Chapter Eleven

                I entered my first class - Biology. Which I hated with burning passion. So much passion that I didn't even want to make love to the stupid subject. Everyone was already seated as usual, the teacher was already writing on the board. What a terrible morning, I'm so tired and my head hurts.

               I took out my notebook after I got seated and drowsily stared at the board, my vision focusing in and out of blurriness. Yep, normal day for me. Except that this time, I have a lot on my mind. I tried to get in touch with Rayne but he wasn't in his room when I checked this morning. He's also not answering my text messages.

               For God's sake, can't I have one friendship that doesn't involve drama or love?

               I honestly don't know what to do at this point. I really liked Rayne, a little too much, it's just he is so different. Honest to God, he is the coolest guy I've ever met. And my best friend has been Phil since we were little! Rayne just passed his level of awesomeness in a couple of days.

               That's how much I liked him, but he seems to be seeing something different than I was. He thinks I am being too affectionate with him, and I don't see it at all. I just see it as me trying to heal any pain that I left on him for insulting him and being cruel to him.

               And to be fair, I wasn't even that mean to him. I was planning on taking it to the extreme because it was pissing me off how I didn't even hurt him, but it was an act, he was pretending that everything was okay when it wasn't.

               Now I got sucked up in a gay drama. Jeez.

               Rayne is just so ... it's hard to explain it without sounding as if I'm in love with him. And I'm not...

               I see past his gender and sexuality, I just see him.

               Wait, does that mean I like him that way? If I don't see him as a gender, then why would that stop me from having feelings ... for ... him. Oh God. What is going on?

              Rayne is like a baby. No. I don't think of him that way. I don't. I don't like him like that!

               Crack! I looked down on my broken pencil between my fingers. Oops.

               I reached down in my bag and took out a pen, I stared at it ... this pen ... resembles a guy's genitals, doesn't it? Hm...

              I placed the pen in my mouth - What am I doing?! I'm thinking of ... that ... thing ... in my mouth!? Just to prove a damn point? God damn, Jesse you're sad. You're a disgrace to the men all over the world. No, I'm not degrading gays but they need to stop being so squishy.

               Okay Jesse, you need to get your act together. Stop putting pens in your mouth and just think. Now, do you like Rayne that way? No... Now think of it without the insecurities, without any judgement or hate, without no one making fun of you for your decision.



               Crap, I'm fucked.

               I whined loudly, then everyone stared at me.

               "What?!" I barked, "can't a guy just whine?"

               The nerve of some people. This is a free country! Beyonce didn't fight in the black war to not have - wait what? Hm, I should probably put American History on my schedule.

                The class went by so freaking slow, I wrote down like ten pages of notes and work. My hand hurts so badly, it's not even funny. It's like jerking off for ten hours without stopping. It hurts!

               My next class was Chemistry, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. I don't know if I can, too much on my mind right now. I can't focus right, I can't think straight - holy crap no pun.

               I hesitated before entering my class, should I just skip it? Sigh...Rayne said it's important to stay in your I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna walk inside that class and do my best.

               Upon entering the class, I cried all the way to my seat and then took out my notebook while I whined. This is hell. I hate this so much. I hate this class. I stopped my whining and coughed. The teacher was glaring at me behind his big thick glasses.

               I rested on my hand and checked my phone. No reply from Rayne.

               I might have checked my phone like every ten minutes, just hoping for a reply from Rayne. But nothing... I wonder where he is right now. Maybe I should stalk his schedule.

               [Rayne's Point Of View]

               I laughed as the teacher told a really silly joke, she was really cool and awesome. Best teacher yet. At first I thought I was gonna have a difficult time in all my classes but it seems like I'm going to do just fine.

               I'm a straight A student, I graduated high school with flying colors. I will do just fine. Sucks for me though, I have to do like four years of college? And that's just for school. I have to do so much more outside of school to become what I want.

               Psychology is worth it though. I want to help people, I want to learn why people think the way they do and it makes me happy. But it's gonna be a tough road for me. I even have to take some medical classes because I'd be prescribing people medicine and shit.

               Just don't think about it, Rayne. Just do your best and don't worry.

               Ugh. But now I have to worry about Jesse, and that's already getting me stressed. I have to focus on my work but all I can think of is Jesse. I'm trying to avoid him as much as possible.

              Last night was a terrible, awful, embarrassing disaster. I pretty much confessed my eternal attraction towards him and said a lot of shit that I would never say. Stupid drug. 

