Chapter Twenty-Nine
(Jesse's Point Of View)
Rayne blinked. "We're what?"
I looked down, smirking. "Do you really want me to repeat myself?"
"Well when you say it like that it makes me feel like you're going to force me."
That wiped the smirk right out of my face. I didn't mean to make it seem like I was forcing him. I would never do something like that. My stupid humor never comes out right. I'm so stupid sometimes.
"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized, "I swear that I didn't mean it like that."
He chuckled. "I know. I'm just messing with you."
I frowned. "That's not nice, Rayne. I say stupid things and I don't know if it will hurt you or not."
"Now it's my turn to tell you to shut up and kiss me."
"Kiss yourself," I muttered.
"Oh come on," he groaned, "be happy, Jesse, your mom accepted you!"
"I know," I mumbled, getting up and taking the plates with me.
Rayne quickly got up from his seat and followed me to the kitchen. His hands slid around my waist and his head rested on my back as I washed the dishes. His embrace became tighter and tighter until I couldn't breathe right.
I dropped the dishes and turned around to look at him. "I'm very happy being with you."
I grinned. "No but."
He grabbed my chest and gently pushed me against the counter. "I want you so badly."
My eyes widened. "In what way?"
"Every way."
"What happened to the real Rayne?"
"You've poisoned him," he grinned.
"Want to go upstairs?" I asked him.
For some reason he looked offended. He stepped back and shook his head.
I rolled my eyes. "I don't mean to do ... things. I just mean to hang out, watch a movie or something. I think my mom is trying to process that I'm with you, that's why she's hiding in her room."
He waved his hands towards the stairs. "Let's go then."
I darted forward and grabbed him in my arms. He looked at me weird as I carried him towards the stairs. This will be like the day we get married, when I bring him home and we make sweet love. Except now I'm bringing him to my ten year old room to watch some T.V.
"I'm impressed that you can carry me," he whispered into my neck, which made my skin crawl from his hot breath.
"You're not that heavy and I'm not weak," I retorted.
"Well put me down," he ordered, "I can walk by myself."
"Fine," I muttered and dropped him down.
He quickly ran up the stairs and entered my bedroom. "So you're telling me that I'm supposed to stay here and watch T.V. for the next few days?"
"We'll do a lot more," I smirked.
He huffed. "Is it a routine of yours to take away someone's virginity in your baby room?"
I burped as I walked past him to search my desk. "Totally..."
"Will you stop burping in front of me? That's gross."
I sneered. "Sure thing."
"Hey, where are you going?" He said quickly, crawling to the edge of the bed to pull me back as I walked towards the door.
I gave him a weak smile but as soon as I looked at his eyes that smile became real. "I'm gonna check up on my mom, I'll be right back. My remote is somewhere on my desk, just look for it and find us a movie."
He dropped his hand and nodded. I walked out of the room and headed down the stairs. It scared me how my mom was this quiet. I never witnessed it and I didn't like it. Us talking will be the only cure for this silence that tormented me.
My mom's door was closed so I quietly knocked and waited. She opened the door a minute later and I stared into her eyes.
"What is it, honey?" She asked as she hugged herself for warmth. Her hair was soaking wet.
"I just thought we should talk," I murmured, walking inside her room.
She frowned. "Sure, come right in..."
"You aren't liking it, aren't you?"
"Honey, I don't think any mom is expecting for their son to be gay. Mom's don't scream in happiness when their sons or daughters come out. We begin to worry for your safety, and it's hard. I will always support you and love you, no matter what you do. But I am a mom and I will worry for my child."
I shook my head. "I understand, but you're not liking it."
"What do you mean by liking it?"
"You don't like me having a boyfriend."
She scoffed. "I could care less where you stick your junk. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
My mouth opened slightly. "And yet you get mad at me when I make a joke about my balls?"
"I'm your mom, do as I say."
I crossed my arms and avoided her eyes. "I'm not ten years old."
"You sure sleep like one," she mocked.
"Haha. You are so funny, I'm dying," I said sarcastically, walking around her room.
"Jesse, listen to me, there is nothing to talk about, okay? You are who you are and I will support you. I love you and Rayne both."
