25: "Oh, baby, someone already did"
Hi guys! I'm not that happy with this chapter, I don't know why, but maybe it's just in my head? I hope you like it anyway :D Since I am back at Uni, chapters won't be updated weekly, although I'm trying my best.
Also, I hear the polish 'matura' exams are coming next week? So I would like to say good luck to everyone who's taking them and we'll all be keeping our fingers crossed!
p.s. Because Polyvore shut down and I couldn't find a site that did the same thing, I will post pictures of the outfits (BUT if you know of a site like Polyvore, please let me know!)
Also, after you're finished with the chapter, keep an eye out on my 'theboyfriendstagram' Tumblr because I'm announcing a new Larry story today!
Happy reading and don't forget to let me know what you thought of the story throughout the chapter! :D
Previously on chapter 24:
We stay like that for a few moments, until he finally pulls out and I bend over to grab my bag and get some tissues out.
"Don't bend over." He warns and I stand up straight and turn around to face him.
After we clean off, we dress back up and I just realize how fucking cold it actually is, and how much he can actually keep me warm.
"You got everything?" he asks and runs a hand through his hair, still heavily breathing.
I nod and walk next to him towards the door. He goes to open it, but it doesn't budge.
"Give me the keys." He says.
"What keys? The football players have the keys to this door." I say and his eyes widen.
"You have the keys, don't you?" I ask.
"No, I don't have the fucking keys." He says and pats himself down to check.
He doesn't have the fucking keys.
I groan. "Great, now we're locked outside."
Rey's POV
Niall and I stare at each other for a few moments.
"Staring at each other won't fix anything." I tell him and he looks over at the fence that separates the pitch from the schoolyard.
"We can jump over it." he suggests.
"Are you serious? I can't climb it, it's too tall."
"I'll help you." He says and rolls his eyes.
I sigh and follow him over to the fence, where he bends his knees and tangles his fingers together.
I place the bag on the floor and grip into the fence, before he lifts his arms up and I get to grab the top of the fence.
"Wait, take a photo of me." I tell him.
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, come on! I can't hold on any longer."
He takes my phone from the bag and a flash goes off. Then he pushes me further up by my ass, until one leg is over the fence.
"Ow." I say and he snickers. "What?"
"You're sore?"
"Don't flatter yourself."
"Aw." He pouts in a mocking tone. "I thought you liked it between your legs."
"Fuck you." I mumble and then I see him looking at the screen.
"One message from Zayn." He reads.
"What does it say?"
"Loved the kissing part, we should do this another time." He reads and then throws my phone in my bag.
I swing another leg over the fence and then I let go, almost falling on my ass but catching myself in the last second.
He warns me that he'll throw the bag over and before I can even process his words, the bag almost hits me in the face, but I catch it.
Ten seconds later, he climbs over and falls on his feet next to me.
"Do you want me to drop you off at home?" I ask him and he shakes his head, telling me that he's going to drop by at Zoe's because her parents fell asleep.
He leaves me by my car in the parking lot and my phone vibrates in my pocket. It's a message from Jake.
Jake: u in the mood for McDonald's?
I tell him that I'll pick him up in ten minutes, because I need to talk to him about everything that happened just now.
But when I get to his house, I'm surprised to see that Zayn also climbs in the back. I smile at him in the rearview mirror and he smiles back, licking his lips.
I drive us to the closest McDonald's drive thru and then drive all the way up on a hill where you can see the whole town.
"We match." Zayn observes as we get out of the car, so I ask Jake to take a picture of us as we sit against the trunk of the car. He does, but not before complaining how gross we are.
"Oh come on Jake, I never complain when you tell me how good Jason looks." I tell him, and he has to agree with me, even though we both know that I always complain about it.
We eat out McDonald's on the hood on my car, chatting about nonsense and laughing about the bad jokes Jake is making, before I drive them back home.
I can't help but feel a bit of butterflies in my stomach when Zayn presses a kiss to my lips before getting out of the car. Jake makes a gagging noise and then says 'BYE BITCH'. And then I watch them enter their house, until I finally drive off.
