relax. The beach was empty, no crazy people or snakes at this time of night.
We listened to the fricative whispers that the waves created after crashing into the shore. The repeated pattern left me hypnotized, in a trance, like a lullaby.
"It's so beautiful," Rayne murmured, echoing my thoughts.
I nodded. "Let's go," I said, opening my door and getting out.
Rayne followed and got out of the car as I locked it. I shoved my keys inside my pocket, feeling the cool metal of the bracelets. I bet he will love it, he better.
I quickened my pace and grabbed Rayne by the arm as I circled the car.
It felt nice just being out in the open with no one around to see us, judge us or be prejudiced against us, just us being free.
I carefully led us to the beach, the dark night blinding our path as we stepped on the sand. The last thing I wanted was to land face forward into the ocean. The tides were unpredictable, they could be closer than I thought or farther.
"I don't want to go in the water," Rayne whimpered. "It's dark, scary and I'm pretty sure sharks roam the waters at night," He added.
I laughed, shaking my head at his cuteness. "We're not going to the water, we can't get wet, otherwise they won't let us in the restaurant."
He gripped my arm tightly, pulling me to a halt. "Stop, I can't see. I don't want a shark jumping out of the water when I least expect."
I rolled my eyes, even thought he couldn't see me, and I pulled him down on the sand. He's overreacting, it's dark but not that dark. The moonlight was our guidance for the night, shining brightly over us.
I marvelled at the hundreds of twinkling lights that were reflections of stars from the water. It made me feel like I was in space. I wished people would turn off lights so I could instead see millions of little stars in the sky.
But that wasn't happening unless a powerful solar storm destroyed all technology, leaving us in eternal darkness, then I could admire them.
I laid back on the sand, head resting on my hands as I blinked at the night sky. Rayne's head snuggled against my chest and we both just laid there, breathing in the fresh air that mother nature gifted us with.
A cold breeze swept across our huddled bodies, brushing against our sleeveless arms that made us shudder closer together.
"F*cking cold," He muttered, sliding in a hand under my shirt for warmth.
"I thought you loved the cold," I prompted.
"In some cases, like if we're at home, snuggling together in bed or on the couch, then it can be as cold as it wants as long as I have you for warmth."
"That sounds nice. Would we have to be naked for it?" I teased.
"Not entirely," He said, removing his hand. "But if you want, I don't see a problem with that," He mumbled.
"Hey," I said, trying to get his attention. He looked up at me and I quickly pressed my lips against his, lightly brushing my hand over his arm, and slowly tracing it to his back.
His kisses turned into whimpers, and he slowly climbed on top of me, straddling my hips. He leaned forward again and pressed his lips against mine, parting them so that I could dip my tongue in.
There was nothing better than having Rayne on top of me, in the middle of the beach with no soul around, making out like two animals.
If it wasn't any better already, he began to grind on me, and that was so arousing that I felt like I was set on fire. The hairs on my body bristled from his soft delicate touch. He leaned forward again and captured my parted lips in his.
I felt my heart beat picking up speed, the nerves were always electrifying, like being shocked from the inside. His eyes were more beautiful than a thousand stars, which made me even more nervous than I already was.
Never in my life would I have thought that a guy's mouth would taste so much better than a girl's. And here was Rayne, proving me wrong each time. And I freaking loved it.
"You're so irresistible, I want you so badly," He hissed
I laughed. "In what way?" I teased lightly, pulling our bodies closer than possible.
"Every way, baby," He licked my bottom lip and pulled it with his teeth.
I moaned softly as his lips attacked my neck, licking and sucking my sweet spot. I didn't think anyone could make me feel so good, and here he was, proving me wrong over and over again. His lips were a work of art, so gentle and light but firm and possessive when they wanted to be.
Just the way I loved it.
"I wish I could show you how much I love you," I smirked, grabbing his ass, to which he shuddered.
"And I wish you weren't so . . . big," He sighed into my chest.
I bit my lips, concerned. "Is it going to hurt that bad?"
"For me? Hell yes."
