Chapter 6: Sora Hasaki 🆚️ Delbwöare Dragon (Boss)

The Arivex entered the platform while the host introduced her to the audience. The spotlight exposed Sora for what she really looked like, a spiritual body with a violaceous aura, her lightning shaped scar more pronounced as it gave a shimmering light from the right side of her cheekbone to the left side of her hip.

"Sora will face someone whom most of you know—" The host started while Sora felt something—or someone—lurking in the shadows, circling within the platform. "—they are known for being the duo who came close to take down the spectre—" Billowing smoke descended from above as it covered the spotlight like a dark fog. " —they reemerged from the abyss of brimstone and sulphur—" A suffocating odor came out of the smoke as the flickering embers turned alight. "—they Claw, they Saw, they're summoned—" The ring of fire and simmered to reveal two heads. "They are the Delbwöare dragon." The cloud of smoke dispersed to reveal the bicephalic dragon. 

"That tears it!" Jecamiah walked away indignantly, This place has got to go.

Sora took a good look at the bicephalic dragon. Claw—the female, had fiery orange hardened skin, a deep, cavernous jaw filled with large numbers of sharp teeth, bloody red eyes, and a pendant with the shape of a bicep to symbolize her strength and headstrong personality. Saw—the male, had fluffy grey skin, crimson blue eyes, and an hourglass shaped pendant. Then Sora recalled what Violet had warned her about.

"Don't listen to her, Sora. She is trying to trick you the same way she did when you were fighting her." Stacey warned her.

"Yeah, she's trying to discourage you from fighting in the Redemption Round, don't listen to her." Zack insisted. Sora looked at her teammates and then at Violet.

"I will fight, there's no doubt about it." Sora clarified. Violet withdrew herself from the table.

"It will require strength and patience to defeat them, you were warned." Violet hinted as she strolled out of the food court with the sailor.

She was right, it would require a lot of strength and patience to take down a bicephalic dragon that was five times her size, they were hovering above her as Claw's bloody red eyes gave an ominous glint as she saw the Arivex standing in front of her. She gritted her rows of sharp teeth as she snorted smoke to intimidate her.

"I'll make mincemeat outta you." Claw threatened in a guttural voice before her nostrils flared, snorting hot air.

Saw's fluffy grey neck curled downward as he took a closer look at the Arivex, her supernatural body was radiant, though her purple pendant got his attention. 

The whistle blew and as if by instinct the bicephalic dragon took to the air, Sora followed them up with her gaze, just as Claw let out a breath of fire. Sora had not seen it coming and only just managed to dodge it. Now, while Sora took time to recover, Claw and Saw flew back to the ground, making a soft gentle sound as their feet padded behind her. 

Claw pressed a low steamed breath on the back of Sora’s neck and with that Sora pivots to face her opponents.  

“This is too easy!” Claw taunts, just as she lunges out at Sora.

Sora manages to sidestep and in doing so she notices Claw's lesser half, preoccupied with some fantasised thoughts about the hostess. She seized this opportunity to stick a blow to one of the dragons. She summons a weapon and swings it towards Saw.

Claw catching on to what Sora was doing, tries to pull her brother from the swinging blade. She doesn’t succeed and the lower part of Saw’s side is sliced. Dark red blood seeps out of his wound, as he lets out a groan of pain. 

“Focus!” Claw yells at her brother.

“Oh my, you’re so cantankerous!” Saw yells back.

“Yeah, I am.” Claw states, agreeing with her brother's insult, despite not actually knowing what it had meant. 

Saw lets out a low crimson flame, that pushes Sora back. Then with enough distance between them both. He begins to chant the word “facetious” over and over again.

Sora’s mind draws into a haze, as the Gladatorium walls peel around her. Plagued bodies drop from the sky with heavy screams. But, over those screams, a deep jovial laugh can be heard. The laugh grows louder and louder and louder still, until Sora feels her ears ready to burst. 

Sora can see the Gladatorium fading back into existence, as her groggy mind races to catch up with reality. When Sora comes to, she sees the soft grey haired dragon’s crimson eyes staring into her.

“F-a-c-e-t-i-o-u-s. Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour.” 

“What?!” was all Sora could muster as she stared back at her opponent. 

Claw clobbered her as the Arivex fell to the ground with brute force, the ground cracking from under her as Claw's hoove stomped on her. Sora screamed as the scar stretched farther, closer from breaking her in half. 

"Sora! Don't give up!" Zack shouted, cheering her on. The Arivex looked hazily to the side as she saw blurry dots. His voice echoed in her head. Don't give up.

"You can do it!" María hollered, "You can win this!" Sora identified María's voice by the softness of her voice.

"Don't let a dragon destroy you! Are you an Arivex? Or a failure?" Stacey's voice reminded her as the grit in her voice reverberated into her head.

Claw stopped on Sora again as the Arivex recoiled from the pain. 

"Sora! No matter what happens, we're here for you!" Thomas shouted. His words were a spark that ignited her. Sora's icy blue eyes twinged with an azure flame, a fuel that was set ablaze to keep on fighting. Thomas, being the fire elemental of the team, he kindled the spirits of the team. A friend that gave her warmth, the torch that guided her through the darkness.

"It's over for you!" Claw gloated just as she was ready to stomp on her, when Sora phazed through the ground as Claw's hoove stepped on cracked ground instead. "Where'd she go!?"

"That was unexpected." Saw commented before the bicephalic dragon eyed the area, both of their heads turned from side to side in search for their opponent.

"Looking for me?"

Both of their heads looked skyward while Sora stood in midair, upside down while her amethyst pendant dangled on the crown of her head. Claw illicited a growl that came from her throat, Saw perceived the piercing glare that came from Sora's sky blue eyes.

