Chapter Eight

               "Did...did you guys just arrive together?" Priscella asked, shocked.

               I glanced over at Rayne who kept walking down the hall, I guess he left it for me to explain.

               "Yeah," I looked back at Priscella, her eye brows rose high. "We were hanging out."

               "And you're both alive? How is that possible?"

               I shrugged, "It just is. We're friends now. I apologized and we're all cool. So go back to sucking your Cheetos."

               I received a slap to the face, again. That wasn't even meant to sound wrong! I was serious! She had a freaking bag of Cheetos and I know how she likes to suck them dry! Wah!

               My face now ached on the other side. I guess both of my cheeks are now even. I frowned and felt like slapping her back. But I can't hit a girl. If only she was a lesbian, then that would be acceptable. Cause I'd be the girl and she'd be the guy.

               Wait, I just degraded my own manliness.

               I kept rubbing my face, I bet I had a hand mark on it. 

               "Anyway," I said, glaring at her. "Rayne is going to come with me and the boys to the party tomorrow."

               Her jaw clenched as she shot me an evil look.

               I gave her an innocent look, "What?"

               "Why must you take my new friend? I've always wanted a gay best friend and now you poisoned him with your Jesseness."

               "It's not my fault! He wants to come with me!"

               "As ... a date?" She smirked.

               "Fuck you, Priscella. I'm straight. We're just friends now, okay?"

               She rose her hands defensively, "Okay, what ever you say."

               I walked away from her, I wasn't gonna stand there and let her call it a date. It wasn't a date. It was a mandate, which is very different from a real date. A mandate is just two guys hanging out without the romance, just a friendship.

               When I entered my room, I got attacked by a couple of my friends who were inside. Phil was in the middle, playing the xbox with someone else. This sucks, I was hoping I'd get some peace and quiet while I napped but that won't be happening.

               "Hey, Jesse. Where you've been?" Phil asked, his eyes were literally glued to the T.V. screen. Everyone else was on Phil's side of the room because I throw tantrums when I find my side a mess.

               "At the pier."

               "By yourself?"

               I always wondered why people stick out their tongue when they play video games, are you a dog? No? No? Okay then stick that shit back inside your mouth.

               "I umm ... I went with Rayne."

               The guys groaned when Phil paused the game and turned to me, "You what? With Rayne?"

               "Isn't Rayne the new kid? The gay British one?" One said.

               "He's Irish, not British." I corrected him.

               "You were on a date with Rayne?" Phil asked.

               I snapped, "Why can't two guys just hang out without people assuming it's a date?! I'm straight! I don't like penis!"

               "Calm down dude." Phil said, resuming his video game. "I'm just asking."

               I grabbed one of my hats and exited the room, there's no way I'm getting any rest in there. I walked down the long hall and made my way towards the living room area. Please, let it be empty!

               I walked inside, yes! It was empty. I quickly jumped over a couch and made myself comfortable. The hat is to cover my face, girls like to put on make up on guys when they sleep. At least I'd know if someone removes my hat.

               I laid my head back and placed the hat right over my face. Time to sleep.

[Rayne's point of viewness...]

               "Hey, Rayne." A familiar voice sounded behind me, I turned around and smiled at Priscella. "Where is your roommate?"

               "At his girlfriend's house."

               "Oh right! I forgot." She made her way towards his bed and laid on it like a starfish. "So you and Jesse, huh?"

               I shrugged, trying not to smile or she would realize that I kind of like him now. Like really like him. Oops, smiled - I can't help it though, he just makes me smile.

               "So tell me," She wiggled her eye brows mischievously, "What happened? Why did you two hang out? Was it really a date?"

               She was intimidating me, "It wasn't a date. But he called it a mandate."

               "So what happened? Why did you two hang out?"

               I crossed my arms and thought of this morning when Phil came knocking at my door, "Phil stormed through my dorm room this morning, he told me Jesse wanted to talk to me and that he left his door opened for me. He asked me to wake up Jesse, so I did and Jesse told me he wanted to speak to me. So he took me to Starbucks, he apologized and told me the reason why he wasn't so nice about me being gay and the rest is history."

               "That's it? Just coffee? You guys didn't go to a movie or a romantic roller coaster ride?"

               I frowned, feeling a bit of emptiness in my stomach, "No, it wasn't a date. We went to the boardwalk though, I touched a snake and then we went to the pier."

               "That's such a cute date," She smiled, nodding her head in a creepy way.

               "It ... wasn't a date. He kept reminding me he's straight. I don't think he's interested in men that way, sorry."

               "Why are you apologizing?"

               I shrugged, "Seems like you really want Jesse to be gay."

               Her mouth opened, "I do not. That's a cruel thing to say. But it would get him off my back. Phil told me he has a crush on me. Sucks for me."