"We don't have to," I suggested, honestly.
He chuckled. "You sounded like you just found out that you only have ten days to live."
I rolled my eyes, shifting him to the side so that I was on top of him. "I'm a guy, do the math."
"Oh really? And what does that make me?"
"My prince."
He snorted, then stopped himself by slapping his mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh. That was sweet. At least you didn't call me princess this time."
"You're my prince and princess at the same time."
"I take that back, that was not sweet."
"You can't take it back," I argued.
"Just did," I saw the smirk on his face widen, then he tossed me to the side and crawled away.
"Hey, don't run away, you might fall into the ocean and a shark will eat you!" I yelled after him, the only thing I saw was a black figure running away.
And then he shrieked.
God dammit, he fell in didn't he?
I got up and followed the footprints on the sand until I spotted him, sitting on the shore with his ass on the water. He was completely soaked.
"Nice job," I frowned, pulling him up before another wave decides to sneak up on us and get me wet too.
"I'm sorry, I tripped," He cried, shaking like a poor kitty. A poor wet bunny I should say. "I'm so stupid."
"No you're not, and it's fine," I reassured him, tossing my arm over his shoulder and pulling him closer to me. "I always come prepared, so I have extra clothes in the back of my car."
"I'm still stupid," He urged.
"Keep calling yourself stupid and you're gonna end up back in the ocean."
I took him to my car, took out a towel and wrapped him up like a delicious sushi roll. I went to the back of the car and fetched my gym bag from the trunk and removed the pair of clean clothes. He's going to have to go to the restaurant like that, because we're not going back to the dorms.
"Thanks," He mumbled, taking the clothes from my hands. Then he looked around. "Am I supposed to change here?"
"Yes," I said emotionless, trying to hide a smile.
"Can you at least not look at me?"
"No. I'm going to look at you, and you're going to like it," I crossed my arms.
He sighed, opening the back door of the car. "Well my private area is going to be wet all night then."
"Just wear the shirt and pants," I suggested, helping him remove his shirt.
"I'm sorry for ruining our beach time," He pouted.
"It's fine, as long as we're together," I smiled at him, scanning his flawless upper body. He was really lean and perfect. No big muscles to disgust me by, just pure perfection.
After he had his dry shirt on, he hesitated on removing his pants, which I easily tugged and pulled down. He freaked out and jumped in the back of the car with his pants at his ankles. I rolled my eyes, pulling them off completely and throwing the fresh pair at his head.
"Don't look at me!" He said after turning around and cupping his hand over his area.
"Rayne," I growled, "I've seen it, I've sucked it, I've tasted it, I've felt it, so stop being shy around me."
His cute ears went red, which was extremely adorable.
I climbed inside the car and closed the door behind me. He covered half of his face in embarrassment, but I pulled them apart and kissed his soft wet lips. I carefully removed his briefs and he didn't fight.
Let me tell you, the view was great, more than fantastic, it was mouth watering.
He quickly snatched the pants from my hands and pulled his legs up, giving me another amazing view. I wanted to grab his balls but by the time the idea went through my head, he was pulling his pants up.
But I quickly grabbed his shaft before he completely zipped himself up.
"Really?" He frowned, getting comfortable on my seat.
I shrugged. "I wanted to touch it, don't argue with me."
He sniffed, wrapping his arm around me in an embrace. I kissed his forehead and dried it with a towel. He looked so freaking hot while wet, so hot that I might even get him wet again just for the heck of it.
"You better not get sick," I warned, "cause then I'll get sick too."
"If I do then don't kiss me or touch me."
"That's why I said not to get sick. Because I'm still going to kiss you, I'm still going to touch you, no matter what."
"You're so sweet, what happened?"
I frowned. "I already told you that I won't be a jerk again. But I'll be a jerk to everyone else."
"Don't worry, I'll be mean in bed," I smirked.
"It's very hot when you're a jerk."
We made out passionately for an hour straight, our bulges were on fire by the time I decided that it was time to go. I would have loved to do some naughty things but I get so tired and cranky after I release, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
After we arrived at the restaurant, I made sure that I still had the bracelets in my pocket. They were still there, waiting to be wrapped around his wrist. I just wanted to make him wear it already, so that I could mark him as mine.
