Sounds Odd to Me
Caitlin reaches over the counter to grab her coffee from the new barista at Jitters. She turns and, as is common for her at Jitters, almost spills her drink as she runs into someone. She looks up to see Iris holding two drink holders full of cups of coffee.
"Hoarding?" Caitlin asks, jokingly, with an eyebrow raised.
"No, just living the life of a gofer." Iris says, sounding tired.
"New job?" Caitlin asks, grabbing one holder from Iris.
"Yeah, just started at Central City Picture News. They've got me doing the important stuff right away. Fueling everyone else." They both laugh.
"I can walk with you there. I'm not busy." Caitlin suggests.
"That'd be a huge help, thanks." Iris says, relaxing a little now that she wasn't balancing coffees.
Iris fills Caitlin in on how awkward all her interactions with Barry have been recently.
"You two need to just sit down and talk Iris. That's the only way you're ever going to get back to normal." Caitlin suggests. "Tell him you love him, just not in that way. That you value your friendship and you need him in your life. You just need to let him know that even though he isn't in your life in that way, doesn't mean he isn't just as important to you."
"I know. I just don't want to feel like I'm leading him on or dangling him. I want to make sure that line is cut you know, so he can move on with someone else." Iris says, looking down.
"Talk to him. Soon." Caitlin instructs, walking in with Iris to her desk and dropping off the coffee."
"I will. Thanks Caitlin." She says.
Caitlin turns to walk out.
"Oh Caitlin!" Iris calls, and when Caitlin turns around she is almost knocked off balance by Iris hugging her.
"I'm glad you're okay. I haven't really seen you since you were kidnapped. I was worried." She says, not making eye contact.
"Thanks, Iris. Yeah, I'm good now. Thanks to your dad." Caitlin smiles.
"Hero isn't he?" Iris says, laughing.
"Yeah he is. You're really lucky." Caitlin says.
"We should hang out sometime, you and me." Iris says. "Girls night or something."
"I would really like that." Caitlin says smiling.
They say bye and Caitlin starts walking back to Jitters to get in her car. As she rounds the corner of the building she swears she sees someone duck behind her car. She walks hesitantly up to it, the last time not ending so well, and looks around her car, seeing nothing. She gets in and drives back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
When she walks into the cortex, Cisco notices that she looks a little shaken.
"You okay?" He asks, walking over to her.
She nods. "Just thought I saw Ronnie by my car at Jitters," she whispers.
"Maybe you're just a little spooked. You haven't had the greatest luck with being by your car recently." Cisco says.
"That's a weird thing to have bad luck with," she laughs, looking up at him.
" and Barry went out the other night, huh?" Cisco asks, raising an eyebrow.
"We went to keep a look out for Shawna and Clay. Purely business." Caitlin defends.
"Uh huh. 'Cause everyone gets that drunk when they're out on business." Cisco accuses.
"We had fun," Caitlin admits, rolling her eyes at him.
"Is there something going on between you two? Because if there is I totally support it, but I refuse to be a third wheel." Cisco says, walking back to his desk.
"There is nothing happening. I wouldn't...completely hate it if something did though." She talks softer during that last sentence.
Cisco's eyes widen and he struggles to scoot himself on his office chair over to where she's sitting. He stops in front of her. "Oh you wouldn't would you?"
"Shut up. We just...get along really well you know." She defends.
"I think you'd be perfect. Super smart. Super nerdy. Second and third best hair on Team Flash." Cisco says as he looks off into the distance like he's picturing it.
"Who is second and who is third?" She asks
"You're second obviously. You're not gonna ask who is first?" He says, grinning widely.
"You, clearly." She answers, brushing it off. "He's in love with Iris. And not going to try to hop into that having just met him a few months ago."
"He's harboring a little puppy-love for her. Nothing real. Just a playground crush. You two have been through real stuff together. Who cares if it's just been a few months. It's been a crazy few months." Cisco says, circling her in his chair as he talks.
"Stop circling me, Jaws," Caitlin says reaching out and grabbing him. "We'll see. I'm not gonna push anything."
"Could you push one thing?" Cisco asks, giving her puppy eyes.
She looks at him confused. "What?"
"Me. Back to my desk." He says, grinning.
She laughs and kicks him back in the direction of his desk and he sticks his arms and legs out as he rolls over.
"Oh, and Cisco," she starts. He looks over to her. "You'll never be a third wheel."
Caitlin's phone rings.
"Hey Bar, what's up?" She answers
"Wells' place was attacked last night. We're headed over there now to check it out. Meet us there?" He asks.
"Yeah," she says gathering her things and motioning for Cisco to do the same. "We're on our way."
She speeds over to Wells's house and sees the glass skylight over his house completely gone.
"I told you that thing was dangerous. One bad storm and you would've been done for." Caitlin says, walking up behind Wells' and putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Apparently it didn't take a storm." He responds.
