Bars and Scars

Caitlin is working on looking up info about Shawna. She sighs and leans back, getting bored. Cisco's words ring in her head and she looks over at her phone.

"Hey Cait, what's up?" Barry answers his phone.

"Any luck with finding Shawna?" She asks.

"None," he answers.

"Well I was looking up some stuff on her and her boyfriend. Turns out they frequented a few bars. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go check them out. Half work, half fun," she says, chuckling.

"Yeah, sounds great. Send me the address and I'll see in...say an hour?" He says.

"See you in an hour." She responds, hanging up and texting him the address.

She smiles and blushes, then immediately stands up and runs out the door, realizing she only has an hour to get ready. When she gets home, she sprays some dry shampoo in her hair and fixes it, throwing on a little extra make up, and grabbing her favorite night out dress that she hasn't had the courage to wear on her, Barry, and Cisco's nights out yet. She grabs some strappy black heels as she runs out the door and puts them on when she gets to the bar.

She looks around when she gets there, hoping Barry is already inside because it looks like a rough joint. She looks around for his car, then rolls her eyes at herself. Why would he drive?

She walks in, straightening her dress out and hugging her purse in front of her. She starts looking around at the biker-themed bar.

Barry is sitting there in a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looks up to see Caitlin looking around the bar. He is using all his energy to keep his jaw from dropping, which means no energy is going to pulling his eyes away from her. She is wearing a velvet, navy blue dress that shows more cleavage and hugs a little tighter than her typical work clothes. Her hair is in a messy side braid and she is wearing a little more make up than usual.

"You look..." Barry gulps, "really nice."

Caitlin smiles and blushes, looking down in her lap. She was as little self conscious about coming out in this, but his reaction is definitely worth it.

"I figured I'd try to fit in," she say. "Looks like I missed the mark a little though. Should've worn more leather."

"You would've looked good in that too," Barry says, his eyes going wide and he looks away to the bar. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Yeah, actually," she says, standing.

She walks up to the bar and starts to order. Barry notices some of the guys next to her looking at her and a man across the bar staring. He gets a little pang of anger and keeps his eyes on them. Especially the one he sees trying to stare down her dress.

The man says something to her and she leans back and points over to Barry, smiling at him, then turns back to the man and gives him a harsh smirk and walks back toward Barry. He was a little proud of that. She sits down with two drinks.

"You know that I won't feel that right?" Barry asks.

"Oh I know," she says, downing one of the two glasses in one drink. "They're both for me."

Barry is staring at her wide-eyed, slightly impressed and slightly concerned.

Two hours later they find themselves at a different bar. Caitlin is very drunk at this point, but her and Barry have been having a great time, laughing all evening. When they get to the new bar, Caitlin squeals and runs into the crowd. Barry tries to grab her but misses, and loses her among all the people. He looks around trying to find her.

"Mr. Barry Allen!" He hears over the microphone.

He looks up to see Caitlin with a huge grin on her face standing on stage. She motions him up and he shakes his head. She slumps a little, sticking her lower lip out, and trying to give Barry puppy-dog eyes. He laughs and starts walking toward the stage. She squeals and grabs the other microphone, handing it to him when he gets on stage.

He goes over to the computer and picks a song, and when he gets back, Caitlin is beaming at him.

"Summer lovin' had be blast," Barry sings, in a surprisingly smooth voice. He's looking at the rest of the bar crowd but looks over at Caitlin as she starts to sing. She's staring back at him, surprised by his voice.

"Summer lovin' happened so fast," she sings. Her voice isn't bad, but it isn't up to par with Barry's.

He turns to her and sings, "met a girl, crazy for me."

She blushes and looks away to sing, "met a boy, cute as could be."

They finish the song, sneaking a few glances at each other, and Barry walks off stage while Caitlin goes to the bathroom. While he stands at the bar, waiting for Caitlin, a brunette girl stands next to him.

"You sounded really good up there. The karaoke singers are usually too drunk to do well." She says to him.

"Thanks," he says, smiling at her.

"Your girlfriend didn't sound too bad either," She says, eyeing him out of the corner of her eye while she orders a drink.