Just like how I was his, forever.
I opened his door like a gentlemen and helped him out of my car. He looked really cute in my clothes, he looked cute in anything he wore, as long as it wasn't like a skirt.
"This looks like an expensive restaurant," He muttered as I guided him up the path into the entrance.
We entered the restaurant and Rayne's eyes went wide as he looked up at the magnificent artwork on the ceiling, which was very detailed, angels inside a forest.
"Hello gentlemen, do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked as we stepped further in.
"Yes, under Jesse Jackson," I said, approaching her.
She smiled, dropping her gaze at the screen in front of her as she searched for my name.
"Aha! Found you, Mr. Jackson. Table for two?"
"Alright then, follow me," She removed two menus from her podium and we followed her through the restaurant.
She seated us next to a window, which was perfect, then placed the menus in front of us.
"Can I get you anything to drink?" She asked, taking out a small notebook.
"Do you have wine?" I asked.
"Wine?" Rayne repeated.
"Do you have an I.D?" She asked. I already had it in my hand so I showed it to her and she nodded. "What kind?"
I huffed. "I know nothing about wine. Just give me one that tastes good and isn't too expensive."
"Wine?" Rayne repeated, again.
"Shut up, babe. Let me drink if I wanna."
"And you?" She pointed at Rayne with her pen.
"Um, coke."
"Coke is for losers," I muttered under my breath.
He frowned at me after the waitress walked away.
"Why did you order wine? I don't want you to be an alcoholic and die on me, I want your livers to be good and healthy, not rotten from alcohol," He scolded.
I ignored him. I don't even drink that much, only on special occasions, like this one.
He brought up his menu and stared at it. Instead of doing the same, I grabbed his hand and stared at his long, pale, delicious looking fingers. Would it be wrong if I sucked on them? Like right now?
"Don't," He said quickly when I opened my mouth.
I grunted, pulling up my menu and staring at it. Holy damn, the lobster is expensive. But who would pay that much for a sea roach? That's so disgusting. Makes my skin crawl.
"Do you think mermaids are real?" I asked him, now that I was thinking about Little Mermaid's Sebastian. Was he a lobster or a crab? Hm.
Rayne dropped his menu and frowned at me. "I don't know. Maybe?"
"I heard that if mermaids are real, they are fat and gross looking because of how much time they spend in the water."
"That's wonderful, Jesse. Are you going to order a mermaid? Perhaps fried?"
My mouth opened. "Do you think they have that?"
"You're so cute, I love you," He pouted his lower lip, which he then bit.
"I love you too, gorgeous," I winked.
"There's too much food, I don't know what to pick," He whined, dropping his forehead on the table.
"Order what ever you want, it's all on me."
"I can pay too," He insisted.
"Why not?"
"I asked you out, so I pay."
He sighed. "Okay. But I'm paying next time."
"What ever you want."
I glared intensively at the menu as I scanned the many options, Rayne was right, there was a lot of food. I wished I could order a lot of food and just eat it right out of his body. I wouldn't mind that at all, I'd endorse it to anyone who has a partner.
"I guess I'll go with the salad or something."
"No!" I groaned at him.
"What? Why not?"
"Don't you know that salad makes your substance taste really gross?"
His eyebrows creased in confusion. "What do you mean? You're not going to—"
"Oh yes," I nodded my head, brows wiggling. "Phil is at his friends house, so I have the room all to myself."
"Oh, now you're all confident? You sure you aren't scared?" He mocked.
"Stop it, Rayne."
He sighed. "Sorry, I guess I'll order something else? It's not like you're going to be tasting my meal," He rolled his eyes.
"I love you," I smiled, despite my fear. After I first sucked him, the taste and feel of it stuck in my mind so now I'm craving it, at least that's a good sign. I'm only fearing that he wouldn't want me. Rejection hurts.
"I love you too, so much."
