24:"So why are you touching me?"
Hi guys! This chapter is over 8700 words long and I am very proud of it! I won't be posting until after April 21st, because I will be on holiday with my family until then :)
By the way, I just wanted to say that even though Niall is cheating on Zoe, I do NOT condone cheating, I think it's a really bad thing to do, but for the sake of the story...you know :)
p.s. There are no outfit phots in this scene because Polyvore shut down so I'll figure it out
Happy reading and don't forget to let me know what you thought of the story throughout the chapter! :D
Previously on chapter 24:
There's a knock on the door.
"Occupied." I say.
"No it's not." Niall replies and I go to open it. He slides in quickly and locks the door behind himself.
"What?" I ask.
"Nothing. Had to wee myself." he says and actually does as he just said.
After that, he washes his hands and looks at himself in the mirror too, from behind me.
"Jake figured it out." I say when I feel his hands on my waist.
"Okay." He says as his hands travel up my body to cup my breasts.
"What are you doing?" I ask and turn around. I have to look up at him because he's way taller now that I'm not wearing my heels.
"Just making sure."
"What? That my boobs didn't disappear?"
"No." he tells me and leans down to kiss me.
I respond to the kiss and he cups my face to deepen it for another minute, before I pull back.
"Just friends?" he asks as I open the door.
I nod and step out.
"Just friends."
Rey's POV
The party goes on until five in the morning, and after the third person throws up in the bathroom, it's time to go.
"Well, I should be heading home now." Lilly says as she comes up to me with Jason behind her. "Niall's already left with Zoe, so pray for me."
"What?" Jason laughs, but I get it.
"If I hear her screams one more time I'm going to fucking lose it." Lilly tells him and kisses him on the lips before she puts her coat on and waves at us.
I call an Uber and the two of us wait outside before we get in.
As I sit in the back, I close my eyes and lean my head against the window. Everything that happened tonight comes rushing back to me and I cross my legs because I can still feel him.
But we're just friends and he cheated on her again, so there's that.
I wake up at two in the afternoon because Bentley is licking my face.
"What the-ugh." I groan and push him away to sit up straight.
I grab my phone to check my messages. There's one from Luke and three from Jake, who's pretty pissed off that I drew on him last night.
Luke: you up?
Rey: I am now :))
Luke: great :D I talked to Niall
For two seconds I freak out because I think Niall told him what happened, but then another text comes in.
Luke: he said it's ok to come over @4 to work on the project
I sigh, relieved, and text him that I'm going to be there.
I make my way downstairs in the kitchen, where my father is talking to my mother over lunch.
"Well, look who decided to wake up." my mother laughs as I grab a banana (oh the irony) from the fruit basket and sit down next to them at the table.
"I need to leave in an hour and work on a project that's due in two weeks." I tell them.
"What's it about?" dad asks.
"The Boston Tea Party."
"And how many words do you need to write?"
"Three thousand, but I'm with two other people. Luke and Niall."
My mother smiles and takes a sip of her wine. It's typical mom to drink wine during lunch.
After I eat my banana and make myself a cup of coffee, I got back upstairs and drink it with a cigarette on my balcony.
"Rey." Jason says and comes into my room as I am picking out some clothes to wear.
"Lilly asks if you have her shoes."
"Oh, yeah. I'll drop them off in an hour because I'm going to work on a project at her house." I tell him and I turn to look at him. He looks sleepy, so I ask him if he slept at all.
"No, I didn't. I talked to her until eight in the morning because she couldn't sleep."
"Why not?" I laugh.
"Zoe and Niall kept her up."
I bite my lip, feeling a pang of jealousy in my stomach.
I don't say anything and he leaves, so I go to the bathroom and put on my clothes.
After I'm done dressing up I put on some mascara and grab a bag from the shelf, in which I throw my laptop, keys, cigarettes and wallet. Then I grab my car key and put some shoes on.
I get to Niall's house five minutes past four and park it across the road.
Luke opens the door and I smile as I walk in.
"You're late." He laughs as I toe my shoes off.
"Only five minutes."
"Did you have fun yesterday?" Luke asks as I enter the living room, to see Niall on the couch, drinking a beer and scrolling through his phone.
Niall looks up and I say hi. He says it back before he looks back down at his phone.
And to be honest I'm not even disappointed, because I know we're "friends" only when we're drunk or high. Or both.
I sit down on the other side of the couch and place my laptop on the coffee table.
"Did you guys do the least bit of work since the last time we got together?" I ask and Luke shakes his head before he sits down between us.
"Thought so." I mumble and open my laptop.
"But, I got a book from the library at school two days ago and it talks about the tea party in a lot of detail, so we can get some ideas from there." Luke suggests.
"Niiice." I laugh and he takes the book out of his backpack.
Luke and I go through it and tell Niall what to write on my laptop, and soon enough, we have 2000 words written, which is way better than we expected. Even though it took over an hour and a short video we watched on YouTube that wasted fifteen minutes of our lives didn't help, we're okay.
"It's going better than expected." I say as I proofread what Niall wrote. The fact that wasn't on his phone for five minutes was something unexpected.
