16:"Oh wow, you're so full of yourself."
Hi guys! i am so sorry for the wait but there is the newest chapter! I have exams next week and I'm really stressed out so I really don't have that much time to focus on the book...
But I have a huge favor to ask you guys! Three fellow directioners and readers have asked me to help them out for a competition and I agreed to do so because they were really nice and polite :) thanks to your help guys, they already have 1000+ votes in 3 days! Let's help them out until the voting phase finishes :) I attached their video at the beginning of the chapter and the link is everywhere: on Twitter/Instagram/the external link/in the video on youtube etc. All it takes is 5 seconds and it would make them, as well as me happy :) And if they do get to the finals I promise weekly chapters for the next 2 months :D
Previously on chapter 15:
There's silence for a few seconds before I speak up.
"And you said no."
"Yeah, because I don't love her."
I try to do the math in my head, and just as I am about to ask if he knows what his anecdote actually means, there's a knock at the door.
"Rey, it's Zoe! Have you seen Niall?"
I open the door and she looks at us, without a bit of suspicion on her face.
"Hi babe, they're playing beer pong downstairs in five minutes and I want you on my team!" she smiles. "See you downstairs okay?"
Then she kisses him on the lips before she smiles at me and walks away.
I wait for her to walk down the stairs before I turn back to Niall.
"Do you know what it means...what you just said?"
"Yeah I know." he says, rolling his eyes.
"Are you serious right now?"
"You can't even like me Niall, not after everything you've said to me in the last...you're lying and I'm done with it. I'm done. I can't do it anymore, you're fucking with my head and I am done." I tell him, shaking my head and taking a step out the door.
"Look." He says and cups my face so I can look into his eyes.
"What now?"
"Just because I don't love you the way you want me to, doesn't mean I don't love you with all I have."
I get a weird feeling in my stomach.
"Niall! Come oon!" Zoe yells from downstairs, so he lets go of my face and walks away, without looking back at me.
Niall's POV
I follow Zoe down the stairs to the improvised beer pong table that has been set up on the island counter in the kitchen.
"So who are we playing against?" Zoe asks, smiling at Harry who's arranging the red cups.
"Well the three of us just played a game." he answers.
"I'll play." Jed says, and for some reason his voice makes my skin crawl. "I just need a partner."
"I'll be your partner."
Rey's voice comes from behind me and three seconds later she's standing beside Jed with a hand around his waist. I try to ignore the feeling in my stomach as I fill the cups up with beer while also trying to listen to Zoe's story.
But I can't. The only thing I can focus on is Rey's laugh whenever Jed says something he thinks is funny.
"What does the winner get?" Zoe asks.
"Well we have to buy Jake and Max some burgers." Harry says. "Because Louis and I lost."
"Okay then, the loser has to buy burgers tomorrow!" Zoe excitedly says and even though I like her because she's always positive about everything, I know that Rey and I both know it's the worst idea in the world.
I know what I just told her five minutes ago made things even worse and confusing, but how can I tell someone I am not able to love them the way they deserve to be loved without hurting their feelings?
"Okay, let's start." Jed laughs and takes the ping-pong ball from Harry before taking the first shot.
Fifteen minutes later, we have one cup left, and so do Rey and Jed. Thankfully, I'm lowkey the best at getting the ball into the last cup, but I don't let it show by missing in the first two times.
"Not as good as you look hm?" Rey says, looking at me with a smirk on her face.
"We'll see." I tell her, mocking her expression before I get ready to throw the ball. But then I see her expression, like she hopes I won't make the shot, so I miss on purpose again.
And what do you know, Rey actually makes the shot and we lose.
I know I shouldn't be happy, but seeing her smile and making faces at me makes me happy.
"Now we have to buy them dinner." Zoe laughs and congratulates them on winning the game.
I can't even imagine how awkward it will be if we actually go through with this, because I for one am not in the mood for dinner with Rey and Jed.
