They will never learn
Oval Office, White House
Fiota: They just don't want to listen huh
Kasey: Mr. President, the Britannians are planning another massacre in the Saitama Ghetto
Fiota: So they wanted to repeat history, when will they learn about humility?
Kasey: Probably never, since they are a malevolent nation.
Pres Fiota sighed in disbelief.
Fiota: I want you guys to send our troops over to the Saitama Ghetto. Protect anyone alive, take them back to Grix if they wish to do so. Also, contact Bravo Team and inform them as well.
Kasey: Yes Mr. President
Area 11, Ashford Academy
Bravo Team met up once again in another part of the school, apparently, the CIA informed them that the Secretary is going to contact them. Bravo Team sat down in a circle and began speaking onto the holographic screen
Ethan: Mr. Secretary
Kasey: Bravo-1, Bravo-2, Bravo-3, Bravo-4 greetings, how are you
Ethan: I'm doing ok, so why have you contacted us?
Kasey: Britannians are planning another massacre in the Saitama Ghetto. Intelligence say that Princess Cornelia li Britannia is planning this operation
Ethan: Is anyone planning to do some recording on this?
Kasey: Yes Delta Team is going to do some recording, and maybe the Prophet of Truth will make another appearance to the world
Everyone except for Ethan sighed in disbelief
Sage: You got to be kidding me
David: When will they learn!
Kasey: That doesn't matter, all it matters is get back to base now and once you are equipped, get over to the Saitama Ghetto now
Ethan: yes sir
Unknown to them, Milly Ashford heard them through the door from the other side when they were about to leave. She then went hiding. After they left, she's wondered why they are heading to the Saitama Ghetto. Then it hit her as she also heard about something about Cornelia is planning something very sinister as Clovis did to the people of Shinjuku. She was shaken as she can't explain what was going on. It was clear to her that Britannia is planning something sinister. She had to investigate into further action, but for now, she has other things to do.
As for Bravo team, thankfully, Class was over for the day, and they ran outside to a hiding spot where they teleported back to the Hokkaido Base where they will put on their armor and all other equipment. Then they got onto their Knightmares and prepared to go to the Saitama Ghetto.
URA Base, Hokkaido
Capt. Keyes is riding on his Personal Knightmare as he sees his forces are prepared and organized. Just before, a group of Japanese marines were called the Foreign Infantry Self Defense Force or the FISDF who will be joining with Keyes along with Bravo team. URA Marines also joined as well. They will be using Patriot, and Avoc.
Keyes: LIsten up everyone! All of you have a new task today. I can see you guys are furious of what's going on. Well let me tell you.....I AM MORE FURIOUS OF THESE BRITANNAIN BASTARDS! Do you know what your signed up for?
Everyone: SIR YES SIR
Keyes: Very good! Now let's stop wasting time and get out there and kick their asses
Everyone: HOORAH!
Keyes pointed to a Japanese man
Keyes: what's your name?
Sgt. Kobayashi: my name is Sgt. Kobayashi
Keyes: Sgt. Kobayashi, you will lead the FISDF for today, now get moving
Sgt Kobayashi: Hai follow me!
the FISDF got onto a URA air force transport ship and they flew all the way to the Saitama Ghetto. As soon as they arrive, the FISDF was first to be dropped followed by the URA marines Infantry with Knightmares, Delta Squad, and finally, Bravo Team.
Saitama Ghetto, Yam
Britannian forces have blocked every exist to prevent any of the Yamato forces to escape. The Gi Mobile base has been stationed near the bridge and it has ground force for protection.. The Yamato Alliance tried to come up with a plan but they haven't prepared before this situation. The Japanese would have to face the same massacre as Clovis did back at Shinjuku. Little did they know that a new faction has come to repel the massacre.
Sutherland and tanks are blocking in another part of the road to look our for any terrorist tried to escape. It was until Bravo Team appeared out of nowhere and began attacking. Britannians were caught in a huge surprise as Ethan spoke out.
