Chapter Nine

               I exited the showers fully clothed - Why? Because there are guys just walking in and out of the bathroom and I am not going to expose my nudity to the world and make all the guys jealous of me. Heh. I think I'm spending too much time with Jesse. But is a few hours enough to make me conceited?

               Either way, the bathrooms had a few guys who were all getting ready just like every single day. It's new to me because it's the first time I take a shower this early. I'm kind of shy so I use the bathroom when no one is here.

               But Priscella, Jesse, Phil and even a few people that I don't know were rushing me an hour ago to wake up and get ready. I don't want to be the loser who gets up late and ends up pulling everyone behind.

               There was this guy who was putting on mascara, for real. He didn't even look gay, just like a big mess of darkness. When his eyes darted to me through the mirror I kind of jumped and skipped out of the bathroom faster than a cheetah.

               I walked down the hall, my clothes dripping wet because I don't have the guts to walk around with just a towel - like everyone else. Including girls.

               A girl who was walking by smiled at me. "Hey, Rayne."

               I looked back at her. "Hey..."

               Do I know her?

               Shrug. I entered my room, my roommate was gone again. I don't think we'll be close friends. He's barely even here, always at his girlfriend's house. I wonder why he doesn't just go live with her. Hm, parents! Of course...

               Once inside, I locked the door just to be safe and I quickly undressed as I rubbed the dry towel over my wet body. My clothes were already on my bed, I picked them up as soon as I woke up. Pretty simple; black jeans, some shoes, a class looking shirt, a grey hooded jacket and a belt for smacking around some hoes who try to get with me.

               Their drunk ass selves are going no where near me, unless it's Jesse.

               After I was dressed, I heard a knock on my door and I quickly rushed to it - while also tripping over the air. I opened the door and Priscella stood there, leaning against the door frame like some kind of prostitute. She even looked like one, no offense to her.

               She blew her nails as she looked at me. "The boys are wondering if you're ready."

               "Almost," I looked back to see if I missed anything.

               "When you're done, go out to the parking lot and you'll see us there."


               I closed the door when she left and I walked towards my nightstand - where my cologne was, and I sprayed myself a couple of times. I tossed my wallet and my phone inside my pocket, and after staring at the wall for five minutes, I left the room and made my way towards the parking lot.

               The parking lot was filled with cars and people surrounding them, I guess everyone is going out on a Sunday night? I spotted Jesse and Priscella at the end so I walked towards them.

               "Hey, Rayne," Priscella smiled, "you look hot." Then she turned to Jesse. "Doesn't he, Jesse?"

               He gave her a confused look. "Sure?"

               Now I want to slap Priscella, is she trying to force him to become gay just for me? Oh, how sweet...

               She then walked in front of me and grabbed my cheeks. "You're so freaking adorable. Look at you! Just look at yourself!" She cooed loudly.

               "I look at myself everyday, thanks." I muttered.

               "Leave him alone, go away," Jesse whined, pushing Priscella away.

               She turned around and started smacking his shoulders.

               "Don't! Push! Me!"

               "Then stop being annoying and go back to your stupid girls group. This is the guys side."

               "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were still in pre-school." She gawked, but walked away from us.

               "Isn't she annoying?" Jesse asked me.


               He glared at me. "Say yes and I won't hit you."

               "No," I repeated. 

               He smacked my face, but gently.

               "I told you I'd hit you..."

               I blankly stared at him. "Yeah, it hurt so much..."

               "We're just waiting on Phil, then we'll go," He informed me.

               I shook my head. Cars were exiting the parking lot by the dozen. Is everyone going to this Lisa's party? Is it really that good? I'm kind of excited now. This would be the first time I'd go to an American party. I'm sure there isn't any difference, we're all still humans.

               When Phil arrived - which was like ten minutes after Jesse told me - Jesse and some other guy started singing to a song that was unknown to me. There were five of us and we were going to go in Jesse's car.

               "Phil, can you drive? Please?" Jesse begged him.

               "I guess..."

                "Great," Jesse threw the keys at him. "Come on Chance and Eddy. Let's go."

               Chance, the taller one I assumed, got in the passenger side, Eddy entered the back followed by Jesse.

               "Come on, Rayne. Let's go!" Jesse growled, clapping his hand loudly.

               I entered the car, and sat next to Jesse - who was in the middle. Phil turned the engine on while everyone closed the doors. Then I felt like my ears exploded as Katy Perry played loudly. For some stupid reason, they all looked at me.


               "It's not his CD, It's Priscella's." Jesse told them.

               Not all gays like Katy Perry, she's a girl!

               Phil turned off the CD and turned up the radio, Nicki Minaj's voice blasted loudly.

               "Is listening to Nicki Minaj gay?" Chance asked, then he covered his mouth. "I mean unmanly." Then he covered his mouth again. Really? Is it going to be this awkward for the rest of my life?

