"Hard times - gonna make you wonder why you even try. Hard times - gonna take you down and laugh when you cry. These lives - and I still don't know how I even survive hard times."
~Hard Times by Paramore~
A/N: Had a rough week. I hope all of you are doing well.
Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, homophobia, depression, domestic violence, grief, gun violence, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault, violence, weapons, and other mature themes
Zion's POV
Johnny insisted we go out to celebrate my inheritance, something his mom and stepdad did on special occassions when he was younger. Yaya decided to stay home and read her book for book club tomorrow. And Miguel suggested Olive Garden, so here we are.
I know it's a lot of money and that I should be ecstatic, but it's not really a triumph for me. I didn't do anything to get this inheritance. The only reason I have it in the first place isn't anything to be happy about. I feel wrong about celebrating and dedicating a whole dinner to it.
"So, does this mean you can start looking at Stanford, too?" Miguel asks me after we order our drinks.
"What?" I ask in surprise.
"Well, that is something to consider," Carmen says. We sat at a table rather than a booth because she's started showing more and needs the space. She seems to be handling the pregnancy well. "You now have money to further your education."
"I guess I've never really thought about college before," I say apprehensively as I look at Robby who also seems a bit surprised by the idea. We haven't even discussed anything past high school; we only just got Robby approved to come back to West Valley.
The waiter comes back over with our drinks.
When she's gone, Johnny continues the conversation, "Well, you don't have to decide anything quite yet. All of you have an awesome senior year to look forward to. And now you, Zion," he raises his glass, "have a whole lot to be thankful for."
I smile despite the feeling that there's not a whole lot to be thankful for. Not with everything that's happened in the past two years.
Nobody else at the table seems to share my feelings, though, so I push them down.
"My senior year was supposed to be the most badass year of my life," Johnny says, "until LaRusso came to town."
"We know, Dad," Robby acknowledges.
"Still, I was a stud," Johnny grins as he looks between Robby and Miguel. "Just like I'm sure you two will be."
"I just want the year to be normal," Miguel admits.
"Yeah, and I already have the hottest girl in The Valley," Robby takes my hand with a smile. I blush.
"But, wait, you're not dating Sam?" Miguel questions as if to challenge him.
"Miggie," Carmen tries to mediate the playful tension. Robby squeezes my hand then quickly releases it; I glance at him wearily.
Miguel gives a half-assed apology that completely misses his mom's point, "Sorry, Zion," then he give me a small, taunting smile.
I nod in forgiveness before turning back to my boyfriend. He looks concerned about something. Then I glance at Carmen, and I can tell she's still nervous around Robby. Johnny looks blissfully unaware.
"Now we have the Sekai Taikai to prep for, too. Imagine coming back for spring semester with a world championship trophy," Johnny says excitedly. "And with Silver in jail and Kreese probably too scared to show his face and get arrested, we're set."
"As long as Silver actually gets time," Robby points out before I can. We've talked a lot about how nervous we are about Silver because he has privilege, money, and influence. And Kreese is a wild card.
Miguel agrees, "Yeah, but at least his reputation is ruined. He won't risk coming near us again before the trial, anyway." He looks at me; he's such an optimist. "I think we're safe."
"And now you have a win, Z. I'd say this year looks pretty damn good," Johnny smiles.
At this, I finally speak my mind, "It's not a win."
They look at me in surprise. I try to compose myself, but my voice shakes.
"I had to lose my dad to get that money. I'm pretty sure my mom put me through hell because of that money. I think she realized she couldn't get access to any of it and took it out on me. She kept it all a secret, and she tried to contest the will so I would be left with nothing. Twice. It forced me out of the house, and ever since then I've lost so much."
I try not to raise my voice in the restaurant. I try not to cry. I focus on controlling my emotions and not on them.
"Now everything from the past two years goes away because I get some money? Now I'm supposed to just be happy about it, when I would give it all up instantly just to have my dad here again for just one more day?"
"No, no, mija, it doesn't go away," Carmen says in a softer tone. Then she looks at him, "Right, Johnny?"
"Right," Johnny agrees quickly.
"Are we ready to order?" the waiter comes back by with his notepad. We all shift uncomfortably.
"If I can do the chicken parmigiana," Johnny leans over to her with the menu.
My chest burns when the topic is just suddenly dropped. And now I realize I really haven't looked at the menu.
"Uh, I'll do the chicken soup, salad, and breadsticks," Robby orders.
"I'll do the same," I tell the waiter curtly.
I take Robby's hand thankfully as Carmen and Miguel order. I look down to hide my teary eyes. It makes me wonder how much my antidepressents really are working with how much I've been crying this past month.