Ethan: Britannians...why am I surprised, a bunch of malevolent murderers killing civilians to justify their glory
Sage: No honor
Britannian forces were going to shoot at them, it was until they were stopped by Soyeon's Knightmare that was equipped with a sniper rifle. Ethan's Avoc equippied itself with a rifle and slaughtered every Sutherland tried to approach him.
Darlton : The Saitama Ghetto is now completely surrounded. The Yamato Alliance's hide out is located at somewhere in here. Half the people in this neighborhood are cooperating with them. So, if we proceed now...
Cornelia : What will be the effect on production?
Darlton : Primary sector output should decrease by 0.2%
Cornelia : Within expectations, you mean. All right. All of you here participated in the Shinjuku disaster. Is that correct?
Subordinate: Yes. And we're indebted to you Princess Cornelia for your mercy.
Cornelia : That's not what I'm asking. Do you think the conditions are similar? Like a third faction will be fighting against us?
Subordinate: Well, if they apperaed in the scene or not, they'll always fight out forces head on
Cornelia: Not a surprise, I've seen the battlefied before in my life, so there is no difference in that. Darlton commence the operation
Darlton: Yes your highness.
Saitama Ghetto
15 Knightmares
100 Marines
90 Delta Troopers
Bravo Team
Both of the URA and and FISDF marines gose on foot to find and save the Yamato Alliance. Thhey finally found their location as they arrived.
Sgt.Kobayashi: Men, ready on my mark
His men aimed at the targets looking throughtheir scopes. Then the signal was given
Sgt. Kobayashi: OPEN FIRE!
He shouted as they open fired at a Britannian soliders, killing every single one of them as they fell to the floor dead. They then leave the area. One of the civillians said to them
Japanese Civillian: Thank you for saving us
Sgt.Kobayashi: I appreciated it, but not we're going to take you to safety we are not going to let these Britannian bastards to start another massacre. Just follow some of my men and they will take you to salvation. Move out!
Japanese Civillian: Who are you people and who are you working with
Kobayashi: That remains classified, but i can tell you, I am Sgt. Kobayashi of the Foreign Infantry Self Defense Force.
Then the Japanes are being escorted by some of the FISDF Marines which surprsied to see that they are Japanese. Meanwhile, Keyes is moving down on Britannian groces as he can see them with his eyes.
Keyes: Catch me you fools!
Every American Knightmares are attacking the Sutherlands on sight. Including vehicles and aircrafts. An URA marine equipped with a railgun fired at the enemy. A Patriot fires a slash harkens on enemy VTOL gunship. A Washington fires his assault rifle on four enemy sutherlands. Soon URA fighter jets, gunships, and stealth bombers arrived on cue as they fired rockets on enemy BTOL gunships
Delta Team activated some drones and began recording the events is going on, including the part where Britannians are killing the Japanese cold blooded. Oh boy this is going to show how ruthless Britannia is. After that Delta Team has entered the battlefield kiling off Britannian Infatry troops. A Britannian Soldier got onto a one on one with a Delta Troop.
Delta Troop: Die you Britannian Bastard
The Delta Troop gave the Britannian an upper resulting by destroying a part of his helmet. Acutally it destoryed the whole helmet. The Britannian sodlier then fall to the floor as he pulled out his M40 Pistol(halo). He then shot his head causing blood to spill out of it's head.
After that the Delta team moved onto to their next task
Meanwhile the purebloods except for Jeremiah are on the field. They were witnessing everything on what's going on. Villeta couldn't believe what she is seeing with her own eyes. Sutherlands are being destroyed within an instant.
Villeta: Just who are we facing with? How could our forces be destoryed within an instant? Her Highness force is almost obliterated.
Viletta wanted to also know what happened back at Shinjuku. The only thing she remembered was a student who possibly took her Knightmare from her. Now she questioned was that student working for Zero?
G1 Base
The Staff were looking on the battle map as their forces are being eliminated with an instant. Not knowing wheter it was by the Yamato Alliance or some unknown third party that were defeated back at the Shinjuku Ghetto.
