Chapter Twenty-Seven

               (One week later, Friday afternoon)

               "I'm going to freaking spank the shit out of you, Benjamin Ray Byrne!" I growled at him.

               "You really want to do that, don't you?" He frowned as he jumped around in my room.

               "Stop jumping on the beds!" I ordered, but he wouldn't listen.

               He flashed his middle finger at me, and I blinked. Hyper Rayne is worst than the apocalypse. He jumped around from my bed to Phil's bed ever since he woke up singing to Justin Bieber. He totally fits the gay role.

               "Make me!"

               "Don't tempt me!"

               He launched himself towards my bed but I caught him easily and spun him around to kiss his sweet lips. He giggled into my mouth as my hands explored his sensitive areas, and I tickled him.

               "No! Jesse, stop!" He laughed, getting weak into my arms.

               "I told you not to tempt me!" 

               "I'm sorry! Please stop!" He begged.

               That only made me tickle him more, until his face became a cute red. I let go of him and he dropped on the floor like a sack of potatoes, as if he didn't have any bones in him. His laughter subsided after a few seconds and then he got up and jumped on my bed again.

               Frowning, I grabbed his hand and pulled him on my lap, where I spanked his ass for being a disobedient boyfriend. He struggled, but I was obviously the stronger one, so there was no use in trying.

               "Ow! I'm going to report you for abusing me!"

               I slapped his ass harder.

               "Shut up, you like it!"

               "I do! Harder!" He screamed. "Oh yeah, baby! Harder!"

               My eyes bulged, he just turned the tables against me didn't he? I stopped smacking him, before someone walks in wondering what the hell we're doing. I don't really want to explain that I was not making gay love to Rayne, in a very disturbing way.

               He dropped on the floor, again, and breathed heavily.

               "You know," I began, "you're really hard to control when you're hyper."

               He grinned. "Is it? I thought you were handling it quite well."

               My cheeks flustered at the thought of me spanking him without any clothes on. I'm such a pervert. But that's normal, right? To imagine yourself spanking your loved one.

               I watched his stomach rise as he breathed heavily. It made me smile to see him breathing, to know that he was alive. Something so wonderful and loving, alive.

               "Want to go outside?" I asked.

               "And do what?"

               I shrugged. "Do you know how to play basketball?"

               He frowned. "What's so hard about throwing a ball into a basket?"

               "Fair enough," I muttered, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

               "You're really tall though," he complained, looking up at me as if I were a giant, "so that's not fair. How am I supposed to compete with you? It's not like I can jump or do sports anyway."

               I shut him up by pressing my lips against his, parting them and dipping my tongue inside his mouth. I could taste the sweetness of what ever had made him hyper. Tasted like candy. He's my candy bar. Hm, that could be taken wrong in so many ways.

               After I grabbed my basket ball, we headed down the hall side by side and walked out the building. It wasn't so hot outside, it was actually perfect. The basketball court was right behind the dorm building so it took us only a minute to reach it.

               And luckily, it was empty. So no idiots who glare at two homosexuals playing a very sexual game of basketball.

               I bounced the ball on the court as we walked closer to the basket, Rayne looked around with his hand on his hip, which even though looked gay as hell, was so hot that it left my mouth watering.

               "Hm," he hummed. 


               "I hope I don't break a nail, or my face," he said, sarcastically.

               I rolled my eyes. "I'll go easy on you, and I would only hurt you if it causes you pleasure," I grinned.

               He glared at me, taking the ball from my hands and walking back. He bounced it side to side, which impressed me, I didn't realize he could bounce it. Smirk. 

               "Do we start now or what?" He asked.

               "Yes, love."

               He ran towards me, bouncing the ball next to him and I quickly dashed forward and took it from his hand. He pouted at me but I shook my head, I won't pity on him just because he can't handle balls.

               Jesus, I'm going to hell.

               "So did you know that I might have another modeling job? People started calling Cassy after they saw my pictures on the product's website," I didn't know if he was trying to distract me but he was doing a damn good job.