Once the waiter is gone, Johnny speaks up again. "When I, uh, lost my mom, it felt a dark cloud fell over my life. I also would have done anything to get her back. I guess... I guess I'm just saying that there is a positive in this shitty situation. I know that you went through a lot, and I just wanted things to be better now that Cobra Kai is gone. This kind of thing guarantees a better future for you."
I nod. It's silent for a moment. I know he's making some good points.
Even after a month of being rid of Cobra Kai, almost three months of being away from Janice, and two years after my dad's death, I still find myself trapped in my own mind and unable to let go of the fear. Even with therapy. Even with distance and time. Even with a life-changing amount of money. And even though I kind of know, I can't help thinking: What's wrong with me?
"As a parent, I'm sure your dad wanted you to be happy. I'm sure he wanted to see you be happy about the money, and that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to neglect the things - for better or worse - that make you," Carmen assures me. "I also want to see you be happy, Zion. Do not let your mom take that away from you any more than she already has."
I nod and try to smile; I fail. Still, I take in a deep breath and the overall tension of the table seems to dissipate. All of that makes sense, and I want to admit they're right. I didn't think of it this way before. But something inside just won't let me not be sad.
"Well, I'm ready to get back to training officially next week," Miguel changes the subject, thankfully.
"Yeah, and I'm ready to see everyone Friday for the unofficial first meeting, too. Do you have any idea what it's for?" Robby asks his dad. I stay silent and continue to blink back tears.
"No, Hawk and Demetri asked LaRusso and I to set it up, but it'll serve as a good time to try and unite as a team with these new members before the Sekai Taikai. Hopefully by training next week most or all injuries will be healed."
A good amount of former Cobras under Silver are interested in joining the dojo. I'm excited for Piper and Tory to officially join. Unfortunately, Kenny still refuses to make contact with me or Robby, but I understand after everything with Silver and the shit that went down between Shawn and I. It's important to just focus on the people who do want to join and leave the Paynes alone.
As far as injuries go, I have two bruised ribs that should be fully healed by next week. The fight with Shawn also gave me a minor concussion that is gone by now. Robby only got the wind knocked out of him, thankfully, and there was no real damage done. I've been working out in the apartment as much as possible despite the occassional chest pain. My plan is to get a job when I'm healed... though I guess now maybe I don't have to. I don't know.
"Can we maybe limit the karate conversations at dinner?" Carmen asks nicely.
Robby nods as Miguel apologizes, "Yeah, sorry."
"So, school admin is officially letting you start your senior year, too, Robby?" Carmen asks me and Robby curiously.
"Thanks to your letter," Robby acknowledges. "Thank you." She nods.
"And thanks to Yasmine," I remind them. "She's missed a lot of school for her dad's trips and weddings, so she gave me advice on dealing with Counselor Blatt. I'm also able to register as a senior despite missing finals last year because of the..." I trail off as everyone remembers me running away.
"This is our year, and it'll be nothing like last year," Robby says, his eyes drifting to me.
"I hope so," I hear Carmen whisper softly as she looks over at Miguel.
I can feel the tension between her and Robby again. I know she forgives Robby for paralyzing Miguel, but I can also imagine that it isn't an easy thing for a mom to forget. She might have never forgiven him, actually, if we weren't together or she weren't with Johnny.
"Yasmine's the blonde with Demetri, right?" Johnny asks me.
"Actually," Miguel speaks up, "they're broken up."
"I told Yasmine that he and I are okay now and that we're kind of friends. But they've both moved on to want different things and decided not to get back together," I say.
"That was very mature of you, Zion," Carmen says. I know she remembers the night I broke down on her about how much I hated Demetri. It's crazy how quickly things can change.
"I can't believe he'd let the only girl who will ever like him go," Johnny says bluntly. "And apparently a hot, popular one at that."
I give Carmen a look as she sighs, "Johnny, you know there's more to a relationship than that."
"I'm just saying," Johnny backs off the topic while smiling at Miguel and Robby.
The waiter comes back over with the tray of salad and breadsticks.
"You have to try these," Miguel smiles excitedly as he passes me the bread basket.
I take a bite weaily. Then, "Holy shit." I instantly feel better.
"I know, right?" Robby grins.
Tory's POV
"Mom, Dad, we're here," Piper calls into her large house as we enter from the garage where three cars are parked. I follow behind closely.
"We're in the dining room," her mom replies.
Piper shows me to the dining room where her family has set up their nice dishes and a huge platter of sushi. It's so much nicer than the boxed macaroni dinner we had a few days ago.
