Chapter Twenty-One
"Oops?" I repeated sharply. "What do you mean oops? You just violated me!"
"Oh, calm your panties. I did nothing wrong."
I frowned at him. "Why did you do it?"
He gave me a hand gesture to shut up while he wrote on his paper. I crossed my arms and stared at the teacher. I'm sorry teacher, I did not mean to mentally murder you in my head.
He pretty much asked me if I was gay and available. What a creative way to ask someone. Is this how everyone does it in America? I should probably stop judging America so much, It's not like Irish people are saints.
"Okay, you can ask me the questions now," He said after he finished writing.
"Why did you do it?" I repeated, glaring at him.
He gave me a sly smirk as he pushed his paper in a binder.
"I was curious and wanted to make sure," He responded, turning to me again.
"Make sure what?"
"Make sure you were gay before I asked you out."
If I had a drink, I would have sputtered it all over his face. Are you telling me that I haveanother guy wanting me? How many more are secretly wanting me? If I knew I'd get guys easier here then I would have moved out a long time ago. Am I that good looking?
So he's gay? He doesn't look like it. Well now that I examine at him, he has that look to his face. He looks like a football player, and I don't usually go for that. But he would make a great exception. He's cute.
He has the best smile I've ever seen. I liked the way the skin around his eyes wrinkled when he did.
But I have Jesse, so I can't accept his date when I already accepted Jesse's.
I was about to tell him I was sorry that I couldn't date him when the teacher called out to him.
"Dave, your counselor just called. She needs you in her office."
He nodded at her then brought his eyes to me. "Hey, I'll talk to you soon okay? We have most classes together so I'll see you later."
I was going to tell him again so he wouldn't get any assumptions and get hurt but he got off his seat really fast and was out the door before I could open my mouth.
Should I feel weird that he actually noticed we have classes together? I don't really take part in any social activities. As in, I'm a loner. So I don't really acknowledge anyone in my classes except Jesse cause he's Jesse.
Great, now I have to worry about having my last period with both of them. If Jesse finds out what he did, he might get super angry. And then Dave will wonder what's going on because I stated that I was single. Then that means Jesse will get angry at me for saying that I was single.
My head hurts. It's just going to explode right in my face one way or another.
Whatever, nothing is going to happen. I'll just tell Dave the truth, I'm going on a date with someone so I am not available.
Remember when I said that having no partner made you look like a loser? I take it back. After Dave left, the teacher became my partner and I ended up asking her the weirdest questions. I want to have no partner next time.
I liked her though, just not when she pretended to be one of my friends.
The rest of my classes felt dull and boring. Nothing exciting happened, all my teachers just gave me book work to do and a bit of homework. I noticed that people skipped classes a lot. What's the point in going to school if you're just going to skip anyway?
So I missed lunch today, only because I didn't finish my work on time and I had to stay behind until I did. Now I was walking back to my last period where I'll see Jesse and maybe Dave - Who I didn't see after he left first period, must have been an important meeting with his counselor.
Jesse didn't even text me at all. Did I scare him away with my stupid dirty innuendos?
I walked inside the classroom and neither of them were in there. Fudge.
"Hey, you're Rayne aren't you?" Some girl stepped in front of me as I tried to take my usual seat.
"Yeah," I answered.
"You better be careful," She warned.
"Careful about what?"
"Jesse is going around telling everyone he's straight, even though Priscella told me he was dating you."
"He's bi. He's just not interested in most guys."
"No," She said slowly, "He's been telling everyone today that he's one hundred percent straight. I heard from a friend that he's trying to get people to think it was just a joke or something."
A lump formed in my throat. I forced myself to swallow even though I could barely take a breath in. Is this why he's been ignoring me? Did he change his mind? I was a joke to him?
"Don't get upset, honey. Jesse is a player and you shouldn't trust him. I'm just trying to warn you so you won't get hurt," She gave me a sad smile then walked out of the classroom.
Are you kidding me? What the hell is going on? How can Jesse just lose his interest that quick? I thought we had something special, I freaking liked the guy! What if I don't want to let him go? I don't want anyone else...
I slowly walked to my seat and stared at the board.
So I was just a joke? Really?
No wonder he looked so uncomfortable while I did that to him. Or why he wouldn't want to sleep with me. Because he's one hundred percent straight. No guy who claims he's straight would ever do that. You're either straight or you're not. You can't change all of the sudden and I learned the hard way.
Sigh. I should've been smarter about this. I let my heart think before my brain, how could I be so stupid? Come on, Rayne. Just because a guy is cute doesn't mean you have to believe everything he says and hope he will be with you.
He's one heck of an actor to be able to kiss me like he did.
Just the thought of it made me sick, it made my eyes sting but I wasn't going to cry. I still kept to myself because I somehow knew I was going to get hurt. But I trusted him...