She bends down and kisses his head, resting her chin on his shoulder. "You sure you're okay?" She whispers.
He turns to look at her. "Not a scratch on me." He says, smiling at her.
Joe watches them and then turns back to Barry to discuss what happened. Wells wheels up to them and discusses his plans to not press charges and to stay at Caitlin's until the skylight is fixed.
Cisco and Caitlin go into the kitchen to grab some breakfast. She sits up on the kitchen counter with an apple and they toss out ideas for what might've happened. Caitlin was curled over laughing on the counter after Cisco suggested that Wells was throwing a rave and the music was too loud and shattered the glass.
"You know I always thought he would pull off neon," Cisco says, fueling Caitlin's laughter.
Barry walks in and smiles at them.
"He doesn't seem too worried," Barry says about Wells.
"Shouldn't be. He can be back to his party life in a few short days." Cisco says, causing Caitlin to snort and cover her face.
Barry looks at him with a confused face and Cisco grins. The three of them talk about nothing important for a few more minutes before Wells and Joe join them.
"You sure you don't want to press charges?" Barry asks Wells.
"Yes," Wells says. "I'd like to keep house...if you will."
Barry and Joe look at each other then back at Wells.
"I already know who did this." Wells admits.
"Who?" Joe asks.
"Hartley Rathaway." Wells answers.
Cisco immediately gags. "I never thought I'd have to hear that name again."
"Who is Hartley Rathaway?" Joe asks.
"The golden boy," Cisco says, rolling his eyes.
"Disgraced employee from S.T.A.R. Labs. Had to be escorted out when he was laid off." Wells answers. "Brilliant though. Couldn't have built the particle accelerator without him."
"Any relation to Rathaway Industries?" Joe asks.
"His father currently runs the company. Hartley was set to inherit the throne." Wells answers.
"So what happened?" Barry asks.
"He came out to his parents." Caitlin answers, a sad look on her face. "Old money, old values."
"They were estranged when we met." Wells adds.
"But you guys have never mentioned him." Barry says, almost sounding offended.
"Hartley had a...challenging personality." Caitlin says, smiling at Cisco out of the corner of her eye.
"What she means is he was mostly a jerk," Cisco says. "But every once in a while, he could be a dick."
Joe snorts. They all agree that Cisco will try to track down Hartley without the help of CCPD and Joe and Barry pack up to head back to work.
Caitlin hops off the counter and Barry walks over to her, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her in.
"See you two later," Barry says, facing Cisco, with his arm still around Caitlin.
He leaves and Cisco wiggles his eyebrows at Caitlin who hits him in the arm. The two of them help Wells pack up a bag and drive him over to Caitlin's house to drop his stuff off. Then they head back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
Once they get back the alarms go off and Cisco runs over to the control panel with Caitlin.
"What is it guys?" Barry asks through the comms.
"Reported trouble at Rathaway Industries." Cisco tells him, looking over to Dr. Wells.
"On my way." Barry calls back.
"Bar," Cisco says. "You over shot it by about twelve blocks."
"My bad," Barry calls back heading over to Rathaway's.
"Barry, it's Hartley Rathaway. Do not fight him, just bring him in." Wells instructs over the comms.
"Hartley," they hear Barry say.
"You know my name," Hartley says. "Well let me give you some names. Cisco Ramon. Caitlin Snow. Harrison Wells." He says the last name with a little more venom in his voice than the first two. "Are they listening right now? Are they gonna hear you die?"
"No, they're gonna hear you get your ass kicked," Barry says.
Cisco laughs while Caitlin and Wells roll their eyes.
They hear glass shatter and then nothing else happens.
"Barry?" Cisco asks through the comms. Nothing.
"Barry!" Caitlin yells in, worried.
"Barry, are you there?" Cisco yells through the comms.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm back," he says, more causally than he was talking before. "I'm bringing Hartley in.
Cisco stares at Hartley through the cell door. "There are foreign metal objects in your ears. Take them out."
"I can't," Hartley argues. "I suffered head trauma when this place exploded. Without them I am in indescribable pain."
"Was that supposed to make me not want him to take them out?" Cisco says, leaning over to Caitlin who laughs.
"Cisco, see if the devices in his ears are generating any low-level electromagnetic pulses." Barry says, staring at Hartley.
"What? Why?" Cisco asks.
"I mean, don't you think that's what could've been interfering with the comms?" Barry says, seeming flustered.
Cisco scans to discover Barry was right. They tell him that they'll make him some non-explosive replacements and play some music to calm the pain until the replacements are ready. Cisco's choice, of course, which meant a non-stop loop of Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up.
Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco go up to the cortex.
"Guess your loud music theory wasn't completely off," Caitlin says.
"Knew it!" Cisco cheers.
Barry keeps his eyes fixed ahead of him.
"You alright Bar?" Caitlin asks, putting her hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm good," he says. Running back to meet up with Wells.
"Okay?" Caitlin looks at Cisco who just shrugs.
