10: "Don't flatter yourself."

Thank you so much for the comments on the last chapter, I always enjoy reading them ! This is the third chapter this week, so I think it's a new record :) but you deserve it because you've waited four months while I was MIA.

Thank you so much for everything :) keep commenting, i always read and reply!

Oh, and fleanr, the polish translator, has started translating again but give her some time because I posted 3 chapters in a week, so it'll take her some time :) thank you so much for translating, fleanr

Happy reading :)

p.s. Please check out the notes at the end of the chapter and answer my questions x


Rey's POV

My parents arrive ten minutes later at the hospital. My mother is dressed in her long nightgown, which means she's really alarmed and worried. My father has jeans on, and I haven't seen him in casual clothes since I was really young.

"What's going on?" my mother asks. "What's this talk about an oncologist? What the actual-"

An oncologist? No.

My heart sinks.

"Good morning Mr. Parker." The doctor says and shakes his hand. "I'm doctor Mitchel."

My father shakes his hand and proceeds to ask him what's going on, what happened. His eyes fall on Niall, who's sitting next to Jason, but he looks back at the doctor.

"As I was treating your son's bruises I ran a few blood tests, and I've detected the possibility that he might develop AML."

"What's AML?" I ask.

"Acute myelogenous leukemia."

My head spins. My heart stops.

"But it's not even stage one. It's really early, very early in fact. A week of treatment with blood transfusions and chemotherapy will make it go away for sure. I can't even say that he has it now, but the tests detected a few cells in his blood and we can treat it right away."

"I'll donate, I'm type 0." I say. "Anything, please just make him be okay."

Jason looks weird, like he can't process what just happened.

"He'll be just fine if he comes in starting Monday and then on Wednesday and then again on Friday. As I said before, he's not even stage one, but an hour of chemotherapy will make sure he doesn't develop any type of cancer in the future. Let me ask you, Mr. Parker, do you have history of cancer in your family?"

"Yes. My grandmother had leukemia and died of it when she was seventy years old. No one else."

"Alright. That might explain it. I already made an appointment, so I expect to see him on Monday at seven in the evening. But I do suggest you get your daughter tested as well." He says, looking at me.

As it turns out, I don't have any cancer cells in my body, which I'm grateful for. And as I expected, my mother still wants us to attend the gala because 'she promised' to attend with her whole family.

We dropped Niall off at home and then headed towards our own house in a long, unbearable silence.


Niall: so we're still going?

Rey: my mother is fucked up

I'm on my back on the bed, texting with Niall (yeah, it's actually happening) about what happened yesterday and about what's gonna happen tonight. I send him a voice message instead, because I'm way too lazy to type right now.

"So did you find a decent suit to wear?" I ask.

He listens to it.

"Yeah. You know, I can afford a suit. Not Armani, but it looks good." He responds. His voice sounds weird. It's raspy and deep and irish, and it makes my core tingle.

"Oh. I'm telling you right now that you're going to get some looks because you're not wearing Alexander Wang stuff." I laugh and lift my finger off the screen.

He's typing, but then he stops and listens to the recording.

Niall: stop being lazy and type ffs

"Never." I say and release the recording button.

He puts an eye-roll emoji and then asks me where are we supposed to meet.

"The Four Seasons hotel. Do you want us to pick you up?"

Niall: no

Niall: I can manage on my own, thx

It's my turn to send an eye roll emoji, and then lock my phone so I can get dressed. We're supposed to be there at eight and it's already six, which means I have to hurry up.

I take a shower and then do my makeup before I straighten my hair and walk into the closet to pick out my clothes. My mother instructed me specifically to wear an Alexander Wang coat and a clutch, because the paparazzi will take pictures of us walking in, and of course, we have to promote his brand.

Then I take out a really nice Balmain dress that I never get to wear and my favorite Zanotti heels, because why not.