"Hi, sweetie," Mrs. Elswith crosses the room to hug her daughter. I look around the large room awkwardly. "Tory," the woman addresses me after a moment, "it's nice to see you again."
I nod and reply, "You, too, Mrs. Elswith."
The only other time I've been with Piper's parents was when I first met them. I came over for a night, and I felt like I was walking on eggshells the entire time. I don't think they're homophobic, but I'm almost certain they're classist. They know I'm on probation, and they know I was expelled. I don't blame them for not liking me for someone as great as Piper.
"The sushi looks great, honey," Piper's dad walks into the dining room and gives her a kiss. They're so affectionate; I see where Piper gets it from. "Tory, hello."
"Hi," I say.
"We can sit," Piper suggests.
We each take a seat at each long side of the table. I feel like royalty. I feel out of place.
"Let's say grace," Mrs. Elswith gestures to Piper to start.
They bow their heads, and I join a moment later, slightly freaked out.
"God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food."
I have never once prayed in my life. I've only been to churches that have soup pantries and things for my family to eat on weeks when my paychecks are smaller than usual.
"By his hands we all have fed. Give us this day our daily bread. Amen."
Each of them look up again once the prayer is over. I try to act casual about it. I don't usually feel like I have too change myself around people. What you see is what you get. But the Elswith family makes me nervous because I really do want them to like me because I really do like Piper.
"Have you gotten your schedule for classes yet, baby?" Mrs. Elswith asks Piper. I frown.
"Yes, I'm in all the AP classes they offer," she tells her parents. They smile, and I can see her relax at the validation.
My schedule is so different from Piper's. We only have lunch together because she's in all of these advanced classes.
"And what APs are you taking this year, Tory?" Mr. Elswith asks me.
I look at him in surprise. I try to be nice. "Actually, my focus this year is on my jobs since I work to provide for my mother and brother."
Mr. Elswith raises his eyebrows judgmentally. Then his mouth says entirely differently, "That's wonderful."
"You're so... brave, Tory," Mrs. Elswith adds in a passive tone.
That alone begins to make me mad. I work so hard for my family, and I shouldn't need fancy classes to make myself good enough for Piper. I glance at my girlfriend as she bites her lower lip like she always does when she's nervous.
"Tory's really smart, though. And accomplished. You remember me telling you she won the All Valley, right?" Piper continues to talk me up to her parents.
She strikes another nerve. That trophy isn't really mine. It was paid for. It's not real.
Then I see the Elswiths shift uncomfortably at the mention of karate; I know they hate it. I'm striking out here.
My past is so violent that they must judge Piper for even dating someone like me. And it's just a distraction in their minds from gymnastics and academics, which could provide scholarships and admissions to colleges. Because of it, Piper hasn't brought up the Sekai Taikai to them.
"That's nice, dear," Mrs. Elswith nods to me with a fake smile. This is going to be a long dinner.
Zion's POV
That night I walk to my car. I clutch my keys nervously as someone emerges from the darkness of the parking lot and comes toward me.
"You were smart in taking me down, Star," Silver grins menacingly, "but not smart enough."
I rush to open my car door in a panic. A hand appears and slams it shut again.
"Did you really think you could get rid of us, child?" Kreese now stands in front of me.
"I'll call the police," I threaten.
"And I'll pay them off. I'll win, like I always do," Silver joins Kreese. "Not even your dad can save you now."
"You're a Cobra for life. Why deny it?" Kreese tells me.
I grab my knife in fear as I back away from them.
"It's just a dream." I stare at Kreese in confusion.
"It's just a dream," I hear - I think I hear - Robby's voice. "You're safe."
I gasp as I sit up and inhale the air was taken out of my lungs before. I can feel the tears streaming down my face.
"You're safe, love," Robby comes to my side as I wipe my tears. I nod as I try to find my words. "Was it Silver and Kreese again?"
"Yeah," I whisper as I swing my legs over the edge of the bed then turn on the lamp.
Robby's room lights up instantly as I stand up and walk around to shake it out. I'm so embarrassed each time this happens, even if it is only Robby here.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for waking you again," I tell him as I continue to wipe away the tears that fall.
"Don't be," he says in understanding.
"I've done it every night this week," I remind him guiltily.
"You've had a lot on your mind. I get it."
"I should be happy now," I counter. I push back more tears. "Why can't I be happy now?"
"I'm not sure if it's possible to be happy all the time," Robby admits, "but you were happy earlier. It may have been the happiest I've seen you since prom."
