Chapter 11: Doppelgangers Galore

6242 Words. Woof! That's long like wow... Wow... Hope you like it.

Everyone got the rest they deserved with ten minutes to spare. This class exercise was draining, and that's an understatement. Who knew that one singular hour can make anyone want to sleep off the next ten years of their lives. As reluctant as always, Shoto managed to get himself to stand up. He had begun to sway on uneasy feet. The way his eyelids hung low upon his eyes like window blinds had shown just how tired he truly was. All to perk himself up, Shoto began to execute some bodily stretches. His hands would reach for the heavens, back arched, chest puffed out with each breath taken. The relief on his joints had prepared him for the trial ahead.

"You're looking better," Jiro complemented the male. Shoto was a brand new man!

Shoto hummed, "I just needed to warm up for a little."

"All of us look like we got hit by a train though," Kirishima was careful with the movement in his arms. Everything stung, his muscles ached, he could just barely stand with no other choice but to rely on Jiro and her shoulders. Even the fabric tied around his open wounds hindered his movements and choked out blood flow. He's only ever been in this much pain once before and that moment was rather recent. "I hate to ask, but can I rely on you guys to pull me through the next trial? I feel like a dead weight right now," Kirishima regretfully admits that he's at his limit. In his eyes, it's so shameful of himself to ride on his partners coattails.

"What partners are for," you reassured the boy with shark teeth. Much like how everyone was so supportive of you after your breakdown in the first trial, the group will now support him in his time of need.

Shoto knelt down to pick up your cloak from the ground. From one hand to the other, he opened up the cloak by it's ribbons and draped it over your shoulders for the warmth welcomed you in for that heavenly embrace. "Let's go," he encouraged everyone once again and led the way down a shallow corridor. The corridor opened up to a room with four circular capsules lining the wall side by side.

"Final Trail: Trust," your watch came to life as cheerful as ever. "Each member will enter separate pods, where he or she will be ejected into another room. Your task is to figure out if the person within your room is a doppelganger or another member of your team. Doppelangers must be eliminated and only when everyone has collected together into one room can you finsih the trial."

"Right when I said I ran out of steam..." Shoto growled lightly. As if his body can handle another fight so soon. He assumed the next trial would be more trivial rather than physical judging by how hard the last one was. Assuming really does make an ass out of everyone.

"Let's just get it over with. Who knows, this could be our easiest trial," you suggested. Really! Who knows, there's a chance that nobody has to fight at all. This trial could either be the easiest or the hardest one yet.

Kirishima agreed with the difficulty of the trial. "Those clones did die in one hit," Each clone was challenging in it's own right but they're physically as fragile as a newborn baby spare for Endeavor's clone that needed two attacks to down instead of one.

Everyone was ready to tackle this final trial. Everyone except for Jiro. In the back of her mind, this trial doesn't sound as easy as it does. Each trial manipulated your fears, ensured that teamwork would play a prime role, jumping into something without a thought isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Jiro ran ahead of everyone and blocked off the open doored capsules before anyone could enter. "Before we do this, we need codewords or something to make sure we don't kill each other."

"Smart," you snapped.

"Banana!" Kirishima chuckled as that was the first thing that popped into his head.

"Banana?" Shoto tilted his head.

"Banana it is," Jiro found everything to be hysterical. She began to help Kirishima into his capsule keeping in mind his lack of ability to walk right about now. Shoto took the second capsule, you took the third. That mutual nod between one another gave the go as everyone stepped into their capsules mutually at the same time.

The doors closed within a split second, everything succumbed to black silence. White noise filled the space and everything began to spin round and round until you were spit out into a room as quickly as you had entered the pod. Your stomach gargled grotesquely, signifying that it was about to spill. "I *burp* never did like the Gravitron when I was little..." You groaned and fought the sickness as best as you could. The Gravitron is basically what it's name suggests. It's a large fair ride that spins so fast that the innards become an anti gravity chamber. Much like now, the world was spinning. You couldn't tell if you were on the floor or ceiling, eyes beginning to hurt, nothing was looking up...

"(Y/n)!" You heard the cry for attention. You recognized the voice as Shoto's. Actually, was it Shoto's voice? His voice sounds slightly deeper than normal. Nevertheless, if that is Shoto, you've never heard him sound so urgent before now. Is he in trouble? No, it didn't sound like a cry for help. Far from it, actually, especially with the flurry of his footsteps leading to your place. The boy found you lying on the ground face down and green in the face. "What happened here? You get attacked or something?" He began to worry.

