Chapter Forty

               He stared at me, curiosity written all over his face. Dave sat before me, eyes scanning my devious profile. We sat alone outside of a restaurant near the beach. He had agreed to meet me, only because I sounded worried, and shockingly, we were once close friends.

               "So why did you call me? Is everything okay? You've been sitting there for the past twenty minutes just staring at me. I'm kind of feeling uncomfortable at this point," he spoke.

               I nodded. "Everything is fine. Just hanging with an old friend." I smiled.

               He leaned forward, mysteriously stirring his drink. "Jesse, we aren't even friends anymore. Not since ... you know."

               I scoffed. "That was the past, now it's the future."

               "Maybe you can forget that easily, but I can't."

               Crap. I should've seen this coming, the sentimental talk with him. I knew it was going to be brought up but I kind of hoped it wouldn't.

               When we were in high school, Dave and I used to be best friends - with Phil of course. We were the tree musketeers. Until we were in the eleventh grade and Dave came out to us. At that time I was an extreme homophobic jerk, because of my awful childhood with my father. So you could imagine how I reacted to one of my best friends being gay.

               At first I was all calm, I didn't speak at him for a couple of days until he tried to got worried that our friendship was over. I remember it like it was yesterday...

               "Dude!" Dave shouted after me as I walked past him. I was headed towards the cafeteria but now I had no intentions of eating since I lost my appetite after hearing Dave's voice. Just the thought of him with another guy made me want to vomit.

               I heard footsteps coming up behind me and then Dave appeared. Deep inside, I was hoping he wouldn't follow me because I'd just get angry and probably yell at him. I do not want to be his friend anymore, why doesn't he understand? I've been avoiding him as much as possible. I even went to the extent of telling Phil to tell him that what ever friendship we had was over. But no, Phil was too nice to do that.

               "Jesse, why are you doing this to me?" He asked, more like pleaded in guilt.

               I stopped walking and took a breath. "Go away, Dave. I don't want to talk to you."

               "I thought we were friends. We've been friends for years and now you're going to throw it away like it was nothing?"

               "Duh." I responded, dryly.

               "Come on, Jesse. I'm not a bad person. I'm still the same Dave you've always known, just now you know my secret."

               I turned to him, a sudden idea coming to my head. "Are Phil and I the only ones that know?"

               He nodded. "Yeah, you're the only ones I trust - or so I thought." He eyed me.

              "Well you left out someone else," I muttered.

               "Who? I'm pretty sure I didn't tell anyone else."

               "Priscella?" I said in an obvious tone.

               "Oh. Yeah. I didn't need to tell her, she has this radar thing and can spot one a mile away."

               "She also has a big mouth."

               "What do you mean?"

               "She told me ... or texted me ... how you feel ... about ... me."

               I didn't need to have superpowers to hear the gulp he just did. The color on his skin disappeared and he turned as white as a ghost. Who did he think I was? An idiot? It was bound to come out sooner or later. I'm more disgusted by him because of all those times I invited him to my home, and let him eat my food, and sleep in my room and even my bed. I wonder what kind of sick things he has imagined, or even done.

               "Oh," he said.

               "Yeah. Oh." I left him standing there, walking away while I had the chance, but he caught up with me again.

               "Jesse, come on. That doesn't mean anything. I'm still your friend," he urged.

               I stopped and turned to face him, this time I was angry. "Listen to me, fag. I am not your friend anymore, got it? I don't ever want to see you or talk to you again. And if you even try to get close to me again, I swear to God that I will punch that pretty face of yours," I threatened, keeping our eye contact so that he knew I wasn't kidding around. When nothing came out of his mouth, I took it as a defeat so I walked away again.

               "So you think I'm pretty?"

               That did it. If it wasn't for the sarcastic, mocking tone in his voice, I would have ignored it. But I took a swing and punched him right across his face. I heard something pop, and the next second he was on the floor bleeding a waterfall.