"I try to be happy. It's a really good thing, I know," I sit back down next to him, "but then I begin to think about it. That money won't cover a future house, at least not one in California. So what am I even supposed to use it on right now? Do I save it?"
My heart beats fast as I ponder: Rent for an apartment? A big vacation? College? My wedding?
"You're asking the wrong person, love," Robby says softly and takes my hand. I relax a little at the term of endearment. "You read that note, though. Your dad left this money so you can decide."
"What if I choose wrong?" I wonder.
"You won't. He trusts you," he reminds me.
I rest my head on his shoulder, "I just want him back. And I want guidance. The future and stuff is so scary."
"I know. My dad still hasn't talked to me about if I want to continue community college once I graduate or what I'd like to do after this June," Robby says.
"Still?" I ask sadly.
"But don't worry. He talked to Miguel about Stanford and his plans. And now your future is set, according to him. So now it's just me," he tells me with pain in his voice.
"I'm sorry that Johnny is the way that he is to you," I wrap my arms around him for a hug. I feel a tear run down my face and onto his shoulder as he hugs me back.
We've had lots of deep talks these past few weeks. Most of his problems circle back to Johnny's neglect of seventeen years - and even now. I'm really glad we can confide in each other because there's nobody else I'd rather tell all of my fears and hopes to.
The money today made me think about a potential wedding in the future. The kind of wedding I wanted when I was a little girl watching reality TV with my mom. Maybe I'll marry Robby, but I know that that's a while away for me.
The rest of my future was so limited without money, which is awful to think about. Now it's all shifted. I don't think college is my thing, and I don't see myself going anywhere else without Robby. I don't want to separate and breakup again when things between us are so good.
"I guess I should be used to it by now," Robby suppresses his feelings.
"We both know you shouldn't have to be," I frown.
His response is silence.
"I guess I'll try to go back to bed," I say, the guilt from waking him up still weighing on me.
"Hey," he gently grabs my chin so I'll look at him, "I really don't mind you waking me up. I love being with you, through everything."
I take advantage of the close proximity and kiss him.
"I love being with you, too. Always," I blush. "I'll try to stop worrying about the money. It hasn't even transfered into my account yet. And when it does, I can just leave it until I'm sure about what to do... Also I know realistically that I'm safe from Silver and Kreese here."
"I'll always protect you," Robby assures me.
"Ditto, Swayze," I stand up and try to lighten the mood.
He laughs, "The middle name? Really?"
"Really," I lean down and kiss him then push him back on the bed. I roll over on my back beside him.
He sits up slightly then grabs my hand to then trace my fallen angel tattoo on my wrist.
"Are you ready for your new one tomorrow?" he asks.
"Yeah. I'm ready for it. I think now is a good time to get it. There's a fresh start with senior year. No Cobra Kai. And only good people in my life," I say softly. "I just need to figure out what I'll tell people when they ask what it means, even though I know I don't owe them anything."
"You can always just keep it simple," Robby suggests.
"And you?" I turn on my side and rest my head on my hand. "Are you ready to get your ears pierced?"
He sighs, "Yeah. I've wanted to for a long time now, but I hate that I'm worried about what my dad will say."
"The only person whose opinion matters is-"
"Mine, I know," he finishes for me.
I grin, "No, me, your girlfriend. And you're going to look so hot."
"Yeah?" he grins and planks himself over me so I'm trapped between him and the mattress.
"Hell yeah," I wrap my hand in his hair and pull him down to kiss me.
He quickly turns it into a makeout session, and I indulge. He runs a hand up my leg to my waist, and I bite his lip. He groans then rolls to the side on his back again. I feel how flushed my face is.
"We should probably sleep," I admit. I can feel how tired I am.
"Probably," he sighs. After a moment he turns out the light then gets situated in bed with me.
I press my face into his chest as he holds me and pulls the blanket over us. Then we fall asleep.
"It looks like things are going pretty well for you right now," Dr. Hillard smiles as she reviews her notes from my session the next morning, "and that overall you're doing better, right?"
"Yeah," I say, not daring to lift my head and let my eyes meet hers.
She notices. "There's something else, isn't there?"
I exhale a deep breath I was holding in. "I haven't been sleeping well. I'm... I'm paranoid, almost, about where John Kreese is after his escape or what Terry Silver might do to retaliate. And it's stupid. They're not here, and they haven't been for a month. I just... the fear creeps in like with my mom. It's hard to let it go."
"It's not stupid, Zion," Dr. Hillard assures me. "Sometimes the things that hurt us most are the ones we can't see, and that's especially true for people with PTSD."
