Chapter Twenty Burritos

               [Rayne's Point Of View]

               It was Monday morning and that meant a whole day of feeling like crap. I wasn't even able to finish my homework yesterday because of Jesse. He kept bothering me the whole time. I even tried to get him to do his own work but he insisted that we made out for hours.

               I was forced to kick him out of my room - I didn't want to but I had to. Unfortunately, that didn't last long since he stayed outside my room until I re-opened it to let him in. I swear, I've never met someone like him. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's mutual.

               He kind of reminds me of a puppy. He thinks of me as a bunny so I'll think of him as a cute baby puppy. Inside he's a vicious dog but on the outside he's as cute as a button. Remind me again why people think buttons are cute?

               I still couldn't get over the fact that I gave him a hand job. Like really? What was I thinking? Oh that's right, absolutely nothing. At least I did it by will not because he forced me. And I enjoyed every second of it. I didn't get to see it since all the action happened in his pants but one day I guess.

               So anyway, after I let him back in my room he forced me to listen to Avril Lavigne, he even tried to get me to sing but I didn't know any of her lyrics. I've listened to a few of them - she's great - but I didn't know any of the lyrics.

               At least he makes me smile, right? He makes me happy by just being his dorky self and that's all it matters to me. Who cares if he's confused? He wouldn't be doing any of those things if he didn't care about me. And that to me means the whole world. Finally someone who cares about me. Some one who wouldn't leave my side no matter what.

              His friends were looking for him the entire day, when they found him in my room they tried to get him to come to a party, but he said no and instead stayed with me to play with my hair. I might have to agree with my cousin when she said we make people sick, cause it was getting to me now.

               I'm not complaining at all, but too much emotion can sometimes distract a person from real life. And I don't want that happening to me. I don't want to drop the whole world just for him, not since we aren't even together and I'm still quite uncertain of what the future holds for us. When I know for sure, then I'll drop my whole universe for him.

               I like him, I like him so much. Even the jerk side of him that I missed. That's what first got me to like him in that way. Then his sweet side came out and I fell completely in love with him - yeah, I'm in love with him.

               I won't be telling him that because I don't want him to feel pressured. I don't want to stress the poor guy, he's already in a deep hole and I don't want to make it deeper. And I definitely don't want him to feel crept out by me. Outside I act all cool and collected, but inside I feel like I want to f*ck the shit out of him. But again, I don't want to creep him out with my thoughts.

               Not like that night at Lisa's party. Wow, that was embarrassing. Just remembering made my face heat up. I probably looked like a mess to him. I was accusing him of things that weren't even that important. I mean, the feeling of him leading me on was kind if important but not enough to make me cry about it. Stupid drugs.

               At least something positive came out of it. Us.

               Ah, what wonderful thoughts when you wake up. But I am so tired. I even asked him if he wanted to stay in my room tonight but he was nervous so he said another time. I guess he's not comfortable sleeping with me yet. And that's fine, the constant cuddling fills the emptiness I feel when I'm asleep.

               It was still dark out, and that's one of my favorite things about waking up to go to school - just seeing how it's still dark. For some reason the excitement that revolves in my stomach makes me feel like I'm going to a field trip.

               I yawned and got out of my bed. My roommate was asleep so I tried my best not to wake him up as I dressed. After I was fully clothed, I walked down the halls with my tooth brush and entered the empty bathroom.

               If somehow I end up making a lot more money, I might just leave the dorms and get an apartment. I really don't like it here. There's just too many people and I always feel so insecure since I'm not American. Yeah, it's a weird feeling but don't judge me. I just don't feel right. It's not the same without seeing my friends from Ireland. I feel like I'm in a strange land. At least an apartment would give me my space and privacy.

               "Rayne!" Someone screamed behind me as I walked back to my room after using the bathroom. I turned around and saw Priscella skipping carefully with high heels, "Baby! I've missed you! How are you?"

               I returned her hug.

               "I'm good, just getting ready for classes. And yourself?"

               "I am beat. I might skip classes because I just came back from the hospital."

