28:"Everything about this is extremely illegal."
Hii guys! Even though I have 2 exams left next week, I couldn't help myself and wrote this 7k chapter in a day :D let me know what you think about it by commenting throughout it and also answering the questions at the end :) (Because, as you'll see, I took your ideas ;D )
Happy reading!
Previously on chapter 27:
Niall's POV
The room is spinning and the blaring music doesn't help me at all. I'm the good kind of drunk but still not really thinking straight.
"Where have you been? You've been gone like half an hour." Zoe asks and pulls me into a kiss.
"Washed my shirt. Had your lipstick on." I tell her and she smiles.
"They're going to announce the kings and queens soon."
"Why are you smirking?"
"Because I already know you'll win."
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah, you and Perrie will be great up there."
I'm still too drunk to actually register her words, but she definitely said Perrie.
"How do you know Perrie will win queen?"
I frown at her.
"I kind of gave some money to that girl to rig the votes and make you and Perrie king and queen."
"What? Why would you do that?"
"Because I know she wanted it a lot." She says, getting a bit worked up over it.
"Well, maybe some other people also wanted to."
"Like Rey?"
I shrug.
"Niall." She says and cups my face to look into my eyes.
I blink at her, trying to make the room stop spinning.
"I did it because I care about you. I wanted you to win and I asked her to rig the votes for you and when she asked who I wanted as queen I said Perrie."
She's talking too fast over the loud music but I can understand what she's saying. What I don't understand is why she took Rey's chance away.
"I did it because I love you, don't be mad okay?" she says.
I nod, smiling. "I love you too Rey."
Rey's POV
I join the others at the table, room still spinning, wondering what Niall meant. I mean, I'm pretty sure he meant that he also has a crush on me (at least when he's drunk), but it's just too easy for it to be true.
I check my phone for messages, surprised to find a few from Niall.
Niall: I'm gonna fuck you so hard that after your legs won't be shaking for just ten minutes, they'll be fucking numb
My heart starts beating faster, but then there's another one, saying 'whooops wrong person'. Asshole.
"They're fighting." Jake tells me and points to Zoe and Niall at the edge of the dancefloor. She's doing some gestures while Niall rolls his eyes and tries to calm her down, obviously too drunk and high for it.
"Don't they always?" Luke joins in the gossip.
Jake turns to look at him. "Maybe it's because he just came down from the room with Renee after being gone for like...thirty minutes?"
They both look at me with pursed lips.
"What? We just smoked weed, relax. Didn't do anything." I say.
"It's never 'nothing' with you two." Luke tells me and Jake agrees.
I roll my eyes and take a sip from my water bottle, just as the principal steps on stage and the music dies down.
"Alright everyone, this is the moment you've been all waiting for."
I put my phone down on the table and it buzzes again.
Niall: wanna know a secret
I sigh and type 'mhm?'
Niall: I lowkey want my fingers inside you rn
I have to lock my phone for a few moments because it's too much.
Rey: you're drunk
Niall: so?
Before I can type though, the principal is about to announce the freshmen king and queen, so I put my phone back on the table and turn around to face the stage.
"This year's springtime king and queen are....Jason Parker and Lilly Horan!"
I scream and stand up clapping, extremely happy.
"YAAAAAAS!" Jake yells and Luke whistles as we watch the two of them get up on stage to get their crowns.
They come over to us as they announce the sophomores, all smiley and my heart melts.
"I'm so happy right now." Lilly laughs and Jason kisses her temple, which makes me hate them a little bit because they're so happy.
"Can I please get your attention? There's two more people left to announce." The principal says into the microphone when it starts to get way too loud.
"The springtime senior king is...Niall Horan!" he says and the whole room claps, screaming and cheering. Jesus.
Niall gets on stage and accepts the crown, but not before stumbling a bit, which makes everyone laugh.
"And the springtime senior queen is...Perrie Edwards!"
I smile and clap, even though I kind of feel sad because I really wished I'd won. I've never won anything like this in my life and I know my mom would actually be really proud.
The music starts up after two minutes and I decide to go to the bathroom to freshen up. And maybe also sober up.
On my way to the bathroom I pass by Niall and Zoe, and I hear him tell her that she's his queen. I try to ignore the pang of jealousy in my stomach.