               A few people gathered around, watching and taping the whole thing. I took this time to let everyone know his little secret, but not before the big finale. I took out my phone and dialed the magic number. I waited until the tone stopped and was replaced by the familiar voice of his dad.

               "Hey, Mr. Anderson. It's Jesse. I just wanted to let you know that your son is a disgusting homosexual. But don't worry, I just broke his nose for you." I made sure to sound as loud as possible so that everyone could hear it. And they did. Because the crowd began to whisper.

               I hung up, looking down at Dave who was crying now. I knelt down, going at an eye level with him. I tapped his chin and winked at him. "And that's why you don't mess with me." I got up again and brutally kicked his stomach once.

               I wasn't proud of what I had done, I wasn't proud of many things. I wish today that I could go back and stop myself from inflicting so much pain on others. No wonder why so many people were afraid of me. We all grew up though, and most of us forgot. Now I guess karma kicked me in the ass by bringing Rayne into my life and changing my perspective.

               "I'm sorry, Dave. You know I am. I was a stupid ignorant kid back then and I only cared about my reputation and myself. I want to make it up to you." And that I truly meant, even with my evil plan.

               He looked at me for the longest time, almost like calculating whether I was being genuine or not. But even he knew me well enough to know that I was not a liar, nor would I ever be.

               "Okay. I forgave you the second you broke my nose. So it's okay."

               "It's not okay. And I will try my best to make it up to you."

               He rolled his eyes, just the way he did when ever I said something stupid.

               I kind of missed him. I knew I missed him the second I kicked him out of my life. And now it's been three years since ... Yeah. He was my buddy, and I looked up to him for being such a great person. I understood why Rayne was friends with him. I understood very well. They were both smart and kind and just loved to have fun.

               "You don't have to."

               "I know I don't, but I will anyway."

               He rolled his eyes.

               "Roll your eyes again and I'll smack them right out of your sockets," I warned.

               He laughed. "Fine."

               "So..." I leaned forward, almost creeping like a cat who was about to attack. "Still crushing on me?"

               He immediately blushed, it was so easily noticable.

               "No. That was a long time ago."

               I quirked an eyebrow. "You mean yesterday? Because if I have my information correct, Priscella still has a big mouth." I ended the sentence with a smirk.

               He frowned. "Are you here to torture me or befriend me?"

              I grabbed a french fry, eating it slowly to see his reaction. Sadly, there was no reaction. I guess it didn't work with french fries. Although, I never found food arousing, especially when eating it. I just don't think there is anything good about having your manhood being eaten.

               Wait a minute, was I just teasing him unknowningly? Maybe I truly am bisexual.

               Wait another minute, am I still questioning my undying love for guy parts? I love it! There was absolutely nothing wrong with it! I was just feeling guilty because unlike Rayne, I am faithful. Until you piss me off, then I'm just going to destroy you.

               "I have an important question to ask you," I said.

                He looked up from his drink. "What is it?"

               "Wanna come with me to a club tonight?"

               "Sure, I guess."


               Yep. No way was I going to Rayne's stupid party. It hurts, that he hasn't even tried to contact me once. He hasn't sent me any message, saying either he's sorry or he wants me to come back. He just doesn't care anymore.


               I stood in front of Dave's house, waiting patiently in my car and listening to the radio. He hadn't answered my calls on the way here, so I assumed he was getting ready, until I took a glance at his window and saw him waking up.

               First of all, why does he have his windows opened for the whole world to see through. Second, he just woke up?! Did he forget about our night out in the city?

               Grumpily, I grabbed my phone and dialed his number. I watched him carefully, and if he tried to deny that he just woke up, I'll just honk.

               "Hey sorry," he answered in a very similar sleepy voice that Rayne used. It made a knot in my stomach. I knew that hanging out with Dave was just asking for trouble, I wasn't stupid, but Rayne isn't the only one who could have gay guys as friends.