               I grew concerned. "Are you alright? What happened?"

               "Got drunk," She snorted, then she put on a straight face, "then fell down the stairs...ANYWAY, I'm tired."

               "You should get some rest then. You look a little intoxicated."

               She giggled. "I'm not drunk right now, I'm completely drained. I'm a little loopy because of the medicine they gave me."

               "And you drove by yourself? While you're in medication?"

               "Pfft. Don't be silly, a stranger I met on the streets took me home."

               I blinked. "Did you say a stranger?"

               "Yeah, he sold me a burrito. But I think he didn't speak English. That's too bad, cause I spoke for an hour about how much I hated my least he was a good listener."

               "I don't think you should be taking rides from strangers."

               "Okay, mother," She rolled her eyes, "I'll talk to you later, okay? Stop hanging out with Jesse. Remember that I was your first friend and I miss my only gay friend."

               I grinned. "Okay, get some rest."

               "Bye, Raynebow."

               I waved at her as she turned away. Yeah, she is definitely still drunk. And Jesse needs to stop using the term Raynebow. I don't want that to be my nickname. Rayne is fine!

               When I returned to my room, my roommate was awake and he was getting dressed.

               "Man, I am so tired," He said as I entered, "You're going to classes now?"

               "Yeah, woke up a little early so I could finish the homework that I didn't do yesterday."

               He laughed. "I didn't even do mine. What's your first class?"

               "Abnormal psychology."

               "Damn. Sounds difficult."

               "Not if you love it," I gave him a sly smile.

               "Still sounds like it would make my head hurt. Is that something about ghosts?"

               I narrowed my eyes. "No, it's like the study of the mind."

               "Oh, I guess that is abnormal."

               I chuckled. "Alright, I have to go now," I said as I grabbed my book bag from my bed, "talk to you later."

               "Have fun."

               I tossed my book bag over my shoulders and walked down the silent halls.

               Jesse might get mad at me when he realizes I'm not in my room to take his breakfast. But I'm not hungry and it's his fault for distracting me from my homework. Now I have to do it in my first class, that's the only reason I woke up so damn early.

               I passed by his room, lights were off so he's still sleeping. I want to see what he looks like sleeping, or what he looks like exactly when he gets up from bed. I bet it's adorable, no puppy could compare to that.

               As I stepped outside on the parking lot, I felt a few drops of rain land on my face. I looked up at the sky but couldn't see the clouds since it was still dark. I don't even see the moon. I guess it will rain a lot today?

               The school wasn't very far from the dorms, it was just around the corner. Most students walk there unless they want to show off their cars. I still don't see the point in that, it takes you like five minutes to reach the college.

               I might actually start waking up this early everyday. I really liked how quiet and peaceful the halls were. No loud and stupid jocks to ruin my morning.

               If my teacher isn't in the class room by now - which I know she is - then I will jump off the roof. I don't have my book with me and I don't feel like walking back to get it, not because I'm lazy but because I'd have to carry it around all day - okay because I'm lazy.

               Yes! She's sitting right at her desk with a bunch of papers in front of her - today's work I guessed.

               "Hey, Ms. Chelsea, do you mind if I stay here until class starts?" I asked as I approached her.

               "Go right ahead, Benjamin. Did you do your homework?"

               I bit my lip. "That's why I need to stay here. My stupid friend didn't let me do my homework yesterday."

               "That's a bad friend. Next time you need to tell him to leave you alone."

               I snorted. "Like that would happen," I walked back to the seats and took a random one.

               A few people had entered the classroom while I did my homework, but I was able to finish with peace. Seems like I wasn't the only one who had missed their homework. By the time the bell rang, I had twenty unread text messages from you-know-who. Not Voldemort.

               I keep forgetting to put my phone on vibrate and not silent. But if I had it on vibrate then I probably wouldn't have been able to finish my homework since It's Jesse and I have to respond to him.

              ~ Where are you?

              ~ Why aren't you in your room?

              ~ Dammit. I'm going to kill you if you don't answer.

              ~ Help! I'm being raped! My phone was stolen from me!

