8: "Just stop whining because my head is gonna explode."
I am sooo sorry for the looong wait, but I just graduated amd i had to focus on that.
Chapter 9 will be up this week as well, and maybe (just maybe) Chapter 10, because I'm back in the writing mood and have no worries right now. I have so many ideas and already have the plot written for two more chapters, which means that it should be pretty easy for me to write them.
I start my degree in Germany in October, but I will try to work on the story in spite of it.
I really appreciate the comments and I've recently learned that the polish translation has stopped two chapters ago, but someone else contacted me and they will be continuing to translate it. I'll link the translation as soon as it's available.
Also, I've seen a lot of polish readers commenting on the story and I'd like to ask you to comment in English so I'll be able to understand as well, because the comments on Twitter always make my day.
I've also seen some people who have shared some quotes from Wattpad on Twitter and LOVED IT. So if you like quotes from the story, don't hesitate to screenshot them and post them on Twitter with the hashtag #coldwaterff or tag me in them, so I can like and retweet them!
Thank you so much for your patience and support, I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Previously in Chapter 7:
"You're avoiding him." Is the first thing Jake says to me on Monday as I try pulling my books out from my locker without being seen.
"What? Who?"
"Niall. Or Jed. Bitch, you kissed-"
"Shhh!" I shush him by placing my hand over his mouth. "I'm actually trying to fucking avoid him."
"Whoo? Niall or Jed?"
"Jake, I swear to God, if you say one of those names again-"
I suddenly see Jed entering the school with a Band-Aid on his cheek where Niall punched him.
"I have to go because he'll want to talk to me and I'm just over it."
"Over him?" Jake gasps as he follows me down the hallway, far away from Jed and his sulkiness.
We turn the corner towards the west wing of the school, just to see Niall chatting to the same blonde girl at her locker that he hooked up with at the party and also posted a photo of on Instagram.
"This way isn't good either, fuck." I groan, rolling my eyes. "Look, I have to get to class. See you at lunch okay? We'll talk then."
Jake nods, still confused, but lets me walk off anyway.
I sit with him and Sophia at lunch, because my brother is apparently sitting with his squad, which also includes Lilly Horan.
"Does your brother turn sixteen today?" Niall asks, sitting down across from me, next to Jake, out of nowhere.
"Wha-yeah. Why?"
"My sister also turns sixteen today. And your brother invited her to Thorpe Park overnight this Friday." Niall continues.
"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, trying to figure out whether I'm the only one who feels awkward. Judging by Sophia and Jake's interested expressions, I figure out that I am in fact the only one who feels awkward.
"Because she's begging me to go with her, otherwise my mother won't let her go. And she's never been there and all that shit."
"Sooo?" I ask, wondering where this is going but I have a clue.
Before Niall can answer, Jason sits down next to me, pushing me further to the left with his ass.
"I need to talk to you. It's about my birthday on Friday." He tells me and I look at Niall. That's when Jason also sees Niall and his expression changes to something more serious. "Uh...I'll actually talk to you later. When you're not busy."
"No, it's fine. I have to get back to my table anyway." Niall says and stands up before walking away.
Jason waits for him to be far enough so he won't hear, before he turns back to me. "Look. Lilly's mother won't let her come alone, so she'll only let her come if Niall comes as well. Her mother isn't too happy with the idea of her and five other boys alone with no supervision. So please be alright with this and come with us, please. I really like her Rey and this might be my chance to-"
"If you say shag, I swear." I warn.
"I was going to say that this might be my chance to let her know that I like her."
"Oh, I'm melting. Looks like romance isn't dead after all." Jake gushes from across the table, where Sophia and him have been sitting, watching everything unfold under their eyes. Jason shows him the middle finger before he focuses back on my face.
"Rey, please?"
I roll my eyes. "Sure. But this counts as your birthday present."
He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "You're the best. Love you."
Then he sits up and walks back to his table with a smile on his face.
"Aw, he's in love." Sophia says and smiles.
"But back to you, what happened on Friday? What the fuck? Was I that high I didn't notice?" Jake wonders, dramatically looking off in the distance.
I tell him everything that happened on Friday in detail and all he can do is stare at me with a shocked expression.
"So it's officially over?"
"Yeah. I mean, I never said it officially, but it's over. And I know I'll have to talk to him eventually but right now I'm still angry."
Jake exchanges a look with Sophia. "So after you're done with Jed, are you going to get with Niall or-"
"No. Definitely not. I mean, I wouldn't mind a "no strings attached" kind of thing, friends with benefits and whatnot, but I definitely won't get my feelings involved. I mean, it's Niall. And I'm done with the romance bullshit."
