Chapter Seventeen

               Rayne buried his face into my neck when Phil headed towards us and splashed our faces. I shot him a look so he would go away and he rolled his eyes. He splashed my face one more time before dunking underwater.

               The waves kind of pulled us deeper into the ocean, and the deeper we went, the colder it became. I swear there was nothing more scary than suddenly feeling everything underneath you become freezing cold. It's not even the same temperature as the shore. It's worse! And it's just emptiness. I feel like sharks are going to come and eat my sexy body.

               But those girls were still far ahead of us so I'd know if they get eaten first. I'll see breast implants floating on the water. Then I'd know to save Rayne and swim away!

               I should probably make Rayne lay next to Priscella on her huge towel so he can get a decent tan. Not a lot though, I don't want his skin to burn. Just for a couple of minutes and then I'd have to take him into the shade. He is not going to get cancer because of his weak white skin.

               "Why are you being so quiet all of the sudden?" I asked him.

               He shrugged. "Just thinking a lot."

               "What are you thinking about?"


                "Is that good or bad?"


               He's thinking of bad things about me? That's never good. Well obviously.

               "What's the bad part?" I'm not one hundred percent sure that I want to know but I'm curious.

               "You already know."

               "I'm not going to leave you, Rayne. I'm also not disgusted with this. At all."

               "That's because you're only kissing me. I know a lot of straight guys who are willing to kiss another guy but they wouldn't take it farther than that. What if you realize you don't like it when we get farther?"

              I laughed. "I like how you're so sure about us getting freaky."

               He looked serious. "You poisoned my thoughts with dirty things."

                "Oh come on Rayne, I know it's confusing and it makes you doubt things but trust me. I don't think I'll be leaving you. And think about it, what straight guy would honestly go through all of this trouble? I guess I'm not straight after all and I needed someone like you to wake me up."

               He sighed. "I know, but I don't want to fall for you to then get my heart ripped in half."

               "I'd never do that. If I knew that I wouldn't like it then I wouldn't have asked you out in the first place."

               He pressed his forehead against mine, his eyes staring down at my lips. "Promise?"

               "I promise."

               He sighed in relief. "Okay, can you take that banana out of your pocket please? It's bothering me, unless you can let me down now."

               "I'm not letting you go. I like holding you like this," I grabbed him with my other hand so I could reach in my pocket and take out the banana. I took it out of the water and stared at it. "Want a salty banana?"

               "No," He grabbed it and tossed it aside.

                "So when do you want our date to be? Tomorrow?"

               "Tomorrow is shooting day for the commercial."

               "Oh, right. Wow, so fast."

               "And Sunday I have to do homework."

               "Aw," Now I felt all sad and empty inside. So I'm barely gonna see him for two days?

                "You can come with me tomorrow if you'd like."

               And the happiness has returned!

               "Really? I'd love to. What are you going to be doing?"

               He suddenly made the model look, the one where you look all serious and fancy. His eyes half squinted to look very seductive. "My skin used to break out a lot. I'd get all embarrassed to go out with my friends. But after using ******** skin care, my skin is clearer and smoother than ever." Then he made a dramatic pause, "It even works for your body, now you don't have to be afraid of going to the beach. It works! That's why I use ******* skin care."

               "I feel like my mind has just been played with," I frowned. "What idiot would believe that?"

              "It actually works. But the lines could be a bit more believable."

               "Who ever wrote them is a genius," I said sarcastically.

               "Shut up and kiss me," He demanded.

                "Oh baby," I grinned and pressed my lips against his.

                 I dipped my tongue inside his cave and devoured his ever lasting raynebow taste. His lips were soft and sweet, so good between my own pair of lips. Seriously, how am I not disgusted by his saliva? But when I think of doing it with another guy it becomes so gross to me. I'm not complaining though, I love his saliva.

               "We can go on a date next week if you want," He said after we took a break to breathe.

               "A whole week? Ugh."

               "I'm sorry," He pouted, "I'll be too busy with classes and homework to go out."

