12: "Don't go around punching walls anymore please."

Sorry for the long wait, but the new chapter is finally here :) I hope you like it

Happy reading :)

p.s. Please check out the notes at the end of the chapter and answer my questions x


Previously on chapter 11:

Niall's POV

After I hand the box to Zayn, just because I'm way too lazy to roll the spliffs myself, I settle my attention on the TV.

"So what's up with the whole Harry and Jake thing?" Rey asks Louis, and I move my eyes away from the TV to her. Shit, she's playing with fire. I smirk when we make eye contact. She lifts an eyebrow and tilts her head, and fuck, I want to stick my tongue down her throat. And then fuck her.

"What about it?" Louis asks, toying with the lighter.

"You know, Jake didn't do it to spite you or anything. It just happened."

Louis shrugs and I make a face at Rey, who rolls her eyes at me.

I wonder if she rolls them the exact same way when she comes, but then I remember that she does, and a smirk crosses my face.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks.

"Nothing. About island counters, that's all." I say and her eyes widen, which lets me know that she knows what I mean.

"You're high already?" Louis jokes and I flip him off.

"Done." Zayn says and lifts the spliff up with two hands, as if it were a newborn.

I take it from him and light it up, before I take two long drags, keep them in, and then exhale it right in Rey's face.

"Asshole." She says and takes the spliff from my fingers without even asking.

I watch her exhale the smoke after a few seconds and then pass the spliff over to Zayn. After we finish the first one, Zayn rolls another.

"Do you have any more chips?" she asks and then stands up. I follow her into the kitchen, where I pull a bag of salted chips from the shelf.

"Here you go." I tell her and she tries to open the bag, but after two fails, looks back up at me.

I grab the bag and open it with one swift motion, before I hand it back to her.

"Thanks." She says and places it on the counter.

I look at her questioningly but then she grabs the back of my neck and I lean down to press our mouths together. I push her into the counter, my head spinning because I'm getting turned on.

"Oh-shit. Okay." Louis says and stops in the doorway.

I roll my eyes and pull away from Rey, who grabs the bag of chips and leaves.

"Great cockblock." I mumble, taking another beer from the fridge for myself. Louis does the same.

"Oh, like you were going to fuck her right here."

"Happened before." I remind him and he cocks his head, nodding.


We sit back down and I take a few chips before Rey pulls the bag away. "No way, not my food."

She's smiling from ear to ear so I smile as well, because she looks funny from the weed.

"That's some good shit." She says after she takes a few drags from the newly rolled spliff.

Zayn agrees and pats her thigh, which makes me frown for some reason. He catches my eye and makes face.

After a few more rounds, Rey wiggles her forefinger, to get me to come closer. "I wanna tell you a secret."

Zayn and Louis exchange looks.

"Do you remember what you said about getting high at your place?" Rey giggles, saying it loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Yeah-" I say, but then I stop when I hear something from outside. Did I lock the door? Who would rob us anyway?

"So?" she says, wiggling her eyebrows and I shake my head, smiling.

"Right now?" I ask.

She nods, but then I hear a loud crash and the door slams against the wall, which makes everyone turn their attention towards the noise.

My entire body freezes, my heart stops beating in my chest and my blood stops flowing through my veins. Every single hair on my body is erect and the breath is knocked out of my lungs when my eyes and brain start working together on what I'm seeing. There, in the doorframe, almost too tall to fit, stands my father with a bottle of gin in one hand, the other resting against the doorframe.

"Hey kid." He spits, smirking in a way that makes my stomach turn inside out. I hate him I hate him I hate him. "Daddy's home."


Rey's POV

When the door slammed against the wall, it took me a few moments to register what had happened. I look at Niall's father, whose eyes are dark as he moves the bottle of gin to his lips. He's got something about him that gives me a bad feeling, even if I wouldn't know what he did.

"Get out." Niall says, but his voice is shaking as he stands up.

"Oh, what? Your friends afraid of me? Or are you ashamed?" his father laughs, alcohol running down from his mouth.

