The Break-In: Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz (Part 28)
Dedicated to AbbyWatson4
"I still can't believe you actually talked me into this," moaned Demetri, worriedly as he and Eli sat inside Mrs. Alexopoulous' red jeep parked in front of the Cobra Kai dojo, waiting for the lights to go out and the last Cobras to leave.
She had let them borrow it on the condition that they didn't let Samantha LaRusso drive it (it wasn't that she had something against the LaRussos, just that she had heard about the car crashing incident from Aisha's mother and wanted it returned in one piece). Of course, they didn't mention that they were breaking into the Cobra Kai dojo, rather that there was a comic book convention at midnight that they had been dying to go to for their favorite book series.
"It's going to be fine. We'll be in and out of there in no time," smiled Eli, reassuringly.
"If you say so," sighed Demetri.
The sky was a deep blue color, occasional stars shining their faint white light through the car windshield. Eli watched as people walked in and out of the grocery store that sat next door to the new Cobra Kai dojo, the chiming of the doorbell ringing constantly through the air. A long-haired man walked out of the store with his daughter, both holding ice cream cones. She stopped and pointed at the sign on the front of the dojo, smiling eagerly.
If only she knew the danger that being a Cobra entailed.
A sudden ringing shook Eli out of his thoughts as he and Demetri looked out the car window and saw an angry Terry Silver marching towards their car.
"Hide!" whisper-shouted Eli as he and Demetri ducked low beneath the windows.
They felt cold chills go down their spines as he passed by the car, mumbling words of rage.
Just pass by the car.
They lay still for several seconds, limiting even their breathing. It was as if any sudden movement would cause him to turn around on the spot and bust down the car's doors in a furious rage, or at least that's how it felt.
They heard the roar of a car engine revving up before it slowly disappearing into the distance.
Both guys sighed a breath of relief as they sat back up in their seats, smiling.
"That was too close for comfort," remarked Demetri.
Eli nodded agreeingly as he grabbed both of their backpacks from the seats behind them (his left arm struggling to grab hold of Demetri's surprisingly heavy backpack). They both got out of the vehicle, making sure to close the doors quietly behind them.
There might not be any Cobras left in the dojo, but we don't need to attract any unwanted attention to ourselves.
The front doors were obviously locked, but Eli had broken into several places in the last year so, he knew how to unlock a door fairly easily. Not to say that he was proud of the skill, but nonetheless, he picked the lock with one of Moon's hairpins and the glass doors creaked open.
We only have one chance at this.
Eli walked into the dojo cautiously, followed closely by Demetri. The whole place looked ominous in the darkness, every little shape seeming to be illuminated in an uncharacteristic form. The place felt cold as they crept towards the Sensei's door. Demetri carefully flicked on the office light as they entered the room.
"Wow, this place is a huge upgrade compared to his last dojo," thought Demetri aloud, in awe.
The room looked newer, shinier than the last dojo. The desk was placed exactly in the center of the room, its polished wooden surface reflecting their faces. Three shiny silver cabinets stood tall in the corner of the room. On the wall hung a framed photograph of an army Veteran, but it wasn't Kreese. As Eli looked closer, underneath the photo read: Terry Silver.
Demetri sat down in the Sensei's cushioned desk chair and turned on the computer. It had been left open, unlocked. If it had been locked, they would have had a hard time figuring out the password, considering they'd barely met the guy.
"That was lucky," smiled Demetri as he started quickly typing away at the computer while Eli flipped through the files in the cabinet.
There seemed to be an endless amount of standard file folders, each one containing the basic contact information of the Cobra Kai students. Names, criminal records (which a surprising number of them had), and jobs written in perfect alignment. Finally, he pulled out a file labeled, Terry Silver.
But was this written by Kreese before he went to prison or Terry himself?
If it had been written by Terry himself, he could have easily altered it.
Either way, it doesn't hurt checking.
He unstuck the triangular envelope from the document that it was encasing what he hoped was the truth and this is what was inside:
Terry Silver
Name: Terrance "Terry" Silver
History: Terrance "Terry" Silver was born into a rich family. His father was a businessman and his mother was an at-home mom. He was very close with his mother until she died when he was fifthteen. The relationship with his father was more strained. He was a skinny, long-legged young man with something to prove when he joined the US army during the Vietnam War where he served as a soldier under high-ranking officer, George Turner. His battalion was captured by the Chinese during the war, but Silver lived thanks to a brave soldier named John Kreese. Later on, Terry Silver and John Kreese became Cobra Kai karate senseis and trained gifted, young children discipline and strength, though they were later charged with child endangerment when they told their student, Mike Barnes to brutally injure All-Valley champion, Daniel LaRusso during a tournament. Now, Silver lives a peaceful life in his mansion in LA.