               "I love Nicki Minaj, turn it up!" Saved by Jesse.

               Besides, it was David Guetta.

               So many boys in here, where do I begin?

               I see this one, I'm about to go in

               Then he said, I'm here with my friends

               He got to thinking, then that's when he said

              Where them girls at? Girls at?

               So strange how lyrics can sometimes relate a little too much to your life. I glanced over at Jesse who was dancing on his seat. It was cute, he knew the whole rap to Nicki Minaj's verse. Then he shut up when Flo Rida's part came.

               Yeah, I know American music.

               "Fist pump!"

               "Shut up, we aren't in Jersey Shore." Jesse yelled at Chance.

               Everyone just stopped moving when the song ended and a depressing song came on. Now we all just looked at each other awkwardly, expect Phil who had his eyes on the road.

               "This is such an emo song." Phil spoke.

               Then Jesse started laughing when the lyrics said I cut my skin. "Dude, you're psychic. Change it! I don't want to be depressed."

               I looked out the window and drooled over the night sky. California was sure pretty when it was night. The streets were always busy and not once did they look quiet. I liked that. It's kind of happy and helps me forget of how lonely I sometimes feel.

               I'm surrounded by so many people, yet I still felt alone. But now it's different.

               I pressed my forehead against the window and just watched the many lights flash by.

               The music was suddenly turned down. "Hey, Rayne. How long you've been gay?" Chance asked, he was looking at me through the opened mirror in front of him.

               "How long have you been straight?" I retorted.

               "Owned." Jesse said sharply.

               I saw Phil smack Chance in the face and the music was turned up again. Chance seemed to be the ignorant one in the current group, Eddy was the quiet one, Jesse was the silly one, Phil was the responsible one and I guess I'm the gay one.


               We drove around for quite sometime, until we entered a neighborhood that had some huge houses. These houses are the ones I see in movies! Do famous people live here? Holy shit, is Lisa famous? Anyone in her family famous? Now my excitement has returned.

               The houses just got bigger and bigger as we drove deeper into the neighborhood, by the time we stopped, I think I forgot how to breathe. The house in front of me was the biggest I've ever seen. It rested on top of a small hill and had a long stone path for cars to drive up.

               I could hear House music being played inside, lights were flashing from every window. I love California.

               "Guys, if you see Lisa, don't drink what ever she gives you." Jesse warned us, he looked specifically at me.

               "I don't drink."

               Jesse looked like he saw a ghost, he even jerked back a little. "Holy shit. Guys. Rayne doesn't drink!"

               "So he can drive then?"

               "Do you have a licence?" Jesse asked me.

               I gave him a sorry look. "I have an Ireland drivers licence, not an American one."

              "But can you drive?" Chance asked.

               Phil smacked him again. "He just said he has a drivers licence. What do you think?"

               "Can you drive us then? Cause we will get drunk."

               "If I get caught..." I glared at Jesse. "You will pay for my bail and then become my servant."

               He shrugged. "Sounds good to me." He then turned to Phil. "Congrats man, you can get drunk now."

               We drove up the path and parked outside of the house, that's what everyone was doing anyway. The house looked even more beautiful up close. It looked like a mansion. A white and shiny one.

                "Are. We. Ready?!" Jesse roared, hastily pushing me out the door.

               "Yep," Everyone but me answered.

               "Hey!" A girl screamed and waved at us, I didn't know who she was so I didn't pay attention to her. Chance, Eddy and Phil walked towards her and Jesse stayed behind with me.

               "Um, Rayne, can you do me a favor?"

               "Anything. What's up?"

               He looked nervous. "Okay, you're new so you don't know who Lisa is. She's lives here and she's after me. Like ... sexually. So she has tried to drug me before so she can ... you know ... so if you see me acting stranger than usual, take me home immediately. Understand?"

               I crossed my arms. "I don't understand."

               He sighed. "She's gonna try to get me to drink something that has been tampered with. I'm gonna try to stay away from her and her friends but I don't know what's gonna happen."

               "Then don't drink," I suggested.

               "Hahaha! You're kidding right? Oh, you're so funny."

               I frowned. "Fine, get wasted then."

               "You will help me though, right?"

               How could I say no to that face? How?!

               "Yeah, what ever."

               He patted my shoulder. "That's my Raynebow."

               Is it too late to get over this crush?

               I followed him and his friends up the road until we reached the front door - which was wide open. Inside I could see people walking by, some dancing, some just standing there looking stupid.

               I'm gonna be one of those.

               The stupid ones.

               Cause I have no friends.

               Jesse turned to me for a second. "You can stay with me if you want."

               It's like he read my mind. 

               I couldn't believe my eyes, the inside of the house was spectacular. I felt like I just stepped through time and landed in the year 5000. 

               The first thing you see when you enter the house is the stairs that lead to the second floor, the stairs were spiral and had a black carpet running up the steps.

