
Chapter Eighty: Stalemate

"Hey now, hey now, don't dream it's over. Hey now, hey now, when the world comes in they come, they come to build a wall between us. We know they won't win."

~Don't Dream It's Over by Crowded House~


Revised: July 6, 2024

Warnings: abuse, addiction, anxiety, biphobia/homophobia, depression, domestic violence, slight eating disorder, language, panic attacks, sexual harassment/assault/abuse, violence, and other mature themes


Robby's POV

I walk off the mat after my match with a bad feeling in my stomach about how I hurt Kenny. I was just doing what it took to win. Why are my dad and Mr. LaRusso looking at me like I just killed Kenny and why do I care? I swore I was done with both of them.

I go over to the Cobras as they cheer me on for making it to the quarterfinals. I glance around to see how the other people are doing with their fights when my eyes land on Zion. She walks away from Sam on a bench and I feel the guilt return.

I saw her run away after I kicked Kenny in the way I did. I saw the fear in her eyes and the pain. I realize how awful it was of me. The rules of life change everyday and it's so confusing, especially since not too long ago she was in the dojo I chose. 

I rush after her, "Zion." She doesn't hear me. "Zion." She doesn't stop. "Zion!"

"What?" she turns to me with a sad look on her face. I fucked up. "What?"

"I-I saw you... I saw that something set you off?" I try not to lead on that I may have been the one to trigger her. I'd never forgive myself if it truly was me, especially after all we've been through and everything she's told me.

"Yeah, no shit."

I reach for her hand, "Are you all right?" I want to help fix the pain I caused. 

She shifts away, "No. I'm not."

"Quarterfinalists, get ready to fight in five minutes!" Daryl announces.

"You're past reason," Zion begins to tell me. "It's hard for me to even look at you right now, so..." My whole body deflates at the realization that I hurt her so much. "I'm sorry that I made you like this. I'm sorry that I pushed you this far and that this is probably confusing to you."

I can't focus on her words when my eyes land on her neck as she speaks and nods her head back and forth.

"I'm sorry that I didn't realize this sooner, either."

"Wait, wait," I stop her, "what happened to your neck?"

I worry in an instant and just want to hold her close and assure her that everything's okay, but I know that's the last thing she wants from me and that it's my fault. Her neck is covered in bruises that vaguely resemble a handprint, though, and it makes me wonder...

"I don't think you'd believe me if I told you," Zion responds and avoids my gaze.

I examine it worriedly and decide that it's too big of a hand to be something Janice did, from what I recall about the woman. 

"Of course I will," I lower my voice so she can tell me and only I can hear it.

I'll help her in any way I can because if it was Janice, then we can go to the authorities. Or, if it was one of the other dojos who did this, then I can figure something out, we can figure something out together.

"It was Silver."

I blink a couple times as I try to absorb what she said because it sounded like she said Silver did this.

"Keene. Circle up." His voice calls from behind me. I instantly feel my skin crawling at the realization. "Keene." My eyes dart back to Zion.

I calculate my next move very slowly. If Silver is really capable of what she says, then he's not someone to act in haste with. He has the money, he has the influence, he has the power and he knows it.

I hate him for it. I hate him more than anything for hurting the person I love with my whole heart.

Before I can decide how I'm going to handle this properly, Zion walks away from me. I begrudgingly walk back over to Silver and Kreese and pretend like everything is fine.

For now.


Eli's POV

"All right, folks! We've witnessed some great fighting today, but you ain't seen nothing yet. Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals! Which means, things are about to get intense."

About to? This whole day is the most stressful thing ever, considering what's at stake.

"Of the eight students on this stage, only one can be named the All Valley Champion and only one dojo can be named the Grand Champion."

The thought of it being up to me, Miguel, Sam, Demetri, Z, Robby, Tory, or Aisha is daunting.

"It's still anybody's game. So, you keep your eyes here on this blue mat because we are just getting started. First up: LaRusso versus Robinson."

We all cheer for Sam as she walks onto the mat and faces her childhood best friend. I have to admit, I missed Aisha, despite all the messed up shit she did when she interfered with me and Z's relationship.

I try not to be so angry about it like Sensei LaRusso taught me, but it still messes with my head when something reminds me about it. Especially today when Zion's competing unaffiliated and not with Robby Keene.

But, I'm not jealous. I'm with Moon.

"Ready? Bow to each other. And fight!"