Someone plays a new song in the living room and Zoe screams, saying that it's her song.
"I'll stay here to help clean up." I tell her and just my luck, Jed and everyone follows her out of the kitchen, leaving Rey and I alone. Again.
We throw the empty cups in a giant garbage bag without saying a word.
"You're not going to actually let her keep the promise with the dinner and everything right?" Rey asks, interrupting the awful silence.
"I don't know, if she sets her mind on something, I can't really talk her down."
She rolls her eyes. "If I was-nevermind. Just do it, because it's a bad idea."
"If you can what?" I ask.
"You said that if you can and then you said nevermind."
She waves it off. "Nevermind."
"Tell me." I say, kind of knowing what she was about to say but I'm not sure.
She sighs. "I was going to say that if I was able to get you out of the cold water a few weeks ago, you can manage to talk her out of it as well."
I knew she was going to say that.
"Thanks." I say, not looking at her.
"Yeah, whatever." She mumbles.
There's so much I want to tell her, but I stop myself, because I know that once I say it I can't take it back.
"Rey..." I trail off, not knowing what to say to not make her mad at me.
If I tell her I want to love her, and I'm trying to love her, and that I do love her, it'll just fuck things up.
"What, Niall?" she asks, turning around to face me with an angry expression on her face.
It's better this way.
"Of course." She bitterly laughs before she exits the kitchen, and I don't follow her.
"Hey man, everything okay?" Zayn asks a minute later when he comes in to refill his drink.
"Yeah, why?"
He shrugs. "You and Rey seem tense."
"Did she say anything to you?" I ask, trying to act like I don't really care.
"Like... you know, when you were in her room earlier." I say and he raises his eyebrows.
"No man, we talked about Gigi, that's it, nothing about you."
Just as I am about to leave, he calls my name.
"Why are you with Zoe? You never talk about her."
I frown. "Why am I with her? What kind of question is that?"
"Like, you were never the relationship type and now you're dating someone."
I shrug. "I just...it just happened."
"You know she's like a copy of Rey, right?"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I think you know." he says and takes a sip from his drink.
I sigh. "Yeah, well, at least I can make her happy."
Zayn shakes his head. "You're an idiot mate. Sorry."
"I know." I say before I leave the kitchen to go find a bathroom.
There's someone inside the one downstairs, so I wait for a couple of minutes until I start knocking. Then the door opens.
"Have you been crying?" I ask when I see Rey turning around to face the mirror in order to run her fingertips under her eyes.
"I'm just leaving." She says but I walk inside and lock the door behind myself.
"Why are you crying?"
"Oh, don't act like you care." She spits, turning around to face me.
"I do care, otherwise I wouldn't ask." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
"Whatever Niall. I'm not in the mood right now, really."
Before I can stop her, she walks right past me, leaving me alone.
I sigh as I arrange my hair in the mirror and splash some cold water on my face. Why would she be crying? I just indirectly told her that I have strong feelings for her.
"Can I talk to you?" I ask her while she's by the TV, talking to Jed.
I try to keep calm and not give into the urge to punch him in the face.
"About what?" she coldly asks and crosses her arms over her chest.
"In private?" I suggest and she rolls her eyes, before she follows me outside in the back yard.
"How come you never throw pool parties?" I ask.
"I do, but you're never invited. Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?"
"No. Listen, if I said something that made you cry or...I don't know, I'm sorry."
"Oh wow, you're so full of yourself." She snorts. "You think you're that important to me that I would actually cry because of you?"
That hurts, but I don't show it.
"Just go back to your pretty little girlfriend that you love so much and mind your own business okay? We're done here."
"What does she have to do with this?" I ask, not really sure why it's relevant for me to take Zoe's side right now.
"She has everything to do with this! I am done with you treating her like the sun rises and sets with her, and then you go around and tell the things you tell me? Who the fuck do you think you are?! You know what, you two deserve each other, because you both think you're the most important people in the fucking WORLD! Well guess what Niall, I do hope you two end up together, but let's just hope you won't have any children." She rambles.
