30: "I'm neither affectionate nor romantic."

Hiii guys! This is the new chapter and I'm pretty happy about it :) As you know, I've asked you on Twitter how long the book should be and it was about 50/50 on keeping it with 50 chapters or posting a second part. I'm still not sure about what I'm going to do, but I'll probably write a second part because I can't make it available to buy if it's so long.

Happy reading, and don't forget to comment throughout the stories because I read ALL the comments and take notes x


Previously on chapter 29:

He licks his lips and nods. "Happy birthday."

I smirk, looking into his eyes. "I still don't believe you didn't do any drugs."

"Yeah?" he asks, not impressed.

"Yeah." I say daringly as I stand up on my tiptoes and cock my head just to mock him. "You took drugs and gave me shit about it."

"Can I tell you something?" he asks and leans his head closer so our noses are touching. He smells like alcohol and his eyes are red from the weed, pupils completely blown so his eyes are almost black.

"What?" I whisper, completely breathless because he's incredibly close.

"Your pupils are also dilated, which means you are still high."

I scrunch my nose. "But you always do drugs."

"Not anymore." He tells me and I lick my lips.


"Because you're the only drug I wanna do."

My heart is beating so fast it feels like it's going to burst out of my chest.

"So, you know that you were technically my Valentine today." I say.

He crosses his arms and leans against the wall. "Oh really. What about Zayn."

"Zayn is...I don't know. Doesn't matter now. You were my official Valentine this year and the day isn't over yet, so I expect even more from you today. You know, since it's my birthday as well and all."

"I don't think so."

My face falls. "You don't want to?"

I can't really process anything since he's close and I'm drunk. And high.

"No, it's not that. It's just...I think you deserve someone better."

I bite my lip. I want to yell in his face that I'm in love with him, but I don't.

"Well, maybe I do deserve someone else." I start and he looks sad. "But I want you."

"You sure?" he asks. "Even after I called you annoying and all that?"

I push at his chest, laughing. "Fuck you. I'm going to go sleep now. See you in a few hours."

I start walking back towards my door.

"Hey, you didn't give me back my jacket." He says and I turn to look at him.

"I'm keeping it for now. Looks better on me anyway." I tell him and flip him off before I disappear inside my room.


Rey's POV

My alarm goes off at nine thirty sharp, barely five hours after I've gone to sleep. But no, today is no ordinary day. Today I'm going to fucking Disneyland.

I sit up straight and stretch, before I wake up Perrie, nearly screaming at her as I connect my phone to the BeatsPill I brought with me and blast my Disneyland playlist.

"HAKUNA MATATA!" I hear Jake yell from his balcony so I rush over to get on my balcony, just to see him dancing with a cigarette between his lips.

"It means no worries for the rest of your daaaays! It's our problem freeeee, philosophyyyy! HAKUNA MATATA!" we yell and then burst out laughing, because Disney has always been our thing. I've always liked Aladdin and he's always liked The Beauty and The Beast, so we'd joke that he was Aladdin and I was Belle.

"It's way too early for this shit." I hear Niall mumble and I turn around to see him leaning against the railing, drinking coffee and smoking.

"It's Disneyland Day 1 bitch, and it's my birthday. Today is going to be great." I tell him before I walk back into my room to pick out and outfit and send a text on our WhatsApp group, reminding everyone to meet up for breakfast in fifteen minutes so we can leave at 10.

We take the RER to Disneyland and get in line to get our stuff searched at 11 on the dot. It's sunny outside and everyone is in a good mood because it's Valentine's Day and my birthday and we're at Disneyland.

"Let's go to the Walt Disney Studios tomorrow and Disneyland Park today." I suggest once we get in line for the tickets. "We won't be able to go through both parks in the same day."

I buy everyone tickets and then we're off towards the park.

"The parade starts at six, so we should be back here." I tell them and point to the roundabout right by the entrance.

"Am I going to see the Beast?" Eddie asks, looking up at me. I make wide eyes at him.

"Is Beauty and the Beast your favorite as well?" I ask him and he nods, clapping his hands. "We're already best friends." I tell Eddie, who then grabs my hand.

We make a stop at the first store we see, so Jake, Louis, Harry and Luke can put their money together and buy me a pair of Minnie Mouse ears. As a joke, they buy a pair of Mickey Mouse ears for Niall, but he's apparently too manly to wear them so he gives them to Eddie, who excitedly accepts them.

"You can't drop the tough guy act on my birthday, can you?" I ask him and shake my head.

He watches Eddie and I walk away to stand next to Jake and Luke, who are arguing about which ride to get on first.

"Let's just take it from the beginning, yeah?" I ask, looking at the map. I've been to this place before, but I always need a map because the park is way too big and I'm way too excited. We go to Discoveryland first, which is the boys' favorite because it's Star Wars and all that. The queue for the Star Wars rollercoaster is huge, so we get Fast Passes and go to the museum until we can use them.

