Chapter Four

               [Continuation of Rayne's Point Of View...]

                It was midnight and I was supposed to be at the lobby by now. I'm probably about an hour late. But can you blame me? I've been crying for hours now, so much that my eyes are red like the devil and ache like a mother effer.

               Luckily, I am so weird that I can actually be happy after my parents disowning me. Sure, I will be sad every once in a while but there is nothing I can do. Why suffer and be depressed for no reason at all? It's their choice. Even if it's a really bad one.

               I sighed, staring at the unpacked suit cases next to my bed. I have yet to unpack, I'm just too lazy right now. I still need to get used to living in this strange place. When I do, then I will unpack. I crawled over to one and pulled it closer to me, opening it to fetch something to wear to the sleepover.

               Priscella specifically said that I should wear pajamas but I'm kind of shy. I don't even wear pajamas. So I guess a plain shirt and some shorts will do. 

               I dragged my sorry ass across the room as I dressed, my roommate was gone for the weekend. He told me he visits his girlfriend every weekend. I thought it was sweet. I don't think I'll ever be dating for a while. Not that I don't want to, it's just ... it's kind of hard for me. And everyone here seems to be straight. 

               I should just go straight for the heck of it, but it doesn't work like that. It isn't some switch you can turn off. You are permanently born the way you are. And there should be no problem with that. I don't know why people care so much, really...why do you?

               Anyone who is a homosexual knows that they've tried to turn straight once in their life only to find out that it's impossible. Those 'religious' people that claim they have turned with the power of Jesus Christ are liars. You. Can't. Change.

               But you can pretend...

               What ever though, life goes on.

               After I was dressed, I walked out into the halls—which were as empty as a cementry—and made my way to the lobby area. A few girls had their doors open, most of them were closed and had no visible sign of life.

               I hesitated before entering the lobby because the lights were off, but then I saw lights flicker and guessed that they were all watching a movie. As I entered, I saw the big screen flashing to life as a movie played. Priscella was in the back and her head turned to me when I entered.

               "Hey," She mouthed, patting the empty space next to her.

              I walked over and sat on the floor next to her, everyone had their eyes glued to the screen. And God, she wasn't kidding when she said it was mostly an all girls sleepover. I don't see one guy. Since I'm gay, does that make me part of the females group? I never really though of it...

               "Are you okay?" She asked, probably noticing my eyes.

               I nodded, even though it was a lie. I didn't want to ruin the night with my problems.

                Everyone laughed to the movie—I wasn't really paying attention but I noticed it was a comedy movie. It was almost done. Priscella and I mouthed to each other and that's how we communicated throughout the movie. She said that she was happy I came and that we're going to watch a scary movie next.

               I enjoy scary movies. Better than any other genre.

               After the movie was over, we were joined by Jesse who sat next to me until he noticed who he sat next to. He stared at me, I stared at him and then he got up and sat next to Priscella. I wasn't aware that I had a disease.

               It still didn't bother me though. Jesse kind of hates me in an adorable way so I can't hold a grudge. Even if I didn't think of it in an adorable way, you can't stay mad while staring at those magnificent eyes.

               Jesse and Priscella started whispering to each other as a girl in full pink placed another movie in the DVD player. All the girls started giggling and hugging their pillows. Then I thought ... are we in college or in middle school?

               Eh, I liked these kind of girls, so I won't complain. They look fun and outgoing, not boring and way too into their school work to have a social life.

               I watched the screen turn black and then the familiar green screen appeared, giving me some warning and the rating of the movie. Priscella turned to me and whispered in my ear 'The movie is called Quarantine'.

               I've never heard of this movie but I was immediately intrigued when it started. In the movie, a lady is doing a report for the news. The way the movie is filmed kind of annoys me, I don't like first person view.

               Hm, firemen wants to get laid huh? 

               That reporter is way too hot for me to take this movie serious. Why can't they cast a female that isn't over the top? Or maybe cast a damn guy for the lead role, maybe put him shirtless, naked?

               I feel like my brain is getting annoyed because I'm thinking too much. At least I'm not talking right? So shuddup.

                I couldn't help but look at Jesse every once in a while, there was something about him that kept me chained and locked in place. I feel like if he weren't here right now, I would have broken free and disappeared in the darkness of my sorrow.