"What do you mean, 'What happened here?" You mocked your boyfriend's monotone voice. "Did your happy ass not get spun around?"

"Well yeah... I did," Shoto backed away from you by a singular step. "I just thought you were attacked or something. I had no idea why you're on the ground."

"Look," you burped once again, the relief of pressure on your abdomen gave you just enough relief to stand up. Shoto helped you up, only to back away again. He was adamant about personal space right now. "I'm fine now. Don't you have something to say to me?" The safeword, please say the safeword. You'd hate to fight Shoto of all people especially when his quirk is raw power and yours isn't.

Shoto blinked, "Are you okay?" He questioned once again in a confused manner. "What else am I supposed to say?"

"I really shouldn't jump to conclusions," you spoke under your breath. Shoto isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer half the time. "Look Shoto what-"

"Hey (Y/n) or Todoroki!" Jiro's voice echoed beyond the steel walls of the room. "The real Kirishima was with me. We're going on ahead!"

"O-okay thanks!" You screamed back through the wall, however, you're not so sure if she even heard you. Now you know that her room is right beside yours meaning that those capsules were accurate when it came to placement.

"What were you saying before (Y/n)?" Shoto was visually annoyed with Jiro's interruption.

"Oh yeah," you ran a hand through your hair trying to remember something so little. "Something about our-"

"How dare you look like her!" Someone, you're not entirely sure who, was angry and screamed at the top of his lungs from the opposite wall of Jiro's. Next thing you knew, there was a 'Fwooosh!' noise of roaring flames. Shoto voice and cracking flames, two things you can recognize almost as well as the back of your hand. That voice sounded much more like your Shoto than this one.

Things weren't adding up, "If you're here," you pointed at the Shoto who stood before you doing nothing as he is known best. "And I can hear you there too," you then pointed at the opposite wall. No, this Shoto, the one standing before you, he isn't 'your' Shoto. No wonder why he's acting so clueless about the safeword. But... What if this really is Shoto and he isn't thinking about the safeword at all. Only one way to figure this out. "Shoto... We have a special word for moments like these," you approached Shoto and for once he didn't create more distance. For safety measures, you hid your hand behind your back and began to prepare your powers for offensive use. "What's our word?"

"Banana," Shoto bowed his head justly.

"Oh..." You were sure this Shoto was the doppelganger. "Then... Then who's fighting on that side?"

"The real me," your Shoto jumped backwards and in the pit of his hand, crackling embers arose as blue as water. Before you could even react, he threw a blazing ball of flames at you without a hint of mercy. Shoto intends to kill. Knowing this, you ducked below the attack just in time and rolled out of the way. Luckily, you remembered how Shoto mentioned he never learned how to ice skate and you slapped your hand upon the ground, ice covered the entire expanse of the room and skates strapped themselves to your feet. Just doing all that had your body aching in shivers. The cold really can't be a concern right now when you have your life on the line. Clone Shoto paid no mind to the attack and melted the ice beneath his feet in an instant which was a first. Your ice is extremely hard to melt yet he melted it so effortlessly. Just how strong is Shoto really? He does takes after his father strength wise, and he's the current number one. It only made sense.

"Gotta end this quickly..." You hissed and began skating around the enemy. Shoto refused to move from his spot as he kept attacking relentlessly with blazing balls of flames. What he neglected to notice was that the more you skate around him, your strides made shallow ice walls, blocking him in. Yes, you don't plan to destroy the clone, rather just trap it and continue on with the trial. That time was soon as you're now within reach of the clone. The walls were made, all you had to do was finish the trap. You dodged Shoto's attempt to grab and snatch, forcing your ice to creep up his body until only his upper half remained free. With most movements hindered, he hissed realizing where he went wrong. You finished the job, wrapping up clone Shoto within an icy cocoon.

"Now that..." You pulled the sides of your warm furry cloak to a close around your body. "Was oddly easy," all you could do was shrug and walk away. A quick glance at the watch on your wrist, "And I finished with five minutes to spare! Watch us be the only group to pass the first time-AH!!!" A shrill shriek fled your lips as a hellish heat erupted at your backside. You had no other choice but to fall forward, gasping for air as you saw smoke waft from your backside.