               He took the ball from my hand and threw it right inside the basket. I frowned.

               "Do you think you'll become a permanent model? Like maybe you'll go into an agency."

               He grimaced. "I don't know. That could ruin me. They would want me to travel around and then I won't get to see you or even study school. So probably not."

               "Not to mention that they would want to control your body. But it's better for guys, they don't have to be as thin as a toothpick like girls do," he added.

               I dodged around him as he tried to steal the ball and I shot it right in.

               "Do what ever makes you happy," I pointed at him.

               He pouted, taking the ball from my hand. "You make me happy. So I choose you."

               "Am I a Pokemon?"

               "Yes, you're my delicious Pokemon."

               My face scorched. "You haven't even tasted me."

               He quirked an eyebrow. "I'm not talking about downstairs. You're such a pervert."

               "Yes I am!" I said loudly, walking towards him to plant my lips against his.

               The ball was like a barrier between our chests that protected our faces from each other, if it weren't there then I'd probably be eating his face like a cannibal. I still managed to pull his lips with my teeth and earn a couple of quiet moans from him.

               "You moan a lot," I pointed out.

               He laughed. "Because you make me feel good, and I can't control it when you give me pleasure."

               "Hey fags."

               My smile faded faster than Paris Hilton at a Victoria's secret sale. I turned around, ready to punch who ever said it but it was only Priscella. She walked towards us, wearing the shortest shorts I've ever seen in my life.

               "Don't call us that," I demanded.

               She shrugged. "I only said it out of love. Because I love you both to death."

               I knew where this was going. "What do you want?"

               She placed her hand on her heart, rather sarcastically. "Why do you always assume I want something?"

               "Drop it. I'm not buying it."

               She snickered. "You so get me...give me your car."


               "Can you at least drive me somewhere?"

               "Can't you find someone else? I just got here with Rayne and I want to spend time with him."

               She grabbed the ball from my hand and threw it right at my face. The force made me stumble back but I didn't fall.

               "Why did you do that?!" I yelled.

               Rayne quickly comforted me, toning down rage that wanted to burst out of me.

               She gave me a blank stare. "Because I wanted to. Now drive me."

               "What the hell? You just hit me with a basketball and now you expect me to drive you around? I'm not your chauffeur."

               She whined. "Please, Jesse. It's Friday and you know what that means," she jumped like a child, her watermelons jiggling in my face.

               "Sleepover?" Rayne guessed. He seemed enthusiastic about it, which was bad luck for me.

               "Yes! Are you coming?" She asked him.

               He batted his eyelashes, smiling at her. "We are definitely going," he pulled me closer.

               I groaned. "I rather play sports than to be in a room full of desperate girls trying to kiss me again."

               "Aw," Rayne cooed. "Don't worry, only I can do that."

               I sighed, turning to Priscella. "Fine, but you better hurry up. The keys are in my room."

               She suddenly fetched inside her bra and took out the keys. "Thanks, Jesse. I'll be back in thirty minutes."

               "Wow, thanks a lot for keeping them in there."

               She shrugged. "It was better than my first choice."

               My jaw dropped. "Please don't tell me..."

               "Bye!" She waved and ran away.

               "I don't even want to know," Rayne muttered.

               "Are you seriously going to make me come to the sleepover?"

               "Don't you want to have some fun before we go to your mom's house tomorrow?"

               I scoffed. "You're kidding right? I hate Priscella's sleepovers."

               He grabbed the basketball from the ground and bounced it. "But there will be girls. Don't you like girls?"

               I cringed my eyebrows. "Rayne, what the hell? No I don't. I only like you."

               "I was kidding," he laughed.

               I grunted. "Now my mood is ruined by Priscella. How did I ever like her?"

               "You liked her?"

               "Well she's pretty, who doesn't like her? But now I realize how annoying she is."

               He laughed. "Well that's good for me, I guess."