               Sucks for her?! The guy is a living God that walks among the earth. I'd give anything for him to have a crush on me. But yes, it sucks for me since I my private area isn't flat like he wants. I also don't look like a girl. Well, people call me pretty, but I'm sure they meant it in a derogatory way.

               I breathed quietly, avoiding her scary eyes.

               "You like him, don't you?" She asked.

               I looked at her, "Jesse? Yeah, he's cool."

               "No," She said slowly, "I mean like him like him."

               "Oh...that would be a waste of time if I did. He's straight."

              "You didn't answer me," She wiggled her brows faster now. It was really creepy. Girls...

               I sighed, rolling my eyes and answered, "I think he's ... cute..."

               She glared at me, "Do you only think he's cute?"

              "He's good looking. What do you want me to say? That he's sexy and I want to jump his bones?"

               "Well it's one more step for admitting your attraction."

               "I'm gay, Priscella. Not stupid."

               "So you're going to the party without me, and instead you're going with the jerk..."

               I didn't see the problem in that. Maybe I want to hang out with guys and not girls? I mean I love girls and all but all they do is heighten the stereotype of gays only having female friends. And I kind of want to hang out with Jesse.

               He's so cute, funny and just silly. It melts my heart in a strange way and I liked the feeling, so why not? I won't fall in love with him. I'm not stupid. I've seen it happen and it's sad. If he's straight then he's straight.

               And I'm not going to try to change him and be selfish, you can't change a person anyway.

               She suddenly stood up and placed her hands on her hips, "I'm gonna find you a real boyfriend."

               "Thank you but that won't be needed."

               I don't even want a boyfriend, why does every girl think they need to hook me up with someone? I don't want to date! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I need to be dating every guy. Jeez.

               "Hm, I need to find someone who is in your classes. I think I know a few girlfriends who can help me with that. I'll talk to you soon, Rayne! I'm on a mission to find you a boyfriend!" She shouted as she ran out the door.

               I face palmed myself, thank you lord for making me gay.

               I couldn't sleep when the night finally hit, maybe it was the thousands of tears that escaped my eyes. Or maybe it was the aching pain of trying to hold them back so I wouldn't disturb my roommate who came in very late. Either way, I couldn't sleep.

               The loneliness that struck my heart was stronger than I imagined. Without my parents, I am no one. Who do I have anymore? My cousin? How do I know she's on my side? Maybe she was the one that told my parents, therefor leaving me alone in this world.

               How am I going to survive out here? I had one ambition, to go through school without any troubles. How am I going to pay the rent for my dorm? How am I going to feed myself? I can't pay for the classes. How long will my parents send me money before they give up and just forget about me?

               I can't get a job, it would be too difficult. I have no experience, I'm from Ireland! I didn't even have a job there either. Not even my positive thoughts can fog out the truth, that I'm alone now.

               When you graduate from school, you aren't supposed to just disappear from the face of the world. You're supposed to continue your education, go to college with your friends, make new ones and start your life.  But how can I do it when everyone who once loved me, now hate me?

               How am I supposed to make it out in the world? The real world, not the fantasy one.

               These thoughts kept me up all night, I cried to the point that I ran out of tears. My eyes were just a big mess, aching like hell and I'm sure they aren't looking so pretty.

               I got up from my bed, taking my phone from the nightstand and headed outside of my room without making a single sound.

               The halls were empty, everyone was either sleeping or out parting. It's pretty late but it seems like no one ever sleeps around here. It's either they are out, or they are out.

               I walked down the hall until I reached the empty living room. I wasn't sure why people called it a living room, it's pretty huge. It looks more like a hang out area. It has a pool table, a giant flat screen TV, fancy couches, tables and a lot more.

               I sat on one of the couches and took out my phone. She might kill me for calling her this late but I have to be one step ahead of everyone. I dialed my cousin's number and placed the phone to my ear.

                Ring, Ring, Ring...

               I grabbed the hat that rested on the end of the couch and placed it on my head. I don't know whose hat is this but who ever it is has a nice taste in hats.

               "Hello?" My cousin answered tiredly.

               "Hey. It's me."

               "Rayne..." She groaned, I had a mental image of her checking the time. "It's late. I have work tomorrow."

               "I know...but...I'm just worried."

               "Worried? What's wrong?" She asked concerned.

               "I'm sure you already heard what my parents did. Now I'm just worried. What am I gonna do when they stop sending money? I can't get a job and do school at the same time. You know it doesn't end up well."

               She groaned loudly, which oddly made me giggle. I do love my cousin, she's silly sometimes. "Rayne, couldn't you have called me tomorrow?"

               "No. I can't sleep."

               "Hm, fine. Let me see," I heard papers being thrown on the other line, "I'll try to figure out something okay? But don't worry so quickly, your parents are still going to send the money monthly."

               My parents are sending her all the money, then she goes and pays for my rent and then hands over the left over money - which goes for food and supplies for my classes. They haven't even started and I'm already stressing.