Aisha throws in a series of well-crafted punches. She throws Sam off-balance at first and it makes me smile to see how much she's grown, especially away from all of this.

Sam's defense isn't enough when Aisha uses her size to pull the smaller girl to the side and score a point. They smile at each other as the ref calls it.

"Point. Robinson."

The move back into their positions and I watch intently.

"Point. LaRusso."

"Point. Robinson."

"Point. LaRusso."

The score is even two to two. I see Sam glance over at Johnny before deciding on her next moves.

She pins Aisha with a friendly yet competitive smirk. "Point. LaRusso."

Our whole dojo cheers excitedly for her as she bows and rushes over to her dad, who doesn't look too happy to me.

Aisha walks by me and I stop her, "Hey. It's good to have you back."

"So you guys could beat me? Catch me next year and you won't stand a chance," Aisha smiles playfully. I reminisce the old days when Johnny taught Cobra Kai and when I was still dating Z.

"I look forward to beating you then, too," I act cocky.

"Mind if I ask something?" she changes tone. "I saw you with Moon and, well, I guess you really broke up with Zion for good?"

"A while ago. Where have you been?" I ask like it's obvious. I realize that she wouldn't truly know, but she knows what happened even before she left.

"Away from this insanity and rightfully so," Aisha counters. "Now, you're with Moon. And, Zion was back with Robby, but now they're weird, too?"

"Z is with Robby and always has been," I explain to her, "but I guess you already knew that."

"What do you mean?" she asks me like she genuinely has no idea.

"You helped Z lie about meeting up with Robby to cheat on me," I remind her. I don't entirely blame her, since she was just an accomplice that Z probably manipulated.

"What are you talking about? Z didn't cheat on you," Aisha says like it's plain as day.

I don't understand. It's not a dirty secret anymore. She was there through it all to know everything that went down. Miguel denies it, of course... but why lie about that?

"She did cheat. She said she did. You missed a lot," I argue.

"She said so?" Aisha questions in disbelief.

"Z, y-you told me you didn't cheat. You said it and you... you were so sure of yourself."

"Well, there are so many things people say nowadays. Rumors get out of hand and it's hard to know the truth. We all say things we don't mean."

I glance at Z with a terrifying realization.

"I don't know how to deal with a cheating girlfriend."


My head spins as I question everything. Did I actually make everything up in my mind and blame her? I let my anger get the best of me and I pushed away...

But, she loves Robby, the guy who just kicked a middle schooler so hard he cried, the guy who was defending the kid's ass from me a couple of months back. I blew my chance and she ran to him. Even if she didn't cheat... It's all so hard to process.

"I-I thought she did," my voice comes out quiet and shaky. I feel like I'm back to that boy who first met her for a moment, the one who was scared to look in the mirror or make eye contact with The Zion Ambrose.

"No," Aisha confirms, "I swear, she felt like shit about lying to you. Zion was just worried about everyone fighting if you knew. I guess she had a feeling you wouldn't listen. She was right, though, because you broke up with her anyway in haste. I mean, I get it, but you didn't want to hear her out at all."

I pushed away the best thing to ever happen to me.

"Wow," I whisper to myself. I glance at Z in confusion as she stares over at Robby. "This whole thing is so messed up."

"Yeah, you must feel pretty stupid."

I glance at Aisha in surprise and she covers her mouth.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say that aloud."

"You're not wrong," I admit. "Fuck. How do I fix this?"

"Talk to her," Aisha says like it's easy.

"How? I haven't spoken to her all day and this is like my whole world was turned upside down," I sigh.

"Look, I need to get back to my dojo, but you can figure this out, dude. Just do me a favor?" 

"What's that?" I ask.

"Don't kill Robby when you fight him. I think the referees frown upon that," she smiles before walking away.

I glance up at the posted bracket and feel an ache in my stomach. What are the fucking odds?

"Keene versus Moskowitz."

"Eli, come here! We have to strategize," Demetri calls me over to him, Sensei, and the rest of Miyagi-Do.

At least I have some time to think this all over since the next insane pairing is going to fight in a couple minutes. I pray for Demetri's safety since I know the history behind this next one.


Zion's POV

I can't help my eyes from drifting to the other side of the mats to where Robby stands with the Cobras. I can't help wishing he'd just run away from them and into my arms. I can't help wishing all these useless things.