"Excuse me?"
We both turn our heads to the door and to see Zoe standing there, looking pissed as fuck.
Rey's POV
"What?" I ask, looking at Zoe.
I am really not in the mood for this.
"Who do you think you are to be talking about me like this? You fake bitch." She spits and I raise my eyebrows.
"Let's not to this okay?" I say, rolling my eyes and walking past her back inside.
"No, come on! Say the things you mean to my face!" she yells, and people turn their heads to look what's going on.
"Don't raise your tone at me! You're not that important for me to actually bother to talk shit behind your back." I laugh.
Someone turns the volume of the music down.
"And yet, you fucking do. I am nice to you and you talk shit!?" she exclaims, stepping closer to me.
"Like you never do." I laugh. "I know you've said some shit about me."
I am so angry right now, I could punch something. I could punch her.
I'm gonna punch her.
"You don't want to make me angry." I yell at her because she's yelling at me.
"Or what? You're going to call your daddy?" she snorts and I flip her off as I walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I mean, isn't it enough that I've already cried today because Niall has been fucking with my head, but now I have to deal with his angry girlfriend?
"Sure, walk away like the scared bitch you are." She says just as the kitchen door closes behind me.
"Don't start shit up Rey, let's just calm down." Jake tells me as he comes into the kitchen.
"Did you even hear how she talked to me?"
"Yeah, but let's-"
"Oh you're still here?" Zoe asks as she enters the kitchen. And that's when I fucking lose it.
I let the glass of water fall to the floor and I literally lift myself up on the island counter to get closer to her.
She obnoxiously laughs.
"Don't laugh too hard, your extensions might fall out." I tell her and that seems to tick her off as well, because she's already got one knee on my kitchen counter, ready to come at me.
"Rey, come on." Jake says and pulls me down from the counter, but I free myself from his grip and tackle Zoe on the floor, going straight for her extensions, which I rip out.
She screams and claws at my face but I hold her down, yelling at her to stop being a bitch.
The kitchen door is open and everyone's watching now.
"What, you're so desperate you haven't been getting any so you come after my boyfriend?" she spits and I swing my fist at her but she moves her head so I punch the marble floor instead.
And shit, it hurts like hell.
"Stop it!" Niall yells, coming up behind me as I try to rip some of Zoe's real hair out. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up so I can't even touch the floor with my feet.
"Let me down, I need to punch some sense into her." I tell him, but Jed's already pulling her up and holding her back as she curses at me.
"Look at all that hair on the floor, kind of embarrassing isn't it?" I ask and she tries to get out of Jed's grasp and come at me.
As soon as Niall lets me back down, I step towards her so he just grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. I grab the counter and pull myself with so much force he turns around so I can face Zoe.
"Get out of my house." I tell her with hair all over my face. "And take your cheap wig with you."
"You're a hypocrite." She says and Jed pulls her aside so Niall can walk out of the kitchen while still carrying me on his shoulder.
But before I am completely out of her sight, I push my leg out and hit her right in the face.
"You bitch!" she yells and I yell at her to get out of my house.
Niall walks over to the bathroom downstairs and locks the door before he finally puts me down.
"I was getting tired of looking at your ass, thanks." I say.
"You're bleeding." He says.
I look down at my hand. I am indeed bleeding from punching the floor.
"What the fuck was that?" he asks as I look through the cabinets to find some bandages.
"Your girlfriend just got on my last nerve. I'm done." I say.
He doesn't say anything else and just watches me bandage my hand.
"Is she gone?" I ask him when I see him texting on his phone.
"Yeah, she just ordered an Uber. I think it's better if you stay here until she leaves."
"Good." I say, crossing my arms over my chest and pouting as I sit on the edge of the bathtub. "If you want to leave with her just do it."
He sighs and leans against the sink. "Are you actually that stupid?" he asks.
"I came and pulled you off, and then I came in here with you, not her."