"Shit, you sound like the ice queen." Jake gasps, putting his hand over his heart. "I love it."
There are a few moments of silence as the three of us eat our lunch, before Jake lets his fork fall to his plate.
"I can't with this silence. Can we please talk about the fact that you and Niall are going to explode from the sexual tension on Friday? I mean come on, you're going to be sleeping in the same hotel room for fuck's sake." Jake rambles as Sophia starts laughing.
I look over to Niall's table, where he's sitting with the guys from his team, all except Jed, laughing about something.
"Rey? You don't have anything to add?" Sophia asks, making me come out of my daze.
"No, not really." I mumble, shoving the rest of my apple pie into my mouth.
As I swallow, I think about how Jake is probably right. I mean, Niall and I can't really stand each other, but isn't hate sex the best sex there is?
Rey's POV
On Friday afternoon, right after school, my dad brings home a new Mercedes GLS, which can seat eight people in total.
"What's this?" Jason asks as the two of us walk out of the house, with our chins to the floor.
"I rented it so your sister can drive you all to Thorpe Park. When are your friends coming over?"
Jason and I look at each other, before he tells our dad that they'll be over here in an hour. The drive isn't that long; it's about forty minutes to the Hilton, and from there about twenty minutes to Thorpe Park.
"Alright, then let's pack." I tell my brother, who looks excited.
An hour later, the intercom from the front gate already beeps, which means that his friends are here. Jason goes to open it, just as my father announces that he has to urgently meet with a client, therefor he has to hurry and has no time to stay and chat. He throws me the key as he walks towards the door and I catch it in one hand.
Jason's friends come through the door and the house is automatically filled with loud chatter and loud laughs, because apparently they've all hit puberty when they entered the ninth grade. I kind of know them all because they look so different: Bryan is the one who always flirts with me (which causes Jason to hit him every time), Chris is the only blonde out of the group, Justin is the cute one with glasses and Mike is Jason's 'BFF', and also the tallest of the group.
"Where's Lilly?" I ask as I sit down at the kitchen table. "And didn't you have another guy coming?"
"Lilly is on her way with Niall and Jake said he's grounded because his parents caught him smoking weed yesterday, so he won't be attending any party any time soon." Jason tells me as he looks around, looking kind of nervous.
"Stop being so anxious, it'll be fine. Wait, did you smoke weed with him as well? Are you a dealer? What's going on?"
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Jesus Rey, no! I'm just...nervous."
"Because Lilly Horan is coming?" I ask with a slight hint in my voice. He makes a disgusted face, like when our parents (rarely) kiss in front of us or hold hands.
Just as I am about to make another innuendo, the bell from the front gate rings, so Jason stands up and walks away, leaving me alone yet again.
This time, however, I can hear a clear, loud Irish accent coming from outside and getting closer and closer. Without even noticing I've done it, I arrange my hair and lick my lips so they'll seem shiny.
Soon enough, Niall enters the kitchen with his sister on his toes, holding a small Nike duffle bag in his right hand and a cigarette pack in his left hand.
His eyes meet mine and I smile, before actually greeting him with a short "Hi", to which he doesn't respond.
"Weren't you taught any manners?" I huff, not knowing why I actually care or bother to ask.
"Oh, I didn't know that my salute meant that much to you." He mocks and I know that the next forty-eight hours will be really fun.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=220851119
"Is everyone ready to go?" I yell as I'm standing alone in the hallway, dangling the keys of the Mercedes on my ring finger. It's past six in the evening, but the drive is a bit less than an hour, so we'll get there in time to take advantage of the park until it closes at 11.
Heavy, hurried steps come down the stairs before everyone walks towards me with smiles on their faces. I open the door and wait for them to exit before I lock up and follow them to the jeep.
Once we've fitted all the bags into the trunk, I climb into the driver's seat and wait for them to close the door. Niall climbs in next to me and puts his seatbelt on, before he clings onto the handle above the door. I look at him annoyed.
"Do you think I'm a bad driver or what?" I ask as I put the key into the ignition and turn on the engine.
"Nooo." he draws out, sarcastically.
I step on the gas before I suddenly brake, making him swerve forward. The people in the back complain.
"Not funny." Niall mumbles and lets go of the handle.
"Alright everyone, put your seatbelts on." I advise.
"Yes mom." Jason says, which makes everyone laugh. Well, at least they'll be enjoying themselves.
The drive over there is filled with laughter coming from the back, while Niall and I don't even exchange more than two or three kind words. It's an awkward silence, sort of, but at least he's stopped making jokes about my driving after we've exited London.