"I don't want to be defined by that," I tell her. "I'm acknowledging that it's part of my past. But that's just it. We exposed Silver. I left my mom. Adam and Ella are nowhere close to my life anymore. And I'm done letting Kreese get close to me. It's all in the past, and I now have the chance to fully move on from that... but I can't. And I hate it."
"Healing can take time, but I must say that in our time together I've seen great progress from you," Dr. Hillard leans forward to tell me earnestly. "Think about where you were when we started: mentally and emotionally. Now look at yourself. There's progress." I nod at this. She's right. "It may be slow. It may take time, but it's there. There's not a magic fix for this."
"Um, actually, I wanted to talk to you about my meds," I tell her hesitantly. "I don't know if they're working."
"Why do you say that?" she asks.
"I keep crying. A lot," I admit.
"You have been through a lot recently. Do you think you're crying more than you'd expect to?" she wonders.
I nod, "I didn't use to cry this much. Can I go up in dosage?"
"You're on a pretty high dose already, aren't you?"
"I'm not sure," I admit.
"Here," she sets her notebook to the side and logs onto her computer.
I spin my dad's ring that sits on my middle finger nervously; it's comforting.
Then, "I have you at 200 milligrams of Zoloft. That's a high dose."
"So do I switch medicines?" I ask nervously. "I go back to school and training next week. I... I don't want to cry in public."
"Actually, let's take you down a dose," Dr. Hillard suggests. "Let's drop you to 100, and I can prescribe a new anxiety medication of 50 milligrams. These should work well together."
"Okay. Thank you," I tell her. I hope this works.
"And don't worry. If it doesn't work then we can try something else," she smiles kindly.
"Okay." I already feel a bit more relieved.
"Can I see? Can I see?" Miguel pesters me once I'm home with Robby. My hair is covering my tattoo that's just behind my ear.
"See what?" Johnny steps out of the kitchen to join me, Carmen, Miguel, Yaya, and Robby in the living room.
"I got a new tattoo," I smile nervously.
"You did?" he asks curiously.
I glance at Robby, slightly sad that it's only me with something to show. He was supposed to get his ears pierced today with me, but he couldn't go through with it. I can see how much his dad's approval weighs on him now. He told me that he didn't want to do anything to mess up what they have.
In my opinion there's not much to mess up. Johnny still neglects him, and Robby gives so much to make up for that. It's not fair.
"I want to see," Yaya sits on the arm of the couch in anticipation.
"Okay," I smile as I take my hairtie off of my wrist and put my hair up to show the upper part of my neck.
"Ooh," Miguel reacts as they all look at the newly inked fire rose:
"What does this one mean?" Miguel wonders.
"They both have meanings?" Johnny asks curiously.
"I have three, actually," I say. "The star on my hip is for my dad. My fallen angel on my wrist is to, well, remind myself that I'm doing my best." I simplify the meaning on purpose.
I glance at Robby for courage as I try to explain this one. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.
"And the fire rose," I start softly as I touch just below it, "is a symbol for survivors of abuse. It reminds me that I made it through hell and that I'm strong enough to keep going."
"That's beautiful, mija," Carmen says. I turn to her and see that her eyes are glossy. She smiles and tries to shake it off, "Dang it, hormones."
"It's badass," Johnny tells me. "I have friends with whole tattoo sleeves who don't put thought like that into it."
I smile at the compliment. Still, I didn't explain the entire meaning of the tattoo. It was originally created with Lady Gaga's song Til It Happens To You, and it was a symbol of survival from sexual assault and abuse. That's not something I'm ready to share with Johnny or Yaya yet, though. And maybe I never will. And that's okay.
"Does it hurt?" Miguel asks.
"Yeah," I say, "but it's the least painful one I've gotten."
"I couldn't even tell she was in pain," Robby chimes in.
"What's the healing time on that? We're back in the dojo in two days," Johnny reminds me.
"I'll be fine," I assure him.
We all jump when suddenly the fire alarm goes off.
"Shit, shit, shit," Johnny rushes back to the kitchen where whatever he's cooking is burning so much that it's smoking out of the pot.
I turn to Carmen, "Come here. I'll help you out." I extend my hand to lift her off the couch as we all evacuate.
"I can get it," she assures me and Miguel.
"What the hell?" one of the upstairs neighbors comes out of his apartment angrily at the sound of the alarms.
I find Robby once we're outside, and the alarm shuts off a moment later.
"Do we call the fire department?" Miguel wonders.
It's then that Johnny walks out the front door with a pot and a towel acting as an oven mitt, "It's okay. I just burned the chicken soup."