"Good," I grabbed his hand and kissed it. "I have something for you."
His eyes widened with concern. "You're not going to ask me to marry you, right?" He took his hand back.
I chuckled. "No."
I reached inside my pockets and took out both of the bracelets but kept them on my lap. I stared at both of our names and how beautiful they looked. They were perfect.
"Stop it," He whined, "you're scaring me. What is it?"
He was utterly adorable when paranoid, it just made me want to tease him more.
"Close your eyes," I demanded, "and put your hand out."
He glared at me. "Fine," He muttered, closing his eyes and lifting his hand. I quickly wrapped the bracelet around his wrist and locked it tightly. I double checked that it was the correct one, then fixed it so that it looked perfect on his wrist.
"Okay, open," I told him after I wrapped my own on my wrist.
He opened his eyes and looked down on his wrist. "Jesse!" He gasped, eyes widening in shock. "Oh my gosh. This is so beautiful!" He squealed.
I brought up my hand and showed him my own. "I know it would make more sense to wear our own name, but I thought it would be better this way."
"No, it's perfect. I love it. I love you."
"Good, because you're mine and I'm yours."
"Aw, you're so amazing," He laughed, pulling me in for a kiss.
"That's so cute," Someone interrupted us. I looked up at our waitress who was staring at us with a pout. "I wish I had a boyfriend."
"You'll find one," He assured her. "You're a beautiful girl, you won't have to look far."
She groaned, stomping her foot. "Why are the best guys gay? That sucks for us girls."
"Because we're not afraid to love."
"Preach it girl. All the guys over here are too cool to show feelings. Idiots," She huffed. "So anyway, are you both ready to order?"
I ordered a burger, because that's basically the only thing I eat. And Rayne ordered some fancy chicken pasta. Was it Alfredo? I don't know, I don't speak French, or Spanish, or German, or what ever it was.
Rayne kept admiring the bracelet, seemed like I gave him a new boyfriend, the bracelet.But I'm happy that he liked it. I would have punched myself if he didn't.
While he admired the bracelet, I admired his face, because every time I looked at it, I felt like my world was falling apart. He filled the void inside me, and that could be taken in so many ways that it wasn't even funny.
We talked about ourselves, especially our childhood. The way he described Ireland made me want to vomit. I am so happy that I live in America. Nothing against Ireland, I love Ireland for providing me with such a God.
But damn Irish people.
"So she just threw my cat out the window of a ten story building. That was the last time I talked to her," He shrugged sadly.
"Wow. Who would have thought that ducks were so cruel. I'm so sorry," I said, sympathetically.
"It's fine. So tell me more about yourself."
"Well I was a brat when I was younger. I was the real deal. I'm so glad that my mom didn't ship me off to a boarding school or boot camp. I suffered enough as it was," Remembering my childhood wasn't the best thing but Rayne needed to know me better, he needed to know everything about me since we're together. "I remember I tried selling my mom's jewelry for like dollar bills. I didn't know they were expensive at all! I just though 'Hey look at that! Pretty crystals! I'm gonna sell them for a dollar and be rich!' I didn't actually think at age five."
"You call that being a brat?" He questioned me.
I frowned. "I'm just telling you about me. I'm not going to go detail after detail about the things I did wrong as a child. Let's just say I could have gone to jail."
His eyebrows rose. "Jail? Are you serious? What did you do?"
I shrugged. "All I remember was throwing really dangerous fits when I didn't get what I wanted."
He grinned. "Stubborn child."
"I prefer the term tenacious."
"Are you still tenacious then?"
"Maybe," I smirked, leaning forward to kiss him.
He kissed me once and pulled away. "Wow, you do get what you want."
"Yes I do."
I suddenly noticed something out of the corner of my eyes. Someone was staring at me. I felt the need to look but what if it was a dangerous situation? I've heard of people getting killed in restaurants for being different.
"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing that I was tensing.
"There's someone staring at me," I whispered.
"To my right, but don't look."
He looked anyway. What was the point in telling a person not to look when they're gonna look anyway? I should've told him to look, maybe then he wouldn't have looked.