Niall's POV

Louis and I wait for the rest of the group outside by the smoking area in front of the Star Wars museum.

"So..." Louis starts, and I know it's never a good conversation for me when he talks to me with that voice.

"So what?"

He lights up his cigarette and blows out the first smoke. "So, I hear Zayn is trying to do something for Rey tonight."

I make a face. "What? Why?"

"Because it's Valentine's Day and it's her birthday? I'm pretty sure he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend."

I snort, even though my stomach is in knots for some reason. I ignore it and continue to question Louis and at the same time acting like I don't really care. It's just casual conversation.

"His girlfriend? He was literally dancing with another girl last night." I say. "I don't even think he likes her like...that much. As in, to be loyal."

Louis raises his eyebrows. "Look, I just thought I'd tell you. I know that it's bros over hoes and everything, but I've known you all my life and I've never seen your pupils dilate from anything other than drugs."

I roll my eyes. Here goes the whole pupils theory again.

"I mean, it's kind of obvious, you know? The two of you are literally the only ones who can't see it, I swear. And it's also embarrassing."

"How is it embarrassing?" I ask.

"Well, your pupils dilated just now, only because we're talking about her. It's disgusting." He laughs. "And I know you're not the type of person who likes talking about their feelings, but I'm your best mate and we need to talk about this. Right now."

I sigh. "Talk about what exactly."

"About whether you're going to take action or let her date Zayn. I mean, there's a small window of opportunity here when you're both single and you're in Paris and it's Valentine's Day and her birthday."

"So you're saying I should ask her to be my girlfriend or what? Because I won't."

Louis huffs. "No, you idiot. I mean do something romantic for her birthday today before Zayn beats you to it. She likes him too, you know. And she likes affection and romance."

"I'm neither affectionate nor romantic."

"I think could be. For her. I've seen you."

I cross my arms. "You saw me doing what?"

"Well, let's talk about yesterday. You bought her a rose and you got an extra jacket just because you knew she'd be cold."

"So? She's my friend. I care about her."

"Whatever, keep lying to yourself. I just wanted to warn you that Zayn is one step ahead of you and you and Rey have way more potential that Zayn and her have."

"I don't want to go behind Zayn's back. If he likes her and wants to be in a relationship with her, he can go ahead and do it. I can't offer her what Zayn can."

"You're an idiot, I swear to God!" Louis groans, pinching the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes for a second. "Don't you understand that Zayn doesn't like her as much as you do? And never will? Yes, he'll get mad if you like, do something, but he's a good guy, he'll understand. And he's got no right to be mad if she likes you and you like her. It's just how the world works."

"When did you get so wise?" I sarcastically ask. My defense mechanism is kicking in. I hate talking about feelings and all that crap.

"Don't try to get me with your sarcasm. We're talking about this."

"You said yourself that she likes romantic stuff. And Zayn's way better at that than I am. She deserves someone who can-"

"Look, Niall. Even if Zayn proposes to her on a beach with fireworks and a band, and you give her a fucking flower you picked from a fucking field, she'll like your gesture way more than his, because it's you. How can you be so stubborn?"

"Because..." because I don't deserve her and she'd never love me that way "...that's just the way I am."

"Yeah, you are. But she makes you a better person."

"That's cliché."

"Because it's true." Louis argues.

I blow smoke into his face.

"Look. What's the most romantic thing you can think of? Like, what does she like that's romantic?" he asks and I frown.

"I don't fucking know? She likes The Notebook. And Disney."

"There you go."

"What? Am I supposed to buy her a DVD or something?"

Louis lets out an exasperated sigh. "You're useless, I swear. Just think of something. Compliment her eyes. Just do something Niall, because I swear you'll be so heartbroken if she starts falling in love with Zayn and you miss your chance."

I put my cigarette out in the ashtray next to us. "I don't know Louis. I think she'll laugh in my face."

"And I'm going to punch you in the face if I hear you doubting yourself one more time." He looks over my shoulder. "They're coming back. Just think about it, okay? I know you don't like feelings and romance but you like her."

The others join us and Zayn's got his arm around a laughing Rey. The jealousy bubbling in my stomach agrees with everything Louis just said. But then again, he's making her laugh and she deserves to be happy. She deserves everything.

Rey's POV

We're back to Louis and Niall, who are waiting for us in the smoker's area by the Fast Pass lane.

"Before we leave, we have to go on that Ferris wheel." Zayn tells me and nods over to the giant Ferris wheel with Mickey Mouse's face on it.

"Definitely." I smile up at him and he leans down to kiss me, which takes me, and everyone else who just saw us, by surprise.

Eddie almost cries when they won't let him on the rollercoaster because he's shorter than 1.20 meters, so Niall tells him he'll stay with him because he doesn't like rollercoasters. Ha, as if.