I go a hundred times through everything that happened tonight, and I hate myself. Why the fuck can't I resist Niall FUCKING Horan? And why am I starting to like Zayn? Why am I like this?
Just as I get into bed, I realize that I didn't get to talk to Jason about what happened with Niall and about what I feel for his brother, so I make a mental note to bring it up tomorrow at Harry's party.
It's way past 9pm the next day when I finally settle on an outfit to wear to Harry's party. I finally settle on a tight, light purple dress and black heels, because I'm classy like that.
Jason is already waiting for me downstairs, kind of pissed off that it took me so long to get dressed.
"Calm your tits, I'm ready." I tell him as I check my makeup in the mirror in the hallway one more time before I open the door.
The Uber is waiting for us outside and it takes us twenty minutes to get to Harry's house, even though he lives in the neighborhood next to ours.
"Are you okay?" I ask him just as we're about to ring the doorbell, because I realize that he's a bit pale.
"Yeah, 'm fine. Just waited too long for you." Jason answers and I frown, because I know when he's lying. But before I can ask any further questions, he presses the doorbell and ten seconds later; Harry opens the door with a giant smile on his face.
"Happy birthday babe!" I exclaim and hug him, pressing kisses on both his cheeks.
"Thanks." he laughs and proceeds to shake Jason's hand, before inviting us in.
It's close to ten already, which means that the party already started without us. And judging by the fact that Jake's shirt is almost off, it means they've done some pretty heavy drinking.
"LET'S DO SOME SHOTS!" Jake yells as soon as he sees me, not even bothering to say hello. But it's Jake, so it's his way of welcoming me to the party.
The living room is empty because everyone is outside in the back garden, enjoying the fact that it's a quite warm night compared to others.
"Tequila? Vodka?" Jake slurs, pointing to the bottles aligned on the counter.
"Tequila." I answer, but he already grabbed it before I could even answer. He knows me too well.
"Three in a row?" he suggests and I find myself agreeing, because I can already smell the expensive perfume all the way from the backyard, where Zoe is probably laughing at one of Niall's horrible jokes.
We down three shots one after the other, and I only suck on a lime after the third one.
"Zayn's got some...good stuff." Jake whispers, even though there's no one in the kitchen.
I follow him outside in the backyard and almost all heads turn when the door creaks, signaling that someone just exited the house to join the party.
Niall and Zoe are the only ones who don't look up, so I take the opportunity to look at them. Zoe is leaning against the wall and Niall has one hand beside her head, talking in a low voice about something I can't understand.
But I know that look in his eyes. It's the exact look he gave me last night when I was pressed against the wall and he was turning me on without even knowing.
Fuck him.
"Want to share?" Zayn asks, appearing out of nowhere with a fat spliff between his long fingers.
I nod and bite my lip, because FUCK ME, he looks good.
Jake rolls his eyes at me when he sees what a thirsty bitch I am, but I choose to ignore him. As Zayn lights it up, I search for my brother, to find him next to Lilly and a couple of his teammates. He seems okay, so I look back at the lit spliff in Zayn's hand.
After a few rounds in which the three of us took two drags each, I can't help but wonder how Zayn's fingers would feel inside me.
Oh shit, all the sudden drinking and smoking got to my head.
"Shotgun." I say, watching Zayn's lips, completely forgetting the fact that Jake is also here.
Zayn smirks and takes a long drag, before he leans down and presses his open mouth against mine, and then blows the smoke. I inhale it and then let it out in his face.
He has such long lashes and sharp cheekbones.
"Shot?" Bryan asks, coming out of nowhere. It smells like Vodka, but I take it without even thinking twice. Zayn and Jake also take one, and we down it at the same time after toasting to Harry's birthday.
"I like your cheekbones." I tell Zayn when Jake has the spliff.
"Thanks." he laughs.
"I like your face actually." I add and smirk up at him.
Okay, now I'm tipsy and not even an hour has gone by.
"I like your face." I say again.
"I know, you told me. I like yours too." Zayn smiles and looks down at my lips.
"Can I sit on it?" I ask, a bit too loud than I should've, because everyone turns to look at us, apparently waiting for Zayn's response.
"Yeah, whenever you want." He finally says and Jake gags, walking away, screaming.