I look at Louis and Zayn, but I can't read their expressions. They don't look surprised or scared. They look worried as they look at Niall.

"I'm calling the police, I have a restraining order. We all do." Niall warns his father and takes a few steps towards him.

"Oh, I know." his father says and his eyes fall on me. I feel a shiver running up my spine, and I feel fucking sick. There is so much evil in his eyes. "Does your pretty girlfriend also have a restraining order against me?"

"Shut your fuckin' mouth." Niall says in a low voice. His father looks at him with hate in his eyes.

"Watch your mouth kid, or this bottle will be your new head."

I'm already dialing 999 and I put my phone to my ear when I see that someone answered. I only get to tell them where to come right now and why, before my phone is knocked out of my hand and my head his the armchair. I realize that Niall's father just pushed him into me.

"You cunt!" he roars, coming closer, but this time Zayn, Louis and Niall take action. Zayn punches him in the mouth and Louis kicks him in the crotch so he falls on his ass. He screams, but Zayn and Louis step on each of his arms keeping him down.

Niall is about to punch him with a shaky fist, when the front door slams open and two police officers enter the room a second later.

"Is everything okay?" one asks, and the other one quickly reacts and electrocutes Niall's father with a Taser. I look at Niall who looks down at his father, before he runs out of the room.

I stare at Louis and Zayn until Louis finally talks.

"Go." He says and I rush to put on my sneakers before I'm out the door, running while trying to see something through the dark and without contact lenses on.

I run for about two blocks until I reach a small tunnel that goes under a bridge and spot a dark figure leaning against the brick wall in a seating position, smoking, with a small bottle of alcohol in the other hand. I immediately know it's Niall.

I walk towards him in a slow pace and I know he's been crying because his eyes are glazed and his cheeks look like he's used highlighter.

"Hi." I say and lean against the wall, before I slide down on it so I can be at the same level as him.

"Hey." He says, so silent I barely even hear him.

"Are you okay?" I ask. Stupid question, you idiot.

He shakes his head and my heart hurts. I just want to go back to his house and beat his father's face in.

Silence settles as we smoke, until I try again.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Niall shrugs, letting out the smoke that evaporates in the air a few seconds later. I wait for him to talk now, because I know that me pushing him won't solve anything.

"I hate it." he says after a few more minutes of silence.

"Your father?"

"No. The way he makes me feel when I see him, or think of him."

My heart hurts.

"I feel so...helpless. Not because I can't fight him, but because I can't protect my family. I can't...there's nothing I can do to stop him. Or used to. Now we've got restraining orders but it's not..." his voice breaks at the end of the sentence and I place a hand on his shoulder.

"Everyone judges me because I only fuck, never have girlfriends and shit. But how can I fucking trust that someone loves me for me when my own father hasn't done that in eighteen years? Even before he lost his job and started drinking, he never told me anything...whatever."

I watch him as he takes out another cigarette and lights it, and then takes a swig from the bottle. Whiskey. I don't know what to tell him, or how to approach the subject, or how to let him know that I'm here for him.

"Well, he's going back to prison now for sure." I tell him and he lets out a semi-laugh through his nostrils.

"He may be in prison and whatever, but the way he made my entire family feel doesn't go away." Then, for the first time since we've been sitting here, he turns to look at me. "Do you know what he fucking did to them?"

Images from my dad's folder come flashing through my mind, so I look away from him.

"He fucking ruined my mother. Ruined her. He walked over her long before she got the balls to go to a lawyer. And my sister...she was only eleven for fuck's sake. How can someone do that to another person? Someone they're supposed to care about."

Then he drinks again.

"You know when I was little, I used to ask him to check for monsters under my bed because I was scared from all the horror movies I used to watch. And it took a long time to realize that the monster wasn't under my bed, it was sleeping in the room next to me, pretending to be my dad. And fuck, I told my mother to move away the moment he hit her for the first time after he drowned an entire Whiskey bottle. And she didn't."

"It's not her fault."

"I fucking know that, but at that time I was furious and lashed out at her, like it was. Do you know how it fucking feels to see someone you care about get hurt? And there's nothing you can do to help them?" he says, voice cracking.