               I scowled. "You have nothing to worry about."

               I took the ball from his hand, he tried taking it back but failed miserably since I was too tall for him. My little bunny tried to reach up for the ball but still couldn't, so he did the most devious thing he could think of.

               He grabbed my crotch - which made me bend down in recoil - and stole the ball from my hands. The little devil.

               "That was mean," I groaned.

               He huffed. "And you being tall is mean too."

               We spent an hour just playing together, like two normal couples. He cheated the whole time though, grabbing my balls each time I grabbed the basketball. That was quite unfair, I'm weak when he touches me.

               By the time we finished playing, it was getting night and Priscella was screaming all over the dorm building, trying to get the room ready for the sleepover. This time it was different, instead of wearing stupid pajamas, we just needed to wear normal clothes.

               "Can I borrow this?" I asked Rayne, showing him one of his shirts that I fished out of his closet.

               He turned around and stared at the shirt. "I guess," he muttered.

               I ran to his full size mirror on the wall and held the shirt in front of me. It was a really nice shirt. I threw the shirt on and stared at myself again, it fit perfectly. "I guess there's something positive about being gay; you get to share your boyfriend's clothes," I smirked.

               Rayne just stared at me, sitting on the edge of his bed.

                "Are you ready now? I really think you take longer than girls to get ready," he whined.

               "Don't make me slap you."

               He chuckled. "Go ahead."

               "We shouldn't even be doing anything right now," I sighed. "I'm going to be waking you up very early you know? It's a long drive and we have to get there before lunch."

               "It doesn't matter what I do," he shrugged, "you're the only one who can drive so I can stay up all night if I want to."

               Frowning, I walked over to him and slapped him in the face, gently of course.

               "You twat, what was that for? Why is everyone so abusive in America?"

               I blinked. "I'm not familiar with that term but okay...I slapped you because it's normal to slap your partner."


               "We can go now if you want," I told him.

               "Hallelujah," he shouted, raising his hands.

               I grinned, taking his hand and pulling him out of his room. We walked down the hall until we reached the main room, it was filled with girls just dancing around to dubstep. I didn't even know girls knew that dubstep existed.

               "I knew you weren't going to let me down!" Priscella appeared through the crowd. "You delicious looking bastards, come dance!"

               I turned to Rayne. "Do I look delicious?"

               He smirked widely. "You always do."

               It was kind of amusing watching all the petite girls dancing to the bad ass music of Skrillex, it made them look all powerful and hot. More girls need to listen to this type of music if they want guys.

               Just saying...

               I watched as Priscella walked back into the crowd, nodding her head wildly to the music. My skin crawled when the bass hit and everyone jumped at the same time. Holy females.

               "They look bad ass," I grinned at Rayne.

               "Looks like we're the only guys in here," he said loudly.

               Of course we were, they never invite guys unless they're gay. I'm not gay but what ever. And I'm also the most good looking guy in California, so I was an exception.

               "Hey guys!" Phil appeared through the crowd, holding a beer.

               "Never mind," Rayne muttered, walking away to join Priscella.

               "Hey man, what are you doing here?" I asked Phil as he joined me by the wall.

               "I couldn't pass this out. It's way better than the stupid sleepovers they do."

               "It is," I agreed.

               "Seems like I haven't seen you in ages. You spend so much time with Rayne, I feel like you're leaving me."

               I rolled my eyes. "No one can replace you, you're my best friend since childhood."

               "Good, cause I don't want to turn gay just so I can get you back."

               I stared at him disbelievingly. "Are you trying to come out to me?"

               He huffed. "I'm ninety percent straight."

               I raised a brow. "What's the other ten percent then?"

               He shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. "Let's just say our minds are very curious."

               Shuddering, I scooted a few feet away from him.

               I did not want to know the things that went through Phil's mind about the same gender. Because I knew that there was some part in his brain that thought about me...I'm too hot not to be thought about.