"I need to go to the...bathroom." I say. I feel hot. And horny. And if someone doesn't stop me, I will literally fuck Zayn Malik tonight.
"You okay?" Zayn asks and I nod, looking him in the eye to show him that it's true.
I make my way to the downstairs bathroom and shut the door before I look at myself in the mirror. I analyze my face for a few minutes and then start making funny faces just for the fun of it.
There's a knock on the door and I yell that it's occupied, but the door opens anyway.
"It's fucking occupied." I say and turn my head to see Niall coming in.
"Are you serious?" I ask when he starts literally taking a piss.
"Harry wouldn't allow me to piss in his flower pot." He says and I know he's high just from hearing his voice.
After he's done, I look at him as he washes his hands. He's beautiful.
"I want my kisses back." I tell him and he turns off the tap to look at me.
"I want it back. Everything." I state.
"Why is that?" he asks, obviously mocking me.
"I want to give it all to Zayn." I tell him, crossing my arms. I'm not even saying this to make him jealous, I actually mean it.
"No you don't." Niall says and I nod to show him that I'm serious.
"Yes, I do."
"He likes me. And I like him."
Niall takes a step towards me and I take a step back, and I get an extreme déjà vu. I am done with these types of situations, so I place my hands on his chest to make sure he can't move any further towards me.
"Do you want me to turn you on?" he asks in a low voice, and there's a hint of anger in it.
"No thank you, I'm already turned on." I tell him, and I'm not even lying.
"Yeah you do." He snickers and reaches one hand out towards my legs, but I grab his wrist and hold it in place.
"Don't even think about it."
"Or what?" he provokes me, and I hate him.
"I'm done with this. Yesterday was a mistake." I say. "And you're an asshole! You probably love having more than one girl to fuck and play around with, don't you?!"
He doesn't answer, so I let go of his wrist.
"I want to go find Zayn." I tell him and try to walk past him, but he places a hand on my stomach, stopping me.
"Are you sure?" he asks.
"About what?"
"That you're done with this?"
"What is this, exactly?" I ask, looking up at him.
"Us being friends."
"What, we can't be friends if I'm having sex with Zayn?"
"You're an asshole." I spit and he lets his hand fall down from my stomach.
"Go on then. But don't forget how you were moaning my name when I ate you out."
I lick my lips involuntarily at the memory, and he sees me. Shit.
"You ate me out as a friend."
"Yeah." He confirms.
"And Zayn's going to fuck me as more than a friend." I tell him and his eyes flicker.
"No he's not."
"Yeah, he is." I smirk at him. "And you're fucking Zoe as more than a friend, and that's that."
"Are you sure?"
"Stop fucking asking me that!" I snap. "I'm not your side bitch or whatever! I'm not yours to fuck around with when there's nothing better to do."
"Is that what you think?"
"It's what I fucking know." I tell him and manage to walk over to the door.
"If you leave right now, the whole just friends thing is over."
I look him in the eye, just like he did when he told me to drop it, and then I open the door, letting it shut behind me in a dramatic way.
When I get back to the others, they've moved the table from the porch over in the middle of the yard to play beer pong. Bryan is on one side, waiting for a partner and Zayn on the other, also waiting for someone.
"Would you like to be my partner?" Zayn asks, smiling as I approach him.
"Yeah sure." I laugh and take a look at the six red cups filled with alcohol, not beer. They're filled with Tequila, so instead of drinking a full cup of beer, we'll be taking a shot of Tequila.
"After all, I kind of let you sit on my face." Zayn continues the joke, just as Niall walks over to stand next to Bryan.
"Did you?" I tease, completely ignoring the fact that the game should be starting but it hasn't yet because I am holding the ping-pong ball.
"Well, not literally." He flirts back. "Yet."
"Is that a promise?" I laugh and Bryan whines, telling us to get a room after we've finished the game.
I oblige and throw the ball, but it bounces off the table into the grass. Somehow, the fact that we don't have an audience makes me play worse than I usually am.
"If we win, I'll let you." Zayn says, and I know that Bryan and Niall heard it, because Bryan asks me if he should lose on purpose now.