Rey+Niall: http://www.polyvore.com/10.1/set?id=226702340

By the time I'm completely done with my outfit it's half past seven, so I walk downstairs. Jason and my father are talking in hushed tones on the couch, already dressed in their Alexander Wang suits. We're all waiting for my mother, of course.

By 7:40 she's done, leading her makeup artist and hairstylist to the front door.

"Everyone ready?" she asks, sizing me up from head to toe and zooming in on my makeup. She doesn't comment on it, thank God.

A black Jeep is waiting for us outside to take us to the gala, and by the time we arrive, Niall is already there, waiting for us. He's dressed in a grey suit with a black tie and actually looks really good. And hot. Shit.

"He dressed up nicely." My mother says and I'm shocked by her compliment, because I was expecting rude comments. Niall shakes my father's hand, Jake's hand, and then kisses my mother on the cheek (ok what?) before he smiles at me.

"Hi." He says and I look him up and down to make sure he sees.

"You cleaned up nicely." I observe.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm always dirty, right?" he laughs.

I roll my eyes before my mother tells me that we have to take a family photo that she can frame, and then we have to go inside.

Inside, the room the gala is held in is huge, which means it's probably used for weddings. There's a runway in the middle of the room and our table is pretty close to it.

"Alexander gave us the best table. I'm so excited for you to meet him Rey. He's great."

I nod, not really listening to her, because I'm way too busy looking at Niall looking at my father in a weird way. I know he knows who he is but doesn't let on. They both act like they don't know each other, and they probably don't, but then I remember that Niall was one of the few witnesses to testify at his father's trial, which means he knows my dad.

We sit down at the table and a waiter immediately comes to fill our glasses with wine, and Jason's with water. The appetizers will come shortly, as it states on the menu.

"So Niall." My mother starts.

Oh here we fucking go.

"Tell me about yourself. How do you know Renee?"

I make a face at her saying my full name.

"From school." Niall answers, straightening up.

Oh Jesus, leave it to my mother to ask the most obvious questions.

"I've never heard her mention your name until recently you know." she continues as she takes a sip from her wine glass.

"That's because we never really got along until our last year." He laughs and my mother smiles. Okay, we're good. For the moment, at least.

"Alexander!" my mother exclaims and I look up from my lap to see Alexander Wang approaching our table with a big smile on his face.

"Eleanor." he says and kisses her cheek, and then shakes my father's hand. "You've got some beautiful children."

Jason and I introduce ourselves, and Alexander makes sure to shake Niall's hand as well as he introduces himself.

"Have you talked to Renee about my collection?"

"She has." I answer before my mother can.

"And would you be interested in modeling some of my new clothes for a magazine? It'll help you get started in the fashion world."

Well, it's not exactly my dream, I think, but don't say it out loud.

"Yeah." Is all I say and he smiles.

"That's great. I will talk to my photographers and arrange a meeting. I'm looking forward to it."

We listen to him chatting with my parents for a bit more, and then he leaves, saying that it's rude of him to ignore his other guests, but not before he tells us that the fashion show will start in about an hour and asks me to take note of the outfits I like best.

"I have to go to the toilet." I say and take my clutch with me. I'm not actually going to the toilet, I'm planning on going out for a smoke.

I exit the building and hide behind the corner, where I can smoke without being interrupted.

A few smokes in, I hear a familiar voice.

"So how have you been?"

It's my father.

"Good. I don't know. My mom has been really anxious lately."

And that's Niall.

I take a few steps back so they won't see me and continue listening without making a sound.

"The restraining order is in the works." My dad says.

"I don't care about mine that much, but make sure that nothing else happens to them okay?"

I finish my cigarette but remain standing, without moving an inch.

"I had no idea Rey was your daughter. Does she know?" Niall asks, and I'm amazed by how comfortable he is around my father.

"She doesn't." my dad says and I nod. Of course, client confidentiality and all that.

"I'll tell her sometime if the opportunity arises." Niall tells him and my father doesn't say anything, which means he probably responded with a motion of his head.