               The next thing you saw was the black and white checkered carpet. It looked amazing next to the beautiful glass tables. It was fantastic to watch the laser lights beam through the glass furniture - creating a mass of ray lights.

               This looked so much more fun than an actual club. I liked how the lights flickered on and off with the beats of the music playing.

               "Cool, huh?" Jesse said loudly.

               I nodded and watched a fountain in the middle of the room, the biggest room I've ever seen in my life. The fountain was in the shape of a triangle, lights hovered over the pointy top. The water cascading down the rocks was red. I don't know how else to describe this feeling I'm getting. It's epic.

               I feel like a kid again.

               I watched as girls huddled around the red water and they pressed a cup against it. Oh, it was for drinking? Holy shit, this just got even cooler. Too bad I don't drink. Cause it looks pretty.

               A random girl suddenly pulled Jesse away, I guessed they were friends since he didn't pull away. Now I'm alone, as expected.

               Another girl seemed to be glancing at me, she was pretty cute. Auburn hair, massive round boobs with a glass figure. It was the typical Hollywood look.

               She smiled at me upon contact, I returned the smile and she quickly walked over to me. I don't mind if a girl talks to me or dances with me, playing straight while I'm here doesn't hurt anyone. It's not like I'm going to hook up with anyone and I don't want to feel like a loser.

               "Hey," She smiled at me, flashing her perfect white pearls.

               "Sup," Keep it cool, Rayne.

               "Nothing much," She giggled while twisting her hair between her fingers. "Want to dance?"


               She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the pretty fountain and took me into another room - where everyone was dancing to house music.

               I kind of felt lucky, a few minutes inside and I'm already dancing with a girl.

               She looked up at me as we danced wildly, our bodies colliding with each movement. Just by looking at her, I could tell that she was really cool. She seemed down to earth - wait what am I saying? I don't even know her! She could be a terrorist for all I know.

               Or a lady-dude.

               Her hands moved up my arm and slithered to my chest. She was a very ... sexy dancer. Very touchy indeed.

                Her red hair was very shiny though, and her face had a pale complexion that brought magic to her bright green eyes. Maybe that's why I thought she was cool, she has the innocent look.

               "You dance pretty well," She said.

               "I try," I shrugged.

               "I like your accent, where are you from?"


               She looked interested. Hey, maybe I'll date her. Hahaha - not.

               "Wow, that's far."

               I nodded. "Kind of."

               "I'm thirsty, I'm gonna go get a drink, want one?"

               I shook my head. "I don't drink."

               "Oh come on, just one." She urged.

               "I can't, I have to drive for my friends." I insisted.

               "Just a tiny one!" She jumped, holding onto my arm and shaking me.

               I sighed. "Fine, just one."

               She screamed, raising her fist in the air and shaking her ass as she walked out of the room. She's awesome alright. I kept dancing by myself and didn't feel stupid cause everyone was pretty much dancing by themselves. This is house music, you don't need anyone to dance with. You just get your ass to the dance floor and dance with everyone.

               I didn't spot Jesse in the crowd, he must be with that girl. What if they're getting laid? Hm. I can't imagine Jesse getting laid, not in a bad way, he's just too innocent looking. It's impossible.

               He's so laid back, like he doesn't give a fuck what the world thinks about him. But in a cute way that doesn't seem so threatening. 

               I nodded my head to the music, it was making me crazy. I could feel the energy rise in the room, specially when the bass drops and everyone jumps simultaneously.

               "I'm back!"

               I turned around and there she was with two drinks in her hand, the red and bloody looking ones. She handed me a drink and I took one tiny sip of it. Hm, it wasn't that strong, it tasted bitter and sweet at the same time. Kind of like fruit punch with alcohol.

               We danced together for God knows how long, we talked a bit and danced dirty to the random music playing. She really got into the music more than anyone else. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were shut. Her hands moved aimlessly through the air and I almost thought she was going to fall back.

               I should probably check on Jesse, I don't want him to get into trouble or too drunk. He almost scared me last night. I don't know why but I honestly care for the guy now. Specially after everything he's been through.

               "Hey, I'm gonna go check on my friend, is that alright?" I asked her.

               "Sure," She smiled, "I'll be here when you need me."

              "Alright, I'll be back ... um ... what's your name?"

               "Lisa." She smiled again, staring deep into my eyes.

               Crap. I drank her poison didn't I?


[Author's Message...]

   LOL. Sorry for ending it there. I told people I was gonna make this chapter long but I felt like putting EVERYTHING in one chapter was kind of annoying, so I'm gonna publish this and start on the next chapter right now. :) Time for some action O.O ....

     Btw, if you guys spot any mistakes or grammar mistakes then point them out(as long as you don't over do it) cause the last chapter had one line that made absolutely NO sense lol and it was because I started writing it then went away then came back and continued it as a WHOLE different sentence and it was just a mess LOL.

   *Flies away sideways*

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