"And what if we lose?" I ask and catch the ball Bryan just threw so it won't fall off the table.
"Then we'll figure it out." he laughs and throws the ball, but misses one of the cups by an inch.
It's Niall's turn now, and he throws it right into one of the cups, without the ball even touching the table.
Five minutes later, both Niall and I have downed a shot, which means each of the teams have five cups left.
"Baabe." Zoe says and walks over to Niall. She's clearly drunk as she whispers something into his ear.
"Didn't you say you were on your period?" Niall asks in a hushed tone, but we hear it, because there's no one else outside.
"My mouth isn't."
Niall smirks and Zoe tells them that he has to win the game if he wants her to keep her promise. Great, now Niall's definitely going to bring his A game and I'm not going to sit on Zayn's face. Ugh. Zoe leaves us to go back inside, screaming someone's name as she does so.
As I figured, the next shot Niall takes lands right into one of our cups, which Zayn has to down now.
It's my turn now and thank God, I manage to get the ball into one of their cups. Bryan drinks it.
"Shit, it's tense now, isn't it?" Bryan smirks when Niall misses and curses under his breath.
"Just a bit." I admit as I watch Zayn take his shot. He doesn't miss, so I kiss him because I'm way too happy. And tipsy.
"Not at all." Niall tells Bryan, and without even looking, throws the ball. It lands into our cup, and I get angry because I know he did that to prove a point.
I down the shot and then shoot back, missing.
Bryan also misses, but Zayn doesn't, which means we've got three cups left and they only have two. But then, of course, Niall makes the shot and Zayn has to drink.
"Now it's tense." Bryan adds and lights up a joint, which isn't helping the situation at all.
Niall throws the ball and of fucking course he doesn't miss. And neither do I when I shoot back. So we've each got one more cup left. And it's Bryan's turn, who misses because he's too preoccupied with his joint right now.
"Come on Zayn, you can do this." I tell him, but it comes out a bit slurred. And he fucking misses.
Niall has the ball, and the three of us watch him as he looks at mine and Zayn's last cup, before he takes the shot.
We watch it fall right into the cup with a small splash, which means it's game over.
"Good job mate." Bryan laughs and pats Niall's shoulder before offering him a drag from the joint. I watch them as I down the last cup anyway.
"Don't be sad babe." Zayn teases and pulls me into him.
"We lost." I pout, partly because I'm starting to go from tipsy to drunk, and partly because I want him to make a sexual remark. I'm so frustrated it's insane.
"Want me to make you feel better?" he asks and I lick my lips.
"Mmm, I wouldn't mind."
He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back immediately, throwing my arms around his neck. He's so hot and I'm so drunk it's perfect.
"Aye man, don't fuck her here. At least take her upstairs." Bryan laughs and Zayn smiles against my lips as he grips into my thighs and hoists me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist.
"USE PROTECTION!" Bryan yells as Zayn starts to walk towards the house.
I break the kiss for a moment and look over Zayn's shoulder, to look at Niall. Something inside me knew that he'd be looking right at me. And I was right, because we make eye contact immediately. I avert my eyes a few seconds later because Zayn enters the house and I tell him to put me down because there are way too many people here.
I follow him upstairs and I kiss him as soon as we get into an empty room with a bed. We kiss with him pressed against the door and I keep asking myself how can someone be so hot and smell so good.
He pushes me backwards until the back of my knees hit the edge of the bed and I let myself fall, with him on top of me.
We kiss like that for a few minutes until I've had enough and decide to pull his shirt over his head. My eyes fall on his tattoos and his amazing chest before he's back on top of me, kissing me roughly, just the way I like it.
One of his hands comes down to pull my dress up, but his phone rings and he groans.
"Ignore it." I say against his lips.
"I can't." he moans.
"Why not?"
He pulls back. "That's Jake's ringtone."
I roll my eyes and look at him as he answers the call.
"What? Where? Ugh, okay."
He ends the call and grabs his shirt.
"What's going on?"
"My brother got fucking piss drunk and he needs me to go downstairs and help him off the floor of the bathroom. Or at least I think that's what he said."
"Fuckin' Jake." I mumble and he smirks.