Carmen sighs in relief. Yaya smiles mockingly and says in Spanish, "How do you burn soup?"
I share a smile with Miguel as Johnny continues childishly, "I had it then Zion distracted me with her tattoo."
"Johnny," Carmen scolds him.
"I'm sorry, okay?" Johnny's tone softens as he sets the pot down and helps her back inside. "Are you all right?"
"Since dinner was ruined can we get Taco Bell?" Miguel follows them inside hopefully.
I turn to Robby who looks a bit overwhelmed from it all. "You okay?"
"Sure. I'm still getting used to my dad and Miguel's mom is all," he admits quietly before turning back to the apartment.
I can't help feeling disappointed in Johnny; he even screwed up dinner.
Then Robby turns back to me just outside the door with his hand reaching out for mine. I rush over and clasp my hand in his as we go inside.
Two days later, I grab my bag from the backseat before getting out at Miyagi-Do.
Robby and Miguel walk in together while I hang out in the parking lot and wait for Tory and Piper to arrive.
I haven't really hung out with Tory or Piper or any of my friends in the past month. I think we all needed time apart after Silver was arrested to reset then come back. Still, I met up with them one day for coffee and explained about what Silver did the night of prom. They're in the know now, and I fully trust them to keep it a secret. Even though it's not much of a secret anymore. Johnny was pissed when he found out.
Tory steps out of a nearby car a second later with Piper next to her.
"Good, you're here. We were just waiting awkwardly until you arrived," Piper says with a nervous smile.
"It really is just a tiny house with a garden, isn't it?" Tory asks as she looks around.
"Yeah, but it's fun," I defend the little dojo.
"I like the vibe better than Cobra Kai already," Piper admits. Tory just nods.
"I'm just not sure about how I'm going to train with LaRusso. At her dad's dojo," she frowns. "It's weird being here."
"It was hard for me when I first got here," I reveal, "but I know you'll do great. It's a new start with people who shouldn't judge you for your past."
"Mm," I hear Tory hum under her breath skeptically. I know exactly how she feels, but I want to assure her that even she will be welcomed in.
Piper grins, "Okay, give us the tour."
And then a loud motor comes racing down the street and a motorcycle pulls into the parking lot.
The cyclist takes off their helmet. I roll my eyes as Eli makes a big deal out of it then says, "'Sup?"
At this, Tory actually smiles and Piper laughs.
"What's funny? That was cool," Eli says as he takes off his gloves and joins us. I see he's redyed his mohawk blue like the first time.
"I don't think so," Piper tells him.
"Well, my mom found out about it," Hawk explains as we walk into Miyagi-Do, "and she freaked out. But I make my own rules, so I rode it today."
"Hey, you're late," Demetri rushes over to Eli. "We have to plan our big announcement."
"I'm here now. What do we need to do?" he replies.
"Actually, not much," Demetri admits. "But we should talk about who says what." Then he turns to me, "Hey, Zion."
"Hey," I reply with a small smile.
"Okay, come here," Demetri pulls Eli aside.
"Who was that?" Tory whispers to me.
"Babe, that's Demetri," Piper whisper in response.
Tory looks at me skeptically, "Right. I thought you hated him?"
"We worked it out," I tell her as I walk more into the dojo.
I see Sam with Miguel and wave. She waves back nervously before turning away from Tory and Piper.
"Kind of like you will with Sam, right?" I test the waters.
Tory frowns. Piper changes the topic, "So there's a sparing deck here?" Sam and Tory's opinions on this dojo merge are the same; I won't push them to be friends if they don't want to be.
"Yeah," I answer Piper. "There's a bathroom inside and some training space, but most of it's out here."
"What happens when it rains?" Tory asks dryly.
"That's a good point," Piper says. "Does everyone cram inside?"
"Or we go to Johnny's dojo location," I explain.
"There's two locations?" Piper asks curiously.
"Hey," Miguel comes over wearing a nervous smile.
Immediately Piper and Tory close themselves off from him and I. I give him a reassuring smile.
"So, um, Tory," Miguel addresses his ex nervously, "I wanted to talk to you."
"Why?" she asks bluntly.
"Uh, well," Miguel rocks back and forth on his feet nervously, "I wanted to tell you how sorry I am about everything. For leading you on then cheating on you and... I wasn't a good boyfriend. It wasn't very cool of me at all. I'm really sorry."
I look between my two best friends wearily. This was my idea, actually. I told Miguel last night that it would be nice of him to apologize to Tory. He was instantly on board with it. I hope I told him the right thing.
