23:"Just friends."

Here's a new chapter ! Hope you like it ;)

I already have chapter 24 written but I will post it on Friday because tomorrow is going to be a really busy day, and then nothing for the next two weeks because I am going on holiday! But the two months or weekly chapters have been done, just as I promised :)

There's no picture today because I don't want to give away anything, but there's a video for you to watch until Friday, when the new chapter comes out! It will give you Teenage Dirtbag feels <3

Happy reading! And don't forget to comment throughout the story to let me know what you think x


Previously on chapter 22:

"I can give you some of Lilly's sneakers if you want." Niall suggests and I look at Zoe, who seems to be okay with it.

What did Niall tell her to calm her down?

I'm too drunk to care. Too high to care.

"Okay." I say.

"Be back in five minutes." Niall tells her and kisses her cheek.

"Don't be too long." Bryan says and places a kiss on my lips, which leaves me kind of dumbstruck, because I can't even react to it. As we make our way to the door, I see Jason and Lilly in the living room talking to Zayn, so I'm relieved to know that we won't be walking in on anyone.

I grab my heels from the corner I threw them in, and follow Niall out of the house, closing the door behind us.

"Put them on." Niall says and I shake my head, telling him that I can't do that.

"Shit Rey, put them on. You can't walk like that. It's cold."

He's kind of slurring his words and I am too, but I shake my head again.

He sighs and turns around to run a hand through his hair.

I see the opportunity and jump on his back, wrapping my legs tightly around his body. He grips into my thighs and begins to walk towards his house.

"Niall." I whisper into his ear as he walks.

"What?" he asks, his grip on my thighs tightening.

"I need to tell you a secret." I whisper.


"I'm dizzy."

He doesn't say anything, because we reach his house. He unlocks it before he lets me down and waits for me to go in first.

"I love your house." I say, letting my heels fall on the ground.

"Why? It's small." He says.

"I know. I love it. It's cozy." I say and when I don't see any shoes of Lilly's at the door, I decide to walk upstairs and find some.

I look through her closet and find some Converse in my size, which I put on. Then I decide that it would be a good idea to walk into Niall's room and check out his shoes collection.

He comes into his room after some time, to find me kneeling down in front of his closet, analyzing his shoes.

"What are you doing?"

"I like your shoes. I like Vans. I like boys in Vans."

"A lot of boys wear Vans." He says, leaning against the doorframe.

"I like all of them then."

He looks down at me.

"Yeah, especially Zayn."

I get up from the floor and walk over to his desk to analyze some more. "What's wrong if I like Zayn?" I ask, not looking at him.

I look at a photo on his desk, the only one he has in his room, of him, Lilly, and Eddie.

"Nothing." He finally answers.

"Good, because I could go on all day about what's wrong with you liking Zoe."

"Like what?"

"Like, she tried to fight me again." I say and turn to face him.

He rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on Rey. You continued."

I shrug and walk over to him. "You smell good."

"And you're drunk."

"Actually, I'm better now. But I'm high."

We look at each other for a few moments. Then I smirk.

"What?" he asks.

"You smell good."

I get even closer to him, so close that I'm in his personal bubble.

"I smell like alcohol and smoke."

"You smell like Niall."

His eyes soften for a moment.

"I need to tell you another secret." I tell him.

"And what is that?"

I place my hands on his shoulders and lean up to his ear so I can whisper into it.

"I am so fucking turned on right now."


Rey's POV

"I'm so fucking turned on right now." I whisper into his ear and I hear him gulping.

"Rey, it's the Ecstasy, which you shouldn't have taken."

"So you're telling me right now that you're not turned on at all?"

He doesn't answer as he adjusts the snapback on his head.

"I've got an idea!" I say. "Wait here."

"Where are you going?" he asks but I tell him to wait there as I rush down the stairs.

I get to his kitchen and open a few cabinets until I find the alcohol and take out a bottle of Tequila. Then, I find some lemon, which I cut into slices and grab the saltshaker. I feel so good right now; I don't even care if he turns me down.

I make my way back up the stairs and when he sees me, he shakes his head.

"Rey, that's a bad idea. We're way past drunk."

"You maybe. Come on, I want to repay the favor." I whine and he looks me in the eye.

"I'm fine. Come on, let's have some fun five minutes and then we're going back." I say. "We can keep it simple baby, let's not make it complicated." I continue, quoting the song from Luke's party that we can hear all the way here, in Niall's house.

He shakes his head at my words.

"Where do you want to do it? I'm going to get some glasses."

