21:"I didn't think you'd stoop so low."

Guys, here is the weekly chapter! I have one more weekly chapter left, which will be posted next week :) But maybe I'll post 2 chapters until the 8th of April, depends on how my writing is going :) 

I hope you guys like this chapter, and I'm excited because starting this chapter BIG things are going to happen and the story is just starting ;D PLEASE make sure to read the end notes because I have a big announcement, and also, don't forget to answer my questions at the end :) they inspire me!

Let me know on Twitter by mentioning me @ronniebennett94 or by using the hashtag #coldwaterff what you thought about the chapter/story/everything ! I always like and retweet :)

So, happy reading, and don't forget to also comment (in English as much as possible please :D ) throughout the story, because it makes my day x

Happy reading !


Previously on chapter 20:

Much to Jake's disappointment, the roads are open on Tuesday morning, which means that we can and have to go to school.

But after school comes the hockey game, and we already talked that we'd meet each other in front of the arena. And as usual, Niall and I are the only ones who don't hug or greet each other.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/20.4/set?id=236795321

After we wait in line with our tickets, we finally take our seats, and due to some really poor planning, I end up sitting next to Niall. But it's only for two and maybe a half hours, so I can fucking do this.

"I'm so excited." Jake tells Sophia next to me and I frown. Since when does he like ice hockey?

The match eventually starts and I start to feel comfortable because the atmosphere at a hockey game is way better than the one at a footie match. Everyone's screaming and players are fighting, everything is great.

Twenty minutes later comes the first break, and on the big screen some funny scenes from previous matches are being played.

Then, a heart appears on the screen with the words 'kiss cam' under it, and an old couple appears in the heart. They smile and kiss each other, before David and Victoria fucking Beckham also appear on the screen.

"Oh my GOD! It's my husband!" Sophia cries when he sees David kiss Victoria. "I didn't even know they'd be here!"

"Oh my fucking God." Jake says looking at the screen and I nod.

"I know right? It's the Beckhams-" I say just as everyone starts chanting 'kiss kiss kiss', even though the Beckhams have already done it.

"Rey, look." Jake says and I look up.

I feel like my whole life has been sucked out of me and I'm weak at the knees.

Because on the big screen, the Beckhams are gone.

And now, I'm looking up at the screen, just to see my own face and Niall's, both in disbelief.


Rey's POV

I stare at my face on the screen for what seems like an eternity, but in reality only two seconds pass. I shake my head so the camera man understand I don't want to kiss him, but the 'KISS KISS KISS' screams only get louder and the camera man doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to say.

"He has a girlfriend." I mouth at the screen, hoping someone will end this whole thing.

Everyone is shouting now and my head is about to explode because my anxiety is kicking in, but then I feel a cold hand on my cheek.

I look at Niall and he rolls his eyes before he pulls me to his lips, kissing me. The whole world suddenly goes quiet and the thoughts running through my head, together with my crippling anxiety, are gone. All the fibers of my being are concentrating on the feeling of his lips on mine, and that's it.

My hand comes up to his chest, but before I know it, he puts the kiss to an end, way too soon.

Jake is yelling 'YAS BITCH' in my ear, and I shake my head, trying to act cool just as the game starts.

But I know what I felt and I know he felt it too, but right now he's pretending to be too preoccupied by his phone than to actually say something.

I know he felt what I felt, because you don't kiss someone like that without caring about them. He made my world stop with that kiss, and I know I made his stop as well. You can't hide that.

Apparently, he can fucking hide that, because he doesn't even look at me for the rest of the night, not even when I ask who wants a lift home. So that's that.

When I get home, I grab a pack of crisps from the kitchen and walk upstairs to put a new movie on and get the thoughts about Niall out of my head.

As soon as I open the pack, Jason appears in the doorframe, shooting me a look.

"Get your own crisps." I mumble at him as I shove them into my mouth.

"But Reeeey." He whines, stepping closer.

"Get out of my room." I complain and he looks down at his feet, which are right on the doorstep.

"I'm not in your room." He snickers.

"Go away." I say and Jason rolls his eyes before he walks out of my line of vision.

"Shut the door!" I yell before I let out a frustrated groan when he doesn't. I get up from my bed and go to close the door. After that, I get back into bed and start the movie.

The movie I picked was a bad choice because it was about a couple that had a love/hate type of relationship, and the fact that they ended up together left me depressed.

Once I'm in my pj's, I reply to my WhatsApp messages before I turn off all the lights and get into bed. I turn on my side and put one hand under the pillow, just to feel some papers under it.

