2 Bloopers 5

Haeji: Tala said no adding new character to each ep. 5 per ep

Haeji: So imma take of the violet part and put it in ep 2

Brandon: Well the adaptation doesn't have to follow word for word. So, each episode can display from a specific POV, preferably a character of most importance to the current plot/subplot. Then, subsequent episodes can be display the other characters' POV.

Shadow: Yeah

NatTheRat96: I already updated AIAA today, which should I update next?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Age Before Beauty, Barbara's Bizarre Voyage, High Heels, Maggie, Scarlet, Stella Spacey and TROF. Chatzy chose: Maggie

NatTheRat96: YES.

NatTheRat96: Which part of Collateral should I work on?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Prologue, 1st chapters, Redemption Round Chapters and Gladatorium Tryout. Chatzy chose: Prologue

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Employees POV, GT fighters POV, main fighters POV and villains POV. Chatzy chose: main fighters POV.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between A1, A2, A3, Breloq's POV, C, Faim, Felin, H1, H2, J, Phixa, Piros, Ratu, RII, Ryan, Ryo, Scale, Sora, Stella, Violet and Yin. Chatzy chose: H2 

NatTheRat96: KLL, how's your story coming along?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between A1, A2, A3, Breloq's POV, C, Faim, Felin, H1, H2, J, Phixa, Piros, Ratu, RII, Ryan, Ryo, Scale, Sora, Stella, Violet and Yin. Chatzy chose: C 

NatTheRat96: Chris POV

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between A1, A2, A3, Breloq's POV, C, Faim, Felin, H1, H2, J, Phixa, Piros, Ratu, RII, Ryan, Ryo, Scale, Sora, Stella, Violet and Yin. Chatzy chose: Scale

Haeji: It's comin' aight

tkl.artist: what i meant was 

tkl.artisteach episode has five "segments"

tkl.artist: like the first ep is ryan, master yin, ratu, hering, and piros 

tkl.artist: so, what i'm saying the max per ep is 5 segments >_> 


Brandon: Oooo what's the insta?

Brandon: So it is pretty much like different POV per epi

Shadow: Ah

Shadow: This is (not) confusing

NatTheRat96 has made mock ups.

NatTheRat96: Should I post it on Wattpad?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: yes

NatTheRat96: Sorry Chatzy, Wattpad refused.

Shadow: That's cool!

Shadow: Aaaanyway

Shadow: Should I add a bonus 'side story' to Cloudy Sky when I update on Saturday?

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

Shadow *quiet sobbing*

Shadow: Okay, so then not Chapter 4, what about Chapter 5?

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: no

Shadow: Well nvm because there is gonna be a side story after Chap. 5

Shadow: I still don't know what it'll be but I have some ideas

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between a truth or dare, when the internet is down, lunch with the Deadpools and would you rather. Chatzy chose: would you rather

Shadow: This is completely unrelated to Colosseum

NatTheRat96 has planned to write something or revise the GT to edit. What she has actually been doing; making mock-ups and attending text messages.

NatTheRat96: Should I send a notification to the Auctor fam about Collateral?

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Do it! and DON'T DO IT!. Chatzy chose: Do it!

NatTheRat96 feels uber lazy today.

Shadow:XD same here

NatTheRat96: Collateral Storyline, GT outline, planner or pantser

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Collateral Storyline, GT outline and planner or pantser. Chatzy chose: planner or pantser

Brandon: Has I written a scene with Ryan Vs June yet?

Brandon: Thonking...

Brandon left this message 82 minutes ago:3:09 PM

I finished my just for fun lyrics :

It's time to reach for the stars
Cuz the sky is not the limit

[Verse 1]
We are born to dream
We live to make them true
Set forth a future full of ambition
Become the motivation, the ignition

Staring at the sky
Seeing the blue turn black
The curtains of stars begin to flash

What a sight to witness
A beautiful display
Engraved in our hearts
The fuel that we need
To make tomorrow
A better day than today

Up we go, To the stars
Our final decision
We won't stop until contact
Watch as we make an impact

[Verse 2]
Walking through the days with our heads down
When our dreams are above us
Life's not a race, slow down
Find your pace, your lane
Stick with what you love, what makes you happy even when it hurts
A flower doesn't simply growing without breaking
You can cry, scream, run
Do what you need
You can't wait for the future you want
Make it, shape it, let it be true


The world is big
The sky wide
And you will feel small
But does not mean you can't do anything
Days can be slow
And it's okay to rest
Cuz that's your best
Take that time



[Music Break]


Shadow: Beautiful!

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between truth or dare, when the internet is down, lunch with the Deadpools and 'neck cutters'. Chatzy chose: when the internet is down

Shadow: Well ok

Shadow: XD I'm just using this for AnY project

Brandon: Mood

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between Warlords, Heart Seeker, Welcome to the Party!, Tales of Elona and To Be a Hero. Chatzy chose: Welcome to the Party!

