22:"You smell good."

Hiii :D I am really proud of this chapter and I hope you'll like reading it as much as I loved writing it ! I wrote it in 4 hours and it's over 6000 words ! Let me know what you thought of it by leaving comments throughout the story and at the end :)

Don't forget to answer my questions at the end and tweet me about it ! Leave posts with the hashtag #coldwaterff on Twitter or mention me (@ronniebennett94), because I love reading them and retweeting/liking them !

Thank you so much for all the support you guys! I love writing and there's much for to come, this chapter is just the beginning and there's so much more to come! Also, I used all of the ideas you gave me on Twitter/Wattpad/Tumblr/Instagram in this chapter :) so keep giving me ideas and I will keep writing them :D

Happy reading !


Previously on chapter 21:

Rey+Luke+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/21.3/set?id=237283923

"Kind of dressed up for this, huh?" Niall asks when he comes into the empty kitchen and sees Jake and I talking in hushed tones about who he should hook up with tonight.

"Yeah, kind of." I say. I decided on the way here that I would act normal towards Niall and that I would not be hateful or ignorant anymore. I'll just treat him like everybody else.

He's a bit surprised by my relaxed comment so he pours two Jägermeister shots in tiny plastic shot glasses and hands one to me.

"Okay bitch, I see how it is. I'm out." Jake says and leaves, but not before winking at me.

"Let's do one." Niall says, and even though my first instinct is to ask him why he isn't doing any shots with his girlfriend, I grab the shot and don't say anything.

"Okay. What should we toast to?" I ask.

"Hm...how about Luke?"

It's weird. What happens is weird, but I'm not going to ruin it with another talk. Not when we're both sober at least.

I nod, and we toast to Luke before we down the shot. And then we do another one.

"Baaabe, where have you been? People are playing Never Have I Ever with drinks and then clothes!" Zoe says when she suddenly bursts into the kitchen. Then she sees me and eyes me up and down.

"Rey, hi. You look great!" she says, and I know it's fake. But me thanking her is real.

"I'm coming." Niall tells her and they both look at me for a few seconds.

"Well, do you want to join?" Zoe asks and I shrug, because why the hell not? I mean, if it means I'll get drunk quicker and I'll get to find out dirty things about people, why not?

I follow them through the living room where people are dancing and smoking weed, all the way into the back yard, where the porch light is on and a radiator is placed strategically so people won't be cold.

Zayn, Luke, Jake, Niall, Zoe, Sophia, Bryan, Liam, two other guys from the team and a cheerleader are sitting around the giant table on the porch, so I take the last seat right across from Niall (just my luck), and place my cup in front of me.

"Okay, so everyone knows the rules right?" Zoe says and proceeds to tell everyone anyway that the whole point of the game is to drink if you've done shit. "For example, I say "'Never Have I Ever kissed someone', and those who have done it have to drink. But you can only say things that you have never done, okay?"

Everyone nods, obviously excited to drink.

"Okay, I'll start." Sophia offers and raises her glass. "Never Have I Ever cheated on someone I've dated for more than two months."

Oh shit, this should be fun.


Rey's POV

"Okay, I'll start." Sophia offers and raises her glass. "Never Have I Ever cheated on someone I've dated for more than two months."

Niall and I make eye contact as Bryan and Jake drink, and he doesn't make any movement to get his glass. Okay, so he's going to lie.

After Sophia, it's Liam's turn.

"Never have I ever regretted sleeping with someone."

To this, almost everyone drinks, including Niall and I. I'm thinking about the first guy I ever slept with, right before Jed. It was a one-time thing because I was on vacation with my parents and I was sixteen. But we make eye contact anyway, and I sure hope he doesn't mean me.

It's Bryan's turn.

"Never Have I Ever tried anal sex."

I don't drink, and neither does Sophia or Ashley, a girl from our cheerleading squad. The boys snicker at each other as they drink and Jake says something about drinking the whole cup, which makes everybody laugh.

After Bryan, it's Ashley's turn.

"Never have I ever had a wet dream about someone at this table." She says and looks at Zayn, who sees that he's being looked at but doesn't say anything.