As soon as I pull them out from under the pillow to see what it is, I remember that they are a copy of Niall's songs that Lilly gave to me a few weeks ago. I don't bother to turn on the light to look at them, but I can't help but think that he can't write songs like this and not feel anything.

What if they're about Zoe though? They must be.

The thought that he wrote songs for her depresses me even more, so I put them under my bed, far away from my reach, and cuddle up with Bentley who just came into my room, until I fall asleep.


The next day, on Wednesday, Niall, Luke, and I need to meet at Niall's house again for the project, and I am determined to look as if I couldn't give a fuck about the kiss or whatever.

"Bitch. Yesterday." Is how Jake greets me during lunch.

Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/21.1/set?id=237283727

"What about it?" I ask, as if to shrug it off.

"You stormed home so quickly I barely got to say goodbye!" Sophia says.


"Soooo." Jake starts, placing a dramatic hand on his chest. "How was it?"

"The kiss?" I ask, already done with this discussion.

They both nod, of course.

"You mean, how was the completely forced and awkward kiss that neither of us wanted to happen?" I snarl and that makes them shut up.

For a while, at least, because Jake talks again: "Bitch, did you hear Zoe got really mad?"

"How did she find out?" I ask, not really caring that Niall and her got into a fight.

"I posted a Snapchat of it, duh." Jake lets me know, and I shake my head because I didn't even get on social media since last night.

"Did they break up?" I ask.

Sophia shakes her head. "Mission failed."

I frown. "What?"

They exchange looks, just as Liam sits down next to her and pecks her lips. Then he sees our faces. "What's going on?"

"I think Rey figured it out." Jakes says and throws Sophia a look.

"Shit." Liam sighs.

"You guys had something to do with it?" I ask, getting mad.

"Of course we did! You and Niall are-" Jake starts.

"I don't want to hear it Jake. Just stop forcing it and trying to make it happen, okay? I appreciate that you guys care about me, but just drop it." I say, and it hurts me a bit to say those two words that Niall said to me a month ago.

"Fine." Jake huffs and crosses his arms over his chest like a little kid.

"Rey-" Sophia tries, but I pick a random subject that comes to mind and start talking about it.

They know I changed the subject on purpose, but neither of them comment on it. Luke, who appears out of thin air and sits down next to me, interrupts us suddenly.

"Rey, the boys and I have to go buy drinks for this Friday, so there won't be any project work done today, but Niall and I talked and we'll meet up in the weekend, okay?"

I nod. Somehow, this is better, because I don't have to see Niall so quickly after that forced kiss, and maybe by then I'll be completely over him.

Jason and I get home after practice around five, and I start studying right away. It just occurred to me that I actually like Math because now I understand it and it's sort of fun.

"Jason, can you bring me a glass of water?" I yell as I go through the exercises in front of me.

He appears in the doorframe. "Remember yesterday, when you didn't give me some of your chips? Go get your own water."

I loudly sight at him before I get up from the desk and walk downstairs to get some water. I grab the whole bottle when my dad enters the kitchen and places his briefcase on the table, which means that he just got home from work.

"Rey, do you and Jason have any plans tomorrow night?" he asks and I shake my head, because tomorrow is Thursday, and there's no game.

"Very well, I was hoping you'd say that."

I frown. "Why?"

"My firm is hosting a charity event for the hospital downtown, one of our biggest clients. We're raising money for some new gear and everyone at our firm and who works at the hospital is invited. We got a table for us and the Maliks."

For a moment I don't get it, but then I remember that Jake's mother is also a lawyer and that they actually work together, so I am a bit relieved that I won't be bored tomorrow.

"Dress formal." My dad yells as I make my way up the stairs and I yell back in acknowledgement before I walk over to Jason's room to let him know about tomorrow.

His eyes light up at the news.

"Why are you so happy about it? It's a shitty event with rich people." I ask him as I sit down on his bed.

Jason smirks and shrugs. "No reason, my dear sister."

I squint my eyes at him. "What do you want?"

"Water?" he says and points at my bottle, but I flip him off as I unscrew the cap.

"You didn't get it for me, so you're not getting any." I tell him before I drink it.

"I hate you." He mutters and returns to his video game.

"You looove me." I say and try to place a kiss to his cheek, but I end up failing because he pushes me away and makes a disgusted noise.


It's Thursday, way past 6pm, which kind of means that we're already late for the event, but it wouldn't be my family if we actually showed up on time. Plus, I'm thankful that my mother is taking so long to get dressed because I had to redo my winged eyeliner three times until it came out looking perfect.