Barry smiles for second then corrects her. "She's not my girlfriend. Just a good friend."

"Oh, well in that case," she starts, taking a pen out of her purse. She grabs his hand and writes her number. "Linda Park. Give me a call sometime." She smiles at him and walks away.

Caitlin walks up to him, looking at the girl as she walks away from the bar. When she gets up to Barry she looks sadly up at him. At first he thinks it's because of the other girl, then he sees her wobble a little.

"Barry...I don't feel so good," she says, and he sees her take a deep breath.

He grabs her purse from the chair and picks her up, running out of the bar to the alley behind it, where she immediately bends over and pukes.

He holds her hair away from her face and rubs her back. When she's done, he leans down. "You good?" He says, smirking at her. She glares back at him, and sighs, leaning into him.

"Home," she whines. "Please." She says looking up at him and pouting again.

He laughs and picks her up again and runs her to her house, stopping in her hallway.

"Oof, super speed and vodka," she says, sounding miserable, "not a good mix."

He walks her into her bedroom. She puts a hand on his shoulder to balance herself while she takes her shoes off. He looks over at her hand when she switches to get her other shoe off and sees the burn wound from a week ago. She notices and pulls her hand away.

"It's almost healed." She says, softly. He gives her a weak smile.

She starts taking off her dress, too drunk to care that Barry is standing right there. He quickly turns around.

"Barry," Caitlin whines from behind him. He turns around to see her with half her dress pulled down, revealing her bra, but her arms still caught in the sleeves and the bottom half hanging off her waist. "A little help." She shrugs.

Barry stops to stare at the scar on her stomach where she was hit by Farooq.

"Completely healed." Caitlin says, poking the scar, noticing him staring at it. She reaches out and puts her hand on his cheek, angling his head to face her. "Doesn't hurt. I just get some fun little twitches every now and then." She laughs, smiling at him. He gives her another weak smile back.

Caitlin steps forward, wrapping her arms around Barry's waist and pulling him toward her. He hugs her back, tightly. "I'm so sorry, Cait." He whispers.

Caitlin smiles into his chest. "I forgive you." She says softly. Then she blows a raspberry into his chest and he jumps back, while she starts laughing, still very drunk. "Now get me out of this dress." She demands, still laughing.

Barry speeds around her and by the time she stops spinning she is wearing her pajamas.

She opens her mouth and holds back the gag that his threatening to turn into more from the spinning. She points to her bed, focusing her eyes, and lifts her foot to take a step toward it. She almost falls over, but Barry reaches out to grab her.

She looks up at him. "That was from the spinning, not the alcohol." She defends.

"Right," he says, smirking at her.

He leads her over to the the bed and helps her in, kneeling beside it.

"Are you gonna call her?" She asks, sitting down in her bed and pulling her covers up.

"Who?" He asks.

"The girl from the bar," she says, grabbing his hand and pointing to the number scribbled on it.

"Should I?" He asks, looking at Caitlin.

She looks up at him. She lightly shakes her head and shrugs, "that's up to you."

He nods, looking away and looking back as she lays back into her bed. He helps her pull the covers up and he dramatically starts tucking the blankets around her so she's stuck. She starts laughing and he smiles at her.

"There," he says proudly. "All tucked in."

"This was fun. We should do this again." She says, wiggling a little to loosen the sheets.

"Yeah we should," he agrees.

"I sang," she says with wide eyes.

He laughs, "yes you did."

She turns a little to lay on her side.

"Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" She asks hesitantly.

"Sure," he says, smiling. He stands and sits on the edge of her bed, putting his hand on her over the covers.

She pulls the covers up to her chin and snuggles into her bed. She smiles up at him and her eyes slowly start to flutter closed. When he hears her breathing slow down and hears some light snores, he leans over to kiss her forehead, and stands up to leave.

He turns back to smile at her, then turns the lights off and runs home.


The next morning Barry gets to S.T.A.R. Labs at the same time he usually does, which is usually after Caitlin, who is not there yet. He sees her walking in on the security cameras and walks to the elevators to greet her. The elevators open and he sees Caitlin in jeans and slippers, a sweater, a big scarf, and sunglasses, hugging a bottle of Pedialyte.