I sit next to Zayn and the Hyperspace Mountain rollercoaster is amazing as usual. Zayn's face on the rollercoaster is priceless, so I buy the photo.

Buzz Lightyear's Laser Blast is what Eddie's really excited about, and he begs me to go in there with him and Niall. It technically seats two large people, but the man at the entrance lets Eddie sit between us.

"When this is over, can I get a Woody costume?" Eddie asks Niall.

"That's like a hundred Euros or something." Niall tells him and Eddie's face falls. He gets over it soon enough, because our cart moves and then we're inside, ready to shoot at the walls with our laser guns.

"I'm totally beating your ass!" I laugh at Niall when I look at his score on the board.

"What does ass mean!" Eddie yells as he shoots at everything he sees, not really getting the point of the game, but still enjoying it.

"Bad word!" Niall yells back and shoots with one hand. He uses the other hand to grab my laser gun and stop me from beating his score.

"That's cheating!" I cry and try to grab his gun.

The ride is over five minutes later and because of mine and Niall's fight, Eddie ends up winning.

We walk out in the Toy Story store and I try to hide from Niall as I pull Eddie along with me towards the costumes.

"What are we doing?" Eddie asks and I point towards the Woody costume.

"I'm going to get you the Woody costume." I tell him and his eyes light up.

"I love you." Eddie tells me and hugs my knees as I try to figure out which size to get for him.

There's a changing cabin and I help him get into the costume. He walks out like that and I ask the cashier to scan it and give me a bag to put his clothes in.

"Try to stay away from Niall..." I start telling him as we exit the store, but he runs over to his big brother and jumps on him, yelling at Niall to look at his new costume. "...for as long as you can."

Niall crosses his arms and looks at me. I look in another direction with a not-guilty face. "You're spoiling him."

"So? He deserves to be spoiled." I retort and he rolls his eyes before he thanks me anyway.

We go to the castle next and I ask Jake to take photos of me in my 'Let's talk Disney' t-shirt. He had it coming anyway. After that, the couples take typical Disney coupley photos, which have every single person of our group gagging and making jokes.

The Pinocchio ride is next, and I sit with Jake for this one because it's his favorite. We make faces in the place where I know there's a camera and I buy two copies of the photo for us.

There's a carrousel right by the Pinocchio ride so the girls, Jake and Eddie get on it, while the boys are asked to take photos and Boomerangs for Instagram.

"Wait, do one while I kiss Rey." Jake tells Luke and gets on the horse with me before counting down from three.

After that we go to Fantasyland on the Dumbo ride because Eddie asks us to. Then we go to the Teacups and I'm sitting with Louis while Niall sits with Harry and we have a contest to see who can spin the fastest.

"The losers are buying shots tonight!" Louis yells at them as we spin around yelling and laughing.

In the end we get kicked off the ride and are asked to never return on it, but it was worth it.

"This one is one of my favorites." I tell them when we get in line for the 'It's a small world' ride.

After that we go to meet Mickey and Minnie, before we go on Peter Pan's ride.

Once we get to Adventureland it's way past three in the afternoon so we sit down to eat.

"My feet are killing me." Perrie cries at the table and toes off her shoes.

"You're the one who came in heels." Zayn tells her and she throws a fry at him.

We go on the rides in Adventureland after that and by the time the parade starts we're back on Main Street. There are many people there so Niall lifts Eddie up on his shoulders so he can see his favorites, before we decide to go on the Orbitron before we leave. It starts to get dark and we've got club reservations at eleven tonight.

Everyone's paired off so I end up with Niall.

"Please don't get the rocket high and low really quickly, I get nausea." I tell Niall when he gets into the small space behind me, so I'm sitting between his legs.

"We can do that?" he asks against the back of my neck. I move my head so he won't send shivers down my spine the next time he talks.

The ride finally starts moving and Niall reaches between my legs to get to the handle. He lifts us up quickly so we're in line with Harry and Louis, who are moving up and down like they're fucking crazy. Of course, Louis has the handle, so it's not really a surprise.

"Stop it!" I yell at Niall when he drops us down quickly and then pulls us all the way up.

"Come on, I thought you liked rollercoasters." He laughs into my ear.

"And I thought you hated them." I say and turn my head to look at him. Our noses touch because the rocket isn't really that spacious and we're sitting really close together because I try not to fall off.

His eyes fall down to my lips for a second and then he looks back up into my eyes. "I don't hate them. Only sometimes." He says.

"Stop looking at me like that." I tell him.

"Like what?" he asks, making a face.

"Like you want to kiss me."

Niall licks his lips. "So what if I want to?"

He leans forward, getting closer and closer, before the rocket suddenly drops and I scream, turning my head forward.

"You idiot!" I yell and slap his hand when I realize that he was getting closer so he could reach the handle.

