Chapter Ten

               [Jesse's Point Of View]

               I was humping a plant when I suddenly felt a tap on my back, I turned around and Rayne stood there with a nervous look on his face. I gave him a cheesy smile and went back to humping the plant.

               Wait, why am I humping a plant again?

               Rayne walked around me and got in between me and the plant.

               "I was dancing with this girl, I didn't know it was her but holy crap I drank what she gave me!" He said quickly and very loudly.

               I rose a brow. "Que?"

               "Lisa! I was dancing with her and she gave me a drink!"

               I made a huge O with my mouth, Lisa was dancing with Rayne? And she gave him a drink? And he drank it? "What did she look like? Maybe it was another Lisa."

               "She had dark red hair—"

               "—Yep it was her," I interrupted him when he said red hair. "Did you drink the whole thing?"

               He nodded. "At first it was a sip, then I danced for like half an hour so I got thirsty and drank it all! Am I gonna die?"

               "No, but maybe she didn't spike it. We'll see if you start acting weird and loopy."

               How could Lisa just do that to poor Rayne, why?! Why would anyone do that? Doesn't she see that he's too ... bunny looking to be raped? I don't want to say cute because that's just gay and I am not gay.

              You don't have to be gay to think a guy is cute though, right?

               "What do I do then?" He asked, he looked so terrified. Poor him, now I wanted to punch Lisa.

               "Just stay with me, I'll look over you."

               "Okay. Just stay away from the plant."

               I shrugged and kept dancing, I don't even remember going upstairs. I wonder where Destiny went. She was dancing with me a couple of minutes ago then just disappeared. Actually, everyone disappeared. I haven't seen Phil, Chance or even Eddy.

               I looked down on the people on the first floor who were all jumping up and down to the music. I felt like jumping, can I get hurt if I jump? But there would be a lot of bodies to break my fall.

               "Woah, what are you doing?" Rayne asked as I lifted my leg over the railing. "Stop, get back." He pulled my leg back and I fell back on the floor.

               "Leave me alone," I whined.

               "Don't kill yourself."

               I liked the song that was playing, it was creepy but I liked it. I'm in love with a zombie. 

               "I'm not! I'm just trying to have fun."

               "You can have fun, just don't jump," He laughed. "You looked like you were about to jump."

               I got up and rested on the railing and just watched everyone dancing. Then, that familiar bright head flashed before my eyes. Lisa was walking up the stairs. Holy crap! She's gonna see us!

               Without thinking, I grabbed Rayne's hand and dashed down the long hall and stopped at a pink door. If I remember correctly, this is Lisa's little sisters room. The door was unlocked so I pushed it open and threw Rayne in first then I entered and locked the door.

               The room was too pink, it was creepy. Oh look a bunny. Rayne's brother.

               I grabbed it and stared at it, the poor bunny had lipstick on.

               "Why did you take me in this creepy room?" He asked while he looked at the room.

               I hushed him. "Lisa was walking up the stairs," I whispered.

               "I'm sure she wouldn't shove a drink down our throats."

               I turned to him. "She would."

               He walked towards the white heart shaped bed and sat on the edge. His stare was blank, which kind of scared me because that's how the drug starts. Then he looked up at me, his eyes glistening from the brightness of the color. "But why? Why did she do it to me?"

               I snorted. "She just wants attractive guys to get her laid. That's all. So we have to stay away from her, got it?"

               "I'm attractive?" He wondered.

               "Are you asking me? Or was that a rhetorical question?"

               He shrugged. "I don't know. Am I?"

               "Besides that night we first met, what else did I tell you?"

               He thought about it for a minute. "You called me 'pretty' boy."

               I gave him an obvious stare.

               "Oh," He added while giggling, "well I thought you were being a sarcastic jerk."

               "Was I really that mean to you?" I asked him.

               He seemed a little hesitant. " were mean but I guess I really didn't care. I mean, you kind of made me feel like I was being cut off from society. But I guess that's know..."

               "I'm sorry."

               He looked like he was about to faint. "I'm sorry too."

               "Sorry? What for? You didn't do anything."

               "I don't know. Just let me be sorry. That way I don't feel so awkward right now."

               "So I'm not the only one feeling awkward." I spoke to myself.

               "Nope. We're all just a big awkward family."

               "Family..." I repeated.

               Pound, Pound, Pound. Someone was knocking on the door and trying to get in.

               "Hello? Who the fuck is in my sister's room? You better not be doing any shit in there or I'm gonna kill you!" Lisa roared, the knob was rattling. I looked at my surroundings, no exit except for the window.

               Good enough.

               I grabbed Rayne by the hand and pulled him towards the window. I pushed it open and looked outside, it was dark and the roof was curvy but flat enough to stand on it. I didn't let go of Rayne while I jumped through the window.

               He was a little loopy now, but I helped him jump through and then we both crawled silently across the roof until we reached the backyard. People were inside the pool and dancing around. 

               "I'm gonna jump, okay?" I told Rayne - to which he nodded. The jump was easy, it wasn't that high but it might look like it for someone who was drugged. I looked up at Rayne as he sat on the edge, hesitating about jumping. "Want me to catch you?"