I wait for a few more minutes before I'm sure they're back inside, so I do the same.

They're back at the table now, chatting about Jason being on the football team that Niall's the captain of, and how the season will start in a week.

"And Rey will be the head cheerleader, won't you?" my mother asks and I nod, half interested in the conversation. I'm more interested in the way Niall is eyeing that girl that's sits at the table across from us, who's also throwing him smirks and glances she thinks no one can see. Well, I can see. Bitch.

Their eye sex is interrupted by the waiters bringing the appetizers. Soon enough, a presenter walks on stage and announces that the runway show will begin shortly.

"And at the end of the night, don't forget to grab your complementary Alexander Wang present." He says before he walks off the stage.

I exchange amused looks with Niall, who's already eaten the first course.

"Hungry?" I tease and he nods.

"I bet these menus don't come cheap, but the food is so small I think I'd starve to death."

The lights go out for one second before the runway is lit up and music starts playing. Then the models start coming out one by one, and our conversation (or whatever the fuck it was) gets cut short.

We watch the entire show and clap at each model that poses at the end of the runway, and then again when they all walk out with Alexander.

I really liked the third and seventh outfit, but that's it. He doesn't really make clothes I'd wear, but for the sake of my mother's reputation I'm willing to take a few photos and cash in the money. Honestly, the clothes seem so ordinary; I have no idea why people buy them when they're so expensive. It's like Starbucks; 70% of the price is just the name of the brand, not the quality.

"So, which ones did you like?" my mother asks.

"I liked the pink dress, and the one with the shorts and sneakers." I tell her as I push the salmon roll into my mouth.

"You have to pick three." She says in an annoyed voice.

"Fine. The one with the loose jeans as well. But you know I'd never wear those things, right?"

If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now. What's she so pissed about? I should be pissed because she dragged us along to this stupid thing after everything that's been happening with Jason, just so she could maintain her friendship with a well-known designer.

We finish deserts at eleven, and after Alexander swings by our table to ask me what I thought, I tell him exactly what I told my mother, minus the I' wouldn't wear them' part.

"There's an after party later at my villa, and you're all invited to join."

"I think the kids are going to head home." My mother tells him. "But we'll come."

Alexander nods and gives them the address, before he's off to talk to other people.

"The car is outside whenever you want to leave. You have your keys?" my mother asks and I nod.

Niall, Jason and I stand up then, and after goodbyes we head outside. There are paparazzi everywhere and I hold on to my clutch as Niall pushes his way through the people towards the parking lot. The car we came in is indeed waiting for us, so we climb in it and we're off.

"Do you want to come over?" I ask Niall.

"Sure." He says. "But I don't have any clothes to change in."

"I'll lend you some." Jason says and Niall shrugs.



When we get home the house is quiet, which isn't unusual.

"I have to go take my makeup off. You go with Jason to find some stuff, okay?" I say as I head up the stairs.

When I get to my room I take my makeup off and change into new underwear (because who knows, right??...Wishful thinking) and put on a hooded dress and slip into my Pikachu plush slippers I always wear around the house. It's from our trip to Disneyland two years ago.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/10.2/set?id=226701664

When I get downstairs, the guys are in the kitchen heating up frozen pizza. Niall's changed into one of Jason's Nike shorts and wearing nothing else. Great.

"Love your shoes." Niall laughs as he looks down at my feet.

"Yeah, they're limited edition." I joke and sit up on the island counter.

The oven beeps, which means that their pizzas are ready.

"You're still hungry? Jesus." I say.

"Did you see the size of those meals? No wonder models are skinny, if that's what they eat." Jason says as he pulls out the pizzas.

Niall agrees and starts cutting them into eight pieces.

I look at the two of them sitting down by the table and eating their slices one by one, chatting about football. It's kind of amazing, seeing them getting along so well when just a month and a bit ago, they had that fight about Jason not being on the team because of me.

After Jason's eaten his pizza and drank a glass of coke, he stands up from the table.