Two minutes later the ride slows down and the rockets are being let down towards the ground.

"I'm never going on a rollercoaster with you ever again." I tell Niall and he pretends to be hurt by placing a hand over his heart.

"Let's go on there before we leave!" Eddie says and pulls at my jeans as he points towards the small Ferris wheel. It's nothing like the one in California, obviously, but it still seats two people and you can see the Main Street from it.

"Do you want to go together?" Zayn suggests, even though I agreed to this earlier.

We get in line and talk about the plans for tonight, when Eddie comes over and asks me to ride with him. I shoot Zayn a sorry look but he nods in understanding.

Everyone gets to ride three times before we have to get off, so I make sure Eddie is sitting with his back against the chair before the Ferris wheel starts moving. It stops a few times so new people can get on and then the guy who's in charge of it pulls the rope in front of Louis and Niall and tells them to wait their turn.

One full ride lasts about three to four minutes, and Eddie spends all of it talking to me about how much he loved today and how he wants to live at Disneyland all the time.

"Can we move here? Can you and Niall buy a house here so I can live here?" he asks and I nod as we reach the ground slowly for the second time.

I look in Niall's direction. He's talking to Louis about something that gets them really worked up and then the next thing I know, he jumps over the rope and runs over to our two-seater.

"You can't do that!" the guy yells at him, but we're already off the ground and Niall squishes himself between Eddie and I, placing a hand over Eddie's stomach to make sure he's secured.

"What the fuck are you doing Niall?" I ask him and he turns to look at me.

"I have an idea." He tells me.

"And it couldn't wait until we got off?"

"Only two people are allowed on there!" the guy yells up at us and Niall sighs, before he stands up and grips into the bar above so his feet are dangling in the air and only keeping himself up by his arms.

The wheel stops and we're a bit past the top. I grab Eddie to make sure he's okay and look at Niall.

"You're a fucking idiot! What the fuck!" I yell, covering Eddie's ears.

"I have an idea!" he says.

"What idea?"

My heart is going crazy because he's literally dangling about thirty meters off the ground.

"You'll have to stay with me in the park when everyone goes home and you'll see."

"Niall, I don't know-"

"Just agree to it for fucks' sake!" Jake yells from under us. "He'll die Renee!"

"Fine, I will!" I yell at Niall and he smiles, before he places his feet back into our two-seater and gets in between us once again.

"You're crazy." I tell him and once we get to the ground the wheel stops and Niall is asked to disembark and never return.

After one more ride, we get off so the people waiting can get on.

"You managed to get yourself banned from two different attractions at Disneyland in one day. Congratulations." I tell him and cross my arms over my chest.

We have to wait for the other half of our group to get of the wheel, so I interrogate Niall a few meters away from the others.

"What was that about?"

He looks down at me with a smirk.

"It's your birthday present."

"What? Getting yourself killed?" I sarcastically ask and he rolls his eyes.

"No. You'll see."

"Fine, but don't pull shit like that again." I tell him and he holds up his pinky, so I intertwine mine with his.

Once the other half of our group is back, Niall avoids their questions and tells them to go back to the hotel without the two of us.

"We'll be back in an hour." He tells them and Zayn shoots me a look, so I walk over to him.

"I still have to talk to you about something when you get back." He says and I nod, hugging him, before they're off towards the exit.

I turn to Niall. "So, what now?"

He smiles. "Now we're going to get some ice cream."

"Is this my birthday present?" I ask as we walk towards the ice cream shop at the corner of Main Street.

"Part of it." he informs me and keeps the door open for me.

"What a gentleman, I'm already swooning." I say as I walk in and he slaps my ass before he follows me inside.

He gets me a strawberry ice cream and a vanilla one for himself.

"So what's next?" I ask him as I lick my ice cream.

"We didn't go on that boat thingy with the french name." he tells me as he starts walking towards the castle.

"You mean Le Pays des Contes de Feés?" I say and he nods.

"Exactly." Niall laughs.

"So? I didn't think you'd be the type for boat rides through the Disney Storybook land." I say.

"I'm not, but I know you are. And you wouldn't have convinced the others to sit through a twenty minute ride with you."

"I'm not really a fan per se..." I trail off. "But it's just-"

"They have the village and the castle from Beauty and the Beast." He finishes my sentence and nods. "I know."

I'm impressed. "You did some research."

"Yeah, it was written on the map."

We don't even have to wait in line for this one because there are almost no people there, and we get on a boat just by ourselves.

"I've never actually been on this ride." I tell him as we pass Snow White's house.

"Really? So you've never seen your favorite Disney movie at Disneyland?"

I shake my head. "Sadly, no I haven't."

"Well, this just makes everything better, right."

I smile. "Yeah."

He holds out his ice cream. "Do you want some?"