The two of them start working on the replacement ear pieces when the alarms go off again.
"What now?" Cisco asks.
They get over to the panel to see an alert at CCPD. Wells wheels in behind them telling them that Barry has already headed that way.
Cisco hacks into the cameras to see a ghost-like creature flying around the main lobby of the police station.
"What in the world?" Caitlin says.
Wells had a cold stare fixed on the screen.
They watch everything go down at the station and the creature disappears.
Barry walks back in. "What's going on?" He asks.
"Oh you know, ghost hunting." Cisco says.
"I suppose that was the cause of the CCPD alarm?" Wells asks, causing Caitlin to turn. His voice sounded...brusque. Which she wasn't used to.
"Yeah, it attacked my lab. I didn't see it, but I saw it this morning." Barry admits
"Where?" Wells asks.
"When I was running to take down Hartley," he answers.
"And you're just mentioning this now?" Wells scolds.
"I didn't know what it was." Barry says.
Caitlin and Cisco look back and forth between Wells and Barry who are being abnormally short with one another.
"Cisco, can you track it?" Barry asks.
"Yeah let me get my Ouija board?" Cisco says sarcastically. "It's a ghost! No I can't track it!"
"Well it was visible which means it's real which means it can be tracked. Get on it, Cisco." Wells instructs. "In the meantime, Mr. Allen come with me."
They exit the cortex and Caitlin and Cisco get to work on a way to track the floating nightmare. They look at the cameras and see Hartley covering his ears.
"I can't believe you're making him listen to it on loop." Caitlin says, laughing.
"Speaking of, I better go get to work on his ear pieces." Cisco says. "You good here?"
"Yeah, I'll take first shift on ghost duty." She grins.
"I wanna know about these gauntlets too," Cisco says, grabbing them off the desk and walking out. "I'll be down talking to the dick." He calls back.
Caitlin laughs and gets to work on figuring out what the ghosty thing was. She goes into her lab and sits down at the computer. After a while, she hears something behind her, and turns to see the ghost flying toward her.
"Found it," she whispers, and takes off running toward the exit from the cortex.
"Barry! Cisco! Wells!" She yells every name in the building until she reaches the pipeline.
"Cisco!" She yells turning into the room. "Open the door. It's coming."
"What's coming?" Hartley asks as Cisco quickly opens the door.
Caitlin and Cisco both run into Hartley's cell, closing it behind them with the remote control.
The ghost flies in.
"Holy Harry Potter," Hartley says.
The ghost starts banging against the glass, cracking it.
"It's fine!" Cisco exclaims, unconvincingly. "We'll be safe in here."
The creature hits the glass again causing another crack.
"Will we?" Hartley asks sarcastically.
It hits it again causing them all to jump back and huddle in the corner.
"Barry!" Caitlin yells. "Wells!"
Cisco starts messing with the gauntlets.
"If I can get these to emit the right frequency, maybe I can scare it off." He says.
"Give those to me." Hartley says, pulling them out of Cisco's hands. He fiddles with the frequency and hits a button, causing the sound to emit from all intercoms in S.T.A.R. Labs. Caitlin and Cisco hug their ears and wince as the creature shakes and flies off. Hartley turns off the sound, handing the gauntlets back to Cisco.
Wells and Barry round the corner of the pipeline to see Caitlin squatting in the corner, Cisco sitting with his legs sprawled out, and Hartley standing with his legs crossed, in the cell. All glaring at them.
Cisco and Caitlin get out and they all head back up to the cortex, leaving Hartley in the cell. Barry and Wells apologize for not coming sooner and Cisco informs them that Hartley saved them.
"He stays in the cell," Wells instructs. "But he can help with programming those to get rid of the wraith." He says, pointing to the gauntlets.
"Wraith?" Cisco asks. "I like it. Right amount of danger and a supernatural element." Cisco pats Wells on the shoulder and walks back down to the pipeline with the gauntlets.
"Are you two okay?" Caitlin asks Wells and Barry.
They both look at her. "Yeah." They saw simultaneously.
She raises an eyebrow at them. "Okay?" She says and heads down to help Cisco.
After a few failed conversations between Cisco and Hartley, Caitlin and Cisco decide to head back up and work on their own for a bit. When they get to the cortex they find Wells working in Caitlin's lab.
"Any luck?" He asks as they walk in.
"Nope." Cisco answers. "To no one's surprise, Hartley and I still don't work great together."
Wells chuckles, wheeling out of the lab.
"Where is he?" Barry yells, looking panicked.
"Where is who?" Caitlin asks.
"Where's the other Flash?" He says, sounding pissed.
Cisco and Caitlin look at each other in shock.
They look to the entrance to see another Barry, wearing the clothes he's been wearing all day, walk in.
Caitlin and Cisco look into the cortex and see two Barry Allens. Wells wheel's forward and sighs.
The Barry by the entrance looks around, annoyed. "Right here."
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