"Well, I'm full. I'm going to bed, night."

"Goodnight." Niall and I say at the same time and watch his leave the kitchen.

Then there's silence.

"We should get a dog." I say. "The house is way too quiet sometimes."

"You shouldn't be complaining, in my house there is always some kind of noise. Either my brother is yelling and laughing when he plays or my sister is screaming into her phone." Niall says.

"I didn't know you had a brother." I say, which isn't a lie. I had no idea he had a brother until I read my father's file.

"Yeah, he's four. Turning five soon. His name's Eddie."

"Is he cute?" I ask.

"Trying to be cute."

"Show me a picture." I say.

He comes to stand between my legs and shows me a picture of his smiling little brother with an ice cream in his hand.

"He's cute." I conclude. I'm happy to see his brother with no bruises and smiling for a change. "But he looks nothing like you or your sister."

"Yeah...he's got my father's features. Shame." Niall mumbles.

Now would be a good time to ask about his father, but for some reason I don't.

"You don't want to ask about my dad?" he asks, as if he read my mind.

"Do you want to talk about him?"


I give him a look and he shrugs.

"Some other time, I'm not in the mood right now."

"What are you in the mood for then?" I ask in a suggesting tone, which he instantly senses, because he grabs the back of my neck and kisses me.

I place my hands on either side of his face and kiss him deeply. I pour everything into the kiss: the compassion I feel for him and everything I want to tell him but don't.

The kiss gets heated when he starts grinding against me, which isn't helping me at all because I'm not wearing anything besides underwear under my dress.

I pull away after some time because it's too much and I literally need to cool off unless he wants me to fuck him in my kitchen. I look at his flushed face and he looks at mine, before my eyes trail down to his chest.

I can see the scars. They're right there. The cuts on his chest are healed but there are some giant scars that will never go away. Scratches and bumps of skin that he'll have to see for the rest of his life and it makes my heart ache.

He knows I'm staring, because by the time I lift my eyes back to his face, he's still looking down at his own chest.

"It's fine, you don't have to tell-" I start, but then he's kissing me again. my hands go up into his hair this time and I pull him as close as I can by wrapping my legs around his waist.

"We should go up...upstairs." I breathe into his mouth.

"It's fine, it works right here." He responds and the next thing I know he's pushing me on my back on the counter and kneels on the floor. I get that excited feeling in my stomach, when it feels empty in a good way.

He pulls my underwear off and kisses the inside of my thighs before he places his mouth over my slit and I close my eyes, because this can't be happening right now.

I look down at him just to see him looking up at me and it's too much, so I throw my head back and close my eyes.

He starts working with his fingers as well in sync with his tongue, and he's so skilled at it I can't fucking believe it, but at the same time I can.

"Feels good?" he asks, his breath cold against my burning core.

"Fuck yeah, don't stop." I order him and he obeys.

He licks and sucks and my mind is blank because I can't think of anything else but this moment right now as I moan.

My things clench around his head when his fingers hit a spot that runs a river of shivers down my spine and I grip into his hair to make sure he stays there doing what he does.

"I not going anywhere." He laughs and I slap him on the head before I pull him in again.

He blows old air over my clit and I shudder, pulling him back between my legs with my knee.

His tongue starts licking my clit faster and harder and I bite my lip as I feel myself getting closer and closer to my orgasm. He knows I'm almost there too, so he starts scissoring his fingers inside me and soon enough, I'm coming into his mouth with a loud moan.

"Good?" he asks, standing up and leaning over me.

"Eh." I say and he kisses me with a smirk on his face.

"You're welcome, but you owe me."

"Fine." I say and sit up right, my hands reaching for the hem of his pants.

The front gate makes a beeping sound and I freeze.

"My parents are home. Fuck." I say and push him further away so I can jump down from the counter.

We run upstairs into my room laughing, and I lock my door before I jump onto the bed.

"You're happy." He observes as he gets into bed next to me.