"They have some serious sexual tension." Someone from the back says as we're waiting at a red light, which causes Niall and I to involuntarily look at each other. The eye contact lasts more than needed, so I divert my head and pretend to look at the stoplight. When it eventually turns green, I step on the gas a bit too fast, which causes the car to speed off with a screech, as though I was hoping to get away from the awkwardness, even though we're in the same car. The guys are excited, but Niall shakes his head, although I can see a faint smirk on his face with the corner of my eye.
We get to Hilton ten minutes later and I park the car in the underground parking lot, so it won't get heated the next day from the sun.
Jason and I share a room; Lilly and Niall also share a room, then Bryan with Chris and Justin with Mike.
"So are you planning on making a move on Lilly tonight?" I ask Jason after I've sat down at the table and lit up a cigarette. We've all agreed to meet down in the lobby in half an hour to call two taxis to take to the park.
"Rey, stop." He responds, rolling his eyes.
"What?" I laugh.
"You're making me uncomfortable."
He sits down next to me and takes a cigarette out of my pack. We sit and chat for another ten minutes until he finally admits that he's planning on kissing her on the Ferris wheel to make it more romantic, which is really cute.
"Now that you've managed to make me uncomfortable, it's your turn to tell me when you're going to hook up with Niall."
I roll my eyes and wave him off. "Never."
Jason cocks his head in disbelief and looks at me with the "bitch please" face that Jake always did when I told him that I wouldn't be talking to Jed anymore.
"Don't look at me like that." I mutter. "We're not-it's not like that. If I actually did something, then my whole reputation of being a badass bitch with him would crumble."
"But what if no one found out?" he pushes and I squint my eyes at him.
"What are you trying to get at you weasel?"
Jason shrugs, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray. "Nothing. It's just that, even I, your protective brother, want you to get it on with him."
I gag. "Okay, that's enough. Let's get dressed already because I'm gonna barf."
I put on my leather pants, a cropped sweatshirt and my black Vans, before I also take my light faux fur leather jacket because it's a bit cold outside, although not to the point where it's uncomfortable. After Jason is done with his hair, we finally leave our room.
Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=225365334
The receptionist is nice enough to call us two taxis, so Niall, Jason, Lilly and I climb into one and the other guys into the second one.
We get to the park fifteen minutes later because the hotel is ten kilometers away, but nevertheless, I'm excited about what's to come. Ever since I was little I've loved amusement parks and rollercoasters that have loops and houses of horror and mirror labyrinths.
I pay for the tickets with the money my father gave me and just as we enter the park, I grab a map of it. I'm already making plans in my head about how we're going to cover everything tonight in the remaining four hours.
I honestly don't even know which attraction to start with so we get in line for the closest one, which is sort of a horror train, so not that thrilling as it may seem.
After that, we get in the line for the Saw rollercoaster, which I've always liked ever since I was ten and tall enough to ride. We pair up in pairs of four, Niall, Lilly, Jason and I, and the four other boys.
"I want to sit on the edge." I say excitedly and Niall snorts.
"Why's that?"
"Because it's way more thrilling and fun." I answer, trying to ignore the way he looks at me as the safety systems come down and press against my shoulders. The man working here comes and pushes them all to make sure they're not going to move so we won't fall down.
I look at Niall, who's sitting next to me, looking quite scared. I decide to taunt him just for the sake of it.
"Aw, you scared?" I pout with a smirk on my face.
"No, it's just that my father died on one of these." Niall responds and my face falls, but before I can say I'm sorry, the rollercoaster takes off, pushing us hard into the seats. I close my eyes for a second, enjoying how empty my stomach feels as we go down, then through loops and in every possible direction. I feel tears in my eyes from the speed and I start screaming, lifting my arms up in the air.
When it eventually comes to a stop, I remember what I told Niall and what he told me, so I swallow as I get off the roller coaster.
"Look, about what I said earlier. I'm really sorry. I had no idea." I tell him after I've made sure that everyone is at least two meters in front of us so they won't hear.
Niall's reaction isn't at all what I expected, because he's smiling.
"I was taking the piss." He says. "But I got you. My dad isn't dead."
I look at him with an amazed expression, not believing that he could lie about something like that. Then I hear him muttering, "although I wish he was dead" under his breath, thinking that I couldn't hear him. I don't say anything about it, so I just put my hands in my pockets instead and look at my Vans as we walk behind the group to the next attraction.
How could he joke about something like that? Who does that? What the fuck?
I don't speak to him for a while, until we have to pair off in pairs of two, and Jason and Lilly decide to ride on a rollercoaster together. So great, now I'm stuck with Niall. And the worst part is, we have to pair up from the start because the left side and the right side are split up due to the fact that the rollercoaster passes between us.