Tory stands up taller, "Apology accepted. I'm... I'm sorry, too, for starting the fight at the school that paralyzed you and for all I did at Cobra Kai."
"I get it. You're forgiven," Miguel tells her, obvious relief washing over him. Then he addresses Piper, too, "And, hey, I'm glad we can all train together. The Sekai Taikai is exciting, right?"
"Mhm, it's cool," Piper tells him, obviously still distancing herself from him in order to protect Tory.
"Okay," Miguel grins, "well, uh, I guess I'll go train over there. See you around. Obviously." He excuses himself and walks back over to Sam. I smile at his dorkiness.
"That was nice," Piper tells Tory, who looks a bit more at ease now.
A familiar hand grabs my left one then gently grabs my waist. I lean back into Robby with a smile.
"Hi. Welcome to the Miyagi-Do dojo," he tells the girls kindly.
"Honestly, I'm glad to be back training with you guys and Devon. That month away from karate was so long and slow," Tory opens up now.
I turn to look at Devon as she trains with Chris and Bert; she fits right in.
"How much longer are you in the cast?" Robby asks.
"Well, I broke a few different parts of my hand, so two or three more weeks," she frowns.
"It's going to make school hard," Piper points out.
"I'd imagine that everything is hard," I voice.
Tory nods, "But I've adapted, and thankfully one of my jobs is nice about accomodating what I can or can't handle."
"Where are you working now?" I ask her curiously.
"That princess party place," Tory rolls her eyes. "But I also work at Ulta doing retail. They're less understanding about the hand. But it's decent pay, so."
"So what I'm hearing is that you can get me a discount?" I tease her.
She doesn't smile; she's obviously not in the mood. "I guess so, yeah."
"I can't believe it," Aisha walks over with her bag in hand. "You're both here." She looks at Piper and Tory with a smile.
"Of course we are. As if I could ever get her to give up karate," Piper smiles and side hugs Aisha.
"Are we all here?" Demetri jumps up onto the sparring deck. He looks out at us then nods, "Great. Eli and I here have been thinking about our branding issue, and I think we finally have a solution."
Eli steps onto the deck with a tablet. He turns us toward a big QR code. "This is a link to a Google form."
"Here there are multiple different logo options and dojo name combinations to vote on. Please do this by our official first day next week. This is your homework to get out of the way before school even starts," Demetri rambles.
"Okay, but I can see why you didn't like him," Tory whispers to me jokingly. I respond with a big smile.
"If you have any ideas not on the form you'd like to share, feel free to send it to either me or Demetri to add right now," Eli continues.
"Be creative. We need the best branding possible for the Sekai Taikai and for when we win," Demetri says excitedly.
Everyone cheers. I feel like Robby and I are the only ones with a realistic expectation that we may not win against the best in the entire world. Still, the excitement is infectious.
"Thank you, Demetri and Hawk. And while we're here, Sensei Lawrence, Sensei Toguchi, and I want to address the next few weeks of training," Daniel and the other two get on the deck. "We are thrilled to see so many new faces here."
"But this isn't the time to goof off. We got rid of Kreese and Silver, but this international shit may be the biggest challenge we'll face. I need all of you to give it your all in training. Don't slack off," Johnny continues.
"We are very excited to begin with you all," Chozen says. "Remember we all have same goal even if we disagree. We have proved that working together makes us stronger. Don't forget."
"So to be ready for next week, start working out. Lift weights. Get into shape again - or for the first time; you guys know who you are," Johnny glares at some of the skinnier, younger students with no muscle mass.
"And come with an open mind for each of our lesson plans. This is especially important to know if you're just joining us. Trust the process," Daniel says to be welcoming.
I nod in agreement. Tory and Piper just look confused and skeptical.
"We'll reconvene next week. Have a good first day back at school, everyone," Daniel announces before walking over to Sam.
I see Tory staring at Daniel as he hugs Sam and talks to Miguel. I really hope they'll be able to work together eventually. I know that it won't happen initially and that it can't be forced. Still, Chozen is right. We are better together.
"Zion, hey," Mitch walks by me. When did he come back? "Congrats on the money."
"What?" I ask, completely taken aback.
"You know, the money your dad gave you. I heard it was a lot. Congrats," Mitch reiterates before walking away.
"Your dad?" Tory questions.
I look at Robby, "How did he..."
"I didn't tell anybody," my boyfriend says.
"Hey," I walk after Mitch, "how did you find out about that?"
"Chris told me."
Chris walks up behind us, "Demetri told me."