               It's like he's my light, like the day we first met. He stood in the moonlight, and I stood in the darkness. He couldn't see me, but I could see him.

               That's how I feel most of the time. I can see people, but they can't see me. They see what they want to see. It sucks and it hurts.

               The movie was now getting kind of freaky, they were all locked up in an apartment building and now they were trying to figure out why the police is keeping them locked up without any information.

               It's kind of obvious. 

               Half an hour later and I'm pretty sure all of our hearts were pounding fast. I had half my face covered because I knew something was about to pop up. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!

               As suspected, a scary zombie girl popped out and everyone screamed. It was funny to hear everyone, it was like a wave of high pitch screams. My voice—which is deep—wasn't even heard. And yes I did scream as loud and gay as I could.

               I was so scared that I actually contemplated leaving, that's how scary it was. Jesse on the other hand had a bored expression on his face. Well glad to know that he has fear in him.

               "F*CK! DON'T GO IN THERE YOU STUPID WH0RE!" Some girl screamed in the front.

               "Shut up, Brit—OH MY GOD SHE WENT IN THERE!"

               Then everyone screamed, another wave of screeching sounds irritating my ears. I was surprised that glass around us hadn't shattered into pieces yet. That would be pretty amusing.

               I hugged my knees together and buried my face between them. I didn't want to look anymore. They were now using the green light. The green light makes everything ten times scarier!

               I heard a few hisses, growling and snapping. Yep, I'm not gonna look anymore. It's just too damn scary for my poor heart to take. Too much pressure and it's gonna pop. It's gonna be a gore sleepover with my guts all over everyone.

               That's hot.

               The movie ended really ... not shocking. It was freaky though, it freaked me out. I made me think about life and how I do not want to die. Ugh! Shivers.

               "That was creepy." Priscella also shivered, she got up and turned the TV to a normal channel. 

               All the girls began to chat with each other, some went to the tables to serve themselves drinks or eat snacks. It kind of smells like rainbows and unicorns. It's probably cause I'm here, I smell so good, I'm a Raynebow.

               Wait, Raynebows don't even smell like anything...

               I mean rainbows.

               Well they smell like rain...and bows...ha...

               "Hey, Rayne. Want some?" Priscella asked from across the room, she flashed a transparent cup of soda. I nodded.

               I took the cup from her hand but didn't drink it. I was just staring at all the girls in this room.

               "When is the pillow fight starting?" I joked, taking a sip of my drink.

               "After the games."

                I spat out the soda. I didn't think that would happen.

               I did not think that they were actually going to play pillow fights. I'm leaving when they start, that's where it gets awkward. No way. It's just too damn sexual, and I'm still gay.

               If it were a guy's sleepover then I might stay, but I still want to keep my innocence so I'd still leave, regardless of the gender party.

               My eyes scanned the room for Jesse, I found him by himself, leaning against the wall on the opposite side of me. I wonder if he's still trying to avoid me. Or he's just really that bored.

               "Rayne. One of my friend is having a party on Sunday, want to come?" Priscella asked, making me break contact with Jesse, even though he wasn't looking at me.

               "I don't know ... my first day of school starts on Monday. I don't want to be late."

               "Really? What are you majoring in?"


               She smiled, "You want to help people? Aw, you're so cute."

               "Help people? You're gonna be a therapist?" Someone scoffed behind me, it was Jesse, his voice was too familiar now.

               I didn't turn around, I just looked down on my hands and ignored his presence, two can play at that game. Priscella grinned when I didn't respond, she was looking at his face. I bet he looked mad.

               Hey, I'm the one that's going to be working with people's thoughts. Would make no sense if I didn't know how to work with Jesse's type. Maybe he should be my first client, I'm sure I can help.

               I will begin by ignoring him. His ego will be hurt, his pride will degrade and then the truth will come out.

               "So tell me about this party," I told Priscella, still ignoring the fact that Jesse was behind me. "Who is your friend? Have I met her yet?"

               She tried to hide a smile but was losing, "Her name is Lisa, and no you haven't. She doesn't live in a dorm. She has her own house."

               "Lisa?!" Jesse intruded, walking in front of me to face Priscella. "She's having another party?"

               "Yes, now back off." She pushed him back, making me touch his back before he touched me.