Everyone drinks to this.

"So let me get this straight. We've all had wet dreams about someone at this table and besides Sophia, Liam, Niall and Zoe, no one did anything about it?" Jake asks, and there's a short awkward silence before Zayn decides he's going to get his turn now.

"Never Have I Ever kissed someone at this table that I'm not currently dating."

I look at Zayn and he looks at me, and I make sure that it's obvious as Bryan, Niall, Zayn and I drink.

After Zayn, it's my turn. I don't like this game because I never know what to say and I always forget to prepare something before it's my turn.

"Never Have I Ever regretted sleeping with someone at this table." I say and don't drink, but I sort of get angry when Niall drinks. I mean, besides Zoe and I, he didn't sleep with anyone here.

"Have you actually slept with someone here?" Bryan asks me and I shake my head. I mean, if I had said yes, then people would've figured out that it had to be Niall.

It's Luke's turn, because he's sitting next to me. "Never Have I Ever got into a relationship with someone just to get over someone else."

And then there's silence. We all look at each other, and everyone is waiting for someone to drink first. Eventually, Zayn does, so Niall and Jake follow.

"Who did you want to get over?" Zoe asks Niall.

"It was a long time ago, not our relationship." Niall explains and looks at me for a few seconds.

Now it's Jake's turn.

"Never Have I fucking Ever pretended to hate someone I actually have feelings for." He says, and okay, do people at this table have a plan of making Niall and I uncomfortable or something? Because after the whole hockey game fiasco, I wouldn't be surprised.

Niall and I drink at the same time, and the worst part is that we're the only ones who drink.

"With each other?" Zoe asks and I'm kind of getting tired of her follow-up questions.

"No, I actually don't like him." I assure her and some people laugh.

Josh, a guy from the football team, plays with his cup as he thinks about something to say.

"Never Have I Ever thought about someone else during sex." He says and Jake laughs before he takes a sip.

To my surprise, Niall and Zayn also drink.

"How can you think about someone else during sex?" Sophia asks and Zoe looks at Niall in a 'fake angry' sort of way.

"Hope it didn't happen when we had sex, right babe?" she asks and Niall kisses her cheek. Bitch, shut up already ugh.

I'm starting to feel a slight buzz from the two shots I did before we sat down at the table and from the fact that I drank almost half of my Vodka RedBull. Plus, I didn't get to eat before we left. This is not good.

"No babe, I thought of you with someone else. Definitely." He says, and Zoe is so happy about that, that she doesn't even realize that this might imply she was cheated on. No one does, actually, except of me. And I actually know for a fact that there's a 99% chance that he's talking about the time the two of us slept together.

And now I'm angry.

It's time to fuck him up.

It's Andy's turn now, another guy from the football team. "Never Have I Ever had my heart broken by someone at this party." he says and I drink, along with Ashley and Niall.

I know that Jed is also at the party, so anyone who cares to think why I just drank must be thinking of him.

It's Niall's turn now.

"Never Have I Ever..." he trails off, thinking about it. "Liked someone who was bad for me."

Everyone drinks at that, including him.

Now it's Zoe's turn. "Never Have I Ever been jealous of someone at this table."

She wants to make a point because she's the only one who doesn't drink.

Now it's Sophia's turn, and she seems pretty set to make Niall and I uncomfortable, because she says:

"Never Have I Ever told someone I had feelings for to go away without actually meaning it."

There are a few moments of silence around the table, during which everyone seems to be thinking about it.

Finally, Niall and Jake drink. I don't. And I want Niall to see that I don't.

Liam takes a hold of his cup. "Never Have I Ever fallen in love with someone at this party."

Once again, I'm glad he said 'party' instead of 'table', because I can drink without it being suspicious. Niall, Zoe, Liam, Jake and Sophia drink. I drink as well.

It's Bryan's turn. "Never Have I Ever beaten someone's ass at this table."