"Where did you two disappear last night by the way?" Luke asks out of a sudden.
I look up from my place on the floor and Niall looks up from his place on the couch. We look at each other five seconds, and then at Luke.
"What? When?" I ask like the dumb bitch I am.
So here we go, the awkwardness starts. Great. Fuck history projects.
"Last night? You disappeared around three after that fight and you came back like half an hour later." Luke says, looking at me, but there's a glint in his eyes.
"Uhh...I got tired of wearing heels so we went to his house to get some shoes from his sister." I say and he nods.
"And it took thirty minutes?"
I nod.
"I waited to charge my phone." Niall explains and Luke nods, but his face tells me that he doesn't believe shit. "It was on five percent."
"Oh okay." Luke laughs, but he's not buying shit. "And why did you and Zoe fight anyway?"
I shrug. "I was drunk." I say, at the same time as Niall says "For no fuckin' reason."
I look at him. "Excuse me?"
"You know I'm right."
"She opened her fucking mouth and started talking shit!" I try to defend myself.
"Whoa guys, you don't have to start now." Luke says, trying to lighten the mood. But it's too late.
"Why do you always take her side?" I ask.
"Because she's my fucking girlfriend." Niall answers, snapping.
Fuck you, then you shouldn't have cheated on her twice then. I want to say it, but I refrain myself.
"Oh yeah, I'm glad you guys worked out the whole cheating situation." Luke says and I look at him, shocked.
"Oh. You didn't know?" Luke asks and Niall is looking at him with a 'what-the-fuck' look.
"Know what?" I ask.
"She cheated on me a few months ago." Niall says, not looking at me because he's too busy on his phone.
This is brand new information.
"I think that that is why she's so alarmed when Niall talks to you, because she cheated on him in December."
Niall shrugs. "I don't care. She just told me that."
"And you're still with her?" I snort.
"I like her." Niall tells me, and I roll my eyes, trying to focus on my laptop.
I pretend to be busy reading what we've written so far, but I listen in to their conversation. Niall tells Luke how Zoe told him that she doesn't mind an open relationship as long as the feelings are true. What the actual fuck? That's not a relationship.
Who am I to talk? I'm just as guilty as he is and I hate myself for it, but I can't fucking help myself when I'm drunk and horny. I'm a bitch, I know.
"That's not a proper relationship." I find myself saying.
"Mind your own fucking business." Niall snarls at me.
"Just saying." I add, just as Lilly enters the living room.
"Hi guys." She smiles and looks down at the coffee table, where Luke just started rolling a spliff.
"Sleep well?" Niall asks.
"Fuck you. You kept me up all night." Lilly mumbles and goes to sit next to her brother.
Niall pulls her into a sideways hug and kisses her temple, but she wriggles away from him and smiles at me.
"Oh, yeah, I brought your shoes back. Thanks." I say.
"No problem." She smirks and looks at Niall like she knows something.
"Wanna smoke this outside?" Luke asks, holding up the spliff he just rolled.
"I can't, I have to drive back." I say. "I should go. See you at school."
After that, Lilly leaves to go make herself something to eat and the two of them go outside to smoke, so I pack my bag and leave.
On my way back home, I can't help but ask myself why the fuck is Niall with Zoe or vice versa.
Monday and Tuesday pass by quickly and it's finally Wednesday, which means there's a football/cheerleader meeting after school."Where's the party?" Jake asks Harry just as I sit down next to him at lunch.
"What party?" I ask I open the lid to my salad box and start eating it.
"It's Harry's nineteenth this weekend!" Jake tells me and Harry nods.
"But I can't figure out where it's going to be. Either a club or at my house."
"Not another house party please, I'm done with people drawing on me until I pass out." Jake whines as Sophia and I laugh at him.
"The club is pretty expensive." Harry contemplates. "And my parents offered to go to a hotel."
Jake continues with the whining and I eat my salad, my eyes drifting to the table on the other side of the room, where Niall's eating with Louis, Zayn and Luke.
"So a house party it is." Harry concludes two minutes later, much to Jake's disappointment. "I'll make a group."
After lunch, we go to History and then Math, before I have to go to the lockerooms and change into my cheerleading uniform for practice.
It's really cold outside, and the weather is not going to get better until next week, so practice takes place inside.
"Group meeting!" the coach yells as soon as everyone is in the gym, and the cheerleaders, as well as the football players gather into a circle around him.
"The principal and I had a talk yesterday about the fact that our school is one of the best in the whole country when it comes to football, and he decided to get some formalities in order." He starts. "And of course, not only the football players count, but also our beloved cheerleaders, who have always been there for us with their support."
I smile.
"And due to the funds we've gathered over the past year from our growing number of sponsors, we decided to get more merchandise for publicity. So I thought, that not only will the guys get new footie gears, but the girls will get new cheerleading gear as well."
Everyone cheers, because we've had the same uniforms for two years now.
"Also, there's one more thing. As you've probably noticed, more and more people are coming to our games, and it is unfair for the boys to enter the field before the cheerleaders, so we decided that both groups will enter at the same time."
"How's that going to happen?" Bryan asks.