               Priscella was rubbing herself all over Rayne and it didn't bother me, mostly because he grimaced through it all, until he pushed her and ran away. She chased him and they both disappeared through the crowd.

               Then I saw her, the blonde witch and the red haired demon. Zoey and Lisa, together. They both stood on the other side of the room and they were looking directly at me. Holy shit, holy shit.

               I ran for my life, like a freaking flamingo walking on hot lava.

               I didn't know where I was headed, I just ran for my life.

               The halls were empty, which only frightened me more. I looked back and shrieked like a woman giving birth on a hot stove when I saw them both walking towards me. Why are they coming after me? What did I do? Okay so Priscella broke Zoey's nose but that wasn't my fault! I wasn't even involved in it!

               They involved themselves.

               I ran down the hall and turned left to hide in a closet. It didn't have a lock so I grabbed the knob and pulled it just in case they found me and wanted to get in. I'm stronger so they wouldn't be able to enter.

               Do they want to kill me? Or do bad things to me downstairs? Only Rayne can do bad things to me downstairs!

               "Hello, Jesse," two voices echoed behind me. 

               I didn't hesitate, I crashed right through the door screaming at the top of my lungs. How the heck did they get in there? I swear I didn't see them go in there when I did. They were behind me! How was that possible?!

               "Jesse!" Rayne's voice echoed behind me. Wait, was it Rayne who I heard? I turned around and there he was, standing with a smile on his face. That little jerk.

               "That was you in the closet? What the heck, Rayne. You almost gave me a heart attack and now I have to pay for the door, which I didn't even know I had the strength to break," I looked around. "Cheep ass building."

               I looked back at Rayne and he was still smiling at me. Okay, what the hell?

               Suddenly, Zoey and Lisa joined him.

               "Hello, Jesse," they said together.

               "Okay... I'm confused. What's going on?" I asked.

               Zoey and Lisa took a step forward and something flashed between their hands, a knife. Oh come on. You're kidding me right? It isn't Halloween! This better not be a prank, or I  swear to God that I will give Rayne the silent treatment.

               They were suddenly gone, all I did was blink and they perished like smoke in the air. My eyes trailed down the hall, there was no sight of them. Just an empty hall.

               "Rayne?" I called out. "Baby, you're scaring me. Please stop."

               "Jesse," my name echoed again, but this time it was from an unrecognizable voice.

               "Who are you? What do you want?"

               "It's me, silly."

               I turned around, my jaw dropping. "Is that really you?" I asked as I stared at my sister.

               "Of course it's me. Who else?" She smiled.


               She didn't respond, she just smiled at me.

               As I stared at her deeper, I noticed that there was a pinch of blackness in her eyes, this wasn't her...

               "What's going on?" I asked.

               Her eyes turned black, which made me jump back. This was a nightmare. I started to run but I fell right through the floor and everything became dark. I fell on solid ground, but I coudn't see.

               Okay seriously? How much did I drink? I don't even remember drinking, I thought.

               A loud screeching noise sounded over me, which made me cringe down to the floor and curl up into a ball.

               "Stop this, stop this, stop this," I chanted.

               A small light appeared over me and it was enough to let me know where I was, it was nothing. I laid on the floor of pure darkness. It looked like an ordinary room but painted black with no openings.

              Suddenly, something started pouring down the walls. It filled the floor until it began to rise slowly. Crap. What is this shit?

               Please, don't tell me it's blood.

               My stomach twist with nerves as the blood glistened on my hands. Damn dreams. They gotta stop before I go mad.

               "Wake up!" I slapped myself but I didn't feel it. God dammit.

               "Jesse," more voices echoed.

               "Look, if you're going to kill me or do creepy shit to me, can you hurry up and do it already? I really don't care...just it over with," I growled.

               Maybe that wasn't such a good idea. I don't want to be scared to the point of death. I've heard of people who have died in their dreams, then in real life. Well I guess no one really knows if that happened since you can't see people's dreams. But what ever.

               Someone with black hair covering her face appeared from the blood.

