How to Speak Fantasilian

Abshire (ahb-shAIr)- a City in Helinfirth; largest estate in the territory, controlled by the Valkalin family

Acosa (akh-ohs-ah)- a City in Dwanzeig; the Royal Capital

Ajilte (ahj-eel-teh) - a vine producing plump, red fruits that looks like a tomato except they taste like strawberries; native to Cardina

Akaron (ahk-ahr-ohn)- a City in Avalora; mainly a mining city

Alch Serin (ahlk sehr-een) - the continent of the Elves

Alkara (ahlk-ahr-ah)- a territory east of Penleth and north of Lanteglos; home of the Brownies

Anchor Ivory - a usual ivory component of anchors during the Hundred Years' War

Ancient Language- an extinct language thought to be spoken by the first inhabitants of Umazure; used mainly in specialized spells

Anservir (ahns-ehv-eer)- A City in Dwanzeig; the Common city

Arbotro (arb-ot-ro) or Arbotro Fentimanis (arb-oht-oh fent-eem-ahn-ees) - a thing of legend; said to be a powerful tree that controls the life of the island; found in Parkane

Arcole (ahrk-ohl-eh)- a City in Narfalk; the Royal family's territory

Arisdema (ahr-ees-dehm-ah)- a flower native to Dwanzeig; a known sedative

Aresving (ahr-ehs-veeng)- a City in Desara; the trading city

Asopus (ahs-ohp-oos)- a city in Carleon connecting to the forests in the Disfavoreds

Avalora (ahv-ahl-ohr-ah) - a territory of the Earth Sprites located northeast of Lanteglos and north of Dwanzeig

Banshee- a fairy sub-race natives to Carleon and their synnavaim is necromancy

Black lily- a species of flower native to Alkara; symbolizes peace and resolution

Brownie (no, it's not a dessert)- a Fairy sub-race native to Alkara; specializes in engineering and inventing; their synnavaim is vanishing and memory manipulation; they love the color Brown (duh)

Butterbread - a pastry known for its rich, buttery taste; a delicacy in Alkara

Calaris (kal-ahr-ees) - the mythical realm of the gods

Calca (kalk-ah)- a City in Lanbdrihr; the Oasis City

Cardina (kahrd-een-ah)- a territory in the west of Umazure populated by Humans; the only Human territory

Cardovia (kard-ohv-yah)- an organization of magicians rivaling Synketros; led by the Heiress

Carleon (kar-leh-yon)- a Banshee territory, north of Cardina and west of Helinfirth

Carquet (kahrk-eht)- a flower characterized by its ability to feed on its prey

Cata cata (kaht-ah-kaht-ah) - a hermit crab-like animal that eats golden minerals

Cathshin (kaht-sheen) - Umazuran catnip

Civil Guards- Cardina's main police force; responsible for keeping order and peace; pledged to the crown in promise of service

Cleret (klehr-eht) - a mouse- like creature that is covered in brown fur, has a thin, bare tail, and two front teeth that can pierce through anything; native species to Cardina

Cloveris (klohv-ehr-ees) - a species of plant native to Carleon; a known sedative and downer

Commons - a region in Cardina where the working class and businessmen live and make their living; also refers to its inhabitants

Corcoleon (kork-ohl-eh-yohn)- a species of bird native to Alkara

Crimon (kreem-ohn) - a bird known for its colorful feathers; its urine is a well-known beauty product

Crintine (kreent-een) - the goddess of reflection

Crozal (krohz-ahl) - a moon characterized by its red sheen; known throughout as the Crimson Mother; associated with fertility, bad luck, and death

Dagrine (dahg-reen) - a horse-like animal with shorter necks and typically longer legs; a native species of Cardina

Daexis (dehks-ees)- the goddess of vows and marriage

Desara (dehs-ahr-ah)- the Water Sprite territory below Falklirta, southeast of Avalora, and northeast of Dwanzeig

Disfavored- a region in Cardina where criminals, sick and old people, poor families or those who annoyed the Queen gets sent to; can also refer to the people living in it

Diven (deev-ehn) - a City in Alkara; the Potioners' District; the biggest trade center for herbs and other ingredients and tools used in potion-making

Drodham (drohd-ham) - a City in Carleon; where the Temple of Souls is located

Dushim (doosh-eem)- an Umazuran guitar with seven strings and no frets; looks like a lute, but with more compressed hull

Dwanzeig (dwahnz-ehg)- the nature fairy territory; located beside Peltra

Dwarf- a race in Fantasilia

Dwarven metal - a type of metal that inflicts wounds that couldn't be healed magically because of its properties belonging to another continent

Edgerift - a City in Lanteglos where the Imperial Palace is; the center of Imperial power

Edross (ehd-rohs) - a species of flower native to Desara

Elf - a species in Fantasilia

Elika listris (elh-eek-ah leest-rees)- Ancient term for Animal magic; synnavaim of some of the Nature Fairies

