Bad Publicity

Caitlin walks into the cortex to see Wells and Cisco staring cautiously at her.

"Mornin' boys," she says hesitantly. "What's going on?"

"We need to talk about Ronnie." Wells tells her, motioning for her to take a seat.

She sits and looks at both of them, the look in her eyes begging them to be gentle with whatever they're about to tell her.

"He attacked a scientist last night at Concordance Labs." Wells tells her.

"Is he.." she starts, wanting to ask if the man died.

Wells nods. Caitlin gulps and looks down.

"He's become dangerous Caity," Wells says softly, wheeling closer to her. "We need to find him. We've brought people in for less."

She looks at him and nods.

"Are you with us on this?" Cisco asks.

"I told you Cisco, it's not him. The fact that he hurt someone just further proves that." She says, glaring at the ground.

"There's something else." He says.

"More?" She says, worried.

"Ronnie, isn't exactly Ronnie."

"I figured as much." She says, sarcastically.

"No, I mean he is someone Ronnie's body."

Caitlin furrows her eyebrows at Cisco then looks over at Wells who is nodding at her.

Cisco explains everything him and Hartley had found out in their research. Martin Stein, a scientist who specialized in transmutation and quantum splicing, making two things one, was at S.T.A.R. Labs the night of the accelerator explosion. He was there to power his new splicer with the outburst from the accelerator. When the accelerator exploded, Ronnie's body merged with Stein's on the walkway outside the lab, leaving the shadow on the wall that Hartley showed Cisco.

"So...Martin Stein is walking around in Ronnie's body?" Caitlin asks to clarify.

Cisco and Wells both nod.

"Great." She says, sarcastically "So we're actually going after Martin Stein...that looks like a homeless Ronnie. I was having such a good day."

"You've only been up for an hour." Cisco says.

"But it was a good hour." Caitlin says. "Until now."

"Wait, Hartley helped you?" Caitlin asks.

"Yeah. He offered to help." Cisco said.

"What did he get out of it?"

"We let him go home." Wells said.

Caitlin sighs and stands up.

"Where are you going?" Cisco asks.

"To talk to Hartley." She answers.

"Morning," Barry says to her as she walks by him on her way out.

She doesn't respond. He follows her with his eyes as she walks out then looks back at Wells and Cisco.

"What's going on?" He asks.

They update him and he looks back at the entrance to the cortex, wishing he'd known when he saw her.

"How was your date?" Cisco asks.

Barry shakes his head and turns back to the other two.

"Good. Really good actually. She's awesome." Barry says, smiling.

"And was it a good end to the date?" Cisco asks, raising his eyebrows.

Barry laughs and gets ready to expand when his phone rings.

"Hey Joe." Barry answers. "Sorry! No, I forgot. I'm on my way."

He hangs up. "I was supposed to meet Joe at Concordance Labs," he says as he runs out.


Caitlin knocks on the apartment door. Hartley answers and raises his eyebrow.



She takes a deep breath. "Can we talk about Ronnie?" She asks, softening her tone.

His face lightens up and he steps back, inviting her in.

They cover everything her and Cisco talked about, Hartley explaining it a little bit better.

Caitlin sighs and leans her head back on the couch she's sitting on. Hartley moves over next to her on the couch, facing her.

"I really am sorry for your loss Caitlin." He says, sounding sincere. "I know we didn't get along well when we worked together, but we never hated each other. I would've never wished this on you. Or anyone for that matter."

"I know. You're a little gruff sometimes, but I know you're a good person," She says.

He smiles at her, looking down. "Caitlin...there's more."

She turns to look at him, raising an eyebrow. "What now?"

"It's about Wells."

She looks at him, confused. "What about him?"

He takes a deep breath, getting much less joy out of this than he originally thought he would.

"He knew the accelerator might explode."

Caitlin's eyes widen. Hartley continues.


"Thanks, Hartley," she says. She hugs him and leaves his apartment, heading to Jitters, needing coffee and a break.

While sitting at a table in the back, she looks up to see Wells wheeling toward her. She lowers her head and stares at her coffee.

"Thought I might find you here. You've been gone a while." He says, pulling up to the table.

"Hartley had a lot to say." She says, kind of coldly.

He narrows his eyes at her. "More than Ronnie?"

"Why did you fire him, Wells?"

Wells looks at her, coldly at first, then softening. A sad smile breaks on his face.

"He told you."

"He told me everything." She says, taking a drink of her coffee.

He starts to wheel away.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a coffee. We might be here a while." He says, pulling up to the counter.

When he gets back with his drink, he takes a sip and takes a deep breath.

"Hartley and I were aware that there was a chance the accelerator might fail. Hartley tried to get me to stop the project, then threatened to take it to the media when I refused." Wells says quietly.

"When he threatened that, I had him fired and smudged his credibility. I couldn't risk having the project shut down." He looks up at her, a determined look in his eye.

She takes a drink and looks down in front of her cup.

"Say something, please." He begs.

"How could you not tell us? We deserved to know the risk." She says, quietly, but coldly.

"This has been the dream. Since the day Tess and I envisioned S.T.A.R. Labs, it was to get to the point where we launched a particle accelerator. We were ahead of everyone. We were so close. I had told you that this was gonna happen since the day I met you. Once you got on the team, I got...I was blind. My ambition to achieve this blinded me. That ambition hit a new high when you started working there and I couldn't let you down. Let any of the team down."

Caitlin is shaking her head and trying to wrap her head around all of it.

"How did no one else see the risk?" She asked.

"No one else was running the numbers. Just Hartley and I," he says. 

