14:"I hate it when you're right."
Here's a new chapter in a short time span! I am excited about this chapter and I think I wrote it in like 2 days !
Also, I am doing this new thing where if you tweet me your favorite quote of each chapter I put up from now on I will choose my favorite quote and/or reaction to it :) Not only will I give you a shoutout but I will also introduce a small character with your name into the story ! My favorite will be announced 24 hours after the chapter is posted.
My favorite explained quote of chapter 13 was by @samcsht on Twitter, so I mentioned a character with her name in this chapter :)
p.s. Please check out the notes at the end of the chapter and answer my questions x
Happy reading :)
Previously on chapter 13:
The next day, I have to watch everyone get into their skiing gear after breakfast while I hobble to my room. Thankfully though, we have a TV in there so I won't be that bored, but still.
I am watching the latest episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians when there's a knock at the door. It's probably housekeeping, so I pretend to be asleep, but the knocks continue.
I groan as I stand up and walk over to unlock the door, but it isn't housekeeping.
It's Niall.
"What? Did you lose your finger in Zoe's vagina last night and you came here to find it?"
"Ha ha." He sarcastically says and walks past me into the room.
"What?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest. "Why are you here?"
"Because I made a comment that Coach didn't like so he told me to stay home today. And since I have nothing better to do, I thought I'd keep you company."
"How nice." I sarcastically say.
"Fine then, I'll leave you alone to sulk." He huffs and turns around to leave.
Niall turns around with a satisfied smirk on his face. "Yes?"
I roll my eyes. "You can stay."
"How generous of you. I'll go change."
I shake my head and turn my attention back at the TV after he leaves, but I can't even concentrate on what drama Kim is going through, because all I can think about is how the next six hours are going to be interesting.
Rey's POV
When Niall comes back, he's changed into some black sweatpants and a white shirt.
"I'm glad I didn't go anyway, the weather is shit." Niall mumbles as he looks out the window.
The sky is really dark, it's like it's almost night...but wait, did we actually get to the point where we talk about the weather just so the silence won't be uncomfortable?
Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/14.1/set?id=230985581
"You're a walking...well actually hopping, madness." He says and slumps down on Zoe's bed.
"You're wearing Adidas with Nike?"
I roll my eyes. "Have you run out of ways to make fun of me or? I don't get it. If you're going to be rude the whole time you might as well just leave now. Honestly, why did you think this would be a good idea?"
He shrugs and starts scrolling on his phone so I focus my attention back on the TV. Which, of course, is a bit hard to do, because I am aware of the weird tension between us. There are some unresolved issues between us and one of us needs to address them. But I won't be that person.
After ten minutes of watching Kourtney and Scott fight, Niall finally speaks up.
"Change the channel, it's boring."
"You can watch the TV in your room if you want." I say and shoot him a fake smile.
He reaches out for the remote that's right by my side, but not the side closest to me, so I grab it first and hold it as far away as I can. This turns out to be a bad idea though, because I end up rolling off the bed and hitting my ankle even more.
"Shit, are you okay?" Niall asks and walks over to the right side of the bed.
"Yeah. 'm fine." I mumble and lift myself back up on the bed. "You're not changing the channel for this."
"Fuck the channel, I'll go get you some ice."
I frown as I watch him walk out of the room, actually seeming pretty concerned about my well-being.
When he comes back, I have actually changed the channel to a horror movie that just started.
"Here you go." He says and sits down at the end of the bed, before he places the ice pack over my ankle. I hiss because it's cold, but he keeps it there. He probably enjoys seeing me in pain.
"It's cold. Seriously, I'm fine." I tell him and pull my foot away.
"Just trying to be nice." Niall mumbles and lets the ice pack fall on the floor.
I burst out laughing in a fake laugh. "Oh, please. You, nice? You're joking me right?"