Brandon: Eh he he... I should really finish Volume 1 of Warlord before starting on Welcome to the Party!

Brandon asked Chatzy to choose between you right, hell nah and up to you I'm just a bot. Chatzy chose: you right

Brandon 🤣

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Caprice, Sagittaria and neither. Chatzy chose: Sagittaria 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between wakes up Caprice and doesn't. Chatzy chose: wakes up Caprice 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to sleep, confronts the Psychopaths and confronts Carina. Chatzy chose: goes back to sleep 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between wakes Caprice intentionally, wakes her accidentally and doesn't wake her. Chatzy chose: wakes her accidentally 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to sleep, confronts the Psychopaths and confronts Carina. Chatzy chose: goes back to sleep 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between wakes her accidentally and doesn't wake her. Chatzy chose: wakes her accidentally 

Shadow: AgAiN 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to sleep, confronts the Psychopaths, confronts Carina and gets mad at Sagittaria. Chatzy chose: gets mad at Sagittaria 

Shadow: Ha. Ok.

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to sleep, confronts the Psychopaths, confronts Carina and realizes she has no phone. Chatzy chose: confronts Carina 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Carina gets mad, pretends she's asleep, directs Caprice to Aquaria and cries. Chatzy chose: directs Caprice to Aquaria 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Caprice finds Aquaria and doesn't find her. Chatzy chose: doesn't find her 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between ends that way, doesn't end yet and part 2!!!. Chatzy chose: doesn't end yet 

Shadow: This be a long one 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to Carina, goes to bed and looks for Aqua again. Chatzy chose: goes to bed 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Sagittaria goes to bed, finds out no internet, tries to find Aqua and wakes Caprice again. Chatzy chose: wakes Caprice again 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between yells at Sagittaria, looks for Aqua, looks for Carina and goes back to bed. Chatzy chose: goes back to bed 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Sagittaria goes back to bed, tries to find Aqua and wakes Caprice again. Chatzy chose: tries to find Aqua 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between finds Aqua and doesn't. Chatzy chose: doesn't

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between goes back to bed and tries to find Carina. Chatzy chose: goes back to bed 

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between ends, doesn't, part 2 and OF COURSE IT'S DONE. Chatzy chose: OF COURSE IT'S DONE

Shadow-----for Cloudy Sky haha-----

NatTheRat96 has received an anonymous phone call.

NatTheRat96 has accepted the call and hears it.

[HACKER]: "Your phone has picked up suspicious activity. Press 1 to obtain access to your account. Press 2 to contact an agent...

NatTheRat96 hangs up. Then checks voicemail to hear the same message the hacker placed. Deletes voicemail.

NatTheRat96: They should know by now that this rat hates traps.

NatTheRat96's mother tells her to delete all the notifications on her gmail. She begrudgingly does it.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Edit GT, Write Maggie, Write A•S•H and read fanfic. Chatzy chose: read fanfic

NatTheRat96: You read my mind Chatzy.

Shadow: Hahaha I answer my parents scam calls ... with a British accent lol

Shadow: If they ask for a credit card I'm like, 'I'm 12. I don't have a card.'

Shadow: I mean like what did they expect, their caller ID literally says, 'Scam Likely'

NatTheRat96: My phone just shows the phone number.

NatTheRat96: But the voice and message is a dead giveaway for a scam.

Shadow: Yeah lol especially if it's a computer saying 'this is the police'

NatTheRat96: The crazy stuff frauds come up with.

Shadow: Ikr it's hilarious.

NatTheRat96: It's as flimsy as the liaison scam from Wattpad.

Shadow: Ahhh yes that

Shadow has never responded to one of those because she's too lazy to check her messages

NatTheRat96: Like, be original, schemer. 😆

Shadow: The things they come up with ...

NatTheRat96: Let's male a red tape to take your data and shiz

NatTheRat96: Like HELL NAW.

Shadow: Ha

Shadow: But they can be rly intricate

Shadow: Like I have time to listen to their whole spiel 


NatTheRat96  With the crazy coding and stuff.

Shadow: Mm yes like those scam messages with virus-riddled links

NatTheRat96: Is like those bozos have nothing better to do

Shadow: They probably don't

NatTheRat96: Steal IDs, accounts for money and cryptocurrency spiel

NatTheRat96: Tech wizardry won't save you from going behind bars.

NatTheRat96: Now matter how smart they are.

Shadow: Tru

Shadow: But there are too many XD

Shadow: You'd have to spend all day looking for them

NatTheRat96: Yep.

NatTheRat96: How's Sunny doin?

Shadow: Pretty good

NatTheRat96: He being a good boy lately?

NatTheRat96: Yes.

Shadow: Yep besides from trying to bite me 1,000,000 times

Shadow: But he's just too cute ...

