Chapter Thirty-Three
I groaned loudly as I shifted from side to side, trying to block out the unavoidable sunlight that was hitting my face. I stiffed, my muscles were suddenly on fire. And then I remembered that wonderful work out that Rayne and I did together.
I smiled.
Then it disappeared once I realized I had fallen asleep right after we did it.
How could I have done that? Just fall asleep like that. I'm such a jerk. Rayne probably got upset that I just fell asleep like it was nothing to me. But I felt so tired and drowsy right after that I blacked out. It was too good to stand.
"Morning," I heard his familiar voice. "Your mom and I made you breakfast."
I squinted my eyes and looked for Rayne. He was at the door holding a tray of food.
"Hi," I rasped, closing my eyes again.
I heard him put the tray on the desk and then all of the sudden he jumps on top of me.
"Wake up," he hollered in a playful voice. "You've slept enough. It's 2 in the afternoon."
He turned me on my back and kissed my cheek. I was trying to wake up but it's hard when your eyes feel like ten thousand pounds. He smelled fresh, like soap.
"I'm awake," I groaned.
At least someone was in a good mood and not limping like I had imagined. He took it well, literally.
I sat up on the edge of the bed, slowly rocking back and forth. Rayne moved behind me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He whispered he loved me and kissed my shoulder.
"I love you too," I replied, turning back to kiss his forehead. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Eat when you're done. I'll be downstairs."
I nodded at him. I need the shower to wake up.
After he left I got in the shower and let the warm water cascade down my body, washing away last night's memory. The water felt good against my skin, it definitely woke me up. Once I left the shower I quickly brushed my teeth and got into one of my bathrobes.
The food Rayne had brought was now on my bed, he must have moved it. It looked delicious so I grabbed the fork and stabbed the eggs. They were even more delicious once they were in my mouth. It tasted different than my mom's cooking. It had a hint of Rayne. I was eating ...Rayne.
"Hey," I looked up and saw Rayne at the door. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm good," I smiled, shyly avoiding his eyes. "You?"
"I'm fine," he said as he sat down next to me.
I watched him rub his hands together. And then I looked up at him again, our eyes meeting.
"Well this is awkward," I mumbled.
He grinned. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I grabbed his hand and brushed my thumb over his palm. His hands were smooth.
"Did you like it?" I asked him.
"It was perfect. I'm really happy that I lost it with you."
I grabbed his chin and pulled his face closer to mine, our lips an inch away. I breathed deeply and closed my eyes.
"You mean so much to me and I don't ever want to lose you. I'm not just saying that because of last night. I'm saying it because I can't imagine a life without you anymore. I would just drop dead if I lost you, honestly, and you would only be able to revive me with some really special magic gem that no one could ever find, because that gem would be you. I love you and I will always love you."
He opened his mouth but no words came out. He was speechless.
"Jesse," he sighed, closing his eyes too. "Don't let me go. Ever."
"I promise I will never let you go. No matter what."
I pressed my lips against his and kissed him. Only kissed him.
"Jesse," he muttered.
"What is it?"
"Is that a banana in your pocket?"
"Silly Rayne, I'm wearing a robe."
His smile widened and we kissed again.
I attacked Rayne's neck, nibbling on his skin and making him giggle. I grabbed his sides as we rolled on the couch and tickled his sides. He was extremely red, like a tomato. His laugh was so contagious that it had my mom laughing and she wasn't anywhere near us.
"Stop it, Jesse," he begged as he tried to push me away, while also trying to block me.
"I don't think so."
He was running out of breathe, he was literally gasping for life. I didn't stop though, this was too funny to watch. He squirmed around on the couch without any strength to push me off. All he could do was just take it like a man.
Like how he did last night. Oh yeah Jesse.
"Boys!" My mom yelled from the kitchen. I swear she lived in there. "Off the couch, now."
I frowned. My mom was such a mood killer.
I got off Rayne and he fell on the floor. He laid still, blinking at the T.V. and catching his breath. His blue eyes sparkled from the reflection of the T.V.
"Jesse, can you help me set the dishes on the table?" My mom asked, but it sounded more like an order. "Bill and Christian are coming over."
Groaning, I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen. Mom handed me some plates and I quickly set them on the table.
I didn't want to have dinner with Christian under the same house, I didn't even like living on the same planet as him. If he dares to even open his mouth and blurt out his unimportant opinions, I swear on my life that I will jam a cross down his throat.