Britannian Operator 1: Unknown enemy units have destoyed few of the forces throughout the ghetto.
Britannian Operator 2: Just like Shinjuku
Britannian Operator 3: No sign of Zero yet
Britannian Operator 4: Just who the hell are we dealing with!
Cornelia: Enough! Order all troops to withdrawl. We can't have an further damaged and casualites.
Darlton: With all due respect your highness, we can still fight them
Cornelia: NO! I will not take any chances Darlton so I order all of you to fallback
Darlton: yes your highness
Darlton then contacted all trops using radio communication.
Sage finishd off one last Sutherland with her AI Knightmare named Golith
Golith: Sage, I've managed to intercept the radio transmission that the enemy have order all forces to withdrawl. It seems that the Princess is starting to become very cautious.
Sage: Copy that, did you get that everyone?
Ethan: Sure did Bravo-4
David: Come on! Are they really sending their best?
The remaining survivors are restreating to GI as they were ordered by Darlton. One of them is Lelouch wearing a Britannian soldier uniform as he headed to the enemy base. Though he thought he was out of ideas of not being caught, but thankfully C2 who is digusied as Zero gave him a distraction to escape from the G1 Base.
Ashford Academy, Principal Office
Milly went over to the Princiapl's office to speak with her grandfather about the four new students. As she entered, she then closed the door and walked in front of her grandfather.
Milly: Grandfather
Ruben: Hm?
Milly: I need to tell you something, something between you and me
Ruben: Sure sweetie, what can grandpa do for you?
Milly: Well when I was walking down the hallway, I heard someone talking from the other room
Ruben: Who
Milly: Ethan Ashbrook and his clsoe friends. I hear them talking to someone like a grown man. They were talking about Saitama. I think they are working for some secret operatives or something like that.
Ruben: I'm quiet not sure if they are spies or agents, But I did mention about Saitama where Princess COrnleia and her forces marhcing there where the terrrorist are hiding
Milly: Why.......oh no.........that's not good!
Ruben: What is it?
Milly: Grandfather, I think I know what Princess Cornelia is planning on Saitmaa Ghetto. I think she is planning to do something that Prince Clovis did at Shinjuku.
Ruben: oh that's not good
Ruben's mind run very swiftly as Ethan and his team were going to stop them by all means. The only problem is that they don't know who they are working for. But there is really nothing they can do but only support the students of Ashford Acadmey.
Ruben: Milly, I want you to bring them to the office i wish to speak with them
Milly: Very well, I know what i can do for the time being
Bravo Team got into a fight with with a Gloucester Knightmare. Most of them were destroyed by Bravo team Guilford wintessed the whole thing
Guilford: NO! You will pay! Attack them
The remaining Gluecestesr are charing in holding their jousting lancers up high.
David: Wow! Even the Gloucestesr can't defeat our mechs? Pathetics, You can never defeat an American Mech!
Sage: Let's go Golith
Golith: Roger that
The Ai Mech said. It fires a laser cannon at the Gloucester as it disintergrates from existance. Sage then sniped from a distant location. Ethan stabs his Katana into a Glucester's chest and destroying the pilot itself. Soyeon fired her assault rifle destroying a small number of glouecesters. Guilford couldn't believe what was happening. Was he dreaming? No this is reality. He was terrified as the royal guards were being destroyed withing seconds. Guildford then went on a fight with Ethan
Ethan: Monster? Your wrong your the monster, but I am a demon from hell! You are killing the civillians just to lure out Zero. YOu have no honor in your pathetic life!
Guilford charged with his jousting lancer held on his hand. Ethan than fired his pistol at him when the glucester dodges it from getting avoided. As he lands he tried to stab it with his lancer, The AI Mech dodged it then grabbed the lancer and snapping in half. After that the AI mech then used the Katan and sliced the gloucester in half leaving the Knightmare fall into the ground. Guilford couldn't believe it!
Guilford: NO! can it be?