He frowns. "I don't get why you just assume that-"
"That you're doing everything just to spite me? Well, first of all, because of the things you said to me two nights ago."
"What the fuck?" he exclaims. "You were the one who started being mean."
"Oh, alright. My fault then. Just leave it."
Niall shakes his head. "No, I'm not going to leave it Rey. You said some things that really..."
"Really what?" I ask, cocking my head.
"That really weren't true at all."
"Oh, and what part of the entire conversation wasn't true?"
We're arguing again, like we never had those deep conversations about his father, or the random makeout sessions and like us holding hands less than 12 hours ago didn't even happen.
"Well, first of all, I don't bullshit everyone just to get my way."
I raise an eyebrow, which means he should continue.
"I never bullshited you." He says, and there's something in his eyes that makes me feel like he's telling the truth, but it's Niall Horan for God's sake.
"Never? Because I think you started being nice to me around the time I started having problems with Jed, just so you could fuck me. And when it didn't work out because I didn't give in or fall for your fuckboy lines, you moved on."
"Oh please, you already told me that." He huffs. "You think everything's about you, don't you? What I meant was that I never lied to you, about anything. I told you a lot of things I never told anyone before. But obviously, that was a big mistake. You are the bitch I thought you were all these years."
"And you are the fuckboy with no future I thought you were." I say and he gulps. I regret saying it, but my mouth just took over my brain. And heart.
"Anything else I said that wasn't true?" I ask, trying to get over what I said to him.
"No, let's leave it at that." he mumbles and stands up from the bed.
"What? There's a little inconvenience and you decide to fuck off?"
I have no idea why I'm being like this, but apparently jealousy doesn't mix well with rejection and being hurt.
"And you also lied when you said that you 'notice me'."
He turns around and closes the door. "I didn't."
"Yes, you did! Ever since you got with her you spend every single second with her!" I yell, standing up from the bed, even though my foot hurts. This is serious, I am getting angry.
"Because she's my girlfriend!" he yells back.
"You said you don't do girlfriends! Because you're fucked up and don't believe love is real because of your father!"
He makes a face. "Who the fuck said I love her?"
"You! With the way you act like she's the incarnation of Jesus!" I yell, throwing my arm in the air.
"I don't love her, for fuck's sake Rey! Stop acting like you know me!"
I am about to lose my mind. "Then why did you choose her? Huh?" I continue, taking a step towards him. At this point, I don't even feel the pain in my ankle anymore.
"Choose her? There was nothing to choose from Renee!"
"Don't call me that!" I say and push my palms against his chest.
"It's your name, isn't it?" he asks and grabs my wrists so I won't be able to push him anymore.
"Fuck you."
"You wish." Niall smirks and I want to scream.
Instead, I try to calm down. "Why did you choose her?"
"Why do you keep saying 'choose'? I chose her over who? You?"
I don't say anything, and he takes it as an answer.
"Rey, you were never an option." He says and it fucking rips me up inside, but I don't let it show, even though I have no idea why it hurts.
"Not because I wouldn't have...it's because you're just...not..." he's struggling to find the right words.
"I'm not?" I ask, putting my hand on my hip.
"Not...for me."
"And she fucking is? She's the same as I am! She's literally a copy of me!"
I am starting to raise my voice again.
"Oh, here you go again thinking you're all that. She's nothing like you, okay?"
"Right, sorry. She has a bit more money than I do. You're right. Or did you mean that she's nothing like me because you actually managed to shag her?" I spit and I can see him losing his shit inside.
"You think I couldn't have fucked you if I wanted to?"
He looks amused which makes my insides burn with anger.
"Yeah, I do think you couldn't have fucked me if you wanted to. You think I'd ever sleep with you? Please." I say, placing a hand over my chest for dramatic effect.
"Oh really? Because I remember you literally gagging for it when I went down on you." He says, taking a step towards me, which means that I have to take a step backwards.