"Vanilla? No thanks. I hate vanilla."

"Come on, just a bit." He says and holds it up in front of my face. I lean down and stick my tongue out, but he pushes it into my face.

"Niall!" I cry out and he loudly laughs at my expression. "Give me a tissue."

"I don't have a tissue." He says and I sigh. "But I've got an idea."

The next thing I know is that he leans in and licks the ice cream off my nose and my cheek.

"Great, now I'm sticky and have your saliva all over my face." I tell him just as we pass the Little Mermaid castle.

"Would you like my saliva in other places?" he teases and I roll my eyes at him, not really denying it.

I wipe my face off on his jacket and he playfully pushes me away just as we enter Aladdin's cave.

"Oh, you wanted a tissue?" he asks me and takes one out of his jacket.

I stare at it. "I hate you." I tell him.

"No you don't." Niall says and slowly leans in, eyes falling on my lips. My eyes do the same.

"Rey." He whispers and I gulp.


Our lips are almost touching by now.

"Beauty and the Beast is on your left." He says and pulls away, so I direct my attention on Belle's village, followed by the Beast's castle. I take pictures and send them to Jake, who curses me on WhatsApp for not going there today.

The ride ends after Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz and we get out of the boat around 7:30pm.

"Are we going home now?" I ask him and he nods.

"Well, it takes about half an hour to get home and we have to be at the club in like, three hours right?"

I nod, so we start walking towards the exit of the park.

The RER is almost full so we have to stand. Niall grips into the bar above his head and I grip into him.

"It smells in here." I whisper and look up at him.

"Yeah." He giggles and rests his elbow on my shoulder.

Twenty minutes later, Niall nudges me with his leg. I got a seat ten minutes ago and he was still standing.

"This is our stop." He says and I look at the screen.

"No, it's not. We have one more."

"Well, we're getting off at this one." He tells me, and then I get it.

"Oh, so the whole birthday thing isn't over?" I ask and he nods.


I follow him out of the train.

"So, are we going to a certain place or what?" I ask him when I see him checking Google Maps.

"No, we're just going to walk to the hotel."

"What? We could've taken the train."

"But where's the fun in that?" he asks and places his arm around my shoulders as we walk turn the corner onto another street.

"You're weird." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest and trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.


"And crazy." I add. "Who the fuck hangs off a Ferris wheel?"

"People with balls."

"So are you saying only men would?" I ask.

He laughs. "No, I'm saying people who are spontaneous and...crazy would."

There's something in his voice that I feel is directed at me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Was the question not clear?"

"No, I mean, are you by any chance saying that I'm not spontaneous or crazy?"

Niall snorts. "You're kidding, right?"

I gasp and stop on the sidewalk, turning around to face him so his arm falls off my shoulders.

"Do you think I'm like...vanilla or something?" I ask him.

"No, I just think you're not really into taking risks."

"I'm genuinely offended because it's not true!"

"Oh yeah? Fine." He says and looks both ways before he walks over onto the street.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Let's play a game."

"What game?"

"We'll lay down in the middle of the street. First one to get up loses."

"You're crazy."

He shrugs. "And you aren't, apparently."

I look around. There hasn't been a car on the street for the past three minutes.

"Fine." I say and then walk over to him.

We lay down on the street and my heart is going fucking crazy because what if a fucking car comes?!

"You know we're going to die if a car comes, right?" I ask.


I turn my head to look at him. "You don't give a shit about anything, do you?"

"About most things, yeah." He laughs.

I can hear a car coming and I see it turn the corner, but I don't move. Niall turns his head to look at me and I look at him daringly. He bites his lip as the car approaches.

"Get up Rey." He says and I shake my head.

When he sees I'm serious, he stands up and grabs my hand. "Come on."

I let him pull me up and out of the way, before the car passes by us, loudly honking.

"Haha, looks like you're the little bitch." I laugh and he rolls his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.

We get to the street the hotel is on ten minutes later, but then he takes the wrong turn.

"That's not the street." I inform him.

"Yeah, but I want to test out something."

I frown as he stops in front of a private property. It's a posh house, with a playground and everything.

"So you think I'm a little bitch?" he asks and places his hand on the fence.


"Okay, then let's get inside this garden."

My eyes bulge out of my head. "That's breaking and entering."

"Look, we're not going to go inside. Just a tour of the garden and then out."

"But there are people inside." I say and point to the windows on the second floor.


"If I do this, will you agree that I'm not vanilla?" I ask and he nods.

"Why do you even care what I think?" he asks me after we jump the fence.

"Because it's not true."

We explore the garden, and I'm stressed as fuck as we get to the back of the house to find a pool.

"Who has a pool in February?" I ask, but then I remember we got one too that's not closed off.

"Rich people." He answers and then smirks. "I've got an idea."

"No, I'm done with your ideas."