               A part of me wanted him to just skip all the classes so we can make out for countless of  hours. Sounds good to me, but he wouldn't ever do that. He really wants his education, sucks for me. I'm bored with my classes.

               But if I want to be like my step-father then I have to do it. Maybe we can help each other! Oh that sounds wrong to me. Just because he has to do homework and shit doesn't mean we can't see each other! Finally, I have an excuse to do my own homework. So I can be with him!

               I'll be a good doctor, my step dad tells me so each time I mention something about my classes. I'd be a sexy doctor.

               Yeah, I chose to go to medical school. It may not be my thing but it's worth it. Specially since the economy is so bad. Being a good doctor will get me money and I'd save lives! I'm thinking about being a surgeon. I'm not so sure yet...

               I burped, making Rayne push me away.

               "You're so gross!" He grimaced. I gave him a smirk, a really devious smirk.

               I did it on purpose. Oh yeah.

               "Come here," I asked in a sweet tone, I tried pulling him but he kept trying to swim away, "let me burp in your mouth."

               "Jesse!" He screamed as I pulled him closer. "Stop! Let me go!"

               He was laughing, so at least I wasn't doing anything wrong. I pressed my mouth against his cheek and blew on it. He pushed my face away as he squealed. Aw, such a cute bunny.

               "Open your mouth," I demanded.

                "Eep!" He shrieked as I let go of his hand. He quickly went under the water and disappeared.

               He is super good at hiding and swimming away. I can't see him in the water. It's like he turns invisible. Then I spotted him all the way on the shore, just getting up like a normal person who just happens to swim at the speed of a mermaid.

               I let myself sink a little bit as I watched him talking to Priscella. He really looks intriguing, unlike any guy or girl I've ever seen before. The way his chest magically glistened made my heart rate rise like hell.

               Now I'm going to note things I like about his physical appearance, and things I hate about it. Okay let's see...jeez I feel like a creeper, just watching him like a predator that wants to eat him.

               Like a stalker.

               What do I hate? Absolutely nothing.

              Now what do I like? A whole lot.

               I liked his hair, light and gentle as a breeze. His eyes, I loved those big bright eyes. His smile was contagious, it made me smile. It was sweet and adorable. Oh God, look at me! I'm looking at a guy in a way I wouldn't have a few weeks ago.

               Okay, what ever, right? Life goes on. If I like a guy, then let it be.

               His cute nose made me want to tickle it with a feather. His appearance is turning me soft. Okay, I'll tickle it with a brick. No! I don't want to hurt him! What's soft and manly? Ugh. Me? Yay!

               So back to his chest and how it made me feel tingly inside. Yeah, it made me feel like electricity was running up and down my body. Which is what really made me more curious to explore that side of him. 

               Every time I think of his lower body, I just get uncomfortable. It's not going to be easy doing this, I knew it wouldn't. But I have the strength to do it and I'm not turning back. I'm going straight for the treasure. 

              Still...I wonder what he looks like naked...He looks good with clothes on, but will I still like him without clothes on? I barely even like girls with skin.

               I guess time will tell. But for now, I am super comfortable with just kissing him and holding him. I get excited because...well because I'm a guy...a freaking duck can get me excited. Okay maybe not? A little?

               I'm sensitive down there, I swear! It's not my fault! A battery once landed on my crotch and I got super excited. It's not like I was going to make love to the battery, but it just proves I'm sensitive. Meh...

               When we were in my car and I thought about us making love. It was hard to imagine it, my imagination isn't that good so it was hard. And I'm not really sure how gays do it, all I know is that it goes up the butt. And people actually like that? I don't even like it when stuff comes out of it.

               I know one of my ex girlfriends wanted me to do her in the butt. I didn't do it.

               I'm not sure how it feels to do it or to receive it. Hm...

               When I imagined myself doing it to Rayne, it didn't look bad and it certainly didn't feel wrong. He's no girl but holy damn it looked interesting. And for some reason I think it might be better than straight sex. Only because it's two people who are physically strong, therefor new positions without the complaining.