I look him in the eye. "I know. It feels like shit."

He closes his eyes. "I hate him. I do. And after the first time he really beat us up, he came and asked for forgiveness. You can't be fucking fixed by the same person who broke you."

My eyes are welling up and I look elsewhere. I feel like I'm not entitled to crying when he isn't.

"I always thought you were a prick because you...I don't know." is the only thing I can manage to say, which proves again that I'm the biggest idiot.

"Yeah, if you hurt people, it means you're heartless and cold. Then, if you let them in, you get hurt. It sucks, and I'm tired."

"Of what?" I ask, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Of life. Living like this. He fucked us all up. Eddie's still got a chance, but my mom...Lilly...they didn't deserve it."

"You didn't either."

"I don't care about that. Fuck, he could've killed me for all I cared, if it meant he wouldn't smack them around like he did." He says and slams his fist into the wall.

"Don't. You're going to bruise-"

"You know I already have scars. I saw you look at them."

I don't say anything.

"I feel like shit every time I look at myself in the mirror. They won't go away. It's been almost five fucking years and they won't go away."

He runs his free hand through his hair.

"Niall. He's going away now. It's going to be okay."

"I know. Your father...he's my mother's lawyer. He'll put him away for life. I hope. But the fucking scars are here forever. I'd make them go away if I could."

"Me too."

Niall looks at me, eyes red. "Can you even imagine what would've happened if Lilly wouldn't have taken Eddie to my grandmother? And if my mother was at home? And if I weren't? I would've never forgiven myself."

I swallow. "But they weren't."

"But what if...ugh!" he yells and stands up, stumbling a bit, so I stand up as well.

He yells again and smashes the bottle against the opposite wall. I listen at the glass shards clinking against the cold pavement and then walk over to him when he starts punching the wall.

"Stop, you're hurting yourself!" I say and grab his wrist. His knuckles are breathing and he tries to wriggle away from my grasp and steps aside, but I hug his torso and press him against the wall to keep him there.

He smells like alcohol and cigarettes and sadness. I hug him tighter, and he wraps an arm around my shoulders after a few seconds. Then he rests his chin on the top of my head and I close my eyes.

"You scare me." He eventually says, and I feel the vibration of his voice against my cheek.


"Because I tell you things I don't tell anyone else. Things I don't even tell myself."

"Do you want to go back?" I ask and feel him nod against my head.

"Zayn sent me a text a few minutes ago saying that the police took my dad back to jail and that they gave their statements."

"We don't have to go if you don't want to."

"I do. I left them there." He says and I pull away from him, even though I don't want to.

We walk back to his house in silence, and I go over everything that was said tonight. How can someone be so strong?

Louis and Zayn are back on the floor, smoking and talking about something.

"Are you okay man?" Zayn asks, standing up and walking over to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Don't apologize." Louis says, waving it off. "We put the weed away just in time before the cops came. Thank God."

That makes Niall laugh, and my heart gets warmer.

"Shit man, you're bleeding." Zayn says.

"I'll go get something to put on it." I say and walk upstairs to look through the cupboard in the bathroom. I find what I'm looking for, and when I turn around, Zayn is in the doorway.

"Did you find the first aid kit?" he asks and I nod.

"His father's a fucking prick. I'd beat him up myself." he says as we walk back towards the stairs. "Did he tell you about him?"

I nod. "I didn't know someone else knew."

"We've known each other since we were two. I know." he nods and lets me walk downstairs first.

I bandage Niall's hand after I've disinfected it.

"Don't go around punching walls anymore please." I tell him and he smirks.

"I should punch things just for you then, hm?" he jokes; referring to that time he punched Jed.

I shrug and smile in a suggestive way.

"Um, get a room?" Louis says from his place on the floor, rolling his eyes.

We smoke another joint after that, and even though I'm high, I'm glad Niall's laughing again.

"What about a threesome?" I ask, looking at Louis.

"What?" he replies, choking on air.

"With Jake and Harry. That would be hot." I say, smiling from ear to ear. I'm high.