Sam beat Aisha in the first quarterfinals match. The good news is that I've already beaten Sam, so that's one less person to worry about. Winning is just within reach because all that matters now is that and that's really all that does matter, especially if the people I care about refuse to care about me back.

Miguel keeps trying to talk to me, in all fairness, but he's always pulled away by Johnny. The blond man looks at me like I'm a wounded puppy that could bite him at any moment. So, I get pity mixed with fear, and I don't know how to feel about that.

"Next: Alexopoulos versus Ambrose."

I jump onto the big mat to stand across from Demetri. This isn't a surprise since I've known about this fight since they posted it maybe fifteen minutes ago. I can feel how determined we both are to win this thing; I have more riding on this than him, and I'll do what it takes to win.

"Face me. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Fight."

Demetri circles me as I stay on my feet and bounce around him, too. Of course, I strike first with a hook kick. His defense is admittedly good and so is his balance. He rushes around me before countering with a crescent kick. I duck and fall to the ground to throw him off. He jumps away from me and I narrow my eyes at Demetri.

I remember how much I hate this guy and I remember just how angry he made me for so long. He called me a slut. He called my dad a bad parent. He said that I was trying to change Eli and essentially sexually harass him. I wasn't perfect but I wasn't a bad influence in a one-sided way because we both got caught up in the love of being a Cobra. 

Between the fights at the mall, school, laser tag arena, LaRusso house, and prom, we've never settled this. Now I can and I will win. I'm a winner.

Demetri rushes at me and I elbow him in the ribs; he lets out a grunt of pain. I side kick his exposed stomach now and he gasps. The trick I adapted to is technically legal since he ran into my elbow and it's his fault.

"Point. Ambrose."

I walk back to my starting position proudly until...

I see Kreese clapping for me and Silver whispering to him with a sly smirk. I stare at them wearily before remembering that they taught me the dirty trick I just used. Their intent was always for me to be as heartless as them and they think I still have Cobra Kai inside of me. 

Kenny is back and standing beside a tense Robby who won't look at him. I think something happened since their fight, even, but God knows what it was. I'm supposed to be a better version of myself today for Kenny and the others to look up to. 

Instead, I'm resorting to the cheap and dishonorable tactics given to me. I immediately remember what I promised myself and my dad.

I glance at Demetri and take a deep breath in before tuning back into the fight.


Demetri waits for me once more. I advance toward him with a few punches that will avoid his ribs. He waxes on and off and pushes me away. In hindsight, I should have seen that coming. He hooks his leg under mine and sends my back to the mat. Hard.

I see his little smirk as I roll out of the way and stand up. His hatred for me is apparent as he becomes aggressive with little technique in striking first. My arm moves to block several things he throws at me. 

"That's a block. Continue."

He grunts angrily before running at me. I analyze his form and see that I could strike his hurt ribs again and secure this point and even the next one. As he runs, though, I remember the regret that flooded me after Silver beat me to a pulp. It was regret for how I even treated Demetri.

All my Santa Maria friends would be horrified if they saw me fighting in the way I've been trained. I have to retrain my brain back to how I felt the summer with Robby when things were happy and my dad was here and it was so much more peaceful and the last normal part of my life.

I block Demetri's advance rather than counter it with a dirty move. I'm surprised when he almost scores a point. I use a spin kick as his eyes widen and it knocks him back.

"Point. Ambrose."

That's two out of five for me. I can win this fairly. Demetri looks like he doesn't believe it.

I glance over his shoulder at Eli as he examines our whole fight sequence. I guess it was apparent that I could have fought in a very different style than what I chose and I guess using "no mercy" was the style they assumed for me. I hope Kenny sees this and sees that honor is the only real way.

"Time out," Demetri calls and turns away from me angrily as he walks over to Daniel.

I roll my eyes as I stand by myself with no guidance. I glance over to my former senseis and see them not too happy with my change of pace. Robby, on the other hand, still doesn't seem to want to look at me. I wish I knew what he's thinking about.

"Ready?" the referee asks as Demetri comes back over after conferring with his sensei. "Fight."

I notice Demetri's hand drop from clutching his ribs once the fight is called to begin. I figure that was my doing and I feel badly. This isn't how I wanted to win.

So, I avoid his ribs in any way I can. I ignore his heavy breathing and aim for other parts of his torso to score on. My leg goes up for a kick that he fails to block and I hit the side of his head. 

"Point. Ambrose. Winner!"