When I get to the bathroom it's almost empty, except for a girl dressed in a gothic dress putting on black lipstick. I try to remember where I recognize her from, but then she speaks to me.
"You should've won."
I smile at her. "Thanks."
Then it downs on me that I had detention with her at the beginning of the school year, like, six months ago, when she told me that I should get with Niall or something like that.
"Weren't you the girl who told me I should get with Niall?" I ask before I can stop myself, but oh well, I blame the alcohol.
"Yeah. And I still believe that. I saw his new girlfriend; she's a really bad version of you. Like you're coke and she's Pepsi."
I laugh as I wash my hands.
"But why Niall and I though?"
"Well, at first I said it because I thought there was some tension between you two, you know, in detention, but then I saw you a couple more times at school and I just think that the way he looks at you and the way you look at him is more than just friends."
I nod as I dry my hands, taking her words in. I don't look at Niall in any other way than I look at Jake or Sophia.
"Have a good night." I tell her as she walks past me to leave the bathroom.
"You too." she smiles and then disappears.
I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to picture Niall in front of me, just to see if my face changes. Turns out, the corners of my mouth turn upwards, but that's it.
I'm way too drunk for this.
Niall's POV
"What did you just say?" Zoe asks me and I blink at her.
"Did you just say 'I love you too Rey?"
"What? No I didn't." I argue, trying to remember if I actually said it, because I'm way too drunk to process all of this.
"Yeah you did Niall."
I sigh, but she keeps going. "You know, I'm tired of this. It's clear that you have feelings for her and that's why this will never have a chance of working. We've both cheated and the fact that we forgave each other is clearly a sign that we don't care about each other the way we're supposed to. It's just wasted time."
I blink at her.
"And if sex is the reason you want to continue this, I'm sure you can find someone else to fuck. That won't be a problem."
I'm still staring at her, not sure what to say, when the principal getting on stage saves me.
Zoe tells me that she's going to the bathroom, so I text Rey. It's the first time I actually text her when I'm drunk, even though I've thought about it ten times before but never did it.
She answers with 'you're drunk' and I ask her 'so?', but then Zoe comes back and the principal announces my sister and Rey's brother as the king and queen, which, for some reason, makes me really happy.
"Niall, we need to talk about this." Zoe insist, and I nod.
"I know."
"After the whole king and queen is over we need to go somewhere quiet and sort it out."
As expected, they announce that I'm king and Perrie is queen, so I have to get on stage and act like I'm not plastered.
I look over at Rey to see her reaction and she's smiling, but I can tell she's disappointed, which makes me even angrier at Zoe. But my drunk self can't really process feelings as well as he should, so as soon I get back to Zoe, I forget why I was mad.
"You know, you're still my queen." I slur at her and she rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. Let's go."
I follow her outside in the smoking area and offer her my jacket before I light up my cigarette. I'm not ready for this.
"So." She starts.
"So you're in love with Renee."
"I'm not." I say.
"You told me you loved me, for the first time ever, and then called me Rey."
"I just saw her and...I mixed up the names. It's an honest mistake."
"I don't think it is." She sighs. "Look, I've seen the way you look at her and the way you react when other people talk about her. I'm not saying you're in love with her, but you definitely care about her more than you've ever cared about me."
I don't say anything, so she keeps going.
"That's why I understood that you cheated with her and stuff. I mean, I thought it was just a spur of the moment thing because you told me so, but then I realized that you just can't yourself. You're too attracted to her in every way."
"No, hear me out." she says, putting her hand up. "You'll never be able to be in a genuine relationship with someone unless you truly want to be with them. And you definitely don't truly want to be with me. You need to be with her."
"I don't want to..." I trail off and watch as Lilly comes through the door with a cigarette in hand, smiling about her crown.
"No way." I tell her as soon as she sits down next to me, cigarette in hand.
"Don't be a prick." She says and Zoe tries to get my attention back, so I give it to her.
"Niall, I think the reason you don't want to be with her is because you're scared." She tells me and Lilly raises her eyebrows. Great, now she'll be a part of this discussion.
"What happened?" she asks Zoe.
