Chapter Twelve

               "If you ever call me a princess again, I will break your nose," I threatened him as I got inside his car.

               "Okay, Princess."

               I tried to punch his face - not the best decision since he was driving - but he easily grabbed my fist and pinned it down. That's not what caught me off guard, what got me completely worked up is that he didn't let go of my hand. Is he using this as an excuse to hold my hand?

               "What's the address again?" He asked.

               I pulled back my hand and took out my phone, I showed him the text message with the address. He nodded and I hid it in my pocket again. I was kind of nervous, I hope I get this job. Ten thousand dollars would save me from a lot of trouble. I'd be able to buy all the books I need and much more.

               I pulled down the mirror to look at my face, do I have any scars? Any zits? Nope. Face is pure clean. I don't even remember a day when I broke out.

               "Does my face look okay?"

               "Yes, it does."

               "You better not be lying."

               "I'm not! Jeez. And I think your cousin went a little overboard. Ten thousand dollars for a commercial? It would have to be a really popular skin product and you'd have a speaking role too. And I thought you got paid per day, or each time the commercial airs."

               I shrugged. "I don't know and I don't care. I need money right now and I'd even model for adult films if I have to."

               He grinned. "Really?" He asked, his voice going high.

               "Of course not. It's called sarcasm."

               We reached the studio about thirty minutes later, the security had to call my cousin so we could be let in. Jesse parked in the back but he never got out of the car.

               "You're not coming?" I asked him, peeking in through the window.

               "No, it's your thing. They might want to hire me instead if they see me," He joked.

               "Are you sure?" I asked, ignoring his conceited self.

               "I'll wait right here. Go take your time."

               "Alright. I'll try to be quick." I told him and ran towards the back entrance, which was already opened for me.

               Inside was a bit dark, the studio was huge and there were a lot of stages with different scenarios. So this is what it's like filming a commercial. How awesome. The cameras are huge! They are bigger than my body. 

               I wonder why it takes such a huge camera just to film like a 60 second commercial, you can film with the same quality while using a pocket sized camera.

               "Rayne!" I heard my cousin squeal. She ran behind one of the stages and jumped through a fake window while she skipped towards me in high heels.

               "Hey, Cassy," I hugged her when she collapsed on top of me with a big hug.

               "I missed you! Okay, let's go, they want to see you." She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the stages. She looked so professional while wearing that headset. I almost didn't recognize her.

               She stopped at a door all the way in the back and she gently knocked on it. Then she turned around and looked at my face, she brushed my cheeks and fixed my hair.

               "Teeth," She said.

               I opened my mouth to show her my teeth.

               "Okay, you're all perfect. Now don't talk unless I give you a nod."

               "Ow," I moaned when she smacked my face to add some color.

               The door opened a few minutes later and Cassy poked her head in.

              "Are you guys ready to see my cousin?"

               "Bring him in," I heard from the inside.

               She grabbed my hand and pulled me in the room, there were a couple of people inside and they all gasped. Oh come on, I'm not that good looking. I'm gonna have such a huge ego by the end of the year. I look just like every Irish guy...kind of.

               But I'm pretty normal looking in Ireland, so I don't know what they're all talking about.

               "Cassy, he's perfect!" A woman had a really excited look on her face.

               Another woman got out of her chair and walked closer to me, examining me up and down like some kind of priced possession. She touched my face then pressed her hand to my chest. Is she one of those weird people that think they know a person by touching them? Like a dog whisperer but a human whisperer? Wait, that's called normal talking. Okay so a human feeler? 

               "Can you take off your shirt?"

               Don't say no Rayne, they don't want shy people. I nodded my head and removed my shirt.

               "Get a tan and you're hired."

                Cassy burst out laughing, she smacked her thighs while she did. "Him? Get a tan? Oh you're so funny. Good luck. We're from the land of Edward Cullen."

               "I don't mean it in a wrong way, we can still hire him but he would look a lot better with more color to his skin." She smiled at me and looked down my body. I felt like I was being molested.

                "That can be arranged, so out of all the models you want him?"

               "Yes, I think he's good," The lady nodded and turned to the others who also nodded.

               "We will need his paper work."

               "He has the whole college guy look and he's very attractive." Another one said.

               And who said females can't run a business? Ha. These ladies sure know their business.

               "Alright, I'll take care of the paper work and we'll get back to you as soon as possible." Cassy smiled and pushed me out of the room, she kept smiling at them as she closed the door then it faded away. "I hate you."

               "What did I do?"

               "Nothing, I just hate you. Come walk with me."

               I threw my shirt back on and followed her to an empty table that had a suitcase. She opened it and took out a few files, must be hers.

               "Can I go now? I just came out of my last class and I'm tired."

               "Stop your whining," She said calmly, "you can't be all tired and expect money to appear on your hands. I need you to sign this." She gave me a pen and pointed at the blank line.

               "What is this? What am I signing?"

               "Well I had another client but I quit and left her. She was one of my models who was going to try out for the commercial but I wanted you instead. This is the paper work, just sign right there. It's nothing, just some copyright bullshit."

               I eyed her. "Okay, I'm trusting you."

               "Stop worrying, I made this contract. Just sign it." She was very demanding.

               I sighed and signed the contract, I better not regret this later. Or I'm gonna sue her.

               "There, happy?"

                "Now, just give me a week to work out the papers, you're gonna get an email from me in a couple of days. Read it, print it, sign it then send it back to me through mail."

               I nodded. "What else?"