He should thank Rayne. Actually, the whole world should thank Rayne. He's the reason I turned nice and kind. Well kind of. But if it weren't for him then I would have punched Christian for coming here.
After helping my mom set the table for dinner I jumped back on the couch and poked Rayne's back. The floor must have been really comfortable for him.
"Babe, get off the floor and sit with me."
He just groaned.
"Don't make me tickle you again," I warned.
He got up really fast and crawled on my lap. We both cuddled, watching the T.V. and waiting for hell to arrive. We spent a few minutes just quietly watching the T.V. and there were a lot of questions on my mind that I wanted to ask Rayne. So I guess this was a pretty good time.
"Are you excited to go back to home tomorrow?" I asked him as I stroked his hair.
He hummed. "Yes. I miss the crazy dorm rooms."
I chuckled. "Well you're moving out of them soon. Are you going to miss living in them?"
"Not really. I don't see them as a home. I just see them as a temporary place to sleep."
"I know what you mean, I never got used to living in there. Even with my best friend sleeping next to me."
He looked up at me, giving me a sinful stare. "Priscella is going to take us somewhere when we come back. It's a surprise for you."
I raised my brows. "You mean you know?"
He nodded.
"That's not fair. How come I'm the one that has to be in the dark?" I scowled.
"Because we both agreed on it."
I scoffed. "I don't like surprises."
There was a knock on the door and all my senses turned on fire. I knew it was Christian because Bill could have just walked right in with his key. Christian was the only one that didn't have a key to this house.
"I'll get it!" Mom called out and she rushed past the living room to the front door. "Hello Christian."
"Greetings," he muttered.
"Greetings?" I whispered at Rayne. "What are we? In a nerd convention?"
Rayne groaned. "We missed if he did any hand symbols. Maybe he did the alien sign language."
I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to even get up to see his face. The only way I'll get out of this couch is to go eat and then to disappear somewhere until Christian goes away. I really have no patience with this guy. I will break lose.
Rayne looked up suddenly and smiled. "Hey Christian." I feel like he did this on purpose. Just to piss me off. He even did it in a taunting way.
"Hello," Christian responded dryly.
It was probably a real shock for him to see two guys cuddling on a couch. That was sarcasm. It's actually a shock for him to find any human cuddling since he never got laid. I bet he doesn't even know what women have in their pants.
They have gnomes.
"He's staring at us," Rayne hissed quietly.
"Tell him to take a picture then," I muttered.
He chucked and looked embarrassed.
"What's wrong?" I asked him.
He looked really adorable at this precise moment. His cheeks turned red like two roses.
"I remember when I told you to take a picture, because it would last longer."
I smiled at the memory. It was one of the first things he said to me. Our first encounter didn't count since we didn't actually meet. I just thought he was some new guy who didn't know shit about walking through the halls in the dark.
But when we first met. His first word was "Sup."
I wonder if everything would have been different if his mom hadn't disowned him. When I first met him he was so chill and laid back, he still is but now it's like he's too afraid to do anything. If his mom hadn't disowned him, would we have been together now?
He suddenly giggled, making me lose my train of thought.
"I was provoking you. I thought you were cute when you got angry. I'm sorry."
I kissed his cheek and brushed my thumb over his chin.
"It's okay," I reassured him. "Everything happened for a reason."
He looked at me. "You think so?"
"I know so."
"Aww..." My mom's irritating voice cooed in the background. "You guys are so cute. But get off my couch, Bill is on his way."
"So?" I snapped.
"So?" She repeated in her mom voice. "You need to get yourselves ready for dinner. We're eating together."
Rayne got off from me and tried pulling me up by the arm but I wouldn't move. I was too comfortable in this stop. Don't you just hate it when people try to ruin your coziness? But Rayne kept trying and he eventually got me to fall on the floor. Yet he kept dragging me across the living room floor like a rag doll.
"Thank you, Rayne," mom smiled at him.
Yeah. Nothing says thank you like dragging my lifeless body across the room.
"Come on, Jesse," Rayne groaned when he tried pulling me up the stairs. It was so cute, because there was a bathroom right next to him. "Please, stop acting like a baby." He grunted.
"Careful," I warned him, "don't pull a muscle."
