Chapter Twenty-Eight
(Rayne's Point Of View)
"Please breathe," I begged.
"Don't tell me to breathe, I will breathe when I want to," he snapped.
"Calm down, Jesse, everything will be fine," I assured him.
He gripped the driving wheel tightly and gazed at the garage. "I keep telling myself that my mom will accept be but now that I'm here...I'm not so sure."
I touched his arm and he immediately looked at me. "You don't have to tell her anything, don't feel like you have to come out. Do it when you feel you are ready."
"I have never been so ready in my life. I want to be with you and I won't do it by pretending to be just friends."
I sighed deeply. "Jesse..."
"I want to bite you."
He snickered. "You can bite me all you want, baby."
I rolled my eyes. "I didn't mean it that way. You have mood swings and it just makes me want to bite you."
"And I said you can bite me all you want," he grinned.
I huffed. "You wish."
He smiled widely. "Are you ready?"
I nodded.
We unbuckled our seat belts and got out of the car. His mom's house was incredibly beautiful. It was big and white, like most houses on this planet.
Jesse hopped around while holding his crotch. "I have to pee! We'll get our stuff later, let's go!" He slammed his door shut and ran to the house.
I quickened my pace and followed him up the stone path to the front door. Jesse knocked furiously while he squirmed around.
"Mom! Open the door! I have to tinkle!" He pounded on the door.
The door was immediately unlocked and the door flew open. His beautiful mom stood there with a big smile on her face. It was stunning how beautiful she was, her hair was the same color as Jesse's and her hazel eyes were the same as Jesse's right eye.
"My baby is finally home!" She squealed and attacked him with a hug.
"Yeah, yeah, I came out of your vagina, we'll celebrate later," he pulled away from his mom and stormed inside the house.
I tried not to laugh as she looked at me with curious eyes.
"Hello there," she extended her hand and I shook it, "what's your name?"
"Rayne, nice to meet you ma'am."
"Come in darling," she stepped to the side and I squeezed through the door. "Do you go to school with Jesse?"
My eyes wandered, their walls were filled with family photos and there was one that had Jesse's sister. She was also so beautiful, just like her mom. Beauty must run in their blood.
"Yes, I do," I answered.
"How is he doing in school?" She whispered in my ear.
"I'm pushing him to do better," I whispered back.
She looked surprised. "That means a lot, Rayne. I like you already, thank you for doing that. Jesse needs to do well in school or I will beat his ass."
I cleared my throat. "You're welcome."
"I hope you don't mind but I must are a very gorgeous young man," she looked up and down at me and nodded her head. I felt violated.
I opened my mouth to respond but Jesse appeared. "Yeah, yeah, he's beautiful, can we eat now?"
His mom giggled. "Lunch will be ready soon boys."
"Where is Beamer?" He asked.
"He's in the backyard."
"I'm gonna show Rayne, okay mom?"
"Sure honey, go have fun and I'll call you when lunch is ready."
Jesse was about to grab my hand to pull me away but ended up tapping my hand.
"Come on," he said awkwardly, walking away and I followed.
The backyard was as impressive as the inside of the house. His mom's hard work showed very well. Rose bushes rested in front of the tall wooden fences and there was a hot tub in between two tall trees.
"You don't seem so excited to see your mom," I said.
Jesse was gazing at the sky and he looked like he didn't even hear me, which was why he didn't respond.
"Huh, what?" He looked around and found me behind him. "Oh sorry, what did you say?"
"I said that you don't seem so excited to see your mom."
He rolled his eyes. "That's because she calls me like everyday so it's not like she's ever gone."
"She seems really nice and she is very beautiful. I might go straight for her," I joked.
His mouth opened. "No...don't you dare say that to me."
I pursed my lips and smirked at him. "I was joking, but she's very beautiful and so is your sister."
"Thank you."
"So where is this Beamer?"
"Oh yeah!" He twirled around and whistled loudly. A dog appeared out of no where looking very happy and excited to see Jesse. He ran towards us and quickly circled around Jesse. "This is Beamer."
I crouched down and gave him the attention Jesse wasn't giving. My poor baby was too scared so I'll leave him alone to his thoughts. I rubbed the dogs head as it tried to lick my face but I wouldn't let him.
