Chapter Thirty

               I quirked an eyebrow. "Are you saying that you're going to beat him up if he tries to mess with us?"

               He smiled broadly. "Yes, yes I am."

               The thought of Rayne beating up Christian made me smile. But it also made me a little afraid. Rayne is a really quiet person, he's more of a thinker. I totally think he could take on Christian any time and day. I would pay to see it.

               "I should probably close the door," I said, eyeing the stairs which were visible from where we laid.

               "Can't I meet him?" He asked.

               I scoffed. "Meet him? Why would you want to do that?"

               He shrugged, pouting his bottom lip in a cute way. "Maybe I want to see what's so bad about him."

               I chuckled.

               He had no idea what he was saying. Christian is a very religious guy, thus being very persistent. He never gives up a verbal fight but steps back immediately when the fists come out. I wouldn't mind hurting him again if he dares to hurt Rayne. So this could actually be a positive thing for me.

               "Sure, why not?" I talked myself into it.

               I rolled out of bed, taking Rayne's hand and pulling him out of it. He straightened himself up and fixed his shirt.

               I stared at him sheepishly. "You don't need to do that. Nothing will impress him. Especially after I tell him you're my boyfriend."

               He stared back with a blank expression. "I'm not doing it for him, I'm doing it for you."

               I pointed at myself. "Me? Why?"

               "Why does everything have to be questioned?" He grumbled, walking out the door.

               I rolled my eyes and followed him down the stairs.

               My mom most likely doesn't know he's here. And she was the reason I had sent him to the hospital. He called my mom the N word. That was unacceptable and utterly rude. His dad didn't talk to him for a whole month after that. Mostly because he had spent it in the hospital after the damage I did.

               Maybe I'll get lucky and do it again. I'm not actually wishing that he insults Rayne but if he does ... then his precious God better help him. Because that's where he crosses the line.

               We climbed off the last steps and I quickly made my way around Rayne and headed towards the living room. As expected, he was sitting there in front of the T.V. with an ice cream cone on his hand.

               He looked up as I walked in and didn't hesitate to express any emotions. I could read his dark eyes, I could see the confusion in them as Rayne shyly stepped in the room. I wasn't shy at all. I just threw myself on the couch in front of Christian and glared at him.

               I deepened my glare and kept staring for a couple of more seconds before speaking. "What are you doing here? Didn't your dad tell you that he's going to be working all day?"

               "Guess not," he mumbled, licking his precious ice cream cone that I wanted to smack right out of his hand. But Rayne is here and I'm afraid that he will slap me for being rude. If only he knew the real king of rude.

               "Rayne, are you going to sit down or stand up like a palm tree?" Palm tree...could be a new nickname for him. His hair is wild today, he didn't get to do much to it after he woke up. I think it looks incredibly arousing.

               Something to pull on while the freaky happens. 


               Rayne quickly walked forward and sat next to me like the queen of England. What's with him and being so polite? What kind of torture did his family put him through to make him this way? I'm not complaining though, it's who he is and it's fucking amazing.

               I'm a ball of fire and he's a ball of ice, always cooling me down when the temperature is at its worst.

               "Who is this?" Christian asked, looking straight into Rayne's eyes. Are they both telepathically communicating? Is there a religious mind speak language or something?

               "Hi, I'm Rayne," he extended his hand over the coffee table and Christian shook it, smiling warmly.

               "I'm sorry," he told Rayne.

               Rayne stared at him confused. "Sorry? About what?"

               Christian's eyes landed on me. That answered it.

               "Don't make me hit you again," I threatened.

               He shrugged lightly. "Go ahead. I won't hold back and sue you."

               I pretended to be scared and quivered. "Ohhh, I'm so scared. He's going to sue me."

               Rayne coughed awkwardly.

               "So where are you from?" Christian kindly asked Rayne. The kindness was sickening. Yeah, Christian is kind until he gets to know someone. Then it all goes down the drain with the rest of his pathetic social life.

               "Northern Ireland."

               He nodded, pursing his lips. "Interesting. What brings you to America?"

               I stared at Rayne's neck as he gulped. I wasn't sure if it was out of fear of telling him or remembering why.

               "That's not any of your business," I answered so Rayne wouldn't have to. Gotta protect my palm tree bunny.

               Christian ignored me and kept looking at Rayne as if waiting for an answer.

               "I guess I just wanted to escape and start off somewhere new. See the world and experience new things," he answered.

               "That sounds delightful." His tone couldn't be more sarcastic.

               "So since your dad isn't going to be home very late. Maybe you should head off."

               He hummed. "I don't think so."

               I opened my mouth but Rayne interrupted me.

               "So I heard you're a Christian."