"Oh my gosh. Jesse," His eyes scanned my face. "he looks just like you. And he's staring at you like you're some really delicious pie."
I decided to look, and holy virgin, he did look a little bit like me. He was shorter than me but his face structure was very similar to mine, we even had the same skin color. Our hair was styled differently, which was the only thing different about us, aside from eye colors.
A sudden smile crept his face and he waved at us. I looked around to make sure that wewere the ones getting waved at. Why was he waving at us? And was he staring at me because we looked alike?
Startled, I jumped back when I went to look at him again, and he was in front of me.
"Oh my chicken. I am so attractive," He scanned my face, touching his own, while pretending that I was his reflection or something. "We're triplets!"
"Triplets?" I repeated, confused.
"I already have a twin. Now I have another. Triplets! That's hot," He pulled up a chair and sat next to me, still staring.
Rayne grinned, he didn't look as bothered as I did.
"Can I help you?" I asked when he touched my face.
"You are so handsome."
"Thank you?" I said slowly and doubtfully. He was pretty much calling himself handsome, just because we looked a little bit alike.
He suddenly gasped at Rayne. "You're both gay? I like men too! Oh Jesus, we're getting it on tonight."
"If you don't mind," I gritted through my teeth, "we're on a date, so could you please?"
"I don't mind at all," He blinked, smiling at Rayne. "I'm on a date too. He's in the bathroom."
"Really? How long have you've been together?" Rayned asked, making me clench my jaw.
"A very long time," He answered proudly.
"I'm Rayne and this is Jesse," He introduced us.
"I'm Giovannie, nice to meet you," He shook Rayne's hand then tried to shake mine but I refused. "Jerk. How dare you leaving me hanging like my grandma's tits?"
"It's weird how you both look similar," Rayne said, interrupting my sudden urge to laugh.
"I know right? I was at my table, desperately updating my facebook status when I noticed him," He nodded at me. "It's intriguing, can I take a picture with you?" He asked me.
"Sure," I muttered.
"Yay!" He squealed loudly, taking out his phone and staring at it with one eye opened. He handed his phone to Rayne and crouched next to me. I didn't smile, but I'm sure I looked good either way.
"Giovannie..." Someone growled, which made Giovannie shriek like a little school girl.
He moved aside, revealing a very tall, angry looking blonde guy.
"Don't you dare start acussing me of grabbing random guy's numbers," He said defensively. Then he pointed at me. "Look! I was taking a picture because he looks like me! Isn't it cool?"
The blonde guy's eyes crept all over me, examining Giovannie and I but clearly not amused. That's because we don't look that alike. Giovannie is obviously too flamboyant to look like me.
"Hey, let's catch up, let's go to the bathroom and do our make up," Giovannie suggested at Rayne.
"Sure," Rayne smiled, getting up and following Giovannie.
"What the f*ck?" I called after them. "Where are you going?"
"We just said the bathroom, genius," Giovannie replied as they disappeared into the hall.
I sighed, rubbing my face and brushing a hand through my hair. I have never been more confused in my life, and I was straight.
I glared at the blonde dude, who was still staring at me.
"Yes? Do you need something?" I asked him.
"No, do you?"
I huffed silently, and sat back down on my table. The dude didn't move at all, until Rayne and Giovannie appeared again.
"Let's go, baby," Giovannie pulled his boyfriend away and quickly turned to me. "Nice to meet you, Jesse."
I gave him a weak smile then turned to Rayne.
"What was that all about?" I hissed at Rayne.
"What?" He said innocently. "Never pass an opportunity of meeting someone that looks just like your boyfriend."
"We don't even look that identical!" I snapped, getting irritated.
"Calm down, baby," He said soothingly.
I calmed down when he passed his hand over mine and gripped it tightly. His touch was like an angel's touch.
"Sorry," I apologized. "I just don't want anything to ruin our date."
"Nothing will ruin our date," He affirmed.
Just then, the waitress appeared with our food.
"Hello, boys," She greeted with a gracious smile, placing the food in front of us. "Do you need anything else?"