"I'm a good actress. Just admit it, and we'll get this whole thing over with, okay? Just admit that you moved on to her after you failed to have sex with me."
He lets out a strained laugh. "I wouldn't have failed."
"Yes, you would've." I say like I'm a five year old trying to win a stupid battle. The back of my knees hit the edge of the bed and I sit down on it because there's nowhere else to go.
Niall leans down so he's at my eye level, and now I do feel like a five year old. He places his hands on my thighs for leverage and looks me in the eye.
"I know you wanted to, but your pride got in the way."
"You don't know me at all. Idiot." I say and pull myself further up the bed, which makes him remove his hands from my thighs and stand up straight.
"Fine. Then tell me to go and I'll leave you alone forever."
I look up at him and swallow, before I open my mouth.
But I don't say anything.
He places his left knee on the edge of the bed between my knees. "Come on, say it."
"You say it." I argue.
This time he places his palms on either side next to my waist and leans in so much that I have to lay down on my back.
"Yes." I say, hoping that my voice didn't flutter once.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, I want you to go."
His entire expression falls and I can see the hurt in his eyes, but I had already decided what my next move would be.
"Okay. I'll go."
And before he can stand up properly, I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him down on me with as much force I can muster.
"You told me to go." Niall says, holding himself up with his elbows.
"Do you want me to?"
I shake my head.
"What do you want me to do then?" he asks, moving his mouth to my neck, without touching it.
"And?" he asks. Shivers run down my spine from the feeling of his breath on my neck.
"Be here. Please." I say and that's all he needs to hear, because his lips are on mine and my hands are in his hair.
His arm comes under my back and he pulls us a bit further up so my head hits the pillows on my bed.
I am overwhelmed by a thousand emotions and feelings, but every single fiber in my being is niallniallniall.
I can't even remember the last time I kissed him, but I missed it.
"I missed this." he whispers against my lips, as if having read my mind just now.
"Me too." I say and moan when he starts kissing down my neck.
His hand comes down to my side and his fingers intertwine with mine once he finds it, before he brings it above my head.
I am so turned on it's unreal and my mind is cloudy.
His fingers come down to my pants to undo my bow and pull them down, so I do the same with his pants.
Once we're both in our underwear, grinding against one another, I turn my head to the side to let him kiss my neck even more. I buck up into his groin and open my eyes, which fall on Zoe's bed.
Then the reality of what we're doing dawns on me.
"Niall, wait." I say and place a hand on his chest.
He does as I tell him and looks down at me with dark eyes.
"What's wrong?"
I point to Zoe's bed. "It's not fair to her. I was cheated on and it hurt me deeply. It's not right."
"So what? You want me to break up with her just to fuck you?" he says and I frown.
"Oh, fuck you Niall! That's not what I meant!" I tell him and push him off me.
He gets out of bed and starts putting on his pants.
"If you want to do anything with anyone other than her, you should let her know."
He rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Your choice."
He grabs his phone from the other bed and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
I sigh and run a hand through my hair before I put my pants back on. My heart is still racing and my core is pumping from what just happened, but I knew I'd feel guilty if anything else happened. Not that what we did wasn't wrong, but...UGH. I hate him.
No I don't.
I shake my head and sit back down on the bed to continue watching what is on TV.
There's a knock at the door and I get up to open it.
It's Niall. Again.
"I'm sorry. You're right." He sighs and I look up at him with a confused expression.
"Damn right I'm right."
"Do you want to order food? I'm starving." He says and I nod, already looking up local deliveries.
"Pizza?" I ask and he nods.
I call the pizza place and try my best to speak to them in french. Finally, they understand what I want and tell me that they're going to be at my door in thirty minutes.
"So...what would have happened if Zoe and I weren't together?" Niall asks, sitting down at the food of my bed.
Is this his way of making casual, non-awkward conversation?