Zoe and I are the only ones who drink, and everyone knows we mean the fight on New Year's, in which I clearly fucked her up. There's tension and Ashley is about to say something when Zoe perks up:

"I'm getting bored, let's play something else! How about truth or dare?" she suggests, and Bryan complains that it's a sixth grader game, but Zayn just started rolling a spliff, and no one wants to leave without having a smoke, so we end up agreeing to Zoe's idea.

She takes the empty beer bottle from Niall's hand and places it in the middle of the table.

Perrie comes out on the porch and asks if she can join, so Zoe offers her seat and moves to sit on Niall's lap.

"I want to do the honors." Jake says and leans over to spin the bottle. It lands on Bryan.

"Okay Bryan, you have to ask...." He spins the bottle again and it lands on me. "Rey."

"Truth or dare?" Bryan asks and I think about it for a second, before I choose truth.

"Okay...who's the last person you fucked?"

I know it's Niall, but I can't say it.

"My ex boyfriend."

Jake's eyes bulge out of his head and I sneak a glance at Niall, who pretends to be busy whispering something in Zoe's ear, which makes her giggle.

"How is this a drinking game?" Sophia argues.

"Each time the bottle lands on you, you have to take a sip." Zoe says, so Bryan knocks his cup against mine and we take a gulp.

I shiver as I do so.

"You cold?" Zayn asks, and I look down at myself. Of course I'm cold, because I'm wearing heels that don't really cover my feet and a dress with spaghetti straps and no fucking bra.

So I nod, and he takes off his jacket, like the gentleman he is, and I put it on. People watch this interaction without saying anything, and after I've settled back into my seat wearing the jacket that is way too big for me, I spin the bottle. It lands on Jake, and then on Zoe.

"Zoe, truth or dare?"

"Truth." She says and I pray to the Gods that Jake won't ask something stupid.

"What does cheating mean to you?"

Zoe frowns. "I don't know? Anything past kissing I guess."

"So kissing is okay?"

"No." she says and looks at me for a second. Then, she leans back into Niall and kisses his neck.

She spins the bottle and it lands on Luke and then Niall.

"Niall, truth or dare mate?" Luke asks.

Niall chooses dare, and Luke smirks and looks at me for a second.

"I dare you...to do a body shot."

Niall shrugs and pats Zoe so she can get up in order for him to do a body shot off of her, when Luke adds:

"Off Rey."

Oh, for fuck's sake.

"He doesn't have to do it." Zoe argues and Luke shrugs.

"If he's a pussy, then he doesn't." he says and looks at Niall, who stands up.

"Fine, I'll bring out some Tequila."

A few seconds go by as we watch him go inside to get the salt, lime, and Tequila.

"You're not mad, are you?" Luke teases Zoe, who brushes it off with a laugh, saying she doesn't mind because it's just a game and Niall loves her.

Jake throws me a 'bitch-please' look and I shake my head, hiding my smile into my cup. I'm currently trying to hide the fact that I'm freaking out.

When Niall comes back, he comes over to me and I stand up without saying anything.

"Lay down on the table." Jake says, and I can hear his fucking smirk.

"And put the lime in her mouth." Sophia adds.

I hate my friends.

I lay down on the table and I'm well aware of the fact that he can't do the shot out of my belly button because I have a dress on, so he places the lime into my mouth and sprays salt on my collarbone.

"From her cleavage to her neck." Jake instructs and Niall spills the Tequila from the place where my cleavage ends, really close to my boobs, and lets it flow until it reaches my neck.

Then, he places his hands on each side of my head and leans down.

And I'm turned on.

His tongue touches the end of my cleavage and continues up to my neck where my salt is resting on my collarbones. He licks it up slower than he should and then traces his lips all the way up to my mouth, leaving shivers to go down all the way to my toes.

He grabs the lime with his teeth, but our lips brush for a second, and then he's back on his feet, dropping the lime on the ground.

My body is on fucking fire and I'm so turned on I can feel my core pulsating.

I sit up on the table and he looks down at me, before he leaves to go back to his place, where Zoe takes her seat back on his lap. She doesn't seem to mind or notice the fact that I'm out of breath as I sit back down on my seat.

My phone beeps as the bottle spins and people continue playing.