"So what's that supposed to mean? That you didn't want me to hit her anymore?" I ask, rolling my eyes.
"No, it's supposed to mean-"
A knock at the door interrupts him.
"It's Jake. She's gone."
"We'll be right out." I say and then turn back at him. "It's supposed to mean what?"
"Jesus fucking Christ Renee, it means I care about you, okay? More than I care about her."
My heart does a backflip, but the bitch face I have on right now doesn't flinch. "Are you going to break up with her?"
He hesitates, and that's all I need to know.
"So no." I say, standing up. "Look, I'm tired of-"
"Okay, let's say I break up with her. Then what? We're going to start dating? You and me? Like your parents are ever going to be okay with that, or like no one is going to judge us. The right girl and the guy who grew up in the worst part of town, huh?"
"And how is that different? Isn't Zoe also 'rich' and whatnot?"
"Yeah but...I don't care about that."
I sigh as I walk towards the door.
"I am so tired of this conversation Niall. I'm done. Honestly, I'm done." I say.
"Done with what?"
"With us. With everything. I'm done with you telling me something and then doing the opposite and then kissing her and then kissing me. It's fucking with my head, and just because it's good for your ego it doesn't mean I have to sit here and accept it. I am done."
I unlock the door and walk out, and it might just be the hardest thing I ever had to do. I tell Jake to make everyone leave before I walk upstairs and lock myself into my room.
I fall asleep an hour later with the music still blaring downstairs, but I couldn't care less.
The first day of school in 2018 is fucking shit. I mean, it's barely lunch time, but I already want to go home. For one, because the championship just started which means I'll be seeing not only Niall, but also Jed, on a daily basis at practice. Then, exams are coming up in five months and I'm already stressed.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/16.1/set?id=235282995
"Rey, I need a favor." Jason says right before practice.
"What?" I ask as I do my warm-ups.
"I have a thing with the guys on the team after practice, but I forgot my chemistry book at Lilly's and I need you to get it because I have a test tomorrow."
"When were you at Lilly's?" I ask.
"I can sneak out you know."
"Oh. Okay. Does she know I'm coming?"
Jason nods. "Yeah. Thanks so much."
I smile and watch him jog away towards his team, and I involuntarily make eye contact with Niall, so I avert my head.
"Sooo, did your mom tell you about the Alexander Wang shoot this weekend? My agent called and told me I have a spot." Perrie says after warm-ups.
"Uh, yeah."
"Aren't you nervous?" she asks and I shrug.
"Not really."
"Oh good, then I'll be nervous for the both of us." She laughs and I fake a smile, before I turn back to the team.
"Okay girls, let's start with the pyramid and we'll go on from there. After all, there's a game this weekend."
When I climb into my car after practice, I sigh and lean my head against the steering wheel. I hate everything. And it's just because I have some weird love/hate feelings for the biggest idiot in our school.
I get to Niall's-sorry, Lilly's house twenty minutes later. She opens the door and smiles, inviting me in.
"I'm here to get Jason's chemistry book."
"Yeah, here it is." She says and hands it to me.
Just as I'm about to walk out, she stops me.
"Actually, could you wait a minute? I need to give you something else." She says and I close the door before she runs upstairs.
"Hello?" someone asks and then I see Niall's little brother coming out of the living room.
"I'm Rey." I say and his eyes grow wide, like he just remembered who I am.
"I know who you are."
I smile and he hugs my knees, so I awkwardly pat the top of his head, waiting for Lilly to come downstairs. I hear some noise upstairs as if someone was using a copier.
"Niall told me you're pretty. He was right." Eddie smiles. "Do you still have the clothes?" he asks and I frown.
"What clothes?"
"The one with the fluff." He says and then I remember the sweater I had with the fluffy fur balls on it.
"I like it!"
I can't help but smile.
Lilly comes downstairs and hands me a folded paper.
"Don't EVER tell ANYONE I gave you this, but you need to see it."