"Oh come on, you had fun." he says and I roll my eyes, silently agreeing with him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him when I see him taking off his Vans and walking over to the pool. "Niall!" I hiss.

He looks back at me before he jumps into the pool. He comes back up two seconds later and pushes the hair out of his face.

"Fuck, it's cold." He laughs and then motions for me to come in as well.

"No way."

"Oh, come on. Are you a little bitch?" Niall teases and I put my hands on my hips before I toe off my own Vans and take two steps forwards. I take off my socks as well and test the water. It's cold as fuck.

"No way."

"Come on, on the count of three, okay?" he says and I frown, getting a weird déjà vu feeling but I have no idea why.

"No way, it's too cold."

"You're a little bitch." He says, imitating my voice.

"I'm not!" I argue.

"Okay. One, two, three!"


"Get in the water! Get in!" he yells and gestures towards the water.

I stare at him. No.

Did he just?

"I'm sorry, get in the water baby. Baby would you get in?"

He did. He fucking did.

I take a few steps back before I run and jump in the water. The water is cold and it's uncomfortable, but fuck me if I wouldn't walk through fire or climb up Everest for this boy.

Then everything comes rushing back to me as I go back to the surface. Everything we did since I got on that Ferris wheel.

"Niall." I say and swim over to him. I can't reach the ground of the pool so I place my hands on his shoulders and wrap my legs around his waist.


"Did you...did you plan, like. A whole The Notebook thing?" I ask, not really believing it.

"Hm?" he asks.

"Like, you hanging off the Ferris wheel, and then the whole boat ride and the ice cream thing and then the laying on the street." I breathe. "And now this."

"To be honest, I thought you'd catch on the first time but it took you long enough." He laughs.

My heart. My soul.


"I didn't really get you a present and then I remembered that you mentioned you've never been on a perfect date like in the movies so, you know. Plus, it's Paris and it's Valentine's Day and your birthday."

I shake my head. "You've set the bar really high for any other guy out there." I laugh.

There's something in his eyes when I say those words and he's all high again, eyes almost black as he looks at me, so I kiss him.

He grabs the back of my neck and opens his mouth so our tongues tangle together. I wrap my arms around his neck and tilt my head to deepen the kiss because fuck me, it's the best kiss I've ever had.

His hands travel down my back and stop on my ass, of course, and I don't break the kissing until my teeth literally start chattering.

"Cold water." I breathe against his lips with a smile.

"Yeah, seems to be our thing, doesn't it?" he laughs and I love him.


"Hm?" he asks, looking up at me and our noses bump together.

"I l-"

"Qu'est-ce qui se passe?!" someone yells and I turn my head to see a woman coming into the back garden. My heart stops.

We swim over to our shoes and then run to the fence as she continues yelling something about the police, but I don't care because I'm laughing and running and in love.

Of course everyone is staring at us as we enter the hotel lobby, barefoot with our shoes in our hands.

"What happened?" Perrie asks when she sees me. She's on the bed, not getting ready yet. The others are down for dinner.

"Long story." I say and drop my shoes on the floor by my bed.

"You're smiling like a mad person." She observes. "Like, I've never seen you this happy in my entire life. What happened with Niall?"

I open my mouth but nothing comes out for a few moments. "Um...when did everyone go down for dinner?"

"Like ten minutes ago."

"Okay, thanks."

"Where are you going?" she asks when she sees me leaving the room.

"Dinner." I tell her.

"Shouldn't you change into some clothes that aren't wet?" she yells after me, laughing, but I close the door behind me and knock on Niall's.

He opens it shirtless as he tries to dry his hair with his towel. When he sees it's me, he steps away from the door, leaving it open. The lamp by the double bed is turned on and it's shedding shadows over his body that make me go crazy.

"What?" he asks when I close the door and lock it behind me.

I don't answer, so he turns back to look at me.

I take two steps forward and then jump on him, literally, so he drops the towel to grip into the back of my thighs. I kiss him as my hands run through his wet hair, and every single fiber of my being is on fire

"What are you doing?" he breathes against my lips.

"Kissing you." I say.

He shrugs. "Okay." And then continues kissing me.

I kiss him harder than I've kissed anyone in my fucking life and try to tell him to get over to the bed without words. It doesn't work, so I pull away.

"Niall, I have one more...idea. For a birthday present." I say and he looks down at me.

I get lost in his eyes for a second because they're so dark and shimmering I'm speechless.

"What?" he asks.

"Birthday sex."

He stares at me for a moment with disbelief in his eyes, before he walks backwards and sits down at the edge of the bed, with me straddling him.

"Do you have a condom?" I ask between kisses as he takes off my jacket and then my shirt.

"No. Do you want me to look for one through the guys' stuff?" He breathes.

I shake my head. "We don't have time."