Elshire (elsh-AIr) - a City in Alkara; the Russet Guard base

Emedria (ehm-ehd-ree-yah)- a plant native to Penleth; its spores are useful in medicine

Erphine (erf-een) - a potion component that can induce temporary blindness

Falkirta (fahlk-eert-ah)- the floating City; home to the Air Sprites

Felmisa (fehlm-ees-ah) - a species of flower that emits a loud sound when disturbed; native as an ornamental plant in Dwanzeig

Fimrio (feem-ree-yoh) - a city in Avalora

Flower-child - a baby fairy

Form - a part of the soul referring to the physical body

Giants - a species in Fantasilia

Graspel (grahsp-ehl) - a species of giant, flesh-eating sheep native to Carleon

Grocon (grohk-ohn) - a reptile native to Dwanzeig; its tears are blue

Gulstead (guhls-tehd) - a city in Carleon where fugitives hide out; a mysterious city specializing in Soul Readings and Soul Cleansing

Half-blood- a term for the offspring of a Human and a Fairy or two fairies from different subraces

Heiress (anc. Peredeira)- the leader of Cardovia

Helinfirth (hel-een-ferth) - a territory in Umazure that is northwest of Lanteglos, east of Carleon, south of Alkara, and west of Lanbridhr; territory of the shard fairies

Hexen (hehks-ehn) - the goddess of lies and bad luck

High Queen (anc. Korkoleva)- the highest monarchy in Umazure; rules in Lanteglos

Human - a sub-race in Umazure known for their locked synnavaimis and usage of the Escuira Listris

Iglimfire (eeg-leem-fAIr) - a species of flower native to Penleth

Jatoma (jaht-ohm-ah) - Cardina's old name which, in Ancient Keijula, means "blessed"

Karavag (kahr-ahv-ahg)- a checkers-like board game common in Cardina and has other variants across the territories

Kaviste listris (kahv-eest-eh leest-rees)- Ancient term for Plant Magic

Keiju (kehyj)- Ancient term meaning "fairy"

Keijula (-la)- meaning "Fairy Language"; the language spoken by Fairies (duh)

Kephras (kehf-rahs) - a cat-like animal known for its speed and intense eyes; have sleek bodies that can wiggle almost out of anything; native to Cardina

Klaire (klah-eer) - trees with thin trunks characterized by their alternating stripes that can take interesting colors from black, white, gray, and red; native species to Cardina

Komery (kohm-ehr-ee) - a city in Dwanzeig

Koset (kohs-eht) - Ancient term for "alphabet" or "script"

Krou (kroo)- an animal that can grow in size; a cat-like animal with wings in giant form

Lanbridhr (lan-breed-eer) - a territory of the Fire Sprites; east of Alkara and north of Avalora

Land of Wonders (or Wonderland)- the afterlife

Lanteglos (lant-ehg-lohs)- Umazure's capital where the High Queen and the Imperial Fairies reside; the only neutral territory

Levier (lev-eer)- a plant native to Dwanzeig; its fruits are known for pain relief

Lindenmeres (leen-den-meers) - a pastry delicacy in Cardina

Manderfin (mahnd-ehr-feen) - an monstrous animal that serves as punishment

Manwari (mahn-wahr-ee) - a species of birds characterized for its golden plumage and large sizes; it's like a large, flying chicken

Mercok (merk-ohk) - a cockroach; native to Cardina

Midseg (meed-sehg)- a plant native to Dwanzeig; a known relief for nausea

Mora (mohr-ah)- a City in Narfalk; an army base

Murco (moork-oh) - one of Umazure's moons known for its dark blue rays; smol

Nage seeds (nah-jee)- a type of seed native to Dwanzeig; a known relaxant

Nanvera (nahn-vehr-ah)- a City in Lanteglos serving as a tourist district

Narfalk (narf-ahlk)- the territory of the Varichriais; located at the south of Cardina and on the west of Peltra

Nature Fairy- a fairy subrace that lives in Dwanzeig; they can control animals and plants

Nira (neer-ah) - the god of honor, valor, bravery, and heroes; sometimes treated as the god of fire, too

Noprary (nohp-rahr-ee)- a common plant throughout the island; known for its bright red fruits in bunches

Nosapymko (nohs-ahp-eem-koh) - the Ancient term for "holy temples"

Odian (ohd-yahn) - Umazuran gun powder

Ok-sa (ohk-sah) - a City in Peltra where the kingdom's criminals live; a barren wasteland

Olsa Reon (ohls-ah reh-yohn) - the continent of the Giants

Oracle fairy - an extinct fairy sub-race that has the ability to see multiple instances in the future

Orayta (ohr-AIt-ah)- a City in Desara; the fishing city

Orostaches (ohr-ohst-ahk-ehs)- a flower native to Narfalk

Osa Elore (ohs-ah ehl-ohr-eh) - the continent of the Dwarves

Oshella (osh-ehl-yah)- Umazure's version of marijuana (shh)