"What is it?" I ask as I take it.
"It's a copy from Niall's song. Songs."
My mouth falls open. "He writes songs?"
She nods. "He used to play guitar and write songs when he was young. Before...well before everything happened. I didn't think he did anymore because he changed a few years ago but I found these a few days ago."
"BYE REY!" Eddie exclaims and waves at me as I leave the house.
I wave at him as I drive off, but I park the car a street away and take the paper out of my bag.
There are two songs.
15.11.2017 – On my own
Everybody's got somebody
I just wanna be alone
Well I don't need no one
Have too much fun
Out here on my own
I'll drink 'til it's empty
Stay out 'til it's late
I wake up at midday and marry my bed
I'll kiss all the women
Get punched in the head
You could offer the world, baby
But I'll take this instead, yeah, yeah
'Long came the devil, caught my eye
She's kind of my type
Chelsea baby, drives me crazy
There's one thing on my mind
I'll drink 'til it's empty
Stay out 'til it's late
I'll wake up at midday and marry my bed
I'll kiss all the women
Get punched in the head
You could offer the world, baby
But I'll take this instead
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Then I look at the one right next to it.
20.12.2017-You and Me
I've got a young heart
And it's wild and free
I don't know where it starts
But it ends with you and me
It's a hard road
As far as I can see
I don't know where I'm going
But I'll get back to you and me
'Cause we're two kids
Trying to start a fight
No matter where we go
Yeah, we'll be alright
All I'm asking for
A bit of patience, please
'Cause I know what's to come
And it's coming for you and me
Time's never been on our side
So would you wait for me?
I lead a selfish life
'Cause that's what I need
What do I have to do
To make you believe?
It's all for you and me
From a distance
I can hear you cry
But don't you worry, darlin'
Don't lose sleep tonight
I can promise it
I can guarantee
That at the end of the road
I see you with me
A few parts of the songs are scratched out with a different colored pen which means he probably made a few changes, but I read the songs two, three more times, and my heart feels weird.
A knock on my window makes my heart stop and I let the paper fall to the floor when I see Niall's face.
"Are you stalking me?" he asks when I roll down the window.
"No, I came to pick up Jason's chemistry book." I tell him and just as I'm about to pull the window back up, he places his palm against it.
"Are you okay?" he asks and I nod, before I push his hand away and drive away, leaving him behind.
If there is one thing I know about getting over someone, it's that I need to have as little contact as possible with them.
When I get home, I reread the songs over and over again, trying to figure out if they were meant for me or for Zoe or why did he strike out some words.
'Cause we're two kids
Trying to start a fight
No matter where we go
Yeah, we'll be alright
All I'm asking for
A bit of patience, please
'Cause I know what's to come
And it's coming for you and me
I mean come on, it has to be about me right? But if it is, why the fuck is he acting the way he is? And why is he still with that bitch?
I crumple up the paper and throw it in the bin before I take the books out of my bag.
The next day I wake up because Rosa thought it would be a good idea to start vacuuming at eight in the morning.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/16.2/set?id=235283032
She comes into my room just as I am doing my makeup and takes my rubbish bin.
"Rosa, wait!" I say and walk over to dig through the trash until I find the songs.
She shakes her head with a smile and lets me know that breakfast is ready.
I push the songs under my pillow and grab my bag before I head downstairs.
"So are you ready for the test today?" I ask Jason as we wait at a red light.
"What test?"
"The chemistry test? Wasn't it today?"
"OH...yeah, sure. Thanks."
When I walk into school ten minutes later, there's an unusual chatter going around the hallways, which is weird, because everyone's usually grumpy and not saying anything before the first period.
"What's going on?" I ask Jake, who's whispering something with Sophia.
"There's a new guy coming today."
"In the middle of last year?" I ask. "How come?"
"He got expelled from his last school. Bad behavior or something like that." Sophia tells me.