I send back some laughing and eye rolling emojis.


Zayn calling my name pulls me out of my conversation with Jake.


"Bryan needs to give you a truth or a dare."

"Dare." I say.

"I dare you to make out with Zoe for thirty seconds."

I look at Zoe and she shrugs, smiling.

"Okay." I say and get up from my seat to walk over to her.

Niall doesn't really understand what's going on when I place my hand on Zoe's cheek and my lips on hers. We make out for thirty seconds on the clock, and all I can think about during that time is that she smells like Niall.

When I break the kiss, everyone is cheering and I'm pretty sure people took some pictures.

I sit back down and go through the past events through my head. Not only did Niall do a body shot off of me and leave me sexually frustrated, but I also made out with his girlfriend.

The next round lands on Sophia and then me, so I pick dare, because I'm starting to get courage from the alcohol.

"I dare you to...kiss someone at this table. Whoever you want to kiss the most."

I look at Jake, but then I remember who's sitting next to me.

I turn to face Zayn and lean in. He leans in too and cups my face when our lips touch to deepen the kiss.

Our tongues are touching and I feel a bit of butterflies in my stomach, but we pull apart when people start making noises and laughing.

I lick my lips and catch just a small glimpse of Niall clenching his jaw before I spin the bottle. Ashley has to ask Niall a truth next.

"Ave you ever told someone a lie that hurt someone?" she asks and Niall thinks about it.

"What if it wasn't a lie?"

Ashley shrugs. "I guess it's okay."

"Well, I told someone once that I wanted them to drop it and it was true."

This hits me hard and it hurts, because I remember everything once again.

Fuck you, Niall. I'm done.

But I don't show it. Instead, I pretend not to care.

The next round is Liam with Bryan, who picks a dare.

"Okay..." Liam trails off, obviously out of ideas. "I dare you to say a Never Have I Ever thing. And we have to drink."

Bryan nods. "Never Have I Ever...masturbated while thinking about someone in this room."

Bryan, Liam and Niall drink. Then, Niall tells Zoe that he thought of her and she giggles into his neck.

The bottle spins, and Bryan has to give me a dare.

"Okay...I dare you to take a pill."

"That's bullshit." Niall argues but I tell Bryan that I'll do it.

So he rummages through his pocket and takes out a small plastic bag. He hands me half of an Ecstasy pill, which I place on my tongue and swallow it with the last remains of my drink.

After two more rounds, Sophia stops the game.

"Guys, we're out of drinks." she realizes as she looks into everyone's cup. "Let's go inside, I'm freezing anyway."

And because no one has anything left to drink, we do just that.

I go straight to the bathroom and I know Jake is behind me. He locks us in and turns to look at me with his hands on his hips.

"Why didn't you kiss Niall?"

"Because I wanted to kiss your brother." I tell him, and it isn't a lie.

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not, I swear. I wanted to kiss Zayn, not Niall. Did you want me to kiss him while he had Zoe in his lap? Or what? It would've been-"

"Oh, and by the way, I saw he had a boner." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Well, with Zoe grinding down his lap I would be surprised if he didn't." I mumble.

"I don't think it was thanks to her."

I ignore him as I look at myself in the mirror. The effects of the alcohol have faded and I'm not feeling the pill at all, so we decide to go to the kitchen and do some shots.

We pick Jägermeister, because that's how it started, and Zayn joins in, so I get to give his jacket back.

Jason and Lilly end up in the kitchen as well, so the five of us do two rounds of shots until Niall comes in and freaks out about Lilly doing a shot.

"I'm going to her house for a bit." Jason tells me, making sure that Niall doesn't hear us, and I nod.

"Do you have protection?" I ask, even though I'm extremely grossed out. But I have to.

"Yeah, Rey. Jesus."

They leave the kitchen so it's only Jake, Zayn, Niall and I. Jake and Niall start talking about something, so Zayn turns to me.

"You kissed me." he smirks and I shrug.

"You were the closest person." I tease and he smiles, pouring yet another round of shots.

"Are you complaining?" I ask, and now I'm definitely flirting.