Jiro and Kirishima froze in their spots as they felt a cold shiver rack their spines once your cry for help pierced their ears. The real Shoto too had froze on the spot, your clone, battered, struggled within his grasp for a taste of freedom. The real you was in trouble and he needed to save you before something tragic can unfold. He snapped out of his frozen state, taking your clone's throat into the grasp of his left hand, allowing his flames to decimate the imposter in a shower of red hot fury.

Long footsteps honed in on you before all you saw was scuffed up boots of white. "Put fire against ice and fire will always come out the victor," clone Shoto chuckled in a sinister manner. "Any last words Princess?" A ball of blue flames sat within the palm of his hand. How sick. Is this how Shoto would act if he turned villain? Since when was his fire blue? All the true questions were attacking you here and now.

"For your information," you flipped yourself over onto your backside. The blue glow of his flames reflected upon his face. "Yes, I'm afraid of stupid things, but I'm not afraid to die," you began to secretly encase your burnt backside with ice. In all honesty, that move only brought more pain upon your being, but the burning sensation was worst of all. It needed to go and you did so.

Shoto pulled back his arm, about to throw his finishing blow. "Then burn as kindling for me..." You kicked out your legs, tripping the clone, and made a break for it. You cannot deal with this clone single handedly, not in a million years. His firepower is too much even for your quirk. Of course, the clone wasn't kept at bay for long. He had caught up with you within the blink of an eye. Shoto used his ice to trip you up, succeeding, and before you could react everything went black with a stomp to the back of your head.

"Trial... Fail," Clone Shoto smirked.

"(Y/n)!" Jiro called as she witnessed villain Shoto standing upon your head.

"I don't really have the energy," Kirishima pulled himself off of Jiro's shoulder and bashed his bare knuckles together. He was slowly falling forwards, unable to stand in one place for too long. "If (Y/n) dies here, imagine how Todoroki or Baku-bro would react. I'll protect (Y/n) till the end if I have to!"

"Thanks..." Real Shoto spoke with a dark voice behind his doppelganger. The clone only peered behind himself unphased by this confrontation. "But I got this," Real Shoto kneeled his doppelganger square in the back, throwing him over the shoulder. Jiro and Kirishima dodged the trouble to reach your aid. Shoto and his clone threw attacks at one another, the clone taking most of the blows, but for some odd reason it refused to die unlike those fragile clones from the previous trial. Not that Shoto had a problem with it, he was gonna make sure this punk got what he deserves. An evil idea popped into his head. The nitroglycerin flask strapped to Shoto's hip. Shoto ripped it off his waist without a thought, throwing it at the clone. The glass shattered upon contact with the male's chest, the flames the clone had conjured ignited the liquid, ultimately causing a ground shaking explosion that made the simulation and the building tremer as a whole. Everyone in the simulation got some backlash from the explosion, but were fine. Nothing more than smoke in their lungs. After an explosion like that, If that clone managed to survive, Shoto would be baffled.

He ran back to where you lied, only to freeze in trepidation. Jiro had lied your unconscious frame over Kirishima's lap as he pressed one of his hands to the side of your head. He was trying to do whatever he could to suppress your bleeding. Shoto was frozen just thinking about how if he was just a little faster when coming to your rescue, he could have prevented your horrible injury. Too stuck within his own thoughts, Shoto didn't notice how his surroundings completely changed from a wrecked corridor to a spacious chrome room. A vault door opened up, the same door that allowed the group to enter the Gauntlet in the first place, paramedics came flooding in with gurneys. They began strapping you within one, Kirishima in another while two others made sure to check in on Jiro and Shoto to see if they needed medical attention. They didn't, in fact, Shoto didn't even register the fact that a paramedic was speaking to him in the first place.

"Todoroki," Jiro shook the boy by his shoulder. "Come on Todoroki," her attempts to reach Shoto were a bust.

"Shoto Todoroki," Mr. Aizawa stepped into the simulation as he recognized the problem at hand. Shoto still wasn't responding to anyone or anything. "Shoto... Snap out of it. I recognize those types of injuries (Y/n) had, she'll be just fine."

"Will she really?" Shoto finally responds with eyes that only screamed how lost and miserable he was.

"I believe she'll be back at the dorms in a few days."

Better than going into a coma or becoming crippled or something. "Can I go with her?" Shoto felt somewhat better.