"Hey Beamer, you're such a cute doggy."
"How do you do it?" Jesse said suddenly.
I got up and stared at him. "What do you mean?"
"Be gay and happy. I don't see straight people coming out to their parents."
I chuckled. "Hey mom, I think I'm straight."
"I'm serious, Rayne. How?"
I shrugged, walking closer to him but not as close as I wanted to be. "I just live my life like a normal person. There isn't a guide to being gay. You just are."
"I hate this coming out shit. I'm going to force all of my straight friends to come out to their parents," he grumbled.
I laughed quietly. "Oh, Jesse. You're such a special person."
"In what way?" He glared.
"Which ever way you want it to be."
He smirked and pulled me by my shirt. He pressed his lips against mine but I quickly pulled away, shaking my head.
"Not until you tell your mom. You don't want to risk being caught."
He groaned. "But I need to kiss you so badly."
I looked down at Beamer who was begging attention. "Then kiss your dog."
He grimaced. "That's gross, Rayne. I rather kiss you and taste your sweet lips."
"They're only sweet because I eat candy."
He bit his lips. "You're my candy."
Him biting his lips was torture, there wasn't anything worse than him teasing me. I know that I do it a lot to him but when he does it to me it's like payback.
I whimpered like a baby. "Don't do that, Jesse. I want to kiss you so bad but I don't want your mom to find out that way."
"Want to see my room?" He asked, laughing. "You might have a good laugh since it hasn't changed since middle school"
My eyes widened. "I would love to see it."
He slid open the glass doors and we both walked inside again. His mom was hovering over the stove, stirring what smelled like spaghetti. Beamer and I followed Jesse through the house and up the stairs. The house got even more impressive. I feel like his mom has a lot of time on her hands.
"This is my room," he tapped the closed door in front of him, "and it hasn't changed since I was in the eight grade. I lost my virginity in here."
I frowned. "That's not something I want to know, Jesse."
"Dammit. I didn't mean to say that, I'm just trying to show off or something. I'm sorry."
"It's okay, so are you going to let me in or what?"
He smirked, which meant I should run. "We're upstairs and my mom is downstairs."
"Kiss me."
I started laughing uncontrollably.
He looked annoyed. "What? What's so damn funny?"
"Nothing," I quickly muttered and walked towards him but he pushed me back.
"I'm not kissing you now. You ruined my kissing mood."
I rolled my eyes. "Like I said before, you have some strange mood swings."
He pressed his hand against the door and pushed it open. I giggled at the sight of his room. It was all blue and his bed covers had rockets. This is a room for a five year old. I think I'm going to die.
"I knew you would laugh," he muttered, walking in.
I wiped away the tears from my eyes and followed him in. "I can't believe you slept here for your entire life, this is priceless."
"Oh shut up."
"Aw, did I upset you?" I cooed.
He shook his head, smirking, and pushed me down on his bed. I fell back with him hovering over me with eyes of a hunter, and I was the prey. I could see the desire in his eyes, it was true love. I didn't doubt anymore because I felt how real he was.
"I wish I could read your mind," he whispered. "You give me these looks that drive me crazy."
I snorted. "I look at you the same way I have since the day I met you."
"So you've liked me since the day you met me?"
I didn't answer, I just gave him that look that drove him crazy. It was hard not to kiss him or touch him, his mom could walk in any minute and I still didn't want to risk it. He would feel much better if he tells her himself. I didn't get to tell my parents and it haunts me, it kills me because the stress will always be there since I never came out. I just don't want that happening to him.
"Will you stop looking at me like that?" He demanded, smiling.
"No! This is me being fascinated by you."
"Why are you fascinated by me?"
I shrugged. "You're just a lot more different than I expected at the beginning. You're very ... awesome."
He laughed. "Awesome? Well thank you."
"I really do like your room," I pushed him back so that I could sit up and look at his room. It was very child friendly and that was okay with me. It was cute. He even had some action figures on his computer desk.
He sighed. "That's good, cause this is where you and I are going to be sleeping for the next few days."
I bit my lip so that I wouldn't say what I wanted to say. If his mom accepted him.