"I hope he's hot." Jake says and bites his lip. "But the thing is, he's such a good footie player that our school accepted him on sort of a 'scholarship'."
"Don't we have English right now? We're going to get shit if we're late." I say and close my locker.
We take our seats at the back of the class as usual, and two minutes later our teacher walks in, together with our principal and a guy who seems to be tattooed from head to toe.
"Good morning class, I would like to introduce you to our new student. His name is Luke Hemmings and I expect each and every one of you to be nice to him and treat him right." Our principal starts and then babbles on about something.
"Oh my GOD!" Jake whispers and leans over to me. "He's HAWT! Did you see the piercing in his lip? I'm gonna die."
I roll my eyes. "Yeah...he's actually not that bad."
I look back at him and our eyes lock for a moment before the door opens and Niall walks in.
"Mr. Horan, early as usual." The teacher says and Niall rolls his eyes. "This is our new student, Luke."
"Hi." Niall says and they shake hands.
"Hi mate." Luke says back.
And okay, first of all, do they know each other? And second of all, he has a fucking tongue piercing.
Niall doesn't even look up from his shoes as he takes his seat.
"Okay, I will let you get to your work." the principal says and looks around the room. "There's an empty seat in the back of the class, why don't you sit there Mr. Hemmings?"
Luke shrugs and throws his backpack over his shoulder before he walks over and takes the seat in the corner right next to Jake.
Jake nonchalantly turns his head at me and pretends to scream, but I can only focus on Luke, and on the fact that he reminds me of someone but I can't quite place it.
I can't wait to get to lunch, because every time something scandalous happens, Jake doesn't stop talking and it's the best thing ever. And a new hot guy coming to school because he was expelled for bad behavior fits into that category.
"Rey, I died and went to heaven today, I swear." Jake says as soon as I sit down at our usual table. "I have art history with him and he had to introduce himself. And guess WHAT."
"What? I already know he has a tongue piercing."
"Not that. He's fucking AUSTRALIAN. As in, he has the hottest accent on earth."
"What's with you and Australian accents?" Sophia laughs as she picks at her salad.
"They just make me hot. I think they are to me what British people are to Americans."
"Is it just me or does he know Niall?" I ask and Jake nods at something behind me. I subtly turn around to see what he's talking about.
And yep, Luke is sitting with Niall and some teammates at the same table, loudly laughing about something.
"He does remind me of someone but I can't fucking say who." I say.
Jake and Sophia exchange looks, like they've already discussed this.
"What?" I ask.
"Well, think of him without tattoos. Just piercings." Sophia says.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"He's a more tattooed version of Niall, for Christ's sake." Jake tells me. "He's the 'Zoe'. The male version of what Zoe is for Niall."
I snort. "Yeah right. I can't imagine having something to talk to him about." I laugh.
"Hi guys." Liam says and sits down next to Sophia before he kisses her.
"Do you know that guy?" Sophia asks him and nods in Luke's direction.
"Vaguely. Louis and Niall know him. They grew up in the same neighborhood, and they still live a street away from each other."
"Oh, so he's from a bad part of town. How exciting." Jake says and throws him his bedroom eyes.
"Sort of. I know of him though."
We all turn to Liam. "You know what?"
"Well, I know that he's the guy you go to if you need weed. Also, I know he's got a really bad attitude, as in, he talks back to teachers and gets into fights and that's why they expelled him. But he's a really good footie player."
"And that makes everything okay?" Sophia laughs and Liam shrugs.
I look at Luke over my shoulder, before I look back at my food. "Yeah, he looks like bad news."
After that, the discussion shifts over on tonight's game.
"So they just let him play?" I ask Perrie as we sit down on the benches when the second part of the game starts.
"You mean Luke?" she asks and I nod.
"Well, he's really good and since Brad hurt himself." She says and offers me some chocolate she pulled out from her bra.
I take it and we watch the rest of the game in silence, only getting up when our team eventually wins, so we can do the winner dance.