"I think that's one of the worst things you can do right now," Aizawa admits from personal experience. "I think you should take the time to calm yourself down. I'll personally take you down to the hospital later today or tomorrow." Shoto nods. He agrees that he needs to calm himself down for now. "What's bothering you really?" Aizawa questioned him. "Are you upset that (Y/n)'s hurt or because you couldn't exactly save her when she needed you? All Heroes go through these problems and that's not an understatement. Sometimes, things like this can't be helped."

"I understand," Shoto agreed once again. "I just... I knew everyone would get hurt, I didn't think she'd get 'that' hurt. It took me by surprise."

"The one good thing is," All Might invited himself into the conversation. "You all passed the Gauntlet on the first try."

"But we didn't finish," Jiro frowned.

"Although you didn't technically finish, you did complete the conditions of the last trial. We consider that a win," All Might was trying to shed some light on a rather grim situation but his attempts were for naught. Jiro refused to speak up and Shoto didn't have the energy let alone interest in the topic anymore.

"Well come on," Aizawa spoke up when nobody else would. "Let's put the next group in."

"We'll get out of the way," Jiro had to manually escort Shoto out of the simulation. When she did, everyone gave them props for their performances.

Shoto had sat himself down upon the floor lying his back against a wall. Shoto couldn't help but stare at his battered hands thinking of how he could've came to your rescue sooner than later. Midoriya, Iida and Jiro kept with him as they felt he truly needed a friend at this time. "I'm visiting (Y/n) and Kirishima later... Will you guys come?" Shoto spoke up after a moment of bizarre silence.

"Of course," Iida spoke on everyone's behalf.

"That clone of yours was wicked," Midoriya brought up Shoto's doppelganger out of the blue. "Imagine if you were a villain, makes me thankful you shaped up when you did. I do have a question though..."

"And that is?" Shoto hummed.

"Your clone used blue flames. How come you don't?" A brilliant question indeed.

"Cause I can't," Shoto allowed his hand to hold a ball of brilliant orange flame. "I would If I could... My dad can use those flames and assumed I could too. He put me through horrible training when I was younger to awaken that potential. Apparently my right side cools me down so much I can't use them."

"That's odd," Iida held his chin.

"But if those clones are supposed to be perfect copies of the original. That must mean you can use blue flames. Right?" Midoriya didn't want to put the subject down.

"I'm not supposed to," Shoto began to argue. "I guess I can look into it again..." Everyone, even those who weren't in the simulation thought that the Shoto clone was odd. Shoto prefers to use his ice side, yet, the Shoto doppelganger prefered the fire side and had much stronger firepower too. Firepower so strong that Shoto himself cannot use them himself.

By the end of the seven hour school day, only your group had technically passed the Gauntlet on the first try. Other groups came close, but for one reason or another they didn't pass. Midoriya's group came nowhere near close to passing, being it was Bakugou who bickered with everyone and kept them from such an achievement. Much like your group however, other students got the short end of the stick. There was a trial where a group had to remember a pattern that lit up the floor. They had to step on tiles to repeat the pattern. If anyone stepped on a wrong tile, the person gets a 'minor' shock. Kaminari decided to take one for the team and took all the shots and now he's in the hospital with burns and a fever. Apparently, even those with an electricity quick can take in too much electricity. Others who ended up in the hospital were Ashido, Momo and Shinsou. They all bit the dust during their final trials as apparently, everyone got the same final trial. Momo and Ashido fought each other thinking they were both clones and yes, you assumed correctly. They beat each other to a pulp and failed miserably. Same thing happened to Shinsou whereas he fought Ojiro. Ojiro knew better than to fall for Shinsou's mind tricks, assuming he was a clone, but that got the group a big fat fail as Shinsou wasn't a clone and he got defeated. The whole point of the final trial was for you to use your own skills to determine if you're dealing with a clone or the real deal in which those groups failed to do.

Aizawa was now officially against visiting the hospital in general. A quarter of his class was checked into the hospital and everyone wanted to pay visits. As expected, Aizawa went back on his word and basically told Shoto that he was on his own if he wanted to visit the hospital. Not like that was a problem. Shoto took Midoriya and Iida to go and visit his mother, since she was on the way. His mother was upset that you couldn't come along, but wished you a quick and easy recovery.