"I decided to pair up one cheerleader with one football player, since there are twelve in each team." Coach says and I look at Jake, who looks at me, smirking.
"But, to keep things formal, we're going to pair up the captains, then the co-captains, and then by height."
I make a face. I know that I'm the captain of my cheer squad, and I also know that Niall's the captain of the footie team. We look at each other at the same time for two seconds until I avert my gaze.
"I've already made a list, so listen up." Coach says and looks down at the piece of paper he's holding in his hand. "Renee with Niall, Perrie with Jake, Sophia with Liam, Ashley with Zayn..."
I drift off. Great. Now I have to link arms with Niall and pretend to be cheerful as we walk out on the pitch for the next three months, until football season is over.
"Also, let's not forget the charity event that takes place at the end of February, when the weather will be better."
Everyone groans. Even though it's for charity, each year the teams had to host an event that's more like a...bake sale so to speak. In which the cheerleaders wash cars and the boys...well, I don't know what the boys have to because I never paid attention. Up until this year, I wasn't the captain and someone else bothered with this stuff.
"Complain all you want, but it's happening. And make sure you leave all that moaning at home in a month." Coach says and looks at all of us. "Well then, I guess we've settled it. I have the merchandise back in the storage room and you'll be getting it at the end of practice. Until then, let's build up some physical strength!"
He claps his hands and people start standing up and soon enough, both 'teams' are on different sides of the gym, doing their own thing.
After an hour goes by, Coach blows into his whistle and practice is over. We all make a queue to the storage room to get the new uniforms. Everyone's excited because the colors are fucking amazing: black, blue and a bit of silver.
"But that's not all." Coach tells me and pulls me aside to hand me a burgundy sweatshirt and a footie player shirt. "Because you're the captain, you're getting some footie stuff as well."
"Are you kidding me?" I ask when I see that the footie shirt is a shirt with 'Horan' and his number underneath, and a sweatshirt with the letter 'H' on it.
"I have to wear this every time or what? It's bullshit." I argue.
"The principal suggested it, and of course you don't have to wear it at school. But when you enter the field at the beginning of each game, since Niall is the start player, you are sort of...obligated to wear it."
"And what if I don't want to?" I ask.
"Then you'll have to give your captain position to someone else."
I huff. How fucking idiotic.
But I take the shirts nonetheless because I'm excited about the new uniforms.
"So, Niall's 'cheerleader' huh?" Jason smirks as we make our way to my car after we've changed into our normal clothes.
"More like Niall's my footie player." I argue and then open the door to the drivers' side and get in the car.
Jason chooses not to say anything else, because he obviously senses that I'm not in the mood to talk about it.
Harry's party is taking place at his house on Saturday after all, because there's a game Friday, which, just my luck, is today.
It's the third game of the season and everyone is not only excited to show off their uniform, but also about the fact that we're going to enter through the official tunnel with the team.
I'm the only one not excited about it.
I look at myself in the mirror of the lockerooms and adjust the bow in my hair when Sophia comes up to me. There are a few whining noises and then we hear "Shut up, I'm gay!" before Jake also appears next to me.
"It's the girl's lockerooms." I tell him and he places a hand on my shoulder, ignoring what I just said to him.
"Are you ready?" Jake smirks and I ask what he means.
"Ready to walk on the pitch with Niall." Sophia snickers and I hate both of them.
"I couldn't care less." I mumble and give myself another onceover in the mirror before I turn to face them both.
"FIVE MINUTES!" someone yells and the volume of the voices who were talking until now goes up.
"I should go." Jake says and winks at me before he runs out of the lockerooms.
We follow him to the door that leads to the tunnel, just to see the entire football team already lined up and ready to exit onto the field.
I go all the way to the start of the line with the burgundy sweatshirt in my hand, hating every single second of it. When I pass Jason, I wish him good luck.
Niall looks down at me and I pull the sweatshirt over my head. He opens his mouth.
"Shut up." I say and turn towards the exit of the tunnel, waiting for the coach to give us the signal. A freshman walks along the line of players and cheerleaders with a basket filled with our pompoms.
I grab mine and ruffle them a bit before I look up at Niall.
"What did your girlfriend have to say about this?" I ask. Just trying to make conversation.
Even though the information about Zoe's cheating changed my mind about their relationship completely, I can't help but still tease him about it.
Niall shrugs in response. "Doesn't really care."
"Hm, that's new." I mumble.
"Because I showed her how much I love her these past few days." He whispers into my ear, and I take a step away from him so it won't be obvious what his whispering into my ear does to my body.
"You look good." Someone says behind me and I turn around to see Zayn in his footie gear. I instantly smile and return the compliment.
"Cheer extra loud for me, won't you?" he smirks and I nod, biting my lip, before he's off to get his place in line.
I don't look at Niall until he asks me what I'm going to do with the sweatshirt once I'm out on the field.
"I'm going to take it off." I dryly answer and then Coach gives us the signal.
I link my arm with his just like we were instructed beforehand.
Then, the music starts and we walk towards the exit. As soon as Niall and I enter the field, someone starts announcing each team players' name like they usually do, and I pretend to be excited by shaking my pompoms.