"No. Body shotsss." I say and he licks his lips before he goes to sit down on his bed.

I push him just like he pushed me, until he's laying down with his head on his pillow.

"Rey." He says in a dark tone as I straddle him.

"Don't talk to me like that." I tell him.

"Like what?"

"Like that. I'm turned on already, and I don't want us to repeat what we did in France."

"We're not going to." He breathes and runs a hand through his hair as he looks down at me.

I lick my lips. "We're not. Just friends doing shots."

"Just friends." He repeats and I wonder if he can feel my body twitching under his with every single heartbeat. I feel it in my fucking bones for fuck's sake.

"We can be friends, right?" I ask and he nods, licking his lips at the same time as I am.

If Jake were here, he would complain about the sexual tension. I place all the things I'm holding on the bed next to his head and I wonder if he doesn't mind that we're both wearing shoes in his bed. My mom would freak.

Why the fuck am I thinking about my mother right now?

I take the saltshaker and spray some salt on his collarbones, before I place the lemon in his mouth.

"This is how it's done, okay?"

He nods, and I know it's a sarcastic nod judging by his 'mhmm'.

I look at him for a second, wondering how bad it would be if we had sex right now, but I try to take my mind off it as I place my hand on his stomach and grip into his shirt, before I pull it up until it reaches his nipples. I shuffle a bit further away from him so I can sit between his ankles.

He takes a sharp breath when I pour the Tequila in his belly button. I put the cap back on the bottle and leave it next to his body.

Then, I place my hands on either side of his waist and lean over to lick the alcohol. I am fully aware of the fact that he's looking down at me and that I am probably giving him a full view of my boobs, because I'm not wearing a bra.

I flatten my tongue against his chest and I trail it up slowly, not breaking the eye contact even for a second.

"Fuck, Rey." He breathes and I lift my mouth from his body when I reach his shirt.

"What? Just friends."

"Just friends." He repeats shortly as I lick the salt off his collarbones. I'm on my knees straddling him when I take the lemon out of his mouth, sucking on it without removing it from his teeth.

I take it out of my mouth and place it in the empty ashtray above his head on the windowsill. But I don't move my head, so I look back down at him.

His hands move from the place they were resting on the sheets to rest on my thighs.

"You have goosebumps." I observe, moving my nails down on his chest, softly scratching him.

"I'm cold." He mocks, but it's in a low voice that turns me on even more.

Abort mission.

No, don't.

"Are you?" I whisper into his ear and his hands come up from my things to my ass.

"Fuck, no." he says and grinds me down on him.

My panties are pressed against his belly button.

"But we're just friends, right?" I continue, way too high and drunk and turned on to control what comes out of my mouth.

"Yeah, we're just friends."

"And you said you regretted sleeping with me."

He licks his lips. "I didn't mean it."

"And you didn't tell me who you masturbated to."

"Fuck Rey, it was you." He says as I move my hand from the place where it was trapped between our bodies to rest in his hair. "Of course it was you."

I move my head to look him in the eye. His eyes fall on my lips for a split second, but I catch it.

"Another body shot? And then we'll go back. Let's be even."

He nods.

I pour the salt again and place the lemon into his mouth, before I shift back down on the bed to pour the Tequila in his belly.

I feel the erection in his pants but we both pretend like it's not there, or like he didn't feel how wet I was when I sat on his naked chest.

I lick the alcohol again, and it makes me a bit dizzy, but this situation makes me sober and high at the same time. It's like he's my drug, and I want to be high all the time.

My tongue gets all the salt from his collarbone and I suck on the lemon once again, but I am still holding the bottle and a few drops spill over on his cheek. I put the second slice in the ashtray and place the bottle on the floor.

"Are we just friends?" he asks when I look back at him.

"Yeah, we are." I say and lick his cheek slowly to get the last drops of Tequila. "See? I wiped you off. And your hands are on my ass."

"Can I tell you a secret?" he asks this time and I move my head so he can whisper into my ear.

His hand comes up to my head and his fingers tangle into my hair.

"I am so fucking turned on too." he whispers and I am dead. My core clenches and he feels it, because his fingers tighten around my hair and he pulls me down to him. I avoid his mouth though and decide to kiss his neck.

"Don't." he says and pulls me by my hair, which makes me moan in a way that seems to make him crazy, so I do it again.

"You like that? When I pull your hair?" he breathes and I nod.

"What if I do this?" he continues and lets go of my hair so he can flip us over in one move.

Now he's towering over me, elbows on either side of my head, and I think I've just had the third orgasm of the night.