My mom, the nicest human in my world, next to Rayne. How could I have ever been so rude to anyone when I was surrounded by so many good people? I feel ashamed of myself, but hopefully I'm changing for the better.
"Thank you mom," I said quietly, "your complete support means the world to me."
She smiled, giving me a questionable stare. "Are you going to tell me how it happened? I'm quite curious."
Breathing, I recalled the first memories of meeting Rayne and quickly blushed. Any thought I had about him made me smile. "Well...Let's just say I wasn't so fond of him. I kind of forced myself to hate on him when I found out he was gay."
Mom gasped. "Jesse, that is not how I raised you."
I groaned. "I know, I know, but I was thinking about dad at the time. I don't really hate anyone, I just pretended to hate him and I wanted to make his life miserable," I gulped as she looked at me with her death eyes. "But it didn't last very long. I found myself falling for him, but I was oblivious. I was leading him on without knowing it. Then he got really wasted one night and blurted out his feelings, that's when I kind of realized what I was doing...and feeling."
"What happened then?"
"Then everything became really confusing for me. My thoughts were all over the place and so were my emotions. I didn't know which way was up or down, I just kept thinking about the past and how I didn't want to end up like dad."
I glared at her as she shook her head with disappointment.
"You're really stupid, you know that?" She said sharply.
I scoffed. "And you're—" I stopped when I saw the threatening look on her face. I got uncomfortable and cleared my throat, "—wonderful."
"Go," she pointed at the door.
Grunting, I dragged myself out of her room and she slammed the door shut. Well that went wonderful, looks like things will be pretty normal.
Time to go upstairs to my man. I don't think I will ever get used to saying my man or my boyfriend, not to mention I'm already planning on marry him...husband...that sounds intriguing.
I dashed up the stairs, skipping over steps and almost tripping. Rayne was laying on his chest while gazing up at the T.V. with a remote in his hands. Our eyes met once I stepped inside the room.
"How was it?" He asked, drawing his eyes back to the T.V.
I climbed on the bed and laid next to him, with absolutely no space between us. "It looks like nothing is going to change. My mom is still a hoe and I'm probably going to get grounded...even though I'm an adult."
He chuckled. "Grounded for what?"
I shrugged. "Something that I might do in the future. I'm a rebel."
"That I agree with," he muttered.
I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up at the T.V. He was surfing through the horror category and was reading the information on the movie Silent Hill.
"Have you seen that one?" I asked.
He shook his head. "Can I play it?"
I growled. "You don't have to ask me to play it. Just play it if you want to."
"Fine," he growled back. He pressed the play button and threw the remote aside. It fell off the bed and landed on the wooden floor with a loud thud.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head, I was utterly embarrassed right now and that never happens. One thud and she assumes we're doing the worst.
"Sorry," I murmured.
He laughed quietly, wrapping his arms around my neck. His lips came contact with my neck, making me quiver from his icy touch.
"I like your mom," I felt his lips part into a smile.
"Keep her, sell her, dispose of her body after you're done."
He stopped talking once the movie started and we both watched, laying on our chests and his arm wrapped across my neck. I was in the most uncomfortable position you could imagine. I shifted to the side, breaking the lock I had with Rayne and moved back to my bed and rested my back against the frame.
My windows were completely closed, so no light was coming through, which meant we were in complete darkness. I passed my hand through his leg, feeling his almost hairless skin. I actually didn't mind if he had hair or not, it was still hot.
It's still gross if it's another guy though. That's just ew.
"Come lay next to me," I pleaded.
He pushed himself up and let himself fall back next to me. I quickly wrapped our bodies in my covers and waited for him to get cozy. My room might be for a child but at least we have a damn good bed. That's all I want.
"Oh my goodness, that little girl is suicidal," he gasped at the T.V.
He's a talker...
I rested my head on my pillow and stared at him instead of the T.V. He was so gorgeous in the dark and in the light. So perfect in every way. I slid my hand over his chest and snuggled closer to him. He's so comfortable, it was like heaven made a human pillow for my personal use.
And I won't even mention the things I've done to pillows...
"That girl is just asking for trouble," he said.
I watched him like a stalker for a few minutes until he shrieked and covered his eyes. I cringed my eyebrows, fighting off a smile and looked at the T.V. to see what was so scary. Oh...yeah...that...OH MY GOD!