I cross my arms over my chest as Niall and I are left on our own in a queue full of talking people. Even though there are voices coming from everywhere around us, there's still an awkward silence.
The fur jacket it starting to warm me up so I sigh and shake it off, before I remember that there is no place where I can put it. I hold in in my hand but it's kind of uncomfortable because I also have my Hermès bag in the other hand.
After two minutes filled with me sighing and huffing, Niall finally rolls his eyes and takes my fur jacket, throwing it over his shoulder. "There. I'm gonna carry it, okay? Just...just stop whining because my head is gonna explode."
I smile at him in a way that's between genuine and fake, but he averts his eyes and looks at the queue in front of us.
"What's the deal with this ride anyway? Why are there so many people here?"
"It's fairly new and it kind of turns you in every single direction." I tell him. I remember not being able to go on this one when I last came here because I didn't reach the required height.
"So what am I supposed to do with your fur?" Niall asks, waving the hand that's holding it.
"Umm...I'll hold it. But I'm not sure what I'll do about the bag." I say as I look towards the coaster. It's called The Swarm and it's hinged from above so our feet are going to basically be hanging from it. Therefore, there is no way I can let my Hermès bag lying around somewhere. Then I ask myself why I can't just buy myself a normal bag like any other girl, not one that costs more than an apartment.
"Look, you can sit on the jacket and hold the bag." Niall suggests and I nod.
"That's actually a really good idea. Good thinking."
"Also, what's up with the fur?" he laughs, looking down at the ball of fur he's holding. It looks like a black pompom.
"It's faux fur, not real fur." I tell him. "But it completed my outfit. Plus, I'm wearing a hoodie so I couldn't really get a normal jacket."
Niall shakes his head in disbelief. "Jesus, it's really that complicated to be a girl?"
"Not really. But when your mother has been fucking with your head ever since you were little about looking good and dressing up for every single occasion, it kind of becomes the way you think." I say, not sure why though.
He gives me a weird look, like he's actually sorry for me, but not in a pitying kind of way. Like he actually understands what I'm on about and the way I'm feeling.
Before I can say anything else, someone behind me pushes me and I realize that we've been unknowingly holding up the queue behind us. I look at the blonde bitch behind me who pushes me and she looks at me with a 'so what' expression.
When it's finally our turn to climb into the seats, Niall places the fur jacket on his seat, saying that he weighs more than I do so it's safer.
"Yeah, but if you fart on it or something I swear!" I warn and he bursts out laughing.
"I haven't even thought about it until you told me just now."
The man who works here comes and pushes down the safety brackets until they press against my belly. I'm holding my bag in a death grip with both of my hands, although I wish I didn't have to. I know this is one of the most thrilling coasters in Thorpe Park, which causes everyone to hold on to the security brackets for dear life, like I usually do, but this time I have to hold my bag. Which means, if the security brackets break free, I'll die, but at least I'll die holding the bag, right? Fuck.
"You okay? You look nervous." Niall asks in the same mocking tone I used half an hour ago.
"Uhh...it's just that I hope I don't drop the bag."
"Why would you drop it? Give it-"
Before I can say anything else, the coaster suddenly starts, sending us back into our seats with so much force that I close my eyes and scream. I feel the bag slip from my fingers but I'm so busy screaming and pressing my eyes shut that I don't even bother.
Then it suddenly stops as it starts to slowly climb on a long ramp. I open my eyes and turn to Niall.
"Niall, my bag-"
He looks at me with an annoyed look and holds it out. "I grabbed it. You're welcome."
"Thanks. Also, is the fur-SHIIIT!!" I scream, because the rollercoaster reached the top without me even noticing and suddenly descends extremely fast. I cross my ankles as I yell, so that my sneakers wouldn't fly off.
My knuckles are white by the time the coaster stops back from where we started and I let out a relieved sigh when Niall hands me my things once we're outside.
"Thank you so much, honestly. You saved my life." I thank him.
"You owe me." He says and doesn't bother to comment when I grab the bag but leave him the fur for a bit longer.
"Where to next?" Jason asks, suddenly appearing with Lilly and the rest of the boys next to us.
"Oh, right. Well, Nemesis Inferno is right this way." I tell them without even checking the map.
The guys chat behind me as I walk a bit in front of them. We have to pair of in groups of four, so I'm back with Niall, my brother and Lilly.
It's yet another coaster that's hinged at the top and this time Niall doesn't even say anything as he takes the bag from me when I hold it out for him.
I catch Jason and Lilly exchanging some type of look, but before I can question them about it, the brackets come down and we're lifted off our feet.