He frowned and let go of me, causing my hand to slam against the hard wooden steps. I flinched back and held my hand for mercy.
"Ouch. That sounded like it hurt."
"No shit," I gasped.
"Watch your language!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. Jesus, the woman has ears of a bat.
"Sorry," Rayne pouted and helped me up.
I bored my eyes into his and pointed at the closed bathroom door next to him. He looked at it confused and then opened it.
"Oh. Well excuse me," he said flamboyantly, "I don't have a map of this house. There could have been a black hole behind that door for all I know."
I rolled my eyes.
We washed our hands together and I flicked a lot of water at Rayne so his shirt was kind of wet now. He kept giving me that boyfriend stare, like once everyone is asleep I'm in big trouble.
I regret nothing.
Besides, I enjoyed watching a wet Rayne.
The door bell rang as Rayne and I seated ourselves at the dinner table. Mom cursed her way towards the door and muttering something about Bill always forgetting the house keys.
I laid my hand on Rayne's thigh and slowly moved it up until he smacked me.
"Not at the dinner table, Jesse," he hissed.
I scoffed. "That doesn't stop me."
"But I can. So behave yourself."
"Who are you? My mother?"
"No, that's me," mom replied as she walked back into the kitchen.
"Hello, Jesse," Bill smiled at us both. He looked like an older version of Christian, except that Bill had a sweet smile and brighter eyes.
I nodded at him. "Sup, home dog Bill."
"And you must be Rayne. I've heard many great things about you in the last twenty four hours. Nice to meet you."
They both shook hands and I just looked at the wall like it was my best friend.
Christian appeared, and of course that ruined my mood. He sat far from us and I was tempted to give him a big kiss on the lips just to see how he likes it. I was tempted. But no way in hell would I ever do that.
I shuddered just thinking about it.
Bill took five minutes to change his clothes from the scary surgeon uniform to normal clothes. He and mom talked while she carried the food and set it on the table. She made lasagna. It smelled and looked divine.
I wonder if Rayne would let me eat right from his abs.
My stomach grumbled as mom opened the large tray and all the smell just traveled in my direction.
"Let's say grace before we eat," my mom announced.
I groaned. "You've got to be shitting me woman."
Rayne quickly covered his mouth but his laugh was unavoidable.
"Jesse, how about you say the grace," Judging by her expression, she regretted giving me permission to say grace. Jesse time.
"I thank the amazing lord above and below for all the wonderful animals that give us delicious food. Like burgers and pizza and fries. But fries don't come from animals so I thank the potato lord for all the yummy fries. I also thank George W. Bush for ruining America and I thank Obama for being the coolest president we've ever had. Amen."
All four of them stared at me with a worried expression.
"It's rude not to say amen after a grace," I pointed out.
Mom got up and began to serve everyone. She served me last but before she did she threw a piece of meat at my face and it landed on my cheek.
I looked at Rayne and pointed at my cheek.
"What? Clean it off."
"Lick it off," I demanded.
"I'm not licking anything."
"That's not what you said last night."
Everyone again stared at me with their mouths wide opened. I think I might have taken it all a little too far. But was I regretting anything? Of course not. Everything that comes out of my mouth was sent via heaven from God.
"I think I just lost my appetite," mom said, dropping her fork.
"Wow, the meal didn't even last a minute," Christian spoke.
"If you speak without permission again I will shove this fork down your throat and make you deep throat it," I hissed at him.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Fag."
Bill coughed. "Christian! That's not how I raised you!"
"I am so sorry," I heard Rayne apologizing to my mom.
"You're sorry?! I'm sorry for giving birth to him!"
And that's how the night continued. Just all of us shouting at each other and eventually throwing forks across the room. Ah. How I missed home. But I couldn't wait to get back to our real home, where we had no parents threatening you to ground you even if you're an adult now.
[Author's Message...]
LOL. This chapter. I don't know. I have no words except I'm sorry too. LOL. I have no idea why I wrote this random ass chapter but I had to give you something right? Yeah lol. Well enjoy it :P
Next chapter everything is going back on track and the drama starts almost instantly. Let me warn you that this is the last cute chapter and everything will be flipped over. The REAL DEAL STARTS NOW MOTHAFUCCCKASS.
Vote, comment, love, share, like, hit, bang, hump.
[PS: New boyxboy coming soon, it's a vampire boyxboy and it will be epic. Stay tuned for it!]
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