"No thanks."
She nodded and walked away. I stared at my food like a crazed psycho killer that wanted to eat. I shoved fries in my mouth and scarfed them down like a freaking monster.
Rayne laughed. "You're cute when you eat."
"Apparently, we're cute when we do everything," I mumbled with food in my mouth. "Now I see why your cousin thinks we're getting annoying."
"She's just jealous."
"Speaking of your cousin," I paused, swallowing the food in my mouth, "when is the commercial airing?"
"Are you excited?"
He shrugged. "Not really, I mean, it's cool and all but I don't really care."
We talked more about ourselves, I learned a lot more about him and his ambitions. He was really smart, smarter than I realized, which only made me seem more stupid. He was honestly a very good person, which again only made me look like the idiot. But that's okay, he can be the smart one in our relationship.
I even talked about my sister, I told him all I remembered about her and more. It's sad to say that he was no match for her, she was greater than anything, she was like a real angel. They're both angels, but my sister was more passionate about her good deeds.
"So," He shifted uncomfortably, we've kind of been sitting for a while, "how long do you expect us to be together?"
I sighed deeply, staring at him warily. "I don't want there to be a time limit, or an expiration date, I want to be with you as long as you want to be with me."
"So forever?" He smiled shyly.
I nodded. "Yes, forever."
"What about kids? Did you want kids?"
"Maybe someday."
"And you're okay with adopting?"
I snorted. "Rayne, it's not like I can get you pregnant."
"Why is it me that has to be pregnant? Why can't you be pregnant?"
I shook my head, laughing. "Because I'm obviously the man in this relationship."
"I hate you."
I didn't take it to the heart because I knew he was only kidding...or was he?
"Don't make me bite you in public," I growled at him.
"Can we go? I'm really full and I feel pregnant. So I guess I'm pregnant after all."
"Sure, if you want."
After paying for our food and tipping the waitress, we headed home all tired and weak. I think I burped all the way, which irritated Rayne, but I didn't care, I just loved bothering him. He stayed quiet the whole ride, his head resting on my shoulder. I think the food made us sleepy.
"Rayne," I whispered, shaking him to wake up, "we're here."
"Huh? What? Leave me alone," He groaned.
"Come on, we're back home," I hated calling the dorms home, it wasn't a home, it was hell, maybe I will take Rayne's offer and move in with him.
He didn't move again, he was completely asleep. I felt bad about trying to wake him up so I decided to just carry him. I closed the door with my knee after I had him on me, he wasn't that heavy but also wasn't a feather.
The parking lot was pretty empty, everyone was out partying.
I decided to carry him to my room, there was no way that I was going to carry him all the way to his room. I took out my keys and quickly opened the door, my hands were aching and I feel like they're gonna give up on me and drop him on the floor.
I walked inside, heading over to my bed and gently laying him down. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, nothing should ever disturb such beauty. Only I. He rolled around on my bed, trying to find a comfortable spot.
Should I take his clothes off? Should I sleep with him? God, what do I do?
I'm kind of scared to sleep with him, but I'm going to do it anyway. It's time that we got real.
I crawled over my bed, kicking off my shoes and throwing my shirt off and resting next to him. He immediately felt me and hugged my body closer to him. And then I just fell asleep, feeling like I was on a cloud in heaven.
[Author's Message...]
Gosh. This chapter took so long, I tried writing it differently like five times and it STILL didn't come out as I wanted. But what ever. I'm not gonna take a month on one chapter lol. If you didn't like it then shove it up your hole.
I tried my best, I'm not the best fking writer but at least I try. So <3
I have an important question for you all...when it's time for Jesse and Rayne to do you know what ... what POV do you want it to be in? Rayne's or Jesse's? Like in what POV do you want it to be in when it happens. O.O
K go! Love me! Comment and vote! And WAAAHH! And yes that was Giovannie and Hunter. I didn't want them to have a big part in the chapter so I just shoved them in for a minute or two then bye bye lmao. Ugh. Chapter was a mess...*cries*
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