"Want to see what I looked like when I started high school?"
I clapped my hands together. "Hell yes. I want to see that now."
He grinned and quickly entered his closet. I watched him as he bent down and stared at his ass. Was that wrong of me to do? I couldn't help it though. He dug through his things and took out a large box and laid it next to me on the bed.
"This is my year book," he said as he flipped through the pages, "and here is me as a freshmen."
He handed me the book and I stared at the picture of him. I looked up. "Oh my gosh, you were so short."
He nodded. "Yep, and suddenly I became like a giant."
Someone had drawn a red heart around Jesse's photo and it had the initials J.R.
"Who is J.R.?" I asked.
"Jane Rodriguez, she was my first girlfriend during high school."
"What happened? If I may ask."
He shrugged, sitting down next to me. "We just didn't work out."
I chuckled. "She draws good hearts."
He looked at me, eyes scanning my face. He took back the year book and tossed it aside. The way he looked at me made me realize how crazy I drove him when I looked at him in a certain way. It was hell.
Smiling, he brought up his hand and brushed the hair out of my face. "I can never get over how beautiful your eyes are. So big and bright."
My face heated, he made me feel so shy sometimes. And what he just said made my tummy feel butterflies, like it always did when ever I was around him.
"And your face is so flawless and perfect," he continued, "I bet girls are jealous. It's so clean and beautiful."
I quickly grabbed his hand that laid on my face and sighed into it. His hand was warm and cold at the same time.
"Thank you," was all I could say.
"It's the truth and I will always remind you of how gorgeous you are."
"Well thanks," I muttered. He made me feel so special, but sometimes it just made me a little big headed. It was America's fault for thinking I'm so gorgeous and my accent is to die for. Back in Ireland, I was ugly, now I'm like a God.
He dropped his hand just in time, his mom appeared.
"Hey guys," she looked down on the open year book Jesse was holding and snickered. "Were you showing him your pictures?"
Jesse frowned. "What's so funny?"
She shook her head while fighting a smile. "Oh nothing. You were just funny looking in high school."
"Thanks mom. Thanks a lot. I appreciate it."
She rolled her eyes. "Lunch is ready, boys. Wash your hands and come down stairs."
She walked away and headed down the stairs. Jesse got up and entered his bathroom and turned on the lights.
"Your mom is amazing," I giggled.
"Shut up and come here," he ordered.
I got up and entered his bathroom, which was decorated the same way as his room, blue with rockets. I tried not to laugh but ended up laughing anyway. I washed my hands quickly and walked out as he flicked water at me.
"Are you ready?" I bit my lip nervously as I rested against the door frame.
He leaned closer to me and pressed his lips on mine but I pulled away again.
He groaned. "If you're going to pull me away each time I kiss you then heck yes I'm ready. I don't want you to push me away, I don't like it one bit."
He passed by me and I followed as he walked down the stairs. I felt so bad and guilty for making him feel this nervous. I could see the pain in his eyes and it tore my heart apart. I really hope everything goes well for everyone.
My breathing became heavy as I stepped in the dinning room and his mom was setting a giant pot in the middle of the table. Please God, give Jesse the happiness he deserves.
"So tell me about yourself, Rayne," his mom asked.
I gulped. "I'm from northern Ireland and I'm just a boring person."
Jesse scoffed. "Yeah right."
"What are you studying in school?" She asked.
"He's going to deal with crazy people," Jesse answered.
His mom looked at him confused as she placed down three plates. "What?"
"He's going to help people, mom. He's going to be a psychologist or something."
His mom smacked him with a rolled up newspaper. "Your name isn't Rayne. I'm asking him, not you. Go to the kitchen and grab the napkins from the counter," she turned to me, "please make yourself comfortable in any seat, Rayne."
I sat down on the empty chair in front of the windows and avoided his mom's eyes. I could feel them creeping up my skin. I think she wants me.
"Here you go," Jesse threw napkins at his mom and she smacked his shoulder as he passed by.
"What is up with you?" She wondered.
He sat across from me and looked straight into my eyes. "Nothing mom. I'm freaking hungry and you know what that does to me."