"What the heck is that?" I asked quietly.
"It looks like a zombie fetus that wasn't fully developed."
"Did it just scream 'Mommy'?" I squealed.
There is nothing scarier than a fetus zombie screaming 'Mommy'. You want a mommy so bad? Take mine! I'm giving her away to Rayne and he clearly doesn't want her, so you can take her and make her your zombie mommy you creepy little shit.
I bit into Rayne's delicious flesh, I was becoming my own zombie. Maybe I should start acting like a zombie too, since I find his skin quite good. Actually, the more I licked, the more I got turned on, so I stopped before I get elbowed in the face.
"Jesus! What the heck?!" He hissed at the T.V. "This movie needs an exorcist!"
We spent another few minutes just shrieking like little girls. To be fair, the movie was kind of creepy and I do not do creepy things. That sounded plain nasty.
He squirmed underneath my embrace as this girl got her skin ripped out of her body. That was pretty ... delicious to be honest. It kind of reminded me of oatmeal for some reason, or gum. Hm, there is so much wrong with me.
He giggled to himself. "I'm gonna pee myself," he was almost crying.
"Uh...don't pee...please..." I didn't know if he was serious or joking, that's one of the things I loved about him, he wasn't predictable.
He was about to speak but something in the movie made him quiet down and stare with big wide eyes. "Freak! HOLD ME!" He demanded. He groaned, bending forward as I grabbed him. "That wasn't holding...and you did it in the wrong place."
"I know..." I smirked.
His face was getting red. "Jerk."
"It off..." I added, like a boss.
"Feel my heart," he grabbed my hand and slammed it on his chest. I blinked at the loud sound it made, hopefully my mom didn't hear that or we're going to hell.
His heart was beating quite rapidly for a movie that wasn't that entirely scary. It was just creepy.
"Sissy," I muttered.
His jaw opened, but he never bothered to look at me. His eyes were glued to the screen, breath heavy and heart beating against my palm. I liked feeling his chest, his heart, his magical bead of wonders.
I smirked mischievously, rubbing his chest and building up heat. Someone was getting quite excited, judging from the hardness of his magical peperoni.
Suddenly, the front door of our house creaked opened, which meant one thing.
"Aw damn, not now..." I whined.
"What? What? What's wrong? I just said what three times, I mean four..."
"It's the Christian named Christian! My step brother..." I hissed menacingly.
His eyes widened. "Whoa, don't kill me come you didn't tell me you had a step brother?"
"Because I hate him and he is worse than hell. He's the only person I know that is completely against everything and hates everyone. I knew how to hate on gays because of him!" I growled, trying to keep my temper down because I've lost it once and he ended up in the hospital with a cracked skull. Yep. "I was pretty certain he wasn't going to stop by in the next few days, that's why I decided to take us this time...ugh! He's going to ruin everything..."
He smiled at me, rubbing my cheek. "How bad can he be? Besides, I may be quiet but those are the ones you should look out for. He won't be bothering us, I guarantee you."
[Author's Message...]
WHAT?! YAY?! I WROTE ANOTHER CHAPTER FASTER THAN A WEEK? LE GASP? IS THE WRITERS BLOCK GOING AWAY? IDK BUT IM HUNGRY DAM. D= So yeah... :3 hehehe I was thinking about doing their first time in the next chapter but it's still pretty early in their time and I'd be skipping a whole lot of important hours how many times can rayne shriek before he goes into a coma. Aw yeeeee...
So yeah, he has a step brother, which he hates and is the son of his mom's husband. Obviously lol. TIME FOR SOME HATE YO. HE'S GONNA BE HATING ON OUR MEN! GASP! WE CAN'T LET HIM DO THAT! SO YOU NEED TO COMMENT AND SHOW ALL THE LOVE YOU CAN POSSIBLY GIVE IN UNDER 2000 CHARACTERS LOL.
Go comment, and vote like crazy if you want me to upload faster. >:( Ohyeah... and if you haven't voted and commented on previous chapters, please do so <3 :c it helps the story. :)
Okay... GIOVANNIE STORM IS OUT! Oh and say hi to me once in a while <3 Let's get to know each other. ;D
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