"Don't worry, I'll make it up to you." He says and holds out his pinky finger, so I link it with mine.
I watch him leave and sigh before I can bring myself to get up from the bed. When I exit the room, I bump into Niall who's just coming out of another. Of fucking course.
I don't say anything and he doesn't say anything as he walks a bit behind me towards the stairs. I can't take it, so I decide to reach out and grab the first doorknob I see, hoping it leads to a bathroom. I open it, and thank God, it does.
Niall stops, which tells me that this was a bad idea because that's where he was also going.
"Is it urgent?" I ask, not even looking at him.
"Just need a towel."
"Yeah, same." I lie and walk into the bathroom to get his towel.
When I hand it to him, I take a moment to actually look at him. His hair is disheveled and his lips are red, and he looks just like he did each time we were 'just friends'.
"Have fun." I tell him.
"Oh, I already did." He says and it comes out in a tone that I know is supposed to be hurtful.
"Are you trying to spite me or something?" I ask. "Because I can also play the spiteful game."
"Whatever do you mean?" he asks, mocking me.
"I mean, are you trying to gloat about the fact that you just fucked her or?"
"What? No way." He sarcastically answers and suddenly takes off his shirt. For a second I'm focused on his toned chest, but then I see the hickeys on it. My nostrils flare.
"You want to play this game?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"What game?"
"The game in which we're trying to prove to each other that we've got other...friends?" I ask.
"Well, from what I see, I'm winning." He laughs, but it's a fake laugh and it angers me. "Also, I know you didn't come for a towel. Because it took like ten minutes since you left."
"Oh really? Don't even try to provoke me."
"Or what?"
"Or I'm going to prove you wrong." I say.
"Ah, princess, I think you're losing the game."
"We'll see." I tell him and he shrugs, throwing me a fake smile before he leaves.
I walk back into the room where Zayn left me and text him to come upstairs now. I'm horny, drunk, and angry, which is the worst combination ever.
But if Niall wants to play this game, then I'll play. And I know exactly what to do.
I mean, I've told him before that I'll Facetime him during sex, didn't I?
When the door opens, I'm on my feet. I kiss Zayn as soon as he comes in and he smirks, locking the door. I pull his shirt over his head quickly and then my own dress, before he hoists me up again and walks us over to the bed.
After ten minutes of kissing, foreplay and him asking me if I'm sure because I've had quite a bit to drink, he finally decides it's time to fuck me properly. So after sitting on his face like he promised me (and I fucking LOVED it by the way), I get on top and ride him for a bit.
"Do you mind if I Facetime someone?" I ask out of a sudden and he looks at me in a weird way through his lashes.
"Who do you want to Facetime?" he laughs.
"Okay." He says and grips into my hips, thrusting into me, which makes it difficult for me to concentrate on finding Niall's number and pressing the Facetiming video call button.
I eventually manage to do so and it rings two times before Niall finally answers.
"It's me." I say, sitting still. We're both in dark places but I can see his face and he can see mine.
"Yeah, I can see that." he sarcastically says and then I flip the camera to show Zayn to him, who's licking his lips as he looks up at me. Then I flip it back.
"Told you." Is the last thing I say before I end the call, toss the phone somewhere on the bed, and lean down to kiss Zayn.
When it's over, we smoke a cigarette in bed (Zayn reassures me that Harry wouldn't have anything against it since it's his bed), and then we get dressed to go back downstairs.
Zayn's got his arm around me when we arrive in the kitchen to get something else to drink, and just my luck, Niall and Zoe are here too, doing the same thing.
Niall and I make eye contact as Zayn gets me something to drink, and even though I'm drunk out of my mind, it suddenly downs on me. I just fucking face timed him while I was riding Zayn.
And then, I feel like the biggest shit on earth because he must think I'm the sluttiest girl ever. But then again, he's doing the same thing with Zoe and I (or used to, at least), and saying that I'm a slut but he isn't is kind of sexist.
I straighten my back and pretend to be busy looking at Zayn mixing my drink. But all I can think about is how the best sex I ever had was with Niall on that football pitch. I wonder if I'll ever relive that feeling again: adrenaline and arousal and lust and maybe even love, all at once.