Criminal Record: Child Endangerment and Obsessive alcoholism
Previous Jobs: Army Veteran, karate sensei, entrepreneur
So that's how Sensei LaRusso met him. Through a karate tournament.
When Eli had finished reading it, he handed it over to Demetri.
"I can see why he wanted this removed," shrugged Demetri as he placed the piece of paper down the desk, leaning back in the chair.
"But if he were such good friends with Kreese, why would he put him in prison?" questioned Demetri.
"Probably because he got in his way. I know that's what Kreese would do, no matter how close they were."
Even saying the sentence aloud brought back bad memories. He'd bullied Demetri because he thought that he was too nerdy, too weak. He'd even gone as far as to break his friend's arm.
In a way, didn't I try to do what Silver succeeded in doing?
Before he could think about these conflicted thoughts anymore, he was shaken out of his head by Demetri's exclamation of excitement.
"Eli, I found something!"
He quickly turned his attention to the computer screen where a file was pulled up.
"Ready?" confirmed Demetri to which Eli nodded before he opened the file.
A map of the world popped onto the screen. As Eli looked closer, he noticed that there were pinpointed locations marked with either red or blue dots in several cities.
"Is he mapping dojo locations?" confirmed Eli.
"He's not just planning on opening Cobra Kai dojos around the Valley, he's opening them around the country, " stated Demetri.
Both guys jerked their heads backwards in an attempt to see who was coming. They only got a glimpse at the person, but it was enough for them to recognize her wavy brunette hair with faded lines of blonde. Tory Nichols.
"C'mon, let's go," instructed Eli, hurriedly as he snapped a photo of the map with his iphone before shoving it in his backpack.
It wasn't that he didn't think they could take her, but if she saw them breaking and entering they'd be in much bigger trouble than just a rumble in the park. The clicking of her high heels were getting closer.
"But there's only one exit. How are we going to get out?" asked Demetri, panic rising in his voice.
He was right, there was only one way out, the front door where Tory currently stood in front of.
I know what I have to do.
"Don't worry, I'm going to distract her while you get out," explained Eli.
"What? No! I can't let you do that," stated Demetri, looking his friend in the eyes.
"Hey, it's alright. I got us into this mess and I'll get us out," reassured Eli, handing his phone over so, the copy of the maps would be safe.
Demetri stood speechless, a look of anxiety and gratitude on his face.
"Plus, at least then one of us will have a clean record to apply to colleges," half-smiled Eli.
Demetri still said nothing, but he pulled Eli into a hug, whispering, "thank you" into his ear. As much as he hated to admit it sometimes, they weren't the type of best friends to forgo hugs.
Eli took one last deep breath before entering the sparring room.
"And I thought you left your days of Cobra Kai behind," commented Tory, sarcastically as she turned to face her enemy.
"I didn't come here to join, I came here for Robby," said Eli, clenching his fists.
It wasn't the truth, but it sounded believable, at least to him.
"Well, you'll have to get in line then," scoffed Tory, agitatedly.
Something was off. He had expected her to attack him at this point, but she hadn't moved an inch towards him yet. She wore a similarly odd expression on her face when they had played dodgeball.
"Why'd you actually come here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Did you go deaf or something," Eli snapped, sarcastically.
Out of the corner of his eye, Eli saw Demetri slowly moving towards the door behind them.
C'mon, just a little further.
"If you leave now, this will stay between us," offered Tory, honestly.
"What!" shouted Demetri before he could stop himself.
Both Eli and Tory whipped around just as Demetri slipped on the floor, tripping over his own two feet.
Why does he have to be such a klutzy?
Eli didn't waste a second and stood in Tory's way, his fists ready.
She is not going to hurt him.
Tory seemed to be looking Eli up and down, her face seeming almost understanding.
"Go, and don't make me regret this" she stated, firmly before turning around and walking towards the back training room.
Every bit of her attitude seemed like a trick, giving them a false sense of security, but right now, they didn't have a better option. Eli helped Demetri up and they ran to the car, not chancing a look back.
Did she feel remorse too?
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