This ride is better than the last one because it's faster and longer, plus, I don't have to worry about my bag because Niall's apparently a fearless motherfucker who doesn't feel the need to hang on to something while being thrown about in the air. I make a mental note to ask him about it when we're alone sometime.
After we go on three more rides, we decide to stop for food before we take on the last two, that aren't that big of a deal but they're water rides.
Jason buys everyone a menu from the fast food restaurant across the road from the water rides, so the eight of us sit at the table, eating and laughing at one of Mike's stories.
"So, which club should be go to tonight?" Jason asks.
"Whoa whoa whoa." I say, holding up a hand. "A club? You guys are sixteen. How are you going to get in?"
"We've got fake ID's Rey."
"Oh...alright. If they work then it's okay. But I swear to God I'm not going to prison if they're not believable enough."
"Don't worry. They've worked before." Bryan reassures me, so I nod.
"There's this really cool club near our hotel. I don't really remember the name." Jake says. "There's a really high profile DJ coming tonight as well so it'll be fuckin' awesome."
I finish my chicken nuggets so I pull out my cigarette pack and light one up. Jason does the same and just as Lilly is about to light one up from Jason's pack, Niall takes it out of her hand.
"Don't you dare." He warns her and lights it up for himself.
I'm pleased to see that none of Jason's friends smokes at sixteen. He's picked the habit up since he was in the fucking seventh grade because the private all-boys school had some really troubled rich kids. But, seeing as the boys at that school basically ran a drug cartel and did drugs almost on a daily basis, the fact that my brother only picked up the habit of smoking cigarettes is okay. It's not good, nor do I support it, but it's better than doing meth and heroin.
I started smoking when I was seventeen, about a year ago, when my parents were in a really bad place and Jed and I were also fighting.
The conversation switches to the club we're going to in a few hours, so I zone out and think about what I'm going to wear. I've brought some white and pale pink clothes with me that I can match up if I really work for it.
"Rey?" Jason asks, bringing me back to real life.
"Let's go. It's already nine and I know how long it takes you to put your makeup on."
I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless. Jason pays the bill and then we get going towards the last ride of the day.
"What's that horrible smell?" I ask as I come out of the bathroom, hands creamed with foundation, just one eye done. I'm in my underwear, but the smell is horrible.
"That's my cologne." Jason tells me without looking away from the mirror.
"Did you drop the bottle on yourself? Jesus Christ, my eyes are watering and my nose is bleeding." I say.
The door opens and Niall comes in, not even phased by the piercing smell my brother literally sweats. His eyes stop on my body and then I realize that I'm almost naked and only have one side of my face done.
"Ever heard of knocking?" I ask, walking backwards into the bathroom so I don't give him a view of my ass.
"I came to give you the black fur back." He says from the room.
"Thanks, but I'm wearing the pink one to the club."
"Am I going to end up carrying it again?" Niall asks and I hear him drop on one of the chairs by the table. Then, as I apply an even makeup on the other eye, I hear a lighter pop and smoke reaches my nostrils.
"There's a no smoking policy." I warn him as I apply my bronzer.
"Open a window then." He retaliates and I roll my eyes, even though he can't see me.
I finish my makeup two minutes later and look at the clock on my phone. Alright! It only took me half an hour this time, so it means I'm getting better skilled at this.
I walk out of the bathroom in my underwear to get to my suitcase. I know he's watching me, and the fact that my brother is also in the room takes the whole sexy vibe away. Not that there would be any sexy vibe either way.
"Should I wear a button up?" Jason asks. Niall must've moved his head in response because Jason walks over to his own suitcase and takes a black shirt out.
I walk back into the bathroom with a white bralet and a pale pink Alexander McQueen mini skirt. Then I sit on the bed and put on my Zimmermann heels that match the skirt.
Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=225390277
"I'm ready. Before you." I tell Jason and look at Niall. He's dressed in a white shirt, dark skinny jeans and black Vans. So again, I'll be the only one over dressed, but hey, that's my wardrobe.
I take out my pink fur jacket, the same one I was wearing earlier but in another color, and my Chanel clutch that my father bought me as a present when he missed my first cheerleading appearance. As if presents would ever amount to their presence. Honestly, my parents should read a book about parenting and get it through their thick skulls that buying stuff doesn't also mean buying our love.
"How many furs of the exact same model do you own?" Niall asks, looking at my legs.
"Well I also have a white one and a blue one." I let him know and he shakes his head.
"That's our mother." Jason says and I almost feel bad that for a second I forgot he was in the room.