Ethan then picked up the cockpit and threw it into the air where it lands onto Cornelia and her forces are located. After that Bravo team regrouped after finsihed off from the remaining forces but then Ethan's ai mech detected soemthign nearby.
(note: Ethan's Ai mech is named Oracle)
Oracle: Ethan, I've detected a radio transmission. They wish to contact us
Ethan: Patch it through
Oracle: Understood. Patching the radio to all of Bravo team
Once it has been patched through, it revelaed to be a Yamato Alliance leader name Naoki Takuyama
Naoki: This is Naoki Takuyama of the Yamato Alliance, we saw your actaion against Cornelia Royal Guards. We can say how greatful we are to be alive and your actions. But who are you people
Sage: That is classified information to tell anyone from any factions.
Naoki: That's understandable, but thank you!
Ethan: No problem, this is not just for the Yamato Alliance but for everyone on the Saitama Ghetto. We are taking them else where that no Britannians can opress the Japanese ever again
Naoki: Well I......wait did you just call me Japanese
Ethan: Yes, but no time for chatting, we need to get these citizens out of here before who knows what will happen
Naoki: Very well, again thank you we wish you well
Ethan: take care now!
Then the YA leader turns off the radio contact. he and his team have meet with URA forces coming their way. Capt. Keyes hatch open and meets with them face to face.
Keyes: Bravo-1 I saw you guys fighting those royal guards on my video. You guys make a fine team.
Ethan bowed
Ethan: Thank you Captain. Are we proceeding to attack Cornelia's forces?
Keyes; yes. You will join the ground froces to kick them out the ghetto. If they have the balls to stay, then let's give them more hell
Bravo Team: yes sir
Bravo team went back to their Ai mechs and marchedtowards the enemy location as they armed and ready.
G1 Base
Cornelia was extremely furious on what just happened. All of her royal guards are dead. She clenched her fist and shaken at the same time. Worse case of all the unknown enemy occupys the Ghetto and now they are heading over to their location.
Cornelia: Dammit! How could this happened! How many troops?
Darlton: Only a few! I don't think we can handle much longer. We cannot call for reinforcements due to connectio nwas blocked. What do we do now?
Cornelia puts her hand onto her forehead trying to think on what to do next. Realising there is one more option but to retreat.
Cornelia: Retreat
Everyone gasped
Darlton: Your highness?
Cornelia: It's over, we lost this battle. We can no logner lure out Zero, out team is gone, we don't know this enemy. It's very clear they have Knightmares that are probobly much stronger than ours.
Darlton: Very well your highness
Cornelia's forces are finally retreating from the Ghetto. URA Forces were witnessing the retreat then they were ordered to halt and let them reatreat. After they disapeared, everyone was celebrating their victory against the Britannians
David: Alright! America 2 Britannia 0
Underground Sewer
Lelouch took off his disguise and carrying a bag as he run through the sewers meeting up with C2 who was wearing the Zero outfit.
Lelouch : Why did you rescue me?
C.C. : I told you already. I can't have you dying.
Lelouch : I wouldn't have lost if the conditions were equal.
C.C. : You sore loser. If you're really that good, you should be able to set up conditions the way you want.
Lelouch:I wonder, who are these people? Where are they coming from?
CC: It seems these unknown people have a different plan. I bet they are retaking Area 11 and freeing them from their cages.
Lelouch: The way they are fighting, against Britannians have seem to have better stratgey and plus the Knightmare they possesed looked extremely advanced.
CC: It dosen't matter who they are all it matters is that a boy came to your room when you went out partying with the student council
Lelouch: WHAT!?
CC: Yep you might know him as Ethan
Lelouch: he met with you? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?
CC: It's not like he is Britannian agency, in fact i did mention that his preparting will come soon
Lelouch: What preperation? CC, tell me what is Ethan up to?
CC: Not only that but David, Soyeon, and Sage are with him as well
Lelouch: of course, he did say they are his close friends, but Why are they in Ashford, what 's the reason to be there? Anyways I don't know what their goal is?
