Chapter Three
I was hiding inside my closet, why? Zoey is right outside my freaking door that's why! Zoey is like that, she invites herself to anything and everything. She doesn't care if she isn't invited to something, she just walks right through everyone's toes to get to where she wants.
Even though she was right outside, I still quietly munched on my chips because I was hungry.
She doesn't know that I'm in here—Phil is outside trying to get rid of her.
I tried to eavesdrop their conversation but I couldn't hear anything. If I open the door, I might make noise and then I'll be dead. So instead I just listened to the subtle muffled sounds coming from the outside.
Hm, these chips are so good. I don't even know what kind they are, I found them on the floor so I ate them.
I suddenly heard a knock, it threw me off and I crashed against the ladder behind me. The door opened, revealing Phil with a grin on his face.
I slowly reached in the bag of chips and threw another in my mouth. "Is she gone?" I whispered in a throaty voice.
He nodded. "She's gone."
I sighed, standing up and rubbing my butt. "Thank God. I was sitting on something pointy and now my butt hurts."
He raised a brow, "You're thanking God for sitting on a pointy object?"
I smacked him, "No you idiot. I'm thanking God that Zoey is gone. What did she want? Tell me everything!"
He scratched his head nervously, "Well ... " He gulped. "I don't know why I'm nervous but I have a feeling you're going to hit me for some reason."
I shook his shoulders, "Tell me man! What did she say?!"
"Hello, Jesse."
I shrieked, squealed, screamed and all of the above. I also probably peed a little.
"Hi..." Gulp. "Zoey..."
She leaned against the door frame, blinking at me with a smile. She looked nice today. Long eyelashes and not too much make up. Long, golden, straight hair falling right over her shoulders.
"How are you, darling?"
"I'm...I'm good."
"Were you guys talking about me?"
I shot Phil a look, he needs to learn how to close a freaking door.
"Of course not." I laughed nervously.
I'm usually not nervous, but Zoey is an exception. She's like the female Hitler.
"Want to come outside for a talk?" She asked in a sweet tone, which meant I'm gonna kill you once you step outside.
"I ... I ... I Can't." I stuttered, "I have to get ready for Priscella's sleepover."
"You're going to that?" Phil asked, his mouth hanging open in shock.
I closed his mouth, "Priscella kind of forced me." I muttered shyly.
Zoey cleared her throat, feeling as if she wasn't there—which I wish she wasn't.
"So can you come talk to me? It's quick," She looked down at her phone. "I have a meeting soon."
I sighed and walked toward her, she moved outside and I closed the door behind me. I slid my hands inside my pockets as we both walked down the hall. I kept shrugging as she stared at me. I feel like I'm gonna die.
"I want to get back together." She said.
I bristled, looking at her disbelievingly.
"You've got to be kidding me. I made it clear I didn't want to date you anymore and I still feel that way."
"I know but I'm willing to give it another chance if you do."
"I know you would but I wouldn't. I broke up with you because I didn't love you and still don't. What would giving us a chance do? Nothing."
Oddly, she kept that happy face the entire time that I rejected her. She insisted but I didn't want her, I didn't want this.
"You'll come around."
"No I won't." I said firmly.
I turned away from her and walked away, ignoring what ever else she said. I'm getting annoyed now. Why the heck does she want to get back with me? I broke up with her and then she threatens me to get revenge. Really?! That's not something you tell a guy then suddenly expect them to come crawling back to you. Hell no. I'm not an easy person and when I say something ... it's final.
Who does she think she is? My mother? Uh.
I rather date my mom than her. Okay not really but you get my point.
There is no way in hell that I am ever going to get back with her. I'll chop my leg if I have to. I rather go gay. Okay again not really but still you get my point. I. HATE. HER.
When I knew that I lost her, I slowed my pace down and just wondered around the halls. It seems like we're the only losers still in their dorm on a Friday night. It's not my fault though. Pouts. Stupid Priscella wants me to go to her sleepover.
I didn't have any plans but I was hoping that Phil and I would go to Hooters to see some chicks. I guess that plan is now ruined until tomorrow.
I looked around when I heard a low crying voice, I followed the sounds until I stopped at one of my friend's dorm room. It was closed but it sounded like someone was crying inside. Should I go in?
I was about to walk in when I heard Rayne's voice.
"But mom..." He sobbed, his voice giving in. "Please don't do this."
I pressed my ear against the door—even though I couldn't hear his mom. I was intrigued by the fact that Rayne cried. He looks like a happy person. I wonder what's wrong.
Wait...why do I care? Pfft.
"You and dad and everyone? So what are you saying?" He asked, getting calm until his mom said something else and he cried again. "So I'm alone?"