"Is your sister ready?" I ask Niall and then look at the time. It's half past eleven, which means we'll probably enter the club around twelve, but I called earlier and made a last minute reservation. They said it was their last available table and to get a table we'd have to buy bottles worth six hundred pounds, which sounded reasonable in comparison to the clubs I went to with the girls, where you didn't even get a table unless you pre-ordered two bottles of Vodka.
"Yeah, she doesn't take long to get ready. It's you we're all waiting for."
"Me?" I ask, looking down at myself. "I've been ready for like...three minutes."
"Then let's get fucking going." Jason says. "It's within walking distance so there's no need to wait for a taxi."
I take my clutch and make sure my phone, money, cigarettes and ID are in it, before we leave the room after turning off all the lights.
The club is packed when we enter. We had to wait in line to get in and then wait some more to get stamps on the top of our wrists, but we're finally inside. A blonde dressed in short shorts and a revealing crop top leads us to a table in the corner and hands us the menus before she leaves.
A bottle of Vodka is three hundred pounds, so we order two of them and four Cranberry bottles worth another hundred pounds.
After the girl comes back with two bottles placed in ice and the four juice bottles, we fill our glasses and toast Lilly and Jason turning sixteen.
"We have to watch so they won't get too mortal." Niall tells me after a while. It's just the two of us now, because the rest of the group went on the dancefloor.
"Seriously? Because the first time you placed your lips on a bottle of alcohol was after you turned eighteen, right?" I say, leaning closer to his ear so he can hear me.
"Why do you always have something to comment? Honestly, it's getting old and annoying."
"Just like you, with every minute that passes by." I retort and laugh at my own burn.
He doesn't say anything after that, so I fill up my third glass for the night and stand up from the couch. "I'm going dancing."
Niall shrugs but stands up anyway and follows me through the mass of people on the dancefloor, until I'm right by the speakers. I love being near the speakers, because the bass vibrates through my whole body and I can drown out every other sound but the music.
I close my eyes as I start moving my body while at the same time sip from my drink. I mean fucking hell, we paid good money for it, right?
My jaw starts to hurt and I realize I'm smiling, which means I'm starting to get tipsy. Which also means that if I drink one more glass I will get drunk. I turn around, glass already empty, trying to make my way back to the table.
I almost bump into Niall who apparently has been lurking behind me while I danced and finished my drink, so I motion towards the empty glass to let him know that I'm going to be back after a refill.
When I come back, "Complicated" by Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike starts playing so I lose my shit. When I first heard it I thought of Niall, so the fact that it's playing right now gives me the fucking shivers down my spine, because I'm drunk and I'm looking at him and he looks really fucking good in the fluorescent lights.
"We can keep it simple baby let's not make it complicated! Labels are so overrated let's not make it complicated!" I yell as I dance, almost spilling my drink when he pulls my back into his chest and places his lips to my ear as we move in sync.
"Why don't we just go get naked." He sings into my ear and not only does my hair stand up on the back of my neck from his closeness, but also because I think I just heard him properly sing and he has a really great voice. Or maybe I'm just drunk.
I take my free hand and move it back so it's around his neck, my fingers curling in the hair at the back of his neck. His hands land on my hips and I sip on my drink as I grind on him, to take my mind anywhere else but to the fact that I want him to fuck me.
When a dirty song comes on my mind starts beeping, telling me that it's time to get away from the situation unless I want to be on the front pages tomorrow for a live sex show in a posh club.
"I'm uh...I'll go out for a smoke. Now." I tell him, barely speaking out the words because his eyes are dark and his hair looks really good.
I down the rest of my drink when I get to the table to fetch my clutch, then I stumble my way out of the club. My mind and vagina are having a really heated argument right now, so I walk further along the side of the club and lean against the wall before I light up a cigarette.
I watch the smoke I blow out curl up towards the sky and then dissipate because of the wind. It's cold, but my legs and the area between them are so warm it's annoying.
"Great." I say out loud when I see Niall walking towards me with my pink fur in hand.
"Told you I was going to end up carrying it. Here. It's cold." He tells me and I let him put it over my shoulder before he lights up his own cigarette. Wait, no. It's a spliff.
"So." I trail off, not knowing what to say. "I'm drunk."
"I noticed." He laughs, letting the smoke out in my face. The smell of weed hits me so hard I nearly throw up. I'm not in the mood.
"My feet hurt." I say and drop to the ground, but he grips into my arm, catching me halfway. He lifts me back up.
"It's dirty."
I look at him. "You're dirty."
Niall looks at me with his red-rimmed eyes and I want to kiss him. So I take another drag from my cigarette. We finish our smoking in silence, before I complain about my feet again. Then about the fact that I'm hungry. Then I get an idea.