She nods. "We deserved to know Wells. I mean I...I still would've gone through with it. But I can't say the same for everyone else in that lab."

She stands up and throws her coffee cup away, walking out. She sees Iris sitting at the counter on her way out and nods to her as she leaves. Wells sighs and takes another sip of his coffee.

Wells gets back to the labs about an hour later, hoping to give Caitlin time to get back and isolate herself if she wanted to. When he gets back he only sees Cisco sitting in the cortex.

"Any luck finding Ronnie?" He asks.

Cisco quickly shuts off the video game he was playing. "Nope. No luck yet."

"Where's Caitlin?" Wells asks.

"Haven't seen her. She hasn't been back since she left for Hartley's this morning." Cisco answers.

Wells nods. He's glad his house was fixed because he knew he needed to give her some space right now.


The next morning Caitlin wakes up and walks to Jitters to grab a coffee. She sees everyone chatting more than normal. When she gets to the counter she asks the barista what all the commotion was about. The boy hands her a newspaper and she looks at the headline on the front page.

Founder of S.T.A.R. Labs Knew Accelerator Would Fail

"Can I have this?" She asks and the boy nods.

Caitlin takes her coffee and the paper and goes to sit down at a back table. She reads the scathing article about S.T.A.R. Labs, specifically about Dr. Harrison Wells. The article accuses him of knowing the accelerator would fail, and the other employees of being negligent. Details from her and Wells' conversation the day before appear in the article and she starts getting heated.

Her breathing picks up and she looks at the name on the byline seeing 'Mason Bridge'. She tosses her coffee in the trash and storms off to CCPN.

She walks in and looks around until she sees who she's looking for. Everyone know who Mason is. He's the most controversial reporter in town, and S.T.A.R. Labs has had to deal with him many times.

"Where do you get off?" She says, throwing the paper on his desk in front of him.

He looks down at the paper then back up to her. He takes a drink of his coffee and shrugs.

"You people at S.T.A.R. Labs have never liked when I publish the truth." He says as arrogantly as possible.

"Truth? What makes you think you know any of this? We didn't take enough blame for making a mistake that hurt the town, now you have to accuse us of knowingly doing it?"

"Not you." He says. "Just your boss."

She scowls at him and her breathing picks up again.

"I'm only accusing you of being careless and ignorant. Oblivious at best." He smirks at her. "How old are you again? It's not much of a surprise that you don't know how to do your job. I don't blame you."

Her scowl deepens.

"You're just a puppet of a corrupt man." He says, taking another sip.

She grabs the coffee out of his hand and throws it in the trash.

"How did you know about Hartley?" She asks quietly.

"I have my sources," he says, the desk across from him.

Caitlin turns to see Iris's desk and here eyes widen. She turns back to Mason who is smirking.

"You should have your conversations in a more private location next time." He whispers to her before he walks away.

She looks around the room and sees Iris talking to a girl with brunette hair. Caitlin walks up to both of them.

"Iris, can we talk?" Caitlin says, trying to sound calm.

"Yeah, what's up?" Iris says. The second girl isn't walking away.

Caitlin eyes her and she still stays. She takes a deep breath.

"I would appreciate it," she starts, gritting her teeth. "If you didn't repeat conversations that don't concern you."

Iris realizes what she's referencing and pulls Caitlin away from the other girl.

"Caitlin, I'm sorry. I was flustered after I heard you and Dr. Wells talking and I ranted to Mason. I didn't realize he was going to write about it." She defends.

"Bullshit!" Caitlin spits. "Did you really think anything you tell him is safe. You could've talked to me. You could've talked to Barry. Anyone but him," she says, motioning to Mason.

She's trying hard to keep her voice down.

Iris sighs. "Caitlin. People deserve to know. I know I shouldn't have repeated it, but it was too important. You of all people should understand how much people deserve to know."

"Don't throw my own words back at me," Caitlin says, getting tired of talking now. "He's in a wheel chair. He is a pariah. He can barely go out in public without people threatening him. He receives death threats in the mail every day still. He has the death and injuries of hundreds of people on his conscience, one of them being my fiance. Do you really think he hasn't suffered enough?" Caitlin says, not realizing she was getting a little louder.

"What's going on?" Barry interrupts, putting his hand on Caitlin's shoulder and pulling her away from Iris.

Caitlin turns to see him standing next to the brunette Iris was talking to, who suddenly looks familiar.

"What are you doing here Barry?" Iris asks, sounding nervous.

"I uh...I was bringing Linda coffee." He says, not making eye contact with Iris or Caitlin.

Caitlin looks at Linda, realizing she's the girl from the bar and she turns back to Iris.

"Guys, what is going on?" Barry asks again.

"Nothing." Caitlin says coldly.

She pulls her shoulder away from Barry harshly and starts to walk out. Mason steps in front of her before she can get to the door.

"Give Harrison my best," he says smirking.

"Rot in hell," she whispers. She steps around him and opens the door.

"Have a nice day!" Mason calls to her before the door closes.

He grins as he turns around and walks back to his desk across from Iris's.

"Guess you were right after all, West. Well done." He says, sitting down and getting to work.

"Somebody has to tell me what happened," Barry says, sounding annoyed this time.

Mason laughs and hands him the paper Caitlin put on his desk. Barry reads it and looks at Iris.

"You had something to do with this?" He asks her.

Iris looks away.

"Something? She had everything to do with it," Mason says proudly. "She's the one who overheard hot head there talking about it" he says, pointing to the door that Caitlin just left through. 

Barry looks at Iris, disappointed, and shakes his head.

"Sorry Linda, I gotta go," he says.

She nods and he walks out.

"Well," Linda says. "That was a fun start to the day."

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