"He told me he loved me." Zoe starts and Lilly makes a face. "And then called me Rey." To that, Lilly's eyes widen, but she doesn't say anything because she doesn't want to be rude in front of Zoe. Not that it's stopped her before.
"I'll leave you two alone then." She says and gets up to go in another corner with some of her classmates.
"I don't want to be with her. She's got a thing with Zayn and it would never work, we're way too different, we'd fight all the time." I say, still drunk. I hope I'll forget everything in the morning.
"I don't think she cares about Zayn as much as she does about you. But either way Niall, I'm not going to stand in the way of you being happy. I think it's best if we just break up."
I look down at my shoes. "Okay."
She smiles at me as I put my cigarette out and stand up.
She gives me a hug and I close my eyes as she does.
"Just, stop lying to yourself okay? You deserve to be happy."
I nod, not believing a word she just said to me.
"Are you going to leave?" I ask her.
"Are you kidding? The guys were talking about going to the pool in an hour, there's no way I'm missing that." she laughs and I nod.
We make our way back to the ballroom and the first thing we see is Rey with Zayn, and her laughing at someone he said.
I look at Zoe and she shrugs. "Right person, wrong time."
I sit down at the table. Meanwhile, Zoe joins the girls on the dancefloor, leaving me alone with Luke and Louis.
"We broke up." I tell them, and they're not even surprised. Instead, they try to change the subject by saying that they want to go to the pool when the music stops and everyone goes to their room. Or home.
"You okay?" Louis asks when Luke leaves the table.
"Why did you break up?"
I shrug. "We just... weren't feeling it anymore."
"You're a bachelor again, congrats!" Louis laughs and hands me a glass of gin and tonic, so we knock our glasses together and drink.
Rey's POV
"Did you take my phone?" I ask Jake thirty minutes later when we're up in our suite, getting changed to go to the pool. The music stopped after 12:30am, which means that it's time to do some other fun shit.
"What?" Jake asks, looking at me from where he was laying on the bed.
"You posted some shit on my Instagram." I tell him and he tries not to look guilty, but fails.
"Oh, babe." I smirk in that way I know creeps him out. "I'll get my revenge."
"Stop it." he warns and I get closer to him with my creepy face, which makes him scream and hide under the covers.
"Little bitch." I laugh and then turn around so he can unzip my dress.
I already have my bikini bottoms on so I just put the rest of the swimsuit on and then wrap myself in a towel.
"I'm going to take my makeup off and then we're good to go." I say and he nods just as Zayn comes into the room in his swim trunks. I stare at his tattooed torso and I want to scream because he looks like a God.
After I've taken off my makeup and grabbed my phone, we join the others in the living room.
Louis explains that the pool is technically closed so we'll have to sneak in, but Niall isn't even paying attention because he's talking to Zoe in hushed tones.
The pool is indeed closed-technically. Louis uses a keycard he stole from a maid's cart to open the doors, and then the twelve of us are in.
Someone brought the Vodka and some juice, which isn't great for me at all, because I'm still drunk and have to focus extremely hard to understand what Jake is going on about.
"What?" I ask for the third time as I unwrap the towel from my body and place it on a lounger.
"Pay some attention!" Jake whines. "So I talked to Luke the whole night tonight and he was being flirty!"
I nod. "Yeah, well, you won't know if you ask him. Or just like, try to kiss him."
"Yeah Rey, but I don't think I could take the rejection."
"So what do you want me to do?" I ask, knowing very well that something's coming.
"Can you like...find out? If he's gay at least. I don't know, rub yourself against him and see if he gets an erection? Because-holy shit."
I turn to look at what he's looking, and it's Luke, of course. Covered in tattoos and smirking down at Louis, who's telling him something.
"I swear I'm going to die because of his hotness. I'm literally dying Rey, I need you to find out."
I sigh. "Fine. I'm on it."
"But don't be obvious!" he says after I stand up.
"I know, I know."
I go to sit down at the edge of the pool next to Sophia, with my legs in the water.
"Where's Liam?" I ask.
"Sleeping. Can't take alcohol as good as me." she laughs and then nods her head and I follow the direction. I see Niall and Zayn talking, and Zoe on the other side of the pool with Perrie.
"What?" I ask.
"They aren't as close as they'd usually be."