"Turn around." I tell him.
He frowns. "What? Why? After all these years you're finally going to stab me?"
I nod and he turns around. Without a warning, I grip into his shoulders and try jumping on his back, but fail. However, he grips into the back of my thighs and hoists me up so I'm more comfortable as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Get them off." I whisper trying to get off my shoes. Which, okay, it's a bit hard due to the fact that he's giving me a piggyback and my arms are on either side of his neck.
"Jesus, just hold on." He says and takes off my shoes as I cling onto him for dear life. I take them from his hand and he hoists me up once again to make sure I'm really in place.
"To the food." I order, pointing towards the end of the street. Even though I'm pissed out of my mind, I know there's a street filled with restaurants and fast foods like...two streets away. We passed it as we came here, and I just hope Niall knows where it is because I can't explain it to him properly.
"Wanna get a kebab?" he asks and I smile because I know that he knows where to take me.
"I bet he knows how to take me too." I say.
"What?" Niall asks.
"What? Shit. Did I say it out loud?"
He laughs and nods. I stare at the back of his head, then at his hands gripping into my legs and then at my shoes and before I know it, we've arrived on the street filled with people our age getting in lines for fast food.
Niall gets in line for the kebab, still holding me up and I feel bad, but I don't intend on coming down any time soon. He orders and also pays for two kebabs and I manage to hold them in one hand until we reach an empty bench further away, where he puts me down.
I sit with my legs crossed and place the shoes next to me. He takes a sandwich out of my hands and I dig in.
"Your underwear is showing." Niall says so I turn towards him and place my legs onto his lap.
"Jeez, thanks."
I shrug and devour my kebab until I'm pretty sure I've spilled sauce on my jacket. Then I hug his neck and place my head on his shoulder.
"I wanna go home, let's go home." I whine and I can feel him rolling his eyes.
"Will you let me finish?" he asks, looking down at his half eaten sandwich.
"I'd always let you finish baby." I whisper and he looks at me out of the corner of his eye, not saying anything though.
He finishes his kebab, FINALLY, so I straddle him without even thinking about. Well, okay, I've thought about it because he looks just too good and his eyes are red and his lips are WOW.
"What are you doing?" Niall asks.
"Push me off then." I tell him.
He doesn't, so I kiss him.
His hands come down to my waist so my hands go up in his hair and we're kissing and it's so great every single part of me is on fire.
It's slow and deep and I eventually stop to breathe into his mouth because it's too much.
"I like kissing you." I tell him in a hushed tone, like I've just told him a secret.
He doesn't answer.
"Don't you?" I ask, offended.
Niall grabs the back of my head and pulls out mouths together, which I take as an answer. Just as I'm starting to grind down on him, my phone rings in my clutch.
I groan and break off the kiss to answer the phone.
"Rey? Where are you? Where's Niall?" Jason yells.
"Uh...around. Why?"
"Because it's almost four in the morning and people are starting to leave!"
"Alright, we'll be there soon." I say and hang up. I look at the clock.
"Shit, it's a quarter to four! How long did we kiss for?" I ask Niall.
He looks down at his lap and shakes his head. "Quite a bit. You're drunk, let's get you home."
The club is indeed almost empty when we get there. My feet hurt because I've walked back on my heels and my head is pounding, so it's really time to go.
We get to the hotel room at half past four and I struggle to find the key card but I eventually do. As I drop down on the bed, feet on fire and head spinning, Jason tells me he has something to take care of before he's out the door.
I know I should stop him but I don't because the bed is too comfortable and I can't move.
A few minutes later, there's a knock on my door.
"No. I'm sleeping." I say.
It opens and Niall comes in with my fur jacket. Why don't I call it coat? It's not a coat!
"Jeeeesus I'm drunk." I say. "Lock the door, people keep coming in and out and it's not safe." I slur and turn around to face him.
"My sister's gone."
"So's my bro." I tell him.
He takes off his shoes and sits down at the foot of the bed.
"Undress me." I tell him.
"Please. I can't sleep like this."
"NIALL. Please. My nightgown is in my suitcase."
He takes off my shoes first, then my skirt and my crop top. Then he slips my arms through the short nightgown I brought with me.
"Can you take my makeup off?" I ask in a baby voice.
"Oh, come on."
I make a puppy face at him, even though my eyes are closed, but then smile when I hear him head over to the bathroom.
"How?!" he yells.
"There's a bottle with transpar-transparent liquid in it." I say, forcing myself to say the right words. "And some pads. You have to uh-to spray the liquid on them and wipe my face with it."
I hear steps coming towards me so I open my eyes to see him crouching down and looking into my eyes.