I put on a nice tight pale pink dress that match my favorite Zanotti heels and grab a random bag from the shelf in which I put my wallet, keys, phone and cigarette pack.

The three of us are already in the limo that is supposed to drive us there when my mother finally comes, apologizing for making us wait, even though all of us already knew it was going to happen.

The charity gala is being held at the Four Seasons hotel, and the room is absolutely enormous. There are forty tables of eight across the room, a dancefloor in the middle and a tiny stage right across the room from the entrance.

"Our table is right here." My dad says, even though our personal hostess leads us there.

Jake, Zayn, and their parents are already at the table, and Jake exclaims when he sees me.

"Thank God for you bitch, I thought I was going to faint if I had to listen to one more iditot about how much they donated." Jake sighs and I sit down next to him.

Zayn smiles at me and I smile back, before Jake leans closer to me, so that no one can hear.

"Don't mention Gigi, they've broken up again. And I think it's for real this time." He whispers and I nod. I wasn't going to mention Gigi anyway, because I was hoping to have another one of those deep talks with Zayn about everything.

"Holy shitballs." Jake says and looks at me. "Don't look behind you-"

I turn my head with the speed of sound, just to see Niall, Lilly, and their mother walk over to a table quite close to ours.

Niall's wearing a nice tuxedo and his hair is made into a 'sort of' quiff to the side and he looks like sex on legs but I try not to let the fact that I have never been so attracted to him in my entire life. Of course, I've never seen him in formal clothing, and I never expected to be so turned on by this.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/21.2/set?id=237283694

His eyes roam the room and we make eye contact for a few seconds, and he holds it more than normal, until he sits down on his assigned chair. I can't read his expression because it's mainly blank, but I know that he held my gaze way longer than he had to.

"What are they doing here?" I ask.

"Maura's a nurse." Jason lets me know and I turn to look at him.

"You knew?"

He nods. "Of course I knew, Lilly told me."

"It's sickening how cute you two are together." Jake says. "I mean, I'm nineteen and I can't find a stable relationship but you're sixteen and you're nearly married."

"I thought you were dating Max-" I start and he shakes his head.

"Well, that's sort of a on-off thing. We mainly just f-"

His voice dies when the hostess serves us our drinks and I hold back a laugh, because typical.

The whole table raises their glasses, and then everyone returns to their conversations.

"Soo...have you two talked?" Jake presses about Niall and I.

"I haven't thought about him until just now, so thanks." I mumble, taking a big sip from my wine.

"Don't be so dramatic, that's my job." Jake whines and mimics my gesture by taking a big gulp of his wine.

"Jake, darling, easy on the drinks." His mother laughs, suddenly deciding that the discussion with my parents can wait.

"Mum, stop listening in to our conversations." Jake tells her and she smiles at him before she turns her head back to the parents.

"Fancy a smoke?" Zayn asks, looking at me, and I nod, of course.

We stand up and our parents don't even bother asking where we're going. Although they pretend not to notice, I know they both know I smoke, but they choose not to comment, because they both do it as well.

"You're not coming?" I ask when I see Jason get up but getting ready to head in the other direction.

"I'm going to sit with Lilly for a while." He tells me and I nod before I follow Jake and Zayn towards the smoking area.

It's freezing outside and I forgot my fur coat, so Zayn decides to be a gentleman and places his coat over my shoulders.

"Thanks." I say as Jake lights the cigarette that's hanging from my lips.

"There's an assembly tomorrow." Jake states and I scrunch my nose.

"Come on, don't talk about school right now."

"Bitch, I need to say this. So, there's an assembly tomorrow about the spring ball, and I hope we're going, right?" he asks and I nod.

"Of course we're going. When is it?" I ask.

"Bitch, if we knew, there wouldn't be an assembly tomorrow at school." He snarls.

"Someone's hangry." Zayn laughs and I join in, because Jake is the funniest when he's angry from hunger. Which...is kind of... always.

"Isn't he always?" someone behind us says and we turn around to see Niall walking towards us with his hands in his pockets and an unlit cigarette between his lips.

He barely acknowledges me as he shakes hands with the guys.

"Hi." Is all he tells me and I say it back, because I am currently over him.

I am.

I am I am I AM.

Fuck, he looks good.

"Is this Niall James Horan, or am I mistaken? In a fuckin' tux?" Zayn laughs.

"Fuck off." Niall says and lights his cigarette. "So, what were you talking about?"