"Oh, come on Rey. It's obvious."
"What?" I ask, confused.
"You have a giant crush on him."
"On who? Niall?"
"Yeah. And don't even try to tell me that you've never done anything with him, because I'll never believe you."
I don't bother to respond.
"Do you know if Luke is straight?" I ask her and she shrugs, so I get into the pool and swim over to Niall and Zayn.
"Hi." I say and take a seat next to Zayn on the underwater chairs by the bar.
"Hi." Zayn smiles.
"Do you know if Luke is straight?"
The two of them look at each other.
"Is this my brothers' doing?" Zayn asks and when I don't answer, he nods.
"Of course it is."
Sophia calls Zayn over so he smiles one more time before he's off, leaving Niall and I alone.
I look at him and he looks at me.
"Is he?" I ask.
"Is he what?"
He shrugs.
"How can you not know? You've been friends for a long time."
"Yeah but...I never asked him. Why would I ask him if he doesn't just tell me?"
I roll my eyes. "Ugh, I need to find out."
"I mean, I've seen him with girls before, you know." he says and I pout.
"But he's a free spirit, you know?" Niall trails off and I burst out laughing.
"A free spirit? Are you still drunk?"
"Obviously." He smirks and hands me his glass, so I take a sip.
After I hand the glass back to him, he changes seats so he sits right next to me and leans down so our foreheads almost touch.
"Do you want to get Luke and Jake together?" he whispers and I make my evil face as I nod.
"Do you have a plan?" I ask him.
"Hmm...well I can talk to him and maybe find out if he's at least bi. And then we'll go from there."
Niall pushes himself off the stool and I look at him confused. "Are you doing it now?"
He nods and I watch as he slowly walks away through the water.
"Wait, give me a sign so I'll know." I say and he gives me a thumbs up, before he pushes himself out of the pool with his arms.
I stare at his biceps and then at the way he stands next to Luke and Louis. I can't hear what they're saying, so I decide on sipping on the drink as I subtly look over from time to time.
The wait is getting worse and worse and it's making me anxious, but then I make eye contact with Niall and then look down at his hand.
It's a thumbs up.
I move my head to signal him to come back over and he does, by sitting down at the edge of the pool. I swim over and he opens his legs so I can place my elbows between them.
He rests his forearms against his thighs and bends down.
"I asked him why he and Louis don't just get a room, because they were talking in hushed tones, and then Luke said that it's because Louis already has a room with Harry. So I asked him if that's the only reason and he said yes. And I asked him what he means by that and he said that Louis is a good-looking guy so why not and then Louis blushed and that was it. I left them in an uncomfortable position."
I laugh and then realize that I'm way too close to him and Zoe's here, so I take two steps back.
"Part 2 of plan 'Juke' is a go." I tell Niall and he laughs.
"Plan Juke?"
"Yeah, like Jake and Luke. Or Lake? Juke is better."
"What's the plan?"
I think about it.
"Just...generate tension. I don't know. I'll have to think about it for a few minutes. I'll be back." I say and then swim like a dog to where Jake is lounging.
"Did you find out something?" he asks and I nod.
He gets off the lounger to come over to the edge of the pool and crouch down.
"He's definitely bi to say the least."
"Yaaas." He whispers and then looks around to make sure no one is listening in to our conversation. "So what's my next move?"
"Are you actually asking me about a plan? You're always the mastermind."
"Yeah, but I saw you and Niall talking and I think this is a job for you two. After all, you also got Harry and Louis together. You're like the gay whisperers."
I laugh and agree. "Okay, we'll come up with a very not obvious plan and I'll get back to you."
Niall and I devise a plan in which we play that game where someone gets on someone else's shoulders and then try to knock the other team down.
Everyone joins in and I end up on Zayn's shoulders, because Zoe is on Niall's. And Jake on Luke's. Ten minutes into the game, Jake and I are the only ones left standing, so as I grab his arms and try to knock him into the water, he whispers to me:
"Bitch, he's so fucking strong I'm gonna let him to all sorts of things to me."
I laugh and he tries to knock me over but I pinch his nipple and then take the opportunity to push him to the side, which causes him to fall over.
I scream in victory and Zayn lets me down.