"I don't know Niall. Just let it go, okay? I feel bad enough already. Just...she's a nice girl, don't fuck it up and hurt her. If you don't want to be with her anymore, just tell her. But don't go behind her back doing stuff with other girls."
"I hate it when you're right." He says, rolling his eyes.
"I'm always right." I smirk and turn on my stomach, facing him. "Does that mean you always hate me?"
He looks up at me and I look down at him and if I got closer we'd be reenacting the Spiderman kiss.
"I could never hate you."
I pull my head back a bit because the urge to kiss him is way too much.
"Oh, you seemed to pretty hate me the last four years."
Niall rolls his eyes and turns around to face me, sitting on the floor with his legs crossed.
"I didn't hate you...I just didn't stand you."
"But why though? I couldn't stand you either, but now that I think about it, I can't actually find a reason why. I mean, was it because of that cold water I spilled on you?"
He shakes his head. "Well that pissed me off and then you pissed me off with the way you acted at school so it became a routine. Maybe I was bored."
"Oh, how lucky am I." I sarcastically say.
"But you proved my initial thoughts about you wrong."
"That's not what you said at the club."
He cocks his head. "You said things too."
"I'm sorry."
I look down at the sheets. "Me too."
He looks down at his lap and I look down at my hands and we stay in silence for a while.
"She does actually remind me of you." He says after a few minutes and I look up into his eyes.
"Zoe. When I first met her I thought she was just like you."
I frown. "Past tense?"
"Yeah, I mean, no two people are the same, right? She seemed like you at first."
"But like...why are you dating her? And I don't mean it to sound rude, but I'm genuinely curious because you said you don't do that stuff."
"She's fun." he simply answers. I'll take it, because I don't want to make things more awkward than they already are.
"And how exactly did you meet?"
"Through her friend Samira. She knows Zayn and I know Zayn so..." he awkwardly trails off, obviously not wanting to get into the subject too much.
"How does she know Zayn?" I ask, frowning.
"I don't know. I think they hooked up." he shrugs, searching my face for any type of jealousy, so I turn my head and stare at the wall.
Thankfully, there's a knock at the door, which means the pizza is here.
"I'll pay." Niall says, standing up.
"You don't need to, it's fine."
"I know, but I feel bad about everything that happened."
I shrug. Free food? Why the fuck not?
We sit down next to each other at the foot of my bed and eat pizza while watching a random movie.
"Do you remember when we made out like...two or three years ago? Like, why did that happen?" he asks, laughing.
"Oh, don't remind me. Jake will never let me live it down. He'll announce it at my wedding and my funeral."
"I always wonder how that would turn out." Niall says, looking down at his pizza.
"What? My wedding?"
"My funeral."
My heart sinks. "What? Why are you thinking about that?"
He shrugs. "Like, I wish I could like see who would come and who would cry and who would care."
"That's...fucked up."
I chew my pizza while I stare at the wall.
"I would, you know." I eventually say.
"You would what?"
"I would come, cry and care." I tell him. "But just because you bought me pizza."
He laughs and I smile because I love his laugh. It's always loud and genuine. I look away.
"How's your family?" I ask, making conversation.
"Good. Everyone's more relaxed now that my dad is doing another five years."
"Oh, that's good."
After we finish our pizzas I settle back into my bed and we stay in silence until Zoe comes back, telling us all about the day they had. I don't even roll my eyes anymore because I feel bad.
After dinner, Zoe and I turn the TV back on to watch Ellen. She's alright I guess. It's almost midnight and I know we have to get to bed because we're leaving for the airport after breakfast, but SpongeBob is on and it's way too funny.
Zoe's phone beeps and she looks down at it.
"Have you seen Niall? His roommate is asking me where he is."
I shrug. "I don't know. Probably out for a smoke?"
Then my own phone vibrates. It's a text from my dad. What the fuck?
I read it and my heart sinks.
Dad: Niall's father escaped. Make sure he's okay. Text me.