"The spring ball." Jake fills him in.

"Ugh. I don't get it why there are always so many...I mean, there's one at the end of the senior year and one in the spring?" Niall comments and I focus on my toes, which are currently close to getting frostbite.

"Because people like getting dressed up and partying, duh." Jake says and Zayn shakes his head, before he lets us know that the revenue from the ticket sales is going to charity.

"Are you taking Zoe?" Jake asks Niall, who, to my disappointment (which I don't show), nods. He asks the two of them who they're going with.

"I don't know yet." Jake contemplates. "Max? Maybe. Or alone. I don't know."

"What about you?" Niall asks Zayn. "Gigi?"

Zayn shakes his head. "That's done. I don't know." he says and we make eye contact.

"Bryan was talking about asking you by the way." Jake tells me, and I know he's full of shit because I know his lying face.

The three of them look at me and Niall snorts. "Yeah right."

"What's so funny?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Nothing, just the thought of you and Bryan makes me laugh."

He doesn't say it with hatred whatsoever, which confuses me.

"And why is that?" I press.

"Because he's not your type."

"And what's my type?"

"He's a druggie." Niall tells me and I shrug.


"So, I didn't think you'd stoop so low."

"Well, after you, it can only go up, right?" I retort, and Jake and Zayn exchange looks. I know it's a low-blow and that I shouldn't have said it, but it just frustrates me when Niall just thinks he knows everything.

"Same here." He says and I roll my eyes at his weak, fifth grader, comeback.

"Should we go?" Jake asks, of course deciding that he should make things even more awkward.

"No, it's fine, I'll go." Niall says and puts his cigarette out. "See you lads inside."

Jake finishes his cigarette as well and throws it away, before he enters, saying that he's freezing his balls off.

"I have no idea how the two of you are brothers." I tell Zayn and he laughs, shrugging.

"Tell me about it. But we look alike, so we are in fact related." He jokes and I laugh.

After a short silence, filled with smoke and the music coming from inside, I look at him. He's in a thin white shirt rolled up to his elbows, showing his tattoos.

"Aren't you cold?" I ask him, feeling bad that I've been wearing his coat for so long now.

"No, it's fine. But, are you okay?" he asks, stepping closer.

"What do you mean?"

We both know what he means, but he tells me anyway.

"About Niall. I heard about the kiss."

I nod. "Yeah I'm fine. We're back to the way we were before we became friends, I'm fine. I mean, I'm getting over him and it doesn't hurt, if that's what you mean."

He smiles. "That's exactly what I mean."

"How about you?" I ask, trying to get the spotlight off of me. I put my cigarette out as I wait for his answer.

He shrugs. "I don't know. She broke it off kind of sudden and didn't tell me much."

"I'm sorry." I say and open my arms before I hug him.

He responds to my initiative by pulling me into him and placing his chin on the top of my head.

"What if we go to the ball together?" he suggests.

"To be honest, I was just thinking that." I laugh and look up at him, just as the door opens.

Niall comes out, and stops for a few seconds when he sees us, before he grabs his lighter from the table.

"Forgot my lighter." He says and shoots us a side-smirk before he's gone again.

"He's so jealous I can't even." Zayn says and I take a step back from him, letting go of his torso.

"Did you just use some Jake-slang?" I ask, putting a hand over my chest in a dramatic way.

"I told you we're brothers." He laughs as he opens the door to let me walk inside first.

The rest of the night passes by quite quickly, with us talking all kinds of shit, from school to football to spring break and Luke's upcoming birthday.

"He also invited you guys?" I ask right before desert, surprised to see that Luke invited Jake and Zayn as well. I mean, after all, he said it was going to be a tight-knit party, but apparently it won't.

"He even invited me." Jason tells me. "But I'm not going."

"Why not?"

"Because it's right next to Niall's house and her mom and brothers won't be home-"

"Ew, that's enough." I say, not wanting to hear the rest. Luke's party is tomorrow, which means that I'm going to have to go through the whole night watching Niall and Zoe interact without saying anything. It's not going to be hard, especially if I got Jake and Zayn by my side.


The next day at school, people seem to be talking about Luke's party like it's the event of the year, so I catch up to him in the hallway to ask him whether he knows that more than just a few people are going to attend.

He laughs as we exit the school and turn right towards the unofficial 'smoking area'. We have two more classes today, but he doesn't look in a rush to get to them.