"We make a good team babe." He says and I smile up at him.
"You know it's time to go under though." Jake says and I give him a warning look. I put my hair up into a bun because I didn't want to get it wet.
"Do NOT even try." I say and he eventually gives up the idea.
Twenty minutes later people are starting to get sleepy so they clear out one by one, until Niall, Jake, Louis, Luke and I are the only ones left.
Jake is on the lounger with sunglasses on (even though there's no fucking sun in here an the lights are almost all off) and Luke is by the bar with Niall and Louis. I'm chilling at the edge of the pool with a drink in hand when Niall walks over to me through the water.
"What?" I ask and he stops to stand between my spread legs.
He smirks and looks down between my legs.
"Stop." I say and cross them.
"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" he laughs and pushes his wet hair back.
Why the fuck does he look so good all the time it makes me angry.
"Memories of what?" I ask. I'm still tipsy and his sexual innuendos aren't helping my situation. Plus, he has a girlfriend. Not that that's ever stopped us before, even though it should've. But this time there are people around. Well, Luke actually walked in on us one time and then Jake knows and Sophia has her suspicions, but still.
"You know." he trails off.
"Are you horny?" I ask, looking at him as I suck on the straw.
He looks down at my lips. "Yeah."
"Then go upstairs to find Zoe."
"Why would I?" he asks.
I ignore his question because he's just acting dumb right now.
"I think you need to get wet." Niall says, grabbing my ankles underwater.
"No thank you."
"Not in sexual way."
"Still, no thank you." I say and I feel Jake's hand on my shoulders.
"What the fuck? Are you teaming up against me? You too, Brutus?" I say as I look up at Jake and place my drink down.
"Call me Judas bitch." He says and then pushes me at the same time Niall pulls me by my ankles and soon enough, I'm underwater, getting my hair all wet.
"You assholes!" I yell when I'm back up at the surface.
I splash Niall in the face and he takes it as a sign of war, because he's splashing me back and I don't have any other choice but to go underwater to escape him.
He comes underwater as well and I blink at him, the chlorine stinging my eyes, but I feel him grab my face and kissing me. After two seconds, I pull back and get back up.
"Stop it." I tell him.
"What?" he laughs.
We're interrupted by Harry coming through the door with his BeatsPill speaker in one hand and a silver box in the other.
"Brought what you asked for." He tells Louis, who leaves Luke alone to get out of the water.
"Fuck yeah." Niall says and looks over to the loungers where Louis just started rolling a spliff.
Harry starts playing some music and I decide that it's time to get back to my drink.
I lean my elbows on the edge of the pool as I take sips from the straw, watching Louis and Harry in their process of rolling.
I know Niall is right behind me because his breath touches my neck before his arms wrap around me and his lips press against my ear.
I try to get away from him because it does thing to me, but it's a really bad effort because truth be told, I like it.
"I think you should've won queen." He says into my ear and my legs to weak.
"Why?" I ask, not moving my head from where I'm still sipping at the straw.
"Because you deserve it."
"Yeah well, not everyone had the same opinion." I say and turn around to face him, which causes my lower body to rub against his crotch. I lean my elbows against the edge of the pool and look up at him. "Plus you won, so isn't that all that matters?"
"Nah. I didn't even vote for myself."
I squint at him. "I find that hard to believe."
"Want to find something else hard?" he smirks and pushes his crotch against mine.
"You two disgust me." Jake says from behind me and I turn my head to look at the way he's laying on the lounger, looking at us over his sunglasses.
"Then don't look." I tell him.
"I can't not look."
"Yeah, same." Luke says and sits down on the empty lounger between Jake and Larry.
"It's done." Louis lets us know and holds up the spliff.
I try to get out of the pool but my upper body strength is horrible, so Niall grips into my waist and helps me up on my knees. And of course he has to slap my ass as I properly stand up before he lifts himself up. As payback, I push him back in.
"I'll get you back for that." he warns when he's finally on the lounger with Luke and Jake, while I'm sitting with Harry and Louis.
I roll my eyes and we all watch Louis do the honors of lighting it up.
"Everything about this is extremely illegal." I say.
"Take a chill pill, mom." Jake laughs.
"Surpriiise." Louis says and pulls out another spliff, which Harry lights up.