               And quite frankly, I was very intrigued. I had lesbian friends, but not gay friends. So Rayne can shove it.

               "You better be."

               "I just woke up, completely forgot about it. I actually thought our conversation today was a dream," he chuckled.

               There was a pause before he spoke again.

               "Well come inside while I get ready then."

               I turned the engine off and stripped myself from the seat belt. I felt awkward, as I walked towards his house and entered, because I haven't seen him in such a long time and now I was about to hang out with him. And for what reason? Because I wanted to make Rayne feel what I feel? That's almost impossible since he feels nothing anymore.

               And I don't even think Rayne is the jealous type. It's not like I'm going to bring Dave into Rayne's apartment and say, 'Here, here! I have a new gay best friend! I hope you're jealous that I'm spending all my time with him!' That would be ridiculous, and I'd be making a fool of myself. I just honestly wanted to spend some time with Dave and hope that a friend of Rayne informs him with who I'm hanging with.

               "So you live here by yourself?" I asked as I walked around his living room. This was a new house, not the old one where he used to live with his mom when we were younger.

               "Yep," he answered from his room.

               "You should try getting a boyfriend, or a cat."

               He chuckled. "Fingers crossed."

               He came out of his room, throwing a shirt on and I peeked at his body because I couldn't help myself. It was nice.

               "So why were you sleeping? I mean, don't you have any friends?"

               He smirked. "Not really."

               I blinked. "Why are you smiling? If you have no friends, then that's kind of sad."

               He rolled his eyes. "Jeez, Jesse. It's not always about having lots of friends or being the center of attention. I'm perfectly content with how my life is so far. I have a couple of friends here and there but I rather be alone."

               It was hard to believe the words that were coming out of his mouth, because he used to have so many friends before I did what I did. He's completely the opposite now. Could I have caused him to want to be alone? Did I ruin him? Now I felt even more bad.

               Why did I have to be such a terrible human being? My mom is a wonderful mom, but why didn't she raise me right?! Oh ... right ... she tried ... but I was too stubborn.

               "So are we going now?" he asked.

               "I mean ... yeah ... unless you don't want to go."

               "I do. I'm just wondering when we are leaving, and I'm still feeling weird about hanging out with you. It just came out of no where."

               I shrugged weakly. "Yeah, I just want to experience more gay things."

               He raised a brow at me. "Gay things?"

               "Yeah, you know, going out with gays and stuff." I looked around, feeling uncomfortable with the topic.

               He looked like he was mentally judging me, which irked me because I hated when people looked at me like that.

              I was about to smack him but luckily for him my phone rang, I picked it up, hoping it was Rayne but I was disappointed when I heard Priscella screaming from the other line.

               "Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. You're coming right?"

               "Are you drunk?" I asked.

               "Pft. Of course n— yes! My vagina is on fire! Whoo!"

               I frowned. "Where are you at?"

               "Rayne's party? Duh. It's so awesome. There's lots of people over and we're all just having fun. I think someone called the cops, so I have to seduce them to get them away from here. Are you coming or not? I'm waiting!"

               "I'll be right back and then we can go," Dave told me as Priscella released another high pitch scream.

               "Where is Rayne?" I asked her, ignoring her question.

               "Uh. I think he's in the kitchen. Why? Want me to go get him?"

               "No, it's fine. I'm not gonna be able to make it, sorry. I have other plans."

               I could already see the pissed off look on her face. She seemed to enjoy herself a lot more whenever I was around.

               "Oh come on. Please?"

               "Sorry! Gotta go!" I hung up on her before she had the chance to whine.


               We both entered the club, laser lights flashing across our faces as a heavy beat dropped and everyone in the club danced together at the same rhythm of the song. I looked around at the massive crowd of nicely clothed people. I felt like it was a fashion show more than a club.

               And it was a gay and lesbian club. It was my first time being here so I was really really nervous. I didn't want any guys coming up to me, so I decided to stay close to Dave. He seemed to know his way around here so I followed him instead.