So now what am I supposed to do? What happens if he walks through that door and sits next to me? Is he going to keep pretending to like me or is he finally going to tell me the truth? And who would do this to a person? I'm a human being, this is no joke to me.
I grunted angrily and took out a pencil. If he dares to sit next to me, I'm going to stab him with this pencil. I will. I won't hold back. No one messes with me and gets away.
I glared at the board and just waited for someone to jump right next to me. I will thrust this pen right through his chest. Okay not really but yes I will stab him somewhere. Maybe his leg, or his crotch.
It was only a beautiful lie.
I stiffened when someone sat next to me, I was about to stab his face when I saw that it was Dave. Oh damn. Now what happens if Jesse enters the room and he sees Dave there? Oh right, nothing. Cause apparently I was just a f*cking joke to him.
"Whoa," He cringed, covering his face. "Don't stab me! I'm sorry!"
"Sorry," I croaked. Just as I pulled back my hand, thunder erupted and made all the lights flicker.
"I'm sorry!" He cringed again, then laughed. "Didn't know you could control lightning. Don't zap me, I'm truly sorry for violating you."
I gulped and sat back down. Now I was all paranoid. I honestly don't feel right talking to Dave, he seems like a cool person but it makes me sick to think that another person could replace what I felt for Jesse.
"So uh, what's with the pencil?" He asked.
"Nothing," I muttered.
"Alright, so I didn't get to really introduce myself this morning, I'm Dave," He lifted his hand.
"Rayne," I shook his hand.
"Thought it was Benjamin."
"Rayne is my nickname."
He nodded. "Cool nickname. More exciting than boring O'Dave."
I shrugged. "I think it's a great name."
We had to stay quiet when the teacher started the lesson. I really wonder where Jesse is. He didn't text me at all today like he normally does and now he's not in class? Did he change it?
Thinking about him is probably the last thing I should do. But I can't help it, dammit. I love him. I don't care if I barely know him, you can't control what you feel for someone and it can't just disappear like it never happened. You can pretend but that doesn't last for long.
Should I text him? No, I shouldn't...
Gosh, dating is hard, isn't it? You don't know what people actually want from you. Is it real love or do they just want to get in your pants? In this case I have no freaking idea. I really thought Jesse was good for me. I tried to help him but what do I get? A slap in the face.
"Hey," Dave whispered. "Want to hang out sometime?"
I opened my mouth but closed it again.
God, why do you do this to me? First you make me gay, then make me suffer. Yet you keep sending guys over to me like a pack of skittles. And I'm the freaking Raynebow.
"I can't date you," I gave him a sorry look.
"I don't mean as a date. I'm just trying to make some friends and you seem like a cool person. And the dating can happen later when I get to know you more," He winked.
I guess there's no harm in making friends. And a gay male friend would really be awesome. Doesn't everyone want one? Well unless you're gay cause then everyone assumes you're dating them - which is such a terrible stereotype.
He also looked like a player, so I won't be giving my heart out again unless I've known the person for like a year. Yeah, that seems good enough for me. I don't need to date to be happy.
My heart felt like it exploded when I felt my phone vibrate. My whole body felt like it was going into shock mode. I bit my lip as I brought up my phone and stared at the screen. Jesse.
I suddenly felt like throwing up. Should I read the message? I'm too scared to see what it is though. And a part of me wanted all of this to be a joke, just some girls who wanted Jesse so they had nothing better to do than to spread rumors like wildfires.
That's the only reason I hadn't given up yet.
I hovered my thumb over the read button. I sighed and clicked it quickly.
~ Hey baby, I'm sorry I haven't sent you any messages, my phone got taken away. Also I'm sorry that I'm not there with you, I have a meeting with my counselor. I miss you so much. And to your previous message, I want to beat you in every way. ;)
I huffed. I'm so confused right now. He's acting normal. And now that I think about it. All the hours we've spent together felt real to me, he felt real to me. He's been nothing but honest with me. He trusted me with the past about his sister. And why would he shove his tongue in my mouth if he didn't like it? He didn't even gag!
Grrr. Something is going on and I'm not liking it.
[Author's Message...]
*Sniff* Something smells like drama. O_O *Cries* I write terrible chapters when I have writers block. D: But I'm still trying to upload daily for you guys. :( I'm so sorry if you ever feel like a chapter was bad. I mean yeah I'm not the best writer but at least I'm good enough to write a story. But sometimes I have chapters where its like ... wtf lol.
Hopefully no one got a headache like I did. (That's probably cause I read it like 50 times)
So what do you think is going on? O: Poor Rayne. Poor Jesse. And stop hating on Dave, he's a good guy. He doesn't know about Jesse so hush.
Who ever can guess what the drama is then you'll get the next chapter dedicated to you(if I remember lol)
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