He doesn't deny it.

"You're thinking about it! Oh my God!" I yell, pointing a finger at him.

"Shut up." he laughs and passes the last remains of the joint to Niall, who lets us know that this is the last one, that we're all out.

A few minutes later, after watching a bit of TV, I yawn.

"You can sleep in my room." Niall tells me.

"You have earplugs for us, right?" Louis asks and Niall flips him off.

"No, honestly. I just want to sleep." I say and Niall nods.

"Go ahead then. Or do you want me to wash the sheets and get some with Egyptian cotton?" he asks and I roll my eyes before I exit the living room.

His room is small but looks so cozy that I can't help but smile as I slide under the covers. It's warm and the streetlamp from outside shines on the door.

I close my eyes, thinking about everything that happened today until I fall asleep.


It's Friday, the second of December, which means that today's the Katy Perry concert. We're at school during lunchtime, and everyone at my table is talking about it.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/12.1/set?id=227472558

"So did you see her at rehearsals?" Jake asks, excited.

"No, we just danced with the music in the background." Perrie says, smiling.

"But we were invited to the afterparty, so of course I asked if we could bring some friends and it's okay." I tell them.

"Oh! You're fucking joking!" Jake exclaims, clapping his hands. "We're going to party with celebrities? Oh my GOD, you should've told me sooner! Jesus, I have no idea what to wear! It's such short notice!"

I roll my eyes. "Just wear something fancy, it's going to be okay. And by the way, the afterparty is like a red carpet event, so we'll get to pose in front of those posters with things written on it."

"I'm gonna faint." Jake hyperventilates and fans himself.

"Jesus, this is so exciting!" Sophia gushes. "And I bet her other dancers are cute."

"Yeah, there's a really cute one that always flirts with Rey." Perrie tells them.

"That's not true." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yes it is!"

I pick at my salad; trying to ignore the look Niall gives me.

"So the afterparty huh? Does that mean a free bar all night?" Liam asks, trying to change the subject.

After that we start talking about when and where they're going to meet up before the concert, and I'm glad, because I really got the feeling that there's something going on in Niall's head that I have no idea about.

Why does he care about who flirts with me? I mean, everyone is talking about him fucking a girl from the private school from across town, and you don't see me giving him looks about that.


It's Friday, way after six pm, which means that we're going on stage in less than two hours, and I'm sweating through my ass.

Perrie is also hyperventilating, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who's nervous.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/12.2/set?id=227472537

I look at myself in the mirror, at the blonde wig on my head to be more specific, and I wonder whether I should turn blonde, because I actually look good.

"You look good." Perrie says and comes next to me to take a mirror picture.

"We look good." I tell her and she smiles.

One hour later, we're on those platforms that come up from under the stage, sitting on some kind of thrones, carried by other dancers.

The screams are deafening when the first chords of Dark Horse start playing and the platforms start moving. We start dancing just like we have been rehearsing for the past few weeks, and I love it. I know that this is what I want to do with my life: dance. The music is so fucking loud and we move in sync with the other dancers for a few more songs, until there has to be a wardrobe change.

At the end of the concert, I'm sweating like crazy but I have a huge smile on my face as I slump down on a bench in the dressing rooms.

"That was fucking amazing!" Perrie exclaims as she takes her towel to go to take a shower.

I turn on my phone after taking a shower, just to see that Niall has posted a picture of Perrie and I, and I have the worst face in it. I comment a middle finger emoji before I also head for the showers.

It's after ten when we're finally getting ready for the afterparty. Katy's manager arranged for a limousine to take the dancers to the venue, so I text Jake to let him now that we'll meet them there.

I dress up in a pale pink skirt that matches with the heels and the rose heart-shaped crop top, before I put my white fur on and grab my bag.

Rey+Niall+Zayn: https://www.polyvore.com/12.3/set?id=227619883

The limo ride is twenty minutes long, so everyone toasts to a great gig and I down three champagne glasses in a span on fifteen minutes.

There are some photographers there so we pose in front of the panels before we enter the hotel. The rest of our group is waiting at the second entrance, and we finally manage to get them in after showing our badges to the bodyguard.