               "I'm not a little girl, you can't catch me that easily." He said.

               "Try me."

               I heard him sigh and then he slid off the edge. I caught him just on time and gave him an I told you so look.

               We walked away as we heard Lisa growl inside her sister's room. That was close. I know we acted stupid by running away but Lisa is Lisa. You have to run away.

               I spotted Phil next to the DJ - he waved at us and went back to looking at the DJ's laptop.

               I pushed Rayne through the crowd of people and guided him to the living room - where there were less people in. It was more quiet than the rest of the house. I made him sit on the couch and I sat across from him.

               "Jesse!" A girl screamed as she entered, "Long time no see, baby!"

               But she kept skipping away into the next room. Jeez, doesn't anyone just want to stop and talk? I don't want to bother Rayne because I know that your head hurts when people talk to you - specially when you're drugged.

               "Jesse!" Destiny appeared and jumped on top of me. Her boobs were right in my face, motorboat time?

               "Hey, where did you head off to?" I asked her.

               "I went to go get a drink but then I saw some of my other friends so I forgot about you," She pouted.

               "You're so mean."

               She pulled my shirt. "I'm sorry! Want to go upstairs?" She gave me the dirty look.

               "I can't, my friend here is out of it," I looked over at Rayne but fuck he was gone!

               I pushed off Destiny off my lap like a rag doll and quickly ran out of the living room in search for Rayne. Dammit, he's fast.

               "Rayne!" I shouted over the loud crowd, I didn't even hear my own voice.

               I pushed past the stupid people in my way and tried to look for a guy with a grey hoodie on. There weren't any so this should be easy. That was until I walked outside of the house and everyone was wearing a grey hoodie. What the fuck?

               "Hey! Here, have a free hoodie!" A girl ran up to me and threw a hoodie to my face. I stared at it, really?! What are we in? A stupid cliche movie where stupid random shit happen? Like this!

               I threw the hoodie aside and ran through the grey crowd, if I saw someone with the same height as Rayne, I pulled their hoods down but none of them were him.

               Oh! Of course! I get it now! Rayne is a bunny, thus reproducing really quickly. Now everyone is Rayne! Ha. I'm so funny.

              Ugh, Rayne will be really upset with me if I let him wonder off into the unknown world of Hollywood parties. I can't lose him!

               I ran back inside and searched every single room but he was no where, it's like he disappeared. Then I frowned. Lisa.

               I quickly ran up the stairs - Knowing that she'd be in one of the rooms. Specially her own.

               Her room was locked, as I expected it to be. She is in there right now, and if Rayne isn't anywhere then he's in there. She stole him from me when I wasn't looking. I know it. I took a big step back and braced myself to crash through the door.

               I'll pay for it, but no one is going to mess with Rayne like that. No. One.

               I launched towards the door and kicked the knob, it snapped and the door flew open.

               "I don't know! All I know is that I'm vulnerable, why did I have to go and fall in lov— Jesse! Why don't you ever knock!?" Rayne was sitting on the floor, crying his eyes out while Lisa sat on the bed. What the heck is going on?

               And what is Rayne talking about? I never knock? What? That makes no sense. He's totally drugged.

               "What do you think you're doing?" I hollered at her.

               Her eyes went wide and she quickly got off the bed and walked past me, I was confused, where is she going?

               She closed the door - even thought it didn't close right because I broke the knob, but she managed to fully close it.

               I turned back to Rayne, who was hiding his face. The drug really affected him.

               I walked close to him and tried to look at his face but he wouldn't let me, he just turned the opposite way I would. Did I do something wrong?

               "Are you okay?" I asked him, I was very concerned for him.

               "I'm fine."

               I crouched down next to him, touching his arm. "Hey, it's alright. The drug makes you emotional and loopy. You're fine."

               "I'm not being emotional, I'm being me."

               I nodded. " I know, you're very emotional. I've already seen you crying, you don't have to hide your face."

               He pulled away his arm, but only so he could turn around and finally look at me. He crossed his legs and looked down on the ground in a very depressing way. He has been very depressed hasn't he? I don't think I truly believe him when he says nothing really affects him.

               He's just putting on a fake smile for the sake of others, isn't he? He really cares about people. But he's hurting himself too.

               I lifted his chin up so he would look at me straight in the eyes. "Don't cry," I passed my thumb under his wet eyes, "those pretty eyes of yours should never be sad."

               For some reason, I said something bad and he cried again.

               "Stop it!" He screamed.

               I blinked, a little afraid of his sudden change of attitude. "What? What did I do?"

               "You keep telling me you're straight but then you act like this."

               "What? I'm not acting like anything!"

               "You're acting as if you want something more with me. You completely went from being the worlds biggest douche bag to the nicest most caring person I know, and it seems like you're only doing it to me. Everyone else you act like your normal ignorant self."

               I feel like I just got slapped in the face with words. Is that how I've been acting lately? I really thought I was just trying to be nice and kind to him. I didn't think it was wrong, I thought he would have wanted me to be nice to him. Now he doesn't want me to be nice?