               He lead me to the bar and bought me a shot. I stared at it, glaring at it and knowing that I was about to get wild. I swallowed the whole thing and set the glass down.

               "Want to dance?" Dave asked, but I could barely hear him.

               "Sure," I yelled back.

               He took me to the dance floor, and that almost sounded like the title of a song. Take me to the dance floor. I should claim it before Rihanna does.

               I let my thoughts free and danced close to Dave, keeping eye contact with him. This club had some extreme music that made the alcohol in my blood burst into flames. There was a girl behind me who was dancing wild, obviously trying to get my attention. Doesn't she know this was a gay club? Well I guess bisexual people could come. I was started to get sick of the labels. These people, that people, those people. Shut up, Jesse.

               "You okay?" Dave asked.

               "I need another shot," I muttered and walked away. The only reason I was here was because I needed to keep my mind off things, and it was working. Like I told the people that read my mind, I'm not stupid.

               I hovered over by the bar and stared at my drink. I just wanted to forget about it all. I wanted to be set free for once and not have to worry about everything. I didn't want to know that people were going to stab me in the back. Or that Rayne one day might not love me anymore.

               Shit. There are those thoughts again.

               "Give me another," I told the bartender.

               I drank the last glass and moved back into the crowd. I found Dave dancing with some girl and it didn't take much to brush her off.

               "You okay now?" He asked.

               I nodded. "I'm good."

               Be free, Jesse.

               I moved closer to Dave, our foreheads almost touching. I wasn't even freaked out that this was the same kid who was my best friend years ago. Who I thought was a pimp with all the ladies. Now here I was dancing with him like there was no tomorrow.

               He looked stiff, nervous even. I kind of enjoyed teasing him, since I knew he still had a thing for me. Priscella was like Google of all things drama and gossip.

               I moved his hands on my hips and showed him not to be afraid.

               We danced for so long, the alcohol started to hit my system and I was letting go of everything. This seemed like a spiritual ride for me, it sounded weird and it was. This music is like magic, one which you let go and release your energy.

               A girl got in between us and started grinding on us. I let her, I didn't mind. She seemed nice and wild, just like Priscella.

               "You guys are really hot," she told us.

               We didn't respond, we just let the compliment hit our pride. I was actually having fun, and my stress was going away. I never felt so good. It's like I had a leash around me and it was finally broken.

               A faster song played so we just danced randomly like lunatics. I wasn't sure how many times I went back to the bar to grab more to drink. I should probably stop before I get drunk and get sick tomorrow.

               Now I was feeling really drunk that I actually fell a couple of times. It made Dave laugh so I punched him lightly on his shoulder. He kept me on my feet my holding me and moving our bodies really close together. I liked the smell of his cologne, it tickled my nose in a really good way.

               I enjoyed the electric feeling I got when I brushed my hands over his arms. His skin was smooth and warm to my own skin. His eyes dug deep into mine, they dark and alluring. It made me feel like I wasn't in this place anymore. Yeah, I just noticed that my old best friend had nice eyes.

               Who cared about the past anyway. It's all about the future!

               Our lips somehow managed to find each other and we both heavily kissed. His lips were even softer and they felt really nice. His sweet kiss made me feel high, like we were in zero gravity. It could be the alcohol talking, or the music that really made the mood feel a lot more than it was.

               My hand grabbed the back of his neck and I pulled him deeper into the kiss, I was enjoying it and I didn't want it to end. His lips tasted devine, they were sweet and bitter from the drinks. He was panting heavily, as my tongue searched for his.

               Suddenly I felt my member throbbing against his leg. He got me excited, and that has never happened. No other guy has ever turned me on like this. It felt wrong but so right.

               He smiled when the song changed, our lips still intact and battling for dominance. It was going to be a crazy night.


[Author's Message]

Like, I didn't even bother to read this one, it was too long *deletes*

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