"You hate it." Niall tells me so only I hear as we line up on the pitch with our faces to the crowd.
"Every single second of it." I say back and keep shaking one of my poms to keep the excitement going.
I spot Zoe in the crowd with her friends, holding up a giant 'NIALL #1" banner.
"You've got big fans." I say to him through my smile.
"Aw, and I thought my biggest fan was right here." He says in a fake disappointed voice to spite me.
"You wish." I snort. He pretends he doesn't hear me through the whole screams and the voice of the guy who keeps announcing the names one by one.
There are flashes coming from the crowd and I see my mother filming everything, next to my dad. Jesus, now they decided to show up.
Once the whole team is on the field, the microphone guy asks everyone to be quiet.
"And now, let's give it up for our cheerleaders!" he yells into the mic and everyone screams, which means it's my cue to leave Niall and do our usual routine.
"Here you go." I tell him and pull the sweatshirt over my head before I hand it to him.
"No kiss?" he mocks.
"Nah, I'll get one from Zayn." I say and wink at him, before I jog over to the girls.
We perform our usual routine and I make sure to put everything into it because Zoe's watching.
Once we're done, we take our usual place at the sidelines of the pitch where the football team is sitting on their benches.
The microphone guy is telling the crowd that this is the third game of the season and announces the guest team, so we have time to drink some water.
"Can he fuck you better than I though?" Niall asks, and I am taken by surprise because I had no idea he was behind me. I turn to face him with my water bottle in hand.
"I'll find out and let you know." I tell him and smirk into my bottle when his jaw clenches.
He doesn't get to say anything because the whistle goes off and he needs to jog over to take his place on the field.
During half time, our sponsors organized a game in which one person from the crowd comes down on the pitch, chosen by their ticket number, and has to try to score two goals so they can win two movie tickets.
Number 13 is chosen, and that's Zoe.
Niall smiles when his girlfriend walks down from the bleachers and makes a point by kissing him before she jogs to the middle of the field where the ball has been placed. There's no goalie, which should be easy.
She misses her first try, but doesn't give up just as the footie team comes back on the field after the small break in the lockerooms.
Niall is standing next to me, watching her with his arms on his hips.
"Looks like she's not good with balls." I tell him and he looks down at me.
"Trust me, she is."
It annoys me, even though I know he's saying this just to spite me. I look around to see whether people are listening in on the conversation. No one is.
"Better than me?" I dare ask.
"I wouldn't know." he says and I clench my teeth. "But I bet she's better."
"You wish you would though." I continue and there's a small cheer from the crowd, even though Zoe missed the second shot.
"I know about her and it's enough for me." Niall says in a low voice when Zoe starts walking over to us.
"That wasn't what you were saying last Friday." I say, smiling through my teeth as she gets closer and closer.
He doesn't get to reply because she throws her hands around his neck and kisses him on the mouth.
"Good luck babe." She says against his lips and then greets me.
I fake smile and pretend to be bothered with something else, but I hear her when she comments about the fact that I'm not even that good of a cheerleader.
"Excuse me?" I ask, turning to face her, probably giving away the fact that I listened to their conversation. "Can you do three round offs in a row?"
"What?" she asks.
"Exactly. Let me show you how it's done." I smirk and let my pompoms fall to the ground before I do just that. A round off is basically a cartwheel, but not on the side. It's a handstand followed by a forward roll where I land on my feet, not in a sitting position. And three times in a row.
Once I'm finished, the crowd cheers and I flip my hair over my shoulder, looking at Zoe, who stares at me with her tongue poking her cheek.
"Got something else to say?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Biiitch, HER FUCKING WIG FLEW OFF!" Jake yells and I laugh.
"Big deal." Zoe mumbles and turns around to pull Niall into a kiss. They make out for a few seconds and then she leaves, wishing him good luck and asks him to score a goal for her. Niall promises her that he will.
"You didn't have to do that." he tells me when she's gone and can't hear us.
"She's literally bitching about me every time, and I didn't do shit to her."
"So? You don't have to fight back every time." He argues, just as the whistle goes off.
"Whatever. Go and play, you have to score a goal for her, right?" I mock and he rolls his eyes before the whole team walks over to start the second half of the game.
Ten minutes into the second half, someone from the other team trips Niall, which means there's a penalty shot coming.
"Yeees!" I can hear Zoe's voice from the crowd, because she moved in the first row to be closer to the benches. "He never misses a penalty shot!" she yells.
She's right. Niall always gets to do the penalty shot because he's never missed one since he's been on the team.
"SCORE FOR ME BABE!" Zoe yells and I cringe. Come on, shut your mouth already.
Niall looks at her as he positions himself behind the ball. He nods at her and looks at me, so I make sure to roll my eyes and shake my head.
The crowd is screaming and cheering as Niall takes a few steps back like he always does. Then, he takes two very fast steps forward and kicks the ball with a lot of force.
And it goes right past the gate by inches.
And everyone is shook.
"IMPOSSIBLE!" Coach yells.
Niall comes back to take a sip of water and then the game continues.