"Hi," he says softly.

She jumps and turns to him. "So...loud," she complains.

"Ho ho," he breathes out, laughing. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

She lowers her head, "I can feel...everything."

He smiles down at her and chuckles.

She glares up at him. "I hate that you can't get drunk."

"Then I'd be miserable too," he laughs.

"Misery loves company," she says. "I don't remember much of what happened last night."

Barry takes a sip of his coffee and whisper sings, "summer lovin'."

"Oh that I do remember," she whines and he laughs.

"Caitlin!" Cisco yells when she enters the cortex.

She jumps, dropping her drink and throwing her hands to her ears.

Barry laughs and motions to Cisco to lower his voice. He picks up her drink and hands the bottle to her. She grabs it and immediately takes a drink, sinking into her chair and laying her head back.

"Caitlin," Cisco whisper yells.

She reaches up and presses the back of her sunglasses, causing them to raise up, and she looks under them at Cisco. "What?"

"I have an idea for a new meta app," he tells her.

"Cool," says flatly. She lowers her sunglasses and buries her face in her scarf. Barry smiles at her, then looks at Cisco.

"But it has a few bugs," he says, running over to her with his phone. "Here, look."

She closes her eyes under her sunglasses. "Nope. Can't see it. Not my problem."

Cisco pouts, and then looks at Barry with wide eyes.

"What?" Barry asks.

"See. She can't see. It's dark." Cisco says, running back to his desk.

"That's the point of sunglasses, Cisco," Caitlin says.

"No, Shawna," he starts.

"Peek-a-boo!" Caitlin yells, immediately regretting it and wincing.

"Peek-a-boo," Cisco corrects. "Wells said she can probably only teleport where she can see, right?"

Barry nods, not sure where Cisco is going.

"Then we make it too dark to see. Get her somewhere and turn the lights off, then she can't go anywhere." Cisco explains.

"That just might work," Dr. Wells says, smiling proudly at Cisco as he wheels into the cortex.

He wheels up next to Caitlin who has her head on the desk. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"I haven't been this hungover since college," she mumbled into the desk.

"Since when?" He asks, a light scolding tone in his voice.

"Never. Since never. I never drank in college. This is new. I'm barely hungover right now anyway." She says, slightly raising her head from her arms.

Dr. Wells looks at Cisco and Barry, and nods.

They look at each other and lean down by Caitlin's head. "Caitlin!"

She groans loudly and covers her head with her arms.

The three boys laugh and get to work on how to catch Shawna.


Cisco and Wells went home after Barry caught Shawna, so Caitlin and Barry are left to put her in the pipeline.

"Your boyfriend, Clay, he ran off Shawna," Barry informs her, as she stares around the reflective cell.

"Sad thing is...I still love him," she says.

Barry and Caitlin look at each other and shut the accelerator door and walk back into the pipeline and out into the hallway.

"All of that and she still loves him. It's crazy," Caitlin says.

"Some people are worth being crazy for," Barry answers.

They walk a few more steps.

"I'm sorry if I was a little bit of a drunken mess last night," she says, turning to face him.

"It was actually a lot of fun," he says, smiling.

"Yeah it was," she agrees.

"You know what?" He starts.

She raises her eyebrows, urging him to go on.

"I think everybody's been right about you and me."

He doesn't say anything immediately to see how she reacts. Her breathing has picked up a little but he hasn't noticed. Right about what?

"We've both been hung up on people for way too long." He says.

She smiles at him, hoping that maybe this is an indicator that he's ready to move on from Iris.

"I think I'm ready to find someone new to be crazy for," she says, smiling at him.

He smiles back at her and nods, agreeing.

"So when is the next karaoke night?" Barry asks as they get to the elevator.

"Oh, I don't know if they're ready for us to come back." Caitlin laughs.

"We did put on a good show," he says, laughing with her.

They get in the elevator and each lean against opposite walls.

"We make quite the pair, Mr. Allen." She says.

"Yes, we do Dr. Snow."

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