"A bunch of us are going to get something to eat." Jake says as he wipes his face with a towel at their benches.
"Meaning who?" I ask.
"Meaning, Niall is also coming."
"Yeah, I think I'm just going to go home tonight." I say and shrug.
"It's Friday night Rey, are you actually going to avoid going out and having fun just because he's there?"
"Is he bringing his girlfriend?" I ask.
He doesn't answer, which is an answer.
"That's what I thought." I say and grab my pompoms from the ground. "See you."
I walk towards the lockerooms because I know that if I don't get there in time, I'll have to wait ages to shower.
After I get out of the shower I dress up quickly and pack up my stuff so I can avoid making excuses as to why I'm not going to be joining the team and the cheerleaders for dinner.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/16.3/set?id=235283071
I slip out through the back to have a smoke, and just after I light up my cigarette I realize that I'm not alone. The new guy is smoking as well.
"Nice goal." I tell him, trying to cut the awkward silence.
"Nice shoes." He says back, and yep, his accent is hot.
"So, how come they allowed you to transfer this late in the school year?"
He shrugs. "I have no idea, my mum kept insisting and apparently I'm good at football."
I gulp, because my ears are burning up from how hot his accent is.
"So you know any of the guys?" I continue, trying to seem chilled.
Luke nods and puffs out smoke before he starts talking.
"I've known Louis and Niall since we were little. Nice lads."
I nod.
"Are you the Zoe girl he's dating?" he asks.
"What? Ew, no."
"Sorry." He smirks and then points at my outfit. "I thought you were her since your outfit costs more than my house."
That makes me smile a bit, but I'm interrupted by someone else coming outside. Oh for fuck's sake, it's Niall.
"Well, it was nice to meet you." I say and drop my cigarette before I step on it.
"I didn't get your name." Luke says.
"Rey." I tell him before I walk away, not looking up at Niall.
Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/16.4/set?id=235390423
When I get home after the game I change into some comfortable shoes and sit down on my bed to catch up on some reading I have to do for English Lit. Thoughts of Niall and Zoe run through my mind, and the fact that he still hasn't broken up with her, which makes me angry and disappointed.
Disappointed that I am not good enough for him and that he still can't break up with her. I look up from the book when I hear some movement in the back yard.
"Jason?" I exclaim. "Are you home?"
I check the clock. It's not even half past nine.
I get out of bed and let the book fall onto it, before I exit my room. There are footsteps coming up the stairs before Jason's head pops from around the corner.
"Oh, Jesus, you scared me." I laugh. "How was it?"
He shrugs. "It was okay. Lilly didn't come so I didn't feel that comfortable with the older guys."
"Was uh...Zoe there?"
He nods, not saying anything.
"So where are mom and dad?" he asks and I follow him to his room.
"They're at a charity gala in Liverpool tonight. One of dad's clients or something like that."
"Oh?" he asks and his eyes darken.
"Then whose car is parked around the corner?"
"What?" I laugh. "I don't know. Probably a neighbor."
We hear the front door opening and someone slowly coming in.
"Maybe that's Lilly. I told her to come over." He says and turns around to walk down the stairs. I watch him do that but then he suddenly stops in his tracks. For a few second, he's silent but then he turns around and walks back up without saying anything.
"What?" I ask, smiling. "Is that Lilly? Why aren't you going downstairs?"
"It's her dad."
My heart stops immediately. "What?"
"It's her dad. Her dad is here in the house."
I snort. "That's not funny at all Jase."
"Rey, I'm not kidding. He's walking around the house looking for something." He whispers, and I'm unable to move.
"I don't get it." I whisper back. "How..."
"Rey, we need to hide."
"Like hell we do, let's call the police." I say.
"Rey. He has a gun."
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D
Please don't forget to vote for the girls :) even though you don't get anything out of it, it would make them happy x
Here are some questions:
1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why?
2. what do you think about the new guy luke?
3. what should happen with niall and rey?
4. what should happen in the next chapter?
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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