"This day can't get any better." Niall says and Luke smirks like he knows something we don't.
So we end up passing two spliffs between the two of us, and we can't stop laughing at a story Jake is telling.
"Do we have any more left?" Luke asks Louis, who nods.
"Last one in the water has to roll!" Harry screams and I'm immediately on my feet running towards the water, followed by Niall, Louis and Harry.
Luke and Jake look at each other, obviously too high to actually understand what's going on.
"You crush and I roll the tip?" Jake suggests and Luke agrees.
Jake changes the song on the loudspeaker and then gets to work.
"Are you still drunk?" I ask Niall because I'm trying to ignore the fact that Louis and Harry are making out and that it makes me kind of horny.
"No, but I'm high as fuck."
I smile and then giggle. "Yeah me too."
The first beats of my favorite Justin Bieber comes on and my eyes go wide.
"Everybody gets high sometimes you know." I start with the biggest smile on my face.
"What else can we do when we're feeling low?" Niall continues and shrugs, which makes me laugh and also a bit surprised because he sounds great even though he's not trying to.
He stretches his arm out to grab mine and pulls me into him. I look up at him and feel his arms slide down to cup my ass, but before I can protest he lifts me up so that I can wrap my legs around his waist.
And if you feel you're sinking I will jump right over into cold cold water for you
"Do you remember when I literally jumped into cold water for you?" I ask him as I place my hands on his shoulders.
"Of course." He says looking up at me. "I'll never forget that."
We stare at each other as the song continues.
"Am I your lifeline tonight?" I joke, referring to the lyrics.
He licks his lips. "Yeah, always." But he doesn't look like he's joking, which makes me turn serious.
My hands slide further down his back. "Always?" I ask.
"You're just saying that."
His grip on the back of my thighs strengthens. "I'm not. I'd never lie to you."
I snort. "Yeah right."
"I'm serious."
I gulp and stare at his lips for a split second.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how bad would it be if I kissed him right now?
"Like, minus a hundred." He whispers and I realize that I just talked out loud again.
"Shit, I did it again."
"Let's play a game." I say.
"What game?"
"I ask questions and you answer."
"Don't I get to ask questions?"
"Yeah okay, we each get three questions." I tell him. "And pinky promise that we answer correctly."
"Pinky promise." He says and holds up his pinky finger, so I link it with mine.
"You first." I say.
"How high are you right now?"
I laugh. "Very. You?"
"Same." He smirks up at me.
Wait, we just used up one question for no reason at all.
"Okay. Hmm...what should I do for my birthday?" I ask him.
"When's your birthday?"
"On Valentine's day."
"But that's next week." He says.
"I know, that's why I'm asking."
"Your brother's idea with the amusement park was fun. I'm tired of the same old parties." He suggests and I think about it.
"What about Disneyland?"
"In Paris?" he asks, shocked.
"Yeah. I could rent a private jet or something."
"Jesus Christ."
"Actually, that wouldn't be such a bad idea. I can talk to my dad about it and get like ten to fifteen people and oh my God, it's sounds great! And we stay two nights and then come back on Sunday!"
"You're insane."
"But wouldn't you come? And bring your little brother?" I suggest.
"Of course I would. But who will take care of him if we go out?"
"Lilly and Jason of course, since they can't get into clubs."
He thinks about it and then tells me that it's his turn to ask me a question.
"Do you think you and Zayn will have something in the future?" he asks.
I bite my lip. "I don't know."
"Is that your last question?" I laugh and he rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
"Okay my turn!" I say excited. "And this is not the actual question, but do you remember that interview we did with Harry?"
He nods.
"Well you said you're afraid of nothing. So I want to know, what are you afraid of? Like, your biggest fear?"
He looks up and thinks about it. "I don't know."
"You pinky promised to say the truth."
"Is it love? Did I get it right?"
"No, it's not love, that's a cliché. It's like; people who say they're afraid of love are bullshitting. It's not love people are afraid of, it's getting hurt. You know, being afraid that if you let your feelings show and open up to someone they'll hurt you by not returning them or do something else. I don't know how to explain it. Vulnerability, weakness... that terrifies me. By loving someone you give them the power to fucking ruin you. That's what I'm afraid of. Not love."
