29 Dec 2020-Interview with Faith Jessica
Today's interview will take place in italy 🇮🇹 OMG a big surprise 😮😮
I am here in the exact coffee cafe waiting for faithjessica8 to arrive and then the interview can start
I am still waiting after I ordered my coffee with my iPhone 12 mini reading a book on wattpad hmmm that's my favorite application when i am enjoying my day
Your order ma'am.A black coffee with a chocolate chip cookie.Enjoy!the waitress puts my mug down and hand me a tiny bag with a cookie in it
I just smile and said thank you
She smiles and nods then she walks away
I grab the sugar and pour it in,with some powdered creamer....hmmm yummy of course the coffee taste amazing it's divinely rich in nutrients
Huh!the queen is here,faithjessica8 is over here...the queen herself is here with her ferrari (hand shakes)
Welcome to coffee with heroine and thank you for accepting our invitation
Hmmm thank you and thanks for having me here
Question:your name?
Answer:Faith jessica
Question:Your age?
Question: What's your Wattpad username?
Question: Your books?
Answer: I have only one published work
Girls Chill and Chat on fb
Question: What made you decide to join wattpad?
Answer: I decided to join wattpad so I can read novels offline
And also maybe read the diary of a wimpy kid
Seen I was in primary school I loved writing
I wrote the watermelon baby in primary six
I wrote lucky me in ss1
But what inspired me to write Girls Chill & Chat on fb was my best friend frank michael
His an Italian and we have been friends for years
😅 His actually a she
Her name is elena
When I found out she was a girl I was heart broken
But she loves me very much
Then I thought Lots of girls might have crush on guys on fb, Then they might turn out to be girls, While chatting her that day.. I was like wait Let me write a book called Girls Chill & Chat on fb, I wanted it to be let's chill & Chat on fb
But then, I am a really dramatic person, I create big thing Out of little things So my book is more like me
I love drama I love staying in a girl group
Me : ok frank
Do u think his cute
Frank 3
No way 5
Stuff like that is me
Heroine: From the first time i am actually enjoying this interview hmmm coffee sips ☕️
Hmm Thank you heroine
Question: What's your favorite book in wattpad and out wattpad?
Answer: My favorite book on wattpad, Haha that a difficult one.. Their this short story my friend does It called magic I think her username is @tacardi I really like it I told the author she should try debating
Cause reading magic is like say yes ur right amen, But amen to what 😂
Heroine:i am about to ask😂
Faith jessica: She's really good
Favorite : FrankMichael7 and @tacardi
Question: Who is your favorite writer in wattpad and out wattpad?
Answer: Out of wattpad
The author of diary of a wimpy kid
Question: What's your favorite thing about wattpad?
Answer: Friends and readers, When I published my first work"The Stranger "For a whole year It didn't get views But my friend ester kept supporting me She told me not to give up,
I unpublished it, Then late this year I started Girls Chill & Chat on fb, I was my self The girls words and act are what me and frank can do, Like 7 part in Gays at our Sleepover When jace was like 😗 And Jacob was like 😒 That me and Frank ...Me frank hold still 😒 no, I think it doesn't matter if people like what u write, No one can take away the fun of writing
Question: When we put wattpad on scale how awesome will you rate it from 1 to 100?
Answer: Ah 100
Cause wattpad makes it easy for any Write dream of publishing a book come true 🙂
Question: What are the challenges you faced as a writer?
Answer: Followers And reads then My first book The Stranger 1
Question: Do you have a specific writing style?
Answer: When I published my first book I thought people would just see it then I will get followers but no
Zero view and Zero followers
The author Tropet was my first friend she's a paid author
I was confused about everything and why none saw my book cause I published it all at once
Yeah 8 parts
Tropet list
*Tropet sent a link to the Wattpad Community she told that how she started
The author Tropet is so damn nice, I can't even believe she replied, No paid author reply me even up to today
We became friends, But then I got little reads, I unpublished anyway...
Then I got Girls Chill & Chat on fb,
Frank is also on wattpad, Her name is on my bio She downloaded wattpad to support me
Question: How did you come up with your titles?hard or simple
Answer: Simple
Is there anything that you like to do when you are writing?
Answer: Yes
Even while reading
I use music so I can get upset or feel a kind of emotion
In the part Gays at our sleepover
My playlist was
Fifth harmony - Me and my girls
Heroine: Huh!!!i love it
Faith jessica: U like fifth harmony too
Heroine:Hhhmm yeah...camila cabello and Ally brooke are my fav
Question:Hollywood or Bollywood ?
I like indian movies
iPhone or Android?
Question: Flat shoes or high heel?
Answer: Flat
Question:Your favorite movie that you can't off your eyes on it?
Answer: I really like spongebob it a cartoon on nick but it actually quiet nice
Heroine:Wuhh!!!Sponge bob square pant🚶🏼♀️
Question:Your favorite series movie?
Question:Your favorite singer?
Answer: Favorite singer
Lil mosey
Fifth harmony
Billie eilish - just ocean eyes
Question:Your favorite actress:
Answer: Favorite actress - Ganga frrom the movie Ganga
Question:Your favorite actor?
Question: Do you have a crush?if yes then who's that?
Answer: ... I have a crush on cameron he likes me but don't tell him
I don't take relationship seriously
Am girl who likes staying around girls
Question: Your favorite outfit?
Answer : I don't have a fav outfit
Anything attractive will do for me haha
Question: Your dream city?
Answer: Dream city Germany
Question: Describe yourself in one word?
Answer: Describing my self In one word
- dramatic
I create big issue out of little stuff
Question: Cats or dogs?
Answer: Dogs
Am sure I have had like 8 dogs seen I was 9
Question: A message to your lovely parents?
Answer: Message to my mummy and frank cause she knows FrankMichael7
I love u both thanks for supporting me
My rank and my book in top pick are all cause of ur support Even when I got no view u supported me
Thank you
Question: Your best social media app?
Answer: Best app facebook
Question: Chocolate or ice cream?
Question:Beef or Chicken?
Answer: Beef or chicken it depends, Cause I like both So the taste will help me choose For what on the table rn
Chicken taste nice
Question:Favorite outfit?
Answer: I don't have a fav outfit
Anything attractive will do for me hahah
I feel like to cry of course 😭😭😂😂this is the best and still the worst reviewed interview hahahahaha faithjessica8 is very naughty and dramatic person for sure!!!wait let me show you something guys I really suffered alot from this sweetheart faithjessica8 we had lots of fun in this interview 😂😂and i am looking for someone like her
Heroine: You have to be writing in one sentence stop doing this short short stuffs 😭i will suffer in the editing
Faith jessica: Sorry I text that way
I will text in one sentence in future
Heroine:Silly answer hahahaa😂
Faith jessica: This didn't come out in the other girls interview
🧐 I see u
This is the end of our interview Coffee with heroine,with the sweet person that i have ever seen, Thank you so much for your time and support... I hope you will share it with your family and friends...
Don't forget to tag 10 of your friends in the comment section and feel free to DM me for the next author that you want us to invite
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