"Mhmm." I say, biting my lip as I grab a hold of the ends of his shirt and pull it over his head.

"What if I do this?" he continues and trails his fingers down from my jaw until he reaches my neck and squeezes it softly.

Shit, he just discovered my biggest fucking turn on.

"Yeah." I moan, looking into his eyes.

"What if I do this?" he asks and grinds down on me. His dick is rock hard and I take a big gulp.

"Don't do any more please." I whimper because if he does one more 'what if', I'm going to fuck him.

"You don't like it."

"I do. That's the problem." I say and scratch down his back because I know he loves it.

"We're just friends." He mumbles and moves one of the arms that was resting next to my head to grip into my thigh and pull it up against his waist.

"When we're drunk. That's when we're friends." I agree.

"And the rest of the time, we're not friends."

"No, we're not." I say.

"Rey?" he asks, looking down at me through the hair that's falling in his face.


"What if I do this?" he teases with a smirk on his face before he starts kissing and licking my neck.


"Or...what if I do this?" he continues and grips into my dress before he pulls it over my head.


"Or..." he trails off, running a hand up from my thigh to my chest and moving further down to get one of my nipples into his mouth. Then he stops and looks up at me. "...what if I do this?" And then he licks my nipple softly.

"Yeah...that's. Yeah."

I'm literally in my knickers and his sister's fucking Converse, and he's almost fully dressed.

"Or...what if I...do this?" he breathes and starts slowly kissing down my chest until he reaches the line of my panties. "Or this?" he continues and kisses my thighs until he reaches my knees.

"Mmm...come back up here." I say and I pull him by his hair so that our bodies align all the way down to our crotches.

"Niall." I whisper hotly into his ear, because I have a plan to make him squirm.

"Yeah baby?"

"My turn." I smirk and do my best efforts to flip us back over by throwing a thigh over his waist.

I'm straddling him now and I look down at his toned chest before I look at him.

"What if I do this?" I snicker and lean down to kiss his neck and the back of his ear.

"Shit." He swears and places his hands on my ass. "You look so hot."

"And what if I do this?" I ask, running one hand between our bodies to reach his belt and get it undone.

"Mmm, nothing really."

"Hm...what about this?" I ask, grinding down on him as I straddle him, with my hands on his chest.

"Fuck yeah."

"But we're just friends. Doing nothing wrong."

"Just friends." He repeats.

"Niall." I say and he looks up to meet my eyes. He looks so fucking good and he's beautiful with bruised lips from how much he's been biting down on them.

"Do you hate me?" I ask him.

"Never." He says.

"Not even if I do this?" I tease and trail my nails down his chest and grind down on him.

"No way."

"Oh yeah? What if I do this?" I ask and slip my hand into his briefs to cup his hard cock for a second, before I pull it back out.

He swears and his hands tighten their grip on my ass.

"Still don't hate you." He groans when I grind down on him once more.

"Now?" I ask, leaning down on him and grinding even harder as our lips touch.


"What about now?" I continue, tangling my fingers into his hair and grinding once again.

"Mmmno." He says and runs one hand up my naked back to grip into my hair. "Do you hate me?" he asks and pulls on my hair in a way that makes me go fucking crazy.

"You wish." I hiss at him and his hand moves from my hair to my neck, squeezing it lightly. I shake my head and he grinds his body up into mine, making me visibly shiver.

I'm way too gone at this point. If he wanted to take me back to the party and fuck me in front of everyone there, I wouldn't say no to be honest.

"I need to tell you a secret." I say and lean down to whisper in his ear so that my naked chest is touching his. "I wish someone would fuck me really hard." I whisper.

He clenches his jaw and brings his fingers back to grip into my hair.

"I need to tell you a secret too." he whispers and presses his lips to my ear. I hold my breath. "No one can fuck you better than I can."

I want to scream to let out all the sexual frustration I've been holding in.

"Hmm...I think you're wrong." I tease and then I hear his shoes fall to the floor, which means that he toed them off. Which also means, he wants to prove me wrong.

"But there's no way to prove it, right? We're just friends."

"Yeah, just friends. And I, as a friend, want to help you improve your knowledge about the universe by proving you wrong."

It's amazing how he managed to say all this while being drunk.

"Niall." I say. I know that I'm going to make him extremely mad right now, but I whisper it into his ear anyway. "I don't think you can fuck me better than-"

I don't even get to finish the sentence because he flips us back around so he can be on top and grinds down against me before he brings his lips to my ear.

"Let me prove you wrong then."

I am out of breath. "You could at least try."

And that does it for him.