NatTheRat96: Smol boi

Shadow: Yep

NatTheRat96 🐕

Shadow: His bed is covered with a towel so he doesn't get it too dirty

Shadow: Somehow the towel always ends up on the floor

Shadow: He loves to make nests too 

Shadow: aka a big mess

Shadow: How are you doing?

NatTheRat96: Great, thank God.

NatTheRat96: How about you?

Shadow: I'm doing great, thanks!

Shadow: Oop gtg

Shadow: Ideas for Chap. 15 of Cloudy Sky

Shadow: Aqua nearly kills Pise, Caprice runs away, Livvy & Sagi try to steal Aqua's knife

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between Aqua nearly kills Pise, Caprice runs away and Livvy steals Aqua's knife. Chatzy chose: Aqua nearly kills Pise

Shadow: Ha ok 

Shadow  Nvm gtg A G A I N 

Shadow: 🎶Well, the duller the knife, the deeper the scars🎶

Shadow: 🎶I don't need a light to see in the dark🎶

Shadow: 🎶I know what you're like, I know who you are🎶

Shadow *listening to Against The Current and editing whatever I find*

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Shop vac, Buid's POV and GT. Chatzy chose: Buid's POV

Shadow asked Chatzy to choose between truth or dare, a normal day, lunch with the Deadpools, 'neck cutters' and inspirations. Chatzy chose: 'neck cutters'

Shadow: Aah this will be funny

Shadow: Hehe I went to a store yesterday ...

Shadow... saw a paint scraper ...

Shadow... accidentally - I SWEAR - called it a neck cutter ...

Shadow... true story.

tkl.artist brandon: the insta is @tkl.artist

Shadow: I'll check it out ..

tkl.artist: alzo like the ep is nearly done on my end

tkl.artist: prolly gonna ask my peeps

tkl.artist: alzo imma try to recruit sehunnie

tkl.artist: you dk him 

tkl.artist: but i love him uwu

tkl.artist: not weird tho

Shadow: Found it

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Split the crew into 3 teams, find Adrian and work on Prologue. Chatzy chose: Split the crew into 3 teams

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Fight scenes, filler and character development. Chatzy chose: Fight scenes

NatTheRat96: Team 1 will (co)write fight scenes

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between filler, subplots and ideas. Chatzy chose: subplots

NatTheRat96: Team 2 will focus on subplots related to the characters, main characters minor characters, interaction, etc.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between world building, lore, filler and tension. Chatzy chose: lore

NatTheRat96: Team 3 is basically generating ideas, world building, and to add or change elements into the story. Any member of the teams can switch places to avoid restraint in creative flow.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between Planner and Pantser. Chatzy chose: Pantser

NatTheRat96: Yep, mostly me.ñ

NatTheRat96: Planner percentage: 6-12%

NatTheRat96: Quick question: If any of you had the chance to change the story of the Gladatorium Tryout, which would it be?

NatTheRat96: Or how you would've liked the story to play out?

Brandon: Quick question : What is the current story of the Gladitorium?

Shadow: I would have liked it not to be so as all of the characters die in the end.

Shadow: Or that the characters die so easily

Shadow is tired and so retreats to the blue light of the laptop to cure the ttiredness

Shadow *tiredness

Shadow: It has been a long time since I have made a typo

Shadow somehow feels better from the blue light ...

Blue: "It's unhealthy ..."

Blue proceeds to check Facebook for the 599 quadrillionth time

Ripper is nodding off slowly

Shadow: "Oh shut up, go and annoy Verdauga or ... something."

Sicariss is squealing crazily

Sicariss: "Does that apply to us?"

Loreley: "Let's go back to sleep."

Loreley also yawns

Shadow: "Yes in fact you all are going to sleep. Let me rest."

NatTheRat96: The Gladatorium subplot is similar to Adrian's only this time, we can add more depth into the story. Your OCs can make a brief interaction.

NatTheRat96: Guys, I googled my username and found a page of novelhd that contains the collab. How did that website get a hold of it anyway?

Shadow: You'd best watch out for theft of content.

Shadow: Googled my username. The results: JuRaSsIc PaRk

Shadow Me: No. Not. That.

Shadow Page 2: JuRaSsIc PaRk FaN-fIcS

Shadow dies inside

Shadow Page 3: ExTrA sPaCe StOrAgE fIrSt MoNtH fReE

Shadow realizes she really does not exist anywhere

Brandon: Wow. We must be getting good to be ribbed of our work!

Brandon: Robbed

Brandon: Just checked it. At least, it kept the authors and names. Though unexpected, it does credit us, more or less

Brandon: How does Mirror's offsprings come into play?

NatTheRat96: Glad you asked: they'll sneak into the stadium during the skirmish. (Y'know the spellcaster fiasco which the word game provoked afterwards.)