The boys approached the hospital secretary. "We're here to visit (Y/n)..." Shoto had to pause himself. He wasn't sure which last name you went by let alone what your first one was. Back before you reunited with your father, you considered taking on Shoto's last name since Enji is your technical guardian at this point in time. There's three possible last names you could be running around with. "I'll be honest, I don't know her last name. Possibly, Renora? She came in earlier today by ambulance with a head injury."

The female secretary smiled gently and nodded her head. "There was a boy who had your same problem earlier. For future reference, her last name is currently in the process of changing to Renora." The girl began typing something on the computer.

"Oh," Shoto assumed correctly then to use your most recent name.

"May I ask for ID and your relationship with the patient in question?" The secretary braided her fingers together.

Everyone flashed the woman their school ID. "We're all friends... Classmates too," Iida answered on everyone's behalf.

"Sorry but we can only have three visitors at a time," she hummed.

"There's only three of us," Midoriya frowned.

"She already has a visitor as we speak. One of you will have to stay back."

"I know we took our time getting here but who's visiting?" Shoto furrowed his brow it was late at night, therefore, everyone should be heading back to UA by now. He figured it was so late everyone would have visited and left in fear of breaking the curfew.

"Doesn't matter," Iida held up one of his hands. "I'll stay back! You two are closer with her after all."

"Thanks," Shoto nods and went back to the secretary to obtain your room number. Once the number was in his memory, they went to your room to find an unexpected man sitting within a chair just a few feet away from your bed. He was dressed in black, had skin as pale as snow, his body was bulky meaning he had a thicker build and long messy deep purple hair. "Shun?" Shoto least expected to find your half sibling here of all people.

"At last," Shun stood up from the chair with a smirk. "Of all the freaks who've popped in, you're somebody I actually know."

"Do I know you?" Midoriya couldn't help but stare at Shun. Shun did the same to Midoriya as he too recognizes Midoriya from somewhere. Something about the two of them feels familiar. Everything about Shun's appearance felt even more familiar on Midoriya's end. "Are you by chance related to Shinsou Hitoshi?"

"Why does everyone ask me that?" Shun began to massage his temples.

"Trust me, I've asked the same thing," Shoto announced.

"But who are you?" Midoriya wanted answers.

"I'm Shun Renora, (Y/n)'s brother," Shun held out his hand. "Same father, different mother. Before you ask, yes, it is weird that we're the same age." Alright, it became clear that Shun's been questioned more times than he can count today and he's noticeably annoyed.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya!" Midoriya gave your brother the handshake he deserved. Shun's grip on his hand was tighter than anticipated, almost like a death grip. "Your arms are awesome by the way! I've never seen such high tech mechanical limbs before. It's like you came right out of a sci-fi movie!"

Now that Midoriya mentioned it, Shoto didn't notice the week before how Shun's arms weren't natural but instead mechanical. Shun wore a black t-shirt and the mechanics continued on past his sleeves only suggesting that none of his original arm remaned. You could see each and every mechanical wire and coil that made up the muscles of the arm beneath a shell of black steel. Shun too was surprised by Midoriya's comment as he retracted from the handshake and experimentally clenched and released his left hand. "Did I hurt you?" Shun's hand trembled suddenly upon his second clench of the hand.

Midoriya didn't exactly want to answer. "A little bit... Yeah."

"Well, I'm glad you like 'em," Shun lowered his arm. "My last pair was out of date for what I needed them to do. I got them replaced not even an hour ago. I'm still getting used to 'em though. More of a reason why I dropped in for a visit since I had physical therapy here."

"Must've cost you an arm and a leg..." Midoriya awed. "S-Sorry wrong choice of words!" He gasped realizing how inappropriate his words were.

"Eh, it's fine," Shun snickered. "Although I am on my last leg," he pulled up on one of his pant legs to show off the fact that one of them too were mechanical. This newfound discovery had entirely made Midoriya's week. Shun would gladly admit that Midoriya's reactions were better than the rest of your classmates. They refused to look him in the eye, pitied him, or better yet asked if his arms were actually fake. Who asks people that?

"I didn't even know you were missing your arms... Or a leg," Shoto pointed out. Just last week, nothing about Shun said he was an amputee. Shun intentionally asked to wrestle, he even put up a great fight! His arm and leg movements are fluid too. Shoto never would've known he was an amputee unless someone pointed it out.

"My last pair of arms were painted to match my skin color," Shun let the boys in on a small fact. "At this point, I really don't give a damn about fitting in. I just need arms that are sturdy and can handle my quirk. Whatever gets me into a fucking hero academy because they keep using my lack of arms against me."