"Don't flatter yourself." I tell him and take off my dress before I get under the covers.

"You loved it."

I don't answer. Instead, I turn off the light.

"Go to sleep. Or do you want me to repay you right now?"

"It's fine. Some other time."

"Really?" I ask, turning to face him.

"Yeah. We've got all the time in the world baby."


When I wake up the next morning Niall is still sleeping so I text Jake.

Rey: Niall ate me out

Jake: excuse me what????

Jake: when how WHY OH MYF GGOOFOD

Niall stirs awake so I type a quick reply to Jake.

Rey: ttyl, he's wakin up

I lock my phone and pretend I'm sleeping, only to fake wake up when he does.

"Hi." I say and smile at him.

"Hi. I know you woke up before me. I heard your nails typing, you don't fool me." He laughs and cracks his neck.

"Oh, I was just saying good morning to Jake." I say and get out of bed to go brush my hair and teeth.

"I should go." Niall says when I come out of the bathroom in just my underwear. He's staring at the bed, which is cute, because he doesn't want to stare at me. "Should I sneak out or?"

"Well, my parents are probably still asleep so there's no trouble."

I put on the dress I wore yesterday and walk him all the way to the front gate before I wave at him and he leaves.

"You still owe me though!" he yells over his shoulder and I flip him off.

Oh, I do owe him alright.

When I get back in the house, my father is downstairs with a mug of coffee, reading the news on his iPad and smoking a cigarette.

"So. Niall." I say and sit down across from him.

"Yes. He looks great. The last time I saw him was a year ago when he was...not so good. I'm glad his family is doing okay. I talked to him."

"Does he know his father is getting released in a month?" I ask.

"Less than a month, he's due to be released on the seventeenth. And I don't think so. Only Maura knows. But that's okay, the restraining orders have been signed and he will go right back to jail if he gets closer than a hundred meters."

I sigh, relieved. "That's good."


It's the last week of October and I'm glad the school year is moving along fast. There are talks about the upcoming Halloween party that Liam will host at his house, and everyone's excited about it.

Rey: https://www.polyvore.com/10.3/set?id=226903521

"Twenty pounds for drinks and food, that's what I ask. We're going to be about thirty...forty tops." Liam says on Thursday before the party on Friday.

"That's alright. I'll bring some bottles too, my parents have way too many in their cellar and no one ever touches them because they keep buying new ones." I tell him as I poke my salad with my plastic fork.

"Do you want to match?" Jake asks me. "I want to come as an angel."

"A good one or a bad one?"

"A good one, who do you think I am?"

"A really bad angel." I laugh. "Fine, I'll come as the angel of death then. I've got more black clothes than any other clothes so it's great. I've got to find some wings though, I'll drop by the mall later."

"The first game of the season is next week guys." Jake says, excited, changing the subject.

"We've already got our dances planned and rehearsed." Sophia tells him and I nod.

When Liam stands up from the table, the three of us huddle together to get a plan in the works about how we're going to get her and Liam together at the party, and everything is great, as it should be.


My Angel of Death outfit is amazing. I found some black wings that I matched up with over the knee boots and a corset my mother bought me a few months ago.

I look at myself in the mirror, twisting and turning because I love it way too much. It's like artwork, and I'm really proud of myself.

Rey+Niall: https://www.polyvore.com/10.4/set?id=226903403

My brother isn't coming tonight because he just had his last chemotherapy session and the doctor called to say that his cancer cells have completely disappeared and there's no way he'll ever have problems again, but he shouldn't drink either way for a week.

The Uber is outside, so I say goodbye to him and Rosa before I'm off.

Jake and I are matching and Sophia is dressed as catwoman, so we're t basically the best looking squad there is.

When we get to Liam's house, way past eleven, the house is full. There aren't just thirty-forty people here. There are over fifty, but it's okay because he has a big garden, not to mention a pool.