"Oh, trust me, I won't last long." He laughs and turns us around so I'm laying on my back, before he pushes me up the bed until my head hits the pillow.

He stands up on the bed so he can take off his pants and briefs, and he's already half hard, which, okay. I've missed his dick.

"Thanks." he laughs.

"Shit, did I talk out loud?" I ask and he nods, before he's back on the bed, hovering over me. He presses one kiss to my lips before he shuffles down the bed so he's between my legs. I lean myself up on my elbows so I can watch him from a better angle as he takes off my pants and then my panties.

"I've missed this too." Niall tells me and doesn't break eye contact as he wraps his arms around my thighs and licks over my pussy.

My elbows give in and my head hits the pillow because fuck, he's really good at this. His tongue rubs against my clit in rapid motions and he sticks one finger inside me, curling it the way he knows drives me crazy.

"Niall." I moan and grab his hair to pull him off. I'm so turned on, I think I will be the one who won't last.

"Yeah, okay." He breathes and pulls away so he can climb back over me.

I spit into my hand and then pump him for a few seconds, watching him watching my hand, hair falling over his face. He's beautiful.

He pushes my hand away a few seconds later, before he positions himself and locks eyes with me as he slowly pushes in.

We groan in unison and I close my eyes because it hurts a bit. He stops so I open them and tell him to move already.

"Alright, don't rush me." he laughs and places my legs over his shoulders, his hands on either side of my head, before he finally starts thrusting.

It feels so good I might die and go to heaven.

"Oh my fucking God." I moan when he finds a good angle.

"My name's Niall, but thanks." he jokes and I slap his arm, before I pull him down for a kiss.

When he slows down, I flip us over and we almost fall off the bed, but I steady us by gripping into the headboard.

"So bossy, I love it." he says and there's panic flashing through his eyes for a second when he realizes what he said.

"Shut up." I say and place my hands on his chest before I start moving up and down his cock, slowly.

"You're killin' me." Niall says and reaches out to grab my ass, but I pin his head above his head and lean down to kiss him.

He moans into my mouth as I move and I giggle. "You're a little bitch, aren't you?"

He gets angry at my statement and breaks free from my grip, wrapping his arms around my body and starts thrusting up into me.

It feels so good my entire body is on fire so I try to focus on kissing his neck to avoid being the first one to reach climax.

"Is that all you got? You big footie player?" I provoke him by whispering into his ear.

I feel him tense up under me and then he's properly fucking me, basically making me a lump over his body.

"Shit, Niall."

I'm gonna cum.

"I'm going to...fuck." He says and lifts me off his shaft so he can quickly pump himself with his own fist.

I shuffle backwards so I can stand between his legs and slap his hand away so I can take him into my mouth.

"Fuuuck." He croaks out, voice breaking, and then comes into my mouth.

I swallow it and continue sucking him off, slowly, until he pulls me off, shivering.

"Do you-" I start, but he grabs my thighs and pulls me up his body until I'm sitting on his face.

I grab the headboard as he fucks me with his tongue, one finger rubbing my clit, and I come a minute later. I get off of him, completely wrecked, and plop myself down next to him.

He holds his fist out and I fist bump him for the good collaboration.

"That was amazing." He tells me.

"Thanks, I know I'm good." I joke and he flips me off.

I stare at him for a bit, because he's absolutely beautiful this way: hair sticking to his face, glassy eyes and wrecked lips.

"Happy birthday." He says and boops my nose with his finger.


Some tries to open the door and then there's a loud bang against it.

"Niall?" Bryan's voice asks.

"Fuck." Niall groans and runs a hand through his hair.

I get out of the bed and get a towel from the bathroom to wrap around myself, before I grab my clothes.

"Yeah, it won't be obvious at all." Niall sarcastically says and pulls his briefs back on.

I unlock the door and open it, just to see a shocked Bryan and a smirking Luke standing there.

"Perrie used the shower in our room." I explain, but they're not buying it. And I don't really care.

I get back to our room, where Perrie and Sophia have already started putting on their makeup. They see me in the mirror and then turn around to face me.

"Explain." Sophia says, pointing with her brush in my direction.

"Uh, I took a shower." I say. "On Niall's dick."

They scream and demand details.

"I'll take a shower and then I'll...tell you." I say.

Once I'm out of the shower and dress up for the night, I sit down cross-legged next to them and start applying primer. They're both staring.

"What?" I ask.

"Uh, details?" Perrie says. "Where did you go? What did you do?"

"Well, he kind of reenacted the Notebook tonight and then...we had sex."

That's not enough for them, so I tell them more details while they fangirl over us.

"He's so in love with you." Sophia says.

"And you're so in love with him." Perrie adds.

"I don't think he's...yeah. I don't think so."

"Are you serious right now?" Sophia interjects. "You're so stupid, I swear to God."


"No, I'm done with your bullshit. He's finally single, so what's stopping you?"