               His ass looked nice, better than most girls who have a flat ass. He kind of looked offended when I called him the bottom. Does he expect me to be the bottom? Cause nothing is going up my butt. Nothing. No way in hell. At least not for a long time. I'm not comfortable with that. Nope. I don't care how attractive Rayne is, he is not shoving anything inside of me.

               I felt like a woman just thinking about it.

               He suddenly looked in my direction and gave me that sweet smile. I returned his smile with a wink.

              I swam towards the shore as fast as I could. When I reached land, I rolled on the ground as a wave made me tumble. Then another wave crashed against me and I just kept falling on my ass. I wonder if he thinks my ass looks good.

               I crawled away from the water and pulled a bunch of wet sand towards me. Time to build something. Hm, what to build?

               I began by cupping my hand over the big mass of sand in front of me. Then I circled my hands around it to make it into a circle. There we go, two massive female melons. Then I grabbed two seashells and used them as the nipples.

               "That's beautiful," Phil expressed as he walked towards me.

               I looked up at Rayne who didn't look so happy about it. Aw. Well I wasn't going to make a sausage. That's just being immature.

               Either way, this is art baby.

               I destroyed the two melons and drew a heart with my finger. In the middle I wrote both of our initials. Then I looked up at him again and he looked better, not so much traumatized by two enormous melons in front of me.

               Rayne had some really good looking nipples, I just noticed.

               I got bored so I dug a very deep hole, one that had water coming from the bottom. It's like a jacuzzi. Then I got inside of it and sat down, my head was the only thing that popped out of it, that's how deep it was.

               "Phil! Bury me!" I commanded.

               He ran towards me and began by pushing down the sand on top of me. The sand itched. I hope that no crab is in here or I'm really going to regret life. I heard that sand is good for your skin, but I also heard that lizard pee is good for your health. So I can't really take people literally.

              When Phil was finished, I felt like a giant burrito. The sexiest burrito you'd ever see.

               "I feel like a burrito, or a sushi roll."

               I decided to stay in here for a while. I just watched the waves of the ocean get closer and closer to me. This was the moment of truth, the moment where I thought about life while I was in the sand. Was that too much? Too dramatic?

              Who cares. I was comfortable, the wet sand felt good to my skin. The warm sun felt good to my head. So why not contemplate the wonders of life?

               I scared a few people, I guess seeing a head in the middle of nothing is a little terrifying.

               When it was time to get out of this mess, it took me a lot of effort because the sand was extremely heavy around me. But I pushed through easily. My body was entirely grey now. I felt kind of dizzy too.

               I let the waves clean my body from the sand, that's the last time I bury myself. Now I have sand in places you do not want sand. It took me a while to be sand-free.

               Rayne laid next to Priscella, both of them had their backs to the sun, just tanning like two normal people. Priscella had a good tan about now. Rayne had more color to his skin but nothing special. Usually people with light skin tan faster, I guess Rayne has special skin that really doesn't want to be changed.

                I silently walked towards them like a ninja, they looked like they were sleeping. I slowly crawled over Rayne and laid on his back so that my crotch was pressing against his nice ass.Wink.

              "Jesse! Get off!"

              Oops, he woke up.

              "Take it, baby! Take it all!" I moaned playfully.

               He turned around and punched my chest really hard, I didn't think he was that strong in the first place. I wailed in pain as I collapsed next to him on the sand. The pain was brutal, remind me never to mess with Rayne.

               "Fuck sakes, Jesse," He cursed at me. I think I might have startled him...

               "It hurts," I whimpered. I honestly felt like I was having a mini heart attack.

               He sighed. "I'm sorry for punching you."

               I am never underestimating Rayne ever again. Not in strength, intelligence, talent, nothing! Because I'm going to get beat up either way. I'm still stronger than him though. No way his arm can compare to mine. He got lucky.

               "I'm so going to get revenge on you tonight," I smirked at him.


[Author's Message...]

   I literally complained every chapter about how much i hate them ok

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