I lock my phone and get out of bed.
"Where are you going?" Zoe asks as I put my high-top sneakers on. I'm wearing some fucking shorts and a top, but I don't even care.
Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/14.2/set?id=231306001
I know it's fucking freezing outside and I don't care, because I think I know where I can find Niall.
"Just have to take care of something." I tell her and grab my phone from the bed.
I slam the door behind me and hurry down the hall to the elevator. I press the button ten times as if it would make it go faster.
I know there's a bridge on the way to the slopes and because it's snowing Niall must've gone under there. That's where I found him the last time. It's a long shot, but I can't think of anything else and I know I can't just sit around and do nothing.
I try calling him in the elevator but his phone is off.
When I exit the hotel, the horrible cold hits me, so I start running towards that bridge. I don't even have my lenses on but I can guide myself based on the Christmas lights that are hanging from the light poles.
My throat is dry and I slip on the ice, scratching my knee.
"Fucking hell." I mumble when I get back up. It's fucking freezing. Maybe Niall's not even outside.
But then I see him. Well, I see a black shape leaning against the concrete wall that holds the bridge up, looking down at the lake. And he's smoking, of course.
"Are you okay?" I yell as I get closer to him, picking up my pace.
"What are you doing here?" he asks, turning his head to me.
"My dad texted me."
The light of the moon shines on his face and I can see the red-rimmed eyes.
"Let's go back." I say, teeth chattering.
"No. I just..."
"They're going to find him."
He snorts. "Not before he finds my family. I feel like fucking SHIT!" he yells, kicking the wall. "I'm here on fucking holiday and they're in danger and I can't do anything about it!"
He's never scared me like this before because I've never seen him this aggressive.
"Niall...it's going to be-"
"It's going to be okay?! Don't fucking tell me that when you have a normal family who's well off!" he screams and punches the wall this time.
There are tears in my eyes because I feel for him and I wish I could make it all go away. He's having a panic attack and I've never dealt with anything like this.
I ball his shirt up in my fist and try to make him look me in the eye.
"Look at me Niall."
When he does, even though he's heavily breathing and I can see the helplessness and panic in his eyes, I continue.
"They're going to find him and he won't get to them, okay? If my father knows, the police knows."
"I just want it all to end already." He says, pulling himself out of my grip, before he leans his forehead against the wall and closes his eyes.
"You can't kill him."
"Not him."
My heart is in my pants, thinking back at the whole funeral thing he mentioned today.
"Niall. How are you going to help your family if you do..."
"How am I helping them right now?!" he yells, turning to look at me. "I'm done."
"No you're not!" I yell, starting to hyperventilate and panic when I see him taking off his jacket and throw it on the grass near the shore.
"Stop it! What are you doing?" I scream when he starts walking towards the water.
I step in front of him and push him away.
"What the fuck are you doing?!"
He steps back, and just when I think he's okay and not doing anything stupid, he takes off his shirt.
"Niall!" I yell and pick up the shirt. "Put it back on. And let's go back."
"Make it end already! I can die of hypothermia right? It's fine." He says, but he's talking to himself more than he's talking to me as he's toeing off his shoes.
My arms are almost frozen off, but I try to grab his elbow and stop him, but he slips out of my grasp and steps into the water, further and further inside until it reaches his shoulders.
He's blue and I am screaming at him, not knowing what to do.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I yell at him.
"Fuck it!" he yells back.
"Alright then." I say and step towards him, letting my phone fall on his shirt.
When the water reaches my ankle I feel like I'm about to die, but I know he cares. He has to.
"What the fuck are you doing Renee?" he says through chattering teeth.
"If you do this, then I do this."
Cold water is everywhere: in my shoes, in my pants, at the tips of my hair, and I am going to fucking die way before he does.
"Get back out." he warns and starts walking further in. I follow him, until the water reaches my neck, so I stand on my tiptoes, which I can't feel anymore.