I'm still confused about how Demetri found out, so I walk across the dojo to where Miguel, Eli, and Demetri are talking.
"How did you find out about my inheritance?" I ask Demetri. The word is weird to say aloud.
All three boys turn to me in surprise. He responds wearily, "Miguel told me. Um, isn't that a good thing? Why do you look like you want to kill me?"
"I mentioned it one night while we were gaming," Miguel admits when I turn to him.
"The whole dojo knows," I lower my voice.
Miguel's face falls, "Oh no."
"I second what Demetri said: Isn't that a good thing?" Eli asks me. They just don't get it.
"Zion, hey, look," Mitch finds me on the other side of the dojo and few others follow him. "I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry for mentioning it."
"What's going on?" Aisha asks.
I sigh. "My dad left me some money for the day I turned 18. Apparently now most of the dojo knows, so let me just say a few things. No, I'm not 'rich' now, not really. No, I don't know what I'm going to do with it. No, I don't want anything to change or to be treated differently because of it. So please, can we act like it's not even real?"
I see a bunch of them nod in understanding. I relax a little. After a moment, the crowd disperses. Then Chozen comes over to me.
"Zion-san," he bows his head to me, "can I talk to you inside?"
Chozen and I sit on the ground in one of the smaller rooms in the house.
"How are your ribs?" he asks casually.
I tilt my head to the side in confusion, "Better. Um, how are your... cuts." I try to figure out what to call the huge gashes I saw after he came to Cobra Kai from Silver's house.
He tenses, "Many stitches."
"I'm sorry," I say.
Chozen nods. It's quiet for a moment.
"So, what did you want to talk about exactly?" I ask curiously.
"I heard about your dad," Chozen admits with a soft smile of sympathy.
I watch myself twirl my dad's ring around on my finger, "You, too?"
"It hurts to lose a father figure," he says sadly. "Much pain."
"Well, he's been gone for two years now," I say as I try to make Chozen feel better.
"Still, hard to fight with grief on the mind." I nod. "I am sorry to hear about him. In Okinawa, we have a form of heaven called Nirai-Kanai where spirits go to die and be reborn. I'm sure your dad is at peace."
I switch the ring to my other finger anxiously when he mentions heaven. I just nod again, not wanting to get into a discussion about religion with Chozen right now.
"Is there anything I can do, Zion-san?" he offers.
I'm surprised by the sweet gesture, but I shake my head. "No, I should be okay." I wonder if this is all he called me in here for?
"I also heard about Silver," Chozen says, "and what he did to you."
I sit up straighter, "You did?"
"Yes. And could not be more proud of you," he continues.
"Really?" I ask softly. He's proud? "Why?"
"Silver was able to beat me. Took advantage of my drinking. You used head, used teammates. Worked together and took him down. Became more than the former snake and lone wolf I first met," Chozen reminds me of how I was. "Overcame drinking and fear."
I smile at Chozen and feel tears forming. God, this needs to stop. He's so nice to me, but I shouldn't be crying right now.
"Became one of best students. Master every lesson. Good teacher," Chozen continues to praise me even though I don't see myself this way right now. "I hope you know you can come to me with anything, Zion-san."
I nod, "Thank you, Sensei."
Chozen smiles warmly. "And I hope to count on you when I need."
I'm taken aback, but I nod, "Of course."
"Okay," Chozen grins. "You can go back out."
After the comforting yet weird catch-up conversation with Chozen, we emerge from the house. That's when I see everyone gathered around in a circle talking loudly.
"Zion!" Miguel notices me and calls to me excitedly.
"What is it?" I ask as I join everyone.
Demetri practically shoves his phone in my face, "Silver got denied bail!"
My eyes focus on the very real news article, and I grab the phone from Demetri curiously.
"No way," I whisper as I read through it. My heartrate speeds up in excitement.
"He has no chance of coming near us until his court date," Robby comes over to me as everyone else continues to gossip about it.
"Good. He can stay there," one of the old Cobras - now a new member of our dojo - speaks up.
"You're free," Sam lowers her voice and gives me a supportive smile.
And I allow myself to smile. I allow myself to give Demetri his phone back and grab Robby's hands excitedly.
"I guess this really is a new start," I admit as I look at all of my friends, including Tory and Piper now.
Maybe Johnny was right and senior year will be the best yet. For all of us.
A/N: The next chapter brings you the start of senior year! Yay!
The school plotlines I'm adding are some of what I'm most excited for in episodes 1,2, and 3.
But I'm also looking forward to Kenny at Golf N' Stuff and all the other episode 1 drama. So stay tuned for whenever I get time to update again <3
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