"Not at all."

We clink our glasses together and he smiles as he downs the shot at the same time as I do.

"Shit, mom's calling. Didn't you tell her we were going to a party?" Jake groans as he looks at his phone.

"What? I thought you told her." Zayn says.

"Well, I didn't, and now she's going all Momzilla on us."

They both groan and leave the kitchen to go talk to their mother on the phone. She's not at all the type of mother who doesn't let their kids go out, but she always likes to know where they are, because she has a 'no lie' policy.

Huh, must be nice to have a mother who cares about you.

I'm so deep into my thoughts that I don't even realize the fact that Niall and I are the only ones left in the kitchen. Once again.

"Stop looking at me like that." I tell him as I fill my red cup with Vodka and RedBull.

"Your pupils are huge." Is all he says.

"So? Fuck off, I don't need you to judge me. You have no right to."

"You don't have to do everything Bryan says, you know."

"What's it to you?"

He shrugs as he takes a sip from his mix. "Nothing, I couldn't care less. It was just an observation."

"I'm going now." I feel the need to say as I grab my cup filled with Vodka and RedBull.

"Don't you think you've had a bit too much-"

"Shut up." I say. Then, I place the cup back on the counter, rethinking it. "Fine."

So I grab the Tequila bottle from the counter, the one he used to take a body shot off of me.

"You had goosebumps." He says, pointing to the Tequila bottle, referring to that body shot.

"I was cold, but then Zayn kept me warm. Don't flatter yourself." I mumble and I grab a lime from the small bowl.

I am on my way to the door, when his hand comes up from behind my head, keeping the door shut.

I turn around and we almost bump our noses together. "What do you want now?" I ask, taking a step back so that my back is up against the door.

"You forgot something." He says and holds up the saltshaker.

"Thanks." I say and place the lime in my mouth so I have a free hand to hold the salt. I hold my hand out for him to give me the salt, but his eyes darken.

I feel something on my shoulder, and I know he just poured some salt there. The lime is still between my teeth and my heart starts beating faster because...is he doing what I think he's doing?

"What are you doing." I state more than ask as I take the lime out from my mouth, and feel extremely disappointed when he steps back.

"That wasn't a proper body shot."

"Hm, I think it was." I say, trying not to give away the fact that every single fiber of my being is on fire because of what could have happened.

I hear the door lock behind me and then he points to the counter.

"You don't know how a proper body shot is done?" he asks and I nod. I don't need him to tell me how to do one, because I'm already stepping towards the counter. When I turn around to hoist myself up onto it, gripping into my waist.

Niall's standing between my legs and I am dying.

Then, he presses his hand against my torso and I lay down with my back on the cold surface of the counter. I feel his cold hands at the end of my dress, hesitating.

I place my hands over his and slowly pull them upward to that my dress is all the way up over my belly button. I try to control my breathing as he takes the bottle from my hand and pours some Tequila into my belly button. Then, he places his hands on either side of my shoulders and leans down.

I tremble when his tongue touches my belly, licking up the alcohol and then traces up all the way to my shoulder, leaving my skin feeling cold when he has to lift his mouth in order to not lick my dress.

His tongue in on my neck again, licking up the salt, before his lips graze up my neck, sending shivers down my spine. It's way more intimate now and I have no idea what is happening and why it's happening, but I fucking love it. Not to mention that I am so turned on right now that I would fuck him on the counter.

His lips come up to mine and he sucks on the lime sticking out of my mouth, before he spits it out on the table.

And then, instead of pulling himself back up like I expect him to, he turns his head so our noses are touching again.

"You've got goosebumps now as well." He says.

"I'm cold."

"No you're not."

He's right. I am on fire.

His lips drift down to my ear. "You lied." Niall whispers into my ear.

"With what?" I try to speak. It's hard to, because our bodies are touching all the way from our mouths to my thighs.

"You said the last person you had sex with was Jed."

"Maybe it wasn't a lie."

"It was." He argues.

"How do you know it wasn't?"

"Because your mouth twitched."

"You lied too." I say, trying to get the spotlight off of me.