Haeji: Eyy 

Haeji: I finished writing Haeji's intro 

Haeji: There ya go

Brandon: How does the Emperor look? I want to write a scene where Hexice meets him and Reker.

NatTheRat96: I imagine him to look akin to the Emperors from the Chinese dynasty. 

NatTheRat96: You can have creative liberty in describing the Emperor in any way you wish tbh, Adrian made the Emperor physically vague.

NatTheRat96: An Emperor with a jewel encrusted throne is not very specific.

Shadow: I saw that too

Shadow: Apparently The Rise of Faim is there too

Shadow: Yup, that's yours Natalie


Shadow has written 13 chapters in advance for Cloudy Sky

Shadow has also discarded that plotline for another that so far contains only a paragraph or so

Shadow: That sounds logical.

Shadow is trying to plot out what the Squad would do about the Emperor's takeover ...

Shadow: Oh wait, that happened ONE WEEK AGO

Shadow also is busy with DUMB STUPID MOVING

Shadow: Ahhh

NatTheRat96: Best of luck to you on your move.

NatTheRat96 left this message 2 hours ago:4:23 PM

Day 1 on Wattpad: 0 followers


NatTheRat96: WOW.

NatTheRat96: This is beautiful.

Shadow: Awesome! 👏

Shadow: Thank you ☙

Brandon left this message 15 hours ago: 10:38 PM

Okay. I did some major thinking of how the Emperor should look. I also thought of his attire to be eastern dynasty. Only difference, he doesn't have the typical golden dragon emblem and robe. Instead,

He will wear a dark, almost black, green hanfu(robe) with gold trims. On the back, a winged serpent is woven. It is black within golden hexagons as its scales. This is an allusion to Genbu, a mythical eastern creature that is a Tortoise with a serpent wrapped around it. Also, he wears silk scarf/sash that hangs from around the back of his neck and down his shoulders (if that makes sense).

As for hair, I'm not sure...

Haeji: So what did you think of the thing I wrote nat?

NatTheRat96: KLL: I love it. I like how the story is taking off.

NatTheRat96: About the emperor's hair...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between dark hair, balding, pony tail, asian hair do, light hair and bald. Chatzy chose: asian hair do

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between historical hair do and modern hair do. Chatzy chose: modern hair do

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between long, medium and short. Chatzy chose: long

NatTheRat96 😂😅

NatTheRat96: Or...

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between ming dynasty bun, qing dynasty braid and queue. Chatzy chose: queue

NatTheRat96 googled hair do

NatTheRat96 imagines Brandon with said hair do.

NatTheRat96: "That's hot."

NatTheRat96 is getting 70 followers to 112.

NatTheRat96: "Help, I'm getting followers. I don't know what to do." Is slowly drowning from Turkish followers.

NatTheRat96: Is raising a hand until getting devoured.

Sardin: "...And that is how the rat drowned in the Black Sea."

Ratu darted his eyes back and forth staying away from the dark waters. 

Herring Ja: "And that's gonna happen if you don't stop stealing our fish, capische?"

Ratu curls up into a ball.

Shadow XD that happened to me a while ago

Shadow: Raised me from 35 to 125

Shadow: Now it is 65 

Shadow: They are just follow for follow people, or hackers, if you follow them they will unfollow you

Shadow: But it is possible that they are hackers 

Ratu: Could be.

Shadow: Take a peek at my followers lol

Shadow: I can't understand their announcements

Ratu: Me neither.

Shadow: Just ignore it, the numbers will go back down ...

Ratu: Hopefully.

Shadow: But it will probably go up a lil bit more before going down

Ratu: Ok. 

Ratu: Luckily, I did gain some spanish and english followers.

Ratu: 2 of them each.

Ratu: At least I can understand what they type. But Turkish = zilch.

Shadow: Same, a few English followers as well, and most of those don't unfollow.

Shadow: Idk ehy 

Shadow *why

Ratu: Chatzy, should I make a Turkish translation with one of my stories?

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between yes and no. Chatzy chose: yes 

Ratu: Which one? 

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between Collaboration Colosseum, A[U]CTOR (Vols 1&2), Age Before Beauty, High Heels, The Rise Of Faim, The Seven Vices and roach. Chatzy chose: Collaboration Colosseum 

Ratu: Yes. 

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between Spanish translation 1st and a book cover w/ Turkish title. Chatzy chose: a book cover w/ Turkish title 

Ratu: Fine, but I'm making a Spanish translation of the collab 1st.

Ratu asked Chatzy to choose between yes, do it, not yet and nope. Chatzy chose: do it

NatTheRat96: You'll have to wait until May, chatzy.

NatTheRat96 asked Chatzy to choose between fine, whatever and just do it. Chatzy chose: just do it

NatTheRat96 goes to edit fragments for Collateral instead. Chatzy gets appalled by this.

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