"I feel like I'm on the A list." Jake says and starts taking snaps the moment we enter the giant room the party is held in. Then he turns to me. "I hope you're gonna be a really good dancer so I can take advantage of you and come to more parties like these."

"I always knew you were a friend out of interest." I tell him and he kisses my cheek before he screams and pulls Harry over to the free bar.

Finally, I get to focus on Niall, who's on his phone, looking a bit frustrated.

"What's up with him?" I ask no one in particular.

"Girl problems." Someone who smells incredibly good says. I turn around to look up at Zayn, who's smirking down at me.

"What girl problems?" I ask, and then I remember that girl from the private school, and wish I hadn't asked because I seem a bit desperate.


"Right." I say.

"You jealous?" he teases and cocks his head.

"Nah." I say, looking towards the bar.

"Wanna drown your jealousy with me?" Zayn proposes.

"I mean, if you're jealous, sure. But I'm not."

"Whatever you say Parker." He smiles and fuck, he's so attractive.

I follow him to the bar, and he orders two Tequila shots for each of us. I know I'm going to get tipsy soon because I've already had those three champagne glasses in the limo.

"To not being jealous." He says and raises his shot glass, so I do the same.

We down shot after shot, until I lose count because I am unable to do otherwise.

"Shit, you got me drunk." I giggle and he smiles.

"It's great, innit?" he yells overt the music and raises to fingers at the guy behind the bar.

"Yeah...so what does Niall see in that girl?" I ask, forgetting that I'm supposed not to care.

"She's got big boobs."


"I'm joking. I don't know."

He looks at someone behind me, and then looks back at me.

"Do you want to make him jealous?"

I roll my eyes. "How?"

"You dance with me."

"I don't think that'll work." And okay, why the fuck am I turning him down?

I place my glass down. "Actually, fuck it. Let's go."

We stand up from our seats at the bar and walk over to our group on the dancefloor.

A Dimitri Vegas songs starts so I throw my hands in the air and start slurring along, because I'm way past being tipsy and coherent.

I get closer and closer to Zayn with each song, until we're finally dancing (more like grinding) together and I love it. Not only because Niall might get jealous (although I DO NOT care about that), but also because he smells amazing and fuck, he can dance.

His hand runs from my shoulder down to my waistline and I close my eyes because it's too much. After a short while, a song that I don't really like comes on, so I make a smoking gesture towards him and he nods.

We go outside on the terrace where the smoking area is set up, and lean against the wall. He lights my cigarette and after that he lights his.

"I'm a bit drunk." I say when I realize that the umbrellas are spinning.

"Me too." he tells me in a hushed tone, like it's supposed to be a secret.

"So, was Niall looking?" I ask, this time not because I care, but because I want him to think that I was dancing with him for a reason, and not for the fact that I really enjoyed it.

"Yeah. Definitely."

I take out my phone and go through my messages because it's been vibrating for some time. There are text from Jake who tells me that he's grossed out by the fact that I was basically dry-humping Zayn.

Rey: havev YIOU SEEN yoru brother??? He's fuckigng hottt

I don't wait for him to reply before I take a selfie with Zayn and then smile like an idiot when I look at it.

"Another one." I say.

He obliges and I make sure to save them before I put my phone back in my bra.

"Nice hiding spot. Wish I had it." Zayn laughs.

"At least your jeans have pockets. Ours only have fake pockets. It's fucking...ugh." I say and he laughs at my slurring.

"Stop laughing at me!" I pout and cross my arms over my chest.

"You're cute." He smiles, poking my nose.

"And you're drunk as well!" I protest and he blows the smoke into my face. I lick my lips and then blow smoke into his face.

"Didn't say I wasn't." he argues and shrugs in a really attractive way.

I gulp and drop my cigarette to the ground.

"What?" he asks, confused as to why I'm staring at him like a mad person.

"Nothing, it's just...you look good."

Zayn smirks, showing his perfect teeth. "I've been told."

"Fuck off then."