"You said you thought about Zoe when we had sex. That was a lie." I say, even though I'm not sure.

"Maybe it wasn't a lie." He says, repeating my words.

"Wasn't it?" I ask, looking him in the eyes.

His pupils are dilated too, but I can't concentrate on that right now, because our lips are touching and I died and went to heaven.

"It was." Niall finally whispers and I lift my torso off the counter because it's digging into my back, but the movement causes me to grind against him. He lets out a sigh that lets me know that he's just as turned on as I am.

"Don't kiss him again." he says, grinding into me again.

"Why not?" I ask, looking up at him and biting my lip. "You're kissing her."

"Who would you want me to kiss instead?"

I don't answer.

"So who did you masturbate to from that table?" I ask, thinking that it's the right time to do so.

Before he can answer, there's a bang against the door, and then Jake is yelling at us to open it.

Niall pulls back, leaving me cold.

I jump off the counter and pull my dress down before Niall unlocks the door and lets Jake in.

It's moments like these that I want to scream at Jake. But I still love him though.

"What's going on here?" Jake asks, but his question is answered when he sees the Tequila bottle and the lime on the counter.

Niall takes his red cup and leaves, leaving Jake and I alone.

"There's so much sexual tension in this room I'm suffocating." Jake says and hands me my cup. "They put our song on, let's go."

A Lost Frequencies song is playing, which is one of our many songs, so I follow him out in the living room.

I dance with Jake for a while, until I find Zayn in the crowd and go up to him. He's obviously high and I can feel the effects of the pill kicking in. I spot Niall and Zoe in the corner, making out, so I get closer to Zayn until we're actually dancing together to a really sexy song, and for some reason I am extremely attracted to him.

He places his hands on my waist and pulls me even closer into him as I grind on him, and then I decide to kiss him. He responds immediately, and all I can think about as I kiss him is that he smells like heaven.

We kiss for what seems like hours, until someone yells that people are going to do shots, so everyone goes to the kitchen. It smells like smoke and alcohol and I think I'm going to be sick.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks me and I nod, even though I feel like I'm about to throw up.

Someone pours about twenty shots and they're being passed around. I get one, but the smell of Tequila makes my head spin. I know the pill kicked in because I am turned on and sick at the same time.

Someone yells 'Happy Birthday Luke' and everyone yells back, before we down the shots. This shot kills me and I wobble on my feet, almost falling over on my heels.

"Hey." Niall says, appearing next to me out of nowhere as he grips into my arm.

"Hi." I say back and he starts laughing.

Okay, so we're both high. I can't even think of the last time we were both drunk and high and got along. I think actually, it was the first time we ever got along, more than five months ago.

"Jake fell asleep upstairs." Niall tells me when I ask where he is.

Whenever I'm drunk I need Jake.

"No waaaay! Let's go on an adventure." I whisper and he giggles, before I grab his wrist and pull him behind me.

We walk up the stairs, but I trip on my heels and fall to my knees, laughing like an idiot.

"Are you okaaay?" he asks between laughs as he helps me up.

"Yes. Let's find a sharpie."

We go into Luke's room, where we look through his drawers to find a sharpie, not even caring about the fact that two people are currently having sex on his bed.

"Are you okay guys?" Niall asks, turning to the two people on the bed.

There's a small moment of shock when we realize that it's Liam and Sophia.

"Do you need anything? Condoms? Juice? Some music?" I ask and Niall starts laughing.

They give us an annoyed look from under the covers, so we leave them alone.

We find Jake in another room, sprawled on the bed, loudly snoring.

I start drawing on his face and Niall films the whole thing. Then, I press a kiss to Jake's nose before we leave him alone, making sure that I closed the door behind me.

"Where's your...where's your girlfriend?" I ask, leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs so I can stand up straight.

"I don't really care, to be honest."

"She talks shit about me, doesn't she?"

I am in the mood to start shit up, and I hate myself for it.

"Why do you care?"

I roll my eyes. "I just do. And don't act like you hate it when I care."