"What's your quirk?" Midoriya was still in awe. "Is it the reason why you lost your arms in the first place?"

"I guess you could say that," Shun stepped away, clearly uncomfortable by the sudden question. "I can conjure ice from my hands. Only icicles though thanks to my mother's half of the quirk..." Aoi Renora's quirk is known as Pin Cushion. She can turn any part of her body into a sewing needle or eject needle projectiles from her body. Her quirk heavily inspired her line of work as she is a world renowned fashion designer. Mix Aoi's Pin Cushion with Dante's AC and you get Shun's quirk: Icicles.

Shun continued on with his explanation of the quirk, it's dire drawbacks... "If I use my quirk too much, I get bad frostbite. You can connect the dots from there."

"Your leg too?" Shoto tagged on. If he can only conjure ice from his hands, where does his leg come into the mix?"

"That's different," he admits. "I got into a fight. All the bones in this leg broke. All. Of. Them." How does someone break each and every bone in one's body? Midoriya is an exception, he does that all on his own. Whoever broke Shun's leg did it with the intent to cripple or kill him. "I was basically told I wouldn't be able to walk again. I saw no point in lugging around dead meat so I told the doctors to take it off. Two years later, now we're here. One of the upsides to having a filthy rich family."

"Is it hard missing your leg and arms?" Midoriya got into complete question mode. "Like, do you have to take them off to bathe? Are they heavy? Do they work better or worse with your quirk than before? What is your mother's-"

Shun forced his mechanical hand to Midoriya's mouth. "I'll answer one question and one question only."

"Okay," the boy took a breather. "Did you lose your arms at the same time as your leg? Was that fight the one that, you know, did you in? A fight to the death?" Midoriya held up his arm and showed off his nastiest scar yet. "I got this from a fight against a criminal with a muscle quirk. I nearly died taking him out. I too was told I was nearly crippled afterwards. I saved a little kid named Kota in the end so it was worth it!"

One thing for sure, the last time Shoto spoke with Shun, Shun adores stories about heroes in action. Midoriya's short and sweet story must have touched Shun somewhere special. Shoto could see it in the small little twinkle of hope within Shun's crimson orbs. "I lost everything at the same time," Shun nods his head. "I thought I was being a hero that day, still want to be one, but there's reasons why heroes have to go to school. It wasn't any of my business getting into things I shouldn't have. My leg was destroyed, I overused my quirk to the point..." Shun could only hold up his arms. "Yeah this... I fucking regret everything I did that day. If only I used common sense and let the Pros take care of the problem maybe I'd still have my arms."

"You're carrying a lot of baggage," Shoto figured out. "We all make mistakes. Just a few hours ago I blamed myself for putting (Y/n) in the hospital... Our teacher had to let me know that not all heroes are perfect and everything happens for a reason good or bad. Take a bad situation and make it better. That's all you can do."

"That was deep," Midoriya praised his quiet friend.

"Broccoli Boy just took the words out of my mouth," Shun awed. "And trust me... I've tried. With each decision I make, I keep spiraling into disaster. At this rate, I'd be surprised to even manage to get into a school period. Opportunity isn't knocking at my door anytime soon. Consider yourselves lucky. Don't be surprised either if I make the news headlines in the future," Shun was done with this heart to heart talk. Long done. He began his exit. "By the way, (Y/n) hasn't woken up once since she came here. I wouldn't doubt if she doesn't wake up for you either," and the boy was gone.

"What do you think he meant by 'make the news headlines'?" Shoto couldn't help but wonder.

"I don't know..." Midoriya scratched his head. "He was talking about how he may never become a hero and then says that? Maybe he meant he's not gonna give up the dream."

"Or he's a criminal..." Shoto suggested.

"Do you really think so?"

"Schools won't take him, he's made decisions he regrets, he's told me about how he's always getting into fights, Mr. Aizawa has his personal records and has been watching him closely too. It's only an idea."

"I think he's just upset is all," Midoriya assumed. "He reminds me of Kacchan... He wouldn't turn evil." All that Shun wants is to become a hero and nothing more. His admiration and determination to become one is definitely there. "Besides, I've overheard Aizawa talking about taking on another disciple on the bus earlier. Maybe Shun's the lucky guy... I don't know."

"That too..." Shoto completely threw his own logic through the window. "This is why (Y/n) always says I'm paranoid."