Sora teleported when Claw spat a stream of sulphuric acid that shot upwards only for it to land on their heads. The scorching blotches of acid burnt of some of Saw's gray fur. "Real mature." Saw said unimpressed as he shook off the acid from his head, face and neck like a wet dog.

Claw growled, "Where is she?" The acid drenched down from her orange scales at it evaporated just as quickly from her boiling rage. Crimson eyes narrowed until she found Sora, the Arivex summoned a longsword and a shield as they both charged in.

"Claw don't--" The longsword cut off Saw's warning along with Claw's head as blood gushed out of Claw neck and her decapitated head landed on the ground while Claw's neck spewed blood like a sprinkler. Saw back pedalled while he casted a spell to slow Sora's advance at slicing his head off as well.

"P-A-U-S-E" Saw spelled quickly before she got paralyzed long enough for Claw to regenerate, her head grew back.

"R-E-V-E-R-S-E" The audience witnessed how Sora ran backwards. Zack watched and thought to himself, “I'm getting a weird Déjà Vu right now.”

Claw's nostrils flared, ready to breathe fire. Saw waited for the right moment to break Sora from the spell to let Claw spit fire. 

"R-E-S-U-M-E" Sora was back to where she stood as she summoned her weapon when Claw spat a blast of blazing fire, the Arivex teleported and switched tactics. Saw's spelling combo became ineficient when she caught on to their fighting patterns.

"Stop spelling!" Claw commanded.

"Stop yelling!" Saw retorted, the Arivex succeeded in putting the two heads against each other while everyone watched.

Jecamiah fumed while he exited the underground floor, then sprinted on his way to the reception until he looked out on the outside and his angry expression shifted to melancholy. His auburn eyes looked out at the starry night sky and lifted his arms to pray. "Lord, you sent me here to warn my colleagues. I beg you to guide me."

The two heads bickered while the Arivex attacked them, striking randomly while she teleported from one spot to the next. They weren't able to predict her moves.

"Do something!" Claw yelled at him.

"I'm trying." Saw moved his head frantically until Sora swung her sword upward as she left a diagonal scar at their backs. Irate, Claw flicked her tail in vain to hit the Arivex while she exhaled a dark smoke. Sora teleported out of the way as she hid within the veil of smoke.

"You made it worse! How are we supposed to find her now?" Saw scolded her. Claw clasped part of his mouth shut and hushed him.

"Quiet." Claw whispered, "follow my lead." Claw put her hand away as she exhaled more smoke to use as camouflage.

"How unusually clever of you, Claw." Saw whispered back. The bicephalic dragon resorted to a more stealthier maneuver and Claw exhaled a dark fog. The fluffier head scanned the nebulous smoke for any movement. He then spotted a sudden shift, when Sora teleported the smoky area where she was imploded. Next he saw from afar off the smoke move side ways at her current location. Claw created more smoke while Saw estimated their opponent's current site. His crimson saw a silhouette approach. Saw spotted the glint of Sora's pendant and started spelling against it. "E-V-A-N-E-S-C-E-N-C-E"

The Arivex teleported to the source of the smoke, about to decapitate them both with the sheen of her blade when her pendant faded, the two heads avoided the swing of the blade as it disappeared.

"What the--" Sora's sword and pendant faded into vapor before Claw punched her in the sternum as she was thrown aback and fell backwards. Determined to stand despite the pain, Claw lunged on the attack while Sora sprinted from the spitfire of Claw's sulphur breath. "E-X-S-A-N-G-U-I-N-A-T-I-O-N"

Sora's Arivex form fluctuated between her spiritual body and her human form, fatigue taking its toll on her.

"Sora, don't give up!" María and Zack cheered her on. Sora panted from running, the shadow of the bicephalic dragon towered over her as Claw sneered sadistically as they coiled their tail around her ankles and hung her upside down as Sora dangled while Claw opened her wide jaw as she exhaled a thick cloud of sulphur that made her prey nauseous.

"Claw, don't." Saw warned as he reminded her that they're being watched by a live audience, Claw's taunt was only a feint when she tossed Sora out of the platform like a discarded rag while Saw looked at his twin, unamused. "Seriously, sis?"

Claw chortled.

Sora was airborne with no sign of her cosmic crystal, the necklace was there, but the gem wasn't, as if part of her was gone. “Is this the end?”

Was my journey throughout the cosmos a joke?

Are the sacrifices I've made to get this far a lie?

Is my link with the Dimension Crystal a fluke?

She remembered the moment she broke the fabric of reality to banish Trever. He was also an Arivex like her, though the difference between them was that only she was able to summon a powerful weapon that could cleave the fabrics of reality — Daybreaker.

Her scar is a clear reminder of that event. As she fell on her descent she reminded herself that she was an Arivex, no Dimension Crystal would change that.

Sora prepared for the impact when she opened the portal to where she was about to crash, and fell into the portal. Claw's laughter was short lived when Sora fell behind their backs and held onto the cords of their pendants as if she were trying to bridle a wild beast.

"Woo! Way to go, Sora!" Zack cheered and whistled. The bicephalic dragon shook their necks to get Sora of their backs, but the Arivex held on.

They shot up into the air and they spiraled around to make Sora loosen her grip. After a series of breathing fire and spelling they couldn't get rid of her. Sora let go of Claw's neck to open a portal as they went through it, their heads crashed into the ground outside of the ring, resulting in a ring out.

"And we have a winner — Sora Hasaki." The host announced while the crowd cheered. The Arivex jumped out of their backs as she balanced herself while she stumbled, then regained her footing.

"Up next, we have the last match for the Redemption Round. The Izarian born, Stella Spacey will fight against the next boss. Suzanne Flamefury, stick around after the next commercial break." Natalie announced until the camera cut to commercial, promoting the next advertisement.

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