I don't know, to be honest. Is it actually possible that he likes me as much as I like him? Loves me, even? Niall loving someone is such a weird concept I can't even wrap my head around it. Especially Niall loving me, it seems unbelievable and not true.

"I don't think he's the emotional type. I mean, he's been cheating on his girlfriend-"

"With you."

"So what if he cheats on me with someone else?"

"I don't think he would."

"But I can't be sure." I argue.

Sophia yells in exasperation and Perrie shakes her head, so I change the subject.

Fifteen minutes later we're straightening each other's hair before we put our heels on, ready to go. The guys are waiting in the living room as per usual, groaning when we finally show up.

I'm wearing a pale pink dress and my one favorite Zanotti heels, because it's my birthday after all. Niall's talking to Louis in a hushed tone and I would give anything to find out what they're talking about, just once.



We order three cabs, and this time Lilly and Jason come along. When I ask them who's taking care of Eddie, they informed me that they hired one of the babysitters the hotel had to offer.

Zayn insists that we share a taxi, so Lilly, Jason and the two of us wait for the last one.

"Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you." Zayn tells me once we're inside the cab. Lilly is sitting next to me and Jason in the front.

"About? Sorry, I was busy." I smile at him and he places an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer so he can whisper into my ear.

"I like you." He tells me and I bite my lip. There's a small, incredibly tiny feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I was expecting more. Fireworks, maybe. Butterflies. I don't say anything, waiting for him to continue. "So I was wondering like, when we get back to London, if you want to go on a date?"

I make eye contact with Lilly in the rearview mirror. She doesn't look happy at all. I look at Zayn.

"Uh...yeah, sure."


I don't want to date Zayn, I want to date Niall.

We get to the club ten minutes later and the queue is huge because it's Valetine's Day, but thank God we have VIP reservations.

I take a video for my Snapchat before I put my phone in my clutch, which I throw on the couch in the booth and then put my coat over it.

"I think it's a really bad idea." Lilly tells me after our bottles have been brought and we poured each other drinks. I just returned from the dancefloor where I danced with the girls so I can pour myself another drink, and she cornered me on the side.

"What?" I ask as I sip on my straw, searching for Niall through the crowd.

"Going out with Zayn."

I raise my eyebrows. "Why? It's a friendly date."

"You're not that stupid." she tells me promptly.


"You seriously want to get into a relationship with Zayn?"

I shake my head. "No? What, do you think that's what he wants?"

She rolls her eyes. "Of course that's what he wants! Listen, Niall may not be good at expressing his feelings but he cares about you and everybody already knows so if you two would just finally realize it on your own, that would be great."

I sigh. "I don't think Niall is the type to-"

"Fuck what you think, honestly!" she says, taking me by surprise. "You both deserve to be happy and you both are great people and you complete each other."

"You're his sister. Do you honestly think he'd be committed? And like, honest?"

"Of course I fucking do! Look, I'm not supposed to tell you but something happened that night at the spring time ball."


"So he was drunk off his arse and Zoe told him that she loves him and you know what he said? He told her that she loves-"

"Hey, where have you been?" Sophia asks. "Cardi B has been playing for like, two minutes now."

"Yeah, I know. But Lilly was just about to say something." I tell her, even though I feel a pang in my chest. So Niall told Zoe that she loves her, great. This proves that he's capable of feeling feelings. Great. What's not so great though, is that he kept telling me there's nothing there when there clearly was.

I join the girls on the dancefloor for a few minutes until I decide to go outside for a cigarette, alone. The plan goes to shit anyway, when I see Niall leaning against the wall in the empty smokers' VIP area.

"Hi." I say.

"I heard you agreed to go on a date with Zayn." He tells me and it takes me by surprise.

"Uh, yeah. I mean...I don't know. I heard what you told Zoe that night when you got really drunk and she told you she loved you."

His eyes widen. "Where did you hear that."

"Lilly told me."

"Fucking hell...and...what do you think about it?"

"I think it was a really bad idea and that you shouldn't have said that."

His face falls. So he doesn't like to hear other people telling him off huh?

"Why shouldn't I have said that?"

"Because you're a liar, obviously."

"No I'm not. I didn't lie when I said that." He says, crossing his arms.

It hurts. "Yeah, I know."

"So what's the problem then?"

"Nevermind, forget I said anything." I say and light up my cigarette at the same time he puts his out.

He goes towards the door. "Look, I was honest and I meant what I said. But apparently I shouldn't have. Thanks for letting me know how you feel about the situation. I'll never say anything to you ever again. Have fun with Zayn."

I watch the door close behind him and dryly swallow. And to think I had some hope for the two of us after tonight.


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D

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Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:

1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??

2. what should happen in the next chapter?

3. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story! (I already have a few ideas written down because of your ideas guys! <3 )

You guys are amazing!

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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