"Leave me alone already!" he yells and I place my freezing, trembling hands on his even colder face.
"Never." I whisper and watch my breath hit his face as our eyes meet.
Then I kiss him.
And he kisses me back.
His hand comes up to the back of my neck and I use the last movement I have in my legs to wrap them around his waist.
"Thank you." He whispers.
"Fuck you."
"You're fucking crazy." He says against my lips.
"So crazy I would break myself just to fix you."
His arm comes down to my waist and then he starts walking towards the shore. Every single inch of my body that gets out of the water is starting to freeze even more because of the cold air.
I'm weak in the knees when he puts me down, not even sure if it's because I am about to pass out or because of what just happened. Probably both.
"I can't...I'm...cold." I say and he covers me up with his jacket. Then he puts his shirt back on and suddenly lifts me off my feet bridal style.
"Niall..." I say, feeling my eyelids get heavier.
He doesn't say anything and I look at the way his hair is stuck to his forehead, and I wonder how he's not fucking dead from the cold. His hair is fucking wet and he just...his shoes are wet and his shirt is taped to his chest.
And somehow, he manages to get us to the hotel and into the elevators that don't face the reception.
He lets me down in the elevator, but presses a different button than he should. I don't ask about it.
I look at us in the mirror. We're wet from head to toe, our clothes are clinging to our bodies and our lips are blue.
When the elevator opens he walks over to the door right next to it and knocks on it. Louis opens the door and frowns.
"What the fuck? What happened?"
"Leave. And don't tell anyone we're here. Go to Jake's." Niall says and Louis doesn't even say anything else, before he calls Harry and they both leave without questioning.
"Why..." I say, toeing off my shoes as quickly as I can and removing the socks as well. I want everything off now.
I throw Niall's jacket on the bed and take off my shirt before walking into the bathroom. There are tears in my eyes from how happy I am about how the warmth feels on my skin.
I remove my shorts and twist my head above the sink.
"I'm sorry." Niall says, coming up behind me.
I look at him in the mirror but I don't say anything, so he leaves the bathroom.
I take off my underwear as well and turn on the shower before I get in.
The moment I step into the warm water, tears roll down my cheeks. Because of what just happened, because I'm happy about the warmth, because Niall's broken and because my heart is breaking for him.
I close my eyes and run my hands over my head, smoothing my hair down.
I hear him coming into the bathroom and actually getting into the shower, so I open my eyes just to look into his red ones. I'm naked but he's wearing briefs. Shit.
"Thank you." He says, not breaking our eye contact. Not even once.
"Always." I whisper and swallow, trying not to look down. And I know he's doing just the same.
"Please don't cry." Niall pleads and cups my face with his hands. I try not to blink too much because of the water.
I shake my head, closing my eyes. "I can't."
"You saved my life."
"I didn't." I say, opening my eyes to look back into his.
"Yeah, you did. Your voice always calms me down. It calmed down my worst anxiety attack and made me forget about everything, even for a second."
"It's fine."
And when he kisses me, it doesn't even surprise me because I was about to do it in two seconds anyway.
I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer so our naked bodies line up. Well, almost naked, he's still wearing briefs. So I make sure to remove them and pull him even closer.
I can't even describe the burning sensation I feel in my core because his cock is touching my stomach, but I can explain it to him by kissing him even harder and maybe even more desperate.
"Do you..." he whispers and I just nod.
For a second he searches my eyes for any form of doubt, but when he doesn't find it, he licks his lips and gets down on his knees.
I close my eyes and bite my lip when I feel his tongue poking between my legs and I shut off the water with a trembling hand.
He's licking my clit and my legs are shaking and everything feels right after it could have gotten so fucking wrong.
I tangle my fingers into his hair and he throws one of my legs over his shoulder to get better access, which makes me moan.
"Niall..." I plead and pull him back up by his hair. His erection is pushing against my belly but before I can ever offer to suck it, he hoists me up by the back of my thighs and presses me against the wall.