We find Liam inside, so Jake and I put our plan into motion. Our plan is to play a game of spin the bottle and keep playing until they kiss. If Liam just pecks her lips, it's a no-go. If he kisses her with tongue, then Jake will push their heads together at some point when they're talking and that would be it. This is some classic middle school shit.

Jake climbs on the table in the living room.

"Singles, ahoy! We're playing a game of spin the bottle outside in five minutes, and I expect everyone to be there!" he yells after I turn the music down. When people cheer (they're already drunk, great), I turn the volume back up.

"What if it doesn't work?" Sophia asks us when we're outside having our first drink.

"Then you can move on and focus on someone else." I tell her and Jake agrees.

People start piling up in the back porch, and I spot Niall with a beer in hand, talking to Louis. He's wearing a black tank top and devil ears. Quite the costume.

We make eye contact for the first time tonight and I nod towards him. He looks me up and down before he says something to Louis and walks over.

"So you're basically my slave tonight right? Angel of death and devil, they go together." Is what he says and I roll my eyes.

"You wish. Also, I really like the effort you put into your costume." I sarcastically tell him and he laughs, raising his beer and knocking it against my cup.

"You look good." He finally admits and I smile at him, tilting my head.

Then I spot Jed at the door and my mood shifts. I forgot he even existed, but now that he's here it makes me feel uneasy.

"Hi." He says and walks over to me. Niall shakes his hand but doesn't say anything. They're teammates after all.

"Hey." I answer, trying to get out of the situation as soon as possible.

"How have you been?"

I shrug.

"Everyone ready to play?" Jake asks, interrupting us, thank God.

We all sit down with our legs crossed as Jake spins the bottle for the first time.

A few rounds in, it lands on me. Then on Jed. How amazing.

I peck him on the lips and spin the bottle, to get the game rolling and not having to think about it.

It lands on Sophia, so she spins it, and prays to the Gods for it to land on Liam. It does, thank God. They get closer to each other and Liam kisses her with tongue, praise the lord.

"Well, I'm bored." Jake says, not obvious at all. "Let's do shots people!" he yells, and everyone cheers.

"Part two of the plan is a-go." Jake whispers into my ear as we walk towards the kitchen and I nod.

The three of us do two shots of Tequila before we go in the crowded living room to dance. More Than You Know by Axwell and Ingrosso starts playing so we scream, because it's our favorite song at the moment.

The three of us jump to the music and laugh and I want to get stuck in this moment forever, when neither of us have any worries and nothing else to do but be happy.

At the 'right where you want it, down on my knees' part I make eye contact with Niall, who's dancing with Perrie, and he winks at me.

A few more songs play and then we get way too hot so we go back outside for a smoke.

"Liam hasn't even looked my way since that kiss." Sophia sighs as I let the smoke out on her face.

"Babe, he's way too embarrassed that he couldn't control himself in front of all those people." Jake reasons and Sophia makes a face.

"Mm...yeah. Maybe."

Jed comes outside then, interrupting our talk and asks me for a lighter.

I give him mine but don't say anything else, because let's face it, it's weird.

"So you kissed me." Jed says, and Sophia and Jake take a step back.

I give them a 'don't-you-fucking-leave-me' look, but they're already walking back inside, those two bitches.

"Well, I pretty much had to." I say, looking down at my nails.

"Don't be like that Rey, I miss you."

"I don't." I tell him and suddenly find my boots the most interesting thing in the world.

"Why? Did you find someone else already?"

I don't respond, and he must take it as an answer because he continues.

"Is it Niall? You two seem to be friends now. Is this how it is? You probably couldn't wait to have a good reason to break up with me you slut."

Wow, okay. "You have to stop now, you're being a pig."

"And you're being a slag."

I raise my brows and try to walk past him so I can get away from him, but he places an arm on the railing and blocks my way.

"Why? Is it hard for you to admit it?" he spits, and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. He's drunk out of his mind.

"I suggest you take a step back and let me leave." I say, voice shaking a bit because I remember the last time he slapped me.