"I hope you're not allergic to spaghetti and meatballs, Rayne," his mom said.
"I'm not allergic to anything, not that I'm aware of."
"Good," she smiled. "This is Jesse's favorite dish."
She opened the pot and I gasped. "Those are the biggest meatballs I've ever seen."
"That's because you haven't seen mine," Jesse chuckled.
His mom scowled. "Jesse, don't be disgusting," she scolded.
"What?!" He snapped. "It was the perfect moment and you know it!"
I think this might be the most awkward moment of my entire life. The tension his mom gave me was so uncomfortable, like she knew something was about to happen. Mom instincts.
She served us all and we ate quietly, Jesse kept looking at me and his mom had her eyes on her plate. Yep, she knew that something was going on. I didn't know her but I was smart enough to recognize the atmosphere.
"So where is Bill?" Jesse asked, breaking the tension.
"He's working, you might not see him tonight."
"Bill is my step dad," Jesse told me. "And yes he knows everything, mom."
'That's fine, honey. Being honest with your friends is better."
"Mom, you're going to hate me," he muttered.
Crap. I forgot that if he comes out then I'm going to be right there, in the middle of the awkwardness.
"What? Why would I hate you? What did you do, Jesse," she said with her mom voice. "Did you get kicked out of your classes?"
He shook his head. "No, I think I'm doing better in school."
His mom looked at me immediately and smiled proudly. Maybe that will help a little bit, since I helped her son and now I mean so much to him. Who knows.
She looked back at him. "Then what is it? Are you doing drugs?"
"No mom," he sighed. "Nothing bad like that."
"If it isn't bad then why would you assume that I would hate you?"
"Will you love me no matter what?"
"Of course I would."
There was a long, dramatic pause. Maybe he will come out now, or maybe he won't. I just hope that he will do it because he wants to, not because he feels pressured to do so.
"What do you think of Rayne?" He asked her.
She looked at me and smiled again. "I think he's a handsome, quiet boy, why?"
He looked like he was about to pass out, and I didn't like it. I was ready to get out of my seat and help him lay down. Even the color of his skin disappeared, he looked like he just saw a ghost.
"I love him," he blurted out quickly.
His mom's eyebrows creased in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I love him," he repeated uncomfortably.
"Jesse, I don't understand."
"How can I get anymore clearer, mom? I love him like you love Bill. It's simple. He's..." He paused, taking a deep breath, "my boyfriend."
"And why do you think I would hate you?"
"Because" He muttered.
She sighed. "Jesse, you are not your dad. And you will never be. You are so much better."
"I told you," I muttered innocently.
He shot me a look.
"And don't you realize that most of my friends are gay? I'm not a homophobic person, honey. I will love you no matter what."
He brought up his hands and covered his face. He wasn't crying but he was hiding his emotions. He should be happy now, his mom accepted him! She seemed more than cool with the fact that he was in a relationship with another man.
"Thanks mom," he mumbled.
"Don't thank me, I should ground you for thinking I would hate you."
He rolled his eyes. "You can't ground me, I'm a grown man."
"Excuse me? You can be thirty years old and I would still ground your ass."
"What ever."
I loved his relationship with his mom, better than what I had with my mom.
"I wish I knew you were together at first," she pouted, "I would have made a better introduction, but welcome to the family, Rayne."
She got up from her seat and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you, it means a lot."
Jesse stayed quiet while we ate, and it scared me. Now I see why he wanted to read my mind, it drove me crazy that I didn't know what he was thinking. But why wasn't he acting all happy? I would!
His mom had excused herself a few minutes ago and disappeared, which left us together alone, in complete and utter silence.
I had finished eating a while ago and now I just watched him while he took his time eating.
"Okay, what's wrong, Jesse? You've been quiet and I'm starting to get worried."
He shoot his head, lips pursed. "Nothing."
I sighed. "You're a bad liar, you know that?"
He looked up, grinning. "I love you."
"I love you too, now tell me what's wrong before I beat your ass like your mom does," I demanded.
"I promise that nothing is wrong. Now that I know my mom accepts me, it opened up a whole new world so now I have to think a lot."
"Like what?"
He smirked widely. "We're going to get laid now."
[Author's Message...]
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