"I know, but everyone invited someone and then that someone invited someone...I made sure that there won't be more than thirty people though, so I can manage. I threatened that there won't be enough alcohol for more than thirty people so it's safe so assume that we're going to be alright."

There's a small pause in which we both light our cigarettes, before he continues.

"Are you coming with Zayn?"

I blink. "What?"

"I saw you two today at lunch."

"Oh, no, we're just friends." I say, blushing a bit, because he must've seen when Zayn leaned in close to me to whisper that he'll bring some weed tonight.

I change the subject after that by talking about the project and asking him whether he thinks we'll be able to actually do any work this weekend.

When I get home later that day, I make sure to get some homework done before I start getting ready for the party.

I know Luke told me that it's going to be really casual, but literally all my comfortable clothes are in the laundry basket, so I end up picking a shiny dress and some heels, because the dress doesn't match with any of my sneakers.

Niall's POV

It's Friday afternoon around six when I get home from practice, just as my mum and Eddie are getting ready to go visit my grandmother in Mullingar. She's never met Eddie before; because there has always been the problem with my father, who never let her leave London before, not even to go to her father's funeral. So Eddie is running around excited to say the least.

"I've cooked something for you guys to eat this weekend and I left a fifty pound bill in case of emergencies." She tells Lilly and I, who are sitting at the bottom of the stairs, watching them put their coats on.

"No parties, okay? Don't burn the house down."

Lilly and I nod simultaneously, saying 'yes' after every single rule she lists.

"Also, Lilly, no guests, okay?" mum says and looks at her.

"Trust me, I'll make sure of that." I tell her and look at Lilly as well.

"Oh, and Niall can bring someone if he wants?" Lilly pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"He's nineteen." Mum says and Lilly huffs.

"That's ageist. And sexist."

My mum rolls her eyes with a smile and then leans down to kiss both of our heads. "Be good. I'll be back on Monday, and I'll be ringing in every day at eight."

"I can take care of ourselves." I tell her and she waves me off.

"Yeah okay." She laughs and grabs her luggage.

Eddie waves at us and smiles, before they open the door and they're gone.

Lilly turns to me. "So Jason is coming over tonight."

"No he's not. You heard what mum said."

"Since when do you listen to her?"

"Since when do you not listen to her?" I retort and she makes a face.

I stand up.

"You and Jason are coming with Zoe and I to the party. No funny business."

"Oh come on Ni! You always bring girls home!"

"I haven't."

"Yeah, not since you're with Zoe. And Rey doesn't count."

"Why doesn't she count?" I ask as I make my way to the kitchen and she follows me.

"Because I like Rey."

"And you don't like Zoe?"

I get a beer from the fridge.

"No, and you know why I don't like her."

I ignore her as I open the beer.

"Who I date is my business, and you have no say in it."

"Well then, you have no say in who I date." She tells me and sits down at the table.

"I never said I didn't like Jason."

"Yeah, because he comes from a good family." She says and tries to reach for my beer bottle, but I pull it out of her reach.

"Get ready, we're leaving at eight." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't take two hours to get ready like your girlfriend." She mutters and stands up.

"Hey, you have to stop with the hate. She never did anything to annoy you."

"Fine, I'm sorry. And why do we have to leave at eight anyway? It doesn't start until nine."

"I told Luke I'd help him get stuff ready." I tell her and she sighs as she leaves me alone in the kitchen.

I smoke one cigarette before I finish my beer and walk upstairs to get ready for the party. After I come out of the shower I have a missed call from Zoe, so I call her back.

"Hi babe, what are you doing?" her voice rings through the phone and I sit down on my bed in my underwear.

"I'm just getting dressed, when are you going to be there?"

"In an hour or so. Is that bitch Renee invited too?" she asks and I clench my teeth, because I hate it when she talks shit about Rey.

I let out a 'mhm' to let her know that Rey will be there too.

"Hm, okay, which means I need to dress up better than her." She contemplates over the phone and I listen to her rummage through some stuff on the other line.

"Why do you need to compete with her?" I ask as I look through my closet for something to put on.

"Because I want everyone to know that I'm better for you than her."

I sigh. Not this again. "How many times do I have to tell you-"

"That it's not a competition, yeah yeah, whatever." She laughs on the other line. "It's just more fun this way, isn't it?"

I shake my head and don't say anything, but she gets it and tells me that she'll text me when she leaves her place. She tells me she loves me and I say it back, before I hang up the phone and try to charge it for a few minutes until we have to leave.

It's on 25%, and knowing me, it won't last until the party is over, because there is always something funny to take a video of.