I grin proudly to myself at my success. I see Miguel cheering loudly for me from the sidelines and see Robby clapping off to the side so the Cobras don't see him. Eli claps for, I assume, Demetri's try with Daniel and Sam and all of them.

"Hey," I speak to Demetri for the first time, "good job."

The pale boy stares at me wearily, "What?"

"You did well. Good job," I repeat.

"Yeah, right. You had every point to beat me a-and every opportunity to hurt me with your Cobra Kai fighting. You saw how you hurt my chest. How do I make sense of that, Lady Macbeth?" Demetri confronts me with his ranting. I ignore his rude nickname.

"Well, it's like I said: I'm no longer a Cobra. There's no honor in being merciless," I think back to what Miguel would say.

Demetri looks at me with a contorted face as he tries to figure me out, "But, you... you're..."

"Nice one," Eli comes up behind Demetri and moves beside him. His eyes flicker over to me, "Both of you."

"Thanks," I nod awkwardly. 

Demetri glances between me and Eli in confusion before sighing and pulling Eli away. I see the taller boy glancing back at me as if he's protection for my ex. I don't suppose me and Demetri will ever be more than sort-of-enemies at this point, but I tried and we both have to accept that.

I'm sure he'll still get on my nerves, but I have to remember the goal at hand is something bigger than all of that.

I walk off the mat and do a double take.

Robby's top half of his gi is off and he stands shirtless and away from his dojo. I try to ignore his chiseled figure as I try to make sense of why he's the only one shirtless in here. It makes no sense to me, unless he's just that sweaty from the qualifiers.

"Diaz versus Nichols." Tory and Miguel walk onto the mat opposite of each other.

I bring myself to the edge of the mat to watch this interesting pairing. I know Tory has so much hatred for her ex after everything he's done, but Miguel is genuinely sorry and, of course, they both have a special place in my heart. Watching my two best friends fight is what worries me.

I see the loathsome look in Tory's face as she stands opposite Miguel. "Bow to me. Bow to each other." Obviously Miguel is nervous about this one, too. "Fight."

He blocks several of her first advances. I can see her becoming frustrated already. Each punch is countered with a block and he pins her arm behind her back. Miguel swings at her head and Tory ducks to then kick him off of her. It's a block that pushes them back into their starting positions. 

Miguel's technique from Johnny shines as he begins to advance in offense. Tory is unprepared for defense in relation, and she stumbles backwards as Miguel jumps. He spins in the air, and I see his leg swing over to hit her in the face.

Instead, he cries out in pain mid-air and collapses on the ground.

The room collectively gasps as I feel the bad feelings and bad thoughts rush back in.


I run onto the mat and crouch beside him in an instant.

The ref pushes Tory away as I plant my ground beside my best friend. I can feel the stinging of tears wanting to develop as he looks over at me.

"Aah," Miguel pants in pain. He's conscious and alive.

"Miguel? Please, please, be okay," I whisper.

He looks at me with a small smile, "Mhm. I'm okay, Zion. I-I need a-"

"MEDIC!" Johnny yells and rushes onto the mat beside us as he stands with the referee.

Sure enough, someone comes over and I move out of the way for him without taking my eyes off the boy. 

"It's going to be okay. We'll get you on something similar to a stretcher and take you to a break room," the medic begins with everything he knows exactly how to say.

I bite my hand as the burning in my chest returns for the second time in a day. I look up and count the lighting fixtures embedded in the ceiling of the arena as I try to distract myself.

"Off the mat. You're not in his dojo," the referee escorts me away from Miguel and leaves Johnny there with him.

I try to resist, but I know it's no use.

"She stays."

Johnny gives me a small nod of solidarity in this hard time. The referee backs off and I give him an appreciative smile. More medical specialists come over.

Eventually, I walk to the back with Johnny and Miguel and other medics. I can feel everyone's burning eyes on me as we walk out and into a small medical room.

I don't care enough to even bother to glance back at Robby or to check on Sam or even Carmen in the stands. I'm scared to take my eyes off Miguel, as if he'll be ripped away from me as quickly as my dad.



So, it seems like Robby and Eli both have some steps to take before talking to Zion. This little idea of playing with your emotions just came to me tonight, so you're welcome hehehe.

This was an impulsive write, so if there are mistakes and stuff I'll fix it as soon as I realize them. Hopefully not too much will need to be changed. I just really wanted to update.

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