               "I...I don't understand. I'm just trying to be nice to you. I didn't think it was so wrong," I spoke hoarsely.

               He didn't speak so I spoke again.

               "What do you want from me? Want me to go back to being a jerk to you? Is that it?"

               He looked up sadly. "I want you to stop leading me into a dream."

               "A dream? What are you talking about?"

               I wonder if this is the real him talking, or is it just the drug that's talking for him. Now he's all a mess because of it.

               "Can I kiss you?"

               "What?" I asked, a little surprised, "Rayne, I'm stra—" I was cut off when his lips suddenly pressed against mine. I didn't hesitate, I immediately pulled back when I felt his skin touch mine. 

               I got up from the floor and looked at him as he roll back into a ball. He just freaking kissed me.

               "Why did you do that?" I asked calmly.

               "I don't know. I don't know."

               "Rayne..." I sighed, "I'm straight. Honestly. I like you but not like that."

               He sobbed, and quietly crawled under Lisa's bed. I think I like him better when he's drugged, not the kiss though. That was unexpected.

               "Go away."

               "I'm not going anywhere," I rolled my eyes.

               "Go away," He repeated, "I'm embarrassed."

               "You don't have to be embarrassed about anything. You can trust me."

               "No! No, I can't trust you."

               That kind of hurt a bit, him not trusting me. I wouldn't turn my back against him. I don't have the strength or the guts to do it. Even if I did, I wouldn't.

               "Why not?"


               "I need a reason, Benjamin."

               He kicked the bed. "Stop calling me that!"

               "Benjamin," I repeated for the heck of it.

               He started crying again. Oh God. I might have to ask Lisa to let me borrow some of her witch brew. I completely adore Rayne like this. He's just so silly that I oddly find it cute - again in a non-homo way.

               I climbed on top of the bed and pulled my legs up. "You know why I'm being so nice all of the sudden? My sister. That's why. She was the nicest girl in the whole world. She was so understanding, open-minded and generous that it really affected me - at least in my childhood. After she died, I kind of stopped caring about being nice and all of that," I checked to see if he was still under the bed, he was. "Seeing you in pain made me remember why she was so nice to people. She said, no matter what happens, you should never lose hope in love. Because love is what makes the world go around. Accepting and loving everyone is the key to true happiness. And it's true, I'm happy now."

               He suddenly whined. "You're happy to cause me pain? I hate you!"

               I furrowed my eyebrows. "No," I said slowly, "I'm happy being nice to you. I'm happy being your friend."

               "I don't believe you."

               "I didn't punch you for kissing me."

               He stayed quiet, only because he knew I was right.

               "That could be the reason why you're being nice, but it isn't the reason why you're so affectionate towards me. I'm not stupid. I'm majoring in a lot of shit that has to do with the human brain. So don't you dare try to put one on me."

               "Go ahead, rub it in my face. I know I'm not smart like you are."

               "I'm not. I'm just letting you know that I can't be played with. And don't change the subject."

               I stayed quiet this time, I didn't have anything to say.

               He took five minutes to get back up and when he did he just stared at me. I stared back.

               I sighed when I saw his eyes glisten again. Maybe I shouldn't want to drug him. I don't want him this depressed. I really don't like seeing it at all, specially when it seems like I'm the cause of it. At least for now.

               I walked over to him and gave him a big hug.

               He quickly pushed away and looked at me. "You did it again. You hugged me in a way you don't hug your male friends. You're such a jerk to me. Don't you know I have feelings? I have a heart! You can't just act like that and then break my heart by repeating 'I'm straight.' I'm not gonna let you do that."

               He walked around me and headed out the door, I tried to grab his arm but he moves very quickly. He was out the door faster than I blinked. What the heck just happened? Holy crap, I'm in a big one.

               I'm trying to process what the fuck just happened but I can't seem to comprehend. Okay, Rayne is obviously emotionally corrupt - thanks to the drug. His emotions got heightened, making him confess that he likes me. Right?

               And now for some reason he thinks I act flirty? Is that what he meant?

               And then something about a heart...

               Holy crap, ow, biggest headache since 1989.

               The rest of the night was such a blur to me, I know everyone had a blast expect Rayne and I. I don't know where he went but I know he was avoiding me now. Jesus, I even make guys fall in love with me. What am I gonna do with myself?

               I heard Lisa got pushed in the pool, so that was the only happiness that I got out of the night. The car ride back home was quiet, Rayne didn't even come in the same car as us. He got a ride with Priscella.

               Oh man, please tell me I did not just ruin our friendship. Gah! What did I do wrong?! I don't get it!


[Author's Message...]

   I'm not uploading until chapter nine and ten both have 300 votes and 100 comments >:( Yep! YEP! YEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   Lol. Cause I'm the best ever and I wrote two chapters in a day. -.- Yes -.-

   My head hurts for some reason, this was such a night. I feel intoxicated even though I never even been there lol.

   Vote and comment! NOW!

    *Flies away*

(2017 gio: wow i was desperate)

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