He comes down and presses our lips together, and I don't think I've ever opened my mouth so fast in my life. Our tongues collide and I put my feet flat up on the bed so I can clench my knees around his waist.

I deepen the kiss by tilting my head to the right and at the same time I try to push his pants down. He breaks the kiss and quickly takes his pants off before he's back on me kissing him as I tangle my fingers into his hair.

I've never been so turned on in my entire life.

"Rey." He breathes into my mouth.


"What if I do this though?" he smirks and doesn't break eye contact as he shuffles down the bed so he's standing between my legs.

"Then you'd fucking kill me." I say and he pulls off my panties, leaving me just with the sneakers.

He places a hand on his snapback to take it off, but I stop him.

"I like it." I tell him and he makes eye contact once again before licking his lips and spitting between my legs.

I bite my lip and lean back into the pillow. His hands are cold as he grips into my thighs and places them over his shoulder.

And then his tongue touches my clit and I die.

He starts licking and sucking at my clit, before he sticks a finger in.

"Fuck, did you actually-did you really not have sex with anyone since that night?"

I shake my head and he tells me that I'm tight even around his finger.

He licks up and down as he moves his finger and I clench my thighs around his head, moaning.

"Look at me." he says and I do just that. His pupils are just as dilated as mine so I grip into his hair and push his face back down.

I know I'm going to come in fucking record time, but it's been a long time coming.

"Fucking hell." I moan when he curls his finger up and sucks on my clit.

"Yeah, just like that." he smirks when I shudder against him, which means that I've just reached my climax.

He takes his finger out and licks it clean before he takes off his briefs and comes back up to me.

"You're fucking hot." I tell him when I look at him, all flushed and wearing that snapback.

"So are you baby." He smirks and spits into his palm, which he takes down to his cock.

"Don't you want me to?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Another time." He says, even though we both know that there probably won't be a next time.

"Condom?" I ask and he looks at me, but then I remember that I'm still on the pill.

"In the drawer by the desk."

"Who have you fucked without a condom?" I ask and he leans down to graze my lips with his.

"No one." He says and kisses me deeply.

His cock rubs against my pussy and I grab it to run my hand over the tip. He swears when I rub this tip over my clit and then put it against my opening.

"Niall." I say, grabbing his hair and moving my mouth to his ear.

"What?" he asks, lightly running his fingers over my neck.

"Fuck me hard." I say, and that's all he needs before he pushes in.

And finally, after three fucking months, I am getting rid of my sexual frustration. I don't care about Zoe right now or about the fact that we hate each other. I don't care about anything.

He uses one hand to hold himself up above me while he pounds into me, and the other to grip into my neck. I moan over and over again.

Niall rests on his elbows after a minute and kisses me, this time fucking me slowly, but so deep I can feel him everywhere.

"That's all you can do?" I ask out of breath, and he curses and pulls out of me, before he turns me on my stomach and pushes back in. His chest touches my back and it's the perfect position for him to whisper into my ear.

"Better now, princess?" he asks and I nod, biting my lip.

He lifts himself up and only moves his waist, before he grabs both of my hands with just one of his and holds them behind my back.


"Mmm, still not feeling it." I moan, which actually gives me away, but he falls for it and pulls me up to my knees by my hands that he's holding behind my back.

We're both on our knees and I have my back to his chest as he thrusts into me, the other hand gripping into my hair to keep me stable.

"You like this?" he whispers into my ear and I shake my head, even though I've been moaning since I walked into this room.

"And what if I do this?" he hotly continues and lets go of my hair to squeeze my neck. He presses the back of my neck into his shoulder. "You like if I do this?"

I don't answer and that makes him pound into me even harder, until he lets go of my neck and brings his hand down between my legs to rub my clit. I tremble under his touch and I know I'm going to come soon, again, so I push his hand away and bend my head to kiss him.

"I want to be on top." I say into his mouth and he pulls out as soon as he hears it.

He gets on his back and even though his eyes are completely dark and he's turned on, he looks like a child on Christmas. I get on top of him and grab his cock before I slide down on it. We moan at the same time and I start moving my lower body back and forth, grinding down on him, which makes him moan and bite his lip.

"Just friends hm?" I tease and I bend down so I can move even better.

"Fuck yeah, just friends."

"Friends that like to fuck?"

"Friends that like to-fuck." He moans and grips into the back of my neck to bring our mouths back together.

"I like this." I say after I pull back to look at his blissed out face.

"I fuckin' love it." he smirks at me and pushes up to meet my moves.

I let him fuck me until he pushes me back up and starts fucking me even harder, one hand on my crotch as he moves his finger over my clit.