There's a short break five minutes before the end of the game because someone kicked the ball out of the field and it's 1-1, so there's a lot of tension.
The cheerleaders and I are trying to hype everyone up as the guys come to drink a bit of water, and as Niall passes me to get back on the field, I turn to look at him.
"Score a goal for me babe." I sarcastically say and he shakes his head, but there's a small smirk playing on his face.
"Two more minutes until the end of the game, stakes are high!" the microphone guy says and everyone's stopped what they were doing to look at the field. "Horan has the ball!"
For the few moments it takes Niall to run towards the other team's gate there's complete silence, and then everyone yells when he kicks the ball into the net, over the goalie's head.
"And he missed the fucking penalty shot!" Coach yells in awe with happiness written all over his face.
The game ends twenty seconds later and every single person starts clapping and cheering. The guys lift Niall and Jason up, because they were the ones who scored today.
"What an unbelievable game!" the mic guy screams. "Parker and Horan were the star players of tonight's game and it's safe to say there will be a big celebration afterwards!"
Harry, who works for the school magazine, comes on the pitch to take some photos.
Zoe comes down with a giant smile on her face and hugs Niall. "Baaaabe! You were amazing! And you scored for mee!"
Niall smiles and kisses her before they stand for a picture.
My parents also come down to congratulate Jason and compliment me as well.
"I'm doing a spread about the football and cheerleading time next week, so I'll need a few photos of you." Harry smiles and points at the camera.
Louis comes up behind me and makes a face as Harry snaps a picture, before I pull Jason next to me and hug him for another photo. I know my brother made a disgusted face, but I'm too proud of him to care.
"Let's do one with the two captains!" Coach says, coming up next to Harry. "Put it on the front page."
I hate him. It's like the whole universe has decided to be against me.
"HORAN! Move your ass over here!" Coach yells and Niall leaves Zoe to jog over.
"What is it?"
"We need a photo of you and Parker."
"For the magazine." Harry clears things up and I look at Niall, who looks at me. He turns to look at Zoe, who smiles, so he walks over to me and everyone else gets out of the picture. Harry tells them to move even further away so he can get the football gate in the back.
"Don't just stand like that." Harry complains. "It's makes me cringe."
Niall places his hand on my lower back and pulls me closer to his side, so I place my hand behind his back on his shoulder, the other one holding a pompom.
"Okay, just a second, let me focus." Harry says and I roll my eyes as Niall sighs. It's really uncomfortable because not only are Zoe and her friends watching, but also my family.
"Now, smileee." Harry says and we both do as he starts taking photos from different angles.
"You smell like sweat." I tell Niall through my fake smile.
"You're not in the position to complain." He replies, still smiling.
"Okay, thank you very much." Harry smirks and turns around to walk over to other players.
"Are you doing anything after the game?" my father asks Jason and I as we walk over to the exit of the pitch.
"Yeah, we're going for some drinks." I tell them and Jason nods.
"Okay then, we'll see you at home." Mom smiles and the two of them turn around. Dad throws his arm around mom's shoulders as they walk together with the rest of the supporters towards the gate that leads to the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" I ask Jason.
"There's a pub five minutes from here."
"Okay, come with me to the lockerooms so I can give you my car key."
He follows me and waits by the door until I give him my car key. "When you're done changing go and heat up the car because I always take longer." I tell him and he nods, disappearing.
I take a shower and change into a pair of leather pants, a black-cropped sweatshirt and my favorite jean jacket that always keeps me warm.
I take my bag and greet everyone on my way out. Sophia tells me to wait for her and Jake because they're coming with me in the car, and I tell her that I'm going for a smoke and then they should meet me outside in the parking lot.
Luke, Niall, and Zoe are in the usual 'smoking spot', but it's too late to turn back now without being a little bitch. And after all, I'm the fucking best. Since when do I chicken out? I do NOT.
I light up a cigarette and listen in to the guys' conversation about the game.
"I thought you never miss a penalty." Zoe teases him.
"Yeah." Is all Niall says and sneaks a glance at me.
"Well, he still scored and we won the game." I say, trying to be nice.
"That's true." Zoe smiles and it's so unusual for her to be nice to me, I almost let my surprise show.
"Thank God I asked you to score for me, right?" she jokes, and here we go again. She was nice for like five seconds.
Luke throws me an annoyed look to show me that I'm not the only one who can't stand her anymore.
"Where did Louis disappear though?" Niall asks. "He wasn't in the lockerooms after the game to celebrate."
"Maybe he lost his phone." Zoe jokes. "Like you did at Luke's party and you took like half an hour to get back."
Luke looks at me confused and then his eyes widen.
Oh shit.
"Well, the girls are waiting for me outside. See you at the pub?" she says and presses a kiss to his lips, before she greets Luke and I, and then she leaves the three of us alone.
"Man, I'm sorry, but how can you fuckin' stand her?" Luke asks Niall.
"Look, I know some of my friends can't stand her and always have something to comment about her, but I fuckin' like her okay? And she's my girlfriend; so you'll have to fuckin' accept who I'm dating. Because I never said something about the girls you lads dated." Niall snaps.