               I don't know what to do now. I feel like I should go up to him and apologize, because it wasn't my intention. I would never act like that! And he's probably afraid of me now, specially after I kissed him.

               Really, Rayne? You go and kiss the straight guy? My God.

               Unfortunately, I'm going to try and avoid him as much as possible. Classes started, I need to get my act together and pay attention to my work. I won't let a guy ruin my future.

               No matter how much I like him. Eek.

               I sighed as my phone vibrated for the 50th time today. I checked, it was him again. I haven't read any of his text messages and I'm gonna keep it that way. I went back to quietly doing my work - which was fairly easy, for now.

               Later today, when it was lunch time, I decided to skip food and head straight for my other class. I'm not hungry and I'm kind of scared that I'd run into Jesse. I'm already scared that I might run into him through the halls.

               The class was empty, of course, except for the teacher who was sitting at his desk.

               "Hello there," He said as he looked up.

               "Hi, I'm new."

               "Ah, you must be Benjamin Byrne, correct?"

               "Yes, Mr. Cox," I nodded, "I was also wondering if I could stay here for my lunch break."

               "Sure," He said in a generous tone, "sit where ever you want."

              "Thank you."

               I headed towards one of the seats next to the stairs, are all my classes going to look like a mini auditorium? These classes are huge. I laid my head back and tried to rest for a little while. I'm so tired. I barely got sleep last night.

               Remind me never to go to a party again.

               I took out my iPod and plugged the ear phones in. Time to listen to some sweet Evanescence. This helped me get rid of all my cluttering thoughts. I almost fell asleep but the bell rang loudly and I jerked up.

               I rubbed my eyes and took off my head phones. I stared at my watch, wow, exactly one hour. At least I got a nap before class starts again. The teacher was passing around papers to the students who were entering the class. There were not many.

               "So you don't answer my text messages, huh?"

               I shrieked, Jesse was sitting next to me. Fuck! Of course, of course! I should have known I'd eventually have a class with him. What did I do to deserve all of this? What?! I just want some piece and quiet and no boys to distract me, is that so much to ask for? And yes, I'm talking to you big guy in the sky.

               "Jesse," I sighed, "please leave me alone."

               "No," He seemed to have read my mind when I started looking around, "and don't you dare change seats. I'll follow anywhere you go."

               I closed my eyes and laid back on my seat, waiting for the bell to ring again so class can start. Maybe he won't talk when class starts, then I can easily ignore him. Kind of hard when he's right next to me.

               "So you're going to ignore me when I'm right in front of you?" He asked.

               "If I have to, yes."

               "Don't do that, please. Talk to me."

                "I already did, now be quiet."

               "Not until you look at me and talk to me."

               I looked at him. "What do you want me to say? Because I have nothing to say."

               "Why are you mad at me? I didn't do anything."

               It's not him I'm mad at, It's me. For acting so childishly stupid in front of him. For exposing myself emotionally. I acted so wrong and now I'm just embarrassed to even look at him. I was shocked that he cared at all, I thought he would have been scared of me or tried to avoid me too.

               Guess not, guess he's just going to keep proving my emotional side right. That he's leading me into something much more than I imagine.

               And he doesn't even see it.

               "Fine, don't respond. I'll just keep talking then." He muttered quietly as the bell rang. "After you avoided me at the party, I sat down and stared at the walls. I didn't even dance or drink. When I got home, I laid in bed and thought about everything, and still am. I got on my laptop and watched some videos about Asian people on Youtube."

               I sent him a look, is he really going to do this?

               Now? This is my first day and he's going to ruin it for me.

               He continued. "Some Asian people were at a spa, sitting on those comfortable chairs, you know? Well anyway, the chairs would suddenly spin and the wall behind them would open and they'd shoot out like a rocket. It was funny watching them freak out as they shot through the snow half naked. Crazy Asian people, I swear..."

               "Jesse, I'm going to slap you," I glared at him, the teacher even glared at him as he gave us a paper work.

               "Anyway, after I watched the cool Asian people, I watched this other Asian Youtuber, she's pretty hilarious. Her name is Natalie Tran. Then I watched dogs who talked, but it wasn't real. I was sad about it but then I watched Charlie the unicorn. Funny stuff."

               I smacked his chest pretty hard, so hard that I heard the air escape his lungs. He slouched down as he held his chest. Yeah, feel the pain.