"Alright, close your eyes then." He says and I do.
It takes some time for him to take off my makeup, but he does in the end.
"You're the best. Why aren't you drunk?" I ask when he comes to lay on his stomach next to me.
"Because one of us had to be sane to take care of everyone. And after your second glass I knew I had to be the responsible adult."
I open my eyes to look at him. "Excuse me? Do you think it takes two glasses for me to get wasted?"
"No, three. But I figured you were on your way."
I sigh. "He's right."
Niall laughs. "You're thinking out loud again."
"Shit. Okay, I'll shut up now."
Silence follows.
"Niall?" I ask.
I open my eyes, just to be blinded by the brightness of his phone screen. Am I the only sane person in this world who always has their phone brightness to the minimum?
"What?" he pushes.
"Will you fuck me?"
He starts laughing. "Yeah."
"God no. You're drunk out of your mind."
"But...all you want is sex."
He shakes his head and locks his phone. He turns on his back and places an arm over his head.
"Look, I'm not saying sex is all I want, but I'd sure love to fuck you."
My core jumps at his words. I wish I weren't drunk.
"But not now. Maybe one day when you're not drunk."
I sigh. "I'm not sure we can stand each other when one of us isn't drunk."
"That's true." He admits.
"So what's the solution?"
"We can get high sometime at my place." Niall suggests.
"Ooh, yeah." I agree, hoping I won't forget everything next morning.
"Now go to sleep."
"Okay." I smile and close my eyes. And I fall asleep immediately.
I finally open my eyes because someone's been poking my face for like ten minutes.
"What???" I ask, looking up at my smiling brother.
"It's time to wake up Rey. Check out's in five minutes. I already packed up your stuff and left you some clean clothes on the bed, but we have to go."
"But I'm sleepy and I need c-"
"Coffee's on the table. C'mon."
I'm surprised about the fact that not only did he pick out a good looking outfit for me to wear (Nike sweatpants, a CK shirt and my black Vans), but he also went down to breakfast and ordered me coffee.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=226593179
After I dressed up, had my coffee and cigarette and introduced our address in the Waze app, I turn towards my brother who's snoozing on the bed.
"Oh come on, now that you woke me up you go to sleep? Where were you last night?"
"I went out for a walk with Lilly."
I shake my head and grab my suitcase. "Let's go home."
Seeing Niall down in the lobby, looking at me in an amused way makes me wonder what the hell happened last night and whether I told him something I shouldn't have.
As the rest of the group walks in front of us through the parking lot towards the car, I ask him what happened last night. The only thing I remember is me getting so wasted he had to carry me on his back to get some food (not my proudest moment) and then everything is sort of a blur.
"Well, you were so drunk I had to carry you to get food." He says, but I know he's hiding stuff.
"Hm...so did we do anything?"
"Like what?" he asks, putting his hands into the pockets of his jeans and smiling.
"Like...I don't know. Ugh. Stuff. Kissing? Hooking up?"
"Well, you did straddle me at some point and kissed me like there was no tomorrow."
I make a face. "Anything else? How did I get into my nightgown?"
"You told me to undress you. And take your makeup off."
"Huh. So that's why I didn't have mascara and eyeliner all over my face when I woke up. Thanks."
"No worries."
We load up the trunk of the car but I know he's smirking at me, which means that I also said some stupid shit.
"Niall. I know I said some other things. Don't hide it." I plead when I make sure everyone else is in the car.
"Well...you also asked me to fuck you."
I look at him incredulously.
"I don't believe that."
I don't believe it not because I don't want him to do that, but because I would NEVER tell him that. EVER.
"Well, you did." He says, closing the trunk.
"And what did you say?"
"I said you were drunk and that you should go to sleep."
"So you wouldn't like that." I state, crossing my arms over my chest. How in the world are we having this conversation right now?
"I didn't say that."
"Then what did you say? And don't lie to me. I'm an old lady who doesn't remember what she said because she got shit-faced."
Niall laughs. "Well, I told you that I would."
Then I remember. "You said we'd do it sometime if we got high at your place! I remember."
"So you're lying and actually do remember."
I shake my head. "Just this."
"Well then. That's it."
"Okay, but just so you know, it's never gonna happen." I tell him and walk towards the driver's door.
As I climb into the seat, I text Jake.
Rey: we have to meet ASAP tonight.
Rey: HUGE Niall news and crawings
At the next stoplight, I check my phone.
Jake: B
Jake: I
Jake: T
Jake: C
Jake: H
Jake: Something happened with Harry too
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was here :D
I'm really pleased with this chapter, hope you were as well! Let me know on Twitter which your favorite quotes were, they make my day :)
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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