I put on some black skinny jeans and a blank tank top, with a checkered shirt over it.

"Wow, 2015 called." Lilly says when I come downstairs, ready to leave.

"Wow, the 'no one asked you' company called. Again." I try to fight back and she just laughs.

"You're the worst." She says and opens the door.

I ruffle her hair and she screams, pushing me away. "And I hate you!"

I smirk as I wait for her to walk out. "You looove me."

Rey's POV

We get to Luke's house around fifteen past nine with Jason, who decided on coming because Niall apparently didn't allow Lilly to be alone in a house with him.

I ring the doorbell and Luke opens it with a big smile on his face. "Hi! You made it!"

He opens the door even more and steps aside to let us in. As soon as we step into the house, I know that I'm well too dressed up for this.

Rey+Luke+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/21.3/set?id=237283923

"Where can I leave my coat?" I ask Luke and he guides me to a small storage space under the stairs where I can leave my coat.

"Is this where you kept Harry Potter?" I ask him and he looks at me seriously, before he places a hand over his lips and shushes me. Two seconds later, we both burst out laughing.

"Are you high?" Jake asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"No, I'm happy." I say, rolling my eyes.

Luke leaves us alone so I follow Jake into the kitchen, where he mixes a drink for me. Vodka and RedBull, of course. His specialty.

"Kind of dressed up for this, huh?" Niall asks when he comes into the empty kitchen and sees Jake and I talking in hushed tones about who he should hook up with tonight.

"Yeah, kind of." I say. I decided on the way here that I would act normal towards Niall and that I would not be hateful or ignorant anymore. I'll just treat him like everybody else.

He's a bit surprised by my relaxed comment so he pours two Jägermeister shots in tiny plastic shot glasses and hands one to me.

"Okay bitch, I see how it is. I'm out." Jake says and leaves, but not before winking at me.

"Let's do one." Niall says, and even though my first instinct is to ask him why he isn't doing any shots with his girlfriend, I grab the shot and don't say anything.

"Okay. What should we toast to?" I ask.

"Hm...how about Luke?"

It's weird. What happens is weird, but I'm not going to ruin it with another talk. Not when we're both sober at least.

I nod, and we toast to Luke before we down the shot. And then we do another one.

"Baaabe, where have you been? People are playing Never Have I Ever with drinks and then clothes!" Zoe says when she suddenly bursts into the kitchen. Then she sees me and eyes me up and down.

"Rey, hi. You look great!" she says, and I know it's fake. But me thanking her is real.

"I'm coming." Niall tells her and they both look at me for a few seconds.

"Well, do you want to join?" Zoe asks and I shrug, because why the hell not? I mean, if it means I'll get drunk quicker and I'll get to find out dirty things about people, why not?

I follow them through the living room where people are dancing and smoking weed, all the way into the back yard, where the porch light is on and a radiator is placed strategically so people won't be cold.

Zayn, Luke, Jake, Niall, Zoe, Sophia, Bryan, Liam, two other guys from the team and a cheerleader are sitting around the giant table on the porch, so I take the last seat right across from Niall (just my luck), and place my cup in front of me.

"Okay, so everyone knows the rules right?" Zoe says and proceeds to tell everyone anyway that the whole point of the game is to drink if you've done shit. "For example, I say "'Never Have I Ever kissed someone', and those who have done it have to drink. But you can only say things that you have never done, okay?"

Everyone nods, obviously excited to drink.

"Okay, I'll start." Sophia offers and raises her glass. "Never Have I Ever cheated on someone I've dated for more than two months."

Oh shit, this should be fun.


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

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Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D

As I said on Twitter, I have an announcement, so here it goes: Because I can't imagine myself letting go of the characters yet, and because I like writing so much right now, I decided to make a sequel to Cold Water. I still have so much stuff to write about in this book and the book will be too long, so if I don't finish it within 30-32 chapters, I will write a sequel, but that's all I'm saying :) I hope you guys will continue reading and enjoying, even if the Reyall stories will go on for another 10 years !

Let me know on Twitter by mentioning me @ronniebennett94 or by using the hashtag #coldwaterff what you thought about the chapter/story/everything ! I always like and retweet :)

Now, here are some questions I'd like you to answer, because I always look at them and get ideas for the story:

1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why??

2. what 'party games' would you like to see in the next chapter?

3. Give me some truth/dares and 'never have I evers', and I will put them in the story!

4. Please give me ideas about scenes and stuff you'd like to see because I always try and put them in the story!

You guys are amazing!

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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