CC: So what are you going to do?
Lelouch: I'll raise an army that can't lose to Britannia. A people, a nation!
Bravo Team returned to Ashford Academy with thier unifroms on. They hid their Mechs underground As they were about to head back, the AI Mechs has detected a presnece
Golith: Sage, we are not alone. I've detected life form is heading this way
David: Fuck! I think someone has spotted us
Bravo team grabbed their firearms and aim around the room. All of the AI mechs also got into position and raising their wepaons as well. It was dark and they turned on their flashlight.
They flashed their light on the entace as Bravo Team riase their wepaons at the fornt only to see one and only Milly Ashford. She covered her face form the brightness of the light.
Milly: Hold your fire!
Ethan: Milly?! Is that you?
Milly; Uh yes! Ethan? Soyeon? David? Sage?
Ethan: Stand down everyone
Everyone's weaposn were lowered
Ethan: Well i didn't expect this, how did you find us?
Milly: Well I was walkin down the hallway and i ended up hearing your conversation with someone
David: Another Eavesdropper!
Mily: NO! i didn't mean to, I have no intentions to tell the authoriites or anyone, I just care for the sake of our students that's all! Please don't kill me
From the voice of her tone, it sounded like she was indeed telling the truth.
Ethan: Relax we're not going to kill you
Oracle: Ethan I recommand that you contact your superirors about this
Ethan nodded as he walked to the side as he contacted on his earpiece from the Hokkaido Base. Meaning contacting the CIA and the CIA contacts the President. He told them about Milly Ashford discovering their identities and all. After a few minutes they hung up and Ethan went over to Milly.
Ethan: Well got some good new! Our superiors gave permission to tell you who we are, and where we come from. Be warned if you expose to the authorities, I will make sure i'll be the one to kill you!
Milly swalloed nervously
Milly: Y-yes I understand
Ethan: Good I don't want to go through that Now let's go to your room and we can discuss this.
Milly: Actually, I need all of you to ocme with me to the principal office. My grandfather wishes to speak with you. And you can also keep your knightmares as well.
Sage: actually our Knightmares are called Guardians
Milly; Oh right! Guardians! Please i shall escort you to the princiapls
Milly lead them to the Principal's office as Ruben turned his chair around and faced Bravo team
Ruben: Hello I am Ruben K Ashford. I supposed you are the four new students
Ethan: Yes sir! Soyeon, locked the doors
Soyeon then nodded as she locked the door. They can now have a private conversation between the two.
Ruben: Now I want you guys to try to answer very honestly. Milly told me that you and your fiedns were talking to someone like a briefing mission. That invovles Saitama. Please explain.
Bravo team looked at eachother and back to him
Ethan: Mr. Ashford, Milly, there is someone taht wnated to met you so please be respectufl for he will speak to you personally.
Ethan than placed a hologram projector and its turns out to be a middle aged man wearing a dark suit and a black tie on his neck. Milly and Ruben are taking suprirng on how adavnced is to have holograms. The man introudced himself as President Mason Fiota
Fiota: Greetings Mr. Ashord and Milly, I am President Mason Fiota of the United Republic of America.
Ruben: Greetings Mr. President, so i wish to know who are you people and why have you brough these four to Ashford
Fiota: Glad you asked
Mason told them about the origins of the URA and how George Washington survived his so-called death. They learned that Washington actually faked his death and brought them to an alien world called Grix that was located 6000 light-years away from Earth. They also learned the race of aliens is called the Grixians, and how they are probably a thousand years in advance than any nation on Earth.
Fiota: And that's how we became a secret hyperpower nation from the other world
Milly and Ruben were very shocked to hear that the American colonist had survived, thanks to an alien named Avoc as he leads Washington and his people to an alien world before his death, and he was elected as president of the United Republic of America. They also learned that Ethan is a descendant of the American colonist, while the rest were immigrants. They have watched Earth-like they are gods. and had interfered with Earth in the past and present. Both of them were trying to take this in. Both of them couldn't even believe what he is just witnessing.