               "So anyway," He groaned.

               "Oh my God, Jesse, shut up."

               I couldn't even concentrate on my paper! I have to fill a stupid sheet since I'm new and then get started on my work. It's gonna be hard for me since I came to college in the middle of the semester but it's not my fault, I couldn't get in earlier. So much shit to do, at least I got accepted. 

               "Tell me something, would you ever marry a guy like me?"

               I gave him a confused look. What is he talking about? Is he on drugs right now? Is he drunk? He better not be.

               "Answer me," He demanded.

               "Jesse, I don't have time for this. Please be quiet and let me do my work," I begged.

               "Not until you answer me."

               "Yeah, sure, what ever," I answered quickly, if it gets him to shut up then by all means propose to me.

               Oddly, he did be quiet after I answered it. Deep inside, very deep inside of me, I hoped that he'd continue. I still thought he was adorable, I mean I don't hate him. He obviously didn't do anything wrong but still, I want my peace and quiet.

               He still ended up making this class my most annoying one, I really thought the teacher was cool and he talked to me after he was done with the lesson. He told me what books I needed and such - Jesse remained next to me the entire time.

               I'm good now, I got to know all my teachers and it was a good day - other than the Jesse part. Now all I need to do is pass my classes so I could start my other ones. One step at a time and one day I'll get my Ph.D in Psychology.

               I left the class after speaking with Mr. Cox about my future, he was intrigued and thought I could do it. I already had an A on my first assignment. Sadly, Jesse failed his. Maybe I should let him copy my work.

               "Are you going to follow me all day?" I grunted as I walked down the hall.

               "Well, we both don't have any more classes to attend to. So yes."

               "Don't you have some girl to fuck or something?"

               "Whoa, hey, don't say that."

               "Why not? Isn't that what you do here? At least that's what I hear every where."

               "Is that why you're acting like this? Rayne, it's just rumors, I don't ... do that."

               I chuckled. "You just hesitated. You liar."

               He rolled his eyes. "Come on, stop walking." He said as he skipped in front of me. He walked backwards while in front of me.

               "I'm going to my room."

               "Do you have any homework?"

               "No," Dammit! I should have said yes. "I mean yes."

               "Now who's the liar?" He grinned.

               My phone rang, it was my cousin's ring tone. I quickly took it out of my pocket and answered it. "Hello? What's up?"

               "Rayne, you're gonna love me." She seemed excited.

               "Love you? What for? I don't like cousins that way, and you're a girl."

               "What do you think about ten thousand dollars?"

               If I had a drink, I'd be spitting it right now. "Ten thousand dollars? What are you talking about?" I felt like gagging now.

               "Well, what do you say if I could get you ten thousand dollars?"

               "I'd say you're the best cousin in the world! What are you talking about? Come on! Tell me!" I moved the phone to my other ear as Jesse pressed himself against my face to listen to the conversation.

               "What do you think about modeling?" I could already see her grinning.


               "Modeling?" Jesse repeated.

               "Can you just spit it out and stop giving me tiny pieces. The job is to model?"

               "Babe, I'm working as an executive producer with my friend and we're looking for models to hire. It's for a commercial and baby you have the skin and the look."

               I laughed. "It's a skin product commercial?"

               "Oh, I see where this is going," Jesse spoke to himself.

               "Yep, I might be able to get you the job if I seduce the producers and the director. Not to mention the female owners of the product."

               "Wow, I'd love to. But I'm not a model."

               "Great, you need to get your ass to the studio right now. If they see you, they might just pick you right on the spot. I'll work my seducing magic right now."

                "Wait, don't I need some like lawyer or something?"

               "It's a modeling job, Rayne. Not a crime scene. Do you need a lawyer to work at Burger King? No. Then shut up and get your ass over here this instant. I'll be your manager."

                "I don't have a car or a licence."

               "I'll drive you," Jesse answered quickly, "let's go princess."


[Author's Message...]

   Hehehehehe. Time for a job, Rayne! MAKE YOUR PRETTY FACE USEFUL! WOOO.

   Time for some small drama between the two. (: And some of you are seriously pervs -.- Are you reading this story just because you think I will write some very intense action? I will ... maybe... but within the first few chapters? What the hell is wrong with you. I write real stories okay, not to sexually please you. Disgusting -.-

     *Sinks into the ground and disappears*

     *Goes off to write the next chapter*

      300 comments! 100 votes! And MORE! GO!

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