But then I remember who Niall is and what he did, and then I'm back to resenting him.
Zayn hands me my drink and I kiss his cheek.
"Fancy a joint?" he asks and I nod, telling him that I'll be there in a few minutes after I find something to eat.
"I wanna join!" Zoe says from the other side of the room, even though Zayn didn't ask her.
Zayn shrugs and smiles, like the kind person he is, and holds the door open for Zoe, before the two of them are gone. After what happened ten minutes ago, it seems like neither Zoe nor Zayn are worried about Niall and I being alone in the same room.
But then again, why should they be worried? Or jealous? There's nothing there.
I sip on my drink as I look through the cupboards for the crisps I actually hid earlier, but they're gone. I turn around when I hear a crunching noise, just to see Niall munching on them.
"You bitch." I say and he licks his lips just to annoy me.
"What?" he asks and I point towards the crisps.
"Those were mine."
"Says who?"
"Says me, who hid them when I arrived a few hours ago."
"Didn't you already have dessert?" he asks and I know he's referring to Zayn and I having sex.
"Give them to me." I say, taking a step towards him, trying to grab the bag out of his hand. He holds them over his head, where he knows I won't be able to reach them.
"Niall." I say, seriously now, because I'm starting to get annoyed.
The way he says my name makes me go weak at the knees, because it's a dark, low voice, more serious than he's ever been with me.
"What." I say.
"You had sex with him."
"So? Can't I do that?"
"We're not friends anymore. There's no reason for me to give you-"
I dryly laugh. "Is this what it is? Just because you can't fuck me anymore?"
"I can do that whenever I want. The question is, do I want to?"
I snort. "Fuck you."
"Hmm, no thank you."
His pupils are dilated when he looks down at me, and I know just how to play him in order to get my crisps.
"And you think that I can't fuck you any time I want?" I provoke him, stepping closer and closer with each word.
I lick my lips before I bit them, knowing that it turns him on. Or used to, at least.
"I think I can." I say, lowering my voice, because I can hear chatter outside the door. "And you know why?"
Niall raises his eyebrows, as if to ask me why.
"Because you fuckin' loved fucking me."
"Bullshit." He snorts, but there's no emotion behind it, so I know he thinks I'm right.
"Really?" I ask and walk over to the door, locking it.
"What are you doing?"
"Proving you wrong." I smirk, eyes on the bag of crisps.
"Fuck off."
That throws me off a little, because it sounded way meaner than he meant it. But still.
"Say that again, and I'll leave." I tell him, stepping closer. "Say it."
"Tell me to fuck off one more time."
He looks at me and opens his mouth. "I don't want to do that."
"Why not?"
"I don't know, fuck."
"Give me the crisps." I say, trying to grab them one more time, but not succeeding at all.
"If you can be honest with me, I will."
He waits a moment, still holding the crisps over his head.
"Was he better than I was?" he finally asks, catching me off guard.
"At what?"
No. I know I should tell him yes, but that would mean lying, and also losing the crisps.
"No." I say. It's the truth.
"You're just saying that to get the crisps."
"Niall." I whine, annoyed and hungry.
"Prove it, then."
"How the fuck would I prove it?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, but then an idea comes to mind, so I make sure to take the last step needed before we're chest to chest.
He's looking down at me the same way he did that night on the football field.
"You really want me to prove it to you?" I say in an innocent voice as I look at him through my lashes.
He nods.
"Let me tell you a secret." I whisper and he leans his head down, pupils fully dilated.
I press my lips against his ear. "He fucked me good." I whisper and he's thrown aback, so I grab the crisps from him and walk over to the door.
"Fuck you." He says and I smirk at him as I unlock the door.
"Oh, baby, someone already did." I smile and open the door.
Before I leave him, I turn around again.
"And it was the best fuck I've ever had."
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D
Let me know on Twitter by mentioning me @ronniebennett94 or by using the hashtag #coldwaterff what you thought about the chapter/story/everything ! I always like and retweet :)
Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:
1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??
2. what should happen in the next chapter?
3. What do you think about Rey and Zayn having sex?
4. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story!
You guys are amazing!
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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