"Well... No offense... But you typically are always paranoid," Midoriya admits the truth despite wanting to.

"I've embraced it at this point," Shoto could only shrug and approach your bedside as you slept soundly despite the beeping of numerous machines. You weren't wearing one of those hospital gowns like most other patients would, rather, your chest and backside was heavily bandaged while you wore some odd hospital skirt on your lower half beneath the covers. Nevermind, that 'skirt' was your hospital gown. The nurses and doctors needed easier access to your wounds hence why you aren't wearing it right about now.

"Why does seeing her here make me feel worse?" Shoto couldn't look at you in this state.

"Mr. Aizawa said he didn't like the idea of you coming here," Midoriya reminded his friend.

"Oh!" A nurse popped in and was startled by the boys. "I thought her visitors were done for the night. I'll come back in a little," the woman laughed awkwardly and began to leave.

"No..." Shoto caught her attention. "Do what you need to do."

"Oh," the nurse went wide-eyed. She must be new here. "I was coming in to get her dinner order and check on her condition," the nurse then approached the bed only to laugh again. "Wake up!" She shook you awake and you came to without much effort on her end. "Silly girl! How many times do we need to tell you that you need to stay awake as much as you can?"

"I got bored of everyone..." You groggily wiped the drool that was dribbling down your chin.

The nurse shook her head playfully. "You got hurt on the noggin. Gotta stay awake as much as you can."

"Suck my ass..." You glared at the girl. Midoriya began to snicker as that was the last thing he expected out of your mouth and the moment was just perfect.

"Do you want dinner or not?" The nurses attitude suddenly dropped.

"Yes please..."

"Okay then," she tuts and left without a further word.

Your head began to nod. To stay awake wasn't an easy task. "What's up with your attitude?" Shoto questioned as he wasn't as upset as he was before. If you're coping up an attitude with the nurse, that must mean you're feeling fine to some extent.

You hadn't registered that Shoto was in the room until now and had to process an answer of some sort. "She's bossy, my meds make me loopy as hell," you sighed. "Earlier I was singing Disney songs for no reason at all... That's the only thing I can remember actually..."

"Do you remember anything from the class exercise?" Shoto began to frown as he fears you've forgotten about the first real kiss the two of you had shared.

"Bits and pieces..." You didn't care to be honest. "Please tell me you ripped that clone of yours a new ass?"

"You really like asses don't you?" Shoto found you amusing and sat down as you patted the bed.

You grabbed him loosely by the collar of his shirt. "Did you or not?"

"I blew him up."

"Good," you released him. "That bastard put staples in my head," as much as you tried, you were pointing at the side of your head but couldn't lift your arm enough. You could only move your arm as much as your elbow could bend. Shoto and Midoriya looked at your damage never the less, and their stomachs dropped. A series of silver staples stood out above your head right at your scalp. "Bad Shoto made me into a Frankenstein," you began to giggle playfully like a child. "A fucking Frankenstein!"

At this point, Shoto figured anything could make you laugh. "Banana!" He snickered.

You were howling in laughter. "Why did Kiri yell that earlier? Banana!!!"

"I'm gonna leave then," as amusing as you were, Midoriya had no place here right now when you're off your nut.

"I should leave too," Shoto, although he was having fun, found it wrong to be messing with you and figured he'd be better off visiting tomorrow when you're more put together.

"No!" You cried and weakly batted Shoto on the arm. "I wanna kiss before you leave. Goodbye kiss please?"

"O-Okay," Shoto leaned over and kissed you on the cheek sweetly before parting.

"No!" You snapped. "Real kiss."

"Okay..." Shoto leaned in once more and boy were you hungry for another kiss. You practically threw yourself upon him and Shoto had to force himself to use everything he had to part the kiss before it could become a make out session. Maybe if you weren't in the hospital, he'd be all for it. Right now, you need your rest. "Goodnight (Y/n)..."


"Hey!" Shun popped in once again, nearly tripping in the meantime. "I left my phone here...Hey sis," he awkwardly waved.

"Oh hey!" You awed. "It's my brother. Hey douchebag!"

"(Y/n)!" Midoriya snapped.

"We're all good," Shun shrugged and stepped over to the chair he sat within earlier. Within the seat sat a black phone, his phone. "At this point nothing phases me."

"I'm out..." Shoto took Midoriya and left before anything could get worse.

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