I want to tell him that I'd never to that to him, but I don't. "Yeah but...you know, if that person loves you back, they won't hurt you."
"Hah, yeah." He laughs. "My father vowed to my mother that he'd treat her right. She loved him and he loved her too at some point, then he changed, and look where we are now."
"Just because your father was that way it doesn't mean that everyone you'll meet will be the same."
"Well no one's the same, sure. But the external factors don't change."
Before he can ask me his last question, Luke calls us over to share the last spliff of the night, because it's already three in the morning.
During my turn, I look at Jake and Luke, and being as high as I am, I think about a fun thing to say.
"You know what would be really fun?" I ask. "If you guys would shotgun. That would be amazing."
I'm as obvious as a fucking train. But still, neither of them protests so I hand Luke the joint and then bite my lip to hold down a smile when their lips touch to exchange smoke.
I make eye contact with Niall who nods with respect.
"Now kiss." I say, throwing the entire chill I had left in me out the window.
And they fucking do kiss, and Luke fucking cups Jake's face and I am fucking done. If there is one thing I want in life, that's Jake being happy.
Harry and Louis' jaw hit the floor and Niall breaks them up by complaining about them holding the joint for too long.
We finish the joint ten minutes later and talk for another fifteen, until Luke yawns, which makes the rest of us yawn as well.
I grab my towel and wait for the rest of them at the elevator, because I'm trying to figure Niall out. Harry's BeatsPill is still going and the songs he chooses are fucking amazing, so it puts all of us in a great mood.
"Let's annoy the others who decided to be little babies." Niall suggests in the elevator as I undo my bun to let my hair dry properly.
The four of them look skeptical, but I'm so pumped up right now, I urge them on. They still keep their ground so I take Harry's speaker and connect my phone to it.
Harry, Louis and Luke go to their suite (not before Jake snogs Luke's face off though), meanwhile Jake, Niall and I go into ours, even though Niall is supposed to be sleeping with Zoe in the other suite.
"I want my kisses back from you, I'm taking all my kisses back from you!" I yell as we enter the apartment and play the song to the maximum volume.
Jake yells along with me and Niall laughs before he finally joins us in screaming out lyrics in the living room.
A song by The Script comes on and Niall is absolutely ecstatic, yelling that they're Irish as well. Jake and I are on the couch and Niall is on the floor, belting out the lyrics to 'Paint the town green'.
"LET'S MAKE THIS PLACE FEEL LIKE A HOOOOME, IT'S JUST YOU AND ME!" I yell and point to Jake, who points at me (exactly like we always do during songs with 'you and me' in them) and then turn to Niall, who hasn't been this happy in a long time.
I change the song and Rooftops by Nico Santos comes on, which is one of my favorites right now.
"You make me a belieeverrr." Niall sings and I smile at him, waiting for the chorus by putting my index finger up.
"I'M SHOUTING FROM THE ROOFTOP BABY! TELL ME WILL YOU COME AND SAVE ME!" I yell, jumping, throwing my hands in the air.
I look at Niall, who's looking right back at me. "Are you just a lover, or my twin soul? Fire the shots and I need to know!" we yell at each other, eyes almost closed from how much we're laughing, it's amazing.
Jake gets down from the couch to dance over to the fridge and get some food, still singing, so I place my hands on Niall's shoulder and jump onto him. He catches me by wrapping his arms under my ass.
I look over his shoulder at Jake, who's stuffing his face because he has the munchies, so I decide it's time to go to bed.
Niall apparently reads my mind, because he starts walking towards the bedrooms, and the first one he walks into is Perrie and Jake's, which is empty, so he walks all the way up to the bed where he places me down.
"I need to take a shower first." I say and he asks me if I want him to join me, but I deny.
After I've taken a shower and wrapped myself into a new towel, I go over to mine and Zayn's room to find my shorts and shirt I took to use them my pyjamas. Zayn and Bryan are passed out on the bed, so I grab my stuff and go back to Perrie's room to put my clothes on.
Niall walks in, freshly showered and wearing some Nike shorts.
"Aren't you sleeping in your room?" I ask him.
"Perrie is in my bed with Zoe. Aren't you sleeping in your room?"