               I placed my hands on my hips. "Very original. It's been done a million times, you copy cat."

               Who ever this was, she raised her hands and walked over to me.

               I frowned. "Really? Would it kill you to just run over to me? It's not like I'm going anywhere."

               She suddenly shoved her hand right through my chest, and I felt it. I choked on the blood rushing through my throat as I dropped on my knees. The pain was brutal, my poor heart. She then pulled back her hand with my heart beating on her hands.

               "That's disgusting," I groaned as I fell on the floor.

               I was jolted awake by two pair of hands, I screamed as the eyes of a devil pierced through me and tried to struggle away.

               "Jesse, it's just me," Rayne giggled.

               I looked around, we were in my room. "Shit. What time is it?"

               "Don't worry, it's still early," he smiled. "I knew you weren't going to wake up so I set up my own alarm."

               "What happened last night?" I groaned as I got up.

               He chuckled. "You saw Zoey and Lisa so you tried to run away but blacked out after hitting your head against the wall."

               "Oh...well that's embarrassing," I muttered.

               "Why were you screaming?" He asked, changing the subject.

               "Just a nightmare that I keep having."

               His eyes suddenly lit up. "A reoccurring dream? Tell me about it! I'm studying about them in one of my classes," he got himself all comfortable next to me and gazed up at me.

               I bit my lip. "Well ... they're kind of disturbing. They all start out very weird and end up with my sister bleeding from her eyes."

               He rubbed his chin. "Interesting. Tell me more."

               I eyed him. "I'm not your experiment, Rayne."

               "I know you aren't. I just want to help you and learn more about this reoccurring dream."

               "Well I think I keep experiencing her death or something. Only this time you, Zoey and Lisa were there. I guess because you were the last things to go through my mind before I blacked out."

               His hand slid on top of mine, making me all warm and tingly inside. "What happened in these dreams?"

               I shrugged. "It's different. But my sister keeps dying over and over. This time I was stuck inside a black room and blood started to pour down the walls. I thought I was gonna drown again. And then she appeared, well I'm pretty certain it was her, then she shoved her hand through my chest and ripped out my heart."

               He grimaced. "Ouch. You're right, that does sound disturbing."

               I frowned, letting go of his hand and standing up.

               "No! I'm sorry."

               I raised a brow at him. "Sorry for what? I have to get dressed."

               He blushed. "Oh, never mind."

               "Anyway...I think I'm going mad."

               "You aren't," he sounded determined, "you're stressed and I think you're blaming yourself for your sister's death. You can't blame yourself for it, Jesse, it wasn't your fault and you know it. She loves you and will always love you."

               "Then tell the creepy grudge version of her to stop going in my dreams," I muttered.

               He laughed. "I'm serious, Jesse. I don't want you to have these dreams so you have to listen to me. Just clear your mind, because it wasn't your fault."

               I ignored him as I gathered my suitcase from the closet. I wasn't sure how many days we were going to stay at my mom's house, or if she's even going to let me in after I tell her I have a boyfriend, but I think a few days worth of clothes would do.

               "Did you pack?" I asked him.

               He pointed next to him, where a suitcase rested.

               He sighed deeply. "I hope your mom accepts you. She sounds like a really good person, even if I haven't met her yet. She raised you well."

               "No offense, but even your parents raised you good as well."

               He gave me a sad smile. "They're good people, they really are. It's just their beliefs that blind them from the truth."

               "Well they're morals are messed up. But they still raised a wonderful guy that I fell in love with."

               He giggled. "Oh stop before I slap you."

               My smile faded. "Are you high or something? You're acting strange."

               "I'm nervous, okay?!" He shouted quickly. "I am terrified that your mom is going to hate you because of me! So I'm gonna be nervous and you're going to freaking like every second of it, or I'm gonna make you!"


               "Don't um me! Don't um me!"

               I laughed. "Everything will be okay, Rayne. You'll see."


[Author's Message...]

   lol NEXT

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