"Or what?" he says and grips into my arm.

Thankfully though, Niall and Jake step back out and Niall grabs Jed's arm.

"I think you need to go mate." Niall says in a deep voice.

"So you're fucking my bird eh?" Jed says to him and I can see Niall getting impatient.

"She's not your bird anymore. Come on, go get some sleep because you're fucking drunk." Niall continues.

"Get your hands off me you prick." Jed says and punches Niall in the jaw.

Niall takes a step back, but before he can hit back, I step between him and Jed and push at his chest. "Stop it, he's not worth it. Just let him be. Please."

"Oh, now you have her fight your battles for you then?" Jed laughs and I push him as well.

"Jed, go home now."

"You fuckin' slag. All you were good for when we were together was for sex and money. That's it. Fuckin' idiot." He spits and I slap him over the face with everything I got, because the anger was too much for me.

"Did you just slap me?" Jed yells and grips into my hair. I stumble but Jake's by my side keeping me up and punching Jed's nose so he falls flat on his ass.

"Go home you idiot." Jake says, and I've never seen him so angry with someone before.

"You're off the team, you know that right?" Niall tells Jed when Liam comes out with Louis. They both him by the arms to get him out.

"Fuck you Horan. This isn't over." Jed calls as he's being pulled towards the front gate through the garden.

"What a prick." Niall says and then looks down at me. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just feel sorry for him. Now I get why Jason never liked him." I mumble and lean back against the railing.

"What's going on, everything okay?" Sophia asks when she comes out and stops next to Liam, who's back now. He looks down at her.

"Yeah, took care of it."

Jake gives me the signal so I stand up straight and place a hand on either of their necks. To hell with it, because it might just work.

"Now you two kiss." I say and bring their heads together.

Jake lets out a surprised yelp when Liam grabs her waist and pulls her in so they can kiss. We didn't actually think it would work, it was just wishful thinking.

"This is amazing." Louis laughs, but then his eyes fall on Jake and he stops laughing.

Great, I have to take care of that too now. But either way, tonight was a success because Sophia finally got together with Liam.


I get home around four in the morning and take off my boots right by the door because they've been killing me for a while now.

"How was the party?" Jason asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" I ask, but then I see Lilly peaking at me from the doorframe of the kitchen. "Oh. Okay."

I stand up, holding my boots. "Well, Jed started calling me names and punched Niall, but the boys took care of it."

Jason frowns. "Never liked him."

"Why though? You never told me."

"I don't think I should."

"Oh, come on. How bad can it be?" I argue.

"I caught him cheating."

My heart stops. "What? When?"

"A few months into the relationship. I saw him kissing someone and when I asked him about it he argued that it was just a one time thing, but I don't think it was."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask.

"Because I didn't want to ruin friendships."

"Whose friendship? Come on Jason, really?"

"Hey, don't be mad at me! Be mad at Perrie, it's her he was kissing behind the bleachers during school hours!"


Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat: ronniebennett94

Follow me on Tumblr: http://ronniebennett.tumblr.com/

Follow Rey on Instagram: http://instagram.com/rey_parker

Follow Rey on Tumblr: http://www.rey-parker.tumblr.com

Follow Rey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/rey_parker

Follow Niall on Instagram: http://instagram.com/nialltdb

Follow Niall on Tumblr: http://niall-tdb.tumblr.com

Follow Niall on Twitter: http://twitter.com/niall_tdb

Follow Jake on Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr: jakemalikbitch


Hope you liked it; let me know what your favorite/least favorite part was here :D

Here are some questions:

1. should rey confront perrie or leave it be?

2. how should i play out the situation with niall's father being released?

3. would you like to see eddie soon? how should that go down?

4. what should happen in the next chapter? what would you like to see?

I'm really pleased with this chapter, hope you were as well! Let me know on Twitter which your favorite quotes were, they make my day :)

p.s. Follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Wattpad if you want previews of the upcoming chapters !



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