"Bryan is in my bed with Zayn." I answer and then pull the covers back so I can get into bed.
He does the same and turns off the lamp by the bedside table, leaving us in darkness. I'm on my back, staring up at the ceiling and I know he's doing the same thing because our elbows are touching.
"I have one more question left." Niall says and I nod, forgetting that he can't see me.
"Go ahead."
"Do you actually believe what you said to me earlier? About two people being made for each other, to complete each other."
"Of course."
"Because people were made to love and to be loved. As cliché as it sounds, love makes the whole world go round. The problem is that the love for things who are meant to be used is much more significant these days than the love for people, who are now being used." I say.
"And what if you don't meet that person?"
"Oh, you do, at some point, but you might not know it. But I believe that the universe always has a way of working out. If you do good, then you always get good, even though you don't realize it sometimes."
"What if you don't do good?"
I roll my eyes. "Most people are good, even the bad ones. They do the things they do because in their eyes, they think that those things are good, that they're supposed to be doing that. That's just how they think."
"Do you think I've done good in my life?" he asks.
"Every single selfless thing you did is good and pure. Putting others before yourself is the purest thing in my opinion and you do that every day with your family, I've seen it."
The bed shifts and I know he's looking at me.
"Why do you think that?"
"Because that's how it is, and don't even try to think about it being any other way. You've done a million things for your family that I don't even know about, and you made it out of love, not for yourself. You have a bigger heart than me, a bigger heart than most people. But you just don't show it. I know you do."
I turn my head to look at him. "I just do. You might think horrible things of yourself, but the truth is that you're a good person. The problem is that you weren't feeling loved when you needed it the most and that made you put up walls, and that's not your fault. But that doesn't mean you deserved it, and you need to realize that."
We stay silent for a while, staring at the ceiling. If I couldn't hear his breathing, I'd think he fell asleep.
"I'd like to change my answer." He says.
"Which one?"
"To the question about my biggest fear."
I smile. "What are you more afraid of than that?"
I snort. "What? I scare you? You're literally a head taller than I am."
"Not in that way." He says and I bet he's rolling his eyes right now.
"In what way then?"
"You just...know stuff. About me. And it makes me feel vulnerable."
"So you're still afraid of being vulnerable, not me."
"No, I'm afraid of you."
I pout. "Come on, I'm not that scary."
"Yeah you are." He breathes. "Terrifying. You tell me things that I don't even think about but then again I feel them. I mean, I don't know how to explain it."
"I understand what you mean." I lick my lips. "But you know I'd never do anything to hurt you, right?"
"Maybe not on purpose." He says.
"Never on purpose. I'd never hurt anyone. Let alone someone I...care about."
"You care about me?" he asks and I can hear his smirk as he tries to lighten the mood.
"Of course I do, you idiot."
He softly kicks me under the covers and I kick him back.
"So I think I'm going to do the Disneyland thing." I say, because I don't want our conversation to end yet. "And you need to bring Eddie along, he'll love it."
"He'll cry." He laughs.
"I'll cry, Disneyland is like my favorite place ever."
"Of course it is."
I frown. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means I noticed your Mickey Mouse keychain on your car keys and the smudged Belle sticker in your car. Or the stuffed monkey from Aladdin in your bedroom."
"Shit." I laugh. "I forgot about that Belle sticker on my car dashboard."
"So I think you'll be just as excited about being there as my five-year-old brother. More, even."
"Yeah probably." I laugh.
"Which is your favorite princess?"
"Belle, definitely." I answer. "Which is yours?"
"I don't know, I don't really watch Disney movies."
"Liar." I say.
"Fine, I don't know. I kind of like Jazmine from Aladdin."
"Hmm, good choice." I say and yawn as I stretch my legs before I turn on my side, facing away from him. "Good night."
"Good night." He says.
Ten seconds later, the bed shifts and I feel one of his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer into him.
I fall asleep with his heart beating against my back and a million thoughts in my mind, all of them involving Niall.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D
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Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:
1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??
2. what should happen in the next chapter?
3. What would you like to see on Rey's birthday? How should it play out? Any ideas about anything are welcome :)
4. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story! (I already have a few ideas written down because of your ideas guys! <3 )
You guys are amazing!
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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