"Jesus, sorry." Luke huffs and Niall shakes his head.
"Everyone just has to deal with it and understand that I want to be with her and that it's my fucking choice." Niall says and drops his cigarette on the ground, stepping on it.
"I thought you charged your phone that night." Luke continues, a smirk playing on his face.
Niall looks at me and opens the door, before he leaves us alone.
Luke and I stare at the door, and then at each other.
"I saw her." Luke tells me out of a sudden.
"Saw who?"
"Zoe. Kissing another guy from the other team."
My mouth falls open. "What?"
Luke nods. "I went to the bathroom in our school during the break and I saw them behind some lockers making out. Number 14 from the other team. That's the school she's at."
I had no idea that we played the private school were Zoe studies, nor that she could have a thing with someone on the other team.
"Did you tell Niall?" I ask.
He shakes his head. "She saw me and told me that she'll tell him."
We finish our cigarettes in silence.
"Do you need a ride to the pub?" I ask and Luke shakes his head, telling me that he's going to get a ride from Harry.
As I walk towards the exit, Niall stops me and hands me my burgundy sweatshirt with his initials on it.
"You forgot something." He says and I take it, before I turn around and continue walking towards the parking lot.
I get to my car and open the driver's side door, just to see Zayn sitting there with a smirk on his face.
I smile and put a leg on the small stair that I always use to get into the car so I can hoist myself up and place my bag on the passengers' seat.
"What are you doing here?" I ask and almost slip, so he grips into my arm to hold me still. Our faces are close and he smells like a God.
"Your little brother asked me to warm up the car because he wanted to spend a little more time with his girlfriend." He answers.
I shake my head, smiling. "So, aren't you going to get out of the car?" I ask, teasing him.
"Why don't you get in?" he replies and I lick my lips, before I swing my left leg over his thighs so I can straddle him, and close the door.
"I can't drive like this, you know." I smirk and he places a hand on the back of my head.
"Why, am I distracting you?" he asks with a smile playing on his lips and HOLY SHIT how can someone be so hot.
"Not at all." I say and he licks his lips before he pulls me towards them.
I cup his face with my hands as we kiss, and it's so hot I can't even. He's so hot. His hand is still at the base of my neck, fingers tangling in my hair, so I tilt my head and deepen the kiss.
The passengers' door opens but I don't open my eyes because Zayn smells so good and he's one of the best kissers.
"Whaaaaat." Jake exclaims and then there's a flash going off.
I pull away from Zayn to see Jake and Sophia standing there with surprised faces.
"Bitch, you did not." Jake whines and I roll my eyes.
"Well, the moment is ruined." Zayn laughs and I open the door so I can get out first, and then him.
"See you at the pub?" he asks and I nod, before he kisses me again.
We kiss until Jake whines again and then Zayn's off towards Harry's car.
"Why." Jake says when I climb back into the car. He's standing in the passengers' seat, looking at me with his fake angry expression.
"Because he's hot."
"Agree." Sophia says from the back, and then moves over when Jason climbs in, followed by Lilly.
I drive to the pub and everyone's already there, so we sit down at the end of the table.
Two hours go by, filled with laughter and shots, but I don't drink because I have to drive home.
One hour later, Zoe suddenly remembers that she has an early photo-shoot with Burberry, and makes sure to say it loud as she looks at me, looking for a reaction. Does she actually think that photo-shoots are important to me? Or that I would ever be jealous of her because she gets paid a lot of money? I'm not that shallow. And I never thought of money and material stuff as being something that defines a person anyway.
"Want to come over?" she asks Niall and he nods before he downs his drink and lays his money on the table.
After he greets everyone and shakes each team members' hand, he leaves together with Zoe and her friends.
Around ten, everyone is tipsy and tired from the game, so we decide that there won't be any club night and that Harry's party is tomorrow anyway. People start putting their money on the table for their share, and then one by one, they leave as their Ubers arrive.
"Shit, I forgot my wallet in my locker." I groan.
Jason also complains and Jed offers to drive him home because it's on the way to his house anyway. Jason squints at him but agrees, because I know that he has to be home at 11pm sharp, when every one of his friends is going to be online to play Fortnite. Jason ends up paying for the both of us.
Zayn decides to walk me to my car and we kiss for a few minutes against it, until Jake and Sophia come out, telling him that the Uber is here.
I say goodbye to them and drive back to the school to get my wallet. It's dead silent when I unlock the door and go to find my wallet in my locker. It smells like sweat in there because of my uniform, and after I realize that I'm literally the only one who didn't take the uniform home to wash it, I try to fit it into my bag. It doesn't fit, so I take my pants off and put them in my locker so I can put my skirt on.
After I walk out, I see that the door that leads to the field is opened, so I sigh and go to close it. There's a rock keeping it open, so I remove it and am about to close it when I see something moving. It's almost completely dark, except for one of the giant lights that's on.
There's someone on the pitch so I yell at the person who's currently kicking balls into the net that it's way past closing time.
"Then why are you here?"
It's Niall's voice, so I walk closer.