Then he grabs his cock with one hand before he places it just right and slowly slides in.
I look into his eyes while I'm biting my lip the whole time he slides into me until he bottoms out, and that's because my eyes roll in the back of my head from the pleasure I'm feeling.
I've never been more turned on in my entire life and I feel a type of euphoria I've never felt.
My nails dig into his shoulders for leverage, but his hands are gripping into the back of my thighs as he starts thrusting, which makes me lose my mind completely.
"You like that?" he asks and I cup his jaw so I can kiss him with pressure instead of giving him an answer.
I never expected to actually have sex with Niall, let alone in a shower, but here we are.
And I fucking love it.
My spine is digging into the wall but I couldn't care less because he's pounding into me and I feel like I'm about to come from just five minutes of fucking sex.
"Niall..." I groan and close my eyes as I come.
"Nice." He smirks and then picks up his pace again.
It's even worse after I come, because I'm ever more sensitive now and he's close too, judging by the way he angels his thrusts.
"Not...no condom." I pant and he pulls out of me before he puts me down. I get down on my knees and stick my tongue out and he comes into my mouth after two strokes.
"Shiit." He moans, and it's the hottest thing I've ever heard.
After I swallow, I stand up straight, even though my legs are shaking.
"Like?" he asks, holding up his fist.
I fist bump him and turn on the water, laughing at his blissed expression.
When I come out of the shower though, I feel guilty and dirty about what I did.
There are folded clothes on the beds.
"What are these?" I ask, looking at my own clothes on the radiator.
"I asked Louis to bring some clothes from my room."
I don't ask him any more questions, so I pick a hoodie I like and a pair of shorts I like, before I get in one of the beds.
"Can you bring me my phone?" I ask him and he throws it to me.
"Thanks." I sarcastically say.
I unlock it and read the text messages from my dad, ignoring all the other ones from Zoe, Jake, Harry and Sophia.
"Your family is safe with the police now. They're in protective custody until they find your father."
He nods. "Thanks."
He pulls the blanket off my body to get into the bed next to me, and I don't even say anything as he turns off the light.
"Thank you." He whispers and I hug his chest, nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck.
After a few moments of silence, I ask him something I've actually been wondering.
"Did you actually get into a fight with your coach?"
He shakes his head. "No."
I smirk. "Ha haaa."
"What? Do you have any complaints?" he asks and slides his hand up my thigh until his fingers press between my legs through his pants.
"No." I yelp and pull away from his touch because I'm still sensitive.
"Then don't laugh at me." he pouts and smiles into my cheek.
My heart feels like it's going to burst from joy, and it's weird to think about it, because it was just about to break an hour ago. And it was all because of the same person.
"You make me weird." He says.
"What do you mean?"
"Since I was a boy I wanted to fucking destroy the whole world. And now I don't."
I frown, even though he can barely see me.
"What does it have to do with me?"
"Well, you're in it. So I don't want to destroy it anymore."
I bite my lip and smile.
"Don't smirk like that. You know I say weird things in the dark."
"The craziest shit." I tease him and poke him in the side.
"But still the true shit."
I watch him watch the ceiling and wonder how the fuck I ended up here. About all the events in the past four months that led up to this moment.
"I love you." I say.
He smiles at me and kisses my forehead, like he didn't even hear me.
And that's because I actually didn't say it out loud.
Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94
Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/
Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker
Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com
Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker
Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb
Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com
Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb
Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch
Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D
Here are some questions:
1. which was your favorite part of the chapter and why?
2. what do you think about what rey and niall did? How should I play it out?
3. how should I play out the whole 'niall's dad' situation? Would you like me to keep writing about it?
4. what should happen in the next chapter? what would you like to see?
This is by far one of my favorite chapter, so let me know on Twitter which your favorite quotes were, they make my day :)
p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !
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