               Christian's whole face just lightened up. And the pain begins. There is nothing more annoying that listened to a bunch of people talk about religion. I am sorry, God and who ever your wife is. Lady Gaga I presume? But religion is boring and it makes me cry.

               "Yes, I am. And yourself?"

               I groaned loudly, becoming irritated and the conversation hasn't even begun. I crossed my arms behind my head and closed my eyes.

               "Since birth," Rayne answered.

               "I like you already. I'm glad to know that Jesse has at least some decent friends."

               "I ain't even offended," I said lazily.

               "We're you raised a Christian?" Rayne asked.

               "Sadly, no. My parents didn't really teach me anything about it so I had to find Jesus on my own. Luckily I met wonderful people on my journey and learned a lot."

               If they don't stop talking, I will fall asleep. I need to do something to cause a reaction out of Christian. I need to see something fun. I need to fuel the flames.

               Gently, I passed my hand over Rayne's arm and traced it down until I was touching the back of his hand. I brushed my fingers between his and gripped tightly, he didn't even flinch. His skin was cold like always. Now I knew how Bella felt when she touched Edward's hand.

               Crap. I am a homosexual.

               "Why is he holding your hand?" Christian questioned with concern in his voice. Bingo!

               "We're together," Rayne answered, proudly smiling at me.

               Christian had a blank expression on his face as his eyes remained on our hands. He looked up at me then at Rayne.

               "That's not very Christian," he grimaced.

               Rayne huffed. "And who says?"

               "Jesus," he answered quickly.

               "Jesus never said anything about homosexuals."

               "I ... I meant God," he sputtered.

               "God didn't say anything either."

               He laughed, clearly getting worked up.

               Oh baby. Oh baby! Here comes what I've been waiting for. Something to entertain me while I'm here. Something to talk about for the next few years.

               "Yes he did. It says so in the bible," Christian pointed out.

               "The bible was written by men who were inspired by God. You should know this if you claim you're a Christian," Rayne answered calmly.

               Okay I'm getting bored again.

               "Exactly. They wrote what God told them to write."

               Rayne yawned. "Excuse me, getting a little tired. It was a long drive here."

               I looked at him, smirking. "Wanna go upstairs and get in bed then?"

               "Lying with a man is a sin. It's right there and you can't deny it," Christian's face was getting red.

               "Then we'll do it standing up," I muttered.

               Rayne ignored me. "And so is touching leather. And cutting your hair. And eating shellfish. You know very well that the bible is full of flaws and it contradicts itself all the time. People tend to pick out the sin they fear most because they feel it will influence them in a way," he leaned forward, his eyes scanning Christian's blank expression. "You know why in this world people ignore the other sins? Because they are common in everyday life. You lie. You cheat. You steal. We're all sinners."

               "You're going to hell. I will pray for you."

               Rayne snorted. "If I'm going to hell the so will you."

               Is it a sin to punch someone in the face? I really want to try it on Christian.

               I pulled Rayne's hand and rested it over my heart. I wanted him to feel that my heart will always beat for him. And no matter what anyone says, they will never interfere in our relationship. We have something strong that will last longer than hell.

               "If Christian is going to heaven then hell doesn't sound like a bad place," I laughed.

               "Christian," Rayne sighed. "I went to a Christian school all my life. And from being there I learned that you're supposed to love and accept everyone for who they are. Jesus was asked what was more important. And he answered, love. Why must it be so difficult for people to understand that?"

               He shrugged. "I just follow Him."

               "Then follow with love, not ignorance."

               "I am so bored," I whined loudly.

               "I won't listen to you. You're both an abomination to God and you're being deceived by Satan."

               I burst out laughing. "Okay Christian. You go get an exorcist to get these sexy demons out of us and we'll be upstairs sinning our hearts out." I grabbed Rayne's hand, pulling him away from the living room.

               My mom came out of her room just in time as we headed towards the stairs.

               "Hey guys, what are you up to?" She asked.

               "Running away from Christian the Christian!" I shrieked when I heard the couch creak from him getting up. He's moving! The demon has been unleashed.


[Author's Message...]

     Hey guys. I am so sorry if you found this chapter boring but it had to be done. Most of my fans don't understand my motives behind my stories and it's simple. I help everyone. I do it by writing. I teach you about life, about love and about the world. It's what I do and if you've really opened your eyes then you would have noticed it in all my stories. There are life lessons to be learned when reading my stories. And this part was just a little bit about religion. It was a tiny bit :) Nothing too big but me explaining that no matter what people say, you are loved and will forever be loved. You are not alone and there is nothing wrong with who you are. Be proud, be strong, and stay in school!

     Oh and a cute picture of Jesse to the side of this page :3 Isn't he adorable T_T I want to eat him.

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