Paneldoja (pahn-ehld-oh-hah)- a strip of cloth with tiny bells; believed to keep ghosts at bay and makes the user immune to their whispers

Peltra (pelt-rah)- a territory south of Lanteglos where the Pixies live

Penleth (pen-leth)- a territory of the brownies; the Livelihood City

Pheaset (fees-eht)- a species of parasite native to Carleon; likes to eat wings

Pidmena (peed-mehn-ah)- the goddess of Death and the Land of Wonders

Pixie - a fairy sub-race known to bend light to their will

Porgon (pohrg-ohn) - a plant native to Dwanzeig; a known sweetener

Prizare (preez-ahr-eh) - the transparent star

Pumkess (puhm-kehs) - another type of vegetable similar to a pumpkin but not quite; native to Cardina

Rabante (rahb-ahnt-eh) - a City in Helinfirth where the common shard fairies work and live

Rantipole (raht-eep-ohl-eh) - a species of flower native to Carleon; has really amazing healing properties

Raslione (rahs-lee-yohn-eh) - a dog-like animal that can bend shadows; they travel in packs and is usually untameable

Raven fir - a species of trees native to Dwanzeig that has reportedly unruly flowers

Renagener (rehn-ah-heh-nehr)- a title meaning "Queen-general"; given to the queen of Peltra

Rudik (rood-eek)- An Umazuran folklore figure that is immortalized in legends for his stupidity; his name later became a basis for expressions

Rysteme (reest-ehm)- Ancient term meaning "hybrid", "mixed"; a branch of magic dealing with the advanced spells usually an extension of the synnavaim

Salvia (sahlv-ee-yah) - a species of trees resembling coconut trees except that they have orange and yellow leaves; native to Desara

Samiri (sahm-eer-ee) - one of the moons in the Umazuran sky; known for its light green rays that signifies growth, bloom, and hope

Seelie Court- the elite council of Fairies consisting of well-known families; serves as the High Queen's advisers; only the High Queen can appoint and exclude a family

Sempervivum (semp-ehr-veev-oom) - a type of flower that is very common in Cardina and is very resilient; considered a pest in some parts of the island

Silent Seas - a well-known Elven pirate company during the Hundred Years' War

Sirtya (seert-yah)- a crystal ball that teleports users

Shard fairy- a Fairy sub-species that uses reflection and glass manipulation as their synnavaim; lives in Helinfirth

Skicea (skees-eh-yah)- an animal species famous for its ultra-soft pelt

Spicepods- a plant known for its fruits' hard shells

Sprites- a fairy sub-race natives to four cities namely: Lanbridhr, Desara, Falkirta, and Avalora; this race focuses on the basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, and Air) as their synnavaim

Sovereign (anc. Kriachoria)- the leader of Synketros

Synketros (seeng-ket-rohs)- an ancient organization of magicians dedicated in protecting Umazure from Cardovia

Synnavaim (seen-ahv-ah-eem; pl. synnavaimis)- the innate ability of a person; consists of the specialty of the race; most often coined as Maxia of Fairies

Thyminka (teem-eenk-ah)- a Brownie who can manipulate memories

Trail- a part of the soul in which details everything done with magic; the imprint left by a person

Trailcloaker- a weaving designed to cloak the trail

Umazure (oom-ahz-oor)- an island in the southwest of Fantasilia; inhabited by Fairies, Humans, and a couple of Fallen Races

Unities - the main police force of Lanteglos

Varichria (var-eek-ree-yah)- a fairy sub-race whose innate ability is magic weaving and its species have butterfly wings; natives to Narfalk; Ancient term meaning "many colors"

Versallis (vers-ahl-ees)- the Fantasilian currency and is used in trades and other commerce; is divided into shapes (dryde, sigra, selme), color (nosa, fol, kalta), and size (small, mid-sized, and big)

Virtakios (veert-ahk-yos)- Ancient term meaning "ancient power"; a branch of magic common within those who are from World Beyond; the most powerful branch of magic to have as synnavaim

Vorkee (vohrk-ee)- a wild animal native to Helinfirth

Vulkraine (voolk-rah-een) - fowls that could mimic any kind of sound they hear; native to Cardina

Witch- an Umazuran insult; literally meaning "crone" or "hag"; other variations include: Warlock, Wizard, Mage and the likes

World Beyond- Earth (like yeah, EARTH.)

Xai-Ren (sAI-rehn) - a City in Peltra; a valley where two temples stand on two mountain peaks

Yin Alora (yeen ahl-ohr-ah) - a City in Peltra; a walled fortress home to the Frachdal family

Ylanenla (-la)- meaning "Common Language"; used mainly by Humans, but is the universal language in Umazure

Ytrin (eet-reen)- the Ancient goddess of fire

Zoriago (zohr-ee-yahg-oh) - a City in Desara

Zosslet (zohs-leht)- a pitcher plant native in Dwanzeig

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