He lets out a laugh through his nose and it comes out with smoke. "Not yet."

I inch closer to him and he notices, because he does the same.

"So...what's up?" he asks when he notices that I'm staring at his cheekbones.

"Have you ever tried cutting sandwiches with that cheekbone? Bet it would hurt more than a paper cut."

"Why don't you try and see?" he asks in a suggestive tone and I get the hint, thank GOD, because I place my hand on his cheek and pull him down to my lips.

He tastes like cigarettes and Tequila, and I get even drunker because he smells just like a child of Satan and God would.

He kisses me slowly, deeply, and my head is spinning. I pull him closer and his hands come down to my waist as my arms sling around his neck.

Poor guy, his neck must be hurting from how much he's been bent down to get to my lips.

"You're amazing." I breathe when he pulls back with a smile on his lips and darkness in his eyes.

"Right back at you Parker."

He licks his lips, making them shine even more and then leans back against the wall.

"Wait...I forgot something." I say and he looks confused, before I pull him back into a kiss. He sinks into it immediately, but someone coughing interrupts us.

"Uh...they're bringing out a cake." Louis says and looks over to the door, when Niall's with his eyes in his phone. Did he see anything? Does he even care? UGH. But still...Zayn is...something new. Exciting. But Niall is...Niall.

The two of us follow Louis inside and watch as the waiters bring out the cake to celebrate the successful first show of the tour. I know Niall is looking at Zayn and I, because the corner of my eye can see his head turned in our direction.

"He's looking." Zayn whispers into my ear and a shiver runs down my spine because of the way his voice sounds.

"I know." I whisper back and he places a hand on my shoulder for a few seconds.

We watch as the tiny fireworks on the cake go out and everyone claps, before the waiters roll the cake back into the kitchen to cut it.

The music starts up again and people begin dancing, but I feel sick so I make my way through the mass of people until I reach the back exit and step out into the cold air.

I lean against the wall next to the giant trash bins and think about what just happened. Zayn and I kissed. Niall doesn't seem to care.

The door opens and I sigh, looking to my left, expecting to see Zayn or Sophia or Jake. But it's Niall, with a cigarette between his lips.

"Oh." He says and lets the door close behind him.


He leans against the wall next to me and lights up his cigarette.

"So...I heard you're fucking a girl." Is the only thing I can think of saying and I want to slap myself across the face for it.

"So?" he asks. Why would I even think it was okay to say that??? He doesn't owe me any explanation for what he's doing in his free time. "I see you're really close to Zayn."

"Oh...we're just friends."

"Do you kiss all your friends?"

I nod. Stupid.

"So why do you care who I'm shagging?" he continues and I shift because I'm uncomfortable.

"I don't know. I was just making conversation."

Okay, can the ground swallow me up now? That would be great, thanks.

"You're talking out loud because you're drunk. Again." Niall laughs and throws his cigarette on the floor. "It's fine Rey. It doesn't bother me that you care."

"Good, because I don't care to be honest."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." He smirks and opens the door. "You coming in? Or are you still waiting for the ground to swallow you up?"

I shake my head as I walk towards the door. "I hate you."


I wake up with a headache that Saturday morning, and, of course, with some pictures on my phone that I have no recollection of taking.

My phone rings and I swear before I answer it.

"Huge news, meet me in an hour at Starbucks." Is how Jake greets me and I roll my eyes.

"Jake, it's really early..."

"It's three pm you sleepy bitch. Get dressed. I have HUGE news."

I groan and get out of bed to take a shower and throw some clothes on.

Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/12.4/set?id=228067143

Fifty minutes later, I park my car near the Starbucks where we always meet and walk inside to order. Jake is already waiting for me at a table outside.

"Took you long enough."

"I'm ten minutes early, shut up."

I settle into my seat. "So what's the huge news you couldn't tell me over the phone?" I ask as I munch on my cinnamon roll.

"I had sex."

"Are you-are you fucking serious? You woke me up to tell me you had SEX?!" I yell, and people turn their heads.

"No. I woke you up to tell you I had sex with two guys."