"Yeah...I know. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"Just...for being a dick. You don't deserve it." he says and steps closer to me, before he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around his chest and close my eyes, taking in his amazing smell.

"You still kissed him though." He says into my hair.

"And you kissed her too."

We don't say anything for a few seconds, until someone yells at us from the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you really that fucking desperate that you have to hit on my boyfriend every time?" Zoe screams at me, slurring some of her words, and I know she's drunk out of her mind.

And the fact that I'm also drunk and high doesn't help the situation, because I'm in the mood to fuck her up.

"I didn't fucking do anything! Can't I hug a friend?" I yell back, letting go of Niall and looking down at her.

"You're so fucking frustrated! First Zayn and now Niall? Are you really making your way through the group?" she yells, and okay, now I'm fucking angry.

I grip into the railing as I take one step at the time down the stairs, closer to her.

"Rey, stop it." Niall says from behind me, and I trip over my heels but catch myself just in time.

"Do you want me to rip your cheap extensions out one more time?" I ask, obviously provoking her. "I don't want your fucking boyfriend, stop flattering yourself."

"You are gagging for it!" she says and that's it, I already swing at her.

She grabs my hand and tries to grip into my hair, but I manage to pull myself away.

"Fuck, not again." Niall says from behind me and places a hand on my shoulder to pull me away, but I shake him off.

"She's talking shit again."

"Don't worry, I've got enough money for extensions. I can help you out if you want." Zoe snarls and I get up in her face.

"So you agree that I'm going to snatch them off that head of yours?" I ask and she pushes me so that I nearly fall.

I stabilize myself and take my shoes off in five seconds. This brings me to an obvious disadvantage because way taller than I am anyway. And she's wearing heels.

"Hold my shoes." I tell Niall, but let them drop on the floor anyway.

"Watch out, you don't want one of your tiny boobs to fall out of that skimpy dress." She says and I push her.

She barely even nudges, so I try again and this time she grips into my wrist, before she tries to hit me in the face but I duck, thank God, because she has a giant ring on her finger.

"You have to stop! For fuck's sake!" Niall yells when I lunge at her.

"No, come on. Let me fucking-" I yell at Zoe, even though I'm talking to Niall. I try to go for her again, but once again, Niall wraps his hands around my waist, just like he did on New Year's, lifting me up.

"I'm going to punch her fucking face in!" Zoe screams and tries to claw my eyes out, but Zayn appears out of nowhere, obviously having heard the screams, and holds her back.

I try to kick my feet at her but Niall takes another step back.

"Of fucking course! Take her side!" Zoe yells at him.

"I'm trying to take her off of you!" Niall argues and that seems to soft her up a bit, but then I try to kick her again and I do so, in the chest, so she wobbles on her heels.

"You did NOT!"

"I fucking DID!" I yell and she kicks me in the ankles. It fucking hurts.

"Put me down!" I tell Niall and he does, but not before making me promise that I'll stop.

I don't stop, because I step towards Zoe and grab one of her extensions, ripping them out of her head.

This time, Niall on her side, pulling her into him, so Zayn comes at me and holds me back.

"Let's go to the bathroom. Stop this shit, it's Luke's party." Niall tells me, and I've never seen him so serious, so I decide to turn my back to them and focus on something else.

The two of them leave to go to the bathroom and I see Luke coming towards me.

"I'm so sorry for ruining the party." I tell him.

"It's fine." He smiles reassuringly. "Nobody even noticed except of these guys. The music is too loud in the living room."

Luke pulls me into a sideways hug and kisses my cheek. "'s fine, honestly. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but she annoys the fuck out of me."

"Here are your shoes." Zayn laughs as he hands me my heels.

"Fuck them, I can't walk in them tonight." I say and throw them into a corner.

My mom is probably crying in her sleep right now because I just threw the Louboutins she got me in a corner.

Bryan comes up to me and grabs my shoulder so he can lean and whisper into my ear.

"I'm going to light a spliff in two minutes, you in?"

I smile and nod. "Yeah okay."

"Do you want some shoes?" Luke asks and I shake my head, telling him that I have small feet.