"I forgot my wallet in my locker." I say as he kicks another ball into the net. He turns to look at me.
"That's unfortunate." He tells me in a dry tone and kneels down to tie one of his shoelaces.
"So no sex tonight huh?" I ask and stop when I'm a few meters away.
"Already did." Niall says, shooting me a fake smile.
"That was quick."
"She knows what she's doing."
I roll my eyes.
"Not with a football I supposed. She missed both shots."
Why am I so petty? Oh well.
"Like you would've scored." He says and I raise a brow.
"Wanna bet?" I ask.
"On what?"
"If I score, you have to do a round off."
"And what if I can't?" he asks, looking up at me.
I think about it. "Then you have to tell me who's better...with the stuff." I find myself saying.
"Okay." He laughs. "But what if you don't score?"
"Oh, I will." I say and go to the goal to get a ball.
"You're way too sure of yourself."
I shrug and place the ball at my feet before I take a few steps back. Then I take two small steps forward and kick it. The ball flies through the air and goes right into the net.
I turn around to face him. He's surprised and I'm proud.
"How-" he starts.
"My little brother didn't get good at footie by playing alone." I tell him and he nods in acknowledgement.
"Now your turn." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.
I watch him lift his hands over his head and then do a handstand. My eyes widen because apparently he can do it, but after a few seconds, he places his feet back on the ground.
I smirk up at him. "Oh, so the great Niall Horan can't do one thing. Incredible."
He flips me off and I look at him, waiting.
"What?" he asks, but I know he knows what I'm waiting for.
"You need to tell me who's better at the stuff."
"Who's better with balls?" he asks.
"Well, I wouldn't know. In case you forgot, you never showed me." Niall says and he's right. Even though we had sex two times, I never actually gave him a blowjob.
"Fine, at sex then." I tell him.
He licks his lips and looks up at the sky, like he's thinking about it.
"There are several factors to take into consideration." He finally says.
"Well, it depends. Like, who moves better on top, whose moans are better, who turns me on more etcetera."
I poke my tongue in my cheek and raise my brows.
"And she definitely moves better on top of me." he tells me.
"What about the moaning?" I ask.
"You." He says and I take a step towards him without even realizing it. He lights up a cigarette and doesn't even realize that I'm way closer now.
I'm stepping way too close and it's dangerous territory.
"And what about the other thing?" I push.
"What other thing?"
He knows what I mean.
"You said one more thing. Two out of three."
Niall looks down at me. "Who turns me on more?"
I nod, looking up at him.
He takes a breath and looks away.
"Well then? Come on already." I say and kick some dirt on his white Vans.
"You did not." he exclaims and I smirk before I run towards the exit, but he catches up to me and presses me against the cement foundation, right under the railing of the bleachers.
"Sorry." I say and look at his arm that's right next to my head.
He takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the smoke next to my head so it won't get in my face.
"Blowing smoke in my face means you want to fuck me." I inform him.
"I know, that's why I blew it next to your face."
I wrap my fingers around his wrist and put his cigarette to my lips, before I blow the smoke towards the sky.
"Clever." He sarcastically says.
"So what?"
"So who turns you on more?" I ask, biting my lip and looking into his eyes.
"You." He answers.
"Because I'm unreachable."
"Are you?" he teases and drops his cigarette to the ground so he can put his hand on my waist. "Because I just touched you."
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah I know."
"So why are you touching me?" I ask looking into his eyes.
"Don't you want me touching you?"
I don't answer.
"Hm?" he pushes.
"No, I don't."
"So you don't like me touching you?" he asks and trails his hand up, all the way to my neck, where he wraps his fingers around it.
He softly tightens his fingers around my neck and I cross my legs.
"Why are you crossing your legs?" he smirks down at me and I look behind him so he won't see my dilated pupils.
"Because I want to." I answer and he pushes one of his legs between mine to uncross them.
My cheerleading skirt is riding up on my hips and I pull it down.
"Why are you wearing your cheerleading uniform?" he asks.
"It's just the skirt. And is there a reason you're so close right now?"
"I told you the reason, didn't I?"
I shake my head. Does he mean the fact that I turn him on or something?
"Yeah." He says and I blink. "You spoke out loud again."
"Oh. Shit."
He's way too close and I am way too cold.
"So what about me turns you on more than she does?" I ask, looking up at him.
"When you look up at me like you have no idea what's going on, even though you do and just want to spite me."
"I don't do that." I say and pout on purpose, which makes his eyes drift down to my lips.
"So who's better at the stuff?" he asks me.
"Between who and who?"
"Me and Zayn."
"Zayn and I." I correct him.
"Don't change the subject." He says and moves the leg that's between my legs further up so my skirt rides up with it.
"I told you I'd let you know."
"Is he the guy you're kissing on Instagram?" he asks and I nod.
"I bet he'll fuck me better than you." I tell him just to annoy him, and he moves his leg even further up so I can feel his thigh against my crotch.
"Hmm, I don't think so." He says and bows his head to his lips are pressed against my neck, which makes something in my stomach twitch.
"I'll let you-let you know." I stutter because he moved his lips behind my ear, which is one of my many weak spots and he knows it.
