21 Dec 2020-Interview with Ayesha
This is me with my coffee in the exact mansion that was used in the authors book waiting for the pakistani guest Ahseya_aye to arrive and then the interview will start
Huhhh!!!stunning isn't it.i am still waiting for Ahseya_aye she will be here in less than 10 minutes....Ah she's here Ahseya_aye over here!with her jeep hahaha Damn hottie huh!!!(hands shake Assalamu Alaikum)
Welcome to coffee with heroine and thank you for accepting our invitation
Thank you
Take a sip of coffee ☕️ and tell me how it's?
I enjoyed it 😂 it was the perfect blend of milk and sugar
Question: Your name?
Answer: Ayesha but I go by Ahseya Aye on Wattpad
Question: Your age?
Answer: My age is 21
Question: Gender?
Answer: Female >.<
Question: What's your Wattpad username?
Answer: As i said, Ahseya_aye which is just my actual name back words haha
Question: Your books?
Answer: Melancholy of Heart is my book
Question: What made you decide to join wattpad?
Answer: I felt like I needed an outlet to write, I wanted a place with a sense of community and I saw an ad for Wattpad. . . and here we are
What inspires you to write?
Answer: Melancholy of Heart was an idea I had when I was like a kid haha. From a very young age I had so many ideas in my head and I would write them down in my journals, I do wish I had discovered back then!
Question: What's your favorite book in wattpad and out wattpad?
Answer: My favourite book on wattpad is When We Met by pearlflowers >.< as for outside wattpad, I love all the work from Cecila Ahren
Question: What's your favorite thing about wattpad?
Answer: The inline comment feature is incredibly useful!
Question: Who is your favorite writer in wattpad and out wattpad?
Answer: pearlflowers , EmrysRhodri and oa_judith as for outside wattpad being cecelia ahren and Dan Brown
Question: What is your favorite character in your story?
Answer: My favourite character in Melancholy of Heart is Venessa haha, she is just so fun to write and I especially like her due to her strong view on things
Question: When did you start writing?
Answer: As stated above, I did start writing concepts of stories from a young age but this is the first time I'm actually penning them down, so I started writing in September >.<
Question: When we put wattpad on scale how awesome will you rate it from 1 to 100?
Answer: I'd say around 80 because it does offer a good opportunity for people to express themselves but it still has its shortcoming
Question: What are the challenges you faced as a writer?
Answer: Writers block is the worse thing! I also dread it when nothing comes to find
Question: Do you have a specific writing style?
Answer: I don't know? I guess I try to write in a very straightforward way unless it's descriptions then I use a lot of personification
Question: How did you come up with your titles?hard or simple
Answer: It was a work in progress lmao, it's mostly inspired from an anime i saw and was like damn this fits so well. Although Heart was always named Heart
Question:Which book have influenced your life most?
Answer : There isn't one book honestly, I'm an avid reader so different books influence me depending on how much I liked them and what period of my life they came in
Question : Is there anything that you like to do when you are writing?
Answer:I like to leave YouTube running in the background lmfao, it does not help me write but it helps me not want to ditch
Question : If you are writing a book about your life what will be your title?
Answer: This is a hard one. . . I guess the title would be, "Why am I?"
Do you see writing as career or hobby?
Answer: A hobby really! Where I live you can't exactly make a live off it as there is a huge lack of opportunities
Question: Who is your role model?
Answer: Uhh I would say Malala Yousifazi as it hits close to home
Who is your best reader on wattpad?
Answer: I don't know 😂 I mean I'm a relatively new writer so it's hard for me to get readers as it is, but I do appreciate it when people take the time out to read 😊
Question: Is there any message on your book melancholy of heart that you want your readers to grasp?
Answer: The message would be, you might feel lonely and you might feel like no one understand your pain but there are people out there who feel the same way as you do. Don't be afraid to reach out, don't be afraid to ask from help. You don't know who might be there for you
Question: Bollywood or Hollywood?
Answer: Hollywood haha
Question: Your favorite movie that you can't off your eyes on it?
Answer: Wonderwoman, I just adore that movie
Question: Your favorite series movie?
Answer: Uhhh I would say breaking bad ?
Question: Your favorite singer?
Answer: Halsey haha
Question: Your favorite actor ?
Answer: Henry Cavil is so hot
Question:Your favorite actress?
Answer: I would go with Margo Robbie because of how versatile she is
Question: Do you have a crush?if yes then who's that?
Answer: I don't have a crush but I do have a person I want to be close with again 😌
Question: Your best word that you like to say?
Answer : Honestly it's the "uhh" sounds because that is how my brain works when I can't think of anything to say
Question: Your favorite outfit?
Answer: A shirt with a good pair of pants haha, I'm not really a fashionable person
Question: iPhone or Android?
Answer: Android for life
Question: Flat shoes or high heel?
Answer: Flat shoes, I'm relatively tall as it is
Question: Your dream car?
Answer: A jeep lmao
Question: Your dream city?
Answer: Tokyooooo
Question: Unforgettable day?
Answer: Too many tbf, I guess the first time I was in an airplane. It felt so otherworldly
Question: Describe yourself in one word?
Answer: Confused 😂
Question: A message to your beloved parents?
Answer: Take care of yourself always and forever ♡
Question: A message to your wattpad readers?
Answer: Thank you for stick with me ♡ I am incredibly thankful, your presence is my motivation to write lately and I do want to give yall a good story 😊
Question: Cats or dogs?
Answer: Fish 😂 I like pets when they are kept in a single place and I don't have to touch them
Question: Beef or chicken?
Answer: Chicken 😌
Question: Netflix or tv shows?
Answer: Netflix ♡ Queens gambit was a blast
Question: Where do you see yourself in 8 years from now?
Answer: Hopefully doing something with my life 😂
Question: Do you have plan for writing in future?
Answer: As a side thing sure, I don't know if I'll be able to pursue it professionally, but I do really like writing and I never want to give it up
Coffee sips☕️hmmm yummy heroine coffee is the best....finished with the coffee without noticing huh
Welcome back after inserting O Saathi song from bhaagi 2 movie
Question: Any advice to our upcoming writers?
Answer: The struggle is worth it 😌
Question: One word to your silent readers hehe?
Answer: Thank you for being there 😂 can't be anywhere without you guys
Question: Suggest any wattpad writer that you want her to be interviewed?
Answer: pearlflowers I love her book
Question: Your best social media app?
Answer: Insta 😌 but it's private so I haven't disclosed it on here
Question: Chocolate or ice cream?
Answer: Ice creaaaam
Question : Suggest any Bollywood song for this interview
Answer: I don't listen to them 😂 but tum hi ho was blasted in my uncles wedding and it's stuck in my head
Heroine: Heheh meri Aashiqui ab tum hi ho(Arijit singh fans congratulations)
Thank you so much darling ayesha for your time and support
Thank you as well 💜
Ok this is the end of our interview with the sweet person that i have ever seen, Thank you so much for your time and support... I hope you will share it with your family and friends...
Don't forget to tag 10 of your friends in the comment section and feel free to DM me for the next author that you want us to invite
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