Ruben: So the fallen rebels from Washington's Rebellion have returned from the dead to finish what they started......huh! I can't believe they had survived and had a nice world where no conflict is caused.
David: Sir there is on a couple of conflicts
Milly: really?
Soyeon: yeah, from what i learned back in the 1800s there was an event called the Fail Purist Coup. A group called the American Purist Group were a bunch of madmen who wanted to overthrow the government but they were easily destroyed due to the military power.
Sage: Yes and also there was a time when an asteroid was going to hit Grix, but we were able to defend ourselves and destroyed that Asteroid resulting a meteor shower all over the world.
Milly: Wow! so anyways, are you four in the military or something?
Ethan: Correct
Ruben: What branch you serve? Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Airforce, Marine?
Sage: We all serve in the United Republic Space Force
Ruben: The Space Force? That's something new. What do you do?
Ethan: First part was to defend from that asteroid, so we created ship that can go fast as the speed of light. Then as technology progressed, we were able to create ships that can go faster than light.
Ruben and Milly were shocked to hear this
Ruben: Impossible! Nothing can go faster than light!
Soyeon: Entry into hyperspace is achieved when a vessel opens a stable hyperspace window. This allows a vessel to enter subspace and achieve faster-than-light velocities relative to real space while traveling at sublight speeds within its own layer of subspace.
Ethan: Yes, currently we have at least 100 supercarriers. A few of them are arriving on the Solar System, but the rest of them are right now exploring the galaxy. We also colonized at least over 800 star systems, we also will be colonizing Mars as one of our new base of operations.
Ruben: Not only that, your people have explored space as well, and now you exploring the galaxy, this is impressive! The American colonists are further in advanced in technology than Britannia.
Sage: Not only that, back in 1985, we have made the first contact with an extraterrestrial race called the Alterians.
Milly: Well I guess we can confirm that we are not alone in the universe
Ruben: Mr. President, what is your goal?
Fiota: My goal? Retake back our original homeland where we used to live in
Milly gasped
Milely: North America? That's where Britannia is
David: For too long, they ruled the land which they stole from us. They have conquered every country that stripped their own damn nationality and replace them to be called numbers. Me! I will not watch them continue their crusade! That's why I left my own country and stripped my own nationality just like they stripped them.
Ruben and Milly could see how much hatred he has towards his own country. They now see how corrupt Britannia was under Charles on the throne.
Fiota: Now you know, Ethan will speak to you as for me, I have other stuff to do. Good Day!
The hologram turns off and Ethan picks it up
Ethan: What Britannia is going to face is something that is never going to be seen on Earth before. Our team have come here for an undercover mission, the details are classified
Ruben nodded
Sage: We also know you have two exiled imperial family members hiding her after Japan was colonized
That's when they took things into surprise
Milly: So you know?
Soyeon: yes, but don't worry we won't blow their cover.
Milly: What do they have to do with this
Soyeon: Classified
Ruben: What your next move
Ethan: After we save the people from any repeated massacre we just continue on as students until they call us for another mission. But remember one important person a man name Zero
Milly; Isn't he the one who saved Suzaku
Ethan: yes, and we are going to tell you about his identity, and all I can say he attends this school
Ruben and Milly were starting to get worried. If Zero attends this school, they might have to do a thorough search on every student. Ethan then tells them that it was Lelouch who is Zero. Both of them are shocked to hear this revelation.
Milly: he's been right under our noses this whole time, but why?
Lelouch: Simple, he hates Britannia as much as the resistance does. Britannia also destroyed his life and his crippled sister.
Ruben: Well I'll allow you four to continue as part of academy students, but for one condition
Ethan: What is it
Ruben: I want you to keep the two children safe. Nunnally would be devastated for the loss of her brother
Sage: Don't worry, we'll make sure it won't happen, in fact, I think I know someone who would do a perfect job
Ruben: Oh? Who?
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