              "Boo!" Someone screamed behind me, I literally screamed all my intestines out of my mouth as I jerked away from the stranger.

              "Hello? Hello? Rayne? What's going on? Are you okay?" My cousin's voice blared loudly.

               "Hahahahahaha!" Jesse's familiar laugh echoed, "You should have seen your face dude. You were like." He mimicked my facial expressions.

               I gave him an annoyed look as I placed the phone back to my ear, "I'm fine. What were you saying?"

               Jesse ran around the couch a couple of times, also smacking my head gently while he did. My cousin was trying to tell me something about helping me get money easily without going through so much trouble. But she said that I should wait until my parents say they won't send money.

               "Alright," I told her as I eyed Jesse - who was sitting at the end of the room just staring at me. "Hey, you weren't the one that told my parents right?" I whispered into the phone so Jesse's drunk ass wouldn't hear it.

               "I am utterly offended by that accusation. How could you think it was me? You know I'd never tell anyone. I don't know who it was, but it wasn't me for sure."

               "Okay, I'm just wondering, that's all. I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore. Other than you."

               "I'm here for you always, baby. If your parents don't send you money then you know I would help you. Only because I know you'd be a very rich psychiatrist who will one day repay me with a vacation to Hawaii."

               I chuckled, "You got it, good night."

               "Night love. I hate you."

               "I hate you too." I smiled and then pressed the end button.

               "Wow, you must really be happy about hating that person. Are you proud of yourself? How does it make you feel?" Jesse teased me.

               "Go to sleep, you're drunk." I told him.

               He scoffed, "You're not my mother. And that's my hat by the way."

               I touched the hat and removed it, "Oh, sorry."

               "No it's fine. Keep it on, it looks good on you. In a non-homo-way."

               I rolled my eyes, "Thanks..."

               "Don't roll your eyes at me," He snapped, pointing at me angrily as he tried to get off the ground but failed miserably. "Stupid ground."

               "Go to sleep," I repeated.

               He huffed, "I should say the same about you. Having trouble sleeping?"

               I smiled tentatively. "Yeah." He's starting to know me, which is scaring me since no one understands me.

               Now the so-called-homophobe can see me?

               "Maybe it's the nerves. Your first day of classes starts tomorrow."


                Not. But he doesn't know what's going on.

               "You should go to sleep, party is tomorrow," He giggled and slowly tilted sideways to the floor.

               "Where did you just come from?" I asked, a little curious of what got him to drink himself to death.

               "I was at Hooters, man. So many boobies." He made an action with his hands of two breasts in front of him.

              "Of course you were..." 

               "I would've invited you but you don't like that."

              I urged a smile. "It's the thought that counts."

               "Are you," He suddenly paused to burp, "sad?"

               "Thank you, Jesse. Thank you very much." I made a disgusted face, even thought it was kind of cute. Was that wrong to think? Nope.

               "Hey," He closed his eyes and pointed at me, "I'm serious."

               "I'm fine. Go to sleep."

               "I'll go to sleep here."

               "No, go to sleep in your bed."

                He suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I don't want to." Was he about to cry? "It's too far."

               It wasn't even far, his room was just around the corner.

               "How did you even get here then? Go walk to your room."

               "I crawled, like a squirrel."

               I held in a laugh. "Want me to help you?"

               "If you're strong enough," He taunted me.

               I pursed my lips, the guy really doesn't know of what I'm capable of.

               I got up from the couch, tossing the hat back, and walking towards him. He lifted an arm so he could swing it around my neck and I helped him up easily. He reeked of alcohol and .. spicy chicken?

                Eh, I liked it only because it was him who I was smelling. Was that too creepy?

               "One step at a time," I told him.

               "Shut up before I kick you."

               He almost tripped over the carpet as I guided him down the hall, but I held him tightly.

               His skin was so smooth and glorious. My eyes couldn't help it, they became enticed by his alluring appeal that I suddenly found myself blushing. Gosh, I'm holding Jesse! And I felt good about it too.

               "Can you get yourself in bed?" I asked him as I stopped in front of his door.

                "Yes I can, Mister Raynebow."

               I glared at him with annoyance. But I guess it's acceptable since it's coming out of his mouth.

               "Alright," I said as I twisted his door knob and pushed it open, "good night."

               "Good night, Benjamin. See you tomorrow, don't let the bed bugs crawl up your butt hole."


[Author's Message...]

     *Blinks* Did...did....did Jesse just say what I think he just said? Trust me, I had NOTHING to do with it! My characters have a mind of their own, and they are taking over Gio. LOL.

     I'm pretty happy that I've been uploading a chapter every single day now. If you guys keep voting and commenting then I will keep on writing a new chapter everyday! O_O ... Tomorrow (in College Life time) is the party! Well today actually lol.

     Picture of Jesse to the side ---> and stop asking who they are, there is a reason why I have a cast. -.-

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