               I almost expected him to punch me for touching him but he's smart, he knows I didn't do it intentionally. I took one giant step back away from Jesse just in case he changes his mind.

               "Who is coming?" He asked.

               "Same people who always come?" She said in a way that suggested he already knew the answer.

               He grunted, "I'm just wondering jeez."

               "Why? Are you coming?"

               "If Phil goes then I will too. I'll just stay away from any drink that Lisa gives me."

               Priscella sighed, patting his shoulder.

               "Tell it to someone who cares, Jesse."

               "Burn." I said quietly, but not quiet enough. Jesse turned around and glared at me.

               He jerked his chin up, "You have a problem?"

               "Not at all..." I said nervously, "Actually, Priscella did ask so obviously she cares."

               "Oh, Burn." Jesse turned to Priscella, whose jaw dropped.

                "Rayne! I thought we were friends!"

               "We are ... " I whined back, "But it was right there! I had to say something to make Jesse happy."

               "You want me to be happy?" He raised a brow.

               I coughed awkwardly, "So what are we doing now?" I completely avoided the question.

               "Right now we're just getting ready to play some games and just talk."

               Jesse groaned loudly, "Why don't you just kill me already?!"

               "No offense, Priscella, but this is how you drive guys away." I said sadly.

               He nodded, "For the first time ever, I agree with a gay guy." 

                I turned to him, crossing my arms. "You're a jerk."

               "Life is a jerk."

               "That doesn't make any sense."

               "Life doesn't make sense."

               I frowned. Why doesn't he ever make sense? Ugh, but I can't help it he's so cute. I just want him to hate on me more. I should act more gay so he can get more pissed off at me. Sounds like a plan to me.

               A plan that will only work in my head...

              "Hey Jesse," A girl giggled, "Take off your shirt."

              For some God damn reason, he eyed me.

               "I rather not."


               I'm supposed to ignore him, what am I doing? Uh! He distracts me from everything, from all my thoughts, that's why.

               "Are we all ready to play some shit?!" Priscella growled like the devil. She stormed through the group of girls that were huddled against each other in the middle of the room. They all dropped on the floor and made a circle. Uh oh.

               "Truth or dare! BRING IT ON!" A girl said, one that had screamed earlier during the movie. Britney I'm guessing?

               "Hotdamn." Another one said.

               The rest just giggled or laughed with each other. I felt awkward just standing there next to Jesse. I gulped when ALL of the girl's heads turned to us.

               "You have to come too." One said.

               "Rayne, come sit next to me." Priscella demanded, she scooted to give me a free space. I sighed and made my way to the group of giggling girls.

               "Cute name, Rayne." Britney smiled at me.

               "Save it, Brit. He's gay." Jesse said loudly as he took a spot in between two blondes.

                "I don't think Washington heard you, Jesse. Maybe you should have said it a little louder." I told him.

                I admit, I was now getting a little angry with his attitude. I may be a good person but if you get me mad, oh damn, let's just say you're gonna need a few plastic surgeries after I'm done with you.


               My jaw dropped, he didn't ...

               "Shut it you two." Priscella snapped, "I want you both to shut up and don't fight for the rest of the night. I don't care what you both think, we girls are going to have a good time."

               "He started." Jesse claimed.

               "And I'm ending it. Now hush."

               I rolled my eyes. I started nothing. It's Jesse and his impulsive attitude of his. He's stubborn and needs a serious spanking. Who raised him? A penguin?

               "Girls! Bring the magic bottle!" Priscella shouted, raising her hands in the air, and waving them like she don't care.

               "I forgot the bottle but I bought a beer so here..." Some girl tossed a glass bottle over everyone's head. It would be devastating if it would smack someone in the head, painful.

               But Priscella caught it well. She raised the bottle and showed it to everyone. Sigh, here it comes. She placed the bottle in the center of the circle then looked up at everyone.

               "Here are the rules," She said in a serious tone, "If the bottle points to you then you will pick truth or dare."

               "LIKE I SAID! LESBIAN PARTY DAMMIT!" Jesse groaned from the other side, and it was a pretty large circle. Two boys? Twenty girls? Oh my ...

               "Shut up Jesse, before we make you kiss Rayne."

               He scoffed, "I'm not doing that." He glared at me. "I rather die."

               "Turn up the music!" Priscella said loudly, ignoring Jesse.