               "Get a tan. Go to the beach, get some sun, not too much though."

               I rolled my eyes. "What else?"

               "Don't get a fake tan. Don't go to the tanning beds and don't spray your body. It has to be natural."

               "What else?"

               "Nothing for now, I'll call you."

               "So that's it? All they had to do was look at me? How many people auditioned?"

               "I told you, I was gonna seduce the old coots. That's why I hate you. I now have a date with a fifty year old woman."

                I laughed so hard that my heart even ached. I've never heard anything as funny as this. My cousin did this for me?! She is going to go out on a Lesbian date? Ha! This is priceless. Lucky for her that her parents wouldn't care and she's an adult so it's not like it would matter to her.

                "I love you," I grinned at her.

                "Yeah, yeah."

               "Hey, my friend said that I'd get paid depending on how many times the commercial airs, is this true?"

               "Yes, but this is a big company. I got them to agree to pay ten thousand dollars, consider yourself lucky. You're an inexperienced model who's going to get paid more than he should. You're welcome."

               "Can't wait. So what will I have to do?"

               "Model? Your face? Pretend the product you're holding has worked magic wonders? Say how it changed your life?"

               "So all I have to do is lie? Wow, I'm going to hell aren't I?"

               "Society is a big lie," She said in an obvious tone, "and no, not just you, we all are."

               I chuckled. "Can I go now? My friend is outside waiting and I have no money to give him for gas."

               She suddenly gave me a mischievous look. "A guy? Oh really? Tell me all about it."

               "It's not like that. Well actually, I don't know. I think he's confused."

               "Tsk, tsk, Rayne you're turning poor innocent straight men into sinners."

                Cassy is one of those people who uses religion as a joke, so I never take her insults seriously. She has her own God - KFC chicken.

               "You're the one seducing old ladies." 

               "Is he cute? What's his name?"

               "His name is Jesse and he's beyond gorgeous."

               "I'm kind of getting mad at all the good looking gay men. You all need to stop it and convert into heterosexuality. You can take all the current good-for-nothing straight men that we have."

                "You wish."

                "Alright hun, you can go now. Just don't get upset if they change their mind. They do that a lot. I'll try my hardest to make them keep you though. But I'm sure they won't change their mind."

               "Okay," I kissed her cheek, "take care, call me later."

               "I will, see ya," She took her mess of a suitcase and ran off into another stage.

               That was so easy. I guess if you really do have the right connections then you can do anything. If I had a connection with the president of the United States then I'd be more than just a model, I'd be an astronaut.

               When I got back to the car, Jesse had his seat back and he was resting with a hat on his face. Now I felt bad about disturbing him. He must be tired like I am. That's the last time I go to a party on a Sunday night.


               Her jerked up, hitting his head against the seat belt. "Huh, what? Are you done? That was fast."


               He rubbed his eyes, they looked red. "Well stop standing around and get in the car."

               I got in the car and quickly buckled my seat belt while he pulled up his seat.

               "So did you get the job?" He asked.

               "Yeah, for now."

               "For now? Tell me what happened," He said as he turned the car on and drove away from the studio.

               "There was this room full of older women, all they did was look at me once and they all said yes. Then they made me take off my shirt and told me to get a tan, and I felt insulted by that. Now Cassy, my cousin, is doing the paper work. Hopefully they won't change their mind about me."

               Jesse chuckled. "A tan? I can help you with that. We'll go to the beach on Friday. No one has classes on a Friday, at least we don't."

               I frowned. "You stalked my schedule, didn't you?"

               He gave me a proud look. That is not something to be proud of. "I know a few people who hooked me up on some information."

               "Are you even on my class at all?"

               "Yup, stared at you while you slept."

               "Jesse, that's creepy."

               "You like to say my name a lot."

                I felt myself heat up, do I really say his name a lot?

               "Aw, and now you're blushing."

               "Shut up, I know I acted weird last night but I was telling the truth. You act strange with me."

               He closed his mouth and stayed silent.

               "Maybe I shouldn't talk since I don't know you enough to judge. But I study the way you act and speak with everyone and it isn't the same with me." I added.

                "I...I don't know...I're different," He stammered.

               "What do you mean by that?"

               "You're different from all the guys I know. You're different than every guy in the world."

               Does that mean he sort of has some hidden feelings for me?

               "I don't understand."

               He groaned loudly. "When I look at you, I don't see a guy. I just see you, and I admit, it gets me a bit confused in my head so I act on my feelings."

               " act affectionate towards me, does that mean—"

               He cut me off. "Don't say it. Because I don't know."

               If he has to doubt his sexuality for one second then he's confused alright. I don't know if I should be thrilled or upset for the guy. I know that being confused isn't such a great thing, it's emotionally draining.

               You get all these mixed up feelings and then you lose yourself in reality. Then you don't know what's real and what isn't. Maybe I can help him, maybe I can guide him to the clear world he wants to be in.

               I don't believe that there is a gay gene, so it can't run down from his dad to him. That would honestly be the silliest thing. Both of my parents are straight ... wait a minute ... unless that's what they want me to know. Mind fuck!

               Nah, I know it isn't real.

               Maybe he knows the truth but he doesn't want to admit it because of his dad, because he doesn't want to be like him. Oh Jesse...

               He suddenly asked the big question that I never ever imagined he would say.

               "Would you like to go on a date with me?"


[Author's Message...]

   *Giggles like a fan girl* It's true guys, I don't write these stories. They write themselves. D;


    You guys need to vote and comment if you want more chapters! :) <3

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