"How about no."
"Oh yeah, I'll fuck him good and then I'll text you about it. Maybe even Facetime you as I do."
His hand moves down from my neck between my legs and he cups my crotch, which makes me buck up against it involuntarily.
"You don't have the balls for it." he tells me.
"And what if I do?"
"You won't." Niall replies and moves the hand that's between my legs to rest it on my belly. My skirt is way over my waist now and I know I could tell him to stop but I can't. My hormones are going crazy.
"And how do you know that?"
"Because you'll be way too disappointed about the fact that he can't fuck you as good as I can."
"You're full of yourself." I snort, but it comes out way too whimpered, which gives me away.
"You're turned on." He says and slips his hand into my panties.
I bite my lip and grab his crotch, where I can feel an obvious bulge.
"So are you."
"Are you going to do something about it?" he breathes into my neck, grinding against my hand.
"Do you want me to?" I ask, almost out of breath.
"Ask your girlfriend." I tell him and moan when he slips a finger inside me.
"Shut up about her already."
"But Niall, she's your g-girlfriend." I moan when he slips another finger in and starts pushing them in and out.
"And you're my friend."
"Just your friend."
"Mhm." He says as my fingers hover over the button on his jeans.
He pulls away from my neck, leaving me cold, to look into my eyes.
"Aren't we just friends?" he asks.
I unbutton his pants and pull the zipper down.
"That's what I thought." He smirks and pushes his two fingers in as deep as he can as I moan and pull his pants, together with his briefs, down to his knees. He looks down when his cock pops out and I spit into my hand before I grab it.
"Niall." I breathe and he looks at me. "Kiss me."
He doesn't need me to tell him twice before he kisses me, all out of breath.
I pump his cock a few times before I pull away from his kiss and lick my lips.
Then I drop down to my knees.
"Fuck yeah." He moans when I take him into my mouth and he tangles his fingers into my hair, moving my head the way he wants to.
I don't think I've ever put so much work into a blowjob like I am doing right now. I run my tongue over his tip and he trembles. I take him into my mouth again and then pull away with a pop.
"Is she better at it hm?" I ask and he doesn't answer as he pulls me back up by my hair to kiss me.
He's way rougher than Jed ever was and I fucking love it.
"Take your underwear off." He tells me and leans his forehead against mine as I do as he told me.
I bite my lip when they fall to the floor and look up at him.
"Stop biting your fucking lip." He whispers and pushes me up against the wall.
"Or what?"
His hands come down and he grabs the back of my thighs before he pulls me up and presses me back against the cement wall. I grab his cock and position it between my legs.
"Fuuck." I moan when he finally pushes in, trapping me against his chest and the wall.
His hands are resting on my ass and he's literally keeping me up just with his arms. I let my head fall back against the wall, and even though my back hurts a bit, the pleasure cancels it out by far.
He's looking down between our bodies as he roughly thrusts into me. After a few minutes of tangled breaths and moans, he stops and pulls out, letting me down.
"What are you-" I start but he grabs me by my hair and turns me around, pressing my chest into the wall and then coming up behind me. He pushes into me from the back and I bite my lip so I won't boost his ego too much. The deed is done anyway. Oh well.
He pulls my head back so it's resting on his shoulder and keeps pounding into me as he kisses my neck.
"You like that?" he asks when he pushes up just right, hitting my g-spot. I can feel his smirk against my neck, so I curse him.
"Can Zayn fuck you better than I do?" he roughly asks.
"I'll...I'll let you know." I answer and it drives him crazy because he pulls at my hair even more, making me groan out with pleasure.
"You're a fuckin' freak." He says, referring to the fact that I like it rough.
"What, your...your girlfriend isn't?" I ask and clench my thighs around his arm that comes down between my legs.
He pushes one finger in and uses another to play with my clit.
I'm close and I'm sure that barely fifteen minutes have passed.
"I'm close." I tell him and he picks up his pace.
Soon enough, he comes inside me and I come thirty seconds later, letting out a deep moan as I do.
We stay like that for a few moments, until he finally pulls out and I bend over to grab my bag and get some tissues out.
"Don't bend over." He warns and I stand up straight and turn around to face him.
After we clean off, we dress back up and I just realize how fucking cold it actually is, and how much he can actually keep me warm.
"You got everything?" he asks and runs a hand through his hair, still heavily breathing.
I nod and walk next to him towards the door. He goes to open it, but it doesn't budge.
"Give me the keys." He says.
"What keys? The football players have the keys to this door." I say and his eyes widen.
"You have the keys, don't you?" I ask.
"No, I don't have the fucking keys." He says and pats himself down to check.
He doesn't have the fucking keys.
I groan. "Great, now we're locked outside."
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D
Let me know on Twitter by mentioning me @ronniebennett94 or by using the hashtag #coldwaterff what you thought about the chapter/story/everything ! I always like and retweet :)
Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:
1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??
2. what should happen in the next chapter?
3. What do you think about the whole Rey/Zayn, Rey/Niall, Niall/Zoe situation?
4. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story!
You guys are amazing!
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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