              ~ Oh wait...

              ~ Blah. Hoe, If you don't respond this instant ... I'm going to shoot myself.

              ~ I'm gonna do it ... I swear ...

               I stopped reading his texts and rolled my eyes. I responded with the truth - I woke up early so that I could finish my homework and I had my phone on silent. That jerk. How dare he threaten me like that.

               But I admit, it's cute.

               He replied instantly, but should I read it? Class is about to start, people are pouring in and I don't want to get distracted here too. I can let homework pass but classes? No.

               Ugh. I'm gonna check anyway.

              ~ I'm going to beat you up. 

              - In what way? I responded and grinned to myself.

               When I realized he wasn't going to respond, I put my phone away and drew my attention to the teacher, who was passing out work sheets.

               "Okay everyone," She spoke when the second bell rang, "I handed you each a sheet of paper with a couple of questions. I want you to grab a partner and ask each other the questions. Then just write the answers down as detailed as you possibly can."

               Everyone groaned when she said the word partner.

               I didn't groan. My groans can turn people on, so I better not.

               "Does the term cruel and unusual punishment mean anything to you?" A girl said.

               "Find a partner now," Ms. Chelsea demanded.

               Everyone got up from their seats, I stayed still. I really hate when teachers make us do this. Don't they know that this messes up with our insecurities? It's better for them to assign one themselves.

               I know that some people are friends and they'd enjoy to be with each other but come on! What about people like me? I don't know anyone! This just makes me look like a loser.

               "Hey, do you have a partner?"

               I looked up at two pair of green eyes staring back at me.

               "No," I shook my head and looked around, did it look like I had someone?

               "Want me to be your partner then?"

               I shrugged. "If you want, it's not a problem for me."

               He jumped on the empty seat next to me, looking all amused. "I guess we're partners then," He smiled.

               Speaking of partners, I haven't even had the slightest chance to look at the questions. I quickly skimmed over them, they didn't look bad or embarrassing.

               "So I guess I'm supposed to ask you these questions?" I asked him.

               "And write them down," He added with a smirk.

               "Alright, now that you all are paired up, begin your work and remember to be professional!" The teacher ended up shouting that last line.

               The room was filled with murmurs and silent giggles. I wasn't too happy with the questions, I'm bound to get some looks. I guess it has to do something with how well you can work with the person in front of you and how well you understood him or her.

              "Want me to go first?" He asked, turning to face me. Why don't colleges have tables again? All I have is this small plank thing next to my arm rest. I pull it up and twist it so that it becomes like a mini portable desk. 

               "If you want," I muttered.

               "What's your full name?" That wasn't him asking, it was the first question.

               I sniffed shyly. "Benjamin Ray Byrne."

               He looked up at me with a questionable stare. "Mind spelling your last name?"

               "B.Y.R.N.E," I responded.

               "Alright, what's your gender?"

               I laughed. "You're joking right?"

               "I've seen things..." He grinned.

               "Male," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

               "And you're from Ireland, I assume?"

               I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "How did you know? Is my accent that noticeable?"

               "I know all accents by heart."

               Is that possible? To know every single accent by heart? He must have seen a lot of people or listened to a thousand recordings. Does that mean he can also imitate different accents? That could come in handy someday. Like if you're running away from the police and you just need to skip over a country or two.

               "How old are you?" He asked after he noted down my first two answers. I peeked over his paper and glared at his long description on my gender. Did I even want to read it?

               Wouldn't it be easier to just write Male?

               I mean, I'd understand if he also wrote female next to it but a paragraph on my gender? There isn't some scientific logic behind having a male reproductive system. It just is what it is.

               "I'm twenty, and don't write a mathematical equation about my age," I glared at him.

               He chuckled. "How did you know?"

               "I had a feeling," I responded with a dry smile.

               He looked at me again. "So, what's your favorite animal and why?"

               I groaned to myself, I hated this question. Too many animals to choose from. "I guess fishes? I like how they're so tiny and cute. They also have magical colors."

               "Fishes scare me," He muttered, slightly hiding a smile.