"Oh. And you couldn't tell me that over the phone?"

"No. Because it was with Harry and Louis."

I spit out my cinnamon roll on the table. "Excuse me? You're joking right?"

"See? That's why I couldn't tell you over the phone."


I am shocked. And yet, not that surprised.

"Well, the three of us got really drunk yesterday so I invited them over for after drinks and...we had a threesome."

"Oh GOD. How was it?"

He dramatically looks away. "Mind blowing."

"And Louis was into it?"

"Yeah. I was surprised too."

"Are you going to do it again?"

There are so many questions on my mind I can't even cope.

"I don't know. If the opportunity arises...I wouldn't say no to be honest."

"And do you expect things to workout great without any damage?"

"I don't know. I mean, it's obvious that we both want Harry but I can't tell who he wants more."

"Jake, I don't think this is a good idea, no matter how hot it may be."

"I know, but a few more times won't hurt, right?"

I don't answer, because I know it's a hypothetical question and he's asking himself more than he's asking me.

We spend one more hour chatting about last night and how he's grossed out about the fact that I made out with Zayn, before I drive him home.


The next Tuesday at school, the gym teacher announces the yearly senior trip to the French Alps and asks us to sign our names on the sheet if we'd be interested. Of course we are, who doesn't want to miss two days of school before the winter break?

After I sign my name I already start planning ahead, like what I'm going to wear or which of my snowboards am I going to take.

"Bitch." Is how Jake interrupts my thoughts during the break. I'm at my locker, getting my biology book, when he slams the locker shut, nearly ripping off my fingers.

"What? Jesus, be more careful. You almost cut my fingers off."

"Oh, don't be so dramatic. I have news."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "You have news? Or gossip?"

"Babe, for me, news is gossip."

"Fine. Out with it then."

"Niall has a girlfriend. Like, they're officially together."


"That rich bitch from the private school. Zoe something."

"And why should I care?"

He gives me a knowing look. "Because I heard him asking whether he could take her on the seniors trip as well."

"The teachers will never agree to that. And besides, I don't care. We're going to the fucking French Alps."

"Which reminds me, I need to tell you about the threesome I had last weekend..."

"How do the French Alps remind you of sex?" I ask and we start walking towards our class.

"Well, Louis is a French name and you know..."


My phone has been ringing for the past ten minutes, which lets me know that I'm late to the meeting in front of the school. It's the fifteenth, and that means that it's the Holy Thursday. Or as normal people call it, the day we leave for France.

Rey+Niall+Zayn+Zoe: https://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=227472654

I arrive at the school fifteen minutes late, and people are already climbing into buses and putting their luggage away.

"Dear Lord, did you bring your whole house?" Sophia asks when she sees my suitcase.

"No, just the essentials." I say, struggling as I try to lift up my suitcase to place it in the compartment under the bus.

"Well, you better have packed something you look bomb as fuck in, because Niall's here. And he's brought his new girlfriend along."


Sophia nods to the left, so I glance in that direction.

A brunette girl wearing an expensive fur coat (almost the same as mine) is smoking while she laughs (a bit too much) at something Niall just said.

"Oh. That's great." I say, fake smiling, before my eyes fall to her shoes. "Are those..."

"Yes. From new winter line."

"But...Balmain has been sold out for days!"

"Apparently her dad is a big executive at New York Fashion Week, and she gets all the good stuff early."

"How do you know all this?"

"Jake of course."

I shake my head and make my way towards the bus, trying as hard as I cannot to let my jealousy show.

I don't know whether I'm jealous of her clothes or of who she's dating, but I know that the next four days are going to be long as fuck.


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was :D

Here are some questions:

1. what do you think about rey and zayn? should i continue it?

2. if you'd like to see more of rey+zayn=jealous niall, give me some ideas on how i should play it out !

3. what about the whole 'niall's girlfriend' thing? any ideas?

4. what should happen in the next chapter? what would you like to see?

I'm really pleased with this chapter, hope you were as well! Let me know on Twitter which your favorite quotes were, they make my day :)

also, yes, Zoe is Selena Gomez.

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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