I bite my lip and throw my head back as I come for the second time in twenty minutes.

"Fu-uck." I shiver and continue to move, even though it hurts in a good way.

Soon enough, he bucks up and I feel him come inside me, before he pulls me back down to his lips.

We kiss for a few seconds, both out of breath.

"So, was it hard enough for you?" he asks and rolls us over so he can pull out. My legs tremble but I shake my head.

He flips me off as he grabs a tissue from his desk and cleans me up.

My head is spinning from everything that happened tonight. I know I should feel sad because now we're going to get back to the party and it's going to get back to normal.

We dress back into our clothes and I grab the stuff I brought from the kitchen to put them back into their places.

He's in the doorframe when I try to pass by him.

"What?" I ask.

He pats my hair down so it won't look disheveled and I thank him.

He follows me down the stairs and waits for me to put everything back. He lights up a cigarette in the meantime and I don't bother doing the same because I take a few drags from him.

As I do so, he cups my face so I look into his eyes.

"What?" I ask and let the smoke out into his face.

"If I could, I would do that every single day."

"What?" I laugh. "Fuck me?"

He shakes his head and leans in close to whisper into my ear.

"Fuck you so hard until you can't walk."

"Hm...big words. Not really convinced." I tease and he takes his cigarette back.

He clenches his jaw though and brings his free hand down between my legs, which shake for a split second.

"Hm. Thought so." He smirks and unlocks the front door. I exit first and he comes after me.

We walk to Luke's house as we share a cigarette and I check the time. Only twenty-five minutes have passed since we left.

Before I open Luke's door, he grips into my wrist and turns me around.

"Just friends?" he asks, looking down at me.

"Just friends." I repeat and place my hand on the doorknob, before I open it.

"Just friends who fuck hard sometimes?" he whispers into my ear as he comes up behind me to enter the house.

"You wish." I say and he slaps my ass before we're properly inside.

"What took you so long?" Zoe asks when we're out on the porch.

"I lost my phone and it was on silent." Niall says and goes up to her.

I look away. So everything's back to normal, and for some reason I'm not disappointed because I was expecting it.

Bryan and Jake are talking in a corner of the porch so I decide to join them.

"Let's roll another spliff." Jake suggests and Bryan nods, telling him that he'll go get the stuff, and after he winks at me, he leaves.

"Niall fucked you." Jake says in a hushed tone.

"What?" I blink.

"You've got an 'after fuck' glow that only I can see in you. I'm proud."

I roll my eyes at him and feel an arm around my neck. I know it's Bryan, who is holding a rolled spliff in front of my nose.

"Care to share?" Zoe asks, coming up to us with Niall behind her.

I try not to look at him and I know he's doing the same. Bryan lights it up and we each take two drags before Zoe starts talking.

"Man, weed makes me horny."

This time though, Niall and I make eye contact and we both lick our lips at the same time. No one seems to notice because they're too busy to follow the spliff.

After we finish it, Bryan pulls me into him to whisper into my ear that I look good tonight, but all I can think about is that I'm still weak at the knees.

"I need to go for a wee." I say and pull myself out of his grasp to go find the bathroom.

I don't actually, but I need to look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look presentable. After all, it's barely past three and people don't seem to want to leave any time soon.

I lock the bathroom behind myself and then take a look at myself in the mirror. My waterproof makeup still holds, thank God, and I just need to adjust my hair and it's fine.

There's a knock on the door.

"Occupied." I say.

"No it's not." Niall replies and I go to open it. He slides in quickly and locks the door behind himself.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. Had to wee myself." he says and actually does as he just said.

After that, he washes his hands and looks at himself in the mirror too, from behind me.

"Jake figured it out." I say when I feel his hands on my waist.

"Okay." He says as his hands travel up my body to cup my breasts.

"What are you doing?" I ask and turn around. I have to look up at him because he's way taller now that I'm not wearing my heels.

"Just making sure."

"What? That my boobs didn't disappear?"

"No." he tells me and leans down to kiss me.

I respond to the kiss and he cups my face to deepen it for another minute, before I pull back.

"Just friends?" he asks as I open the door.

I nod and step out.

"Just friends."


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D

Let me know on Twitter by mentioning me @ronniebennett94 or by using the hashtag #coldwaterff what you thought about the chapter/story/everything ! I always like and retweet :)

Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:

1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??

2. what should happen in the next chapter?

3. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story!

You guys are amazing!

Chapter 24 will be up on Friday at 4pm UK time, and it has over 8700 words !

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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