               "I like sea life, I love the ocean and it's mysteries."

               He quickly wrote down what I said and I waited for him to finish.

               "So I guess if you could be any mythical creature you'd be a mermaid?" He laughed.

               "Yeah!" I said quickly. "I'd love to be half fish."

               His smile disappeared. What? Did he expect me to feel offended? I love mermaids, nothing wrong with it. I rather be a mermaid than a octopus man.

               "What's your favorite color?"

               I thought about this one for a while, there were also too many colors to choose from. And I don't usually spend my time wondering what's my favorite color. All my favorite things change daily as I live life and see different things.

               "White?" I said in an unsure tone.

               "White?" He repeated, looking shocked. "You're different from a lot of people. I like that. You're not just some dog loving, blue wearing dragon dude. You're a fish loving, white mermaid."

               I laughed. "Oh, okay. Way to make me sound like a freak."

               "No problem."

               I shrugged slightly. "I don't know. I just love how white reminds me of some heavenly power. I just like it."

               "Not judging," He grinned. "How old are your parents?"

               I gave him a sorry look. "I don't know. I'm a bad son." If he only knew the truth.

               "That's alright, I barely even know my own age," He scratched off the question. "I'm twenty three by the way." He finished quickly.

               Stupid questions, they're now reminding me of my parents and how they're going to ignore my own birthday next month. We did great things together, we always celebrated a birthday like it's the end of the world.

               "At what age did you have your first kiss?" He asked.

               "Um, five? I think."

               "Hesitating, liar."

               "I've kissed people before," I retorted. "I don't know when was my first kiss but it was during my early years. I was kiss-raped."

               "That's a great answer, I'm going to get an on this."

               I gave him a dirty look, which he ignored.

               "How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had in your life and are you currently with someone?"

               "Zero and no," I answered honestly.

               He narrowed his eyes. "Really? Not even one?"


               He snorted, while shaking his head and wrote down my answer. 

               I heaved an irritated sigh. "Don't be a jerk."

               "I'm not. I promise."

               "Keep asking me, stop pausing so much," I snapped my fingers at him.

               He blinked, then returned his stare back to the paper.

               "Um, what's your orientation?"

               I frowned and glared at the teacher. Yeah, you better feel safe behind your stupid desk. How dare she make us ask each other this? Isn't that going a little too far? What if I wasn't out of the closet? She would be forcing someone out or making them lie. Both are terrible.

               "I'm gay," I answered, nerves pounding at my chest. I don't go around screaming I'm gay, so don't make me!

               "Cool, cool," He muttered calmly. At least he didn't overreact like some people would, "And what's one of your special talents?"

               I had to think of this one for a while, because I had tons of talent. I'm not being conceited at all, I just really know how to do a lot of things. Like music, art and writing.

                I scratched my head. "I ... I know how to play a few instruments. I know how to draw and I can write pretty well."

               "What kind of instruments?"

               "I know how to play the guitar, piano and drums."

               "Damn. I can't even stand straight."

               I let out a small laugh. I felt like crying in a humorous way, America is going to make me so conceited. It's not even funny.

               "That wasn't even half of it," I muttered.

               "Give me a minute while I write about your physical appearance."


               I grabbed my paper of questions and stared at them, especially the physical appearance ones. They asked me what types of feelings I got when I first looked at my partner. What kind of images and thoughts went through my head. This is really creepy, why would—wait a minute.

               "Hey, I don't see any relationship or orientation questions here," I pointed out.

               He smirked. "Oops."


[Author's Message...]

   LOL! I don't know why but that ending just cracked me up. Oh man, I'm such a loser if I make myself laugh. But aren't we all? ;D

   I wrote this chapter during a writers block, so I'm sorry if you didn't like it. :\ I honestly tried my best. I really hope it flows and it makes sense. Cause if not, I might just kill a betch. -.-

   Hehehehe. I'm not gonna say ANYTHING at all.. Lalalala.

   *Walks away like nothing ever happened*

    Comment and vote! Maybe the nice comments might help my stupid writers block. -.- Ugh. I hate it. :{

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