How i got kidnapped

Barry's POV
It started of as a normal day for me I woke up showered ate breakfast and went to work and I some how ended up kidnapped, threatened by some one that they would kill me, and I'm currently being held hostage at the top of a freakishly tall building. " so what's your name" the guy said I got pissed of so bad " you kidnapped me, threatened to kill me, and are currently holding me hostage at the top of a freakishly tall building, and now you want to know my name!? There is something wrong with you." I screamed at him he just chuckled at my anger there's the slitest wince at his reply "It's not that bad. First, I wasn't trying to kidnap you, it was an accident. Second, I was concentrating and you wouldn't stop blabbering. Third, we're not that high up and lastly my name is Leonart snart but you can call me Len so you can now tell me your name know" he said to me how am I suppose to survive with this obnoxious jerk until the police arrive " you know why you asshole and plus your the smart one figure it out on your own if your so desperate to know my damn name snart" I said all pissed at him even more now I know I'm going to die but all I got was a smirk spread all across smarts face it made me sick to the core and I can tell I don't want to know his reply to my answer " that's really cold kid you now you should just tell me know it'll be easier for you and me later in the future so just tell me or I'm going to name you my self and that's what we'll call you until you tell us your real name" he said with a smirk still fucking plastered on his damn face and his response was almost playful like.I just groaned and looked away from him Snart pouts and steps away from me. I feels a rush of relief that is quickly replaced by suspicion. He's been chatty ever since he kidnapped me, so why is he backing off now?,I wants to ask, but I doubt I'll get a sincere answer from him, so I settle for a bone chilling glare instead. My kidnapper chuckles at this and settles back against an electric box. His eyes stay on Me as he begins to whistle a tune. I wasConfused by this, I walk a little farther away before sitting near the edge of the roof. He makes sure he's close enough to see over the edge, but not close enough to fall or be knocked off. Not that I think Snart will push me or anything, but it's better to be safe than sorry. When i turn my gaze back to him, i finds Snart's eyes still on me and his lips still quirked in a grin, or at least as much as they can be while whistling. Snart winks when I meet his eyes.Despite knowing that the man is looking for a reaction, i still flush and turn away with a scowl.For a short while, there's only the sound of whistling, though that too eventually fades out. I spends this time staring out over the city and fighting valiantly not to shiver in the breeze. I don't want to give Snart any ammunition.I can't actually see him, but I bet his left lung that the man is still staring at me.i got startled when the man comes to sit next to me. When did he leave damn wall,Snart says nothing and makes no effort to scoot any closer to me. When I glance over at the criminal, i find that the man's eyes have finally left me to stare out over Central city as well.
The silence then continues and eventually I relax once more. Soon after, loud noises begin to drift up from the lower half of the building. It sounds like a large group of people are making their way to them. I hope that it's the police. A glance to his right shows a frowning Snart, an uneasy look in his eyes.The man meets my gaze and they both scramble to stand. Soon enough, muffled voices begin to drift in and I hears Snart curse softly. None of the voices sound familiar to me , but they definitely seem to be familiar to Snart.
"Who are they?" he asks as he moves closer to the other man."Bad guys," is the terse reply.
I can't help but snort, "Bad guys like you?"Snart's answer is serious and effectively sobers him up"Worse."I follow the criminal to the edge of the building, and squints out at the scenery. But as hard as He try's he can't find anything that might aide their escape.He glances up at Snart, who cracks a small, worried smile at him. The voices are getting louder, but a new sound is beginning to overpower them. It almost sounds like a helicopter.Sure enough, when he turns away from Snart, there's one rising to their height.
Suddenly, he's being spun back around to face the older man. There's a bright and happy look on his face as he speaks."Do you trust me, kid?"I gapes at him, "No!"Snart's answering grin makes Barry melt just a little."Smart man," he says before scooping Me up and tossing me in the direction of the helicopter like I weight nothing to him.I scream before I'm caught by a pair of muscled arms. I struggle to stop screaming as i look up into the smug face of Mick Rory. Snart jumps in behind him, signaling for the pilot to head out. People are pouring out onto the roof behind them looking furious.
As he finally manages to silence himself, Rory shoves him into Snart's waiting arms. Barry looks into his eyes and upon finding an unhealthy amount of amusement, I decide one very important thing.Leonard Snart is a jerk and I hate him for putting me in this damn situation that I'm in right know while I was thinking while looking down at my hands i didn't realize that I was shocked by what happened and being held up by snart and when I realized that he started to laugh " so I can say you were shocked that I threw you of and thought I was killing you but In reality I just threw you in the helicopter" snart said with a amused look on his damn face I just nodded " I'm going to be honest my self it was pretty fun to be thrown of a building and into a helicopter" I said looking out the helicopter window " if you in joyed that it's probably means there's probably something fucked up with
You scarlet" he said and I was confused with why he called me scarlet and then I remembered that my face flushed red a while back " I guess you figured out why I just called you scarlet" snart said and I just nodded and sat down and sone I fell asleep not afraid anymore about the situation.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this new book and the first chapter of it and if you haven't watched the flash I recommend watching it anyway multi-shiper out

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