Then, I follow Bryan outside on the porch, where only a few people are in a circle, laughing loudly about something.

He lights up the spliff and Luke joins us, so we let him have the first drag because he's the birthday boy.

We take turns, three drags each, and my head is spinning, but I'm not sick anymore. The weed calms me down, thank God.

There's a commotion inside, so Luke leaves us alone after two minutes to check it out. Someone apparently knocked over a lamp.

"So what's your deal with Zayn?" Bryan asks as he takes a drag.

"No deal. I like him."

He smirks and comes closer to me, and I instinctively take a step back.

"Let's do some shots." He suggests after he finishes the spliff.

I want to object, because I'm way too gone at this point, but I agree anyway.

Niall and Zoe are in the kitchen, making out, so we ignore them as Bryan pours our Tequila shots.

The Ecstasy is still kicking in pretty strong, and I'm turned on.

"I'm sorry." Zoe says from behind me, but I know it's not a truthful apology. I accept it anyway.

"Aren't you cold?" Niall asks with an arm around her, pointing at my feet.

I nod before I turn to Bryan and we down the shot.

"I can give you some of Lilly's sneakers if you want." Niall suggests and I look at Zoe, who seems to be okay with it.

What did Niall tell her to calm her down?

I'm too drunk to care. Too high to care.

"Okay." I say.

"Be back in five minutes." Niall tells her and kisses her cheek.

"Don't be too long." Bryan says and places a kiss on my lips, which leaves me kind of dumbstruck, because I can't even react to it. As we make our way to the door, I see Jason and Lilly in the living room talking to Zayn, so I'm relieved to know that we won't be walking in on anyone.

I grab my heels from the corner I threw them in, and follow Niall out of the house, closing the door behind us.

"Put them on." Niall says and I shake my head, telling him that I can't do that.

"Shit Rey, put them on. You can't walk like that. It's cold."

He's kind of slurring his words and I am too, but I shake my head again.

He sighs and turns around to run a hand through his hair.

I see the opportunity and jump on his back, wrapping my legs tightly around his body. He grips into my thighs and begins to walk towards his house.

"Niall." I whisper into his ear as he walks.

"What?" he asks, his grip on my thighs tightening.

"I need to tell you a secret." I whisper.


"I'm dizzy."

He doesn't say anything, because we reach his house. He unlocks it before he lets me down and waits for me to go in first.

"I love your house." I say, letting my heels fall on the ground.

"Why? It's small." He says.

"I know. I love it. It's cozy." I say and when I don't see any shoes of Lilly's at the door, I decide to walk upstairs and find some.

I look through her closet and find some Converse in my size, which I put on. Then I decide that it would be a good idea to walk into Niall's room and check out his shoes collection.

He comes into his room after some time, to find me kneeling down in front of his closet, analyzing his shoes.

"What are you doing?"

"I like your shoes. I like Vans. I like boys in Vans."

"A lot of boys wear Vans." He says, leaning against the doorframe.

"I like all of them then."

He looks down at me.

"Yeah, especially Zayn."

I get up from the floor and walk over to his desk to analyze some more. "What's wrong if I like Zayn?" I ask, not looking at him.

I look at a photo on his desk, the only one he has in his room, of him, Lilly, and Eddie.

"Nothing." He finally answers.

"Good, because I could go on all day about what's wrong with you liking Zoe."

"Like what?"

"Like, she tried to fight me again." I say and turn to face him.

He rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on Rey. You continued."

I shrug and walk over to him. "You smell good."

"And you're drunk."

"Actually, I'm better now. But I'm high."

We look at each other for a few moments. Then I smirk.

"What?" he asks.

"You smell good."

I get even closer to him, so close that I'm in his personal bubble.

"I smell like alcohol and smoke."

"You smell like Niall."

His eyes soften for a moment.

"I need to tell you another secret." I tell him.

"And what is that?"

I place my hands on his shoulders and lean up to his ear so I can whisper into it.

"I am so fucking turned on right now."


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D

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Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:

1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??

2. what should happen in the next chapter?

3. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story!

You guys are amazing!

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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