               I think everyone is starting to ignore Jesse, poor him, if only I knew what his real problem was. Because to be honest, I've been nothing but nice to everyone. I've been kind, I've been making new friends but Jesse ... he's just so persistent.

               Priscella spun the bottle and we all watched it eagerly. It seemed to have spun forever until it slowed down and pointed at a brunette. She looked up at Priscella with a thoughtful glare.


               "Boo, you sissy." Jesse taunted at her.

               "Oh! Can I ask her the question!?" Britney raised her hand violently, accidentally smacking Jesse in the face. No one even cared. I did...

               His face clenched from the hit and he rubbed his face in a really cute way, I couldn't help but stare. I found myself smiling for some odd reason. Until his eyes met mine and I looked away, my smile fading away.

               "Sure, go ahead, Brit."

               Britney turned to the brunette and gave her a sly smile. "IS IT TRUE THAT YOU SLEPT WITH CHACE?!"

               "I'm out of here..." Jesse muttered and got up.

               "SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!" Every single girl screamed, making him drop on his ass faster than light. He zipped his mouth shut and hugged himself.

               "Yes," The brunette answered, "I did sleep with him."

               A few girls rolled their eyes, some giggled and the others were looking out into space.

               "Was he good?"

               "Hey! One question only!" She snapped, feeling embarrassed, "NEXT!"

               Minutes passed, bottles were spun, and everyone only wanted truth. No one was brave enough to go with a dare, until it landed on Jesse and he had a really sexy grin on his face.

               "Dare." He said nonchalantly.

               "Give him something he'd really hate." Someone said.

               Then they all looked at me.

               "I already said I'm not kissing him so you can forget about it." He responded to the stares, then his eyes landed on mine but showed no emotion. They were a little threatening but he doesn't scare me.

               Okay, I need a mental plan or something because I can't have someone hating on me for no valid reason. He hates me without knowing me? Okay, after I'm done with him, he isn't gonna hate a damn fly.

               So just play it cool, Rayne, and play along.

               "I dare you to go in the closet with Rayne." Priscella said.

               "I said I'm not fucking kissing him."

               "I didn't tell you to kiss him," She spat back, "Just go in the closet with him for seven minutes."

               "Just go in the closet with him? What kind of bullshit dare is that?"

               Priscella turned to me, "Are you up for it? Seven minutes in hell?"

               I chuckled, seven minutes in heaven for him because I'm an angel, and seven minutes in hell for me because he's a demon? I disagree.

               He looks more like an angel with some issues to me.

               "Sure." I shrugged.

               "What about you, Jesse?"

               "What ever." He huffed, getting up from his spot to walk towards the nearest closet.

               "Go on, Rayne." She smiled at me, so did everyone else. This is creepier than the movie.

               I got up and followed Jesse inside the closet, it was pretty big so there wasn't much awkwardness until he closed the door and we were covered in darkness. I was tempted to turn on the light, since I felt a switch rub up on my arm, but then it would be even more awkward if we can see each other.

               "Don't touch me." He gritted through his teeth.

               "I'm not touching you, stupid. I'm all the way over here."

               "You make it sound like you're miles away."

               "Maybe..." Emotionally, sure.

               "Can I ask you something?" He surprised me by turning on the lights himself. I closed my eyes, the lights were painful.

               "Yeah, sure."

               "Why were you crying?"

               "Why do you care? You're probably gonna make fun of me or agree with my parents."

               "Your parents? What happened? Are they hurt?"

               I laughed sadly.

               "No, they ... they don't want me."

               He quirked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

               "They found out I'm gay and disowned me. They don't want me. They removed me from their life completely. Pretty much what you're going to do to me on a daily basis."

               He stared at me in a provocative way, making my senses tingle with warmth. Is he cooling down? Is he gonna say anything bad at me from now on?

               "Well, I'll try not to insult you as bad but I still hate you."

               "Of course you do...I just wish you had a better reason for hating on me."

                I looked down on my phone, time's up. It went by fast because it was mostly silence between us.

               "What do you mean?" He asked, but I just gave him a sad smile and walked out of the closet. "Wait, what do you mean?"

               I kept ignoring him and just walked away from the lobby, heading back to my room.


[Author's Message...]

  2017 me: I'll go home

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