I darted to the wall when I suddenly heard the mattress squeak from him getting up. Shit. I have no where to go. The halls are long and if Rayne walks out then I'm toast. I don't have time to run away. I'm gonna look like a freaking stalker either way.
[Rayne's Point Of View - Five minutes ago]
I held up the phone to my ear, gulping as I did. My cousin said my mom was going to call and it was an emergency. Now I'm here, finally answering her call and having a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Hello?" I answered, waiting for her response with anticipation.
"Hello, Benjamin." Her voice was emotionless—which scared me.
"What's wrong?"
"We need to talk."
"We're talking..."
I heard her breathe before she spoke, "You aren't my son anymore."
There was a pause, specially from me, I didn't know what this meant. Why aren't I her son anymore? What does she mean by that?
"What are you talking about, mom?" I asked her, feeling nervous.
"We found out you're a homosexual,"
My eyes stung and soon became wet with tears. They found out? How...?
"And you know very well how we feel about them." She finished.
My lips trembled, I couldn't get any words to come out. Only tears would come out.
As I started to ponder and realize what this meant, I began to cry more. I covered my mouth to silence my muffled cries. Tears ran down my face and stopped at my hands. How did they find out? The only person who knows is my cousin—oh God she didn't...
"How did you find out?" By me saying this just proved them that they were right. But I'm not gonna hide who I am. Even if it kills me.
"That doesn't matter," She took her time answering. Her voice was still an emotionless echo to me. My heart hurt, I felt empty inside and alone. "We're going to let you stay in college and pay for the rest of the year. But after that you're on your own."
"Mom, don't do this." I begged, my voice shaking with each breath.
"I'm sorry, unless you decide to turn away from your filthy sin then you are welcomed back, if not then we're through."
"But mom..." I sobbed, giving into a bigger cry. My whole face was wet with tears. I couldn't stop them. "Please, don't do this."
"Benjamin, I already made up my mind. I talked with your father and your siblings. They all agree that this is what's best and we have to let you go."
"You and dad and everyone? So what are you saying?" I said, calming down a little but only by a bit. I still felt that pain in my heart, I was being disowned for something that wasn't my fault. I was born like this, I can't help who I am attracted to and they should know. Straight people should know it too. Because you still fall in love with the opposite gender just like we fall in love with the same gender. It's natural, it's real and there is nothing wrong with it. "So I'm alone?"
"Yes." And then the line went dead, she hung up.
I dropped the phone and fell on my knees, crying loudly as the loneliness struck me. I grabbed the nearest pillow and sunk my face into it and let out my screams, my pain and my sorrow.
I didn't expect this for a long time. I hoped and dreamed that I would come to America with nothing to worry about. No stress and no hate. It was a relief when I didn't have to hide myself anymore. Like coming to a new world, like being born one more time into a different place with different people who don't know you.
Jesse, sure he hates homosexuals but does he really? I feel like it's just a cover up for something. He makes it too obvious, and that's why I didn't hate him back. I could easily punch him for being so damn rude but I admit he's kind of adorable in a way.
But my parents hating me for being a homosexual hurts more than anything. How can you hurt your child that way? How can you turn your back on something you gave life to? It just doesn't make sense. There is nothing in this world that could take the love away from you and your child, not God, not anyone.
I know my mom very well to know that she still loves me and forever will. She is just trying to do what is right for her religion, even though it specifically says Love your neighbor as you love yourself. I can probably think of a few hundred verses but all I can think of right now is how my heart feels so frozen.
A sudden footstep distracted me from my thoughts. I saw a small shadow appear from the opening under the door. I wiped my tears away and dragged myself to open the door, when I did, there was no one.
I stepped out into the hall and was startled when I saw Jesse pressing himself against the wall—his arms spread wide apart, as if that helps him hide. I can still see him.
I waited for him to say something, but when he didn't I questioned his intelligence.
"Are you eavesdropping now?" I accuse him, crossing my arms.
"Nooo...." He says loosely, but he's lying.
I gave him a stern look. "Jesse..."
He rolled his eyes and sighed, "I heard you crying and I was curious. Jeez."
"That's not nice."
"Oh shut up." He snapped, "I didn't even know it was you until a few seconds ago."
He was telling the truth but I didn't quite believe him. But what ever, that's the least of my worries right now. I stayed silent, drifting off into a daydream. Something about being happy but only faking it.
I felt my face tighten as more tears began to escape my eyes. I felt embarrassed while crying in front of Jesse so I ran inside my room and locked the door. I didn't hold back once I knew I was hidden from the world—like how everyone wanted me to be, hidden from the world because I was disgusting.
I laid my back against the door and slid down to the floor, where I just cried and cried and cried like it was the end of the world—which it might as well be, it's the end of my world.
[Author's Message...]
2017 Sera: yeah this is cringy and written so badly omg lmao
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